How to promote your channel on youtube. How to promote a YouTube channel and get free subscribers and customers ★★★

This article will be useful to anyone who shares or intends to share valuable information on Youtube. In the material I will tell you how you can promote and raise the channel from scratch for free and for a fee. You will find out how much time, effort and money (in the case of paid promotion) it will take, discover new methods for promoting a channel on youtube.

Before I start, I will say that I am the owner of the channel Clear TV . There should already have been 7,000 subscribers and 1,200,000 views. Come in? Have you checked? Great, we can continue. I have been running my channel for over two years. I have tutorial videos and other valuable information (at least 7,000 of my friends say so). The promotion of the channel spent - 0 rubles. Well, or 50-100, no more.

In addition to ways to promote the channel, I will prioritize and share the information that I managed to get through the analysis behavioral factors and statistics from Youtube Analytics.

What do you need to have in order to effectively promote a youtube channel?

Quality content

This is the most important and obvious point. There are exceptions to the rules here, though it is very difficult to succeed with videos that are not interesting and shot at random. There is only one way - to invest in promotion and believe that one day the channel will become popular and visited. These are illusions, believe me, this does not happen.

Now imagine that you have really useful videos, each of which answers a specific request. Represented? Great, I see you know how to dream 🙂 And now we are returning to reality - it is much easier to promote a youtube channel with interesting and necessary content, believe me. Conclusion: relevant and necessary videos will always find their audience. It is also obvious that it is much easier when users search for your content themselves.


- high-quality content does not need to be promoted;
— people themselves will begin to subscribe to the channel;
- the number of views will increase every day.

Do not promote the youtube channel, just like TOP bloggers who have an army of subscribers can afford their video.
On new channel people do not want to subscribe at all and this is the main snag (this was the case with me).
New channels should not expect a stable increase in views (until the subscriber base is recruited).
There are, of course, exceptions. If you have a highly specialized and author's channel, then it is quite possible that independent promotion on Youtube will start.

Patience and Faith

Free promotion of a youtube channel can sometimes turn into a routine job, from which you get little pleasure. This is where we need patience. Subscribers and views will come so slowly that you want to quit everything.

Ability to analyze information

YouTube channel promotion will be accelerated by the ability to analyze information from Youtube Analytics. More specifically? It's best to promote videos that people are already finding through search. So, it will be possible to improve the position of the video in the search results and get much more views with it. And then we move on to the promotion of other videos

Channel promotion for a fee

The advantage of paid promotion is that specialists will work on the channel. Another benefit is the time saved. There are a lot of dubious sites and people on the Internet that promise mountains of gold, but in the end they bring fake subscribers and the same views - I do not recommend it. There is NO point in such promotion of the channel.
I would like to remind you that I have been engaged in high-quality promotion of channels on Youtube for more than two years and now I can take up the promotion of any author's channel. I guarantee quality and deadlines. I do not promote gambling, erotic and political channels. For others, please email me: [email protected] or skype: deja.vu56 . The minimum budget is 1700 rubles (100 subscribers, from 100 likes, up to 25 comments, a month in those recommended on the Clear TV channel and a review article of the channel on this site in the section:).

How to promote a channel on youtube from scratch and for free?

Gross mistakes and a lack of understanding of what to do most hinder a beginner. Many do not know how to promote a youtube channel from scratch for free and do not even have an idea where to start. And you can start with:

- mutual subscription (independently).
- purchases of subscribers ().
We need subscribers, the more the better. Believe me, you can either raise the channel yourself, or wait your whole life until it breaks through 🙂 I advise the first method.

What is a mutual subscription?

Everything is based on mutual exchange: you are looking for people who are ready to subscribe to your channel, in return they will ask you to subscribe to their channel. In the social There are thousands of such groups in networks. Beneficial for everyone.

Minus - it's such a damn monotonous task. Who and what would not tell me, I know - this method works. Yes, not all subscribers will be targeted, but over time, exactly those that you were waiting for will begin to come to the channel. The only question is - will you have the patience to wait for them? 🙂

In the second case, everything is simpler, pay about 0.25 rubles for 1 subscriber on the site referred to above and that's it. In fact: 100 subscribers - 25 rubles. 1000 subscribers - 250 rubles. Cheap and cheerful, but you have to check assignments and waste time. In words it comes out much easier, in fact - there are also nuances :).

How many subscribers do you need to start a channel on its own?

I am often asked this question. You won’t believe it, but on one of my channels I had to buy-gain-order almost 5,000 subscribers, so that later people would start subscribing themselves (5-15 subscribers a day). Everyone is different here.

The process may start earlier. self promotion per channel (even with 500-1000 subscribers).
Of course, this is only the main idea that will help you get on the right track, but such details as Youtube seo, beautiful video design and a lot of other things play a very important role.

Hi all! Most recently, I wrote about making money on video at. Today I continue to cover this topic. And now I will tell you about the promotion of the channel on YouTube. I can’t say that I am a guru in this matter, but I’m sure my advice can help, not only for beginners, but also for experienced YouTubers, so read carefully and apply! So let's go.

YouTube channel promotion

You can unwind both for a fee and for free. But the most important rule is that the content on the channel should be interesting. Why?

Yes, because even if you invest millions of rubles in advertising, and your videos are uninteresting and useless, you won’t get many subscribers. And, as you know, subscribers are the most important thing, but we will talk about this a little later. And now let's move on to talking about methods of promotion.

YouTube channel promotion for free

Now I will talk about some free "chips". Which will help you in promoting the channel. I will list them first, and then I will focus on each separately. So:

  • Content;
  • Regularity;
  • Reminders-invitations;
  • Linking;
  • Title, description and keys;

Promote your YouTube channel with content

As I said above, the most important thing is the content, that is, in our case, this is video. Why is it important to shoot high quality, interesting and useful? Because if the viewer likes the video, then he can:

  1. The simplest thing is to put a like, and this affects the issue;
  2. Wish to see other videos of the author. Possibility to get additional views;
  3. Subscribe to the channel. We remember that the more subscribers, the better;
  4. Send the video to your friends. Again, views are never superfluous.

I hope by now you understand that good content is very important.

YouTube video promotion - regularity

If you post 50 videos in one day, and then forget about the channel for a year, then maybe 3-5 thousand subscribers will come. Of course, provided that the videos are of high quality and useful. But if you post 1-2 videos a week, then a lot more subscribers will come. Old subscribers will watch new videos every week and almost every video will get a lot of views.

If you post 50 at once, then hardly anyone will watch them all. Well, if someone wants to stretch the viewing, then more than half of these people will not watch anything. Because the videos will constantly go down in the list. In general, I think it’s clear here: you shouldn’t load all the material at once.

Promoting a YouTube Channel for Free with Invite Reminders

Remember, people watching videos, for some reason, become very lazy at the time of viewing. Most of them will not want to subscribe or will forget. Therefore, you need to be reminded of the opportunity to subscribe as often as possible.

You can do this using two methods:

Promotion of videos on YouTube for free using linking

Here the principle is the same as in invitations. Here is a person who watched your video and liked it. Maybe even the thought “to watch some more video” appeared. And here I repeat once again: most of the viewers will not want to click somewhere again to watch other videos.

Therefore, you need to use "relinking". That is, at the end of the video you offer to watch something else from your channel. You can also do this in two ways:

  • Just to say. But then you will need to put a link to the video that you offer. All again because of laziness - few people will go to hammer in the search for the name.
  • With the help of annotations. Just insert an annotation and additionally a link in the description. - This is very effective way, I advise you to apply.

Video promotion on YouTube - title, description and keywords

Let's talk about the name first. It should, firstly, reflect the essence of the video, and, secondly, attract viewers. For example, if you made a video about . That name like “earnings video” will not work.

What else can you call it then? Suitable options: "How to make money on the Internet?", "5 ways to make money online" or even better - "TOP 5 ways to make money online." In general, you need to use the method of creating sales headlines. Read more about this. Otherwise, the banality in the title can significantly reduce the likelihood that viewers will choose your video in the list of "similar videos".

What about descriptions? Well, most importantly, never leave them empty. How then to fill in this field? Here's what should be required:

  • Link to subscribe to your channel;
  • Link to your site (if it exists, of course);
  • Links to all social networks;
  • Description text 3-5 sentences. Preferably with keys.

I also recommend adding time codes. This is when you write the time, but on the contrary - what is being said at this interval. What is it for? First, it is convenient for the audience. Secondly, you can insert keys into time codes and get even more targeted viewers from this.

Well, now let's talk about the keys. They are also called tags. These are not the keys that you insert into the description. These are special words that need to be entered in a special window. It is below the description window. There you can insert everything that people can drive into a search on YouTube, for example: the name of your channel, the name of the video, individual words, keywords etc.

So these were all the main free ways promotion video onYouTube. What are the paid methods?

Promotion of the channel on YouTube for a fee - honest ways

Honest ways - this is because we will not talk about cheating subscribers and buying views. I have already spoken about this. What are the fair payment methods? Only one is advertising. But advertising is different.

Promotion on YouTube using advertising on other channels is a fairly simple and well-known method. You simply buy advertising from more popular channels, and they, in turn, PR you. we won't stop there.

YouTube video promotion with Adwords. Google contextual advertising can help in the development of the channel. All you need to do is:

  • Have an Adwords account;
  • Create advertising company for the whole channel or for a single video;
  • Make a Tier - a short video that will lure people to click on ads.
  • Well, pay.

The disadvantage of this method is that most YouTube visitors have an adblock that blocks contextual advertising.

If you are interested in this method, learn more about it.

YouTube channel promotion site

There is such a site, Its essence is that there are admins of all major groups in VK and classmates. You buy a promotional post from them, which may contain a link to subscribe to the channel and a promotional video. You pay from 2 to 5 thousand rubles, and for this your post hangs at the very top for an hour. After that, it slowly descends.

In principle, you can just write to the admins in a personal and agree on advertising. The advantages of this method: You can converge on any terms. Disadvantage: not all admins respond quickly, some even ignore.

As you can see, YouTube video promotion is both difficult and simple at the same time. Simplicity lies in the fact that everything is clear what needs to be done. And the difficulty is that the amount of work is not small: Come up with an idea, write it down, process it, upload it, describe it and promote it. But the motivation is good too. For example, for 1,000,000 views, you can cut down 25 - 40 thousand rubles.

In general, I told everything that I knew. If you want to know more, go to our forum in this section and watch the video on promotion and promotion on YouTube:.

That's all for me, see you in new articles.

Sincerely, Sergey Ivanisov.

Well-known wisdom from business textbooks says: do what you are good at.

In this article, we will analyze 7 ways to promote a Youtube channel for free, which are important to use at the very start, while you have not yet earned enough money for paid and fast promotion of the project.

First of all, remember that the basis of any promotion is cool content. In the article we will also give a few lessons - how to make a lot of cool videos for your channel in just a couple of hours.

Method #1 - Use calls to action in every video

Use a screensaver at the end in which you will encourage the visitor to perform three simple actions:

  1. If you liked this video please like it
  2. Ask your questions in the comments, we will discuss them in the next lessons
  3. Subscribe to the channel so as not to miss new lessons

Such calls to action must be placed inside the videos themselves, as not everyone will watch the video to the end. You can make such an appeal for example: “hello dear viewers! Today it will be told about so-and-so, and before the viewing begins, I want to present my information about so-and-so to you. You will be able to subscribe to the feed if you haven't done so already. To do this, click on the button. Then you can indicate with your hand where this button is located.

Method #2 - Use Annotations to Promote Your YouTube Channel for Free

Not all channel visitors will watch the video to the end, so in order to increase the proportion of people who take the targeted action - use two tools inside the video editor - Hints And Annotations.

Annotations are often used to link visitors who are watching a video to relevant links, such as links back to the main site or links to pay-per-action (CPA) affiliate offers. To add annotations to your videos, you need to go to the video editing mode and select the menu item "Annotations"

Annotation is a message that is usually clickable and appears inside the video and includes some information for the viewer. For example, it can encourage you to watch a new video on a channel or download additional information on a website. .

Method number 3 - Use the new "Tips" tool to promote the channel

Tips are convenient to use for unobtrusive recommendations to subscribe to the channel, as well as watch additional videos on the topic

Often video bloggers abuse annotations, cover all videos with them, of course, this causes nothing but negativity. For a softer recommendation, it is better to use a new tool in Youtube - Hints.

Method #4 - Use Closing Screensavers

At the end of the video, you need to offer the user to do a simple set of actions - use calls to subscribe to the channel, like and leave a comment.

At the end of the clip, you can insert a frame that says that if you liked the video, then you need to click on the like, and at the same time show where such a button is located. It will be good method to promote the channel on YouTube.

On YouTube, you can find a very large number of channels that are similar in topic to yours and agree with webmasters on friendly recommendations and mutual PR.

  1. On his own channel, the webmaster must go to the “friends” or “interesting” item. This section may have different titles. Webmaster himself must decide on it. These channels need to be linked.
  2. Hosts of other channels should insert a link to this channel. You can also take reciprocal actions - in this case, we can talk about mutual PR.
  3. It is better to agree on an exchange with channels whose traffic and topics are close to yours.

Method number 6 - Use private messages to promote the channel for free

This method is free, but it is rather tedious, but as a result, you can get about 200-300 subscribers for a new channel. The bottom line is that you send invitations to users who are registered on Youtube. On average 5-10 invitations per hour. You should not send more than 50 invitations per day, otherwise you can get a channel ban.

Where to look for contacts to send private messages?

You can make a list of users (channels) who commented on videos on your topic. Then, either manually or using special programs, send messages.

We do not recommend using this method to promote the channel, as this can lead to a ban if you get too carried away and cross the line beyond which users consider your messages to be spam. Much better to focus on creating quality video content

Method number 7 - Commenting on videos on other people's channels

The algorithm of actions is quite simple:

  1. Type your keywords into the Youtube search bar one by one - the task is to collect 10-50 video clips from channels that suit your topic
  2. Alternatively, you can collect not links to videos, but links to channels - and then go to them and comment on the TOP 5 most viewed videos on the channel

The first comments are the most noticeable - do this trick - subscribe to the most popular channels on your topic and stay tuned for new videos - as soon as the video appears on the channel - try to leave a comment among the first subscribers.

Optimally, if you like under your comment on behalf of your other channel - this way the comment will be pinned at the top

Watch this free tutorial and learn how to grow your brand and get sales and traffic with Youtube content marketing:

Literally in a couple of weeks it will be fulfilled (who does not know, we are talking about Clear TV ). During this time, from scratch, he was raised to such indicators: 5,096 subscribers and 594,071 views. Exact date registration: January 23, 2014 (the channel was empty for a month). All content is copyrighted (tutorials, software reviews, useful computer tips). To achieve the result, youtube cheat sites were not used, everything was done gradually, according to plan and for free.

What to do to promote a channel on youtube from scratch?

How to promote a youtube channel from scratch? For a beginner, without money, it will be very difficult to do this. At the very beginning of the existence of Clear TV, the results of the youtube channel were by no means impressive - 50-100 views per day.

What did I do?

1) Worked on the quality of the video.

I tried to express my thoughts more clearly and accessible. Sometimes, before recording a video, I prepare a text for myself on a piece of paper and record a video on the second or fifth attempt. Who does not know, I have most of the videos recorded from the screen.

2) Do not stop recording video.

Not knowing what promotion on YouTube is, gaining 50-100 views a day, I did not stop. On the contrary, I recorded and uploaded videos almost daily (fortunately, I had enough ideas). About a month or two later youtube channel results improved a little, however, and these figures were not impressive: 200-300 views per day on the youtube channel.

3) Learned how to promote the channel through the social. networks.

Three months later, I learned how to promote a YouTube channel for free. An active recruitment of the subscriber base has begun. I do not remember how much time has passed, but - it appeared. I didn’t buy courses of dubious quality, I didn’t read articles on how to promote a channel through social networks. networks, but simply mastered one truth: for a young, unknown channel, it was the perfect solution.

4) I learned how to properly promote a youtube channel through SEO.

According to the views, the results of the youtube channel began to satisfy me (I perfectly understood that not all at once). Along with this, the search for levers that could influence the promotion of the channel continued. In this case, caught my eye SEO optimization youtube. Too smart? Ok, in simple words: SEO is what makes the videos on my channel have the right name and optimized description.

5) Learned to analyze information.

You can re-read hundreds of pages of information, but never learn how to promote a youtube channel from scratch if you don’t learn how to analyze information. Fortunately, the channel itself has a great tool - Youtube Analytics. He showed which videos are watched longer, and where the audience does not particularly linger. I drew conclusions, made adjustments and stomped on.

6) I took an interest in chips on youtube.

Information that makes me understand how to grow a youtube channel- was found. Literally in two days, we managed to find out what annotations are, a pop-up subscription button, a button for subscribing to a channel at the bottom right (right subscribe button). It is not difficult to guess that he began to use all these chips on his channels.

If you are interested in promotion on YouTube and want more specifics, I recommend it, which contains the most useful videos for beginners.

7) Worked on the design of the channel.

A cosmetic touch made the channel recognizable (at least, I want to believe it). Created a header beautiful screensavers for your videos. The goal is to get me and the content noticed.

Here's how to promote a youtube channel from scratch with simple tips. Of course, I did not give out some secrets (they are in my videos on youtube).

1) Optimal promotion on youtube- this is when views steadily go up (with the exception of the New Year and holidays).

2) If your channel is two years old, but the results are 5-10 times worse than mine, then you need specialist help (you can order a paid consultation, channel analysis or inexpensive youtube promotion). Or you can order not from me 🙂

3) to mine youtube channel two years - if it's easy and interesting, then you can subscribe (it's important for me).

I hope you learned from the article how to promote a YouTube channel from scratch and now you can get 1,000,000 views!

The subject and target audience are defined, the video is recorded and posted online, and on the channel, except for your personal visits, no visitors are recorded. And this is natural: while there are no subscribers and views, no one will know about your work. So you need to talk about it, bring subscribers and make users watch videos. In a word, it's time to solve the question of how to promote a channel on youtube.

How to promote a youtube channel for free

To promote a channel on YouTube for free, in principle, anyone can. All it takes is patience, desire and time. And, of course, understanding the basics on which promotion depends. As for time, without the use of black PR methods, it will really take a lot.

Now in order.

What are the goals of channel promotion?

The purpose of channel promotion is to receive targeted traffic, which is necessary to achieve the global goals of creating the channel as a whole.

We get traffic:

  • From search engines;
  • From active subscribers;
  • Links from various sources;
  • From referrals.

Based on this, a promotion plan is built.

How to promote a youtube channel from scratch

After the channel is created, the first thing to do is to optimize, that is, to make it easy to find and not want to leave. Purpose: accessibility for PS and attractiveness for users. This is done by the following steps:

    • A clear description and title of the video with keywords and hash tags, which contributes to the indexing and ranking of the channel;

    • Specifying a video category structures it for search;
    • Create a channel design (the header of your page) and add your photo. This attracts visitors, and the image corresponding to the subject speaks of the seriousness and competence of the owner of the resource;

    • Select and install a picture (screensaver) of the video that most clearly conveys its content;

    • Place an annotation in the video with a call to subscribe to the channel. Just so that the audience does not forget to do this and not get lost.

The benefits and quality of the content itself, I think, are not even worth mentioning.

After optimization, in order to promote a YouTube channel from scratch, you need to think about visible signs of activity and interest from visitors. This will make users feel confident in the content of your videos and make them want to watch them and subscribe to the channel.

How to promote a youtube channel with links from other sources

What indicates the activity and interest in the channel of users?

      • Likes;
      • Comments;
      • Number of subscribers;
      • Number of video views.

The new channel does not have all this, of course. And if not, then it won’t increase, since subscribers are the first viewers, likers and commentators, and without views, the video will not get into the search and YouTube headings, such as “Gaining popularity” and “Recommended” and will not receive new viewers and subscribers.

So you need to “twist” the counters of these indicators a little. But before PR "in a black way", you should tell about your channel to the largest possible audience of Internet users.

To do this, you need to use all available and possible sources:

      • blogs;
      • Forums;
      • Social media.

Important: what higher attendance and trust resource, which contains the link, the greater your chances of success. The fact is that by “scattering” a link to your video and channel on the Internet, you kill two fat birds with one stone (of course, if the sources for placing the link are “fat” enough):

  1. Get targeted traffic
  2. Improve the relationship of youtube to your channel, positively influencing its ranking.

But in addition to the popularity and quality of resources, it is necessary to pay attention Special attention on their topics in order to get the most interested visitors.

For example, if you need promote a kids channel on youtube, post a link to it on mommy forums, toy blogs, educational sites, social media groups with diapers, diapers, lullabies, etc.

To promote gaming channel on youtube, look for your audience on gaming forums, communities dedicated to gaming applications, eSports blogs. Also, it will not be superfluous to have an active presence on the specialized portal, where the concentration of your target audience, to put it mildly, goes off scale.

How to quickly promote a channel on youtube

When all these actions are done, you can artificially increase the readings of the popularity counters a little in order to quickly promote the channel on YouTube. To do this, you need to use the methods used for and building.