How to properly create mail on Yandex. How to open another mail

Have you also stopped writing letters to each other, looking in the mailbox, running to the post office? Hello, friends!
No, people haven’t stopped communicating, but real (paper) letters are written less and less often. And there are reasons for this.

More and more people are becoming users of the Internet, which is accessible to all ages. Today there is not a single person who has not at least heard about the possibilities and advantages of the World Wide Web.

Therefore, in this century information technologies Electronic letters began to displace real (paper) letters. Probably right, it’s convenient, fast and inexpensive.

And more and more often the question arises among those who have newly joined World Wide Web users: “How to create an email account on Yandex or another search engine?” I wrote in detail about the types and importance of mail.

These can be both young and older people. It is worth considering this issue in more detail.
The first thing you need to do is choose a service. A service is a program through which you send, receive, and store letters and much more.

There are a lot of email programs, some are free, some are paid, some are corporate and others, but the way they create an email account is almost the same. Therefore, it makes sense to consider the rules that are common to all. Creating a new mailbox takes no more than 5 minutes. Everything is done simply and free of charge. You must follow the instructions provided by the selected service.

Having selected a service, on the browser page in the upper right corner, click on the registration button in this system.

A form appears with fields to fill out.
Registration is the main step of creating an email account.

Registration- this is some kind of questionnaire, where you need to fill out all the fields marked with an asterisk as required. When filling out personal data, you can use both reliable, real and fictitious ones.

But if the mailbox is used for personal correspondence, it is better to use reliable information. The most difficult thing is the user's choice.

Here are some tips to offer.
The name is always written in Latin letters in combination with numbers or excluding one of them.
It is best if it is not very long, readable, memorable and still relevant now, well perceived by ear, so that you can dictate it (for example, over the phone).

In addition, the username must be unique. If the created address already exists, then the system offers its options after filling out some registration fields (uses a combination of full name and, for example, date of birth). If you don’t want to bother, you can choose from the suggested names. Sometimes the company name is used in the name of the address.

For example:

Your phone number (home, work, cell phone) can be unique; as a rule, it is not used as a name, and is easy to remember and dictate if necessary.

An email address consists of two parts, a name invented by the user and the service address, which are separated by a special symbol @ (this), colloquially called a “dog”.

When the password is entered, asterisks are displayed instead of symbols, this is done for security purposes (it will also be displayed when the user logs into his mailbox). It must be repeated again, and if everything is entered correctly, it will be approved.

There are a few tips to follow when creating your password.
Do not use your date of birth, your personal data (last name, first name), a good password will be a word that is entered in Russian letters in Latin mode, the longer it is, the more reliable. Once created, it is better to write it down somewhere so as not to forget.

Although the system has one more item in registration in case of lost password, this is its recovery. The system offers several questions to choose from, the answers to which only the owner of this email knows.

You can also create your own unique question. If you lose your password, when you recover it, the service will ask a selected or composed question, the answer to which will allow you to recover it.

In addition, for recovery you can specify an additional email. address, if available, or link your mobile phone to your mailbox. If not, then you can get a new one. But if you don’t want to, then you don’t have to enter this data.

Having filled out all the fields of the registration form, you must enter the symbols shown in the picture, this is also protection against automatic registration, thereby confirming that it is not a robot that is registering the new address.

Next, you need to click on the button to complete the registration of your email account. The system will prompt you to go to your mailbox. After going to it, in the inbox, there is a letter from the administration of the postal service. You can simply delete it after reading it.

When you subsequently log in to your email to check your mail or write a letter, you must enter your name and password. To do this, first go to the mail service and then enter the necessary data in the form that appears. To make money online, in the second step, create an electronic wallet. With uv. .

P.S. To stay in touch, you can always check your email from your phone. Don't forget about the sale of smartphones in M Video.

An anecdote about letters.
Dialogue between a girl and a computer scientist on a long-distance telephone.
- Write me a letter, please.
- How can I write to you? There is no connection, no internet either.
- And you, as before, by regular mail.
— I can write it, but I can’t print it, the printer is broken.

Many novice users have a question: how to create an electronic mailbox? This article will detail the process of establishing a free mailbox on Yandex, in pictures and with detailed description creating a free mailbox.

As an example, the process of creating and establishing a free Email on the Yandex search engine.

First, go to Yandex at:

Place the cursor over the inscription: “Create a mailbox” (which is located on the left and in the middle of the Yandex main page, below the login and password lines) and left-click on this inscription once.

When registering, in the first step we write First and Last name, but let’s dwell on the login in more detail, since you need to select an unused email login, since free mail used by a huge number of people all over the planet. If, for example, you write the login volgalab, then Yandex will write that this login is already taken and will offer (just below) to select an unoccupied login, which we will do and press the next button with the left mouse button once.

In the second step of registration, you need to come up with a password for your mailbox (for example, your cellular telephone), enter it and in the confirm password column enter the same password. Then you need to select Secret Question(in case you forget the password to your mailbox), and you can also ask your own security question. For example, we select the secret question Grandfather's First Name and enter the answer to it. In the next column “Robot Protection” you will need to enter the numbers located opposite this column on the right, which is what we do. In the remaining fields you can enter another email address and mobile phone number, but these lines are optional and we will leave them blank.

It is also necessary that there is a checkmark in front of the item “I accept the terms of the User Agreement” (by default it is there).

Click the “Register” button with the left mouse button once.

Congratulations, you have just created a free mailbox and received your unique mailbox. All data presented in this window must be written down and remembered well, since you will use it for everyday use on the Internet, and specifically your email address, which we obtained This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you wish, you can tell us a little about yourself: gender and date of birth.

After the completed operations, press the save button with the left mouse button once.

If your website and business are focused on RuNet, then having a mailbox and an account in Yandex is just as necessary as having an account in Google. Let's figure out how to quickly and without unnecessary movements create Yandex mail.

Why do you need Yandex Mail?

  • Preparing to create a new website begins with. The main tool in this difficult task has been and remains service. To work with it, you need an account in Yandex, because... the service requires authorization.
  • If you are not a fan of sitting for hours in Wordstat and manually selecting keys, then you can use KeyCollector. But even for these programs, you need to specify in the settings the Yandex accounts through which they will parse Wordstat.
  • To control the indexing of your projects, you will need access to tools and Yandex Metrics (read,).
  • To work with advertising campaigns in Yandex Direct. Here, too, you can’t go without an account.
  • And over 9000 other reasons.

How to create Yandex mail

If you are more comfortable watching a video rather than reading, then the registration procedure is clearly shown in this video:

To register mail in Yandex, follow the link: and click on Registration:

Let's go to the form:

If you are creating personal account, then it is better to indicate reliable data. You may want to get a certificate as a specialist in Yandex Direct and Yandex Metrica. The data for these certificates is taken from your Yandex account, so the certificate will have exactly the name you specify in this field. Everything is exactly the same as with Google Analytics.

It is not necessary to indicate your mobile phone number. Click I do not have a phone. Instead, indicate a secret question and the answer to it. Of course, the answer to such a question should only be known to you. Do not use options like “Mother’s Maiden Name”, this is easy to find out.

The second way to register is to go to home page Yandex and click on the button Create an email in the upper right corner of the page:

As you can see, creating Yandex mail is as easy as creating Google mail.


Your Yandex Mail mailbox has been created. So far it is empty, only a couple of advertising letters are in the inbox. If you plan to use Yandex mail for or for parsing, you can skip the setting. If the box is personal, you can delve a little into it.

To access the settings, click on the gear icon in the upper right part of the mail interface. A menu with settings sections appears:

Click on Personal details, signature, portrait and go to the section:

Here you can change your name (the email address itself cannot be changed), and also set your avatar. This is what your recipients will see.

Below you can set a signature that will be automatically displayed for all your sent letters:

You can approach the design of the signature creatively, add pictures, emoticons, quotes. The main thing is not to overdo it. 🙂

Import and collection of mail

If you already have a mailbox in another service and you want letters addressed to it to arrive at your new Yandex Mail, then you need to configure mail collection.

To do this, click on the gear again and select the appropriate item:

If you don’t want to collect, but rather export mail to another mailbox from Yandex Mail, then these settings are made in the importer mailbox. For example, here.


If you want to change the standard theme to something more fun, then click on the icon next to the gear:

Here you can choose a theme to suit your taste. For example, if you play tanks, you can design the theme in this style:

In this case, in addition to the topic itself, a news block about World of Tanks will be added to the mail interface. The fans will appreciate it. 🙂

Yandex Mail and Ukraine

Recently, the Ukrainian government imposed sanctions against a number of Russian IT companies, including Yandex. Ukrainian providers were ordered to block access to Yandex services. This created tons of inconvenience for webmasters, marketers and entrepreneurs, because they had to look for solutions to bypass blocking.

  • If you are in Ukraine and you need to create a Yandex mail and have constant access to it, you can use the following options:
  • Install Yandex Browser or the latest Opera, they contain a built-in VPN.
  • Install a VPN extension for Firefox or Chrome. There are many such add-ons, you can try ZenMate or any other.
  • The best option is to connect the service. In this case, a desktop application is installed on your computer, which encrypts all your traffic, and not just a separate browser. With this option, you can use desktop software (Slovoeb, KeyCollector, Advego Plagiatus etc.) without bothering with additional proxy settings for each program.


Of the email services created by Russian developers, Yandex Mail is the best. Of course, it is in many ways inferior to Gmail in terms of functionality and security, but it is much superior to Yandex Mail's anti-spam protection is almost as good as Google mail(which can’t be said about, where tons of spam pour in), it has a nice interface and various features, like integrating news from WOT.

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In any free postal service you can create an unlimited number of emails boxes. Yandex Mail is no exception. To create second mailbox on Yandex and use two accounts at the same time, use two browsers.


In the first browser, which you use most often, log in to Yandex.Mail using your main account. In the second browser, for example, Internet Explorer, set by default to Windows system, create a new account in Yandex.Mail. To do this, go to the Yandex mail server located at the link: Click on the “Create mail” button. The registration window and its first step will appear on the screen. Enter your first name, last name and desired login in the appropriate fields. If the login is free, click the “Next” button.

In the next step, create a password, enter it in the special field and duplicate the confirmation field. Next, select a security question and enter the answer to it. After this, for the security of your account or in case you lose your password, you can indicate your main e-mail and/or mobile phone number to recover your mail password. The last thing you need to do is enter the captcha - the symbols from the picture at the bottom of the page. , is the checkbox next to the line “I accept the terms” checked? user agreement" and click the "Register" button. You have registered a second mailbox on Yandex.Mail. Now you can use two mailboxes in different browsers so you don’t have to log out every time. account and do not enter a login-password pair.

You can also collect letters from the second mailbox to the first and from the first to the second. In other words, you can create a redirection of letters from one e-mail to another. To do this, in the account you use most often, follow the “Settings” link in the mail window. Select “Collect mail from other mailboxes” in the settings window, then enter the e-mail address and password for the mailbox from which you want to forward email to your account, then click the “Enable collector” button.

How to create a mailbox on Yandex? Now almost every schoolchild knows what an electronic mailbox is, or as it is also called “soap”. It was nicknamed “Soap” due to the fact that the first publicly available free mailboxes were on the service So they nicknamed him briefly in Russian - “soap”. Nowadays it is simply impossible to live without your own mailbox on the Internet. Even if you don’t like writing letters, you still can’t do without a mailbox. On any site there is a lot of useful and interesting information, which you can simply subscribe to (write your email address and name in a special form.

How to create a mailbox on Yandex

I know from my own experience that if you don’t subscribe, then even if you try, you won’t remember which site this valuable information was on. And so you will periodically receive letters informing you that a new article has appeared and a link to go to it.

A very convenient thing. Even if you make bookmarks, you will still get confused in them and won’t remember which site you liked.

And there is no need to be afraid of such mailings. You always have the opportunity to unsubscribe from it (i.e. no longer receive a subscription), or move it to the SPAM folder of your mailbox. We'll talk about this later.

Create a free mailbox on Yandex

Let's open our mailbox on Yandex. To do this we go to search engine Yandex and on the right or left side in the form Mail click on the link Create an email .

On the next page you need to fill out a form. In field Create a username write some word or numbers in Latin without spaces, or better yet, both together. If this login (name) is busy, you will be asked to choose another one.

Please note that the login will be the first part of your email address, so it is better to come up with a name that matches your name, company, department or tasks of your mailbox.

[email protected] (this is just an example)

If this mailbox is intended for serious correspondence, then call it fantomas or idiot won't fit at all. Serious people will not understand your “subtle” humor and, at best, will send your letters to the spam folder, or they may complain to the Yandex administration, and your mailbox will simply be blocked.

Therefore, approach the choice of login with all seriousness. If you don’t owe anyone and are not hiding from the police, then it’s better to use your first and last name as your login. For business this is the best option. You will be recognized and trusted more. Openness always leads to closer relationships.

In field Name write your real name in Russian. In field Surname write your last name, also in Russian.

  • In field Create a password write a more complex password.
  • In field Repeat to avoid any mistakes repeat your password.
  • In field Security Question in the drop-down list, select a ready-made password hint or select a line Ask your own question and write your tip in the field below.
  • In field Mobile phone write your phone number. If you forget your password, it will be sent to you upon your request to your mobile phone.


For such cases, it is better to create another mailbox so that they can send you forgotten password on him.

And in the last column Enter the characters from the picture write the letters and numbers that are drawn on the left.

Now feel free to press the button Create an email .

You will be redirected to another page, where they will congratulate you on your new mailbox and offer to save the file with the password or print it.

Be sure to save the file, or better yet, write down your username and password in a notebook. Don't rely on your memory. Even computers have glitches, but what can we say about us?

In the upper right corner, follow the link Settings and be sure to set up your mailbox. Pay special attention to Collecting mail from other mailboxes . A very convenient feature. You can collect all your mail from other mailboxes if you have them. Moreover, it does not matter in which mailers it is located on or google .

In the tab Disk you can store your files and have access to them from any computer. You just need to log into your mailbox.

If you don’t have such a tab yet, then read my installation and configuration instructions.

This type of disc is especially useful when you need to download or upload to share with someone big file. You simply save it on your disk and send a link to this file to your friends.

You don’t have to go to some file hosting service, register and then upload a file to it. Moreover, any file hosting service has a limitation on file storage and its size. And here you can store your files for an unlimited time and they are always at your fingertips.

Directly from your mailbox you can make search necessary information, create online wallet and pay with this money for goods purchased on the Internet, listen to a good music, download any photos or videos, and communicate with friends without leaving your cozy corner.

Thus, creating email on Yandex (and not only) brings many advantages and benefits. Get yourself an email account and become a full-fledged Internet resident.