Six months before the transition to digital TV, a broad explanatory campaign will begin. Six months before the transition to digital TV, a wide explanatory campaign will begin Complete lack of signal reception

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2017 in TV
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List "2017 in TV" describes the events in the world of television expected in

Years in television

20th century XXI Century

An excerpt characterizing 2017 in television

- Is it over?! - said Princess Marya, after his body had been motionless for several minutes, growing cold, lying in front of them. Natasha came up, looked into the dead eyes and hurried to close them. She closed them and did not kiss them, but kissed what was the closest memory of him.
“Where did he go? Where is he now?..”

When the dressed, washed body lay in a coffin on the table, everyone came up to him to say goodbye, and everyone wept.
Nikolushka wept from the pained bewilderment that tore at his heart. The Countess and Sonya wept with pity for Natasha and that he was no more. The old count wept that soon, he felt, he was about to take the same terrible step.
Natasha and Princess Mary were weeping now too, but they were not weeping from their own personal grief; they wept from the reverent tenderness that seized their souls before the consciousness of the simple and solemn mystery of death that took place before them.

The totality of the causes of phenomena is inaccessible to the human mind. But the need to find causes is embedded in the human soul. And the human mind, not delving into the innumerability and complexity of the conditions of phenomena, each of which separately can be represented as a cause, grabs at the first, most understandable approximation and says: here is the cause. In historical events (where the subject of observation is the actions of people), the most primitive rapprochement is the will of the gods, then the will of those people who stand in the most prominent historical place - historical heroes. But one has only to delve into the essence of each historical event, that is, into the activity of the entire mass of people who participated in the event, in order to be convinced that the will of the historical hero not only does not direct the actions of the masses, but is itself constantly guided. It would seem that it is all the same to understand the meaning of a historical event one way or another. But between the man who says that the peoples of the West went to the East because Napoleon wanted it, and the man who says that it happened because it had to happen, there is the same difference that existed between people who said that the land stands firmly and the planets move around it, and those who said that they did not know what the earth was based on, but they knew that there were laws governing the movement of both her and other planets. There are no and cannot be causes of a historical event, except for the single cause of all causes. But there are laws that govern events, partly unknown, partly groping for us. The discovery of these laws is possible only when we completely renounce the search for causes in the will of one person, just as the discovery of the laws of the motion of the planets became possible only when people renounced the representation of the affirmation of the earth.

Communications Minister Nikolai Nikiforov announced that in 2018 Russia will be able to abandon analogue television broadcasting. It is assumed that by this time the whole country will be ready to switch to digital television, but not everyone shares the optimism of officials. found out why, after switching to digital, many Russians may lose access to television and how to avoid this.

Why is analogue dying?

According to Nikiforov, in 2018 the state will stop subsidizing analog television. This does not mean that it will be disabled. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications explained to that TV channels, in addition to the digital format, wishing to broadcast in analog, will receive such an opportunity: for this they just need to agree with the signal distributor - the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network (RTRS). Regional channels, for example, will be able to continue broadcasting analog.

In itself, the transition to digital by 2018 is not new. In 2009, when the excitement around the launch of digital TV in Russia was only gaining momentum, officials made bright plans for a complete transition to a new broadcasting format by 2015, later the plans were adjusted and the new milestone was called 2018. It was assumed that by that time more than half of Russians would have acquired television receivers capable of reading a digital signal.

Why is digital better than analogue?

Digital television is of better quality, allows you to fit more channels in one frequency range, it is more resistant to interference. Often dense urban development contributes to the creation of ripples or stripes on television screens. The digital mode of transmission allows the signal to bypass these obstacles and give a smooth picture at the output.

How do they "smoke out" an analogue?

The transition to digital television is a global trend. In the West, this process began ten years earlier than in Russia. Abroad, digital broadcasting began back in the 1990s, while in Russia they began testing digital broadcasting in 2000 (in the Nizhny Novgorod region). To date, almost all of Western Europe, the Scandinavian countries, the USA, some CIS countries and Latin America have abandoned the analog format. In 2017, Ukraine plans to completely abandon analogue broadcasting in favor of digital.

At the time when Luxembourg and the Netherlands switched to digital for the first time (in 2006), Russia had just created a government commission that was working on the concept of introducing new TV standards. It was headed by Dmitry Medvedev. Having become president in 2008, he came to grips with television issues (then an attempt was made to create public television, which resulted in the opening of the OTR channel with - approx. ""). In 2009, the Federal Target Program was approved, according to which investments in digital television broadcasting amounted to almost 165 billion rubles.

It was decided that the new format would come to the house to the audience in multiplexes - packets that are transmitted on the same frequency. The first multiplex included ten federal TV channels - Channel One, Russia 1, Russia 2 (later its frequencies were transferred to Match TV), NTV, Channel Five, Russia K, Russia 24, Karusel, freshly baked OTR and TV Center.

Seats in the second multiplex were put up for competition. Dozens of channels fought for the right to be publicly available throughout Russia. As a result, REN TV, STS, Spas, Domashny, TV-3, Friday, Zvezda, Mir, TNT and Muz-TV (now - "YU"). Among the channels that applied but were not included in the multiplex were Russia Today, Dozhd, Pepper, NTV Plus, Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Channels have to pay a lot for the opportunity to be in the multiplex. Initially, it was planned that TV companies would be paid almost a billion rubles each year by RTRS for the construction of the necessary infrastructure and signal maintenance. Subsequently, annual payments were reduced to 150 million, but from 2019, after the full deployment of the second multiplex, the cost of broadcasting in it could again rise to a billion rubles.

For some channels, this amount turned out to be unbearable. Thus, the Orthodox Spas, which, according to its general director, exists solely on donations from viewers, still cannot pay off RTRS, and, as in July, does not have an agreement with the signal distributor at all.

Before the crisis, the authorities planned to launch a third multiplex, which would also include regional channels, but the idea failed - the idea was recognized as economically unprofitable. As a result, the third multiplex was launched only in the Crimea due to the digital infrastructure inherited by the peninsula from Ukraine.

Who can be left without television?

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications explained to that by 2018 digital broadcasting will cover 98.1 percent of the Russian population (ten free channels the first multiplex by the end of 2016 will be available to 98.3 percent of the country's residents). The remaining 1.9 percent are small settlements or uninhabited areas, as well as settlements of polar explorers. However, wide coverage does not mean that the new television will come to every home, says a top manager of the TV company, who wished to remain anonymous, whose channel is included in one of the multiplexes.

To connect to digital TV and watch 20 public TV channels for free, the subscriber's TV must be able to receive a DVB-T2 signal (European standard for digital terrestrial television of the second generation - approx. ""). However, not all TVs even modern models equipped with such a receiver. In the event that the device does not support DVB-T2, the viewer will have to purchase a special set-top box with a receiver, which costs at least a thousand rubles.

Prefixes cannot be called expensive, “but, judging by the fact that 30 percent of citizens cannot change old tv for a new one, they probably don’t have extra money to buy additional devices, ”the channel manager suggested.

By the way, in 2012 the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications offered the regions to provide several million low-income citizens with such devices. Whether the authorities plan to help beneficiaries in this is still unknown.

The interlocutor of claims that not a single TV channel yet has an understanding of how the final transition from “analogue” to “digital” will take place (as well as there is no idea of ​​the real losses that they may incur). A sharp, one-time transition will not happen, he believes: there is a high risk that part of the population will be left without public channels, which may lead to public indignation.

The transition to digital broadcasting of all-Russian mandatory public channels should take place in October 2018. It will be preceded by a broad information campaign next spring, Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Alexei Volin said at a meeting on May 16 in the Federation Council.

The transition to digital television is taking place within the framework of the program "Development of TV and Radio Broadcasting in Russia in 2009-2015". Upon its completion, 98 percent of Russians should have access to 20 TV channels included in two multiplexes.

“Ten years ago, the number of public channels depended on where a particular viewer lives. I represent the Republic of Tuva and I can say that so far only the First Channel is received in its remote parts, and the quality of the picture leaves much to be desired, ”said Lyudmila Narusova, member of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building.

The parliamentarian recalled that the date of transition to digital broadcasting was repeatedly postponed.

In addition, senators are worried about whether there will be "white spots" in Russia - territories where analog broadcasting has gone, and digital has not yet appeared.

In each subject of the Federation, digital terrestrial television stations will have to be reconstructed or built from scratch.

“We are talking about the world's largest program for the transfer to digital television,” Alexey Volin stated. According to the official, out of 5017 transmitting stations, 690 remained to be built in 12 regions. The first multiplex of 10 federal TV channels is already available to 95 percent of the population, and the second, "commercial" multiplex can be watched by 64.8 percent.

The first multiplex includes 10 federal TV channels. 1. First channel
2. Russia 1
3. Match TV
4. NTV
5. Channel five
6. Russia-Culture
7. Russia 24
8. Carousel
9. OTR
10. TV Center

TVs that support the required reception standard have been produced in Russia since 2012. Then the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications held a meeting with manufacturers, at which they informed them of the technical requirements for receiving a digital television signal.

More than half of the inhabitants of small settlements have necessary equipment for receiving a digital TV signal, said Viktor Pinchuk, First Deputy Director General of the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network.

“If we take medium and small settlements, then 62 percent of the population is already ready to abandon the “analogue,” he said.

“From April-May 2018, we will launch a broad campaign to inform viewers about the transition to digital,” said the Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications. - It is very important to inform the population that the “X hour” will come when it is desirable to buy either a set-top box or a new TV. The ministry has already created headquarters for the transition to digital, their work will be activated at the beginning of 2018.

According to Alexei Volin, separate work is to be done with television companies in the regions, which are now network partners of the federal ones.

The “divorce” should take place without prejudice to regional companies,” the official believes.

To do this, at the beginning of the year, an expert council for regional television and radio broadcasting was created under the relevant ministry. Also, the transition to "digital" should not lead to the removal of frequencies from TV channels, since it is necessary to have a reserve for the further development of television broadcasting, for example, in the High Definition format.

Even after the transition to digital broadcasting, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications decided to allow analog TV channels to continue working, but the state will no longer have the obligation to subsidize the distribution of the analog signal of mandatory all-Russian public channels in cities with a population of less than 100,000 people.

“Our principled position is that the state will not forcefully turn off analog broadcasting,” Volin added. All those TV channels that want to continue analogue broadcasting will be able to do this at their own expense.

Speaking about the “white spots” mentioned by Lyudmila Narusova, Volin cited the Arkhangelsk region as an example. The operating 75 TV stations in this region cover 95 percent of subscribers. In order to provide the remaining five, it is necessary to build another 100. The deputy minister sees the way out in connecting to direct satellite broadcasting.

Recall that back in 2006, Russia signed an international agreement on the transition to digital television by 2015. Our country also undertook to turn off analog broadcasting where it interferes with digital broadcasting in neighboring states. The transition period ended on June 17, 2015. It was supposed to turn off analog TV in Russia in June last year, but then this date was postponed first to July 1, 2018, and then to October 2018.

The table shows the channels that can be received from the Ostankino TV tower in Moscow and the Moscow region. The list is divided into two groups - digital DVB-T2 and terrestrial analogue. The operating frequencies, numbers, characteristics are indicated. All federal channels are broadcast free of charge. Coded or paid services are not yet provided. The distribution of digital program packages is going on multiplexes, each with 10 channels, 20 are already in normal mode and the third multiplex is being tested. The first and Russia 1 are in high definition HD. Broadcast breaks are regulated by the Prevention Schedule. Search and tuning are possible in automatic or manual mode. Most apartment buildings have cable TV and in the general list you will find only the list provided by the operator. In this case, for reception, an external or internal independent antenna is required.

The first digital terrestrial TV multiplex
Channel logo Name Number Frequency Genre Video Format Audio Format
30 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 546 MHz Sport MPEG4 MPEG2
30 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
Petersburg - Channel 5 30 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 546 MHz News MPEG4 MPEG2
30 546 MHz Children's MPEG4 MPEG2
30 546 MHz Public Television of Russia MPEG4 MPEG2
30 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 546 MHz Radio - MPEG2
30 546 MHz Radio - MPEG2
30 546 MHz Radio - MPEG2
The second digital terrestrial TV multiplex
24 498 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
24 498 MHz Religion MPEG4 MPEG2
24 498 MHz Entertaining MPEG4 MPEG2
24 498 MHz Entertaining MPEG4 MPEG2
TV3 24 498 MHz Entertaining MPEG4 MPEG2
24 498 MHz Entertaining MPEG4 MPEG2
24 498 MHz Military patriotic channel MPEG4 MPEG2
24 498 MHz CIS channel MPEG4 MPEG2
24 498 MHz Movies MPEG4 MPEG2
Muz TV 24 498 MHz Music MPEG4 MPEG2
The third digital terrestrial TV multiplex

It has not yet been officially launched, so the list of channels is displayed on a separate page with a broadcast schedule

In the analog band, the number of conventional channels is less and is planned to be switched off in accordance with the official government development program. digital television.

The information was obtained from open sources and is current at the beginning of 2020. As the grid changes, the data will be updated.

Article 37. Erotic publications

Law of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991 N 2124-1 (as amended on July 13, 2015)
"About funds mass media"

Distribution of releases of specialized radio and television programs of an erotic nature without signal coding is allowed only from 23:00 to 04:00 local time, unless otherwise established by the local administration.

For the purposes of this Law, a media specializing in messages and materials of an erotic nature means a periodical or program that generally and systematically exploits the interest in sex.

Retail sale of media products specializing in messages and materials of an erotic nature is allowed only in sealed transparent packages and in specially designed premises, the location of which is determined by the local administration.