How to find out the name of a laptop model. How to find out the brand of a laptop? Basic methods. We look at the information on the panel and in the battery part

In principle, this in itself is not a problem. But, there are situations when it is simply necessary to know the laptop model. For example, when searching suitable drivers. This article will focus on how to find out the laptop model.

Method No. 0. Study the box or warranty documentation of the laptop. If you still have the box or warranty documentation from your laptop, you can look at the laptop model there.

As a rule, the laptop model is indicated on a sticker located on the side of the box.

Method number 1. Inspect the front of the laptop. Open your laptop and inspect it. You will most likely find stickers that indicate the exact model name. Most often, such stickers are located under the monitor and just below the keyboard.

Method number 2. Inspect the bottom of the laptop. If there are no stickers with information on the front of the laptop, you can find out the model of the laptop by turning it over and looking at the stickers on the bottom. As a rule, stickers are preserved better here, so this method works in most cases. Also, in addition to the laptop model, here you can find out the key to operating system.

Method No. 3. Inspect the battery. If you were unable to recognize the laptop model by the stickers on the top and bottom of the case, then you need to remove and study the inscriptions on it. In order to remove the battery from the laptop, you need to release one or two latches on the case next to the battery.

You also need to inspect the place where the battery was installed. It’s not uncommon for manufacturers to place information about a laptop under the battery.

Method number 4. Use. Another way that allows you to find out your laptop model is the “wmic csproduct get name” command.

To use this command, open the Run menu (Windows key combination + R) or the Start menu and enter the command “CMD”. After that, in front of you. In this window you need to enter the command “wmic csproduct get name”. After entering this command, the name of your laptop will appear on the screen.

Method number 5. We look at the information in the BIOS. You can also look at the laptop model in the BIOS. To do this, you need to study the information on the first tab.

As a rule, here you can find out the laptop model, as well as its main characteristics, such as processor model, processor frequency and number of random access memory.

Method number 6. We use special programs. You can also find out your laptop model using special programs to view your computer's characteristics. For example, you can use the Everest program.

In this program, you need to open the “Computer – DMI – System” section. Here, in the “product” line, your laptop model will be indicated.

User question.


Please tell me with one question. I have a SAMSUNG RV508 laptop. But the thing is that I need to know its exact modification, since RV508 is just the lineup, and in it (as far as I know today) there can be three types of them!

So, where can you see the exact 100% modification of the device?

Good day!

In fact, not every laptop has a sticker next to the keyboard, by which you can immediately identify the device; sometimes you have to spend a little more time ✌.

But exact modification may be needed when you decide to upgrade your device, update drivers (especially when eliminating driver conflicts), update the BIOS, buy a case, etc.

In this article I will show several ways to solve this issue. So...

Method No. 1: stickers on the case, documents for the device

It is logical that the simplest and most obvious place to start is by inspecting the documents that came with your device (if, of course, they remained) and the stickers on the laptop case. By the way, many people mistakenly believe that there are 1-2 stickers on a laptop, which they see next to the keyboard (as in the example below). And if the model is not indicated on such a sticker, then that’s it, you need to look for the treasured programs...

Sticker on the case next to the keyboard - the modification is not indicated on it // Lenovo B70

Not at all! If you turn off the laptop and turn it over, then in most cases (99%) there will be additional stickers from your device manufacturer on the back wall. As a rule, it has very detailed information: the exact model and modification of your laptop (example below).

Exact laptop model: sticker on the back of the device / Lenovo B7080, model: 80MR

However, below I will give a few more ways if suddenly the sticker has faded or is missing (or there is no time to turn off the device and turn it over 😉) ...

Method number 2: using information in Windows

MSINFO32 - system information

Quite an informative method, works in all popular Windows versions: XP, 7, 8, 10. In order to open system information, you need:

  1. press a combination of buttons Win+R;
  2. enter the command msinfo32;
  3. press Enter.

System Information

DXDIAG - information about DirectX

Through the DirectX diagnostic tool you can also find out some information about your device (including that which we are pursuing in this article ☺).

To begin with, also call the window "Run"(Win+R key combination) and enter the command dxdiag .

After a moment, the DirectX diagnostic window will open. In principle, on the first screen you should see information about the system: among which will be the model and manufacturer of your device (example below).

CMD - Command Line

Through the command line you can still get a bunch of information about your computer/laptop, manage it and set settings that are not available from other places...

To open the command line: click Win+R, then enter the command CMD and press Enter(example below).

To help!

Other ways to open the command line in different Windows operating systems -


This team (note: SYSTEMINFO) allows you to get quite a lot of information about your Windows OS, processor, device model, etc. The screenshot below shows where to look for the model and manufacturer of the system (that is, laptop).

2) wmic csproduct get name

Another command that will directly show only the laptop model. In my opinion, it’s not entirely informative (especially with some devices) - you can only see the modification of your device, but not the manufacturer and model (as in the example below).

Method number 3: using special utilities

In general, I personally recommend having at least 1 utility on your computer that can show maximum information about your system, temperature, hardware, etc. For many problems, such a utility will help you out more than once. I wrote about such utilities in one of my articles (I will provide the link below).

To help!

How to find out the characteristics of a computer (laptop) - the best utilities:

One of best utilities(in my opinion) is AIDA 64 (Everest). It allows you to find out as much information as possible about your laptop, about any of your hardware installed in your PC. As for the device model: you can open the tab "Computer/Summary information" (or the section on system board information). An example is shown in the screenshot below.

For those who are not satisfied with this utility for one reason or another, you will find its analogs at the link above: Speccy, CPUZ, Astra 32, etc.

Method number 4: using BIOS

If you go into the BIOS, it’s usually on the first screen (usually in English it is called as Main or Information) You should see information about the hardware and its manufacturer. You can find the following data: product name (device model), serial number, BIOS version, processor model, model hard drive, amount of RAM, etc. An example is shown in the photo below.

Exact laptop model in BIOS // Photo from Lenovo laptop B70-80

I will provide here several reference articles that will be useful to you if you do not know how to enter the BIOS, how to configure it, what to do and where to click...

To help!

How to enter BIOS (UEFI) on a computer or laptop [instructions] -

Hotkeys for logging in BIOS menu, Boot Menu, recovery from a hidden partition -

How to enter UEFI (BIOS) from the Windows 8, 10 interface -

By the way, I came across HP laptops in which all of the above methods did not work (that is, the exact modification could not be determined). In this case, either search for documents for the device, or use auto-search for drivers. See screenshot below.

Auto-detection of device modification on the HP website works fine, see example below 👀...

I think that the methods presented above are more than enough to accurately identify and repeatedly cross-check the manufacturer of your device.

How to find out your Samsung laptop model

Why do you need to know your laptop model? It's no secret that for efficient work Any laptop must not only comply with the rules of careful and careful operation, but also know the necessary information about it. This information is the exact model of your equipment. We will help you find a way out of this situation and tell you how you can find out the model of your laptop.

Remember that you can always seek professional advice from Samsung laptop specialists.


The first source where you can find out information about your laptop model is its operating manual, if, of course, you have one, although, as practice shows, people save such documents extremely rarely. The downside may be that the manufacturer indicates generalized information of one line for different modifications, i.e. Information may not be complete.


The laptop model can be indicated on information stickers that are placed on the bottom or front of the gadget. On these elements, in addition to the model, you will also find information from the manufacturers and about the laptop series.

It is worth noting that stickers often get torn off or rubbed off during use. Therefore, this option is also not always successful.


If the stickers on your laptop are not preserved, try going the other way - inspect its battery. This is not at all difficult to do: On the bottom side you will see a pair of latches (some laptop models may have one latch). Move them to the open position, then remove the protective cover and pull out the power supply. As a rule, batteries always indicate the manufacturer of the product, as well as its series and model.

Properties of the system

This is another easy method to find out information about the laptop model in Windows system. Just right-click on the “Computer” icon. Next, select the “Properties” tab. After this action, you will need to find the “Model” line.

You can use the command line tool. In the search bar of the Start menu, type “cmd” on your keyboard and press Enter.

You can also use the “Win” + “R” keys, type “cmd” and press Enter. In the window that appears with a black background, enter “wmic csproduct get name” and confirm by pressing Enter. The information you need will be displayed in the “Name” line.


You can also determine the model in the BIOS menu. To enter the menu while the laptop is rebooting, press Fn+F2 or, depending on the model, repeatedly press the Del, F2, or Esc keys. Next, you will need to find and click on the “Info” option. In this section you will find all the information about your laptop, including the model.

There are many ways, for example using additional program like Everest. But these are the simplest and most accessible. Depending on the situation, such simple methods will allow you to find out the exact model of your laptop very quickly.

I continue to talk about how to identify the device model. If last time I talked about, today it’s the turn of laptops. Just a traditional question: why do you need to know the device model? For example, in order to download the “correct” driver that is suitable for your laptop, or to replace the battery.

By the way, in the case of a laptop, you can find out the model in 99.9% of cases. Now you will see this.

Let's look at the packaging

The first thing, of course, you need to pay attention to is the packaging of the laptop. In some cases, the packaging may be colorful, with a picture of your device and its name written next to it. If the box is the simplest and only has the name of the manufacturer on it, then there should be a sticker somewhere that indicates all the parameters of the laptop. Such a sticker simply cannot but exist, so look better.

In addition, the package always contains instructions for the device, on which the name of the device is written in black and white.

The method is relevant for those cases if you did not have time to get rid of the packaging.

Front Panel

Some manufacturers indicate the laptop model right next to the screen. This is what HP does in particular - in some cases you can find a small marking under the screen (other manufacturers may indicate markings above the screen). An example is shown in the picture below:

Back cover

If you don’t see the model name in front of you, then there is a reason to turn the laptop over. on his back cover There is a small sticker with the name of the model, as well as some characteristics of the device.

Often this is not even a sticker, but a kind of engraving - the letters are printed directly on the plastic, so the information will not go anywhere.

Under the battery

In some cases, you can find the inscriptions under the battery. Carefully remove the battery and see if there are any notes underneath. I want to say right away that few manufacturers do this, so there is a high risk that you will not find anything.

But the inscriptions on the battery itself do not say anything. As a rule, on them you can only find the name of the model of the battery itself, which in turn can be used on various devices.


Turn on the device, and after it starts, click on the “Start” button and in the “Search programs and files” line write dxdiag (this is a DirectX diagnostic tool). Then launch the program of the same name and wait a while while it collects data.

On the System tab, you will be able to see various information about your device. Take a look at the “Computer model” line, where the name of your device will be indicated.

Command line

Another standard Windows tool that can help us is .

To use the command line, go to “Start” - “All Programs” - “Accessories” - “Command Prompt”. Or in the line “Find programs and files” write the word cmd.

So, the command line is running. Type wmi csproduct get name without quotes or other symbols, then press Enter.

Voila, we see the laptop model. I would like to note that in some cases the name of the manufacturer is present in command line, while in others it is absent.


Alternatively, you can use the information available in the BIOS. I talked about how to enter it in detail some time ago, so I won’t repeat myself.

So, the BIOS is running. Now you need to find the tab with information about your device. Most often it is called that way - Info. It contains almost all the information about the laptop, including the model and type of processor, hard drive, name of additional components, etc.

In the Product Name column you will see the name of the laptop.

Third party programs

If it so happens that you can’t find the model name of your device, then as a last resort you can use third-party software that collects absolutely all the information about your laptop.

There are a great many such programs. According to the already established tradition, I will talk about one of the most famous and popular programs called Everest. I would like to remind you right away that this program is paid, but the developer will not charge you for the first 30 days, so you can use Everest for free for some time.

Download Everest from the official website, install it on your computer and launch it. Next, open the tabs “Computer” - “Summary information” and on the right side in the column “ Motherboard"We see the name of your laptop.

P.S. All these methods suitable for any laptops: HP, ASUS, Lenovo, Samsung, Dell, Acer, Toshiba, etc.

That's all. I sincerely hope that the information provided here will help you find out your laptop model. If you have any questions, ask.

A short article that will help you find out the model of your (or someone else’s) laptop or netbook. In this case, you don’t even have to look for its box or documentation (although this is also an option). This may seem trivial or uninteresting to some, or questions may arise like “How is it possible not to know the laptop model” or “Who do you have to be to not find out such simple information”, but in reality there really are situations when you need to determine the laptop model, but there seems to be nowhere to look. In general, I won’t linger for long and will get straight to the point.

1) We look at the sticker on the case itself where the keyboard is. It may be ridiculous, but sometimes people forget about it and don’t watch it. Banal inattention.
A similar sticker can also be on the monitor.

2) As I wrote above, look at the laptop/netbook box. Sellers often stick price tags on it indicating the model and characteristics. Manufacturers can also draw this on the box themselves.
You can also look at the documents, but they most often provide one documentation for the entire series, so the chance to find out the model is unlikely.

3) We turn the laptop over and look at what’s on the bottom. Most often, the information we need is there.

4) Filming battery. Often you can also see the laptop model under it:

5) Let's find out with the help standard means Microsoft,

To do this, open and enter the following command:
wmic csproduct get name

The result should be like this:

6) We will also use the usual using Windows. The method is suitable for Windows 7 and 8.

Right-click on My Computer, select Properties and look:

7) Using the program AIDA 64(former Everest) You can also look at the laptop model.

This program was created to view all information about the computer and system. It used to be free (when Everest was still there), but now it has become paid. Probably it became too popular and the producers decided to make money on it...
But she has a trial period of 30 days to “enjoy” all the delights of the program. but we generally need it for a couple of minutes, so we download it from, or even better, immediately from and watch it.

8) Using the program Belarc Advisor - Free Personal PC Audit You can also find out the laptop model. It is free, but does not have support for the Russian language, and besides, the size is 3 times smaller than the previous one from point 7.

We download, install, launch and receive a detailed report with a lot of data. But we only need one “System Model” block

That's all I have. I think 8 ways to look and find out the laptop model will be enough for you.