How to type correctly and quickly on the keyboard. Keyboard simulator - learn to write quickly with all fingers


Now the time is coming that without a computer it’s no longer possible to go there or go there. This means that the value of computer skills is growing. This includes such a useful skill as fast typing with two hands, without looking at the keyboard.

Developing such a skill is not so easy, but it is quite possible. At least, if you study regularly (at least 20-30 minutes a day), then after 2-4 weeks you won’t notice how the speed of the text you type will begin to increase.

In this article I have collected the best programs and simulators for learning how to type quickly ( at least they increased my typing speed, although I keep glancing at the keyboard :)).

SOLO on the keyboard: an example of how the program works.

This is probably one of the most common programs for teaching touch typing with ten fingers. Consistently, step by step, she teaches you how to work correctly:

  • first you will be familiarized with how to properly hold your hands on the keyboard;
  • then start your lessons. In the first of them you will try to type individual letters;
  • after that the letters will be replaced by simple sets of letters, then by text, etc.

By the way, each lesson in the program is supported by statistics, which show you the speed of typing characters, as well as how many mistakes you made when completing a specific task.

The only drawback is that the program is paid. Although, I must admit, it is worth the money. Thousands of people have improved their keyboarding skills using this program (by the way, many users, having achieved certain results, quit classes, although they could potentially learn to type text VERY quickly!).


Another extremely interesting program, the approach of which is somewhat different from the first. There are no lessons or activities, this is a kind of tutorial where you practice typing right away!

The program has a clever algorithm that each time selects such a combination of letters that you quickly remember the most common key combinations. If you make mistakes, the program will not force you to go through this text again - it will simply correct the next line so that you work through these characters again.

Thus, the algorithm quickly calculates your weak points and begins to train them. On a subconscious level, you begin to remember the most “problematic” keys (and each person has their own :)).

At first, it doesn't seem so simple, but you get used to it pretty quickly. By the way, in addition to Russian, you can also train the English layout. Of the minuses: the program is paid.

I would also like to note the pleasant design of the program: nature, greenery, forest, etc. will be displayed in the background.


Stamina main window

Unlike the first two programs, this one is free, and you won’t find any advertising in it (special thanks to the developers)! The program teaches fast typing from the keyboard on several layouts: Russian, Latin and Ukrainian.

I would also like to note some rather unusual and cool sounds. The learning principle is based on sequential lessons, thanks to which you will remember the location of the keys and will gradually be able to increase your typing speed.

Stamina keeps your training schedule by day and session, i.e. keeps statistics. By the way, it is also very convenient to use if you are not studying at the computer alone: ​​you can easily create several users in the utility. I would also note the good information and help, in which you will find bright and funny anecdotes. In general, it feels like the software developers approached it with all their hearts. I recommend you check it out!


This computer simulator is reminiscent of the most common computer game: to escape from a little monster, you need to press the right keys on the keyboard.

The program is made in bright and rich colors and will appeal to both adults and children. It is very easy to understand and is distributed free of charge (by the way, there were several versions: the first in 1993, the second in 1999. Now, perhaps, there is a newer version).

For a good result, you need to regularly, at least 5-10 minutes. spend a day in this program. In general, I recommend playing!

All 10

This is a free online simulator, which in its principle is very similar to the Solo program. Before starting training, you are offered a test task that will determine the speed of your typing.

To study, you need to register on the site. By the way, there is also a very good rating there, so if your results are high, you will become famous :).


Another free online simulator. Reminds me of the same “Solo”. The simulator, by the way, is made in the style of minimalism: there are no beautiful backgrounds, jokes, in general, there is nothing superfluous!

It is quite possible to work, but some may find it boring.

This simulator is designed for training individual words. The principle of its operation is similar to the above, but there is one feature. You type each word not once, but 10-15 times! Moreover, when you type each letter of each word, the simulator will show which finger you should press the button with.

In general, it’s quite convenient, and you can train not only in Russian, but also in Latin.

This simulator is designed for training the Latin layout. If you don’t know English well (at least basic words), then using it will be problematic for you.

Otherwise, everything is the same as everyone else’s: statistics of speed, errors, scoring, various words and combinations.

Online VerseQ

An experimental online project from the famous VerseQ program. Not all functions of the program itself are available, but it is quite possible to start learning in the online version. To start classes, you need to register.


A very addictive online game in which you will compete with real people in the speed of typing on the keyboard. The principle of the game is simple: the text that you need to type appears simultaneously in front of you and other site guests. Depending on the speed of the set, the cars move faster (slower) to the finish line. Whoever dials the fastest wins.

It would seem such a simple idea - but it evokes such a storm of emotions and is so exciting! In general, it is recommended for anyone studying this topic.


A very bright and cool program for learning how to quickly type from the keyboard. It is more aimed at school-age children, but, in principle, it is suitable for absolutely everyone. You can learn both Russian and English layouts.

In total, the program has 8 difficulty levels, depending on your preparation. By the way, during the training process you will see a compass that will send you to a new lesson when you reach a certain level.

By the way, the program awards particularly distinguished students with a gold medal. Of the minuses: the program is paid, although there is a demo version. I recommend trying it.


A simple, convenient and easy simulator for teaching “blind” typing of characters on the keyboard. There are several difficulty levels: for beginners, for beginners (knowing the basics), and for advanced users.

It is possible to conduct testing to assess your recruitment level. By the way, the program has statistics that you can open at any time and see your learning progress (in the statistics you will find your mistakes, your typing speed, study time, etc.).


Well, the last simulator I wanted to focus on today is iQwer. The main distinguishing feature from others is that it is free and results-oriented. As the developers promise, after just a few hours of practice you will be able to type text despite the keyboard (though not so fast, but already blindly)!

The simulator uses its own algorithm, which gradually and imperceptibly increases the speed at which you need to type characters on the keyboard. By the way, statistics on speed and number of errors are available at the top of the window (in the screenshot above).

That's all for today, special thanks for the additions. Good luck!

Welcome to the blog. From this article you will learn how to learn how to quickly touch-type on a keyboard, who needs it and why. Every person, without exception, knows that working with a computer is carried out not only for entertainment, but also for performing various tasks. Thus, almost all office workers working in serious and large companies type text while looking at the computer screen, and not at their fingers “flying” across the keyboard.

Many people wonder how this can be? Is it possible for a person to type without fear of making a mistake in the typed text? Yes, this is quite possible, and further we will give detailed answers to the question, how can you learn to quickly type on a computer?

How to improve your typing speed?

If you think that the interaction with the keyboard in your case leaves much to be desired, then one effective tool will help you, which is called the “touch typing method”. Many beginners in the field of speed typing make the same mistake - they simply sit for hours at the computer, entering various texts, while trying not to look at their hands. Needless to say that such an activity gives absolutely no effect?

If you want to learn how to quickly operate the keyboard, then the so-called touch typing will help you with this. This is a method that even turned “hopeless” beginners into real pros in the field of speed typing.

Touch typing - what is this method?

This method of typing has been known since those times when computers were not even heard of - since the end of the 18th century. At first, no one thought that the ten-finger printing method could have its own methodology - everyone learned this as they could and wanted. However, this technique began to produce positive results only when all the keys began to “submit” to specific fingers. This approach greatly facilitated the process of learning touch typing techniques.

This method was called ten-finger for the reason that during typing, absolutely all fingers of the hands are involved, even the little fingers, which, it would seem, are of little use in this matter. Do you find it difficult to learn this typing technique? This is wrong! And pretty soon you will see that quickly typing on the keyboard with both hands, despite your fingers, is easy and simple.

Touch Typing Basics

The touch typing method on a computer keyboard operates according to certain principles that must be taken into account. If you don't follow these rules, you will only waste time and achieve nothing. Here are the main principles of this technique.

  1. Distribute the keyboard keys among your fingers, if necessary, writing down all combinations on a piece of paper. You can even mark the keys with colorful stickers, making similar colored marks on your nails (for the initial stage of learning, this is a very good idea).
  2. When typing characters, it is strictly forbidden to look at the keyboard. This is the main mistake of beginners, and it is for this reason that many “students” lose patience and do not complete the stage of learning to touch-type on a keyboard.

On a note. You must be prepared for the fact that this technique will require a lot of effort and patience from you. At first, you will make a lot of mistakes and typos that you will have to constantly correct. However, over time, you will begin to develop a habit, which will soon develop into an acquired reflex. This way, no matter what keyboard you are working with, your fingers will press the right keys themselves.

The main advantages of speed printing

Touch typing has a number of advantages, and these are what make it as popular as it is today. Here are its main advantages:

  • the ability to type up to 500 characters in 60 seconds;
  • the ability to maintain the health of the cervical vertebrae, since their constant flexion and extension while switching attention from the keyboard to the monitor can lead to the development of cervical osteochondrosis;
  • avoiding rapid eye fatigue, which occurs when constantly moving the gaze from the screen to the keys;
  • reduction in general fatigue.

As you can see, touch typing on the keyboard is not only convenient, but also very useful. However, remember: do not violate the rules described above, otherwise you will have to come to terms with the fact that this technique will remain inaccessible to you.

Basics of teaching touch typing on the keyboard

The ten-finger touch typing method can be mastered if you follow certain recommendations. In this case, the location of each finger plays an important role, so the learning process must be taken seriously and as responsibly as possible. The main aspects of this technique will be outlined below.

General rules for typing letters

The position of the hands on the keys when touch typing is the same for all languages, which greatly simplifies the task. All rows are taken into account except the auxiliary one, which is located at the highest point of the keyboard (function buttons marked F). You must be able to operate all other keys.

The main rows for high-speed typing on the keyboard are those where the letters are located, as well as the buttons:

  • Alt (on both sides of the keyboard);
  • Enter;
  • space.

These are the main rows that you should distribute between all 10 fingers on your hands. To learn how to type quickly on a keyboard using this scheme, you need to start small. That is, study the first letter combinations (4 first and 4 last letters of the 4th row), and then start typing words using them. Gradually, you will gain experience that will allow you in the future to hold your hands correctly on the keyboard, namely at a distance of a few millimeters from the keys.

How to master the auxiliary keys?

So, you have learned how to quickly deal with a set of reference (letter) keys, and now it’s time to deal with the auxiliary row. This will be a little more difficult, since learning to type without looking at the keyboard is not as easy in this case as in the previous version.

Now we are talking about all the other keys, except for the function keys, which are located at the very top of the keyboard. Now let's take turns.

  1. The Backspace and Enter keys must be pressed exclusively with the right little finger.
  2. The Shift and Ctrl buttons are located on both sides of the keyboard and are also controlled by the little fingers of both hands.
  3. Tab is pressed with the left little finger.
  4. The Alt keys are pressed with your thumbs, as is the space bar.

As you can see, the ten-finger touch typing method on a computer is not a very complicated, but somewhat labor-intensive technique. However, when you fully master it, working on the computer will be easier and more enjoyable for you.

How to remember the main keys?

To quickly type on the keyboard, it is important to remember the location of the main buttons - letters and numbers. The main load is taken by the index fingers of both hands, since it is with them that you will press 6 keys (A, O, I, M, P, R and those nearby). If you look at the keyboard, you will see that all these letters are in close proximity to each other. And those located on the sides of them also fall under the control of the index fingers.

To remember the location of the basic letters, you need to follow these simple rules:

  • You need to learn the keys gradually, starting with the thumb of the right hand, then the left;
  • Then we operate with the middle fingers, naturally, also in turn;
  • then come the ring fingers;
  • the final stage is the distribution of keys between the little fingers.

That's the whole simple science, thanks to which, after a certain period of time, you will be able to bring all your actions when working with a computer keyboard to automaticity. To speed up this process, you can use a special touch typing program. With the help of such online simulators, you can not only quickly master the rules of fast typing, but also get great pleasure from the lessons. And this already significantly increases your chances of success.

Programs for teaching touch typing

How to learn to quickly type on a keyboard using a special simulator? In fact, there is absolutely nothing complicated about this, and understanding the principle of operation of such software is quite simple. Let's look at the most popular and effective simulators for teaching speed typing.

  • Keyboard solo

This is one of the most famous simulators for training typing on the keyboard. The program can be downloaded for free and installed on your computer, but it will be a trial version, so you will have to pay to use all its features.

  • Stamina

Stamina is a simulator that is popular because it teaches speed typing gradually. You can set the text you want to print yourself and start practicing.

This touch typing simulator allows you to train not only beginners, but also increase the efficiency of people who already have certain speed typing skills.

  • Touch Typing Study

This is an online touch typing trainer that is quite simple and easy to use. The site has several keyboard layouts (languages), including even Latin. At any moment you can receive a hint, which is especially important and useful for beginners.

This online touch typing simulator consists of 15 lessons, which make up a complete training course. At the same time, working in the system is so interesting and exciting that you won’t even notice how time has flown by, and you have already acquired the necessary skills.

If you want to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard, do not put off this lesson “for later.” Everything is not as difficult and scary as many people think, and the knowledge and skills gained in the modern world (the world of Internet technologies!) will definitely come in handy!

How to learn to type?

Today, many people's work involves a computer. Employers often require computer typing skills, because the speed typing technique not only helps to reduce time, but also speaks about the professionalism of the candidate for a new job.

Of course, this may not be useful to everyone at home. But for people in a profession such as a writer or journalist, this will be a very useful skill.

Let's figure out how to learn to type, why it is needed, what typing methods and techniques are available, and also with the help of what resources you can improve this skill to the limit.

When you learn to type quickly, you will notice that you don't even think about how you do it.

Touch typing rules

We have been thinking about how to learn to type quickly for a long time. Back in 1888, stenographer Frank Edgar McGurrin developed the ten-finger touch typing technique on a keyboard. This significantly increased the productivity of company employees and made a breakthrough in this area.

You won’t be able to learn to type using this technique right away. You will need to be persistent, since mistakes are inevitable at first. Speed ​​is the main priority of this method, but do not rush, gain thoughtfully and slowly, and with experience the speed will begin to increase. The main thing is a lot of training.

The essence of the method could already be understood from its name. This is typing text on a keyboard
without looking at the layout. According to this method, the hands are placed in a special position. We have already talked about the standard hand position “FYVA-OLJ”. This is exactly what we use in this method. Of course, the top row of function buttons (F1-F12) will not be useful for touch typing, since we will only use the main keys.

Moreover, any keyboard is made specifically for the ability to learn the touch typing method, since the vowel letters “a” and “o” have special small protrusions that will help you navigate the keyboard without looking at it.

So, let’s master the positions and train a little. It is important to study every day - then the result of your work will be noticeable. The more practice you have, the faster your hands will get used to typing text without a “cheat sheet”.

Impact technique when printing

The touch typing method is accompanied by another technique that you need to master to
achieving excellent results is the printing stroke technique.

Few people pay attention to exactly how they type letters on the keyboard. It seems, well, with pads, what else. In fact, you should know that the main principle of this technique is to use not only the pads of the fingers, but the entire hand. The blows must be clear and jerky, while all fingers must always return to their original position.

Print rhythm

The rhythm of the typing is also important. You will notice that when you type rhythmically, that is, with a certain amount of time between pressing each button, your typing speed increases. Even if you can type some characters faster and some characters slower, you still need to stick to the rhythm.

A metronome will do a great job of helping you keep the rhythm. Some programs and online services provide this.

Programs that can help you master speed typing techniques on the keyboard

There are several programs designed to teach everyone the technique of speed dialing.

Online fast typing training services

You can learn high-speed typing online, both in regular form and in a game form:

All these online training sites provide you with the opportunity to train absolutely free of charge after registration. Here you can choose any one, because they all teach touch typing techniques.

If you are thinking about how to learn to type, also take note of information from articles and.

There are no secrets or tricks to learning to type faster. This fact may be frustrating at first, but all it really means is that with time and practice, absolutely anyone can learn to type quickly. When you can type without looking at the keyboard, you will notice that your speed becomes significantly faster. This is not difficult at all, but it requires the correct positioning of the body on the chair and the fingers on the keyboard. With patience and perseverance, you will soon learn how to touch-type at a very decent speed.


Part 1

Correct body position

    Organize your work and printing space correctly. To print, you need a comfortable, well-lit, and well-ventilated area. You should, of course, type at a table or desk, and not on your lap. A comfortable position is very important if you want to work for a long period of time. Make sure all of these components are in order before moving forward.

    Take the correct position. The correct body position for typing is sitting, back straight, legs shoulder-width apart, feet pressed to the floor. Your wrists should be level with the keyboard so that your fingers can curl comfortably over the keys. Your head should tilt down slightly when you look at the monitor, and your eyes should be at a distance of 45-70 centimeters from the screen.

    • Most office chairs are adjustable. Experiment with the position of the chair until you find the right seat height.
  1. Don't bend over. It is important to monitor your posture so that you do not start slouching while working. Keep your posture and body position correct to avoid wrist pain, which will slow you down and disrupt your typing rhythm. Avoid slouching your shoulders and back, and try to remain in a relaxed but upright position.

Part 2

Correct finger position

    Familiarize yourself with the keyboard. Most keyboards have the same key layout, called QWERTY, based on the keys that come first from the left on the top row of letter keys. Many keyboards, in addition to the letter keys, also have various buttons with different functions.

    • Most keys on the keyboard are used to enter corresponding characters in the text area. Open a text file and try pressing all the keys to see what they do.
    • Practice memorizing letter key positions and commonly used punctuation marks. You need to remember where they are so you don't have to look at the keyboard if you want to type quickly.
  1. Learn the correct hand position. To type quickly, you need to keep your hands and fingers in a certain position over the keys, and allow them to return to this position between typing. In a word, the arms should bend slightly in an arc above the level of the wrists, and the fingers should rest calmly on the keys of the starting position. And the home position keys are as follows:

    • The left index finger is on the letter A.
    • Left middle finger on the letter B.
    • The left ring finger is on the letter Y.
    • The left little finger is on the letter F.
    • The right index finger is on the letter O.
    • The right middle finger is on the letter L.
    • Right ring finger on letter D.
    • Right little finger on the letter Z.
    • The left and right thumbs should rest on the space bar.
  2. Close your eyes and say the keys out loud as you press them. A good way to learn the position of the keys without looking at them is to look at the screen and say the letter of the key as you press it. This will help you in the process of memorizing the position of the keys. Continue doing this until you no longer need to sound out the letters by clicking on them.

Part 3

Touch Typing Basics

    First, evaluate your speed. There are many ways to measure your typing speed, which is usually measured in WPM (words per minute). The easiest way is to type “calculate typing speed” into an internet search and click one of the first links to take a simple test. This will give you some starting point.

    • Having a specific number as your outcome will help you measure your progress over time.
    • Sometimes the result will be shown in WAM (from English words a minute), and not in WPM. There is no difference between these terms.
    • Remember that WPM is best calculated over a period of time. Typing over a longer or shorter period of time can change your WPM, so take the same test on the same site when you want to test your speed again over time.
  1. Slowly start touch typing. Developing your typing speed is a matter of steadily honing your skills, and touch typing (without looking at the keyboard) tends to be the fastest way to type once you get the hang of it. If you've never touched-typed before, you'll probably spend a lot of time on this step. But when you can type without looking at the keys, you will become much faster.

    Stick to this range and don't look at your hands. It is important not to look at the keyboard while typing to force your fingers to remember the key positions through physical repetition. If you have trouble not looking at the keyboard, try typing with a light cloth, such as a towel, draped over your hands.

Part 4

Practice and Improve

    Practice, practice and more practice. Touch typing is a skill that can be quite difficult to master, but once you get your fingers in the right position on the keyboard and your posture and body position are correct, the only thing that will help you improve is practice. Spend some time each day practicing touch typing and work on your speed and accuracy. Over time, your WPM will steadily increase.

    Practice with online games. There are a whole host of websites that offer free printable games where you can practice without worry. They will usually give you a certain score and also calculate your WPM, so you can try to beat your own record and compete with others by taking tests and games online.

  1. Consider more serious training. There are a number of specially designed programs that will help you quickly learn how to touch-type. These are all either simply guided sessions or games where the results are controlled by your typing speed and accuracy. If you need to quickly improve your typing, consider purchasing a game or program like this.

    • There are various types of such programs. Free online trainers are widely available on the Internet, but there are also programs you can download and a number of programs that cost money. Some will be more interesting than others, but all of them will help you improve your typing skills.
    • Ultimately, how quickly you can improve your typing will depend on how much time you dedicate to practice.
    • Be persistent. Learning to type quickly takes practice. :D
    • Alternatively, use software that will help you type faster, such as AutoHotkey or Mywe.

Greetings, friends and colleagues! In today’s article I want to start a new series of materials devoted to the most important skills and abilities that every modern person needs to learn. Especially for those who work remotely via the Internet or build their own business on it.

I'll start with such a simple skill as touch typing with two hands. I’ll tell you what it is, how to learn to quickly type on the keyboard and what auxiliary tools exist for this.

I once understood the meaning and importance of the skill from a conversation with a successful Internet entrepreneur, sitting in a small Indonesian warung on the island of Bali.

Let me share with you my thoughts about its benefits, which you may not even know about.

Why learn to touch type with 10 fingers?

Surprisingly, I learned to touch-type with both hands back in college, trying to occupy myself with at least something useful during lessons. The fact is that I studied at an ordinary Russian college, where it was possible to enter for free, since my parents were not able to pay for my education, and I myself was not eager to strive for anything at that time, limiting myself to herd mentality.

Well, most of our teachers, I don’t know how in other educational institutions, put a big emphasis on our knowledge and training, because for them the main thing is to work out the teaching hours in order to earn money.

So, in pairs on one specialized subject, while the teacher played a browser game, we learned to type on keyboard simulators. There were no modern smartphones and unlimited Internet at that time, and college computers only had educational software and standard Windows games.

In general, I believe that this is one of the few important skills acquired during 4 years of study, which now helps me earn a lot of money, by Russian standards.

Save time

The first advantage of the two-handed touch typing method for me, of course, was the typing speed, which is increasing to this day. Typing haphazardly, it is hardly possible to develop this skill so systematically, since you have to constantly look at the monitor and keyboard.

Nowadays, we began to communicate more in writing and being able to type quickly is already a necessity. It happens that I communicate on a social network with 10 - 20 people at the same time, which is impossible to do with live communication, since these are completely different people, including my employers, clients, friends and readers. Such a conversation in writing saves a lot of time.

Increased Productivity

The second advantage for me is that I began to keep up with my own thoughts when writing an article and communicating. When you have to write and communicate a lot, with a low typing speed you don’t always have time to type out what you just formulated in your head, and the thought gets lost. This happens even during a conversation, and we speak much faster than we type on a computer.

For this reason, in our course, where we teach people to write texts, formulate their thoughts correctly and earn 20 - 30 thousand rubles a month without leaving home, we pay special attention to training in correct typing on the keyboard.

Maintaining health and energy

The third and fourth advantages are the preservation of energy and health when working at the computer. There is no need to constantly switch attention from the monitor to the keyboard. Your eyes and neck become less tired, your productivity has increased, and the chance of damaging your eyesight and ruining your health has decreased.

Brain Development

I’ll finish with the fifth plus, the essence of which is that by training all the fingers of both hands, new neural connections are formed in the brain, which also affect our ability to think, learn and remember information.

Since childhood, our parents teach us new skills that affect our mental and physical development. But then, when we grow up, for some reason we stop developing these skills consciously, deciding that we already know how to do everything. I will talk about such “invisible” skills that need to be constantly developed, for example: the ability to ask questions, the ability to build relationships, etc., in this regular column.

If you want to always be in the know, . Let's learn them together.

How to learn to type quickly on the keyboard

The main secret here is that you need to learn a simple technique developed by an American stenographer more than a hundred years ago, and then continuously train it. The technique involves using all 10 fingers correctly.

Correct placement of hands on the keyboard

The letters and symbols on the keyboard are arranged according to a special layout and divide it into 2 parts - for both hands. It is enough to understand and learn the correct placement of the fingers. Here's how they should be positioned.

In the following image, zones are highlighted in different colors, indicating which finger should press which button. In college, we always had this color reminder picture hanging next to our computers.

Learning to type correctly is a rather difficult process, it’s like learning to write again or learning to write with a different hand. I remember how my hands didn’t obey, my fingers couldn’t straighten and couldn’t reach the keys.

Tags for the blind

Ever wondered why there are small protrusions on the letters “A” and “O” on the keyboard? They are specially made so that you can place your fingers correctly without looking. Start typing when you feel them.

Pressing the spacebar and duplicate keys

I want to pay special attention to pressing the spacebar and duplicate keys (shift, ctrl, alt) when typing a capital letter or some symbol. According to the rules, you cannot press 2 keys at once with one hand. That is, when, for example, you type the exclamation mark “!” - these are the shift + 1 keys, you need to press “1” with your left little finger, and “shift” with your right little finger.

With a space you do the same thing: when you type a character with your left hand, put the subsequent space with your right and vice versa.

I understand that at first it will seem wildly inconvenient, but then the result will surprise you.

There's no need to rush

Don't try to type quickly right away, work on your technique. Try not to peek, you can even cover the keyboard with something. At first the speed will be very slow, but as the fingers “stretch” and muscle memory appears, it will begin to grow.

Workplace organization

I also recommend that you choose a comfortable workplace. This is important not only for mastering touch typing, but also for staying healthy and efficient. Here, read the article about how to organize a place to work and what can happen if you sit incorrectly (link will be later).

Constant practice

Well, the last piece of advice is to never type incorrectly again! By spending a month or two (maybe more) starting from now on learning, you will save tens and hundreds of hours over the course of your life.

Training simulators

There are already dozens of different simulators on the Internet, some of them are free, some are paid.

Keyboard solo

SOLO on keyboard(best) - This is a very old machine that I used in college. The author is a famous psychologist and journalist Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan.

You can install a program for your computer or study online. It is constantly updated and recently the developers made a new version of the training.

It’s very cool that there are sequential lessons here that train all fingers separately. In total you need to complete 100 lessons.

In addition to the course for the Russian keyboard, there are also other languages. I'm currently taking English, since I also have to type a lot in Latin.

It has a good function - typing speed test.


Stamina is also a very good training program that allows you to learn the ten-finger typing method. The course is also based on step-by-step lessons.


VerseQ is a very simple simulator that adapts to the mistakes you make. There are no consistent lessons and no sense of achievement of some kind of goal, but in itself it is not bad.

VerseQ online- online version of VerseQ.

Analogues are worse

  • Bombina
  • RapidTyping
  • iQwer
  • Funny fingers
  • BabyType
  • Clavogons- the most popular in the game format.
  • All 10


It takes time to master this skill; it can take months to train until your fingers begin to obey and press the right keys automatically, without even thinking about where the right symbol is.

The basis of training, of course, is the correct key press, and not speed. Try not to make mistakes, type slowly but correctly.

All I can do is wish you success and hope that you won’t miss the next skill that I will discuss on the blog.

Leave your feedback on how you learned to type quickly and what programs you used. Bye!