Buttons to share with different services. Yandex created the best social network in Russia

Services with social bookmarking buttons

There are quite a few systems that provide their own scripts for displaying social bookmarking buttons. The most popular of them:

Previously, on my sites, when adding buttons, I did not use any of these services - I preferred original buttons social networks: Twitter, Facebook, In contact with, Google Plus, Mail.ru and Odnoklassniki(the last two social networks work from one script). The advantage of my method is that it is easier to share interesting information using original buttons, while they all have counters and are familiar to visitors. Of the minuses: an increase in the number of third-party resources from which scripts are loaded when generating a page, even though they somehow do not slow down the loading of the main content (asynchronous), the site speed still drops. I began to notice this after the attendance on some exceeded 5000 unique visitors. All the same, 5 third-party resources for bookmarks is too much, but you also need to place contextual advertising, and a couple of teaser blocks are also needed. You want to eat...

And not so long ago, on one of the pages of the Russian search engine subdomain () I came across buttons from Yandex with counters. Perhaps they are experimental, since Yandex did not spread about them at the official level, but they work just fine. I have already installed them on several of my sites and am very pleased with the tests on their loading speed.

How to add buttons to the site

In the place of the html template of the site theme, where you want to display the buttons, you need to add the code:

AT html code site before the closing tag:

insert the script itself to display social bookmarking buttons:

I continue a series of articles about creating pages in popular social networks. Today, the turn has come to the social network, which is in the package of such a monster as Yandex, which is called Ya.ru. Let's figure out how to create a page on Ya.ru and how to use this Yandex social network to speed up promotion and attract traffic from it to your site.

I will not talk about the importance of the presence of your Internet project in social networks and the possibility of promotion through them. Already now, and even more so in the future, promotion through social networks is what will be of interest to most webmasters who are at least somehow thinking about popularizing and promoting their Internet project.

This trend has reached Yandex. Already someone who, and they understand exactly in which direction to move. Therefore, it was created social network Ya.ru. Although, some time ago, there were rumors about its folding. But while this does not happen, so let's pay attention to it.

It is clear that it is very difficult for this social network to compete with such monsters of this industry as VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki. But do not forget that it is in the Yandex portfolio. And this is the main player on the territory of the Russian-speaking Internet, which is developing very rapidly.

Therefore, this “social program” cannot be ignored. Especially for those who are fighting for traffic to their site. Any opportunity to get it should be at least considered and used as much as possible.

Okay, enough water! Let's get started creating the page.

How to create a page on Ya.ru and speed up promotion using this Yandex social network?

To create a page, you need a Yandex email. We start it, then in the tab we select Ya.ru.

We go in, and we are offered to create a page.

Fine. Click Create page and go to the social network. Before us start page Let's start filling it out.

Click My page and go to the form proposed by the service. It is possible to fill out a questionnaire, add photos, invite friends, create polls, leave a note or thought, create a welcome message.

Let's fill out the questionnaire and other forms that are located on the main page. There is nothing complicated in filling.

Pay attention to the form I know and I can. Here you need to indicate what you think you are doing well and what you can teach. This is an important block, since these parameters will then participate in your profile when you want to join My circles.

My Circles is a community of professionals that allows you to expand business contacts (similar to Linkedin). The service is also in the Yandex portfolio. But now is not about that.

Now let's work on the appearance of the page. We go to the settings and go to My pages (point 1). In the middle is shown how our page will look, taking into account the changes made. We design the appearance of the header using the proposed options, you can also upload your own picture (point 2). You can change the background of the page and its individual elements (point 3).

This is what it looks like after a few changes:

Then, in order to change the appearance of the page, or rather, what is on it (its elements), go to Settings (point 1) and in the settings edit what needs to be left on the main page Ya.ru and what needs to be removed (point 2).

Check the checkboxes to indicate what you want. This is how it looks like:

Fine. Looks like we're done with the look! Let's move on to publishing posts on the page. To do this, go to the main page and select Record thought. A window will open and you can leave a note in it.

I do the following. After publishing an article on the blog, I leave an announcement with a picture and a link to the article in my notes. You can also cross-post after publication by clicking on the button Ya.ru in the line of Pluso social network buttons (I wrote about them in this one). Or by setting the button Ya.ru on your site. It can be done.

What can be noted advantages of placing a social button from Ya.ru :

  1. When you click it, the link appears on the page of the person who clicked it. You get a natural link.
  2. Publishing automatically takes place in Yandex.bookmarks, which cannot but affect the speedy indexing of the publication.

Please note carefully labels in the form under the note. It is for them that the search robot will rank the record. According to these keywords and visitors from the search engine will get to your post. Indicating them does not take much time, but the effect of them is quite significant.

Notes can also be left in html-mode, which provides excellent opportunities for a decent and attractive note design. It turned out like this:

Let's now move on to the most important, namely ...

How to attract traffic using a page on Ya.ru?

I will not talk about getting traffic for the site from social networks, I wrote about this in. So, to get traffic from here, you need to “light up”. How it's done?

In the page menu, select My clubs. You will see a list of popular clubs. You have the opportunity to join them. I recommend joining clubs similar in theme to your page. Choose the one you need and click Join the club.

You will be asked to somehow comment on your entry there. Click Join.

Fine. You have entered the club. Now start talking. You can post announcements of your articles or just share useful information.

Let's go back to the page.

AT Ya.ru there is a system of points called Ku - in the figure, immediately below the photo (point 1). What's the point. You post photos and videos on your page, join and be active in clubs, post notes, and so on. And for all this points are awarded (more precisely, their hundredths). Here is a whole ball called Ku. The peculiarity lies in the fact that you cannot get more than one Ku in one day.

When its integer number is reached, a crown appears on the head of your avatar. And she disappears when the opportunity arises to recruit Ku again. And she appears at midnight (like Cinderella, damn it). That is, when typing the whole Ku, you can continue to post notes, communicate and enter other information. But you won't get any points for that.

Why do you need this Ku.

This is necessary for the development of your page. For example, upon reaching 12 Ku, you can create your own clubs and create your own own themes when designing the page, and not to use the suggested ones. Some interesting options are added with each set of Ku. But the new Ku gets more and more difficult, as hundredths of it weigh less and less.

But back to the page. You see that you have the name of the club on the main page (point 3). You can also leave some important information, which will always be attached in the middle of the page (point 2). What could it be? Information about you, some photos, information about what services you provided. Here you need to specify the information that characterizes your activity. So that the person who comes to your page immediately understands where he has landed (by topic, I mean). Understandable, right?

Fine. This is how my page looks like (I recently launched it), so I can’t boast of impressive achievements. But the fact that it affects the ranking of the blog when search query for the better, no doubt about it.

In general, maintaining your page is not difficult and does not take much time. It can be easily linked to your blog by placing a social button for automatic cross-posting. You can sometimes look here, respond to comments and publish announcements of articles in thematic clubs in which you are a member.

I think you understand the importance of being in Ya.ru. Therefore, I strongly advise those who do not yet have their own page, then you need to start it faster.

That's all. Today we dismantled how to create a page on Ya.ru and attract traffic from this Yandex social network. We'll say goodbye. Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates. See you soon!

How to create a page on Ya.ru:

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Are Good Habits Necessary? Of course. This is how our personal effectiveness grows.

” managed to create the embryo of a beautiful, modern in every sense of the word social network. No, this is not about the mournful project "My Circle". Despite the efforts of developers and the power of Yandex, despite the right ideas about integrating it with other social networks, the My Circle brand evokes only associations with circles on the water that diverge from a drowned object. Maybe the point is that we are fed up with the old format social networks, or maybe that the professional communities (on which Yandex staked) are not developed at all ... But what's the difference! This is not about this intentional attempt by Yandex to enter the social network market, but about a completely different, unintentional one.

We are talking about Yandex.Maps. “What kind of social network is this?,” any sane reader will say. “Those are cards!” And he will be absolutely right. These are really cards. And also traffic jams, and also geolocation, and also an emphasis on mobile devices, and also the ability to exchange messages and even create groups. And millions of users and tens of thousands of companies. In general, this is the embryo of a social network - the most modern of those that have been created in Russia so far.

A bit of history. In 2004, the project was launched, in the same year, but a little later, Yandex.Maps appeared on mobile phones. Then various improvements followed, like a satellite map. In 2008, users were able to add events to maps, such as accidents or roadworks. But the Russians stuck in traffic jams (mostly Muscovites, as the most "plugged" inhabitants of Russia) got bored and put events on the map not on business, but only in order to throw out the life energy that had stagnated in traffic jams and at the same time say everything they think about Moscow government and transport system. For such in 2010 introduced new feature- "Conversations".

After all, what is a modern social network? It is something that unites people on a certain, but rather broad basis (love for photography, for example, in-real life friendships or geographical proximity). Without any doubt, such a network relies on mobile devices. It is also desirable to have geo-referenced - the ability to find friends and places nearby, report your location. And, of course, now the large format has died out - an action on a social network should require a minimum of actions from a busy and lazy person. 140 characters to write - and even then many do not bother, they try to limit themselves to only one photograph or a short caption to it. No wonder Zuckerberg paid a billion for - they say, he was afraid that in the future he would be able to squeeze out his now insanely popular, but too cumbersome and not too friendly to mobile devices creation. And comments on user posts are successfully replaced by one emotion button (Like), well, or several emotion buttons, as in the hit of this season - the Path network. It will not be superfluous to be interested in many of the most different companies for whom the social network will become a way of promotion.

Yandex.Maps has it all... well, almost everything. The problem is that Yandex itself never seems to have looked at them as a social network. He tried to give the service social functions, but this was not a strategic setting, but only reflex actions in response to stimuli. Are users dissatisfied with the quality of the cards? Let's give them a "People's Map", let them draw themselves (and after all, people have organized themselves - they draw 450,000 objects every month). Users fill cards with non-existent events in order to blurt out some nonsense in the signature to them, like “Guys, we leave the cars - let's go drink beer!” - we will give them “Conversations” so that they do not litter on Yandex.Maps. And it's not trash. These thoughts and emotions are what people communicate with each other for. They need to be nurtured, digital infrastructure developed so that this spontaneous and ardent thirst for communication not only finds a way out, but also develops, entertains and entices. It's good that Yandex did not uproot the life that suddenly appeared in its maps. But he didn't really help her.

A glimpse, even an insight, it would seem, was the creation of the first social group within Karts. This is the Avtomonitor group, created jointly with Avtoradio. But the idea was not carried through to the end and helped the radio more than Yandex. The only thing that could be done was to show the members of the group on the "Maps". The opportunity to contact them was "planned", but things did not go beyond the plans. As a result, the members of the group are "several thousand, and this number has remained stable for the past few years," according to Yandex. And if you go to the community, you can see on the map at most several dozen participants. And all because there is no point in this undertaking if only geolocation, and not social functions are implemented. And in general ... "Autoradio"!? This is not the basis on which the social network of the future can grow.

And you don’t need to do too much (although doing it well will, of course, not be easy). On the maps you can already see establishments nearby. So let it be visible and reviews on them, and "check-ins", and - most importantly - friends (yes, "friends" should simply appear in the "Maps", and not artificially created groups) - naturally, if they themselves are ready to report about your location. We need to expand the capabilities of Conversations so that they become a full-fledged tool for communicating with friends or with traffic jam neighbors. Maybe integrate with other networks. It is necessary ... yes, this is enough for a start. The rest will catch up later - including, I hope, finally, speech recognition - in particular, so as not to be distracted from the road even in a traffic jam. And these functions are already enough to not just throw a call in a traffic jam “Girls, let's get acquainted”, but get an answer from a blonde in a red Mazda, chat while the traffic jam is there, and when it clears up, friend each other. And then meet in the park or cafe where it is most often marked on Yandex.Maps.

There are quite a few ways to add social network buttons to the site now, there is a choice and it pleases. Social buttons play an important role on the page, with their help, as many already know, you can quickly repost any post in one of the selected social network. Social buttons for the site are now placed anywhere and anywhere, but sometimes in the wrong place.

Social buttons for the site

Many people already know how developed social networks are now and how great it is if your site has such buttons with which you can add your favorite post or part of a post to your wall. With this action, you not only comment or repost messages, but also give an additional signal to search engines.

The dream of every site owner, if all his posts are reposted by readers on their pages in one of the social networks. Now most of all there is a demand for Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter and Odnoklassniki. I would also add LiveJournal, liveinternet and Blogger. It is desirable to add these buttons to the site for the complete convenience of the user.

Especially Twitter today deserves more and more attention, with its help your new publications appear faster in the search engine index.

If you are the site owner, you should most likely have a liveinternet or LiveJournal account. In order not to add new entries to these services every time, the presence of their buttons saves time. In addition, many people use these services and may also want to repost your entry in their diary.

There are several best ways to quickly add social buttons to a site. You can do this with online services who will help you with this quickly and without problems. Or directly through each social network separately. Here, everyone has their own choice. I used to have buttons added separately through each social network, now I installed them using the service.

There is such a service, it is called share42. A lot of material has been written about him, how good he is and how to use it. Good, but for the average user who understands nothing about it, it will be difficult to handle it.

For such a small occupation, copying folders to the hosting and then bathing with styles, now it no longer drives. There are other options in which you need to copy and paste the already finished code without any additional folders. So forget about this service.

Add only the most basic social network buttons that the majority use, do not sculpt dozens of unnecessary forgotten buttons.

What can you use today to add social buttons for site:

  1. Uptolike service.
  2. Yandex social buttons.
  3. Adding manually each social network separately.
  4. Plus service.
  5. Using plugins for WordPress (for the lazy).

You probably don’t need to intermeddle anywhere else, you can’t find better ways. Each of these options is good in its own way. If you know a more convenient or attractive way, please write in the comments.

Social network buttons must be inserted at the end of each article so that after reading, the site visitor can optionally repost your entry. He should not look for them somewhere at the end of the page. The most optimal places, in my opinion, where such buttons should be placed are in the sidebar and immediately at the end of each entry.


At the moment I myself use this service, I liked it. In addition to convenience, the uptolike service has several privileges over others of its kind.

  • Wide choice among social media buttons;
  • Buttons adapted for mobile devices;
  • The ability to quote any part of the text in the social network;
  • You can add a button to the top;
  • The ability to add a pop-up window for a subscription to the Vkontakte group;
  • Choosing the size of icons;
  • Choosing the style of icons for the site;
  • Add hover effect;
  • Change button background, text color, counter background;
  • Increase or decrease the text in the counter.

Privileges over other such services are enough to use it. In this case, only a small code is added in the form of a script and a couple of lines with styles. At the same time, there is no extraneous link, I checked it through the service of outgoing links. If I'm wrong, you can correct me.

Other than that, what else can the uptolike service do.

Most important settings. Choose which social buttons for the site you want to see. If necessary, you can open the list and select a few more from the majority. Check the box for support. After that on mobile phones, the social media buttons will always be displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Choose the horizontal position of the buttons, size and style. Decorate as you like and add a hover effect. Nothing more needs to be done. To generate the counter code, you must specify the website address and mailbox. Immediately after that, a code will appear for inserting social buttons on the site.

If you have a WordPress site, open the single.php file and paste the finished code right after the end of the page content. Refresh the page and see what happens. There is nothing difficult.


Select the desired service icons. Twitter is only in the form of icons, without counters. We select the appearance of the blocks and below there will be a ready-made code for insertion. As mentioned earlier, Yandex does not add anything else, everything is modest and tasteful.

Manual Add Method

In this method, you need to open each social network separately and configure each repost button separately. To add a Facebook button, you need to go here. For classmates and my world, you need to add data. For twitter, everything happens on . To add a Vkontakte button, go to this page .

You will have ready-made code only from social networks, without any extra scripts. Probably the most The best way to add social media buttons to the site. The difficulty arises in the fact that you need to cut each button separately, then paste everything in one place and use css styles to align it in one column. If you don't have any problems with this, you can try.

In contact with

To add a Vkontakte button, click Connect sites and widgets, below there will be a complete list of all possible additions. There is also the ability to add comments to the page, write on the wall, add your group, recommendations, polls, subscribe to the author and publish links. In our case, select Publish Links.

There is nothing complicated, we select the style of the button (with or without a counter), write the text on the button, the logo option and at the bottom there will be a ready-made embed code. I myself used this manual method of adding, but at the moment I'm trying a third-party service. Let's see what happens. If it does not suit me, I will immediately go back to the manual method.


Another way to add buttons to a site is with Pluso service. The service is also not bad, many noticed buttons from it. The choice of design options is large, in addition to the amateur there are large image sizes. The ability to add networks is in no way inferior compared to other similar services. Installation does not require any files, only code.

Choose any design style and add necessary services. A little lower will be shown a ready-made example of how all this will look on the page. Icons can be set to large, medium, or small. Also square icons for the site or round, in one line or in two lines, horizontal or vertical. With or without a counter, without a background, or set the background to match your website design.

After all these steps, below there will be a ready-made code for inserting into the page. If you need to insert home page, poking around in the index.php file, if in all your entries, add the code to the single.php file immediately after the end of the entry.


If you don’t understand anything in this code, what needs to be copied where and how it all works, there is a way out. If you have a WordPress engine, you can install a plugin that will give you social media buttons. Today, such plugins are simply a large number of. Go to the admin panel - Plugins. You can immediately write in the search for plugins “social buttons”, “social” or “VKontakte”. I'm sure you'll find something.

Among the majority of such similar plugins for WordPress, looking at the rating, these are the most put:

  1. Social Share Buttons for WordPress.
  2. social.
  3. Social Media Feather - lightweight social media sharing and follow buttons.

In fact, there are a lot of such plugins, you need to install and sort out which one you like best, works correctly, what it shows and how you can customize it for yourself. Let's look at the example of the first such plugin Social Share Buttons for WordPress.

The plugin itself is in Russian, there will be no problems with this. After installation, a new button "Share Buttons" will appear in the menu on the left. In the main settings, we put the site logo and write the text in front of the social buttons.

Be sure to turn on the generation of meta data, the title and description of the page will be included. Align the buttons horizontally and choose where they will be. We choose only in posts. Optionally, you can exclude the necessary pages. At the very bottom, you need to specify the nickname in the tritter.

On the next tab, Share settings, select the style of the buttons. Below you can turn on or off unnecessary social networks and add indents for the entire block above or below. You don’t need to put any extra code anywhere, the plugin will do everything for you.

The choice is yours as to which method you will use. Add social media icons via uptolike, Pluso or via Yandex. You should not immediately install the plugin on WordPress, try to do everything manually or with the help of a service.

If you know of any other good service or a way to add social buttons for the site, I will be grateful for the comment.

In general, not so long ago I already wrote about a specialized service that allows you to create social network buttons on a website and blog. Such buttons are also implemented on my blog. And I must say, very convenient service.

The principle of operation of such buttons is that it is easier for you to publish announcements of articles in social articles. But this is a trifle compared to the main task - your visitors share your useful materials with the help of convenient buttons and thereby speed up the indexing of the article. search engines and improve behavioral factors. And this, you see, today greatly affects the promotion of the site.

So let's get started.

Note: in order for the social network icon to appear, you will need to enter the link address to the icon of this social network in a special field.

To do this, you need to copy the icon to a folder on your site on the server. I copied this icon to all other social media icons. And he indicated this path in a special field.

Optional Pinterest Icon

As a result, the Pinterest icon will appear and a line with the path to the additional icon will be added to the code.

To do this, the received code must be inserted into the appropriate place on your site. The most preferred option at the bottom of each article. Let's look at an example using the example of my blog created on WordPress.

Important! before making changes to the code, be sure to do backup mutable file. To do this, just copy the entire page code into a separate document and save it.

In order to insert social article buttons at the bottom of each post, the code obtained earlier must be inserted into the single.php file.

We open the administrative WordPress dashboard, then the section " Appearance- "Editor". And select the single.php file.

The next step is to choose a place to paste the code. It is difficult to suggest a specific place to insert, since everyone has their own template. If you find it difficult to understand the code, look carefully at your page, determine where the article ends, what follows it (navigation, popular materials, comments) and only then look for a place to insert.

Well, in extreme cases, if you made a backup, the scientific poke method will help.

As a result of pasting the code, you will now have social buttons after each article and they will look something like this:

In order to make a call to action, align to the center of the button and make hints in the code, you need to make some improvements:


Friends, click on the buttons, help the development of the blog:

In general, the result will look like this:

Yandex.Metrics section - Content

And here you will see all the statistics of clicks on social buttons. Over time, you will have decent statistics, and you will be able to see which materials your visitors liked the most. So, you can predict their desire and write more useful material.

My statistics are extremely modest, one click. And that's mine 🙂 but I think the principle is clear.

I also advise you to watch the video version of the article, where I clearly talk about the above algorithm.

Well, as an alternative, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the ability to create . Just follow three steps and the buttons are ready to use.

That's all I have today. I wish you all good luck.