Feedback Yandex search. Yandex feedback - how to write to Yandex support service. In what cases should you write to Yandex support service?

Yandex.Mail allows its users to send letters with questions, complaints and requests for help in solving various problems. However, as is usually the case, it is sometimes difficult for the average user to find a form to compose an appeal.

Since Yandex has several divisions, the methods of contacting technical support will also vary. They do not have a unified form of contact, and even more: it is not possible to contact specialists so easily - you will first need to select a section with basic instructions for resolving the difficulty that has arisen, and only then find the feedback button on the page. It is also worth noting that on some pages it may be completely absent.

Note! Yandex.Mail deals with issues related to its mail service of the same name. It is wrong to contact her with problems of other services, for example, Yandex.Disk, Yandex.Browser, etc. - different teams deal with and advise on different products. In addition, it is worth noting that there is no single postal address for technical support - most requests occur through the forms that will be discussed in this article.

Yandex.Mail does not work

As with any website or online service, Yandex.Mail may experience malfunctions and technical work. At these moments she becomes unavailable, usually not for long. You should not try to immediately write to technical support - as a rule, access to the mailbox is restored quite quickly. Most likely, they won’t even answer you, because by that time it will no longer be relevant. Additionally, we recommend that you read our article, which discusses the reasons why mail may be inoperative.

However, if you cannot open the Yandex.Mail page for quite a long time or you can do this from other devices, but not from yours, provided you have a stable Internet connection and the site is not blocked by you, someone else, or your provider (relevant for Ukraine) , then it’s really worth contacting a consultant.

Forgotten email login or password

Most often, users try to contact Yandex.Mail employees by forgetting their login or password for their mailbox. Experts do not provide such advice directly, and here is what you should do first:

Other problems with Yandex.Mail

Since login and password recovery requests are the most popular, we have included them in separate instructions above. We will combine all other questions into one section, since the principle of contacting technical support in this case will be identical.

  1. Let's first figure out how you can get to the support page. There are 2 options for this:
    • Follow the direct link below.
    • Log in to this page through your email account. To do this, open your email and scroll to the bottom of the page. Find the link there "Help and feedback".
  2. Now you will need to select the most suitable one from the list of sections and subsections.
  3. Since all pages with answers to frequently asked questions are different, we cannot give a single description of the search for the contact form below. You need to look for either a link to a technical support page:

    Or a separate yellow button, which also redirects to the feedback page on your topic. Sometimes you may additionally need to pre-select a reason from the list, marking it with a dot:

  4. We fill out all the fields: indicate your last and first name, email to which you have access, and describe the complexity that has arisen in as much detail as possible. Sometimes applications may have a limited number of fields - without a field to enter a message, as in the screenshot below. In fact, this is just a complaint about a malfunction, which should be sorted out on the other side. It’s worth repeating once again that each section has its own form of address and we show only one version of it.
  5. Note: After selecting a problem from the list (1), additional instructions may appear (2). Be sure to read them before sending an email to technical support (4)! If the recommendation did not help, do not forget to check the box (3) indicating that you have read it. In some situations, the line with the checkbox may be missing.

This concludes the instructions and we hope that you were able to figure out the confusing feedback interface. Remember to write your letters in detail to make it easier for employees to help you.

A very important criterion for the responsibility and integrity of any Internet resource is feedback. With this function, any client can count on timely assistance if any problems arise. For example, in cases where you need to register or delete an account. Fortunately, Yandex mail has feedback and you can get answers to your questions in any convenient way - write or call Yandex support service. How can I do that?

How to contact support?

The most popular way to contact them is to write an email there. Moreover, Yandex itself offers to use the email service.

But Yandex recommends not immediately contacting the operator by phone, but finding the answer to your question here Here is a fairly large list of problems that arise in the Yandex service. Each list includes additional lists that clarify the reason for contacting technical support. In most cases, issues can be resolved with the information provided. Just follow the instructions.

In cases where the problem cannot be solved using the described method, the user ends up back on the feedback page. When the user decides to contact the operator directly, the difficulty encountered must be described clearly and understandably.

In order to establish mutual understanding with the operator, the following information must be provided:

  1. Which browser does the user use to access the Internet? You also need to specify the version.
  2. Indicate the address of the page on which the problem was identified.
  3. Indicate as clearly as possible all actions taken to resolve the problem.
  4. If possible, upload a screenshot of the page where you encountered difficulties.
  5. In special situations, you will have to fill out a form, then be patient and wait for a specialist’s response. If the service is very busy, the wait may take quite a long time.

How to contact Yandex by phone?

You can get the help you need not only on the website, but also by phone. The support service provides free calls for consultation with specialists. For citizens of all regions of the Russian Federation there is a single hotline number: 8 800 333-96-39. Call center employees are always ready to provide professional assistance in real time from 05.00 to 24.00 Moscow time.

Yandex is one of the largest resources, so its developers took a responsible approach to the interests of their clients and provided them with round-the-clock technical assistance located on the website. In order to contact support, you need to register in the system and wait for a response message.

It is important to know that user requests in electronic form are equivalent in importance to written requests. This means that the client’s application will definitely be considered, taking into account Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for citizens’ appeals”.

Therefore, if any questions arise, experts advise not to waste time and write a request by e-mail. But in any case, users can use the phone number provided on the site for technical consultation.

Working with Yandex services is for the most part intuitive for the user. However, in case of questions and service failures that cannot be resolved on their own, the client contacts technical support staff.

Technical support or “Yandex Help” (Yandex.Support) varies depending on the type of service. The main access is from the service page through the “Feedback” link. You can contact specialists two ways:

  • by calling the hotline;
  • by sending an email request.

The Yandex support service informs you that on holidays and weekends the response to your request is processed slower than on weekdays and is sent later. Usually speed reaction The application process is impressive - less than 3 hours pass before the letter is processed. Operators send an analysis of the problem that has arisen and recommendations for solving it.

Contacting Yandex.Mail support service

Mailer technical support is accessed from the main page. In the upper right corner, go to the “Mail” tab. Then select the “Help and Feedback” link at the bottom.

The "" window that opens contains a list of articles with instructions for troubleshooting various problems.

If you couldn’t solve the problem yourself, you can use the “Feedback” button inside the topic articles.

By filling out the fields step by step and answering questions, the user gradually provides technical support specialists with detailed description question of interest. The response to the request comes to the email that the client indicates at the end of each request.

Technical support Yandex.Webmaster

To communicate with technical support specialists, you must go to the service page. To do this, from the main page of you need to click on the “More” tab, then the menu item “ all services", then scroll down, "Webmaster".

To get help, click on the “Feedback” link at the bottom of the page.

After redirecting to the technical support page, the topic on which the question arose is selected, which is subsequently detailed with clarifying requests. Before contacting support, it is useful to follow the link " Help", located next to " Feedback» and study the material presented in the form of short articles covering one or another aspect of working with the service and how to troubleshoot problems.

To contact support, select the menu item " Question about the Yandex.Webmaster service" and then in the window on the right "Another question about Yandex.Webmaster"

In the form that appears, select a topic from the drop-down list and check the box“The answer could not be found, write to support.”

Yandex.Money support

You can go to Yandex.Money technical support from the service page, in the upper right corner, after identification. The link is indicated by number 2:

From the menu above the search bar, go to the “More” tab, then the “ Money" In the figure above, this block is indicated by the number. Realize login to wallet not necessary. Just scroll the window all the way down. The gray field shows the hotline number +7 495 974 3586. If the request that needs to be resolved is not urgent, or the user prefers correspondence to conversation, you must follow the link “ Help"below the phone number.

The menu that opens contains a description of solutions to the main problems that poison users encounter most often. If the mini-articles do not provide comprehensive information, you should go to the “” menu item. On the right main part of the screen there are links to the most common problems encountered by Yandex.Money users. The links on the left are duplicated.

If none of the proposed topics is suitable, the last menu item “ I have another topic", which entails a redirect to the page with phone numbers:

  • for Moscow
  • other Russian cities
  • users from other countries.

If correspondence is more convenient, there is a fill-in field on the page request forms. The topic is selected from the drop-down list, and from the items that appear, the one most suitable to the question. After checking the box, fields appear where you need to enter personal data (sometimes optional), a comment (required), which describes the problem in detail, and an email address where the answer will be sent.

How to call support

Yandex support specialists in Moscow are available by calling +7 495 974-35-86. If the user lives in Russia, but not in the capital, the number 8 800 250-66-99 is used for communication. Foreigners are provided with a separate line +7 495 974-35-86.

Feedback is an important criterion for responsibility on the part of any self-respecting resource. Thanks to it, users can seek help if any problems arise (for example, with account recovery or deletion). Yandex mail is no exception - you can always write or even call the support service. How to do it?

How to write to support?

Traditionally, the most convenient way to communicate with the administrators of an Internet resource is e-mail, which is especially true in the case of Yandex, which itself provides an e-mail service.

At the same time, the support service urges you not to rush to contact the operator, but to look for the answer to your question on the feedback page - Indeed, solutions to most possible problems in the operation of Yandex services are offered here.

Each of these sections includes a number of subsections that describe as accurately as possible the reason for contacting technical support. Sometimes the subparagraph contains information that allows you to quickly fix problems yourself, as in the example below.

If there is no ready-made solution, the user will sooner or later end up on the feedback form page. The exact configuration depends on the subpartition in which it is located.

If you decide to write to the operator, remember that it is necessary to describe the malfunction as accurately as possible so that the employee does not have additional questions and he immediately understands the situation.

To do this, try to provide the following information:

  • name and version of the browser used;
  • address of the page where the error was found;
  • describe in detail what actions you are taking and what, in your opinion, is not working;
  • If possible, attach a screenshot of the error message to your message.

In some cases, other information directly related to the description of the details of the situation will be required. After filling out the form, be patient and wait for a response. If the support team is busy, this may take a long time.

How to call Yandex by phone?

All problems with mail are solved not only through the site itself. Yandex support service provides free consultations by phone. A special hotline has been opened for clients from Russian regions at 8 800 333-96-39. The company's managers provide qualified assistance in a short time every day from 5:00 to 24:00 Moscow time.

It would seem simpler: to get an answer to the question posed in the title of the article, just type in the search bar of Yandex or Google the request: “Yandex mail help,” and then click on the first link provided.
However, this is not enough, because there are nuances that I want to talk about.

What is professional help from Yandex and why is it needed?

Professional help is real help from a Yandex employee to help the user solve problems with mail that cannot be solved on their own.

Why can some problems only be fixed by a Yandex employee? This is due to the fact that it is the employee who has access to the user database and Yandex services without the restrictions that any user has.

They say that there is only one answer to the question “why?” solves a thousand questions “why?”. Therefore, I will give a real example of why you might need professional help from Yandex technical support.

My reader Nadezhda, my namesake, made a mistake by one letter in her name when registering. Numerous attempts by Nadezhda to change her name through Yandex Passport did not yield results. More precisely, the name in the Passport was correct, but for some reason letters from her mail were sent with an error in the sender's name.

She tried almost all options to correct the name, and finally wrote to Yandex technical support. In the end, everything was limited to filling out the forms she received. The name was corrected thanks to Yandex support without any explanation from them.

I can give other real examples related to calls to Yandex technical support. The first example is related to the fact that back in 2013, . Then technical support could not help. It would seem that the appeal was in vain. But also thanks to such requests, Yandex is gradually improving its services. And now Yandex.Money works much more reliably than it did at the beginning, when the service was first created.

The second example is this. I asked Yandex technical support why this service does not work and received the answer that it is closed.

And finally, the third example is. At first the service worked continuously. When the service suddenly stopped responding, I had to contact technical support. They explained that now Yandex.Postcards are available only on the eve of holidays, for example, March 8 or New Year.

Where can I find help from Yandex.Mail?

There are many different services on Yandex, so I am providing a specific link to help with Yandex.Mail:

By clicking on the link above, we get to “Frequently asked questions in Yandex.Mail,” where many problems that arise for users are discussed. By clicking on any question, you can see the answer to it. By looking through these questions, you can find the answer to your problem in the form of instructions that explain what actions you can take.

Rice. 1 (click to enlarge). Frequently asked questions in Yandex Mail with answers to them.

You can contact mail technical support while in your Yandex mail. The fact that you are in your mail is indicated by the presence of your mail login in the upper right corner (1 in Fig. 2). By logging into your mail, help can be found downstairs, that is, in the basement. It is called “Help and feedback” (2 in Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Help and feedback from Yandex mail.

If you don’t have access to mail, you can get help without logging into your mail, that is, anonymously.

To get help from a Yandex.Mail employee, you can use the following algorithm:

1) Go to the official Yandex website, or rather, to “Frequently asked questions” (Fig. 1). If you have access to your mail, you can first log into it to be an authorized user (preferably, but not required).

2) In “Frequently asked questions in Yandex.Mail” you should find a section on your problem (Fig. 1). By clicking on the link to the appropriate section, you can read the answer to your problem prepared in advance and posted by Yandex employees. As a rule, at the end of the answers in any section there is always a yellow link “Write to support”. You can click on the link if the prepared answer and list of actions are not clear or do not lead to the desired result.

3) By clicking on the treasured yellow button, you will then need to fill out a form to send to Yandex, where you need to describe your problem in as much detail as possible. Sometimes it is worth attaching a screenshot (screenshot) to the form if there is an option to attach a file.

How to find the “Write to support” button in “Frequently asked questions”

Let's look at a specific example. Let's say that the problem in the mail is related to missing letters. Open the section “Section with letters” in the left column. There we find the link “Letters have disappeared from the mailbox” (Fig. 3):

Rice. 3 (click to enlarge). How to contact Yandex.Mail support if letters are missing in your mail

Next, you can check the box next to “I deleted the letters myself,” or next to “The letters used to be in the mailbox, but now they are gone,” or “New letters do not arrive in the mailbox.” If all these options do not suit you, you don’t have to check the box.

Please note that you should describe the situation in as much detail as possible. It’s best to list your actions step by step and their results. The fact is that many users write only about their result, for example, “I can’t change my name in mail,” but do not consider it necessary to describe their actions that led them to this result. There may be a million actions that led to this (or similar) result, and no support will undertake to consider these million actions and analyze them at the same time.

On holidays and weekends, Yandex help may not work, so it is better to contact on weekdays to get an answer faster.

While waiting for a response from Yandex, do not forget to check your Spam folder. Yes, yes, I myself was surprised how Yandex can send its own letters, but sometimes this still happens.

By the way, you can get professional help from in the same way. To do this, just click on the inconspicuous link “Feedback” on the main page of Mail.Ru at the bottom, in the basement.

Before writing anything to any Support Service, it would be wise to first look for the answer among the frequently asked questions (what is called FAQ on many services). Typically, such answers are always available on the Support Service page (or on the Feedback page, or on the Help page).

9 steps on how to fill out a form to receive help from Yandex

Let's give another example of how you can get to the form to get help or a response from a Yandex employee.

Let's say that for some reason the letters do not arrive. And the Spam folder is also empty. Let's follow the link (it's better to log in to your Yandex.Mail first, if possible, although not necessary):

By following the specified link, scroll to the end of the page, or more precisely, to the item “Problems with receiving and viewing letters” (Fig. 4). Next you need to complete 9 steps, which are shown below in the screenshot. As a result, you will have the form filled out and your message sent to Yandex:

Rice. 4. How to get professional help from Yandex employees - 9 steps to fill out the form and send it to Yandex.

All fields marked with a red asterisk must be filled out: either you need to select an option, or enter the necessary information, etc.

Number 1 in Fig. 4 – I checked the box next to “No letters are reaching my mailbox.”

2 in Fig. 4 – You need to click on the yellow “Write to support” button.

3 in Fig. 4 – Enter your name (number 1 in Fig. 4). It is more pleasant for the support service to address you by name. And you will be pleased to receive a response containing your name.

4 in Fig. 4 – Enter your e-mail to which you want to receive a response, and you must enter this e-mail without error.

5 in Fig. 4 – In the “My box looks like” item, check the box that suits your case.

6 in Fig. 4 – In the “Question” menu, click on the small black triangle. A menu will open in which we select the most suitable option from the list.

7 in Fig. 4 – I checked the “Did not receive registration letter” checkbox. You can choose another option.

8 in Fig. 4 – We write a message where we describe our actions step by step (yes, lazy, but it is NECESSARY) and the result obtained.

9 in Fig. 4 – Just in case, we check what is written, then click on the “Send” button.