What to do if the MacBook does not "see" the flash drive? Causes of USB connection problems on a MacBook and iPhone, flash drives.

Wireless network is the most convenient way connecting your computer to the Internet. Therefore, it is very unpleasant when we know for sure that wifi network works, but our MacBook cannot connect to it.

There can be several reasons for this problem:

1. Most often, the MacBook does not see Wi-Fi due to the fault of the module wireless communication the laptop itself. In this case, the wireless function is shown as inactive and no manipulation of the Wi-Fi settings don't help. It is unlikely that you will be able to fix such a problem yourself, so it is best to immediately take your MacBook to service center. The wireless communication module is not repaired, therefore, most likely, a service center specialist will immediately offer to replace it. The job of replacing a Wi-Fi module is not difficult and will most likely be completed in less than an hour.

2. The second, no less common reason that the MacBook does not see Wi-Fi may be a problem with the device driver (when using Windows). Users usually download drivers from the network. Unfortunately, the people who post them there are not always competent enough and the driver itself does not always have the correct designation. It often happens that a program is downloaded and installed that is designed for a completely different device. Also, do not forget that different wireless modules may well be installed in the same MacBook model.

To avoid such a nuisance, experts recommend downloading drivers exclusively on the device manufacturer's website, before knowing exactly which module is installed in your MacBook. This information can be found in the technical documentation that comes with the device or on a sticker that may be on the laptop case.

3. Also, this malfunction can be caused by damage to the cable, on models in which the Wi-Fi module is not located on the motherboard, but is located in the display module.

Many users who have experience in repairing laptops from other manufacturers feel free to order a wireless module via the Internet and try to replace it themselves. Unfortunately, such amateur performance usually does not end in anything good, and a seriously damaged device still ends up on the desktop of the service center master. After self-intervention, instead of simply replacing the Wi-Fi module, sometimes you have to make serious expensive repairs that take a lot of time. Is it worth it to risk your favorite MacBook for nothing, if at any time you can contact a specialized Apple repair service center, where real professionals work?

For uploading to MacBook information stored on iPhone, the iTunes app responds. If there are problems in its operation, the operating system does not recognize the connected device, does not allow you to copy photos or videos, other data, make backups, etc.

Causes of the malfunction

Why does the Macbook not see the iPhone? There may be several reasons for this.

Broken cable

All iPhone devices are designed to work only with original accessories, so when you connect a Chinese-made analog cord to the USB port, it is likely that

Macbook does not recognize iPhone. If the cable is not working, it's easy to check. It is enough to check its function by connecting another phone to a laptop or PC.

Connector problem

When no one has used a MacBook or iPhone for a long time, the likelihood of connector oxidation increases. On closer inspection, traces of oxidation can be seen and removed by cleaning the connectors.

Broken USB port

Sometimes the cause of poor contact between the phone and the MacBook is port pollution. Cleaning of sticky dirt, dust or foreign small objects can lead to the resumption of iTunes, the visibility of the iPhone on the MacBook. To make sure that the port is broken, you need to connect different devices. If the USB port fails, you will not be able to fix it yourself. The way out is to contact the service center, where the socket will be quickly and efficiently replaced with a new one using the original spare part and a guarantee for the service performed will be given.

Wrong version of iTunes

Sometimes the active version of iTunes may not be compatible with the application on the Macbook or the device has an old one. software which needs to be updated.


Resetting iTunes settings fixes the problem. This step can be taken if a dialog box appears with a warning "Trust this computer" when trying to connect an iPhone to a MacBook, provided that the iPhone has previously constantly connected to the MacBook.

Data Trust

If you are connecting and synchronizing for the first time or 6 months after the last connection, the message "Trust this computer" appears as protection against unauthorized access. If you click "Do not trust", synchronization will not be carried out and, accordingly, it will be impossible to receive data from the iPhone.

How to fix the situation yourself?

Method 2: If the reboot does not work, an update can help old version iOS along with installing a "fresh" version of the iTunes app. If the system asks for an update on its own, do not neglect the recommendation.

Method 3: Update the driver. The device requires the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver to function properly. The problem of its functioning may be due to a conflict with software (usually third-party). It is important to install licensed software to resolve the issue. Sometimes the driver may be disabled. To enable it, go to context menu Task Manager and click the Enable button.

Method 4. If the MacBook does not see the iPhone due to a USB port failure, you can use the phone connection through another port. If the problem persists, the cause of the port failure can be ruled out.

What to do if iTunes does not see the iPhone?

When you connect your iPhone, your Mac may not be able to see the device due to a glitch in iTunes. You can restore the ability of the device to see the iPhone by following these steps:

1. Remove the connecting cord between the two devices from the USB port. You must close the iTunes application before removing the cable.

2. Activate work file manager"Finder" and delete iTunes (whole folder) created on the application shortcut panel. It is also necessary to delete two files: 1) AppleMobileDevice.kext (located in the Library / Extension); 2) AppleMobileDeviceSupport.pkg (located in Library/Receipts).

3. After the manipulations, the MacBook needs to be rebooted.

4. In the device, after rebooting, empty the trash and restart the system again.

In order not to lose important data, downloaded music and other information, you must make a backup copy before starting work. After that, there is no iTunes data in the system and you can install the iTunes application from scratch. When choosing a program, you must choose latest version. Such simple steps allow you to get a fully working new application and easily download information, transfer data from Mac to iPhone and vice versa.

Several files, took an external drive, connected it and ... as a result, the Mac does not "see" the USB flash drive. Is she wrong? Or is the computer broken? No need to throw anything away or carry it to a service center. It is better to understand why such a problem occurs and how to solve it.

How to solve the problem of determining a MacBook flash drive.

Causes of the problem and possible solutions

The Mac may not recognize the media if:

  • Faulty USB port. Check if it works - try connecting other devices to it.
  • The flash drive is faulty. Therefore, Mac OS does not see it. Insert it into another PC or laptop. If everything works and the files open, then this is not the problem.
  • There are no suitable drivers. Update your computer software and restart it. See if any driver or OS related errors occur during boot.
  • Malicious software has appeared. Scan your system with an antivirus.
  • There are some hardware problems. Check if the rest of the ports and nodes of the laptop are working. Connect other gadgets to them. Perhaps the problem is not with a specific slot, but with the entire motherboard.
  • The file system (FS) of the USB drive is not suitable. Without special Mac programs will not be able to "see" the flash drive if it is formatted in NTFS.

A broken computer is best taken to a service center. If you don't know how to fix your MacBook and USB socket, don't risk it. The same goes for a failed drive. It contains information from which there is no backups? Give it to a specialist. Is the data not that important or is it easy to recover? Then transfer them to another medium. But if the Macbook does not "see" the flash drive because of the file system, you can change it yourself.

File system

An NTFS drive will not work on a macOS laptop. There are two options here.

What is the difference between these formats? There is a limitation in FAT32 - a file larger than 4 gigabytes cannot be written to the media. Even if there is 64 GB of free memory left. You can upload several files of 3 GB, 2 GB. But not 5 or 6.

FS also have different cluster sizes. This is something like "cells" in which information is stored. Let's say one cluster is equal to 2 GB (conditional). And you are copying a 3 GB video to the drive. It will take two "cells". That is - 4 GB. Nothing can be written to an occupied cell. The NTFS format has smaller cluster sizes. Accordingly, it will fit more data.

IMPORTANT. But if the MacBook does not "see" the USB flash drive, you will have to change file system. Or buy additional software. It all depends on what files you plan to transfer.

NTFS is a relatively new development. Although it was created a long time ago. It can work with big files. It makes optimal use of memory. It is superior to FAT32 in many ways. It is a prominent and advanced format.

FAT32 is an old but proven system. She doesn't have those options. This drive cannot record a movie in HD quality or an archive with a series. But she goes with everything. FAT32 is read by almost all machines. Including Mac laptops. But for some reason they did not add support for NTFS.

Today We are with you and cannot imagine a normal workflow without an Internet connection, but classic wired networks are already becoming history. Of course, it is very inconvenient to connect a long and not the most inconspicuous cable to the MacBook every time, especially considering the fact that in the latest models they decided to abandon the Ethernet connector altogether. Everything is logical: speed modern networks LTE or Wi-Fi is enough to comfortably play even online games or watch a movie in HD directly from the Internet, what can we say about standard web surfing or mail exchange? But to use 3G/LTE with your Mac, you also need additional device- a modem, but the Wi-Fi module has long been built into the MacBook and iMac of all models.

As a rule, Wi-Fi in Apple technology works stably, but it is simply impossible to foresee all situations in advance. What to do if at the most crucial moment your MacBook does not connect to Wi-Fi?

Most often, the MacBook does not see wifi network the following reasons:

  • Software issues
  • Wi-Fi module hardware failure
  • Damaged or disconnected Wi-Fi antennas
  • Motherboard failure.

The first, most likely, and most easily fixable problem is a Mac OS X crash. operating system. For example, one of the typical problems of some previous versions of Mac OS was that macbook loses wifi. There are several ways to troubleshoot such problems.

First of all, open the system settings - the Network section

and click on the “Turn off Wi-Fi” button

This will turn off the Wi-Fi module hardware, which often solves the problem. If you still don't have Wi-Fi working on your MacBook, deleting your existing connection and creating a new one may help.

Then, if the issue is still not resolved, try doing a reset system settings, this will require a reboot of the OS. This can be done with a combination Alt keys+ Cmd + R + P when turning on the laptop (the keys must be held when turning on until the characteristic welcome sound reappears).

If this also did not help, start the “working” OS, for example, from a live-CD or flash drive. Wi-Fi not working here too? The problem is most likely a hardware one.

Often the Wi-Fi module itself fails, it’s still not worth considering this a typical problem, but sometimes a malfunction appears for no apparent reason. However, often on your macbook problems with WiFi connected with

  • Factory marriage
  • voltage drop
  • moisture contact

In almost all of these cases, it will be necessary to replace the Wi-Fi module, although when in contact with moisture, cleaning from oxides in an ultrasonic bath and subsequent additional processing, soldering, can restore the module's performance. Less often, it is possible to restore the module itself if its failure is caused by problems with the power supply of the board.

Also, if such problems arise, it is worth considering the likelihood of failure of the Wi-Fi antennas themselves. They rarely fail on their own, because they are packed into the display case very high quality, practically not subject to wear. One of the few reasons for antenna failure is incorrect disassembly of the device. Also, in this case, the antennas may simply not be connected to the connector on the module. You can recognize this situation by the characteristic behavior of the MacBook - the network is caught only in the immediate vicinity of the router (sometimes “close”).

If the module is in order, you should pay attention to the connector in the mat. board (it also often oxidizes when in contact with moisture).

One of the typical problems can also be called the failure of the chipset - a special system logic chip on the motherboard of your MacBook. Its replacement is a relatively common and already “mastered” repair by many specialists, but even in such a well-known case, not only professional tools are needed (a soldering station, a special flux, a microscope and an oscilloscope to control the quality of the repair), but also the experience of an engineer.

All other malfunctions associated with the repair of the motherboard are quite difficult to fix on your own, even if there is detailed instructions- you can make your motherboard completely unrepairable, especially since the audio circuits on all Mac motherboards are quite complicated. We recommend that you contact a qualified technician for diagnosis and repair.

We specialize in component repairs. motherboards and we have been restoring MacBooks for over 8 years, during this time our engineers have gained unique experience in fixing a wide variety of problems, so we can perform almost any MacBook repair for you.

For any questions, our specialists are always ready to advise you by phone, e-mail or in the online chat on the pages of our website.

We are always waiting for you!

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Answer: Hello, Igor. The problem can be both system and hardware. We will be able to announce the final scope of work and the cost of restoration after a free diagnosis of this malfunction. We will be glad to help you! We work daily from 9:00 to 21:00. Departure of the courier within the Moscow Ring Road is free.

Cesis Angelina Eduardovna 12 May

Question: Hello!

I have a laptop Macbook Air 11 old, 2011. Today I spilled tea on him, everything works, but Wi-fi does not catch. Tried to climb in the settings - nothing happens. Writes no. hardware and the icon is disabled. When I try to turn on Waffle through the settings and manually select the network, the network searches, but cannot find it. How much will the repair cost in the best and worst cases? Thank you!

Answer: Good afternoon! In order to determine the cost of the repair, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics, because the problem of flooding is not at all unambiguous, diagnostics in our service center are free of charge. We work daily from 9 to 21.00