What does tor mean. Tor browser - what it is and how Tor allows you to hide your online activities. What are the cons of the Tor browser

As a rule, some Internet users, for various reasons, try to ensure their privacy, therefore, they regularly consider the main methods for anonymizing traffic from the Internet, which are available for use by an ordinary user. Basically everyday VPN usage can help in solving this problem, but this method will not seem convenient to everyone. Therefore, in this article we will talk about TOR - an anonymous distributed network.

So what is the Tor network?

Nowadays, in Runet, with the advent of state control and a tougher position in relation to ordinary users, we are talking about the future fate of TOR and similar anonymizers. they have long been trying to ban the Tor network, reviews of which are extremely positive. Information is already appearing in the media about the “ban on TOR” at the suggestion of the Russian security forces. Thus, the Izvestia newspaper contains a direct indication that today there is a proposal from the security forces to ban programs that hide users on the network.

The Council of the Public under the FSB of the Russian Federation considers it necessary to legally regulate the activities of legal and individuals in the Internet. Therefore, he formed proposals on the need to ban anonymizers - programs that mask data and an IP address.

If users are denied access to a certain site by a court decision, users will still be able to access the site using the anonymizer (for example, using a search on the Tor network). For example, users from China and Belarus visit sites that are blocked by local authorities without any problems.

The proposal of the security forces involves a ban on software or browsers that have built-in anonymizers (the Tor Internet network, for example). In addition, web servers are also referred to as masking tools. These are stand-alone sites through which users can switch from a different IP address to. There is also an indication that such amendments will be made to federal law.

To date, the state's position on this matter has not yet been fully determined.

Why is this network needed?

Why is the Tor network needed for an ordinary and ordinary user?
Logically, every citizen who does not break the law should think: “Why should I hide myself on the Internet using an anonymizer? I'm not planning illegal actions - hacking sites, distributing malware, cracking passwords, etc.?” In a general sense, this question can be answered as follows: some sites containing content for free download are blocked very quickly and thus become inaccessible to most users. In addition, some employers restrict access to social networks and entertainment sites, and the Tor network resources make it easy to bypass these restrictions.

At the same time, one can also cite the original opinion of one developer of the free software TOR, which he voiced in an interview.

Expert opinion

Why is anonymity required for ordinary Internet users, who, by definition, have nothing to hide?

The thing is that “there is nothing to hide” is not a reason for state structures to completely control all user actions on the Internet. The most ordinary citizens work in these structures, guided in their work by laws written illiterately by other incompetent citizens. If such people do not like something, they will have to spend money, time and health to prove their innocence with an unpredictable result. Why do we need such a risk, if there is a simple technical means which is supported by other, smarter people.

Among other things, along with anonymity, the user receives protection from censorship on the network at the state level. Should an ordinary citizen think what site can be banned today at the initiative of Deputy Ivanov? This is not the business of this deputy, especially if he is never informed which sites the citizen visited today at will.

Tor network: how to use

TOR is a network of virtual tunnels that will allow the user to best protect privacy and

How TOR works: the program connects the user's computer to the network not directly, but through a chain of several randomly selected computers (relays) that also belong to the TOR network.

All data sent to the Internet using TOR becomes anonymous (the source is hidden) and remains encrypted throughout the entire length between the user's computer and the last relay. After the data is sent from the last relay and sent to the final destination site, this data is already in clear, normal form.

When transferring important data, such as the Username or password to enter the site, you need to make sure that the HTTPS protocol is working.

It is worth noting that we owe the emergence of this anonymous network precisely to the American intelligence services. Once upon a time, the implementation of a spy project took place, which later became infamous. It was called "Open Skies" and for some reason was closed in a short period of time. After that, all the data of the closed network, in particular source codes, ended up in open access. On the basis of the information received, the initiative group whose members were experts in the field of the Internet and completely free of charge began to create their own network, not controlled from the outside. This private network is called The Onion Router, which means "Onion Router" in Russian. That is why the symbol of the network "Thor" has an image of an onion on the logo. This name explains the principle of the anonymizer - a chain of nodes and connections leading to complete privacy can be associated with the layers of the onion. The network works in such a way that the endpoints of the connection cannot be established.

Download and install TOR

Various programs from the TOR package are available for download from the official website of the project. Speaking about the Tor network, how to use it, it should be noted that there is a TOR browser software package. It does not require installation and contains a browser. Most often this Mozilla Firefox. The browser is preconfigured for safe access to the Internet using TOR. You just need to download the package, unpack the archive and run the TOR program.

Using the TOR Browser Bundle

After downloading the TOR Browser Bundle software assembly, you need to save the package to the "Desktop" or USB. Usually, this option is convenient for compact solutions when you need to download TOR from a USB flash drive.

Speaking about how to get into the Tor network, it should be noted that the user must have a directory that contains several files. One of them is the file start TOR Browser or "Launching the TOR Browser". It depends on which operating system is being used.

After launching the TOR Browser Bundle, the user will first see Vidalia launch and connect to the TOR network. After that, the browser will start, which will confirm the use of TOR at the moment. The TOR network is ready to use.

An important point: it is necessary that the browser that was in the package with TOR be used, and not the user's own browser.

The TOR browser (Mozilla and the Torbutton plugin) has already been configured to completely disable JavaScript, settings for https and other settings for a secure Internet connection.

For an ordinary user, this software package is the best option for working with TOR.

There is also a stationary option for installing TOR. This is a connection to the Tor network using the Vidalia Polipo TOR assembly.

Here is an installation example for Windows 7

You need to download the program from the TOR project website and install it on your computer.

Safe work on the Internet is carried out only with the Mozilla browser with the Torbutton plugin. If this plugin is found to be incompatible with the version Mozilla browser, then you need to use the universal FOxyProxy Basic.

Today, TOR developers can offer -bundle packages (Vidalia Bridge Bundle or Vidalia Relay Bundle) for download. They are already immediately with the settings "bridges" or "relays".

The need for such additional settings may arise for users whose providers block the TOR network. These are the BRIDGE settings that can help if Tor does not connect to the network by default.

Proper TOR setup

If the user himself wants to become a member of the TOR project, then you should familiarize yourself with the RELAY settings (relay).

If the provider or system administrator blocks access to the TOR site, then the program itself can be requested on email. In this case, the request is made with mailbox gMail, you do not need to use email located on Russian free domains.

To receive the English package of the TOR browser for Windows OS, you need to send an email to [email protected]. In the message itself, you only need to write the word windows. The subject field can be empty.

A similar method can be used to request the TOR browser for MAC OS. To do this, write "macos-i386". If you have Linux, then you need to write "linux-i386" in the case of a 32-bit system or "linux-x86 64" for a 64-bit system. If you need a translated version of the TOR program, then you need to write "help". instructions and a list of available languages ​​will come.

If TOR is already installed, but does not work, then this could happen for the following reasons.

In normal connection, if it does not connect to the Tor network, you can try the following: open the "VIdala Control Panel", click on the "Message Log" and select the "Advanced Settings" tab. Problems with connecting TOR can be for the following reasons:

1. Disabled system clock. You need to make sure that the date and time are set correctly on the computer and restart TOR. You may need to synchronize the system clock with the server.

2. The user is behind a firewall. In order for TOR to use 443, you need to open the "VIdala Control Panel", click "Settings and networks" and check the box next to the inscription "My firewall only allows me to connect to certain ports." This will help set up the Tor network and let it work fully.

3. TOR blocking by the anti-virus database. You need to make sure that antivirus program does not prevent TOR from connecting to the network.

4. If the computer still does not connect to the Tor network, then it is very possible that the anonymizer is being blocked by the ISP. This can often be bypassed with TOR bridges, which are hidden relays and are difficult to block.

If you need the exact reason for the inability to connect TOR, then you should send an email to the developers [email protected] and attach information from the log log.

What is a bridge and how to find it

To use a bridge, you must first discover it. It's possible at bridges.torproject.org. You can also send an email to [email protected]. After sending the letter, you should make sure that the letter itself says “Get bridges”. Without this, a response letter will not come. It is also important that the sending must be from gmail.com or yahoo.com.

After setting up several bridges, the Tor network will become more stable if some bridges become unavailable. There is no certainty that the bridge used today will also work tomorrow. For this reason, a constant update of the list of bridges is required.

How the bridge is used

If it is possible to use several bridges, then you should open the "VIdala Control Panel", click "Settings", and then "Networks" and check the box next to the inscription "My provider blocks connection to the TOR network". Next, enter a list of bridges in the field. Then click "OK" and restart TOR.

Using open proxy

If using a bridge fails, you should try configuring TOR while using an HTTPS or SOCKS proxy to access the TOR network. This means that even if TOR is blocked in local network user, that is, the ability to securely use an open proxy server to connect.

For further work, there should be a TOR / Vidalia configuration and a list of https, socks4, or socks5 proxies.

You need to open the "VIdala Control Panel" and click "Settings".
Next, click on the "Networks" tab, select "I use a proxy to access the Internet."

In the "Address" field, enter the address of the Open Proxy. This is the IP address or name of the proxy, then enter the port of the proxy.

Usually no username and password are required. If this is still needed, then they should be entered in the appropriate fields. Select "Type for proxy" as http/https or socks4, or socks 5. Click "OK". Vidalia and TOR are now configured to use a proxy to access the rest of the network.

On the TOR website today it is possible to find many more different products for other operating systems(Mac OS, Linux, Windows). Thus, the search engine in the Tor network can be used regardless of what device you use to visit the Internet. Differences can only be in individual settings regarding the features of the custom OS.

There is an already implemented solution for using TOR for mobile phones, for example for Android. This option has already been tested and, as it turned out, it is quite efficient, which cannot but rejoice. Especially considering that most of the users have moved from computers to convenient lightweight tablets.

TOR system for use in smartphones

As mentioned above, it is possible to configure TOR on a device with Android platform. To do this, a package called Orbot is installed. A description of how to download it is on the TOR website.

There are also still experimental packages for Nokia and Apple iOS. However, after a series of tests and improvements, the output of an excellent tool that allows you to achieve uniqueness in the network is guaranteed.

In addition, the TOR developers have launched several more anonymizers, such as Tails. It is a Linux-based OS that provides anonymous and secure web surfing. There are a number of other products on the Tor website that will be of interest to the user.

TOR also makes it possible to use hidden services for users. You can, without revealing your IP address, provide
It is clear that such a service is not in great demand among users, although this information is located on the TOR website simultaneously with instructions on how to search the Tor network.

This was the basic information regarding this most famous and well-functioning anonymizer. Today, it is hoped that users will be able to run the TOR network on their computer and continue to use the secure and anonymous Internet at their discretion.

Recently, interest in the anonymous network is constantly growing. And there are many reasons for this..

"Democratic reforms" in the world are in full swing. The governments of almost all countries now sincerely believe that they have the right to decide where their citizens go, what to see and what to read. Bundles of laws, “with the best intentions” stamped by thoughts, councils and parliaments, increasingly sharply define the boundaries of reservations, within which now only the existence of users on the global network is possible.

“You don’t go there, go here. And then the snow will fall on your head - you will be completely dead ”©“ Gentlemen of Fortune ”.

Another tense moment is the incessant revelations of Edward Snowden, from which it is clear that the total surveillance of everyone and everyone by the special services has already acquired a truly worldwide scope. Of course, the vast majority of people have nothing to hide, but it is extremely unpleasant to realize that you are under the constant cap of special forces, your every step is monitored and recorded, and someone regularly tries to pick their naughty little hands in your "dirty linen". And absolutely do not care for what purpose he does it, whether he has good intentions or not.

Why is it needed, this Tor?

More and more people are trying to keep their private lives safe from the long nose of the secret services. More and more people are trying to get rid of the “paternal care” of state officials and want to exercise their constitutional right to independently decide where to go, what to choose, where to look and what to do.

And then the anonymous Tor network comes to the rescue. Since it can provide a significant reduction in obsessive attention to a single individual, simultaneously removing almost all restrictions on movement along World Wide Web. Tor will hide your identity on the Web, hide everything you did on the Internet and where you went.

In addition, the Tor network has another small practical bonus. It quite often allows you to get around such an annoying thing as an IP ban on various sites. A trifle, but nice.

What is Tor and how it works

So, what is the Tor anonymous network. Tor is an abbreviation for The Onion Router (for those who do not know bourgeois, but are curious - see the translation in). If someone is interested in boring technical details, let him stomp on the Tor page on Wikipedia and understand. I would like a bit simpler - to the same page on Lurkomorye. I will try to quickly explain "on the fingers."

Although this network operates on the basis of the regular Internet, all data in it does not go directly from you to the server and back, as in the “big” network, but everything is run through a long chain of special servers and is encrypted many times at each stage. As a result, the final recipient, that is, you, becomes completely anonymous for sites - instead of your real address, an absolutely left IP is displayed that has nothing to do with you. All your movements become impossible to trace, as well as what you did. And intercepting your traffic also becomes completely useless.

It's in theory. In practice, sometimes not everything is so rosy. But we will talk about all the possible problems a little later. You're already tired of the long and boring intro, aren't you? Can't wait to install and try this miracle as soon as possible? Well then, let's go!

Let's start using Tor?

Tor is a rather complicated device in terms of installation and configuration. And in times not so ancient, connecting an ordinary “teapot” to it became a task by no means trivial. However, today everything is much simpler. Smart and kind people took all the necessary modules, put them together in a coherent bunch, set everything up as it should, and stuffed it into a single package. This package is called . And after downloading, all the fuss with it comes down to the usual unpacking and subsequent trampling of the “I want Tor!” button. And Tor appears.

Of course, computer geeks and those who have nothing to do or want to amuse their CSF, as before, can download all the necessary modules separately and gnaw through a multi-page technical “Kama Sutra”, trying to tie it all together, and at least somehow configure and run the resulting structure. We wish them good luck, and we ourselves will do something more rewarding.

I advise on this tab to pay attention to the link " Checking Tor Internet Settings". Clicking on it will help you finally make sure that you are really now in an anonymous network. By the way, there is also a link to a quick guide.

So, you are now invisible. However, until your head is finally spinning from anonymity and imaginary impunity, I hasten to slightly spoil your mood. Just like that, purely out of personal harm.

I just have to tell you about some of the "pitfalls" of the Tor network, so that in search of adventures in your "lower hemispheres" you do not hit them on these stones.

A bit of security in Tor

So, what Tor cannot protect against. Tor cannot protect a person from their own stupidity. If a person has only sawdust instead of brains in the cervical growth, or he purposefully looks for problems for himself, then he will definitely find these problems. And no Tor will help here. Learn to use your brain and exercise basic caution. Tor will also not be able to protect you from chatty programs on your computer. Any plug-in or add-on in the browser can “multiply by zero” all your anonymity at one moment. Yes, the browser...

That is why the package we are considering uses a specially doped version of Ognelis. By the way, does anyone else need to be reminded that Windows itself is one huge Trojan and a spyware? ( Linuxoids can breathe freely here - they never care about such children's problems of “vents”). Tor will also not be able to protect you from viruses and hackers. Well, it's not meant for that! Get yourself a normal antivirus and firewall, set them up correctly and learn how to use them - and sleep peacefully.

The main problems of the Tor anonymous network

Okay, I’m finishing my digression and moving directly to the problems of the Tor network itself. The first thing that catches your eye is the speed. Page loading speed. Although the words "speed" and "rushes" are clearly inappropriate here. Pages load much slower than usual. This is the price of anonymity. The page you requested, before getting into your browser, hangs for a long time between servers around the world. However, it should be recognized that the situation now is much better than a couple of years ago, and it is quite possible to live with such a speed. If you get used to it a little. Despite everything, the network develops and grows stronger.

special services

Another - and perhaps the main - problem of the Tor network is intelligence agencies. They just can't accept the fact that crowds of users roam freely and uncontrollably on the network without their "all-seeing eye". And they are constantly making every possible attempt to change the situation. Attempts are very different, up to frankly criminal. Before the viral hacker attacks and hacks, targeted infection of software and servers with Trojans. Although infrequently, sometimes their efforts end successfully for them, And entire segments fall out of the “onion” network, and a “pativen” leaves for one of the most unfortunate (or the most stupid, or the most arrogant). But you're not going to do anything criminal in Tor, are you? This is all to ensure that you do not relax too frankly and constantly remember that Tor is not a panacea, and any anonymity is relative. And if you already decided to gamble with the state, then the question of your capture is only a matter of time.


In addition to intelligence agencies representing the interests of states, state officials often represent a problem for the anonymous Tor network. The desire to “keep and not let go” in people who have seized power is indestructible. Occasionally, in relation to some things, this desire is quite justified and just, but most often it is not. And the bit of freedom given by Tor acts like a red rag on them. In some countries, the Tor network is already banned. Legislatively. There was such an attempt in Russia. So far, only in the draft version. Whether this project will become law and when, I do not know. At the moment, the Tor network in Russia operates without restrictions. Forbid - there will be something else instead of it. I will not lay out here verbatim folk wisdom on this subject, but I will say a little softer and more streamlined: "For every action there is its own opposition."


Another misfortune for Tor is hackers. Some of them are ideological. and some are simply stoned to *** (sorry for the non-parliamentary expression). Periodically, most often during the spring or autumn exacerbation, they arrange "crusades", trying to "cleanse the world of filth." At the same time, the opinion of the world itself does not bother them at all. They think that they have the right to decide for everyone. Not so long ago, there was a "campaign" against, let's say, non-traditional porn, on the Tor network. The case in this case is quite charitable. However, along with the porn, a bunch of completely white sites were also sawn out. Just like that, in passing. And who said that next time they will be limited to only this? So know that if your favorite "onion" site suddenly stopped opening, then it is quite possible that this is the actions of one of these with inflamed brains.

Infected files

The problem with the infected files of the Tor Browser itself is closely adjacent to the hackers. And here the ears of various special services often peek through, trying to plant their Trojan instead of an anonymous network. For example, in App Store still offer to download the infected Tor Browser. Moreover, the administration of the App Store was informed about this repeatedly in the fall. However, the Trojan is still there. Strange situation and strange slowness. True, all the strangeness disappears instantly when you remember that the tender and reverent friendship between Apple Corporation and the US NSA is growing stronger day by day. So download the files of Tor itself exclusively from the official site, or - our engine, in fact, will also give you a file directly from the official site.

Minor disadvantages of Tor

With an overview of more or less serious problems of the Tor network, it's over. Let's move on to minor annoyances. I have already spoken about periodically disappearing sites. Now about Russian sites in this anonymous network. They are few. But they already exist, and there are more and more of them. And even in many non-speaking forums there are sections for Russians. So where to roam and who to talk to you will find. However, the main language in the Tor network is still English, and all the tastiest things in this network are in bourgeois. Although at your service there are always all kinds of dictionaries and.

Further. It should be remembered that the Tor network is fundamentally not moderated or controlled by anyone. Sometimes some control occurs on individual sites when their owners set rules for their visitors. But not more. Therefore, you may well stumble upon things that shock you. Be ready for it. Also in this network there are various scumbags, frank schizoids, maniacs and other freaks. There are plenty of them in the "big" Internet, but in an anonymous network they feel more comfortable and are not particularly shy. Their percentage is much less than government officials are trying to tell us about this, but they exist. And if you have minor children, I recommend keeping them away from Tor.

And in general, I strongly demand to protect the Internet from children! It will only benefit the Internet. It will make him much safer.

Well, in general, he told all the horror stories. I will only remind you about viruses that Tor will not protect you from - protect yourself. Well, about anonymity again - it never happens one hundred percent, use your gray matter more often.

And for dessert, a small list of "onion" sites, so to speak, for overclocking.

Goodies and bonuses - a small list of "onion" sites

By the way, if you haven’t understood yet, then in Tor Browser you can open both ordinary sites of the “big” Internet, bypassing some inconveniences, and special sites of the anonymous “onion” network. These sites are located in a special pseudo-domain zone .onion(look carefully at the address). From the usual Internet, they do not open. At all. Only from Tor Browser running and connected to the network.

  • Tor Wiki(http://torwikignoueupfm.onion/) - Directory of Tor links.
  • The Hidden Wiki(http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page) is the first site every new user of the Tor network should look at. Contains links to almost all the resources of the "onion" network. Often unavailable due to the huge influx of visitors.
  • The Uncensored Hidden Wiki(http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page) - mirror of The Hidden Wiki. Moderation is minimal.
  • TORDIR(http://dppmfxaacucguzpc.onion/) - a large directory of "onion" sites.
  • Tor Search(http://kbhpodhnfxl3clb4.onion/), Torgle(http://zw3crggtadila2sg.onion/torgle), TORCH(http://xmh57jrzrnw6insl.onion/) and The Abyss(http://nstmo7lvh4l32epo.onion/) - search engines on the Tor network, at least one of them works.
  • Flibusta(http://flibustahezeous3.onion/) - a mirror of the famous library in the onion network (RU language).
  • OnionNet(http://onionnetrtpkrc4f.onion/) - IRC network. The main language of communication is English. Different channels for discussion, up to an illegal immigrant. Additional servers: ftwircdwyhghzw4i.onion, renko743grixe7ob.onion, nissehqau52b5kuo.onion.
  • vTOR"e(http://da36c4h6gxbckn32.onion/) - social network. interest clubs, blogs, forum.
  • RAMP(http://ramp2bombkadwvgz.onion/) is currently the largest trading platform in the Russian segment of the Tor network. Recently, there have been a lot of complaints about the actions of the administration and the increasing cases of scammers. (So ​​don't click your beak and keep your eyes and ears open) With the biggest selection on the web. And the highest prices.
  • RUForum(http://ruforumqewhlrqvi.onion/) - a Russian-language forum with communication and sale of everything that is impossible. Recently closed to outsiders. Registration fee - $10.
  • Amberoad(http://amberoadychffmyw.onion/) is one of the largest shadow trading platforms.
  • Assassination Market(http://assmkedzgorodn7o.onion/) - betting on guessing the date of death of any bad people. Anyone can add a person to the list or raise the bid for existing positions. At the moment Barack Obama and Ben Bernanke are in the lead.
  • Hack IT(http://tuwrg72tjmay47uv.onion/) - a live service for hiring hackers.
  • Wikileaks(http://zbnnr7qzaxlk5tms.onion/) - I hope I don't need to explain what it is? Mirror in the "onion" network (ENG).
  • Onion Portal(http://ximqy45aat273ha5.onion/) - guide to the "onion" network (RU).
  • http://k4bmdpobhqdguh2y.onion/ - blog about new hidden network services (ENG).
  • Lukochan(http://562tqunvqdece76h.onion/Lukochan/) - large board (ENG, RU).
  • silk road(http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion) is another large anonymous marketplace (ENG).
  • Keys open doors(http://wdnqg3ehh3hvalpe.onion/) - a site about hacking game consoles and various gadgets (ENG).
  • http://n2wrix623bp7vvdc.onion/hackingservices.html - resource about hacking social networks and so on. (ENG).

All sorts of political-revolutionary-partisan resources are not cited here intentionally. Whoever needs it will find it.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. You probably know that any of your actions on the network (browsing pages of sites, downloading files, watching videos) can be tracked, and from completely different places (by contacting an Internet provider, rummaging through your computer or searching the logs of those sites that you visited ). Online anonymity only exists if you don't dig deep.

There are some solutions to the "trace problem" that we have already covered. For example, you can and then no traces of your visits will be stored on your computer. Or, for example, when blocking access to some sites (for example, to enter Contact or Odnoklassniki from a work computer).

But there is a much more comprehensive solution - this is the so-called TOR. Essentially, this software, which with a very high degree of probability allows you to hide from prying eyes everything that you do and did on the Internet. It's just on the basis of this technology that it works Tor Browser, which will be discussed today. In fact, it wraps complex technology in the shell of an ordinary-looking browser accessible to any Internet user, which everyone knows how to use. But the stuffing is different...

What is TOR?

I do not want to load you with technical terms and concepts, which, by and large, will be superfluous. Just literally in a nutshell (on the fingers) I will outline the principle of operation of the Tor technology and the Tor Browser built on its basis. This knowledge will allow you to understand what to expect from this software, what strengths and weaknesses it has, in order to consciously use it for your needs.

So, initially all this was cooked in one of the US military departments. Why they needed this history is silent, but at the beginning of the 2000s, the beginnings of Thor technology were unexpectedly laid out in general access. Moreover, the source codes were open and this software fell into the status of freely distributed. What does it mean? And how much can you trust such a "gift"?

The question is fair, but it can be trusted precisely because of the openness of the code of this technology. The fact is that since then (for a decade and a half) these program codes have been studied (and changed) by hundreds, if not thousands of people who understand this, and no "bookmarks" and "secret doors" have been found. Where it's about safety(in our case, the transfer and storage of information), it is better to work with open source software (software).

By the way, this is why when choosing n and for . They just belong to the category of free software and their code has been checked by thousands of competent specialists. It’s somehow calmer, because I keep a lot of passwords from services tied to money and it would be very expensive to lose them.

So, TOR technology allows you to go to sites and download something from the network. leaving no trace behind. That is, when you open, for example, a site through Tor Browser, it will be impossible to track the IP address of your computer on this site (and therefore calculate you). Even your ISP will not understand (if you wish) that you visited this site (and it will be impossible to prove it). Well, the browser itself will not store all traces of your wanderings on the Internet.

Wonderful, isn't it? I understand that in this way people can cover up their dark deeds. Not without it, of course. But the general idea of ​​Tor is still bright - to provide the Internet user with real freedom in the form of complete anonymity. For example, in some countries access to some resources may be unreasonably blocked, and Tor Browser will allow you to bypass these obstacles and not be punished for this violation, because they will not know that you did it (or will not prove it). But that's not the point...

How TOR works? This is called onion routing. See. There is a network of nodes owned by adherents of this technology. Three arbitrary nodes are used for data transmission. But which ones? And this is exactly what no one knows.

The Tor browser sends a packet to the first node, and it contains the encrypted address of the second node. The first node knows the key for the cipher and, having learned the address of the second, forwards the packet there (this is like the first layer was removed from the onion). The second node, having received the packet, has a key to decrypt the address of the third node (one more layer was removed from the bow). Thus, from the outside it is not possible to understand which site you ended up opening in your Tor Browser window.

But note that only the path is encrypted(routing), and the contents of the packets themselves are not encrypted. Therefore, to transfer secret data, it would be better to encrypt them first (at least in the TruCrypt mentioned above), because there is a possibility of their interception (for example, using sniffers).

In addition, this technology there are a few other drawbacks(or features):

  1. The ISP (or someone else who monitors your traffic) may understand that you are using Tor. What exactly you are watching or doing online, he does not know, but sometimes the very fact of knowing that you are hiding something can have consequences. Keep this in mind and, if possible, study ways to enhance the disguise (and they exist), if this is critical for you.
  2. The TOR network does not use special high-speed equipment, but, in fact, conventional computers. This leads to another drawback - speed transmission of information in this secret network can vary significantly and sometimes it is clearly not enough for, for example, viewing media content.

Where can I download the official Russian version of Tor Browser?

On this blog, I have already published an article on the topic. There was also mention of the Torah. Naturally, it is better and safer to download any product from the developer's site, i.e. the official one (I think you know). The Tor Browser download page is located at this address (I repeat once again that for the sake of safety it is better to download from the official site):

Please note that before clicking on the download button, you must select a language. The default is English, but you can select a dozen more options from the drop-down list, including fully localized Russian version. So it will be more pleasant to work when the interface language is native.

Although, during installation, you will again be asked about your preferred interface language, and there you can also choose Russian. Otherwise, the installation process is no different from installing any other browser.

However, the first time you start it, you will be asked if you need to make additional settings. to connect to the TOR network. In the vast majority of cases, it will be enough just to click on the "Connect" button:

It will take some time for the browser to successfully connect to the Tor network:

After that, a window will open that is ordinary at first glance, a browser, but working with the Internet by creating encrypted tunnels (analogues).

However, the developers themselves emphasize that Thor is not a panacea(at least with default settings). Therefore, those who are paranoid about absolute anonymity are advised to follow the link for clarification on this matter.

How to use Tor Browser?

When you first load the browser, you are immediately prompted use an anonymizer to search at disconnect.me. Actually, it is this service that will be used as "" in this browser (you can change this in the settings), i.e. when you enter a request for a new open tabs browser or when you enter it through the address bar on any tab, the disconnect.me anonymizer will open with search results.

The search is actually conducted by Google (you can choose from the settings in the top panel of the service - see the screenshot below), but there are no traces of who exactly conducted the search (remember, I wrote about the fact that, but in fact, nothing can be completely deleted , so those who are concerned about anonymity need to keep this in mind).

Don't forget also select and search language(in the top panel of the disconnect.me window on the right), because thanks to the anonymizer, Google will not be able to recognize your preferred language automatically. Although, choosing, for example, Russian, you to some extent open the veil of secrecy of your incognito for this search engine. But here you need to compromise - either convenience,.

Yes, even the browser from Tor, when you first click on the link, will warn you that it is better to load pages in English, in order to avoid, so to speak.

Personally, I chose the “No” option, because convenience is more important to me, and besides Russian, I don’t speak any other languages. Alas and ah.

By the way, you can check yourself that you really "encrypted". To do this, it will be enough to go to the site from any other browser, and then do the same from under Tor. As you can see, TOR replaces (I became a sultry Norwegian) and this is only a small part of protecting your anonymity.

By the way, if you click on the onion to the left of the address bar, you can see the very chain of three nodes (proxy) that separates your computer from the site you are visiting (I wrote about onion routing a little higher):

If desired, this chain of nodes can be changed. You can also change your "browser-invented personality" if you don't like the current one. True, this will close all open tabs in Tor and it will be automatically reloaded.

Here you will be able to access security settings:

By default, all privacy settings (anonymity are enabled), but the security level is at the lowest level because only in this case you all functions of this browser will be available. When you set the security settings of the Tor browser to the "high" position, a whole bunch of browser functions will be available only after they are forced to be activated (that is, everything is disabled by default). This is overkill for me, so I left everything as it was, but you can choose something in the middle (compromise).

As for the rest Tor Browser is similar to Mozilla Firefox, because it is essentially assembled on its basis. This will be clearly visible when you go to the settings (by clicking on the button with three horizontal lines in the upper right corner):

Good luck to you! Before see you soon on blog pages

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Apparently, the Tor network remains unhacked. At least according to an internal NSA report from 2012, although the organization had the ability to disclose the ownership of certain nodes in certain cases, in general they are not able to disclose any node upon request. Yes, and these disclosures occurred on occasions such as an error in Firefox browser, which was included in the tor bundle and the like. If you use Tor correctly, then the probability of disclosure is extremely small.

2. Tor is not only used by criminals

Contrary to popular belief, Tor is used not only by criminals, pedophiles and other bad terrorists. This, to put it mildly, is far from the case. Activists of all kinds, journalists, just people who love privacy make up the portrait of Tor users. Personally, I am very impressed with the position of the Tor developers, who answer the question “what, do you have something to hide?” phrase: "No, it's not a secret - it's just none of your business."
And criminals have a large arsenal of tools, from identity change to stolen devices or network access, from botnets to Trojan viruses. Using and promoting Tor you help criminals no more than using the Internet.

3. Tor has no hidden loopholes or backdoors

Rumor has it that Tor was created by the military, and they deliberately made hidden loopholes in it. Although Tor was originally funded with US Navy money, since then its code has been in the public domain, and many cryptographers have studied its source code. Everyone can study them. And now enthusiasts, advocates of privacy and anonymity on the Internet, are working on the project.
There is also information that the US intelligence agencies hold about 60% of all nodes - but this is most likely distorted information that about 60% of the funding is allocated by the US in the form of grants.

4. There were no cases of condemnation of anyone for supporting the relay node

True, in Europe, in this beacon of human rights and legal paradise, or rather, in Austria, just the other day, the person who held the exit node was accused of complicity, because. Illegal traffic passed through this node. So the danger of keeping an exit node is obvious. Well, relay nodes should be out of danger, since according to the network operation scheme they do not know where the request came from, where it is directed, or what kind of traffic they transmit. And to prove the passage of traffic through the relay is almost impossible.

5. Tor is easy to use.

Many people think that Tor is something difficult for hackers and computer geniuses. In fact, the developers have already simplified its use as much as possible - just download Tor Browser, and when you start it, you will automatically use the Tor network. No settings, commands in command line and others.

6. Tor is not as slow as you think

A couple of years ago, the network was slow. Now access to sites occurs at a quite acceptable speed. Yes, you can't download torrents through Tor - it's both slow and harmful to the network. But you can conduct any other habitual activity without irritation.

7. Tor is not a panacea

Using Tor, you still need to follow a few rules and understand a little about how it works, what it can and cannot do, so as not to negate all its efforts. If you're using Tor Browser and you're logged into Facebook at the same time, it doesn't make much sense. Understand how it works and use it wisely.

Personally, I am a supporter of maintaining privacy and anonymity on the Internet. I propagate and urge everyone to support the Tor project as necessary and useful, especially in light of the sad events with the new anti-Internet laws. Support the Tor network. Set yourself a relay - if you can allocate at least 50 kb / s for Tor in your channel, this will already be enough.

Why I stand for privacy and the possibility of anonymity. After all, I'm a law-abiding citizen and I have nothing to hide, right?
Well, I personally can answer this with the following arguments:

  • I may have nothing to hide, but what I do is none of your business
  • Times change, people change, and laws change. I wrote something in the comments, and a couple of years after the adoption of another chic law, it suddenly became possible to classify it as extremist statements
  • I do not believe that all the people who are trying to follow my actions are crystal honest and devoted servants of Themis. That no one will try to use the information received for their dirty selfish purposes.

It will be interesting to know your opinion on privacy and anonymity,% username%

In the last 3-4 years, news has regularly appeared in the feed with the headline: "The government wants to block Tor." But, this idea is somewhat utopian.

The darknet can be used in all the fears of the world except North Korea, where access to a computer with the Internet requires special permission from Kim Jong-un. Even China failed to ban it. The Golden Shield automatically blocks all new Tor entry node addresses, but people who need to bypass this barrier with VPNs and proxy servers.

News about the “ban on the underground Internet” only fuels interest in it among the population. More and more Russians are joining the darknet, which is fraught with many dangers and temptations. You should be aware of the consequences of misusing Tor in advance.

This article will talk about the main types of shops and forums in Tor that should be avoided and the possible responsibility for their use / creation.

Fragments of the article have been removed at the request of Roskomnadzor. The material has been edited.

2. Sites with job advertisements

A huge number of ads for the sale of *** contains a postscript: “We are looking for ***. It requires activity, adequacy, professionalism. The pay is high." For one ***, an employee receives an average of 500-3000 rubles. They write on the forums that an intelligent employee gets up to 80-120 thousand rubles a month with a free schedule. And this is in the province. In the capitals, the ceiling is much higher.

But this work is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Making a good "***" and hiding it is a whole science and experienced people write entire textbooks. There are many non-obvious problems that are difficult for a beginner to guess.

For example, how to protect yourself from "seagulls"? So called ***, who are looking for and successfully find strangers *** in typical places (flower beds, holes in the asphalt, peaks of entrances). Or how to disguise a ziplock bag inside an acorn or a nut so that rain and wind do not damage the goods?

Criminals from Tor require not only ***, but also parcel receivers, stencilers (to make announcements on asphalt), growers (grow plants at home), people to withdraw illegally received money from bank cards. Less often they look for strong guys to intimidate enemies. And each profession has non-obvious subtleties that need to be learned in order not to have problems with the law.

In the criminal sphere, there is a terrible turnover of personnel and new employees are constantly required. A really adequate and accurate person can work for a couple of years, and a simple ***/carrier/drop walks free for only a few months. Most people get caught by the police sooner or later. Raising the dough, stopping and leaving in time is rare for people.

Possible problems: According to article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, if a person is involved in the distribution or production of ***, then he can be imprisoned for a period of 8 years. We will talk about the penalties for parcel receivers and cashers below.

3. Shops of goods for the commission of crimes

With the help of Tor, weapons, fake documents, fake sims, phones, ATM skimmers and a bunch of other interesting items are traded. As with ***, bitcoins are used for anonymous payment. Surprisingly, there are no special problems with the delivery of goods.

Sometimes it is done by regular mail. To receive and send parcels, they hire "drops" who go to receive / send parcels, show their faces and passport details. Goods are also sent with the help of taxi drivers or private transport companies. Here is a quote from the RuOnion forum:

Somehow sent an optical sight through transport company, of course not branded. They asked what was inside, answered - a sniper scope, They: we’ll write it down - an optical device :-)))) They generally don’t care what to carry ...

But the sellers still take a lot of precautions: they dismantle weapons into parts, which they distribute in several boxes, disguise them as other items, make parcels with a double bottom, and so on. They have no less tricks than ***.

Possible problems: According to article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the illegal acquisition or transfer of weapons can be punished by a decision of liberty for up to four years. It is written about forged documents in article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, it says about a period of up to two years.

4. Pedophile forums

There are also a lot of people on the Tor network who are sexually attracted to children. Here for them there is a lot of "interesting". First, huge archives of underage porn videos. Secondly, these are forums where people share personal experience seducing children and hiding this process from others.

Some pedophiles consider sex with children absolutely unacceptable and sit on the "conservative" sections of the forums, where they post just slightly erotic photos of little girls and boys with their genitals covered.

But there are people for whom just watching a video is not enough and they strive to make their fantasies come true. The main shock in preparing this article for me was familiarization with a book for pedophiles in Russian.

200 pages on where to find a potentially available child and how to recognize him, how to ingratiate himself with him, how not to leave traces and how to make sure that the child will never tell anyone about what the pervert or pervert did to him.

And judging by the forums, a lot of pedophiles really manage to turn things around so that parents never know what happened to their child. Indeed, most often children are seduced not by maniacs on the streets, but by neighbors, relatives or family friends who have been entering the house for many years.

Do not leave your child alone with anyone and never without video surveillance. There are many more pedophiles among us than you might think.

Possible punishment: It is forbidden to store porn videos with minors on your computer. You can read more about this in the article:

5. Websites of extremist organizations

Terrorists, skinheads and radical oppositionists also create sites in the onion network, publish articles there and discuss plans for pogroms or seizing power on forums. Also, sect sites are gradually moving to Tor.

Since 2002, the Russian authorities have maintained a list Federal extremist materials. It includes almost 4,000 books, articles, paintings and musical works. Rospotrebnadzor forces the removal of such materials from sites on the clearnet, but they are distributed freely in Tor libraries.

Possible punishment: According to article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, participation in an extremist organization can be imprisoned for up to six years. Also, you can not copy materials from such sites in Tor and post them on social networks and blogs. There is also a separate article on this topic:

6. "Hacker" marketplaces and forums

International dark markets often have a Digital Goods section next to *** and weapons. It sells Trojans, Wi-Fi hacking tools, software hacking tools, DDOS attack tools, and many other varieties of "tools for illegal access to digital information."

Along with the programs, you can also buy instructions for their use and training books. They also sell digital goods that were stolen using the tools described above: upgraded characters in games, paid accounts for various services, hacked programs, access to infected computers.

There are also many hacker forums on the dark web. There, people share their experience among themselves, looking for performers and accomplices for various cyber-crimes.

Possible punishment: If it is proved that a person used any of the programs described above, then according to Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, he can be imprisoned for up to two years.

7. "Black" cryptocurrency exchanges

The sites and organizations described above make financial settlements in bitcoins (less often in another cryptocurrency). And of course they don't pay any taxes. With the help of cryptocurrencies, money obtained illegally is cashed out.

Tor has exchanges for withdrawing bitcoins to regular electronic wallets or bank cards. Also, there are a lot of ads of people who withdraw money from cryptocurrency wallets to offshore accounts or transfer money to the account of a one-day company. From the latter, money can be withdrawn using ordinary "cashers".

There you can also order bank cards issued to nominees or "virtuals". And hire drops who will go to the ATM, shine their face in front of the cameras, withdraw cash from the cards and deliver it to you.

Possible punishment: According to article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, participation in group fraudulent schemes can entail up to 10 years in prison.

Also, the State Duma is talking about the adoption of a bill that provides for punishment of up to four years in prison simply for using bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies.


Not all types of content that can be found on the Tor network are described above. Not mentioned are sites with erotica for animal lovers, stolen goods stores, sites for ordering killers and much more.

But what has been described is enough to understand why governments around the world seek to control the Internet. Personal freedom and privacy is good. But how to deal with criminals on the Internet without blocking sites and traffic control?

P.S. Is Tor Anonymous

There are a lot of tutorials on the dark web on how to achieve online anonymity. Some of the authors consider a sufficient scheme virtual machine with Tails -> vpn -> vpn -> Tor. And someone recommends buying a computer from a flea market in the neighboring region and using the modem through the "left" SIM card. But one thing is for sure - if you just run the Tor browser, then your level of anonymity is quite low.

Intelligence agencies around the world are actively working to identify criminals who use the "underground Internet". For example, in the fall of 2016, as part of the international Operation Titan, the Swedish police identified 3,000 buyers of *** in Tor. And there are more and more reports of such investigations every year.