Selling additives for Yandex direct. How to choose the right requests for promotion? List of search queries for an advertising company

Selection search queries- the first and one of the most important stages that must be taken into account even at the stage of creating the site itself: this list will need to be kept in mind when writing each article or material on the site. Why this is so you will understand from a series of subsequent articles on promotion, but for now, take it for granted. Moreover, the creation of this list is an integral part of such a stage of promotion as compiling the semantic core of the site, the creation of which I will talk about in the next article.

Where to start? And you need to start by putting yourself in the place of a user who has something to do with the topic of your site (blog, online store, information resource, etc.). Each user, as a rule, turns to the Internet in order to solve some kind of problem. To do this, he enters his questions or formulations of problems in the search engine. At the same time, his questions can be quite specific: "how to choose a projector", "how to reinstall windows", "buy a video card in Novosibirsk", etc. (i.e. it is quite clear what information the user wants to receive) and general and incomprehensible neither for a robot nor even for a person: "computer" (what does he want? Find out what it is? What are the types? Where to buy? Reviews? ), "plastic windows" (it is also not clear what exactly a person wants). As a result, user tasks can be different, and we need to understand what problems we can help him with and what questions he will ask? To do this, we select...

Types of search queries

Problem Definition

The user is aware of his problem and directly formulates it in the search query: "why the flash card does not work", "how to make a radio-controlled helicopter", etc. - general requests, but they sound specific. As a result, you need to take into account possible questions, and if your site has answers to these questions, then include them in the target list.

Note: You do not need to include everything on the topic in your list. Include only what you actually have or will (planned to) have on your site in terms of answering the question. If you yourself understand that the user will probably not find a solution to the problem for the selected query on your site, then you do not need to turn it on! This applies not only to this species, but in general to all the queries that you select for your site.

Choosing a product or service to solve a problem

Let's say the user posed some problem, which is in the nature of choosing a product or service, in the previous step: "how to build your own house." I read about it. Now he moves on to the next step: choosing specific types of building materials: "types of bricks", "what kind of flooring to choose", "how to choose a used car", etc.

This type of request is suitable for you if you have any review materials / articles, comparisons, news on the topic of the issue.

Search for reviews, discussions, tests

The user has chosen any type or several types of goods / services or even specific models. Now he wants to make sure that his choice is correct or choose from the list he has selected. the best option. To do this, he seeks reviews, opinions, different types comparisons, tests, discussions. Of course, not all users and not for all products / services look for reviews and read discussions, but still, the mass of those is quite large and it is impossible not to take into account this category of user needs.

This type of request should be considered and included in the list if you yourself conduct such reviews, collect reviews or arrange discussions, or if you at least describe these models / types of services and link to places where you can see reviews / discussions of this product / services.

Search for a specific model

The choice of the user can be complicated by a set of types of goods he needs, various sets of characteristics and prices. This includes phrases like: "quality site creation services", "free hosting", etc. Further, the user has chosen the type of product or service, read the reviews and now wants to read more information about a particular model. That is, he writes in the search engine something like: "Canon 600D camera", "Epson T50 photo printer", etc.

You should include these queries in your list if you either sell or provide specific types of services yourself and describe them well, or if you do reviews specific models goods or services.

Search for a commercial offer

The last step is to find a specific store or organization that can sell him the selected product or service. This includes natural questions like: "model haircut in Novosibirsk", "Canon 1D buy", etc. They will suit you, if you have a website for a store, a hairdresser, a service station or something similar, then these requests are your option. If not, then they should not be included in the list.

Here, in fact, all kinds of search queries. In doing so, keep in mind: promotion on non-targeted requests will not bring any benefit! This is an axiom in modern times. Even 4 years ago this was not the case, but in modern times: believe me, search engines are already developed enough to determine whether or not your site has an answer to a user's question. I will write more about the algorithms of the search engines.

Selling requests

After compiling the list, it is necessary to filter it a little and weed out the excess. In particular, it is necessary to evaluate the selling power of requests, i.e. the ability to attract exactly the visitors you need to your site. If you provide website building services, you don't need visitors looking for website building tutorials or asking questions like "how to create a website". You are interested in those who write in a search engine something like: "website creation is inexpensive" or "quality site development Novosibirsk". It is these key phrases that will bring targeted visitors to you, who are more likely to buy something from you, order, or bring other benefits. The situation is similar for blogs of various topics: you need those who want not to buy a product from this topic, and those who want to read about it, learn how to do something on their own, and so on. Based on this quality, filter the resulting list of requests.

The second important factor in choosing selling queries is the choice of the most frequent ones. Professionals never take requests just like that, "from the head." To assess their degree of effectiveness, it is convenient to use various statistics services such as Yandex.Wordstat: A very convenient statistics tool for our task. An example of his work is shown in the figure below.

Using it, you can see how many users have typed the query you entered in a month, after which you can select the wording that is entered most often, as well as see something that you yourself would not have thought of. This will significantly improve the quality of your final list. I wrote more about the capabilities of the Yandex statistics service in the next article entitled "How to make up the semantic core of the site."

So, dear readers, now you understand that compiling a list of search queries is a very difficult job that requires a fair amount of attention to detail. It should be treated responsibly, because it is the basis of all your further work, on which often depends more than on everything else.

Sincerely, A.S.

Tell me, dear readers, does the word mean anything to you selling requests? Well, for sure, this word has so much meaning that it's just PPC.

After all, in fact, selling requests are one of the foundations of the future site. And if, when creating a site, you make a mistake when choosing queries that will be sold, then in the future you will only waste money, and there will be no exhaust.

In general, this is so, only a preface. In general, today I do not want to teach anyone. I just want to show my logic how to identify sales requests. After all, you will agree that it is not so easy to do this. Although I have been working on the Internet for more than a day, anyway, when I started writing this post, I suffered a little while building a logical chain of all how to do it.

By the way, the idea of ​​this post arose after I was simply sick of being terrorized by some readers, after reading an article about paid archives - How to make money on paid archives. Mega manual for future adverts. Creation of a site for paid archives. I mean, you know what the salt is? The fact that, in fact, it’s not good even to create a site for paid archives, if you don’t know the requests for which you will move. Or rather, if you do not know the requests that will be converted.

Or, for example, if you are going to create a site for Mixmarket, or for any other affiliate program (here you are), then one thing, consider the most important thing - these are selling requests.

That is, the importance of identifying selling requests is primary. Creation and promotion of the site is secondary. Can you object?

The first thing you need to know when you want to dig up quality queries that will sell later is the types of queries.

There are three types of them:

1. Navigational. The goal of the user is to find some site

2. Informational. The goal of the user is to find the necessary information

3. Transactional. From the word "transaction". Here, the word itself implies that users take some action on such requests.

From this we draw a conclusion from which we will proceed further when moving along the logical chain. Namely: we need transactional requests - this time.

Examples of transactional requests:

— buy a house in the suburbs
- order a T-shirt
– car repair
- download Skype
— subscribe to Murzilka magazine

That is, I think logically so. If I am creating a website for some kind of affiliate program, to which I plan to send traffic in the future, then I need a list of requests for which users want to take some action. If I am making a site for paid archives, then, of course, first of all I will be interested in keywords with the word “download”. It is clear that if you buy traffic through the same Google Adwords, then moderators will not let such words through. However, this is not the point here, so as for AdWords traffic, it's better to read the article. I explained everything there in popular language.

Second I need business inquiries.

Third- I need to carefully study the topic in which I plan to advance, see what kind of competition there is, and whether it is possible to push the current market leaders. And best of all - to identify the keywords for which competitors advertise in AdWords. Well, or where do you plan to merge traffic from there. In order to peep the keywords of competitors in AdWords, you can use SemRush ( see – this is a perfectly correct result.

Quadruple - logic

Whatever you say, but the logic in the selection of selling requests is a very, very responsible matter. I used to put a bolt on logic, and didn’t really think about all these psychological troubles. That is, he walked like a ram: he looked for a more or less suitable request, and moved it. At the dawn of his seo training I even once bought guards with the anchor “site analyzer” for one of my old blogs. I bought them on a page with a description of some service. And all the money, I remember, lay down on this request. It’s good that later, through my head and wallet, I also realized that there was practically no point in such an advancement.

When I select queries today, I don't fanatically dig into the logical component of queries. But I do a superficial analysis, and figure out what might happen in the end.

Example. Let's take the most popular query - " plastic windows". Promoting this request right away, right away, will not be entirely correct. You need to think about how the buyer thinks when he wants to buy plastic windows. Here I would say that a good sales request would be " plastic windows reviews". Why? Because here a person has already been on the sites enough, and now he wants to weed out shitty companies that offer shitty windows. They need good performance.

It is necessary to take into account the psychology of this type of people. And here is the most interesting. Here you can’t seem to say that this is a transactional request, because the verb in the phrase seems to be invisible. But if you try to understand how these people think, it turns out that they have learned everything about plastic windows: they read what it is, found out the price, modifications. That is, this type of buyer reads information about windows on one site, finds prices on another, and buys windows on a third.

Ultimately, I bring all this to the fact that it is the low-frequency speakers that drive best. They are the ones that give you the best results. This is the reason why the request Krauss plastic windows" will be more selling than the request " plastic windows».


Personally, in my practice, I don’t go very far into the jungle when determining selling requests. The three methods I use the most are:

    I track the chain of transitions on the site, and subsequent transitions to the affiliate program. To do this, in affiliate programs (where possible) I look at the IP from which buyers come to the site, and then with the help of LI (if possible and I know approximately where to dig) I find these IPs, and see what requests the buyers came from

    It often happens that you have to communicate with buyers directly. In this case, I just ask them how they found me and my site.

Today for dessert: Filigree precision of football players

If you need to improve your selling qualities, create or promote a website, then contact us through the online application form, by phone - (903) 787-4781 or by e-mail - to(at)gonka(dot)ru .

Yandex shows the real frequency of search queries?

A popular misconception: many optimizers themselves believe in this, many know that this is not so, but do not explain to customers - and they are not eager to figure it out. It is believed that website promotion is a service similar to a taxi: pay - take it. This is not at all true, the difference from the taxi analogy is that

The site is a continuation of the communications of the client business on the Internet.

Although there is an interesting point in this analogy: it would be nice to make sure that the taxi driver understood exactly where to go. It's the same with query selection.

So, the query selection service was originally created for the contextual advertising system, so it displays the number of ad impressions in the system. Of course, there is a connection with the search queries of Yandex visitors, but not at all in the form that most users imagine.

Let's consider an example, the query "effective site" on the subject of site promotion.

According to the figure on the right, most optimizers will classify it as a mid-range, good query. At the same time, by clicking on the "Help" button in the upper right corner of the wordstat system, we see interesting thing, allowing us to better understand the essence of the work of this service:

Operator ""(quotes). Allows you to count impressions only for this word (phrase) and all its word forms in the calculation, and not count impressions for queries containing a phrase with a given word. For example, when querying “fireplace”, impressions for the words “fireplace”, “fireplace”, etc. will be taken into account, but not for the phrase “fireplace grate”.

Operator "!". Allows you to take into account the words in the query exactly in the specified spelling. Can be used to exclude unnecessary forms when calculating statistics (for example, cue -! cue or! cue).

Wow! It turns out that when we entered the query "effective site", Yandex really calculated the number of ad impressions in the contextual advertising system for us, and not at all the number of user search queries. But by adding the "quotes" operator, you can get more real data from the service:

Those. the frequency of the request for the specified phrase, with all its word forms, is much less than 1960, in fact, only 42! But this is not the end, let's add another operator "!" to find out how many times users request exact phrase, in this form:

The response of the service is 34 in total. in a month, only 34 users write this query in Yandex, and in some way they are distributed over the entire search results, so it is safe to assume that no more than 5 people will visit a particular site - for the entire month. You can do this with any search query and be surprised to find that its real frequency is much less than the numbers issued by the service for a direct request.

This means that the number of clicks to your site for a particular phrase will be much less than expected.

Deception all around? In fact, this cannot be considered a fraud on the part of optimizers, because. according to the “high-frequency” or “mid-frequency” phrase (now, you and I already know that these terms have little in common with reality), much fewer visitors will actually visit the site than the promotion client wanted. However, in the process of promoting this phrase, a lot more derivative, low-frequency queries should rise to the TOP, which will pull the main traffic. A logical question may arise here:

Is it worth paying for “high-frequency” expensive words when not so many visitors actually come to the site using them?

What requests to choose?

At the query selection stage, most optimizers calculate the client's advertising campaign based on their estimated costs, the complexity of promotion for a particular phrase. Most of the processes are automated, everything happens quite quickly, the client immediately receives a calculated commercial offer in the form of a table with the frequency of requests and prices for them. In the first part of the article, we already understood that the frequency of requests is a kind of convention, now it's time to explain the mysteries of pricing.

As practice shows, the client at this stage understands little, the only parameter that is somehow familiar and close to him is the price of the issue: the total cost of promotion or the cost of promoting a separate search query. But the design and creation of an advertising campaign is like a foundation - somewhere, where, but here it would be worthwhile to figure it out to the end, give it a day, two, if you need a week, but not leave everything at the mercy of the optimizer: as already mentioned, most companies, the process of selecting requests is automated. It must be borne in mind that the appropriate attitude of the client to the formation of an advertising company is an unequivocal forgiveness of all possible errors and optimizer failures.

So what was missing?

There are several key points.
Optimizers do not understand the specifics of the client's business enough, so the process of selecting queries is superficial.
Without real communication with the client, an attempt to understand the specifics of the business, the selection of target audiences, the optimizer will not be able to correctly build an advertising campaign.
At the time of launching an advertising campaign, he should become your subordinate, be aware of everything, perfectly represent all communications of your business in real life.
When ordering website promotion via the Internet or by phone, it is almost impossible to create an effective advertising campaign..

Looks too complicated?
There is one plus in this: your competitors most likely did not go deeper either, they thought: come what may.

Requests should reflect the specifics of the business.

Optimizer approach: "the more difficult it is to bring it to the TOP, the more expensive it is" really far from what the client needs. On the part of the promotion customer, it would be more correct: the more necessary, the more expensive.

To give an example, let's take the topic of "water meters" and four proposed commercial search queries for promotion. Almost any SEO company, when calculating the cost of promotion, will indicate approximately the following price arrangement:

Keyword Frequency Price
Water meter 193858 5000
Installing a water meter 36620 3000
Production of water meters 405 200
Wholesale water meter 354 150

We have already discussed the frequency parameter in the first part of the article, passing through the mentioned filters "quotes" and " exclamation mark”, we will get completely different numbers, but this is not even the main thing, although in order to consolidate the material of the first part of the article, we will give a plate with the “true” frequency of the same search queries:

Search queries taking into account word forms (cases, endings):

Keyword Frequency Price
"water meter" 15545 5000
"water meter installation" 9204 3000
"production of water meters" 81 200
"water meter wholesale" 89 150

Exact search queries, exactly in the specified form:

I don't even believe it. It is worth noting that the frequency has changed, but the promotion price has remained the same. Optimizers, when calculating the cost, looked at completely different parameters.

Should I overpay for expensive requests?

Each business has its own nuances, search queries must reflect this without fail - you need to understand that
the most important search query is not the one with the most frequency, but the one that fits perfectly with the specifics of the business
and on such requests it is necessary to achieve the maximum possible positions.

Let's analyze the query table from this side:

  • "Water meters wholesale" and "production of water meters" - despite the low "frequency", ideal requests for the manufacturer's website, whose advertising campaign is aimed at expanding the network of primary and secondary distributors. Most deals will be made with these requests, if you provide them with worthy positions.
  • Request "installation of a water meter" - can be useful for a company that only installs. It will not bring customers to the manufacturer or the seller, moreover, it will be very difficult to promote it without the necessary materials on the site.
  • The query "water meters" is quite general, when writing a similar query in search engines, people mean anything: installation, prices, regulatory documents, models, etc. If funds for an advertising campaign are limited, it makes no sense to get carried away with such general requests - return on investment will be much lower than expected.

However, the promotion of a typical site provides an equal priority for the promotion of these requests. Neither in contracts, nor in oral communication, most optimizers do not ask clients for details, the stage of selecting requests is simplified and automated as much as possible. The client is too lazy to delve into this process, the optimizer is too lazy to teach the client.

To summarize this example, query selection is a very deep and important process. As a rule, it even goes beyond the promotion of the company's website and is getting closer to the topic of marketing - the correct selection of search queries requires specifying clear goals for the advertising campaign as a whole. In most cases, too little attention is paid to this, so the effectiveness of website promotion is limited in advance, even before the promotion has begun. It's sad, but that's the way it is, the situation hasn't changed much over the years.

What to do? How to be?

Oddly enough, all the described inaccuracies, simplifications and dubious moments of promotion pricing are more likely due to the fault of the customer than the optimizer.

Some of the site promotion clients themselves do not really understand why they need a site, what they want from it and in what time frame - what kind of effective promotion can we talk about here? Folk wisdom says: what you sow, you will reap.

For those clients who really understand the importance of Internet marketing, or have a great desire to understand its basics and make their site work at full capacity, we recommend:

  • Choose optimizers with an individual approach: if the whole promotion process is discussed and starts after two or three phone calls, then there is no smell of good efficiency here, apparently the emphasis is on simplicity and speed.
  • Be sure to meet with the optimizers in person, try to explain to them the specifics of the business in order to prioritize promotion as accurately as possible. If you are denied personal communication with a project manager or optimizer, then the process is probably completely automated, and there is no one to deal with your site - this is an unkind sign.
  • Do not be afraid that an in-depth individual approach to website promotion will be more expensive. Optimizers themselves are pleased if the client is not indifferent to the site, and he is ready to actively contribute to the process - such customers want to help in a purely human way and at the same time show all their professionalism.
  • Each optimizer has favorite and unloved clients, with all the ensuing consequences. The easiest way to get into the number of favorites is just to show that you do not give a damn about the site: actively participate in the selection of search queries, prioritization of the advertising campaign, prepare thematic materials in the process of promotion.

It should also be taken into account that the a good optimizer is interested in the effectiveness of the client's advertising campaign. If the promotion of some requests turns out to be problematic and does not meet the allotted time, but in general the advertising campaign is successful, the client remains loyal. He, as a rule, extends the contract and fully pays for the promotion services, despite the formal reasons to pay less.

A properly formed list of search queries is one of the most important points for website promotion. Errors at this stage will lead to the fact that potential customers or visitors to the site simply will not find it by contacting the search engine. Each resource is promoted by certain words, which together make up a list of requests, or otherwise - the semantic core of the site. All words that the user can enter in the search box for a given topic should be included in this list.

In general, selection keywords this is the very first stage of website promotion and the implementation of this stage should be treated as responsibly as possible. In general, SEO and search engine promotion is hard work. It does not happen to give a certain amount of money for links, and get the top for a specific request. To get into the Top, you need to complete a number of steps, and each step must be approached with maximum responsibility and diligence.

Compilation of the semantic core is a crucial basic stage that precedes the internal optimization of the site. It consists of several steps that are not difficult, since auxiliary services are involved in the process.

First you need to evaluate the popularity of the requested words. Each major search system has its own statistics on the number of the most frequent user requests. To view the demand for all the words of interest or to select the most suitable ones, you should look at the following services: Yandex -, Google - and others. These services will show the total number of people who entered a particular word in the search bar. In reality, these are potential site visitors, future buyers and customers. In addition to these data, the services provide data by region and data characterizing "seasonal" queries: by season, month, holidays.

If you have doubts or the words themselves are not enough, search hints will help. Many users are happy to use hints, as they perfectly reflect all possible combinations of words. For those who are professionally engaged in website promotion, search suggestions are very useful tool, which allows you to evaluate interest in various topics or choose new words for the semantic core.

There is a good video on the selection of key queries, I recommend watching it.

When promoting a site, it is customary to divide all requests into high-frequency (HF), mid-frequency (MF) and low-frequency (LF). Regarding the promotion of low-frequency requests - I recommend. There is no clear gradation of which request is considered high-frequency or low-frequency, since there is a concept of competition. You can understand which request belongs to one or another group using the following examples: “news”, “construction”, “windows” - high-frequency, “documentation”, “vouchers for children”, “house projects” - medium-frequency, and “Japanese umbrellas ”, “choice of an apartment”, “visas” - low-frequency.
In order to better understand the topic of assessing the competitiveness of key queries, I recommend watching the following video.

Competitiveness depends on the demand for the query of interest, the quantity and quality of resources in the search results and is directly related to the commercial component. For comparison: “tours to Turkey” is a commercial request with great demand, and “autumn mood” is a non-commercial request, but their demand is approximately the same.

In most cases, to promote the site, a combination of all types of requests is used, and in proportions calculated by the SEO specialist. The proportions, in turn, depend on the goal that is set when promoting this site: increasing the number of visitors or purchases, increasing the memorability of the resource, and so on.

Having selected key phrases for all types of queries, taking into account their competitiveness, and having calculated the proportions for all groups of queries, you can start compiling. An adequately compiled list of queries that are frequent for a given topic and purpose is the key to successful site promotion and promotion, since even a small word or phrase is of key importance for search results, and therefore for the commercial success of the project.

Regarding the compilation of the semantic core, I advise you to watch the following video lesson.

Selling additives are words that distinguish among potential buyers, a group of people who are ready to buy a product or service. And so, why are they still needed? As practice shows, of all the collected keywords, targeted applications bring only a small percentage. And what to do in a situation with a limited budget? Selling supplements come to the rescue. They show the maximum interest of the buyer in your product or service.

For example, if a person enters the query “Characteristics of instantaneous water heater”, then most likely he is not ready to purchase the product. But if instead of “characteristics” we substitute any selling additive, then the meaning of the search query will completely change. The phrase "Buy instantaneous water heater" indicates the buyer's willingness to make a purchase.

It is important to understand your target audience. It determines the list of selling additives that you can use. Selling additives can significantly increase the click-through rate of ads. However, with illiterate use, along with target buyers, lovers of “freebies” will come to you.

Let's say you're selling fine wines. And when writing an ad, you use such selling additives as “Cheap” and “Budget”. Of course, they are, however, most users will not be interested in buying your product. Most likely, such ads will simply drain the budget of the advertising campaign and will not bring applications.

And so, why are they still needed? Imagine a situation where we have a very limited budget. And there is simply no money for testing a large number of words. How to proceed in such a case? After all, even if you assemble a large semantic core, not all words will work from it.

List of Selling Supplements

1. Words showing the buyer's willingness to make a purchase. These words have the highest priority. The buyer has already made a choice and most likely wants to purchase the product. According to statistics, these words will have the highest conversion rate.

Let's look at an example of how an ad with the request “buy flowers” ​​is composed.


Selling additive "Buy"

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the search query is also present in the displayed link.
Below is a list of words that indicates the readiness of the buyer to take the target action.

  • Buy
  • buy
  • Purchase
  • Buying
  • Sale
  • Sell
  • Sell
  • Order
  • Order
  • Buy
  • Pay
  • Payment
  • Rent
  • rent
  • Delivery
  • Deliver
  • rental
  • On credit
  • Booking
  • Design
  • Hire

2. By price category. Among the selling additives, one can single out a group of words that indicate people who have decided on the choice of goods. Most likely they are looking for the best place to buy. Moreover, the decisive factor can be not only the price, but also the proximity of the store.

Selling additive "Buy TV"

An example of an ad for the search query “Buy a TV”.

Below are the words you can use:

  • Price
  • What is the price
  • Expensive
  • Inexpensive
  • Cheap
  • Premium
  • Sale
  • Discount
  • Price
  • Rate
  • Wholesale
  • In stock
  • budget

3. By the name of the city or district.

There are niches in which adding the name of a city or district is a selling addition. For example, if we compare the queries “Caesar salad” and “Caesar salad in Dolgoprudny”, then in the first option they are most likely interested in the recipe, and in the second - delivery. Consider an ad for the search query “Internet in Degunino”. The user, most likely, is looking for an Internet provider that provides its services in this territory.

4. You can also highlight a number of selling additives that indicate an urgent need for goods or services. When a potential buyer wants to purchase a product or service “Here and Now”. Such selling additives are often used in topics related to delivery.

Declaration example:

Selling additive "need"

Word list:

  • Fast
  • In an hour
  • Now
  • Urgently
  • Today

5. The selling additive may be the addition of a place of sale or provision of services. For example, a potential buyer is interested in buying pens. Let's look at an example declaration:

An example of a selling additive "shop"

From the query “pen store”, it is clear that a person is interested in buying and is looking for a place where to buy goods. Below is a list of words you can use:

  • Salon
  • Online store
  • Agency
  • Shop
  • Hotel

6. Providing a free first step can be a strong incentive to purchase a product. This selling supplement can be realized with a calculator or consultation. The main point is to interest the user to use the service or product from you, and not from competitors.

Let's look at an example declaration:

Selling additive "first step"

The following are words that can help attract buyers:

  • Calculator
  • test
  • Consultation
  • Measurement
  • Miscalculation
  • Calculation
  • Grade
  • Probe
  • Trial

7. Depending on the subject, there are keywords that will fit only in a certain direction. For example, you are engaged in the provision of services for the transportation of people. In this case keyword"Taxi" will be a selling additive. Consider ads related to tourism topics.

As you can see, in almost all other topics, the phrases “Tour and Bali” would be “”. However, in a particular case, they will lead to the site of targeted users.

Below is a list of words for which you can show a specific topic.

  • Ticket
  • Taxi
  • Contribution
  • make up

This completes the list of selling supplements. It is important to understand that no one knows the nuances of your business better than you. Therefore, try to select selling supplements that are right for you.