SEO promotion on your own. Self-study of SEO from scratch. What does the concept of SEO include?

SEO is within the power of everyone, including webmasters without experience and without a large budget. Together with our affiliate Vladimir Druganov, we looked at 10 free SEO tricks for your travel website using real examples. The results from the examples were achieved for free or almost free, so you should not compare achievements with paid methods promotion. You can use these features in addition to your independent website promotion strategy.


Positions and traffic are the main markers of SEO promotion effectiveness. To make the picture objective, we will look at more complex examples - requests with high competition and a commercial component. We have two topics and two pages:

Both topics can be monetized using the CPA model - selling insurance and offering a service for checking the possibility of traveling abroad. In both topics, “there is money”, which means there is competition. You can see it without tools, just look at the output.

Positions in Yandex:

Traffic over the last 12 months:

Google Positions:

It is possible to be nice to Yandex and Google at the same time, and moreover, the basic principles of promotion are similar. However, the situation when one search engine prevails over another is very common. Including in our examples, the example of a page in the TOP of Yandex is practically not represented at the beginning of Google results for similar queries, and vice versa, the example of a page in the TOP of Google has modest indicators in Yandex. Let's look at the tricks for each PS separately.

5 tips for free promotion under Yandex

SEO starts before the page is even created. The first thing you need to do is find out exactly how users search for information. To do this, use Yandex.Wordstat or look at the tips in the search bar. For example, this link will tell you exactly how people search for a product. For example, you will find out that they specify the query “health insurance”, and people also care about price and answers to various questions, for example, “do I need insurance”, etc.

Use the resulting keywords inside the article, focusing on the density indicator. Density keywords- an indicator of how often keywords are used in the text. There are special services for checking:

The younger the site, the more careful you need to be. For projects under a year old, it is worth staying within 3%. For older sites, the bar can be raised, but you should not go beyond 6%. If you overspam keywords, you can get sanctions from the PS for trying to manipulate the search results. In our example, the page has the following density indicators:

Only the lazy did not say that the article should be unique. But don’t forget that the article also has headings. They must also be unique. Moreover, on the site, as a rule, there are two headings at once:

  • Title - displayed in a tab in the browser;
  • Heading on the site - displayed on the page;

Use them for promotion. To do this, use keywords inside the title, and place the most frequent and important ones at the beginning of the title. Try to choose unique text; don’t copy the same headline for the hundredth time.

Title and heading can and ideally should differ from each other. In this case, the title on the site should be framed in

. When creating the title of an article, do not forget about live readers, since the search robot is not the only one who will interact with the page. We have already written about applying knowledge in practice.

The same applies to subheadings within an article. Break the information into logical blocks, separating them from each other with meaningful subheadings.

Use everything possible ways providing content:

  • Text;
  • Images;
  • Video;
  • Tables;
  • Bulleted lists.

We mentioned this. Nothing has changed: Yandex, like people, loves various forms of presenting information. In addition to this, it is worth considering:

  • Give images ALT + Title;
  • Specify the name of the picture in Latin, which includes the key;
  • Tables are difficult to unique, but it's worth it;
  • Try to use your keywords in bulleted lists.

Don't forget to use manual internal linking. Link to the page you need from other pages on your site. Use both anchors, for example, #buy insurance in the USA#, and non-anchor links - #by link#, #previously written#, etc.

5 tips for free promotion on Google

Google loves long reads. Large articles that cover the topic from all sides. However, Google doesn't like volume for volume's sake. There is no algorithm for how many characters an “ideal” article should have. Alternatively, you can spy on the volume of competitors who are already in 1-3 positions for the request you need. Ultimately, it is important to find a balance between volume and benefit; you must always pursue the main goal - the article should completely answer the user’s question.

The article should give the user the answer to all questions so completely that the reader does not Google anymore. If you find yourself in the TOP or near it, and traffic comes to you, but the reader quickly closes the page, returns to the search engine and looks for the same question again, then it’s a matter of time before Google removes your page from the TOP.

When a user selects a result on a page Google search and clicks on the link, he does not immediately get to the site. First, the search engine redirects the user to a special tracking page and only then to the website. This happens quickly and automatically. Artificial cheating behavioral factors won’t work in the long run, so focus on the quality of your content.

Keep your material updated. Google will notice any change in character, and this will be another plus for you. If your site's system allows it, then not only refresh the page, but also change the publication date or add an update date. Doing this without updating the content is pointless; updating the information is more important than changing the date.

An example of a page about traveling abroad: last year the amount of debt changed from 10,000 rubles to 30,000, after which a person may become prohibited from traveling abroad. Many sites remained with the old numbers and gradually their positions sank. By promptly replacing numbers and facts in the article, you can bypass even more eminent competitors.

Try to keep pages up to date. To automate, set up Google Alerts on topics that interest you and receive a summary of queries once a week.

Make sure your articles are commented on. If you don’t have an audience yet, then do it yourself (from different profiles). Alternatively, you can order comments for your site on special exchanges. This is especially important to do the first time after the material is published. It is important to keep comments as realistic as possible, use keywords inside and imitate live communication.

Information that search engines have stopped taking meta tags into account pops up with enviable regularity. Here, webmasters and SEOs are divided into two camps - some do not believe in their benefit, others continue to fill out the Description / Keywords fields on each page. Google announced 9 years ago that the keywords meta tag does not affect search results in any way. Sosnovsky’s experiment proved in practice that filling out these fields can also be neglected in the case of Yandex. Therefore, this can indeed be neglected, but in 2019 it cannot be neglected:

  • Availability mobile version website;
  • Page loading speed;
  • Full translation of the template;
  • Removing unnecessary links or closing them in nofollow;

How to promote a website yourself and for free

The famous phrase of Bill Gates - “Content is king”, said back in 1996, has not lost its relevance in 2019. Content is still important for successful SEO. You should provide the reader with useful information that fully covers the topic and answers the user's question.

If you have a limited or no budget, then focus on content. Take note of our material. The ability to purchase links will improve your position. Both sites in the example also receive backlinks using different methods, but in this case the links are not the basis for promotion.

In 2019, it’s worth taking a closer look at LSI copywriting. This method replaced classic SEO copywriting, where exclusively keywords were used and their density was constantly measured. LSI copywriting is built on the content and meaning of the text, where, in addition to keys, various synonyms, word forms and other words and phrases that are close and characteristic of the topic in their context are used.

For example, going back to the insurance example in the US, the words “medicine”, “disease”, “pills”, etc. These are precisely LSI copywriting techniques.

Share your observations and best practices on free SEO promotion of projects in the comments.

Of course, if possible, then you need to promote the site yourself. It will be significantly cheaper and generally produces long-term results. In this article we will look at the main points and nuances of how and where to start promotion. The emphasis is on free promotion, but you can use the services of a company that offers professional SEO website promotion services.

A lot of information has been written about how to promote websites on the Internet, but there is no magic algorithm by which you can achieve results quickly and without the basics. The only thing we can definitely do well and we know that it will bring a 100% plus: writing interesting content presented in a high-quality form for the user. And then there’s work to constantly improve this content.

Sorry, but the site requires permanent work. If you stop working on adding new materials and leave the old ones without improvements, then after 6-12 months a smooth slide down the positions will begin.

What is the purpose of SEO website promotion?

The main goal of SEO promotion is to improve the visibility of the site (positions) for key queries in order to increase targeted traffic. What I want to emphasize is that you only need to search for thematic keywords. Non-targeted traffic will bring nothing but extra numbers to the traffic counters.

The purpose of website promotion is not only to improve visibility, but to generally improve the project.

Before you start reading the manual, I want to make a note that the time frame for website promotion is many months. You shouldn’t hope for quick results: what are the real time frames for promotion?

Promoting a website from scratch - step-by-step instructions

1. A good domain is the foundation for the further success of the project

It is advisable to start website promotion by choosing a beautiful name, or rather a domain name. It is important that it has never been filtered by search engines before. The search engine's domain history is saved. Perhaps the sanctions that were previously imposed will be transferred to your project. If the domain is clean and has some age (for example, a couple of years), then in general this is a positive thing.

When choosing a domain name, you should consider the following nuances:

  • The domain must be in Latin (i.e. it is not advisable to buy Cyrillic versions of s.rf, .rus)
  • The domain must correspond to the language zone (for Russia this is .ru, but .com is also allowed)
  • The domain must have a keyword or occurrence
  • Absence of a dash in the name (of course this is not critical, but it is better not to use a dash)
  • The domain name is short and memorable
  • Check in the web archive and in the search whether this domain has already been registered previously (just in case)

It is also very important to register a domain in your name with real passport data. Otherwise, the domain may be lost during data verification, which sometimes happens.

Why is it worth thinking about a good domain right away? Because changing the address afterwards is more problematic. Setting up a 301 redirect when changing the URL is not difficult, but moving is a small risk. It's just that search engines are missing something that's not quite right.

2. Technical characteristics of the site

The site must meet basic technical requirements. For example, loading times should be better than most other projects. This mainly depends on the engine, hosting and server settings. The faster the speed, the better.

2.1. Site engine

Engine choice is a huge topic of discussion. All CMS have their own problems and advantages. An ideal website can only be completed with the help of a developer and optimizer with additional costs for development.

A good engine should at least have functionality that allows you to change the tag , meta description tag, h1 headings on any page. It is also important that the engine does not generate duplicates.</p> <h4>2.2. Good hosting</h4> <p>Hosting should be located on the server that is closest to the site's region. You can better find out this information from your hoster. This is a desirable requirement, but stable operation and server response speed are much more important. I advise you to read:</p> <p>You need to use reliable and proven hosting services and then there will be no problems with this point.</p> <h4>2.3. Secure protocol - https</h4> <h3>3. Internal SEO optimization of the site</h3> <p>The next step is internal SEO optimization of the site. This includes all interior work. I consider this section the most time-consuming and basic. Here we will look at the most key points.</p> <h4>3.1. Get rid of duplicate pages</h4> <h4>3.3. Mobile version of the site</h4> <p>The presence of a mobile version of the site always has a positive effect on ranking, even in PC search results. At the moment there is a separate main issue and a separate mobile one. Of course, they are similar in many ways, but there are differences.</p> <p>Search engines count behavioral factors and summarize them for both desktop and mobile versions. As a result, due to poor behavioral <a href="">mobile devices</a> the project as a whole sags in all requests.</p> Note <p>Instead of mobile versions, most implement adaptive layout. Depending on the width of the browser screen, the site automatically adjusts the necessary styles for ease of perception.</p> <h4>3.4. Fast site loading speed</h4> <p>The site should load quickly. The issue of direct loading relates to hosting and html code. Are style descriptions placed in separate files? Script descriptions? Is css and js compression enabled? How big are the pictures and how compressed are they currently?</p> <h4>3.5. Minimum number of external links</h4> <p>There should generally be few external links on the site, otherwise why transfer traffic to someone else's site? In any case, all external links should be marked with the attribute, in order not to transfer static weight to them.</p> <h4>3.6. Micro markup</h4> <p>Semantic core of the site</span>- This <a href="">full list</a> key queries for which the project is planned to be promoted. This is important, because if you have a clear idea of ​​what to write about in advance, you can much better design the overall structure, product catalog, etc. The closer this structure is to the real needs of users, the greater success the site will achieve in the future.</p> Example <p>There is an online store about outerwear. It is logical to divide products into global categories “children’s jackets”, “men’s jackets”, “women’s jackets”. You can further divide these categories into seasons: “children’s winter jackets”, “children’s spring jackets”, etc. Then you can place the children's jackets on the floor. For example, “children's winter jackets for boys”, “children's winter jackets for girls”. Then you can also break it down by material of manufacture and country of manufacture.</p> <p>Thus, we create sections on the site that users actually request in search engines. Thus, we have an extensive pool of queries that are actually requested by users and we can promote them. And those resources that did not take care of this will have problems with behavioral ranking factors, with usability and, in general, their traffic will be less due to poor visibility in the search results.</p> <p>Naturally, when collecting semantics, you need to check the frequency of queries so as not to deliberately promote the site for those keywords where there are no queries.</p> <h3>4. High-quality internal content - content</h3> <h3>6. Improving snippets in search results</h3> <p>External links are worth buying for promoted pages, as well as for main sections. This increases the static weight. It is almost useless to wait until the site is referred to by natural links, since commercial projects are rarely referred to at all. Therefore, optimizers buy links on their own.</p> <p>Finding a platform to buy a link is not difficult. It is much more difficult to find a high-quality site that is not spammed with links and posting on it will really benefit the site. Update the search results and only then will you be able to see the results. It is good to study the changes made after 2 months to be sure that the PS noticed the changes and took them into account in the ranking.</p> <p>I advise you to rank all queries by their frequency and, first of all, improve high-frequency and mid-frequency queries. In addition, you need to pay attention to current positions. If the request is very far outside the top 30+, then it should be postponed for now. It’s better to get to the top of queries that are already in the top 30. This will be the most effective investment of your time and money, because the result can be achieved in the foreseeable future and receive traffic. Such requests are easier to move to the top.</p> <p>It is impossible to describe all the intricacies of promotion in one article. We looked at the basic things that every website needs. The most important thing in promotion is the constant improvement of the site and working with traffic. This is the only way to achieve outstanding and sustainable results.</p> <h2>What is SEO?</h2> <p><b>SEO (Search Engine Optimization)</b>- these are measures to optimize a website that increase its position in search results. The ultimate goal of attracting traffic is monetization of an Internet resource.</p> <p>The impetus for the development of this direction was the expansion of the information field on the Internet and the emergence of search engines (Yahoo!, Google, Yandex). By entering a query, the user received feedback in the form of a page with search results, <b>search engine results page</b>. The search engine architecture included:</p> <ul><li><span>Interface (the part with which the user works to enter a request);</span></li> <li><span>Search robot (collects data from pages, documents or pictures);</span></li> <li><span>Indexer (optimizes search for processed information).</span></li> </ul><p>The first to talk about the possibility of using search algorithms to promote websites <b>Danny Sullivan</b>, California-based technology journalist. He published the article "Search Engine Webmaster's Guide" in April 1996, where he introduced the concept <b>Search Engine Marketing</b>, which includes <b>SEO</b> as an optimization tool. In his publications he wrote about attracting interest <a href="">search engine</a> to sites artificially.</p> <p><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2><span>How and for whom does it work?</span></h2> <p>The idea of ​​optimizing websites for search results marked the beginning of the formation of a new industry in IT and business. After just 20 years, we have a rapidly growing digital marketing industry, the nuances of which a young specialist will have to understand in practice.</p> <p>Let's start with the obvious: who needs SEO optimization of a resource?</p> <p><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>Who needs SEO?</h2> <p>The correct answer is everyone who wants to attract users to their website. These can be both commercial organizations and individuals who simply blog.</p> <p>Now let's figure out how this magic works. When promoting websites, you should have a good understanding of their structure. If the first generation of sites was created without regard to design and user experience, filled with tons of texts with explicit keys, then the sites we use today have become a high-quality product with a user-friendly interface, thoughtful design and optimized pages.</p> <p>Search robots analyze websites and remember their content. Each resource is assigned a value by which it can be easily found and displayed on <a href="">search query</a>. The website ranking formula includes more than 1000 indicators. Many factors remain unknown even to developers, since machine learning technologies began to be introduced in 2009. Influencing known ranking criteria improves page relevance.</p> <p> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Internal and external optimization of work <br> </span></h3> <p>In the first case it includes:</p> <ul><li><span>Formation of the semantic core;</span></li> <li><span>Work on the structure;</span></li> <li><span>Optimization of texts and images.</span></li> </ul><p>Off-page optimization is designed to increase <a href="">reference mass</a>. If previously purchasing was enough, now only natural links are taken into account. These are mentions of the site on thematic portals, sites or reposts. Regular mention of the resource by users indicates that this is a SDL (site for people). Natural links should be placed on trusted sites and be open to search engines.</p> <h3><span>In this regard, the question often arises, how to become an SEO specialist? <br> </span></h3> <p>This profession has become in demand over the past few years and will continue to remain so in the future, because there is more and more information every day. A modern person receives more data every day than fits into 170 newspapers. The desire to obtain high-quality information in a minimum time is the reason why we open search engines today.</p> <p>Looking ahead, let's say what SEO may become in the future. In one episode of the British series about technology and everyday life, Black Mirror (2011), people were given the opportunity to give each other ratings that have legal value. SEO specialists in this world are engaged in optimizing not websites, but real people.</p> <p><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>It is impossible to improve your skill without theory. To save time, go study terminology here. Understand the basics in detail:</p> <ul><li><span>How to compose a semantic core and what tools are suitable for this.</span></li> <li><span>Guide to working with Key Collector.</span></li> <li><span>SEO Specialist Toolkit.</span></li> <li><span>Drawing up technical specifications for copywriters and programmers.</span></li> <li><span>Optimization of texts, images and meta data.</span></li> </ul> <p><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2><span>Where to start learning?</span></h2> <p>If you are a fan of classical teaching tools, then the book <i>Igor Ashmanov and Andrey Ivanov <b>"Optimization and promotion of websites in search engines"</b> will be a very useful purchase</i>. The paper edition describes the basics well, but for up-to-date information you will have to go to blogs and thematic resources.</p> <p>First of all, visit the website <b>Sergei Koksharov</b>( This is one of the largest expert analysts in the field of search engine optimization. His blog is regularly updated with useful articles, webinars and other useful things.</p> <p>Another useful blog <b>Mikhail Shakin</b>( Its portal publishes reviews of new programs, tools and interviews with experts in this field.</p> <p><b>Ilya Rusakov</b>( writes about SEO development trends, tools to help, and publishes reviews of major conferences.</p> <p>Be sure to check out the channel <a target="_blank" href="" ></a>. Speakers talk about ranking factors, content and page optimization in clear and accessible language.</p> <p>SEO and website promotion in general are now becoming an increasingly complex and complex process.</p><p>But (!) at the same time, any beginner can still successfully and practically promote their website for free, having learned the basics and having some time. The more time spent, the better, of course. All this is possible if you do most of the work yourself and do not delegate.</p><p>I focus specifically on <b>free</b> website promotion, independent. Because this is what interests my target audience - visitors to my blog, buyers of the TOP Base. But some inexpensive tools are worth using. I gave my recommendations on SEO tools (programs and services), including completely free ones, in a separate article.</p><p>This guide was not conceived by me as a detailed step-by-step guide, but simply as a short GUIDANCE for those who still know little about SEO, website promotion - as a clear list of the main types of work and the main nuances that you definitely need to know about today, the main mistakes in order prevent them.</p><p>After all, some mistakes today may be irreparable.</p><p>Topics other than SEO will not be covered here - such as email marketing, lead generation, contextual advertising, social media promotion (SMM) and much more.</p><p><b>The main purpose of this guide is to give a brief overview of the system</b>, what stages and processes consist of independent website promotion and what is most important about them.</p><p>I will try very hard to decipher them without “abstruse” terms or to decipher them more often. Google the rest.</p><p><b>I have a concern that the article is not entirely suitable for complete beginners in SEO, but it is perfectly complemented by my free SEO course</b>— it is extended, has 20 lessons on all main topics and was updated in 2019, completely up-to-date.</p><h3>The most basic areas of work:</h3><p><br>Now in order:</p><h3>1. TEXTS (CONTENT)</h3><p>The most important direction today.</p><p>First and most important - <b>with high-quality texts it is many times, if not ten times, easier to promote</b>- you can actively and successfully use , you can sincerely recommend your materials - you will be pleased that people treat them positively, and this will increase your motivation to continue to proactively distribute links to your materials and promote the site, write new ones like VERY QUALITY, really useful, valuable materials.</p><p>Materials such as:</p><p>- large step-by-step guides <br>— practical cases, success stories <br>- TOP... (top niche sites, video channels, best articles, tricks, products, hacks - you name it) <br>— interviews with experts (possibly a summary of several experts) <br>- tests, comparisons <br>- analysis of errors, failures</p><p>This “Guide to Free Promotion for Beginners” is one example of this type of text. I didn’t have time to promote it, but at the moment it’s 25 thousand views with almost no effort.</p><p>If site visitors are also on their own, with a desire to share, then this will be a viral increase in links and social signals to the site, increasing the trust of the site as a whole and individual pages with materials. In addition, with high-quality texts you build a website brand, increase your reputation and expertise in your niche.</p><p>Secondly, interesting texts significantly improve your behavioral factors - people stay on the site longer, there are fewer bounces, they add to bookmarks, share, return, if lost, they try to find it by typing your name and the approximate title of the article into the search, and so on. Good behavioral factors (BPs) improve search engine rankings.</p><p>Thirdly, the uniqueness and quality of texts becomes more and more important for search engines. And for articles ordered from SEO copywriters on the textsale or etxt exchange for 30 rubles per thousand characters, they cannot be high by default. Today, Baden-Baden, Panda and other search engine filters actively come for watery SEO texts about something that has already been written about a hundred times on the Internet. Since the beginning of 2018, Yandex has already crippled a lot of information sites that did not have good behavioral factors, had too much advertising and had texts of little use.</p><p>It is very useful today to have a “Blog” or “Articles” section on a corporate website. .</p><p><b>Very good</b>, almost certainly <b>if the texts include the following inserts:</b></p><p>- lists <br>- diagrams, diagrams, drawings, infographics <br>– photographs, images <br>- video (not necessarily your own) <br>- links to other pages (you can and should also link to other resources that are significant in your topic, which really provide additional value to your material. Opening links is best done in a new window)</p><p><b>Where can you check the uniqueness of texts?</b> and various other text characteristics important for SEO. In my opinion, this pair of online services is enough:</p><p>The uniqueness of the text on your website may not be very high if:</p><p>- someone stole (copied the whole or a large piece) your text <br>- you yourself or your promoters have replicated it on different sites - in company catalogs, in press releases, on message boards, on forums, etc. <br>— there are duplicates from pieces of text on your other pages on your website.</p><p>The situation with the uniqueness of texts is not the easiest. Even if you were the original source, a more authoritative site may still rank higher than you.</p><p>But in most cases, the text on your site will be considered the primary source, and this is still an important point. But if this page is targeted and very significant for you, if you want to consciously promote it high to the TOP, and it has little unique text, rewrite it.</p><p>It's best to rewrite "knowingly." For example, by looking at what is going on with competitors.</p><p><b>View the values ​​of the main parameters for sites in your TOP</b> for a specific key query you can, for example, use these two services:</p><p>Pixel Plus provides a comparison of YOUR relevant page (it determines it itself) and the average values ​​for the pages of competitors in the TOP upon request only in Yandex.</p><p>Seolib simply displays the overall parameters for the TOP - both in Google and in Yandex.</p><p>“TOP Analysis” from Pixel Tools provides very valuable information that you can use as a guide when writing or editing texts and compares it with your relevant page. The service immediately gives recommendations on what needs to be increased and by how much, what to decrease. He shows:</p><p>— Volume of text in words <br>— Number of exact occurrences of the query in the text <br>— Percentage of occurrence of words from the query in the text <br>— Occurrences of words from the query in the Title tag <br>— Inclusions in outgoing link anchors <br>— Percentage of occurrence of re-enchantments in the text <br>— Absence in the text of words that are often found among competitors <br>— Number of relevant documents by Title tag <br>— Internal links to URLs <br>— Title tag length in words <br>— External links to the domain <br>— TIC <br>— Availability of HTTPS and share of competitors on HTTPS</p><p>In Seolib you can look, in addition to Yandex, also Google, and more general parameters of competitors - such as the number of pages in the search engine index, the age of the domain, whether it is in the Yandex Catalog, Dmoz, which pages are mainly in the TOP - main or pages 2 th level and deeper.</p><p>I described this issue in much more detail in these two articles:</p><p><b>(!) </b><br><br>Today it is very important to use when writing texts <b>synonyms</b>, words from search engine highlights and tips, those that are most often used by competitors, toponyms (below I will show what highlights and tips look like). These are the so-called LSI words - words that form your topic.</p><p>And in general, it’s always useful to just look at it by eye - what’s going on in the TOP of competitors, what kind of texts, content, how it’s presented, how it’s optimized, etc. For competitor analysis, see the last paragraph.</p><h3>2. SEMANTICS (KEY QUESTIONS)</h3><p>I have a detailed lesson on the Semantic Core in my free SEO course. Subscribe, receive, study. All the basics are there - about the “long tail of low-frequency queries”, and about the types of key queries, and how to collect, and much more.</p><p>What you need to do:</p><p>1) compose a semantic core as a whole, from scratch. Cluster it (group) and distribute it across the site, across pages, create new sections and pages on the site for queries that have not yet been covered, do internal linking, etc.</p><p>2) select additional requests for existing pages and directions, optimize and promote consciously (!) along them.</p><p>3) identify for yourself queries that are close to the TOP3-50, for example, and “add” higher. <b>This is one of the most important actions to increase overall website traffic.</b></p><p>Here, for example, in this form in the Sitereport.rf service you can get free visibility of your site for 300 queries close to the TOP of Yandex and separately Google, and start promoting higher those that have enough traffic, or are your most targeted requests and deserve attention.</p><p>But, in principle, since they are close to the top and usually there are transitions to your site for such queries, you can get almost the same information and even more from your Yandex Metrics, Google Analytics, LiveInternet, webmaster’s accounts in both search engines and others services. It is true that Yandex and Google now encrypt most requests and statistics have become far from being as complete and capacious as they once were, so it is worth using all possible services.</p><p>List <a href="">free services</a> I wrote about what they will give you and in what form, with screenshots, in the article “Free analysis of website visibility in search”.</p><p><i>Here in the screenshot I filtered so that the lowest positions in the PS from the entire list of queries offered by Sitereport were listed first:</i></p><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p><b>How pages get to the TOP:</b></p><p>— improving the page (refining the text in terms of its value for the user, improving it in terms of keywords, synonyms, etc., improving the presentation of the text, including various inserts and media files in the text) <br>— improved optimization <br>- link mass - both natural free and purchased <br>— social signals <br>— improving behavioral factors (including through improving the snippet to increase its click-through rate) <br>— internal linking</p><p>Of course, the main tool that everyone uses is the KeyCollector program. This is the main software on the market for capturing and analyzing nuclear signals. But for beginners, I think TopVisor will definitely be easier and it has a lot of advantages.</p><p><b>The most basic mistakes when working with the Semantic Core:</b></p><p>— the semantic core is poorly developed, taken from the head</p><p>— similar queries were “planted” on <a href="">different pages</a></p><p>— promotion is not carried out consciously - it is not tracked which page is relevant for the key query in different search engines, and whether it corresponds to your landing page that you are promoting for this query. <br>Relevant - the page that the search engine ITSELF considered the most suitable on your entire site to answer a given key query and which it displays in search results. Read more about the difference in relevant pages and what this means.</p><p>— it does not take into account that there are informational and commercial requests that should be promoted on different types of documents.</p><p>— competitors in the TOP have only the main pages for this key query, and you have tailored a 2nd level page for it and are promoting it.</p><p>— you have no chance at all to advance on this request, because competitors have all other parameters (link, host, etc.) too large - choose queries with lower frequency and less competitive.</p><p>If you have already worked out the semantic core, then <b>new ideas on SL can be taken from:</b></p><p>- analysis of different thematic communities - forums, social networks (what they talk about, in what words) <br>- online services that provide “site visibility in search engines” - this is, for example, Sitereport.rf (it does both a free analysis of site visibility and a paid selection of other suitable semantics automatically), Xtool. . <br>- services for analyzing your competitors (these are, of course, the most powerful tools for collecting key queries) - Spywords, Semrush. <br>— large-scale ready-made keyword databases. Pastukhov's base ceased to exist. But there is, for example, free Bukvariks.</p><p>One of the most <a href="">frequently asked questions</a>— whether to make an article for the MF (mid-frequency) key query + LF Queries or many, many articles only for LF (low-frequency) queries.</p><p>There are 2 main options here:</p><p>1. A VERY high-quality, large, well-designed article for MF and LF queries, which is also actively promoted with links and social signals. Gradually, it has every chance to rise high in the positions of the mid-range request or queries and spontaneously capture many other low-frequency and micro-low frequency queries.</p><p>2. There are many articles for low-frequency queries, which are much easier to “kick out” to the TOP with a much smaller number of links and other measures such as internal linking. BUT (!) such articles collect much less traffic and most often do not provide a viral increase in links and social signals to the site, i.e. independent growth of the general trust of the site and a specific article.</p><p> <br>Today, it is ideal to combine both strategies (and from small articles under LF you can put links to larger ones under MF) or actively practice the first strategy.</p><h3>3. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION</h3><p>In this blog I wrote articles:</p><br><p>But <b>The main thing today is to avoid over-optimization!</b> How to diagnose re-optimization filters in Yandex, see this post.</p><p>Which page elements are most important to include keywords in:</p><p>— <b>Text</b><br>the required number of direct occurrences of the key query (on average about 2%, also look at the TOP for Pixel Tools). <br>It is still recommended to have an exact entry in the first and last sentence, not only exact ones, but also various diluted key queries in the text (but without brute force), synonyms, words from highlights, tips, toponyms, commercial markers such as “buy”, “price” - which are right for you according to your TOP, etc.</p><p>— <b>Title</b><br>should include the H1 or the main keyword from the H1, but should not be completely equal to your H1 headline. <br>Mandatory exact occurrence of the desired query as close to the beginning as possible, size preferably 60-70 characters, no listing of keys separated by commas, add toponyms, commercial markers like “buy”, some additional words that attract attention to the description of your site, you can then numbers.</p><p>— <b>Meta Description</b><br>It is also desirable to have the exact occurrence of the key query at the beginning, it should not repeat the title - it should reveal it, and it would be nice to have additional keywords and something from your USP - the most catchy moments. Up to 230 characters, with a period at the end.</p><p>— <b>Meta Keywords</b><br>1-2 main key queries, no more. It is still worth filling out this field. <br>Although you don’t have to fill it in - it doesn’t play any role in promotion, but overspam in this field can be a negative.</p><p>— <b>Page title in H1</b><br>the most important key query + some other words are possible. There should only be one H1 per page. <br>You shouldn’t write there a long commercial key like “Buy auto parts in Moscow.” The most natural, convenient and useful for people.</p><p>— <b>Headings H2-H6</b><br>if the text is large, then in subheadings of a level lower than H1, we reinforce the main key query - we use it plus some other new words, and also use other key queries for which the page is promoted. But without fanaticism, otherwise you will get a filter. It’s better not more than 1-2 times for large text.</p><p>— <b>Alt title for images</b><br>alt is considered especially important. But it is advisable to set both attributes, and they should preferably not be identical, and it is not desirable that all page images have the same alt, let’s create variety. That is, we put the main keyword plus other words in alt and title. It is also advisable to include words such as “photo”, “drawing”, words of toponyms, synonyms, words like “buy”, etc. <br>BUT you should not make a key in every image - try to describe first of all what is in the image and avoid overspam. Image captions also play a role in applying the over-optimization filter. <br>It is also very advisable to name the names of the image files themselves with keywords in transliteration separated by a hyphen - this way they will be better found through image search and increase traffic to the site.</p><p>— <b>Copyright at the bottom of the site</b><br>I would recommend putting it something like this:</p><p>year copyright sign company name and some main key and something interesting from the USP (preferably something that has something in common with the Title and H1 of the main page)</p><p><i><b>2017 SeoAndme: Anna Yashchenko’s blog about free independent website promotion</b> </i></p><p>The point is that after the copyright sign and the name of the company, your main key queries should appear, but at the same time they should not look like some kind of listing of keywords separated by commas. Moderation is the most important thing, interestingly presented.</p><p>But attention! Today, over-optimization filters are being used atrociously, especially in Yandex. And if you use keywords in copyright today, then do it very carefully, otherwise it may affect the overspam of individual pages.</p><p>This is such a slightly slippery technique. Although often effective.</p><p>It is very convenient and desirable (especially for the main and most important landing pages) to come up with several options for the Page Title and Meta Description. And drive into some <b>visual snippet editor</b>, for example, here:</p><p>and see different options for how your snippet might look in search, choose the best result and add it to your site.</p><p>BUT! Today you can create a meta description of up to 230 characters, but this service cuts it to 155. That is. It is possible to roughly visually understand what it will look like, but not fully. Nowadays I usually use the Yoast SEO plugin, for example, in any of my WordPress sites.</p><p>It’s also very convenient to shoot and compare snippets using the TopVisor service.</p><p>Let’s take a look at the “Site Positions” section in Topvisor, where you can see a comparison of snippets in search engines.</p><p><i>For example, I look at my website for 1 date (you can take 2 specific dates) and in the Google and Yandex search engines and see the following snippets for one request:</i></p><p>Different snippets, different relevant pages. Then I can, firstly, think about which single landing page I should better lead both search results to, and secondly, how to improve the existing snippet.</p><p><b>That is, a snippet is what it is, see the screenshot below.</b> This is a description of your site in search results. <b>I highlighted one of the words in red</b>. I already mentioned lighting in this article. Words from it should definitely be used on your page if you want to promote it well. Alexander Arsenkin, for example, has a convenient free one.</p><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>I also mention <b>tips</b>, this is it:</p><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>You won't necessarily be able to create a snippet that you control, meaning you won't be able to guarantee how your site's description will look in search engines. But there is a very high probability of this if you make the snippet correctly.</p><p>It is also important to carefully work out the snippets of those pages that are close to the TOP and that need to be “added” to it.</p><p>Some articles on creating a managed snippet:</p><p>And my big expert survey No. 3 “Filters for Yandex and Google search engines 2018”, where 12 well-known SEO specialists revealed many details.</p><p>It's worth remembering that <b>today, often the same re-optimization filter can be applied to a website - to the entire or individual documents</b>. Therefore, spamming keywords in the text, highlighting words in bold, italics, etc. - this is no longer acceptable.</p><p><b>What services will help you see how well your pages are optimized?</b></p><p>I won’t describe in detail about technical audit (see the lesson of my courses), I will say about <b>common mistakes:</b></p><p>- duplicate pages (this is especially easy to see if the number of pages indexed by Yandex and Google is very different - then there are probably many duplicates on the site) <br>— no redirect from www to without www (or vice versa, it doesn’t matter) <br>- broken links <br>— circular links (links in a page to itself) <br>- missing H1s or too many of them <br>— too much H2-H6 or they contain only <a href="">service information</a>, no keywords, spam them <br>- missing Title, Meta description, Meta Keywords or too long, as well as overspam in them <br>— H1 equals Title <br>- no Alt, Title for images <br> — <a href="">low speed</a> loading page <br>— the server does not give a 404 response, and there is no special page for this error <br>- no robots.txt or incorrectly compiled, no sitemap <br>— no adaptive or mobile version of the site</p><p>Now technical errors also include the lack of https - yes, indeed, Google is increasingly beginning to displace such sites, and from July 2018 in Chrome all such sites without HTTPS will be marked as unsafe, which will greatly reduce traffic from Google. In Yandex, too, in many tops, the share of HTTPS sites can be 70-80%, which means that it is almost impossible for an HTTP site to break into such a TOP, and it becomes more and more difficult.</p><p>Therefore, you should think about switching to https so as not to lose traffic from Google. Here I have a good selection of guides for switching to https.</p><p>And also all technical aspects are written in excellent detail, including speeding up site loading, correct transition to HTTPS and others in the new textbook “SEO Guru 2018” from Dr.Max.</p><p> <br>I also recommend watching this short material from Dmitry Sevalnev, what options there are to remove duplicates, and which ones are priority.</p><h3>5. INTERNAL LINKING</h3><p>There are a lot of articles and guides on the Internet about linking. There are many different patterns - circular, star and so on.</p><p>I usually try to simply link from different materials to the most relevant ones on the topic, plus separately link the most significant pages or those that I need to get to the TOP. That is, I most often don’t bother with diagrams in particular.</p><p>In general, you can view and analyze the weight of pages using programs such as (I don’t know which one is better).</p><p>To increase the weight of a page, it is best to link to it from other pages on your site that are relevant to this key query.</p><p>All relevant pages for a request on a specific site in Yandex, for example, can be found like this:</p><p>The first page is the one that the search engine considers the most relevant for this query and shows it in the overall results. Ideally, you should promote it (unless you want to overtake your relevant page with another, more targeted page). And put links to it from the pages that go below.</p><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>It’s also worth mentioning separately about the anchor profile. Anchor is those words, those texts on which you put links.</p><p> <br>Ideally, most of the links on the site, even within the framework of internal linking, should have unique anchors - fewer identical and clear exact occurrences of key queries, more diluted ones.</p><p>But it’s better to link to the keys from the most relevant pages (see screenshot above).</p><h3>6. LINK PROMOTION</h3><p>I have been writing about this for many years now, many articles have been written. I won’t list them all here, but in this article there are <a href="">brief instructions</a> and a link to all my posts.</p><p><b>The most important of my manuals and posts</b>(they have links to my other articles and guides on topics):</p><p>In them, in principle, you will find everything about current promotion with links.</p><p><b>What can be highlighted as the most important for effective and safe promotion with links:</b></p><p>— <b>reference factor</b>- just one of many. But he still plays a very significant role and will continue to do so. It is especially noticeable when promoting low frequency queries to the TOP. And it is especially important for promotion on Google. Some talk about links no longer working is complete nonsense.</p><p>— <b>Natural free links occupy and should occupy an increasing share of the link mass</b>. This is placement on forums, social networks, blog systems, company directories, press release sites, question and answer services, review services, social news services, a little in selected site directories and in a number of other types of sites</p><p>See the study.</p><p>These types of links play a very important role. They help raise and stabilize the site’s position in search engines, attract real target buyers and visitors, and help improve <a href="">behavioral factor</a>, serve as a safety net against different reference filters, because help build a natural link profile.</p><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>- in the increase in link mass to the site <b>It is highly desirable to maintain positive dynamics</b>- constant growth from month to month, or at least without strong failures, maintain regularity.</p><p>— <b>be gradual</b>- i.e. build your link mass slowly. For young sites, I recommend about 200-300 “successful” registrations per month and this will give approximately 30-40 active direct open indexed links in fact. Or the same amount (30-40) if purchasing for a young site.</p><p>- do <b>varied</b> link placement - different texts, on different pages of your site, different anchors (texts of the links themselves), placed on different types of sites.</p><p>- to start <b>make up to 70-90% of links non-anchor</b>(preferably more branded ones - on the name of the site, company or project, in combinations of project name + URL). But the best thing is to simply have as many different options as possible with words, links in images, some links to URLs, and so on. A small percentage of direct occurrences of your key queries and 10-20 percent of diluted key queries.</p><p>— <b>do not order or make automatic mass direct runs to the site</b>(exception - a variety of layers, gaskets, CAREFUL reference pyramids -)</p><p>— <b>so as not to fall under the “Minusinsk” filter</b> Yandex, it is advisable in general not to purchase more than 200-300 SEO links to the site (here we mean not only temporary leased links, but search links are now well defined and the majority of purchased permanent links in articles). Ideally, build a high-quality link profile using manual outreach (agreements with site webmasters). The rest are natural free links. Moreover, the more natural free crowd links you have in your profile, the more you can increase the threshold for purchasing SEO links (but not by much).</p><p>- free link placement <b>can be made a little easier with SEO software</b>, and it will be quite effective if you act with your head. But a “magic pill”, so that some software would take and place everything itself and raise your positions with minimal effort on your part and without training, etc. does not exist today.</p><p> <br>By <a href="">different types</a> sites where you can conduct free natural link promotion, I have a separate free course. It includes many different detailed step-by-step guides in general and for specific types of sites - such as forums, press release sites, company directories, social networks and blog systems, message boards, etc.</p><h3>7. COMMERCIAL FACTORS</h3><p>Commercial factors are something that is inherent specifically in a corporate, selling website. This is something that can help it rise in positions when the site seems to have stopped moving while pumping up other aspects (my SEO friends and I had such pure cases when a corporate site that had “ risen ” in positions moved from its place precisely with the help of commercial factors).</p><p>This is all that indicates that the site is corporate - <b>as internal factors</b> such as reviews on the website, promotions, price lists, city phone number, domain email, online consultant, wide range of products, availability of certificates, <a href="">interactive map</a> travel, call back, etc., <b>and external</b> such as finding a site in company directories, Yandex Directory, press release sites, review services, price list aggregators, business message boards, and so on (all this is in and you can also search for it yourself).</p><p>What are they like? <b>Detailed lists of commercial factors can be found here</b>, for example (one of the most understandable and practical articles):</p><p> <br>Commercial factors can always and definitely need to be increased.</p><h3>8. BEHAVIORAL</h3><p>I won’t write much about behavioral factors now; I’m preparing a separate large article.</p><p>Today it is one of the most important ranking factors. Yandex especially uses PF heavily in ranking.</p><p>Like commercial factors, PF can also be divided into external and internal.</p><p><b>Domestic</b>- this is what concerns your site specifically.</p><p>It’s worth looking at the bounce rate for your site in general and in particular for individual pages.</p><p>Take those pages where the number of failures according to Yandex Metrica or Google Analytics is the highest, look at the page with a fresh look and think about how much it really answers the user’s request, whether it is interesting enough to read it in its entirety, whether the text is well presented, how complete and in detail, is there any valuable data, are there any useful photographs, drawings, tables, diagrams, links to other useful sections and materials of your site, additional <a href="">useful services</a> such as a calculator, etc.</p><p>Your goal is to increase user satisfaction from the page and from your site as a whole, increase the level of trust, a positive impression of the site, and as a result, increase the time spent on the site.</p><p><b>External</b>- this is, for example, how often your brand or site url is typed into the search bar of a search engine or whether the user will close the search page after going to your site or vice versa - close your site and continue searching further, and others.</p><p>You need to work comprehensively on the usefulness of your website and the popularity of your brand (in particular, using crowd marketing sites on suitable thematic or other platforms with a target audience, place inactive links mentioning the name of your product or company, or website).</p><p> <br><b>The formation of an effective extended snippet helps improve the behavioral factor</b>- i.e. increase the CTR of its click-through rate in search results. This is, first of all, working with the Title, Meta Description and other aspects of creating a controlled snippet, as well as various elements of the extended snippet - “quick links”, etc. (for Google and Yandex these are different elements).</p><h3>9. SOCIAL SIGNALS</h3><p>1. <b>engage in competent content marketing</b>(creating content of really high quality and level of usefulness for the user - such as all sorts of step-by-step guides, comparisons, tests, coverage of narrow practical issues, infographics, success stories, etc.).</p><p>How do social signals affect the positions of sites in search engines, and what happens to the positions of sites that do not use social signals.</p><p>I have little faith in the benefits of social signals for SEO - in the sense that I myself have never seen, felt, or measured it. But I never complained about promoting my sites; search engines always loved them if I made some effort. Perhaps partly due to the presence of high-quality social signals.</p><p>3. <b>make sharing buttons visible on your website</b>, perhaps, for some types of sites, use plugins such as “social lock”, pop-up windows for subscribing to groups on social networks, social network widgets and other stimulating elements.</p><p> <br>The increase in social signals is also monitored by search engines - they should preferably not have too sharp a jump in growth out of nowhere or an explosion of social signals from spammed accounts.</p><h3>10. USABILITY</h3><p>I'll just highlight <b>some of the most common mistakes</b>, which are found on almost any site (on mine, too, by the way).</p><p><b><br>1. “2 second rule”</b><br>A visitor to your site should see something in 2 seconds that will help him make a decision - whether to take further action on your site or close it.</p><p>It should be something that will interest him, inspire confidence and let him know that there is something special and worthwhile on this site.</p><p>This could be: your USP, some cool review, a block with competitive advantages, a significant guarantee, an interesting promotion or special offer.</p><p>But not general text about the company, logo and phone number.</p><p><b>2. USP</b><br>Your unique selling proposition must be broadcast on the main page and preferably on each one.</p><p>That is, not a dull formal text about the company “sheets”, but preferably, what makes you special, what makes you better than your competitors, formulate in 1 sentence and place it on the header.</p><p>Plus, make some of your benefits, decorated brightly and clearly, in a list and place them on each page. Not advantages, but BENEFITS for the client. It’s not just that you have been on the market for 10 years, but how is your ten years of experience useful for the buyer - the fact that you have a huge base, the best guarantee or <a href="">the best prices</a> in the region or something else.</p><p><b>3. Expectability of the result.</b><br>A person must understand what to expect. This is one of the most common mistakes. Next to the forms for online application, ordering a call back, placing an order in the cart, they do not write when you can expect <a href="">feedback</a> and operating hours of the site support service.</p><p>Few people will place an order in silence. Call by phone and find out whether you can trust this online order form on the site and when you can expect it to be processed.</p><p><b>4. Dates, social evidence, dynamics on the site.</b><br>Many corporate websites, where dates must be included, still suffer from the lack of all this. You go to the site and it’s not clear whether it’s still alive, or whether the company closed long ago. No news, no promotions, nothing with new dates.</p><p>Social proof is, in particular, widgets and broadcasts of posts from social networks to the website.</p><p><b>5. Reviews that are difficult to trust.</b></p> <i> </i> <p>Having your own website, the first thing you need to do is make a plan for its promotion. Without clear planning and setting goals, you won’t be able to promote a resource on your own. It must be said that there is no specific algorithm for website promotion. Each specialist builds his own strategy, which is based on personal experience.</p> <p>If you are new to this business and don’t know where to start, then you can follow the approximate plan that is described in detail in this article. Naturally, you can change, supplement and adjust points, trusting your intuition.</p> <h2><span>Where to start promoting a young website?</span></h2> <p>If you want your resource to be in search and outperform competitors in all respects, then you should start by working on the main points:</p> <ul><li>Drawing up a semantic core. Your task is to find queries that are close to the promoted resource. To find high-frequency search phrases, it is important to put yourself in the shoes of an ordinary user. You must understand your future audience, know the interests of users, their age and gender. Once you find those high-frequency queries, start highlighting the low-frequency and mid-frequency ones. Thus, you will form the semantic core of the resource.</li> <li>Niche analysis and forecasting. After determining the core, it is necessary to do a market analysis to identify the main competitors. Enter the high-frequency queries you have selected into the search bar and analyze which resources are in the TOP. Go to each page, study in detail the work of your competitors, what promotion methods they use, the main trends and positions. Having worked through this point, you can make a forecast of traffic to your resource and adjust your optimization strategy.</li> <p><span class="9_13tUNZVQg"></span> <span class="9_13tUNZVQg"></span></p> <li>Internal SEO audit. Having studied your competitors, you need to move on to studying your resource or auditing it. This is a fairly complex task that requires at least basic knowledge of SEO. The purpose of the audit is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the resource. Please note that after working through these 3 points, no fundamental changes have yet occurred on the site. Although a lot of time will be spent. All you have received is a huge amount of knowledge with which you can safely move on.</li> <li>Micro markup. If you want to bring your site to the TOP, then micro markup is extremely important. Basically, your page is initially marked up using common tags and attributes. Usually this is enough for search engines and many sites still exist and even thrive this way. However, if you want to help search engines understand your resource, understand its structure, pointing out those areas that need to be paid attention to first, then it is important to implement micro-markup (add additional tags and attributes that will point to everything). By doing this, you will help search engines understand the structure and content of your resource, and also increase its traffic.</li> </ul><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2><span>Popular technical errors</span></h2> <p>Let's look at the technical side of optimization and the main mistakes that webmasters make. After analyzing many sites, we can conclude that there are often the same shortcomings that experts make. Errors can affect an Internet resource in completely different ways. Some shortcomings prevent search engines from indexing resource pages, others help competitors use <a href="">possible mistakes</a> for their own purposes, while others have a negative impact on promotion and positions. Therefore, it is extremely important to identify shortcomings in time and correct them.</p> <p>The most common errors:</p> <ul><li>Availability of the resource name at different addresses. If a site can be accessed using different addresses (for example, with and without the www prefix), a duplication problem arises. In this case, the search engine will perceive the content at one of the addresses as non-unique and move it to additional search results. To correct this defect, you need to add the Host directive to the robots.txt file of all resource mirrors and specify the main domain.</li> <li>Low download speed. This error can directly affect the ranking of the page. Therefore, correcting this defect will help increase the credibility of the site from search engines.</li> <li>Availability of the main resource page at different addresses. Remember, the main page of the website should be accessible only at the main address, otherwise there will be a problem of duplication, which is likely to result in a decrease in the ranking of the resource.</li> </ul><p><span class="WhxU8QSozeg"></span> <span class="WhxU8QSozeg"></span></p> <h2><span>How to promote a site?</span></h2> <p>When you know where to start website promotion and the main technical mistakes that are important to avoid, let’s determine what types of promotion exist. Today there are 3 main types:</p> <ul><li>By position. The specialist selects a list of queries and displays them in the TOP;</li> <li>By traffic. The main goal with this type of promotion is to increase search traffic to a certain figure within the time allotted for optimization;</li> <li>Comprehensive promotion. Includes the first two types and additional promotion in <a href="">in social networks</a>, Direct advertising and much more. Comprehensive promotion is much more expensive, so only wealthy website owners use it, or customers who are ready to really spend money to achieve their goals.</li> </ul><p>What type of promotion to choose depends on the specifics of the site. If you attract visitors to your resource in order to sell goods and services, then it is better to choose traffic promotion. The more traffic, the higher the sales. If you have an informational site, then choose promotion by position. And if you have money for promotion, then turn to comprehensive promotion.</p> <p>Having decided on the type of promotion, you will be faced with the question of choosing pages for promotion. The page that users initially land on (the main login page) is important when promoting a resource. It should be convenient, understandable and meet the expectations of visitors. If you ignore these requirements, you will inevitably lose customers. Users who do not find information of interest on the main page will leave the site.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>To select landing pages, use the advanced search of the search engine. To do this, enter a query for which the page will be promoted in a search engine, and delimit the search area with your resource. The first page in the list will have the greatest relevance, which means it needs to be promoted.</p> <p>Now create an anchor list. This is a very important stage of promotion. Proper distribution of anchors in the sheet will significantly increase the site’s position.</p> <p>The anchor list includes a list of all text links installed on the resource. In addition to them, the sheet should contain information about the frequency of use of anchors and the addresses of the pages to which links lead.</p> <p>Your anchor list must meet the following parameters:</p> <ul><li>It should be dominated by non-anchor links, approximately 45%;</li> <li>About 40% should be anchors consisting of several words;</li> <li>Approximately 15% should be occupied by anchors consisting of 4 or more words.</li> </ul><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2><span>Placement of links and analysis of donors</span></h2> <p>When promoting a resource, external factors play an important role, influencing the website’s movement to the TOP positions in search engines. One of these factors is the acquisition of permanent and temporary links on other resources.</p> <p>Placing links on different sites can help with optimization or be completely useless. Therefore, before purchasing a link, it is important to analyze the donor site and understand whether such cooperation will have a real effect. When doing the analysis, pay attention to the following characteristics of the donor:</p> <ul><li>Domain age;</li> <li>Resource spam;</li> <li>Attendance;</li> <li>Number of pages indexed;</li> <li>Lack of filters from search engines;</li> <li>Content quality;</li> <li>TIC and PR.</li> </ul><p><span class="x-WMtULhn68"></span> <span class="x-WMtULhn68"></span></p> <h2><span>Improving usability and monitoring competitors</span></h2> <p>There are proven techniques that help improve the usability of a resource:</p> <ul><li>Information filtering. Remove unnecessary information from the site, and you will significantly increase user loyalty.</li> <li>Convenient navigation. The more comfortable and confident a user feels on the site, the greater the chance that he will return here more than once.</li> <li>Study and analysis of user behavior on the site.</li> </ul><p>Don’t forget to learn from the experience of others, study the behavior of your competitors, and follow their innovations. This will help you stay on trend, and if you use the information correctly, you will be able to beat your competitors.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2><span>Website promotion in search engines</span></h2> <p>Let's look at how to effectively promote a new, young resource in the most famous search engines:</p> <ul><li>How to promote a website in Yandex. First, understand the main thing - it takes time to get to the TOP of this search engine. The search engine indexes new pages in a random order, so some pages may be indexed within 30 minutes, while others will wait a week. The same situation is with the position in the search results: everything is very unstable. Even with active page promotion, your site can remain in one position for a long time without moving. So be patient. Promote the resource constantly, observing some frequency. A one-time burst of link mass gives short-term results. Be selective about your link donors. Pay attention to details - site accessibility, loading speed, resource design, layout.</li> <li>Features of promotion on Google. In this search engine, the important role is played by the page, and not the domain as a whole. Having one well-developed page on a young resource, your chances of being in the TOP of the search engine increase exponentially. Pay more attention to internal resource optimization. The search engine loves over-optimized texts, so don’t be afraid to increase the keyword density (this doesn’t work for Yandex). But, try not to overdo it with keys, as this can harm readability for users. Use links, they will definitely help the resource reach the TOP faster (this number will not work with Yandex).</li> </ul><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2><span>Promotion by HF requests</span></h2> <p>To effectively promote a site for high-frequency queries, it is best to use articles. Typically, texts of 3000 characters without spaces are purchased; their cost may vary depending on the professionalism of the copywriter. Links to the promoted resource with an anchor that corresponds to the high-frequency request are inserted into the purchased article. For example, when promoting the request “flowers”, the link will take the following form: ˃href=”resource address”˃flowers˂.</p> <p>Buy articles for high-frequency requests on the same topic from different copywriters. This will help you get really high-quality and informative texts. Since one, even the best copywriter, is not able to produce 30 original texts on one topic.</p> <p>By promoting your resource in this way, you will reach the TOP in just a couple of months. It is not necessary to immediately spend a lot of money on purchasing articles if the budget is limited, but promote the site gradually.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2><span>How to advertise a site?</span></h2> <p>To advertise a site, you should place information about it on <a href="">different services</a> in accordance with the topic of the resource. Advertising placed on Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords works best. Teaser and thematic banner advertising also works well. Of course, don’t forget about PR on social networks on the pages of famous bloggers. In general, the more publicity your site has, the better, so expanding <a href="">advertising company</a> site, use a non-standard approach that will help attract the target audience to the resource.</p> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var _acic={dataProvider:10};(function(){var e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript";e.async=true;e.src="";var t=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];t.parentNode.insertBefore(e,t)})() //--> </script><br> <br> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> <footer> <div class="td-post-source-tags"> </div> <meta itemscope itemprop="mainEntityOfPage" itemType="" itemid="" content="" /><span style="display: none;"><span style="display: none;"><meta itemprop="url" content="/assets/logo.svg"></span> <meta itemprop="name" content="Сео продвижение самостоятельно. 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