How is the promotion of goods and services on the Internet? How to promote services: the golden rules of leaders of interesting facts about promoting services via the Internet

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Each trade offer has its own specifics, and this affects the entire strategy for its promotion. The market can be segmented both into several tens and into several thousand parts. But first of all, all proposals can be divided, referring them either to the goods market or to the services market. Today we will consider what features the promotion of services on the Internet has.

From this article you will learn:

  1. Possibilities of Internet technologies for service promotion
  2. Effective tips for promoting services on the Internet

What opportunities do Internet technologies open up for promoting services

Often people underestimate or, conversely, overestimate the importance of the Internet. American consultant Ralph Wilson in his book "Planning an Internet Marketing Strategy" talks about the opportunities that the World Wide Web brings. We liked this division, so we will name some of them.

Create a branch

  • Familiarize yourself with the services before contacting.
  • Find answers to frequently asked questions.
  • Analyze prices.
  • Appreciate customers who have already contacted you.
  • Read their reviews of a product or service.
  • Get what you need without leaving home.

Entering the world market.

Those who cannot purchase something or order any service in their place of residence will go for such a purchase or service on the Internet, where distances and boundaries are erased. Previously, the company had specific boundaries of its activities. When choosing a site on the Internet to buy a product or order a service, people do not choose the closest sites, but the best ones.

Direct sales

They remove distributors from the sales process, which has a positive effect on the final price of the product for the consumer. In fact, many firms on the Internet are just dealers taking orders. Shipping is handled by manufacturers and distributors who sell directly to customers. Thus, trading companies that exist on the Web save on warehouses and the formation of an assortment.

Building a unified network

What is the benefit to the firm of combining common network work computers of your employees? Thanks to this, it becomes possible to coordinate their actions, quickly resolve emerging issues and, in general, increase overall performance labor. And the Internet has already united half of the world's computers.

Small firms located in different parts of the country or even continents can cooperate productively with each other, implementing projects and selling services that are completely unbearable for one of them. Successful work is carried out from small and inexpensive offices, which can be located a thousand kilometers from each other.

Market segmentation

The Internet automatically divides the market, which makes things a little easier for you. To promote your business on the World Wide Web and draw the attention of those who are interested in your service to your service, you can place an ad that appears only when someone types its name in a search engine, for example, “life insurance”.

Many commercial sites are created not for profit, but for the development of other channels. For example, a car dealership will not sell cars over the Internet, but will post all the necessary information about cars on its website. The manufacturer on his page can post information that will help solve problems, as well as a list of spare parts, services, etc. At the same time, the sales function will not be implemented there, but only information about the offline company and its products will be posted.

The need to have a website is realized not only by large corporations, but also by owners of medium and small businesses. Another thing is that not everyone understands that just having your own website is not enough today, you also need to promote goods and services on the Web. Creation, development and analysis of the effectiveness of the site - complex Internet marketing.

7 interesting facts about the promotion of services through the Internet

  1. The number of regular Internet users is estimated at about 3.5 billion.
  2. Almost 70% of the world's population has access to the Internet.
  3. Google processes about 60 billion searches every month.
  4. The volume of annual traffic is 1 zettabyte (1021 bytes), which according to Cisco's forecast will double by 2019.
  5. In Russia, about half of the Internet users are men.
  6. People over 45 use the World Wide Web, usually for work. The younger ones spend more time here as entertainment.
  7. The onset of Internet addiction begins when using the World Wide Web for more than 18 hours a day.

What are the ways to promote services on the Internet

The goal of every business is to maximize resource efficiency. Internet marketing has a certain set of tools to achieve such results. The most popular methods are:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO);
  • Contextual advertising;
  • Yandex and Google services - Yandex.Addresses and Google places;
  • Promotion in social networks (SMM);
  • E-mail marketing or thematic mailings;
  • Content marketing;
  • Blogs, forums.

The most popular, effective and expensive tools from this list are SEO and contextual advertising. Their combination makes it possible to the largest number target audience. Other means listed above are usually used as ancillary. By analyzing their use, you can determine the performance of each and correctly allocate finances to support any of them. Let us analyze in detail the role of each of the designated tools.

Search engine promotion (SEO)

According to statistics, about half a billion users make 11 billion queries in search engines every month. About 90% of them go to the site from there. About 70% of Internet users ignore contextual advertising, using organic search results to navigate. About 40% of all buyers come to online stores through search engines. Thanks to them, approximately 46% of users learn about new projects, services and products. Thus, it is impossible to underestimate the importance search engine optimization in a marketing campaign.

The data obtained during the NPD Group research suggests that approximately 55% of buyers come to the site through Yandex and Google. At the same time, the conversion of page visitors in clients is 15 times higher than the conversion of any other traffic sources. Improving the delivery of services on the Internet through search engines has the highest ROI (return on investment) - 42%. For example, banner ads have a similar index in 4% of cases.

Submit your application

The pros and cons of website promotion in search engines are obvious:

  • Great scaling tool. Costs remain fixed, and results, when done right, grow from year to year (a real-life example of one of the clients: at a cost of 60,000 per month, traffic reached 5,000,000 monthly at the end of the first year of operation and 14,000 at the end of the second).
  • The only tool allowing you to constantly reduce the cost of an attracted client.
  • Even with total absence budget, the results achieved will remain the same for a long time to come.
  • The result is not immediate. Growth in attendance usually starts from 3-4 months.
  • Entry threshold. It does not make sense to invest below a certain amount, the same context may have a budget of 10,000 rubles, this will not work with this tool.

Search engine optimization is designed to bring the site to the TOP to the highest positions in the search results. To do this, he must answer Google requirements and Yandex in terms of design, usability, content and structure. Therefore, a project aimed at promoting your service on the World Wide Web, which claims to be successful at the top, must have the following indicators:

  • Unique, structured, concise and not fake content.
  • Design that matches the theme of the site.
  • Functional and convenient navigation for quick search and transition to the desired section.
  • A competent structure, namely, it is necessary to have contact sections, information about the company, current promotions and offers.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that optimization is not only about improving content in search engines, but also about improving functionality (usability), attracting targeted traffic and increasing the interest of the target audience in the site as a whole.

But do not relax if your site is already in the TOP. Getting into the top three, five or top ten of the issue makes your site compete with others, and the user will choose one of the 10 proposed options. First of all, the choice of a site is prompted by the most complete and valuable information. The user determines the usefulness of this or that content for himself, so you need to provide the widest possible range of information about the services you are promoting.

Yandex.Addresses and Google places

First of all, Internet users use search engines to obtain the necessary information. The largest of them regularly expand their functionality by launching new applications. Optimization specialists try to use their capabilities to better promote a site or service.

For example, Yandex.Maps provide complete information about the company itself: contacts, nearest public transport stops and metro stations, links to social pages and a list of services, so the user does not need to go to the official website of the company.

Thus, the client can choose a company in two clicks, which significantly saves his time. By registering your organization in Google places and Yandex.Addresses, you will kill two birds with one stone - help the user and create another mention of your company on the Internet.

contextual advertising

This marketing tool directs advertising of any service to a potential client. As a rule, this type of information dissemination is located at the top of the search engine results and correlates with the user's request. Simply put, the user sees an advertisement for what he himself is looking for. Thus, with proper tuning, maximum matching can be achieved.

This type of advertising is the main method of website promotion on the Internet, as well as the method of search engine optimization. Together they complement each other well. If it takes about three months to get SEO results, then contextual advertising gives results immediately. You definitely cannot do without it if you need to tell the target audience about current promotions and offers for the services of your company.

One of the major advantages of this type of information dissemination in order to improve your service is that the advertiser pays for the result, and not for the planned one. This is achieved through the use of a pay-per-click system, as opposed to pay-per-impression. The cost of a click can reach ten dollars, depending on the subject and placement of the site.

Given these conditions, you can achieve a significant increase in conversion, as well as make contextual advertising more effective.


Since social networks are created for communication and information exchange, it is not surprising that they are used to promote various kinds of services. Their obvious advantage is a wide audience coverage. Daily attendance of the top three social networks: VKontakte - 31.5 million, Odnoklassniki - 46.6 million, Facebook - 21.6 million. These large projects generate information themselves and have their own atmosphere of trust.

Thus, they can be used to increase traffic. The cost of SMM can compare favorably with advertising in search engines (from two to five times), while ensuring high conversion rates. In social networks, you can both promote your company and services, and collect a subscription or feedback (feedback) in the form of surveys, reviews, service ratings, etc.

Thematic forums and blogs

Constantly communicating with forum participants, you can form a specific target audience. The main task, and at the same time the difficulty in promoting at thematic conferences, is to provide information about your activities to users not in the form of advertising, but as relevant advice. To use this method effectively, you need the following:

  • Service data should meet the needs of the forum audience.
  • The information should be useful and reasonable and presented in the form of advice.
  • You cannot use direct advertising.

The advantage of this method is that it does not require large financial costs to attract users to the site. However, for effectiveness, it will be necessary to spend a certain amount of time to establish communication with the most active and authoritative forum participants.

Your blog or video channel

A service as a process consists of certain stages that may be of interest to a potential client. You can talk about yourself, personal achievements, various subtleties and tricks in your field and, of course, about your activities. At the same time, a blog or video channel does not impose any special requirements on the form of submission of material.

Tell in an easy way, do not abuse terms, focus on ordinary people. If you make high-quality and unique material, then it will definitely attract traffic due to high indexing and viral effect, as users themselves will begin to share your material with their surroundings. Efficiency in promotion will be added by placing links to the main resource on your blog or on the channel.

SERM - online reputation management

After gaining a certain popularity of the company in the market, they inevitably begin to talk about it. There are enough pages on the Web where you can leave an opinion about the company, its services and products. These communities form an objective assessment of the company. You can either try to control such activity or ignore it. It is better, of course, to go the first way.

You can create such a resource yourself, where you will receive information from users and with its help you can improve your service and make it the way end users want to see it. Thus, you can improve your activities, achieve the perfect hit with the target audience on the Internet and not spend money on focus groups.

Email Marketing

Such promotion of services consists in sending letters to e-mail. Often this option is confused with spam. The essential difference is that in the case of the latter, the letters are sent with the full consent of the client, who can always unsubscribe.

For e-mail marketing to work effectively, it is necessary to correctly compose the text of the letter. It should contain complete information about what you offer, encouraging the client to go to the company's website in the section that most fully tells about the service that the customer is interested in. Moreover, the letter should not cause negativity in the recipient.

The methods described above for promoting services on the Internet are not the only ones. Other means of increasing traffic are also available. We talked only about the most effective and well-proven in practice. When choosing one or another tool, it is worth remembering that only with the right and professional approach can you get a good result.

Therefore, not so much the cost of advertising, but the analysis of its effectiveness will help to avoid wasting money. With the help of such an analysis, you can understand how many potential customers (visitors) are brought by one or another tool for promoting a service on the Web, and which one increases the conversion.

All the tools described above for promoting services on the Internet can be used separately or together (comprehensive Internet marketing). The choice of one or the other is determined by the financial capabilities and goals that the company sets when developing a marketing campaign. At the same time, it is necessary to evaluate the profitability of each of them along the way in order to abandon inefficient ones in time and redirect money to more relevant options.

You also need to consider that promotion on the Internet begins with the reorganization of the site. Investing in a resource that cannot meet the requirements of the target audience will not bring any result, moreover, it will lead to significant losses. Before launching a marketing campaign, the site owner must be ready to solve certain tasks, namely:

  • Make the site customer-focused.
  • Regularly review analytical activities.

If you do not pay due attention to these issues, then the Internet project will face the most common problems in the development of most sites.

When the promotion of goods and services on the Internet will bear fruit

Often, site owners have the following problem: the resource is working, improving, traffic is growing, but the conversion is stagnant or even deteriorating, which means there are few orders. This state of affairs speaks of initially incorrectly set goals.

The main task of creating a website as a source of income is to attract customers. If this does not happen, then it needs to be significantly changed. To identify incorrectly implemented site elements, you need to refer to Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics. These services will show the behavior of users on the site who came to your site, the sections that are most interesting from their point of view, as well as those with the highest bounce rate.

Usually the most effective sections are - the page about the service (20-50% of traffic), main page(15-35%), price section (9-15%) and contacts (3-8%). It is they that need to be carefully worked out so that the user who comes from the search engine can immediately choose what he needs and order.

With the help of these analytical tools, you can understand what devices visitors make the transition from, from which sites, etc. The statistics look like this:

  • Up to 20% - from mobile devices, up to 60% - from tablets;
  • About 50% of traffic comes from Yandex;
  • The share of Google is 41%.

You can also analyze the average bounce rate for both an individual page and the site as a whole, which allows you to identify those that require changes in structure, design and content in the first place.

Based on the statistics obtained, various changes can be made to the operation of the site as a whole or its sections. The result should be a general increase in the efficiency of the entire Internet project.

As you can see, the refusal to analyze statistics negatively affects the effectiveness of service promotion on the Internet. It is impossible to effectively promote your site without improving it, without responding to visitors' requests and without using the capabilities and recommendations of search engines. Effective advertising, cost reduction, traffic and conversion growth, and revenue growth can be achieved through analysis and experimentation.

6 tips for effective promotion of services on the Internet

Tip 1: Post content on schedule.

To write a good post about a service or product for a blog or social media, you need inspiration. Therefore, many write them at the most productive time, and spread them according to a certain schedule. The marketing strategy should also be implemented according to the plan. Write your texts, and then post them daily in a delayed order.

Tip 2: Don't reply to all comments.

It's very good if you are discussed, and it's just great if this discussion takes place in a positive way. However, this does not require you to respond to every comment. You must control the flow of the discussion, directing it in the right direction. It is better to choose one social network for communication and use its capabilities to the maximum.

Tip 3. Customers and potential customers should be a priority.

Your focus should be on real or potential customers who have an interest in your business and are willing to pay money. The rest can exercise their right to write whatever they want about you, and you can also exercise the right to ignore them.

When promoting services on the Internet, you should learn how to properly respond to negative reviews and comments and not give free rein to the desire to write everything you think about such people, even if they objectively deserve it. Such restraint will allow you to earn a positive image of a person who has a professional character and positive qualities.

Tip 4. If someone has spoken positively about you, tell everyone about it.

When you create a positive image of yourself on social networks, your services will start to sell much better and more expensive. This does not mean that you need to lie to users (in no case), but you should not tell everything about yourself either. But what will testify to your high qualifications, skills and achievements should be conveyed to maximum number potential clients.

Tip 5. Tell users about what you are really good at.

Your type of communication should be close to you and comfortable. Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses, highlight your strengths, and use them to the best of your ability.

Tip 6. Learn communication skills.

By using world wide web you will be able to tell about yourself, show interesting projects, convey your plans and thoughts to people, tell your biography. For all this to serve to create your positive reputation, you must learn how to present information correctly.

5 fatal mistakes of promoting services on the Internet

Mistake 1. “Dissemination of information will cost five thousand rubles? Great, we agree!

It is a mistake to assume that all sites will be promoted in the same way, which means that anyone can handle it, so looking for an almost free service is not the best idea. It would seem that you need to write only a couple of dozen texts with two dozen keywords and buy a couple of hundred links, and this will bring the site to the TOP. Why pay 80-100 thousand rubles when there are those who will undertake such work for 5-10 thousand rubles?

At best, this approach will not give any result, and you will simply throw money away. Most often, such irresponsibility when choosing a specialist leads to the imposition of sanctions on the site from search engines, which will make it invisible to potential customers.

In general, a comprehensive promotion of services on the Internet cannot be cheaper than 40 thousand rubles a month. Online promotion consists of several components, let's briefly go through the main areas of work:

  • Technical component- everything that affects the correct operation of the site, the speed of its loading and, in many respects, determines the speed of indexing the site by search engines.
  • Semantics- all queries that your target audience (TA) can search for the site. At the same time, the list must be constantly updated and properly distributed throughout the site. As a rule, such requests should be from 2 to 7 thousand, if we are talking about a project with low traffic, of course, for large projects, the bill will go to tens of thousands of requests.
  • Content Marketing- in fact, it is through the creation of useful and necessary content for our target audience that we will work out all our requests. In some cases, there may be two dozen keywords per page, in some cases 3-5 will be enough.
  • SEO - internal and external website optimization. Working with meta tags, link mass, link weight distribution, keyword density, etc. By the way, all this is meaningless if there are no first 3 points. Why do you need SEO at all, you ask? So that after working on the previous directions, get your growth within 3-4 months, not 10-15. In general, SEO is about accelerating results, but in itself, without an appropriate foundation, is meaningless.
  • Resource conversion rate - how many hits we will receive from the total number of visitors to our site. This includes everything related to the visual component of the site, its convenience and selling qualities.

In general, this is what can be called complex Internet marketing, because. have to do a lot of work. Whether it is worth it or not is decided by a simple calculation of the return on your investment in this channel, but growth due to this can really be steep.

Mistake 2. "We don't care how you do it."

Since search engines regularly block low-quality sites, promotion errors can lead to resource loss. What needs to be done to keep your resource in the first issue of search engines?

First, you should ask a specialist how he will promote your service on the Web, what strategy he is going to use. For example, he can buy links, fill the site with texts with keys, or use complex Internet marketing and content marketing. The right strategy is 80% success.

Mistake 3. "You need to buy many, many links, and we will conquer the TOP."

Manipulating search results can only bring the worst results in promoting an online business. Do not be tempted by the simplicity of this path, wanting to save money and time. Many still believe that it is not necessary to delve into the promoted business and build a strategy, it is enough to purchase a thousand links, make a 10-page business card, and this will guarantee success in promoting the service.

Characteristically, such a policy can actually produce some result. In the first two or three weeks after the purchase of links, the site very quickly gets into the TOP. After that, it will take off from there with even greater speed, receiving colorful messages from search engines. And after such a result, you can forget about the top lines of the rating for a long time.

As a rule, small sites - 10-20 pages long - are subject to such a great drop. There is practically no content, but a huge number of links. How is this possible?

Imagine a small shop on the outskirts of a big city. Its passability is small, only residents of neighboring houses visit it. And suddenly they start talking about this store on radio, television, in newspapers, although the assortment has remained as it was in 10-20 goods. Despite the fact that more or less the average store has an order of magnitude more goods, but they talk about such an insignificant store with a modest assortment. Weird?

The same is true for search engines. Do not buy links to a site that does not have enough content. Links should grow naturally as unique content increases. Without this, playing the SERPs for your site will be like playing Russian roulette. Be sure to ask what the specialist is going to do to promote your service on the Internet.

Mistake 4. “We don’t need content, we need it in the TOP!”.

A simple rule: if there is no content, there will be no TOP. Once upon a time, it was possible to rise in the rankings without having enough content. There is a site created about seven years ago, which has only eight pages, but it is in the TOP for targeted queries. This is achieved due to the fact that during this period it was included in the list of reliable resources of the World Wide Web and fully meets the target requests. But everyone should not count on such luck. The reality is that without having good content, the effective development of the site is impossible. At the same time, the content should be of high quality and useful.

And first of all, it's not about attendance or positions, but about simple respect for potential consumers. When they visit your site, they should not see insipid text about “a dynamically developing company” and “market professionals”. It should be aimed at solving a person’s problems with the help of your service or product. In this case, the love of customers is practically guaranteed to you.

Mistake 5. “The design of the site is not the most important thing, the main thing for us is that the “Buy” button is pressed.

In the past, design was indeed one of the secondary ranking factors. However, recently it has become one of the decisive factors in promoting an Internet business or service. Just like in a cafe, visitors to your page will be more pleasant in a comfortable environment.

When making a decision about cooperation, potential customers are guided by many factors. good lyrics- great, but they need to be properly formatted and brought into a readable form. Otherwise, most of the visitors will simply leave, and the search engines will record it.

After reading our article to the end, many of you will probably want to start promoting your services on the Internet.

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Services are a great business because Most often, investments are not required, only skills and knowledge are enough. But what if there are very few customers (for example, you have just started and word of mouth has not yet worked to its fullest)? Where to find them, where to advertise your services, where to advertise services? The fastest way to advertise your services is to place an ad on the Internet.

Below I will look at several places where you can successfully advertise your services, tell you how to look for such places and what is the best free way to attract customers.

1. Freelancing or Where to offer services last.

If you intend to build a business, and not do part-time work, then I would avoid any freelance sites to find clients. Now, for almost any field, there are such platforms where performers can receive an order for work or offer their services. The disadvantage of such services is that there will be a lot of people willing to do the work and, accordingly, the payment is very low (or you need to have a very good portfolio and rating).

Such sites are more suitable for honing skills, training and part-time work in your free time (or during work).

Examples of such services:

5. Still advertising

Low-budget marketing… Every business owner's dream. And even “dreamer” - if, at the same time, the recognition of the company (product) would grow exponentially ... and the sales curve would bend more and more upward from day to day ..

But the reality is that marketing budgets ( advertising, PR - underline what is necessary) are made up according to known only to the "layout" himself ( read - marketer, advertiser ...) laws... And, with rare exceptions, they are a weak reflection of reality and the company's need for contacts with the target audience.

They say that the true professionalism of a marketer is to bring a company (product) to the market without a budget ... Well, or with the minimum necessary cash injections.

I don’t know how true or controversial this statement is - I can hardly imagine Coca-Cola, Mars and Adidas on the market without budgets ... but still. The fact remains, and the reality of the market is that not everyone has the budget to pay for "multi-layered" advertising campaigns. In addition, due to the still prevailing mentality of Russian business owners, who are skeptical and distrustful of their own marketing services, small and medium-sized businesses are not yet ready to part with money for advertising and other marketing communications ( because there is no clear understanding, “how can we get all this back…”).

So, what low-budget ways do you use to market your company or product?

I can offer you tools that I have used quite often in my practice, which have been tested by the market and have shown their effectiveness, and which have helped me more than once.

1. Barter. A lot of people don't like this word. Especially in accounting. I don't like it very much myself. But I must admit that such a scheme of cooperation is quite common in the Russian business segment, even among large and respected players (for example, such as Rosinter). Of course, if you have something to offer your potential partner. And, obviously, the value of your proposal for a partner should be no less than what you expect (ask) from him.

2. Exhibitions. Yes, your industry exhibitions are a good opportunity to promote yourself in your own market among your partners and target audience. And no - it is not necessary to buy an expensive place and mount a stand. Be creative - push the boundaries of your imagination. There are many other ways to make yourself known at the exhibition, give away your contacts and collect the ones you need.

Carefully study the proposal of the exhibition organizer, the site where the exhibition will be held - look for opportunities for a low-budget "performance".

It can be just placement in the exhibition catalog, placement on the website, renting 2-3 square meters at the entrance to the exhibition, putting a girl / boy with the distribution of samples (or just some “goodies” - usefulness with your contacts), investing in a package participant, organization of a photographer with instant printing of photos on the background of a press-wall with your logos, and so on - think of it! (by the way, such participation can also be closed by barter)

3. Events are internal. Meaning - your personal events for your target audience, for your potential customers. Create some kind of useful event for your customers - what is their most pressing problem? What critical question do they have that they usually pay money to answer?

Give them this answer for free! Perhaps in the form of a mini-seminar or micro-training for 4 hours, maybe together with a representative of an authoritative opinion for them (for example, if this is medicine, then this can be the head physician of a serious clinic, if trade is the manager of a large network, the head of the tax, top - bank manager, etc.).

You can arrange such a seminar with the owner of the premises, who is also interested in an audience that intersects with you, but is not a competitor to you in terms of services. For example, it can be a cafe, club or restaurant that is simply interested in visitors and sales of the kitchen and bar. In addition, in your pre-PR campaign to recruit listeners for your event, you will promote them, as well as in post-releases and reports after the seminar. Do not forget to mention this in negotiations with the site owner.

4. Events external. Many people forget about the most useful semi-informal hangouts or, on the contrary, professional “meetings” of their decision makers (persons making decisions about cooperation) in the form of various chambers, clubs, communities, and so on.

Look - there is probably a Chamber of Commerce and Industry in your city, which periodically arranges parties for general or financial directors. Look for different trendy features, such as a mafia game club for HR directors. For accountants, these may be seminars conducted by the local IFTS. Find out where CMOs hang out in your area (if you offer printing, design, or advertising services, for example...). Find out where the logistics directors live (if you are a courier service or a transport company).

If it’s completely boring in your city and poor decision makers stupidly go home after work - see the paragraph above: think of it yourself! Your events. Finally create your club of mafia players for ____ ( insert the position you want)! Your costs are buying or ordering printing of special cards, blindfolds and beautiful rules on A4 sheets!

Any restaurant in the city will be happy to lend you space on Wednesday evenings with this theme. In addition, it is not necessary to make such evenings free. Freebie relaxes. And the mafia club requires discipline ( read the rules online). Therefore, take 100-500 rubles from the players. per evening (the amount should be such that it is dealt with painlessly, and the value received in return at times blocked such a “loss” from the wallet).

5. Press releases. Get in the habit of issuing press releases about your company every Tuesday. Releases should not be large and voluminous - make text on 1/2 printed sheet plus a couple of key sentences about the company.

Look for information breaks within the company all week long! Establish a system for collecting and processing news and, in general, everything that happens in the company. Any sneeze should flock to your department. And you yourself decide whether to air it or not ( together with the business owner, of course).

And distribute your press releases regularly across the network and through all communication channels available to you: website, corporate newspaper for clients, newsletter, bulletin board in the trading floor or reception… Register your press releases in free press release directories ( they are easily found anywhere search engine ). Send your news to interested publications in your region - both print newspapers and magazines, and online media.

6. Publications. The same goes for larger press releases - provide free content to journalists and the media. These can be interviews on your market, on some problem of your consumers, analytical reports and sections, statistical data ( many media outlets love different statistical compilations), just interesting publications “in the subject”. Invite the leading publication in your region to organize and maintain some special interesting column - and supply your column with relevant and fresh information weekly.

Everyone needs interesting and useful content! Finally, ask your buyers or potential clients - what is THEM interested in your topic, what do they want to know about?

7. Cases. Or case studies. Or success-story. The nature is slightly different, but the point, in principle, is one - to show your target segments by example the solution to THEIR problems. Write stories according to the formula "Problem - Solution - Result", "how bad it was before - and how wonderful it became after", the principle, I think, is clear. Stories in this vein are very attractive and have.

8. Reviews. Customer feedback is something you should collect from when your company was still a baby business. Especially if your client is a more or less well-known company in your region. On corporate color forms, with a beautiful seal, signed by the first person or a key top manager of your client.

Collect and store your reviews in a separate folder, each in a separate file, treat them carefully and with respect -) Well, without fanaticism, of course. You just have to understand that these are the results of your work. These are your "thank you, you helped us a lot" from your customers. And don't forget to digitize all your customer testimonials. Only rovnenko, in color, with high resolution and readable text.

9. "Word of mouth". Involve the local population in promoting your company, products, brands. It has long been no secret to anyone that the “dress” works best in the service market. But in order for your “dress” to work, you need to work on it! What did you think? They just launched a rumor to the people - and he picked it up and carried it to the masses? Of course, it would be great if everything was so simple - no one would spend money on expensive TV and radio advertising, but only would be engaged in “injecting” rumors into the masses.

The simplest and most effective thing is to remember yourself. What information have you personally ever transmitted by word of mouth? It was probably something shocking, out of the ordinary, or terribly funny, or curious, or disgusting, or improving some aspect of your life ... Feel what I mean? Yes, that's right - it should be something that will hook.

But here, be careful - your legend should support and enhance your company/product image, not destroy it.

10. Free consultations, demonstrations, samples. The name speaks for itself. Don't be afraid to give! Nobody likes to buy a pig in a poke. Everyone wants to try first, and then make a buying decision.

Here your marketing should work in close connection with sales as never before. Because it’s not enough just to give a try - after that you need to constantly ask at a given frequency - “Well, how did you like it? Let's buy full version. Did not like? Why? etc...". Keep in touch, monitor your potential client. Offer him special offers, inform about new products, promotions, discounts.

But at the same time, do not be afraid to calculate and cut off “eternal tryers” - these are those who initially know that they will never buy, but they will never refuse a freebie ... You should not waste your precious time on such “non-customers” ...

11. Atmosphere and design of the client office/service hall, reception, meeting room/. In these rooms, EVERYTHING should speak about your professionalism, the quality of your services and the specialists who, in fact, provide these services, inspire confidence in you, your company, your product - every little thing and every element.

Remove already, finally, all these antediluvian letters and thanks of 2003-2007, issued to you by someone for something! Leave one - but a normal, fresh, up-to-date solid professional license, or a certificate, or a diploma, or whatever you need according to the specifics ...

No wobbly chairs, tattered tables, scorched sofas, cracked glass surfaces… Well, you remove this piece of furniture if you don’t have money yet to reupholster, repair, buy a replacement. It’s better to throw a couple of frameless “pears” for one and a half thousand rubles if you need to somehow take up space - well, let no one sit on them, but they will give some kind of “their dude” - freshness and dynamism to your office.

12. Gift certificates, loyalty programs. That is, make sure that the client wants to not only come to you again, but bring someone else with him next time. By the way, this also works with corporate clients. You just need to think a little longer ... And ask around / observe clients, what can stimulate them to such an action.

A perfect example is large cosmetic chains, fitness clubs, mobile operators (least). Copy this ready-made and perfectly working model and apply it to your business - what exactly is stopping you? ( the first gift certificates can also be printed on a color printer, if it’s really tight ... get rich - print plastic, that’s okay!)

In addition, if you have a representative office of some federal discount coupon network in your city ( like Groupon, but there are a lot of them now), or perhaps there is a local company with this kind of working principle, contact them, let them plan an advertising campaign for you. They won’t take money from you for this, but on the other hand, you will clearly see how much you can earn in one day of such a promotion with zero investment in reach and attraction. The decision is yours.

13. Cross marketing promotions with partners. Organize joint promotions with your colleagues, with whom your products can complement each other for the same target audience ( “blah blah printing house and blah blah furniture salon — only from May 1 to May 20 they are holding a joint promotion: buy office furniture and get 80% discount on any advertising printing!”). Promote them well in the region ( You can also partner with the media), share contacts with each other, and work with the resulting client base, each in its own format.

14. Contests, quizzes. This is about the same as cross-marketing, only a more entertaining format. Each partner performs its function, contributes - provides different format prizes, highlights the event, prints banners, programs the web, deals with logistics, photographs, shoots videos, feeds, clothes, etc. But someone has to take on the role of organizer and coordinator. For example, you are the initiator and creator of the concept ( which you pre-send to the partners you need for your contribution).

15. Cultivate feedback from your customers. Build relationships with them. And develop them. Invite them to express their opinion on any occasion - about your services, about the same services on the market in general, conduct surveys, call for action in your communications, provoke them to respond to your messages, conduct surveys on the site or together with partners, give them free advice and ask them to evaluate them, get their consent to receive your marketing materials (only useful to them and not often!).

Final word

Of course, all these low-cost marketing methods do not require a lot of money, but they require the investment of other resources - this is time, effort, patience, energy, imagination and your knowledge.

Yes, and you should not be scattered on all of the methods of promotion described - try each of them in turn, see - which works best for you, brings the most customers? Focus on the few that are most optimal for you in terms of time and labor costs / number of deals closed.

And one more piece of advice that I would like to mention, but which everyone often forgets about ... Due to blurryness and immersion in routine, probably ...

Promote and sell not your company and your products, but the "emotion" and "result" from using your services and contacting your company!

The services of a beauty salon are few people need, but a beautiful haircut and a perfect manicure - yes! I'm not at all interested in the services of an advertising agency, but here's a 20% increase in sales in 6 weeks - let's discuss this soon! There are plenty of tours to Egypt and Greece for cheap, but a complete disconnection from current worries and immersion in absolute relaxation for two weeks - there are few such offers! (if they exist at all...)

So stop, colleagues, disconnect from the hustle and bustle, take a time out for the day, go to the park, turn off your mobile phone, sit on a bench, relax, look at the fountains, people watch - low-budget ways to attract customers are on the market, you can think of them. Just in pursuit of frenetic sales and abstract results, we don't always see them.

P.S. And don't forget that acquiring a new customer costs FIVE times as much as keeping an old one. Therefore, do not forget about your client after the first sale (obtained by one of the methods discussed in this report), in fact, work with him is just beginning here!

It took radio 38 years to reach 50 million people, TV 13. Facebook gained 200 million users in less than a year.

More than 82% of Internet users have social media accounts and use them for (at least) two hours a day. Russia ranks first in Europe in terms of the popularity of social networks.

There is a growing number of users who come to social networks not for communication, but for information, as well as businessmen who understand that social media is an effective marketing channel. If you want to promote a project through social networks, then get acquainted with four effective ways to promote it.

Content is the main promotion factor

Any SMM specialist will confirm that promotion tools are useless without quality content. If the page of your brand is boring, you should not count on the growth of the audience and its loyalty.

Three ingredients of good content:

  1. Uniqueness. The information you post should be relevant and engaging. Do not copy materials from other resources. The exception is cross-posting between the company's blog and its page on the social network.
  2. Regularity. Articles should be published systematically. Two, three, four or seven times a week - depends on the specifics of the business and its target audience. So, two or three updates will be enough for people from the business environment, and this is clearly not enough for the beauty community. It is necessary to adhere to the chosen content strategy, regardless of the number of subscribers.
  3. Virality. Publications should be lively, causing an emotional response in the form of a burning desire to tell friends about them. Avoid overt promotional posts.

Facebook in Russia- "social sphere is not for everyone." It is used by marketers, programmers and other IT-savvy people. They are not afraid of a “complicated interface”, but in their area of ​​interest are gadgets, the Internet, travel, education, books and business in all its manifestations. They willingly like and share materials on these topics, as well as motivating articles that set you up for positive. Most of the active Facebook audience uses mobile application- posts are recommended to be illustrated with pictures sized 800 × 600.

"In contact with"- the largest social network of Runet (more than 230 million registered users). Her audience is younger; the focus of users' interests is mainly entertainment (communication, games, music, films, etc.). VK users do not like text content (it is desirable that the length of the post does not exceed 500 characters), but they love photos and videos.

Among photo hosting sites in Russia, the most popular Instagram. At the same time, while maintaining a brand page on Instagram, it is recommended to adhere to uniform style in the design (use not only standard filters, but also third-party photo editors), as well as place objects in the photo on 2/3 of the screen (this makes the picture visually more attractive).


The possibility of placing targeted advertising is available in almost all social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and others. At the same time, it is believed that targeted advertising in social networks is more suitable for the B2C sector. However, there are companies in B2B that effectively solve business problems through targeted advertising.

Some types of targeting:

  • Geographical (geotargeting) - displaying advertising to residents of a certain region / city / district, etc. For example, you want to promote a beauty salon located in Khimki, Moscow Region. Your targeted ad will be displayed to the residents of this city.
  • Socio-demographic - showing ads based on gender, age, marital status and other social criteria. Thus, advertising for children's goods and household goods is recommended to be placed on the pages of married women over 25, and advertising for an art store - on the pages of designers, architects, decorators.
  • Contextual - displaying ads in accordance with the interests of the user. Membership in groups such as "Fashion", Fashion, "Shopping", etc. clearly demonstrates the interests of the user. He will be interested in relevant advertising.
  • Behavioral - displaying ads depending on specific user actions (travel routes, favorite places, frequent search terms etc.). Let's say a person is fond of Latin American dances, goes to a salsa club, looks for relevant videos - it is likely that he will be attracted by an advertisement for a last-minute tour to Cuba.

Despite its apparent simplicity, targeting is a tool that requires serious preparatory work. First, you need to analyze the target audience of the brand. Second, create an ad.

Community advertising

Advertising in communities (on professional language SMMs - sowing) is the purchase of posting or reposting in popular communities. In the first case (buying a post), the advertiser's goal is to increase traffic on the company's website; in the second (buying a repost) - attracting users to a company group on a social network. At the same time, the more subscribers the community in which you buy a post has, the more expensive the advertising campaign will cost.

You can negotiate directly with community owners or use the services of a special exchange. In 2013, the VKontakte social network (an office for an advertiser) opened one. Advertising is placed by the community administration in its feed and, according to the conditions, must remain there for a day.

Professional promotion in social media

It refers to services that provide paid services for promotion in social networks. As a rule, they independently create high-quality content, launch a targeting mechanism and negotiate advertising in communities. These conditionally include Plibber. Why conditionally? Because the possibilities of this service are much wider.

  • register;
  • decide on the format of work on the site (you can advertise your brand yourself or contact the Plibber team to organize an outrageous advertising campaign);
  • prepare an advertising post;
  • select the most suitable sites from the target audience and start sowing.

After preliminary moderation, your task will be available, and you can start attracting fans of your brand.

How to get organic loyal traffic? With this question, which is of interest to all advertisers, we turned to the founder of the Plibber project, Oleg Ratunin.

Oleg Ratunin

General director and ideological inspirer of Knows everything about social media and even more.

To attract potential fans to your brand, you should:

  • use quizzes (quizzes), infographics, illustrations, viral videos, promotional games, etc.;
  • place a link within the visible zone of the announcement of the post (first-second lines);
  • embed a call to action in the content;
  • add a provocative poll;
  • work with the associative content format and its adaptation to the brand;
  • launch creative, vibrant and unique contests.

If you've managed to find the content your audience is craving, you can count on over 600 clicks per post.

Also, do not forget to analyze the communication of large brands with their subscribers, now a good result is being detected in the community

  • Popular Services
  • Where can you look for a job?
  • Summarize
  • Relevant and proven platforms for earning

Hello dear friends! Today we will talk about making money on the Internet for the provision of various services. Why is the figure 500 rubles indicated in the article? Because this is a popular query that is driven into the search engine more than 10,000 times a month. So people want to earn exactly “five-hat”, although in fact this is ridiculous money and you can earn much more online. Well, yes, landau, you need to start small, as they say.

Let's talk about this idea of ​​making money online in more detail.

There are plenty of ways to earn 500 rubles in the virtual world, and I have talked about this more than once in other articles. This time we will consider earnings on the provision of services and services on which it is worth looking for such a job. Below I will give a list of those services that are popular on the Internet, and for which you can find daily orders.

Popular Services

Most of the works cost at least 500 rubles:

  • Posting company reviews on various websites and forums
  • Article writing (copywriting)
  • Formation of groups in social networks
  • Creation of logos for the site
  • Linking
  • Translations of texts
  • Cheat likes and subscribers in social networks, promotion of groups
  • Correction of errors in the texts of sites
  • Posting ads
  • Creating vectors
  • Site traffic boost
  • Creation of advertisements (on Avito, for example)
  • Calling the contact database using a ready-made conversation script
  • e-mail distribution, preparation of letters
  • Business card development
  • Creating colorful avatars for Vkontakte groups (I personally ordered a similar service. The guy made it for me in 10 minutes and earned 300 rubles).
  • Treatment of viruses on the computer
  • Setting up contextual advertising
  • Writing a business plan
  • Photo editing, Photoshop
  • Project Administration
  • And many many others.

Absolutely everyone can find a suitable job, there would be a desire. See what area you are more or less strong in or what you have an interest in. If you do not have enough knowledge - no problem! On the Internet there is a lot of information on the study of a particular issue. What, you will not be able to post a review about the company, or write a simple text? There are plenty of such elementary part-time jobs on the Internet and normal money is paid for this.

Where can you look for a job?

Orders can be searched for on specialized freelance services. Be sure to register and create a portfolio on the following resources: popular base of freelancers. A lot of serious performers are registered here and the prices are very high. For example, a copyright costs at least $1 here, while texts are bought on stock exchanges for $0.6 - $0.8. no less popular project. One of the first Russian-language projects to find freelancers. There are a lot of regular and serious customers. For example, as of January 11, 2016. 2761 projects for a total amount of 24 million rubles are located in the "search for the contractor" database. This service for true professionals. a relatively new, but at the same time rapidly gaining popularity project to search for freelancers. It has a database of low-cost performers on such topics as: site audit, writing and editing texts, setting up contextual advertising, creating logos, promoting groups, and so on. The chip of the project is that all works initially have a price tag of 500 rubles. a very high-quality project with a large number of customers. Here you can find work on the topics: website development, design, printing, texts and translations, administration, 3D graphics, engineering, advertising and marketing, management, networks and information systems, photography, animation and flash.


Register immediately for all services, as customers are different everywhere. In this case, you can receive daily orders. In addition, you can place free ads on Avito, on specialized forums (like, and on social networks. Smaller and lower-paid jobs for beginners can be found on pay-for-action services. This is the work of writing reviews, comments, subscribing to news, entering captchas, watching videos, etc. To complete such tasks, no knowledge is required in principle, and you can start earning immediately after registering in the system.

Required skills to get started

Despite the fact that they can provide completely different Internet services, the start-up for these types of businesses is about the same. It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about financial advice or creating your own cryptocurrency, you will need at least Personal Computer or laptop, as well as access to the global network. With regard to professional skills, it is necessary to have general concepts work with PC, office applications and browsers. A truly serious business requires the registration of an entrepreneur or an LLC. Must be able to use social networks and place contextual, as well as other types of advertising. At first, it is important to attract at least a small flow of customers in order to stay afloat.

Taxation system for Internet entrepreneurs

It is better to register as an individual entrepreneur from the moment the site is opened, but the provision of services or the sale of goods has not yet been launched. Already from this moment, accounting of income and expenses begins. Some register even before opening their own website or platform, so that all costs are already included in the entrepreneur's expenses. As for the taxation system, more often you have to choose between general grounds and simplified taxation. If counterparties do not need a VAT refund, then it is better to choose the simplified tax system and pay 6 or 15% of the turnover. The tax inspectorate for Internet services is reluctant to allow the patent form and UTII, as these are special regimes, and their application requires clear grounds. But apart from the simplified tax, you won’t have to pay anything else, except perhaps insurance premiums.