Why are there no subscribers on YouTube. How to gain subscribers on YouTube: sharing paid and free methods

14 May 2014 92 comments

Earlier this month, my YouTube subscriber counter hit its first thousand subscribers. I agree that this is not much, but on the other hand, I started active recruitment in early December last year. I didn’t indulge in black methods and cheating, and therefore there is some joy that at least there is a small step in promoting the channel.

I know from venerable pros that after a thousand, the set of subscribers to the channel goes much faster and more efficiently. YouTube starts showing your video more. considers you already a high-quality channel and, accordingly, the growth of subscribers is much faster.

Perhaps this is so, but it seems to me that recruitment is going faster because having a thousand subscribers, you in any case guarantee about a hundred views to your video on the first day, and YouTube closely monitors the first views and ranks the video in the search.

In addition, with an honest recruitment of the first thousand, in any case, you already have a decent number of videos, and if you offer a subscription to your channel in each video, the number of subscribers grows automatically.

The usual practice for most video bloggers to actively work on their channel is to recruit the first thousand somewhere in 6-10 months, then during the same time you can already score dozens of times more because your videos are already being viewed and your videos are reaching the first positions in search and related videos.

That's why the first thousand subscribers are important.

In this article, I want to reflect on what I did to gain subscribers on YouTube and what else can be done.

What am I doing now to gain YouTube subscribers.

As usual, I will list the list with a brief description. Perhaps in some points I did not reach the ideal, but for the good of the case I will write.

1. Each video must be optimized for a specific request.

3. Your channel and your videos must be recognizable.

A person should come to visit you and understand that everything is serious here and you need to subscribe to information from this channel. So be sure to get involved and be sure

4. Make a subscription form to your channel and post it on your blog.

Be sure to need a subscription form on each of your sites. If you don't have a website or a blog, then make one and place announcements of your videos on it with a brief description. Here is mine, everything about it is there.

5. Offer a subscription to the channel wherever possible.

If you have social media accounts networks, then the task is simplified, just add your videos with a small description and an offer to subscribe. If not, then create accounts and promote them. How to get followers on social media network I wrote. The method is also suitable for gaining subscribers on YouTube.

6. Paid methods set of subscribers.

You can use special exchanges with payment for a completed Seosprint task. It so happened that I promoted several of my videos and for a ruble I gave the task to watch the video to the end, like and subscribe to the channel. I spent about 100 rubles on this business.
I got 100 dead subscribers, they can not be counted. They won't watch you anyway.

BUT, on the other hand, I brought several videos to the TOP for popular queries and now they automatically bring me real and active subscribers through the link in the description and active annotations. So the method is quite working and not expensive.

More about how I promoted the video and with real examples here

7. Use mutual PR with other authors.

I suggest to all my subscribers to promote each other. It works well. Great if you can negotiate or buy PR from a venerable author. The more authority the author has, the more weight he will give to your video. Even a simple comment gives positive points.

Here are perhaps the main seven rules that I used to recruit the first thousand. Of course, I did some other little things, but it’s impossible to remember everything, and if I don’t remember, then they didn’t bring me additional subscribers.

What do I plan to do in order to increase the number of subscribers on YouTube.

Life goes on and you need to develop, in the next block I will prescribe, more for myself, what steps you need to take to increase the number of subscribers to my channel.

For example, you subscribed to a channel, immediately analyze what attracted you and made you subscribe!

1. Regularly adding videos to the channel.

This is quite an important point, especially if you are shooting a series of videos and announcing the release of the next video to the viewers, for example, next Wednesday. I confess that I myself have not particularly observed this rule lately, but now I am working on correcting myself and bringing out releases for every Tuesday and Friday.

So we learned, we need regularity in adding videos. It is better if there is an opportunity to shoot a video in advance so as not to drive everything at the last moment.

2. In each video, offer a subscription personally.

I am now watching one popular bodybuilding channel and in it in every video and several times the authors of the videos ask viewers to like and subscribe to the channel.

The channel itself is relatively young, only a year on the air, but there are already almost a couple of hundred thousand subscribers.

Of course, there are some nuances of promotion, but still, cool!

In short, in each video, ask viewers to like and subscribe personally, not with a simple button or a hint, but directly demand it!

3. An attractive animated logo in the upper corner of the video with an active subscribe button.

I will try to attach an animated logo-banner of my channel in the video to this post, so that the viewer can subscribe at any time and, in addition, so that this banner catches the eye and beckons “Subscribe to me!!!”

In short, here you need to think and implement wisely, maybe I’ll ask my designer for help.

4. Buy PR from several authors with large bases.

This is generally a cool step, but the trouble is that it is quite expensive. A huge plus is that you immediately get from 200 to 2000 subscribers.

But keep in mind that in order to keep the audience you need to release high-quality video.

5. Special software for video promotion.

There is a special program for promoting videos and getting subscribers Tube Toolbox, its essence is that it sends a recommendation about your video to similar channels.

When I start to deal with it, I will write a detailed post. The program is paid and I have not seen a cracked version.

This is where I will probably end my thoughts on how to gain subscribers to my YouTube channel.

Attached is a video version of this post. in it, some points of recruiting subscribers are considered more.

youtube subscriber recruitment

As you can see, the topic seems to be simple, but at the same time it requires attention, as for me it is easier to recruit subscribers to the mailing list.

And I also want to see how the recruitment goes after my first thousand, because they promise a bomb!

I will be glad in the comments to see and read your thoughts on how to gain subscribers to the channel.

Perhaps someone has their own cool ways.

Let's share and help each other!

And of course, I will be very grateful for the recommendation of a post on recruiting YouTube subscribers to any of the social networks.

You have read my article "How to gain subscribers on YouTube. The first thousand." I would like to read your opinion in the comments.

Hello friends!

Are you a YouTube channel creator? The purpose of its creation is not so important, whether it is the sale of goods / services, the promotion of an online store, website or blog, your main task will always be a set of subscribers, especially at the beginning. How to get subscribers on Youtube? How to do it as quickly as possible and at a minimum cost? Interested in the answers to these questions? - Then read the rest of the article.

Everyone wants to find a miraculous pill that will save us from pressing problems in the blink of an eye. Of course, I do not claim that the methods I have proposed for increasing subscribers are those very pills, but they will 100% accelerate the rate of increasing subscribers on your channel.

Yes, you will have to make some efforts to implement these methods, but trust me, they will pay off handsomely. As everywhere and everywhere, there are two main ways to achieve your goal - paid and free. To begin with, consider methods that do not require material investments from you.

Free ways to recruit subscribers to the YouTube channel

1. Creating motivation both for yourself and for existing first subscribers. If your task is website promotion, then you can invite your readers to participate in achieving your goal. For example, you publish an article on the site that you are going to gain a certain number of subscribers within six months, and the reader who will attract you the largest number subscribers, will receive a personal gift from you.

Thus, you motivate not only yourself as much as possible, since now it will not be possible for you to lose face, but also your readers, who will be happy to help you achieve your goal.

2. Creating a video with annotation and posting it on your resource (website, blog). The annotation is an inviting proposal that you have compiled, in the form of “Don't forget to subscribe!”. Of course, it doesn't guarantee that all users who watch the video will subscribe, but if you manage to create high-quality original content, many people will actually remember to subscribe to your channel.

3. Voice call in video. I advise you to encourage users to subscribe at the very beginning of the video, immediately after the short review. This works especially well if you are submitting some kind of coherent information over a long period, for example, an overview of various decoupage techniques or aviation modeling. In this case, 90% of interested people will want to subscribe to your channel if the video is informative and creative enough.

4. Private messages. Yes, this method is time consuming, but you will be pleased with its return. It is especially effective to apply this method by spinning the channel from scratch. To do this, find the TOP video on your topic and start writing private messages to commentators, like “Dear Vladimir! I see that you are interested in this topic, I can invite you to view the information on my channel. I think you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself!”. The main rule that you should remember is not to write more than 25-30 messages per day, as the YouTube administration may suspect you of spamming.

5. Video answers in the comments. Also very effective method set of subscribers. After watching several TOP videos on your topic, you can create your own video answer, where you supplement or refute some facts from your competitor's video. Most importantly, do not forget to insert an annotation into the video with a call to subscribe to your channel.

Paid methods to cheat subscribers

Now let's look at costly methods. How do they differ from free ones and do they promise you a faster set of subscribers? In fact, it all depends on the service you choose. I advise you to give preference to popular sites that have already proved their reliability and confirm their high rating. Such services include Seosprint.net, Liked.ru, Smmok.ru, etc.

How good are these sites? On them, you can not only increase the number of subscribers, but also engage in the full promotion of your channel Views, likes, comments - all this can be done for you by users of the service for a nominal fee from a couple of kopecks to several tens of rubles.

In a month, from unknown to anyone, your service will turn into a steadily developing one. You will independently create promotion tasks for the performers, and only then have time to observe the speed of development of your channel.

One more interesting fact, paid promotion can be turned into free if you also become a performer. Then the points earned for correctly completed tasks can be spent on promoting your personal channel.

Traditionally, I urge you to subscribe to blog updates, also watch my videos on YouTube. Repost and Like

Until then, friends!

In today's article I want to continue the topic on YouTube and talk about how to get subscribers on YouTube for free. Why do you need to have a lot of subscribers on your YouTube channel? Probably because video is by far the best perceived by blog readers, and it's not for nothing that YouTube is now leading the way in video blogging and marketing.

If you have your own YouTube channel, I'm sure you want to know how you can increase the number of subscribers to your channel and increase the number of views.

With over a billion monthly visitors, YouTube provides an audience for almost any video you upload. If you are a mime artist, a fashionista, give advice on technical devices, or just like to joke, then YouTube helps to promote your profession or hobby. If you are good at something, YouTube is an excellent platform to showcase your expertise, as there are a huge number of people who want to learn something but do not have enough information about it.

YouTube is a great platform for bloggers who want to make their readers feel connected to them. YouTube provides an opportunity to gain an undeniable advantage in the near future. An opportunity for bloggers to dramatically increase blog traffic by simply encouraging visitors to subscribe to their channel.

How to gain subscribers on YouTube for free in 12 ways

Below are some actionable ways on how to get YouTube subscribers to your YouTube channel without using friends or anyone else.

Creating a script for recording video

The first step in promoting a channel is planning how you are going to build it. Decide for yourself what you love to create and focus on developing similar skills, not copying popular videos, but doing what you love, so you are more likely to succeed in promoting your YouTube channel. As a rule, a video looks better if it is made according to a clearly defined structure, and moreover, this approach to creating a video makes it more effective. The written script also allows you to make sure that the sequence of the submitted material is correct, and the result will be a well-executed video lesson for your audience.

Create an engaging video

Recording a catchy video requires maximum effort. Create content that is engaging, informative, and somewhat entertaining. If you don't create catchy popups like subscribe to a channel, then don't be surprised if channel subscribers won't be added. Upload a video that is both informative and entertaining if possible. And then after viewing, users will have no choice but to click on the button to subscribe to the channel.

Increase video upload frequency

Of course, this is easier said than done, but you cannot ignore this fact. The main reason why someone clicks on the subscribe button is that people like the material that is published on this channel and they want to receive it more often. Subscribers usually do not like that the channel is not updated regularly with new videos. Consistency is the key to developing long lasting relationships with existing followers and attracting new ones.

Add new videos regularly. Try to post them once a week or at least twice a month. Stick to the schedule, and on the days when the video is not created, it can be considered that your reputation has decreased somewhat. Be that as it may, make sure that the schedule is always visible and the video is uploading according to the schedule.

Come up with custom headlines

  • Use Yandex Wordstat to determine which search terms people enter. Try to record a video that combines a large number of requests and low competition
  • You also need to limit the length of the title of the recorded video. Google limits video title length to 66 characters
  • Create a description of the title to make it clear to visitors what this video tutorial will be about.

Create catchy headers that also include queries under keywords so that your video tutorials convert better.

Make your channel as personalized as possible

If you want your channel visitors to trust you more, you should use all the customization options that YouTube offers. To do this, you can make the channel visually appealing so that it immediately gives you the opportunity to show you as a person, thereby showing you from a professional side.

I will stop here, although there are several more ways to get subscribers on YouTube for free. But, I will probably talk about them in the next article, otherwise the article turned out to be quite voluminous. And of course, if you know any other methods, then be sure to describe them in the comments, I will only be grateful to you for it!

Hello, friends! I always say that the most important thing in the success of any blogger is subscribers. And so today I want to tell you about how to gain subscribers to your blog through Youtube. In this case, you will not need any special technical skills, except for the presence of a ready-made video channel. Therefore, read and see how, with a few simple steps, you can make the viewers of your channel subscribe not only to the channel, but also to go to your blog or subscription page, or to any other site according to your plan!

The paradox of the situation lies in the fact that on the Internet, most users behave, as in real life, according to the good old principle "Until the thunder breaks ...". That is why, no matter how wonderful or super-useful video you upload on your video channel, the viewer needs to be prompted what you want from him. So it turns out that the content of the video, although the main, but not always the decisive factor.

Of course, from the point of view of the promotion of the video channel, the hint to the viewer should be in the form of a call to subscribe to the channel, like or leave a comment ... Well, if you gain subscribers to your blog, offer any services, then in this case there should also be relevant content .

You can make such hints by voice, or you can leave the necessary links in the description, but now the viewer is not very inclined to look for lines in the description. Still, in this case, it is better to show him everything on the viewing screen at once. And it’s not at all difficult to do this, especially since in YouTube itself such an opportunity is implemented in a very accessible way. Read on and you will immediately understand everything.

So, you go to Youtube and log in to your Google account:

In the left column, select "My Channel" and after loading it, you need to click the inscription "Video Manager" above the channel header.

You will see a list of all the videos uploaded on your channel. All videos are sorted by publication date, with the most recent always displayed at the top. Next, select the desired video for editing and click on the black triangle next to the inscription "Edit". In the drop-down menu, click on the inscription "Abstract".

An editor page will open in front of you, which has a preview screen with a timeline at the bottom, and a few buttons on the right. You need an "Add Annotation" button. Clicking it opens a list of possible forms for creating an annotation. Click on the one that suits you best.

After that, you will immediately be able to edit the content and design of the created annotation. In the text field you need to enter the content of the message-call to your viewer. For example, “liked the video, like it”, “subscribe to the channel”, etc. Here it is possible to transfer to new line. Below the text box, you can set the font size, color, and background. The whole process is immediately displayed on the preview screen.

Initially, your annotation will appear and be displayed at the location of the playmarker at the time of its creation. By simply dragging the mouse, you can place it anywhere on the screen, and if you hover over the corner, hold down left button mouse and drag to the side, then you can set the size.

The location and duration can be changed directly on the timeline or set in the corresponding playback start and end windows, which are located on the right. The second method allows you to fine-tune the appearance and disappearance, which in some cases is very necessary.

For calls like “Like”, “Leave a comment”, nothing else needs to be done. You just need to click on the "Apply changes" button in the upper right and all changes will be immediately displayed in your video.

But in order to relink the video, ask the viewer to subscribe to the channel or bring it to your blog, subscription page or product page, you naturally need to add the appropriate link. To do this, click on the checkbox next to the "Link" button

Immediately after that, the following menu will appear:

You need to click on the black triangle next to the inscription "Video" and in the drop-down menu select "Subscribe" - to call to subscribe, "Video" - to relink or "Related website" - to go to an external resource.

After choosing the redirect mode, you need to insert your link. Of course, it would be useful to check it for operability by clicking on the inscription "check link". If everything is fine, then again click the "Save Changes" button at the top right.

There is one peculiarity here: from Youtube, you can freely link to your site confirmed in this video hosting, and the transition to all extraneous resources is possible only through a redirect. The easiest way to make a redirect is to use the plugin "Link Hide". It is free, you can read about working with it, on the same page there is a link to download it.

The way I described above for applying annotations is good for everyone, but it is far from the only one. With a little effort, you can replace the standard annotations with your own. And so that you can visually see this process, and at the same time see the above methods of work, I asked my assistant to record a video that you can watch right now. It is small, but very visual.

It's no secret that Youtube subscribers are the people who are among the first:

- watch your new videos;

- evaluate them;

- write comments to them;

I think everyone would like to get as many of these active users as possible on their channel. That is why requests are walking in networks: how get youtube subscribers and the like.

1000 Youtube subscribers. My history

Let's not breed polemics, but just start with a specific example, which will be presented as Channel Clear TV (Link will open in a new window).

1000 Youtube subscribers to this channel managed to gain in about three months. It is also noteworthy that 95% are real, live youtube subscribers, which do what I wrote about at the very beginning of this article (though not as often as we would like).

Get live subscribers for free. Three steps to small success:

1. Mutual subscription

I am sure that without mutual subscription, it would not have been possible to gather such an audience (almost 1500 subscribers) on my young and “green” channel with a dozen of my first not entirely successful videos.

In the photo, the result that my friend achieved:

How does mutual subscription (youtube subscriber exchange) work?

mutual subscription. My secrets

If you plan to work long and fruitfully on Youtube and make money on your videos, then in the case of mutual subscription, I recommend:

- promote two or three channels at once (it doesn’t matter if two of them only have a video on which you shoot your younger brother or sister). So you save time, a lot of time and get 2-3 channels at once with a good number of subscribers;

- encourage mutual subscribers to be active (thumbs up and write comments). Of course, you must reciprocate the same. It is important. Take my word for it, because I know the price of the first views of new videos.

Mutual subscription (exchange of youtube subscribers). Output

The matter is not easy and not particularly interesting, but in this way I typed 10-40 followers per day. At the same time, I knew that these were not bots, but real people who created their channel on their own and just like me would like to get the first 1000 youtube subscribers.

And if you get tired of exchanging youtube subscribers?

I am sure that sooner or later (rather sooner) asking someone to subscribe mutually to the channel will simply get bored. You will no longer need youtube subscribers, because you will have 100, 500, 1000. Yes, and I think even robots cannot do this monotonous work forever. I’ll tell you about myself (I got about 1000 subscribers mutually. Many still don’t believe). Nuances of mutual subscription: (new material).

Naturally free subscribers on youtube is good, and you got them thanks to mutual subscription, but what's next? Now it's time to work with the annotations and description for the video.

2. Subscribers to the youtube channel. Annotations.

Many argue that the inscription: "Subscribe" at the beginning, middle or end of the video is annoying, but the real situation is a little different. I think I will not discover Africa if I say that all people are different. This inscription may and will annoy someone, but there are also benevolent people who subscribe to a channel that, for example, told them how to delete an indelible folder in 59 seconds.

I’ll immediately upset you a little and tell you that you don’t have to expect a large increase in the number of subscribers from the annotations on the new channel. True, when at least 600-1500 views are typed per day, they will be recruited free youtube subscribers. I recommend fixing this point with a verbal appeal in the video. Example: subscribe, I need you!

3. The site and 1000 subscribers on youtube are yours.

Naturally, the site decides a lot. Especially if it is close in subject matter to your channel and is well visited. Having such a platform on the network, you can leave a mini-banner with the Youtube icon and recommend subscribing.

This method works more effectively if you prompt the user to subscribe to something specific. Example: “A series of video tutorials on how to create a website for free”, or: “How to win money in the lottery. My game strategy.

Youtube subscriber cheat sites. Whether it is necessary?

Of course the exchange youtube subscribers works well. The site also contributes to the growth of subscribers on the channel, annotations affect this indicator a little less. But what if you want to quickly gain subscribers on Youtube? Use dubious sites for promotion, gain subscribers on the site or? Here the choice is yours. I was presented with white ways to recruit subscribers, for which:

- the channel will not be blocked;

- everything will be fine.

I hope now you understand what subscribers on youtube give and what is the point of recruiting them. True, even if you have 100,000 subscribers on Youtube and few useful and interesting videos, there will be no benefit, so do not forget to do it right.