How to update the world of tanks game client. If you need to update the Microsoft Word office suite, you should use one of the methods below

How to update the game on iOS

This short guide will show you how to upgrade World of Tanks Blitz to current version. This will help you in just three simple steps:

1. You can find out about available updates using the icon App Store. The number in the red circle in the upper right corner will tell you how many apps you can update.

2. Open the App Store and go to the Updates tab at the bottom of the screen.

3. In the window that opens, you will see a list of applications that can be updated. Find World of Tanks Blitz and click the Update button on the right. You may need to confirm the update with your password.

How to update a game on Android

This guide will show you how to update World of Tanks Blitz on Android to the latest version.

Method one. Refreshing the application on startup

1. If an update has been released in World of Tanks Blitz, then when you start the game you will be notified that the current version of the game client needs to be updated. To do this, click the button Refresh.

2. Once in the Play Store, update the game.

Wait for the installation to complete - and into battle!

Method two. Update via Play Store

1. Go to the Play Store.

2. Using the menu at the top left of the screen, go to your Play Store profile.

3. Open "My Apps".

4. In the list of applications, find World of Tanks Blitz and press the button Refresh.

5. Hitting home page dedicated to World of Tanks Blitz in the Play Store, click the button again Refresh.

Everything! It remains to wait for the installation to complete, and you can go into battle!


- If you do not see the latest updates, but the update is out, restart your device and check for updates again.
- When you enter the game, if it has not been updated, you may be prompted to update it. If you agree, the update will be installed automatically.
- If in google settings If you have installed auto-update of applications, then immediately after the release of the game update, it will be installed automatically. Automatic update can be configured in Google Play conditions: "Always" - applications will be updated when accessing any network connection, including through Mobile Internet; "Only via Wi-Fi" - Apps will start updating when connected to Wi-Fi.

What to do if the game is not updated

Dear players!

In connection with technical problems on some devices, an error occurs with the inability to update the game client to the current version 1.8.

If your mobile device did not detect an available update for World of Tanks Blitz, you need to uninstall the game and install it again.

If, after installing the update, you notice significant FPS drawdowns, contact the User Support Center by creating a ticket in the World of Tanks Blitz category.

Wrong entry into the game

Dear players!

If, upon entering the game, you find that credits, equipment and other game progress are missing, you just need to re-enter the server by choosing the correct authorization method:

If you have previously played using Wargaming ID, please login using your password.

If your Game Center/Google Play account was linked to a Wargaming ID, or if you have previously played through Game Center/Google Play without using a Wargaming ID, select sign in through the corresponding service.

After logging in under your account, you will see the familiar Garage with your vehicles and will be able to continue playing.

To avoid a similar situation in the future, we recommend linking account to your Facebook, Game Center or Google Play account. This can be done in Menu > Profile.

Also note: if you have played World of Tanks Blitz before, we kindly ask you not to click the arrow in the upper left corner on the authorization method selection screen.

To all conservative comrades who still use MS Office 2007 and younger, but are timidly thinking about switching to a new, 2010 version, this material is addressed.

It is very easy to update: download the distribution kit you need from the official Microsoft website or use installation disk if you have it.

It is not necessary to remove the existing 2007 package before installing 2010.

There are several versions for PC MS Office 2010, it:

In addition, there is also a version for mobile devices under OS control Windows phone- Office Mobile 2010, as well as for collaboration with documents in the "cloud" - Office 365 (Web Apps) and Office 2010 for Mac.

Almost all of these releases are available for purchase online and can be downloaded from the official website of the developer. The exceptions to the above editions are Office Standard, Office Professional Plus (corporate customers), and Office Student (education only). Downloadable editions of MS Office may not be activated during the installation process. In this case, the so-called “grace period” for using the product will be 30 days. Quote:

Activation, grace period and limited functionality

To access all the features of the product, you need to activate. Microsoft Product Activation is an anti-copy protection technology that verifies that software products are licensed legally.

Activation This process verifies that the product key specified during installation is allowed to be used on the affected computers under the terms of the license.

Grace period Without entering a valid product key, you can work with software within 30 days. This period is called the grace period. During grace period some features and programs not included in the purchased product may work. After entering a valid product key, only those features and programs that have been purchased will be present.

Mode limited functionality After the grace period expires, if a valid product key is not entered, the software product enters reduced functionality mode, similar to demo mode. In this mode, it is impossible to save changes to documents and create new documents, and other features may be disabled. While running in degraded mode, no harm is done to existing files or documents. After entering the product key and completing the activation, all functions of the purchased software product will work.

To check the activation status of your MS Office 2010 office suite, open any of its components (for example, Word or Excel), click the “File” menu and select the “Help” section:

If the program is activated with a legitimate key, the text you saw in the previous screenshot will be missing:

To check the activation status of MS Office 2007, the path is different (for example, Word): Menu - Options - Resources - Activate Microsoft Office:

An interesting observation: Windows Update, which I configured to automatically search for and install updates, was silent about the SP3 package for MS Office 2007 until I downloaded and started its installation forcibly.

Further, in order not to indulge in lengthy descriptions of all the many aspects of using MS Office, I suggest going to the FAQ page, where everything is detailed and along the way I will give a couple more useful links that may come in handy:

Using the distribution disk, the current installation can be changed, deleted, restored (in case of malfunctions in the operation of components) and activated:

By the way, about reactivation with another key, there is a little trick:

Reference: open the registry editor and go to the branch:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Registration

Delete the entry in it. DigitalProduct ID and Current, then we launch any office application, Office 2010 will immediately require you to enter a license number, enter, (the office distribution kit must be inserted into the drive), the office quickly configures new number and all.

Naturally, MS Office 2010 opens and edits all files created in previous office suites. Change of file associations is involved:

Well, a few shots of individual components of the 2010 version, for those who have not seen it yet.


Menu “File”:

In conclusion, it remains to say that in addition to the extended and improved functionality, MS Office 2010 has become even faster. Opening any document occurs in a fraction of a second. A worthy replacement for its predecessor in this regard, especially for PCs with a weak configuration.

Naturally, with this article with “funny pictures”, I did not discover America for someone. The package has been released for a long time and only the laziest Chukchi it-blogger has not written about it. I've just covered (and perhaps in too much detail) how you can upgrade your existing office suite installation to the latest 2010 version.

Successful use!

Before you start studying text editor Word, you must determine which version of this program is installed on your computer, because. All versions have some differences. Let not significant, but there is. And knowing the version of your program, you can accurately navigate the lessons, and better understand what you are shown.

Many novice computer users confuse version and version of the office suite. The operating system is a whole complex of programs that runs all additional programs, such as Excel, Word, Power Point, Photoshop, Google Chrome, Mozilla, and many others.

Without additional programs a computer can work, but without an operating system it can't. The same Word can be replaced with another program similar in functionality, or if you do not work in it and do not write anything, then you can not install it on your computer at all. Office Microsoft package Office is not included in the operating system. It can be purchased and installed separately.

Already there office suite versions 2013 and newer - 2016. But many, including myself, work in version 2010, and some in 2007 and even in 2003. Latest Versions, starting from the 2007 package, differ little in terms of appearance and functionality, but the version of office 2003 has big differences.

Changing office suites every two or three years is quite expensive, especially since they cost from 3 to 7 thousand. And I don’t want to download hacked versions from the Internet either, because. they are most often either buggy or stuffed. After installing such "gifts", the computer starts constantly, if not at all.

When buying a computer operating system and office suite should already be installed. Most often, all this is already included in the purchase price. If you bought a computer after 2010, then you may have a package with Word 2007, 2010, 365 or 2013 installed. You can determine which Word you have installed in several ways.

How to find out the version of Word (text editorMicrosoft Word)

  • First way:

Go to menu - Start - Programs-, and look for the entry " MicrosoftofficeWord". The number that comes after this entry will be the version of your Word. For me it looks like this

  • Second way:

Open any Word file:

For MicrosoftofficeWord 2003

Go to the top of the menu - Help - About the program

For Microsoft Office Word 2007

If there is an office logo icon at the top left, then this is Word 2007