New channels in We analyze top competitors and closely monitor them. YouTube promotion secrets in the new year

The start of the new season on Russian TV was preceded by high-profile transfers of well-known presenters who left Channel One for Rossiya 1. On the one hand, this is a noticeable movement in the television environment. On the other hand, the content of the new TV season makes it clear that Russian channels have abandoned large-scale experiments. The air is replete with series and music shows, even where there were few of them before.

"First" will attract an audience of 55+

While Russia 1 poached top presenters and programs from a competitor, Channel One focused on improving existing content and four big premiere shows.

In the new season, the channel will continue to air "Evening Urgant", "Let's Get Married", "Fashion Sentence", "Test Purchase". Live Healthy will move to a new studio. “Let them talk” is now Dmitry Borisov, and not Andrei Malakhov. The new Saturday broadcast "Tonight" is now hosted by Yulia Menshova and Maxim Galkin. The “golden” composition of mentors returned to the show “Voice”.

On “First” there will be a new “anti-karaoke” format both for the channel and for Russia. Plywood Kings is a reality battle genre borrowed from the United States. Participants play world hits on stage and participate in a series of "reckless" competitions for the championship belt.

The heroes of the premiere show "Stars Under Hypnosis" will try various hypnotic experiments, and as part of the "Best Cat of the Country" project with Sergey Shnurov, viewers will be able to send a video of their pet and participate in the competition for the title of the best cat in the country.

The show "Older than All" will attract the attention of an audience of 55+. It will be attended by grandparents who can surprise a huge country. The host's microphone is Maxim Galkin.

"Russia-1" puts on the leaders from the "First" and series

Andrey Malakhov is already hosting "Live", and "So far, everyone is at home" is at the stage of moving from "First" to "Russia 1". The first release of Timur Kizyakov's project is scheduled for September 10.

From September 3, the show "Amazing People" continues on the channel. Filming of the new season of the Blue Bird children's contest will begin soon, hosted by Daria Zlatopolskaya.

A series of series on the channel will be opened by the premiere of "Dr. Richter" - a domestic serial medical drama with detective elements and the first official adaptation of the cult American series "Dr. House".

In autumn, the audience of "Russia 1" is waiting for the premiere of the series "Black Blood", as well as the multi-part feature film "Demon of the Revolution" dedicated to the centenary of the Russian revolution.

"Fifth" and REN teamed up with "Izvestia"

In the summer, the National Media Group combined the production of news for REN TV, Pyatoy and the newspaper Izvestia in one multimedia information center(MIC). Therefore, the news releases on Channel Five are now released under the Izvestia brand. These are the daily Izvestia and the Information and Analytical Program Izvestia. The main thing". REN TV news programs also receive content from MIC.

The channels that are part of the NMG want to surprise with series and films in the new TV season. REN will release the action comedy The Fugitive about the adventures of a professional swindler who got into trouble, starring Ivan Okhlobystin. In addition, REN will show Hollywood blockbusters and documentaries from the Discovery Channel, with which the Russian channel has begun to cooperate.

On the "Fifth" premieres of the detective series "Specialists", "Own" ( working title), "Bars" (working title) and the exciting series "Passion", as well as the continuation of "Trace" and "The Last Cop". The continuation of the documentary cycle “My Soviet” on the topics “My Soviet Police”, “Soviet Love” and others is being prepared for launch in November.

NTV will tell the story of the revolution

There will also be many series on NTV (120 series are being filmed for the channel now): new series of popular projects and premieres. Most of the series are dominated by historical themes and feature star casts. One of the flagship series in the new season will be "Walking Through the Torments", based on the novel of the same name by A.N. Tolstoy and dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the revolutionary events in Russia.

Entertainment channels are looking for their formats

STS plans to break the association of "seriality" and launch "big shows", attracting the franchise and global developments. The fact that the channel is launching a large-scale vocal show "Success" suggests a bold approach to the new TV season. In addition to the usual formats, STS is also developing new directions for itself.

TNT also tends to music formats. In the new season, another such program appeared on the channel besides "Dances" - the comedy-musical show "Studio SOYUZ", one of the main premieres. This fall, TNT expects to be interested not only in content, but also in communication with viewers on the Internet.

"Friday!" made a bet on "Favorites", a series about animals, which received wide promotional support. From the verified channel, the social television experiment "Tomboys" will continue.

In autumn, the channel will launch a new musical project Voice of the Streets, where rap and hip-hop artists will compete. The project will be judged by performers Vasily Vakulenko, known as Basta, as well as the founder of Versus Battle Alexander Timartsev (Restaurateur) and others.

The TV channel "Che" decided to completely change for the new season. In addition to the on-air design and logo, the channel has updated its positioning. Now it is aimed not only at a male but also a female audience, and from a "channel for real men" has become a "TV channel with a strong character."

Women's channels abandoned experiments

Yu TV channel conducted research among the audience and in the new season removed social projects that evoke complex emotions and experiences from the grid. The channel will not air Lie Detector, Honey, I'm Killing Children, Pregnant at 16, and Save My Family.

"Yu" switched to positive and romantic projects that give a good mood. In the new season, there will be a puzzle show “Guess my age”, 2 own new reality shows “Magicians” (about psychics) and “Pregnant Dad” and other reality format programs, as well as “Borscht Show” with popular blogger Anatoly Borsch.

"Domashny" has prepared series about everything "that worries a modern woman": season 3 of "The Female Doctor", "Foundlings 2", and the premieres of the series "Gone Girl", "Dangerous Liaisons", "What's Your Wife Doing?". In November, viewers are waiting for a reality show. Wedding size 3" with Anita Tsoi as the host.

If we analyze the last half of the last year, a careful look will reveal several trends in the new year, following which you can very successfully promote how new channel, and already available.

YouTube promotion secrets in the new year

What trends are seen in 2017? The title says "15 new trends", in fact, in the article I will give 17 trends (two bonus). So, let's proceed to the consideration in order.

1. Recruiting a new audience becomes more difficult and expensive

If earlier it was quite easy to grow on YouTube, now it is becoming more and more difficult to move forward, the prices for advertising from popular video bloggers have increased significantly, but even at such prices, many refuse to place ads on their sites, because. they already have queue of people. Compared to last year, the effectiveness of advertising is also falling. Advertisers began to measure the effect of advertising more often, and if it is below a certain threshold, they simply stop placing ads. Another reason can be advertising "blindness" of users, many people probably notice by themselves that they are watching a video and do not notice advertising banners. People stop being "active" and this leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of advertising. Therefore, you must understand that starting this year has become more difficult than last year, and next year it will be harder than today. The longer you do not start or slow down with the launch of the channel, the more difficult it will be to develop and gain an audience in the future.

2. Keeping and Surprising Your Audience Gets Harder

The most striking example: pay attention to the channel WOM RANDOM- the author of the channel successfully started and in a very short time gained an audience of 100,000 subscribers.

After a sharp start, the author reduced his activity and began to publish videos once every one to two months. This is due to the fact that at first he was relevant, interesting to his audience, and then something went wrong or he began to do things differently than before. There are several reasons: perhaps the author lost interest, or competitors appeared in this niche, or the surge of interest was temporary in this topic. The initial interest of the audience was created by filming a series about an experiment in growing some kind of "homunculus":

As soon as the experiment was completed, the interest of the audience began to decline - the video blogger's mistake was that he did not continue to shoot the continuation of what was interesting to his audience, but simply began to shoot about his life, about what he was interested in. This was his mistake, the number of views dropped sharply and the channel does not show further growth. So, what you need to pay attention to: if over the past 3 months you have had a decline in views, then you need to change something, either the subject of the content, or look at competitors and look for what is most popular with them at the moment.

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3. It's important to keep filming only what people watch and want to watch.

If your goal is to develop your channel, grow in the number of audience and views, it is very important to follow this rule. Your personal interests should be below the interests of your audience! Based on this trend, you need to give the audience what they like, for example, one audience is interested in video collections of recipes for kitchen dishes, and the other is detailed reviews kitchen appliances, then shoot exactly this, your interests are not relevant here.

4. YouTube measures viewer engagement

For YouTube, it really matters how the user behaves on the channel page. It is important that the viewer, after watching one video, watch something else on your channel, or go from "Related Videos" to another video, liked or subscribed, and not just closed the tab. If you do not involve the user in the process, YouTube monitors all this and this will be a signal for him that your content is not of very high quality and does not “catch” the viewer. Output: Try to make each video perfect, so that even a viewer who accidentally comes in can watch it several times.

5. Almost no one watches old videos.

I think there is no need to explain here that as soon as you stop systematically adding new videos to the channel, its popularity begins to decline, despite the fact that old videos can “sit firmly” in the search results and have many views. YouTube loves new videos. Output: to keep the audience, you need to publish a new video at least once a week.

6. Popular channels grow more slowly, while young ones start more easily

Previously, this trend was not noticeable, but literally at the end of 2016 it became very noticeable, for example, in "Related Videos" for popular channels, videos from young channels that have a very small subscriber base began to appear more often.

Young channels are easier to start, you need an impulse for video with the help of live views, using the server, they give videos a good start from 50k - 500k views and boldly get into those similar to millionaires, from where they get the lion's share of traffic. At the same time, popular channels began to lose traffic, as it becomes more difficult to retain viewers with a million-strong audience.

7. Good retention even with a bad title, description and no tags - works!

To experiment, type in YouTube a few letters AAAAAA(English) and you will be surprised what you see in response. For example, there is a video called “aaaaaaaaaaa”… In the videos, a person just screams in different tones, different volumes, etc…

Look at the number of views - 50-70 thousand! How does it work? The video has no proper title, no description, no tags, but it has so many views? This is the work of the retention algorithm, when initial views are collected through active social media users who share interesting videos with their friends, and then retention is turned on.

Watch one of these videos:

It turns out that the presence of titles, descriptions and tags remains valuable, but before retention their role is reduced. This means that retention is of great value and it is present on those channels that have their own stable audience.

8. Getting to Related Videos just got easier, but getting out of there is even easier

At first it sounds encouraging, but then immediately frightening. The reason for dropping out of the "Related Videos" is the poor selection of the video preview (image / picture for the video) and the lack of relationship between the video title and its preview. In general, the meaning of this can be described as follows:

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Preview - Title - Hold - TOP

9. Targeting user search queries on YouTube

The YouTube search is designed in a peculiar way, it shows not only the videos that are on the video hosting, but also those user requests that they entered in the search, but did not find such videos. For example, if you enter a query, YouTube will give a hint of 10 lines, among which there may be a query for which a video has not yet been shot:

Use this opportunity and work more carefully with user requests, looking for those precious grains that will take you to the top and attract traffic and audience. Any software tools or services for does not exist, though there is a service and paid version), but its capabilities are also limited, so try to conduct a deep analysis of user requests yourself to achieve maximum effect.

10. We analyze top competitors and keep a close eye on them

Many niches on YouTube have their own leaders, your TOP competitors, and you need to devote more time to watch what they do, analyze their actions. If before you did not conduct such surveillance, then now you need to do it, because perhaps you are making mistakes that they also made before, but corrected by doing something. Many novice presenters (and not only beginners) of channels often live in some kind of their own world, not noticing what is happening around. And you must definitely follow what is being done in your niche and not only in your language, but also in other languages. Who of you tried to look for foreign competitors? Few people devote time to this, but in vain ... Output: If there are no worthy competitors in your niche in your native language, look at Western channels, there are definitely ones similar to yours, look at what TOPs do and how, as they say, “you need to learn from the mistakes of others”.

11. Use of ready-made prototypes

Unlike global YouTube, there are not very many video channels in the Russian segment yet. According to analytics, there is an order 15 thousand active channels that are conducted in Russian. It's just a drop in the YouTube ocean. On the one hand, you might think that Russian language channels a great many, but if compared with English-speaking ones, it will turn out to be about 1: 1000. Therefore, in the West there is already a wide variety of channels on various topics and ready-made prototypes will allow you to ease your way. Just look interesting channels in format, presentation, style and adapt to Russian YouTube channels. A good example is the channel « FightTV". Here is an example video from this channel:

What is prototyping here? To avoid bans, strikes and other punishments, not videos are used for videos, but ordinary pictures of images, 10-15 pictures per video. The idea is that each video of the prototype can be decomposed into separate pictures, assembled into a new video clip up to 5 minutes long, add a voice-over, and due to the fact that the video is released often (several) times a day, it becomes simply convenient for people to watch such a channel. And this approach can be applied anywhere, because "Fi News" did not come up with this method itself, it was also borrowed from Western prototypes. Another example is the channel "Scientific Pok" I didn’t come up with the concept of hand-drawn videos myself, this innovation was borrowed from Western resources:

Therefore, the options may be different, you can copy the prototype (with care, of course), or mix several prototypes and do something new. Here is an example of a video on the Nauchpok channel:

TV channels Rossiya 1, Rossiya 24, Channel One, TV Center and Public Television of Russia (OTR) will be required to provide free airtime for campaigning to registered candidates in the Russian presidential elections.

List of such funds mass media The Central Election Commission of Russia approved at a meeting on December 28. The presidential elections will be held on March 18. The stage of campaigning in the media will begin on February 17 and will last until March 17.

Five federal TV channels will be required to provide candidates with free broadcasts, but they will also be able to charge blat for Extra time allocated for campaign speeches.

Also on the list there are a number of media outlets marked as specialized - they will be able to provide airtime for campaigning at will. The list of these channels has not yet been made public.


MegaFon announced that more than a thousand new base stations and access to LTE on almost the entire Sapsan route are just some of the results of the work of the operator's North-Western branch technicians in 2017.
In 2017, the operator in the North-West put into operation more than 1,000 2G/3G/4G BSs, while the number of 4G base stations increased by 17% compared to last year. Data transfer traffic is also growing: for 9 months of 2017, the total data transfer traffic in the North-Western branch of MegaFon increased by 60%, while traffic in the 4G network doubled. LTE Advanced coverage is being expanded not only in St. Petersburg, but also in a number of cities of the North-Western Branch, including Kaliningrad, Ivanovo, Kostroma and Yaroslavl.
The number of BS connected via IP RRL increased by more than 10%. There are 30% more base stations connected via IP BH (transport network nodes with a capacity of 1 Gbps), and now their share in the North-Western Branch reaches 70% of the total volume of sites on FOCL.
“The transfer of base stations to IP significantly increases the throughput of transport channels. This, in turn, makes it possible to avoid congestion with further traffic growth and launch new high-tech services, the quality of which depends on the speed of data transfer,” said Andrey Zvonarenko, technical director of the North-Western branch of Megafon.
Network modernization within SWAP has been completed in 11 regional branches of MegaFon in the North-West, modernization in Vologda is on the finish line, work has begun in Pskov. As a result, in the vast majority of regions of the North-Western Branch, the BS fleet has been updated, electricity consumption has been reduced, and network reliability has been improved.
This year, the operator paid much attention to the coverage along the railway track on the Sapsan train route, installing more than 100 additional base stations in the North-Western Branch. The total number of BS along the Sapsan route exceeded 160, which radically improved the coverage of LTE 1800 by more than 95% of the entire route. Passengers are now using mobile internet at average 3G / 4G speeds up to 10 Mbps, but work to improve the quality of communication and data transfer will continue.
“Our technical specialists are constantly expanding the network elements of the core and transport networks and thus provide the necessary margin for the annual growth of mobile traffic,” Andrey Zvonarenko noted.


According to IHS Markit analysts cited by the source, by the end of the current year, Smart TVs will occupy 60% of the market. For comparison, in 2011 the figure was 13%, and in 2016 - 47%.
For Samsung, the figure will be even higher - the company's share of smart TVs will exceed 70%. Over the past year, the Korean giant has tripled the amount of content for Smart TV. Next year, the innovation will be voice assistant Bixby.

At the same time, the company itself occupies 37.9% of the global smart TV market. In second place with a share of 12.5% ​​is LG, followed by Sony (8.4%), Vizio (5.9%) and Philips (3.4%).


A recently discovered small asteroid, dubbed 2017 YD2, passed Earth at 2:37 UTC. This object was at a safe distance of about 2.2 Earth-Moon distances (LD) from our planet, which corresponds to 845,000 kilometers.

Asteroid 2017 YD2 was discovered on December 23 by the Mount Lemmon Survey (MLS), which uses a 1.52-meter Cassegrain reflector at Mount Lemmon Observatory, Arizona, USA. MLS is one of the most fruitful surveys of the sky in terms of detection of near-Earth objects. To date, more than 50,000 minor planets have been discovered with its help.
According to astronomers, 2017 YD2 is an asteroid of the Aten family; its diameter is from 3 to 11 meters. This asteroid has an absolute magnitude of 28.7, a semi-major axis of about 0.84, and revolves around the Sun with a period of 281 days. During the morning flyby of the Earth, the asteroid was moving at a speed of 8.3 kilometers per second.
4 hours after this Earth encounter, asteroid 2017 YD2 is expected to pass by the Moon, remaining approximately 518,000 kilometers away. The next flyby of this asteroid by Earth is expected on October 4, 2020, when the space rock will be at a distance of approximately 64 LD from our planet.
As of December 27, 1872 potentially dangerous objects have been discovered, but none of us is on a collision course with our planet. Potentially hazardous asteroids are those larger than 100 meters that come closer to Earth than 19.5 LD.