Two pages in classmates on one phone number. How to put, change or delete marital status in Odnoklassniki

In Odnoklassniki, the user can specify a lot of all kinds of information about himself. Maybe even list your favorite movies or books! Often people indicate their soul mates, that is, the people with whom they are in a relationship. In this article, we will explain in detail how to add, change or remove a soul mate.

How to put marital status in Odnoklassniki?

Go to Odnoklassniki, in the menu, which is located in the center of the screen, click "More" - "About me".

Here you will see sections where you can add information about yourself. We are interested in the second half. Click on the line "Maybe there is your soulmate on Odnoklassniki?".

Choose your soul mate from your friends. If your spouse is not in Odnoklassniki, you can specify his name by clicking on the line "Specify the name of your soulmate."

Specify the name of the second half, click "Finish".

Go to your page, now information about your other half will be listed here as well.

How to remove marital status in Odnoklassniki?

Again, go to the "About Me" section and find information about your marital status. Click on marital status (in the example it is “Married”), after which a menu will appear, and already in it click “Break Relationship”.

Relationships will be broken, information about the second half will disappear from your page.

How to change marital status in Odnoklassniki?

It is best to change marital status through the removal of the second half, as shown above. Next, simply indicate your new current marital status.

Marital status in the mobile version of the site

At the time of writing, change, remove or add marital status to mobile version site on the phone or using the application is not possible. But you can do this: open the full version of the site from a mobile browser and enter the necessary data. To do this, in the mobile version of Odnoklassniki, call up the menu and click " Full version site".

Letter. "If I had to speak in the Bundestag, like the boy Kolya, then I would probably say these words: - Dear deputies. Today I saw a miracle. And this miracle is called Germany. I walked towards you and looked at the beautiful Berlin streets, at the people, wonderful monuments of architecture, and now I'm standing here and looking at you. And I understand that all this is a miracle. That you were all born into the world and live in Germany. Why do I think so? Because considering what your soldiers have done in our occupied territories, the soldiers of the Red Army had the full moral right to destroy the entire German people.Leaving a scorched field, ruins and only paragraphs of textbooks in place of Germany would remind you that there was once such a country.You probably do not remember all the details occupation, but this is not necessary. I will just remind you of what the soldiers of the Wehrmacht and the SS did with Soviet children. They were shot. Often in front of their parents. Or vice versa, first they shot at dad and mom, and then at children. Your violent soldiers Ali children. Children were burned alive. They were sent to concentration camps. Where they took their blood to make serum for your soldiers. Children were starved. Children were eaten to death by your shepherds. Children were used as targets. Children were brutally tortured just for fun. Or here are two examples. A Wehrmacht officer was prevented from sleeping by a baby, he took him by the leg and smashed his head against the corner of the stove. Your pilots at the Lychkovo station bombed the train on which they tried to take the children to the rear, and then your aces chased the frightened kids, shooting them in a bare field. Two thousand children were killed. Just for what you did with the children, I repeat, the Red Army could completely destroy Germany with its inhabitants. She had a full moral right. But she didn't. Do I regret it? Of course not. I bow before the steel will of my ancestors, who found some incredible strength in themselves so as not to become the same cattle as the Wehrmacht soldiers were. On the buckles of German soldiers was written "God is with us." But they were the creatures of hell and brought hell to our land. The soldiers of the Red Army were Komsomol members and communists, but the Soviet people turned out to be much more Christian than the inhabitants of enlightened religious Europe. And they did not take revenge. They were able to understand that hell cannot be defeated by hell. You should not ask our forgiveness, because you personally are not to blame for anything. You cannot be responsible for your grandfathers and great-grandfathers. And then, only the Lord forgives. But I'll be honest - for me the Germans are forever a stranger, an alien people. It's not because you personally are bad. It is in me that the pain of the children burned by the Wehrmacht screams. And you will have to accept that at least my generation - for which the memory of the war is the grandfather's awards, his scars, his front-line friends - will perceive you this way. What will happen next, I don't know. Perhaps, after us, mankurts will come who will forget everything. And we have done a lot for this, we have screwed up a lot ourselves, but I hope that not everything is lost for Russia. Of course we need to cooperate. Russians and Germans. We need to solve problems together. Fight ISIS and build gas pipelines. But you will have to accept one fact: we will never repent for our Great War. And even more so for the victory. And even more so in front of you. In any case, I repeat, my generation. Because then we saved not only ourselves. We saved you from yourself. And I don't even know what's more important."

Odnoklassniki - phone number

Why do you need a phone number?

When your page is linked to a number mobile phone, you can always restore access if you forget your password or if your page is hacked. This happens a lot with people. Therefore, a phone number is required. In addition, your number is your login (username to enter the site).

Is it possible to link two pages or several pages to one number in Odnoklassniki?

Many people are interested in this - can there be two pages in Odnoklassniki on one issue? No, you cannot register two pages for one number. If you try to link a page to a number that is already linked to another page, nothing will work. But even if you remove old page, then three months must pass before this number can be registered new page(or link it to the page).

How to go to the old page if it was linked to the same number?

Two pages cannot be linked to the same number at the same time. Someone will say: “But no, I’m tied!” - such a person is simply confusing something. Maybe one page has already been deleted, maybe the number has been changed - be that as it may, the rule remains ironclad: one number - one page.

How to restore a page in Odnoklassniki by phone number?

If you had a mobile phone number on the page, then restoring the page is easy:

  1. Click on the link "Forgot your password" on home page Odnoklassniki or here.
  2. Press the button "I remember my phone" and enter your phone number.
  3. If the page was linked to this number, then you will be sent a recovery code via SMS.
  4. Enter this code into special field(maybe the code will not come immediately, you will have to wait a few minutes).
  5. Ask New password your page.

If it doesn't work, write to the support service. And if you can't enter the site for some other reason, look here: Not included in Odnoklassniki? Decision.

How to change phone number?

To change the phone number in Odnoklassniki, you need to:

  1. Open your page.
  2. Click below your main photo "Change settings".
  3. In "General" settings find « Phone number», hover over it and click "Change".
  4. A window will open, click there "Change number".
  5. They will ask for a phone number - enter new number.
  6. Click "Send"- an SMS will be sent to the phone with a code that indicate for confirmation new number. That's all.

The phone number has changed (I forgot the number, I lost it, the old one is no more), and when you enter Odnoklassniki, the code is sent to the old one. What to do, where to change the phone number?

Take your time, think this way: if you could change your phone number without having access to the page, then any stranger could do it. Then what would be the point of a phone number, a password, if anyone could break into your page? First, you will have to restore access to Odnoklassniki and somehow prove that you are you.

How to enter Odnoklassniki without a number?

If you have lost your password and are trying to recover it, you should be sent a code that you need to enter to regain access. Gotta get the phone!

If you just want to crawl around the Odnoklassniki website without logging in under your name and without registering, then there's nothing to be done - these are the rules, you need to register. If you really don't want to use your main number, buy a cheap SIM card and register with it.

More on this topic

Surely you, like most computer users, have an account in at least one social network. Most often, we are still talking about several social networks, and often one of them is Odnoklassniki. So, it is likely that you faced a dilemma: how to create a second page in Odnoklassniki? This is necessary, for example, if you have one computer for several households, and one of them also expressed a desire to have a profile in OK. Or you forgot/lost all the data to enter your page and wanted to create new profile. so to speak, start from scratch. In general, the reasons can be very diverse, but this does not change the essence.

In fact, creating a second page is quite simple, especially if you already have experience in registering yourself on Odnoklassniki. If not, it's okay, now I'll tell you about all the nuances!

How to create a second page in Odnoklassniki

Before I jump right into the process of registering a new user, I want to point out a few general points that you should consider when creating a new page, namely:

  1. If you want to use the same browser for two pages in OK, then you will have to exit the first one. To do this, in the upper right corner, click on the arrow next to the photo and select the "Exit" line. Or click on the "Exit" button just above.
  2. If for some reason you do not want to log out, you can simply use different browsers for different accounts. In this case, the need to leave the first one will simply disappear.
  3. And the last, most important aspect: when registering a second page in Odnoklassniki, you cannot use the same phone number and email address that were specified when registering the first profile. The fact is that this data remains in the site database and reuse forbidden.

How to register in Odnoklassniki

We will assume that you have already created a new email account, bought a new SIM card, opened another web browser (or exited the first profile) and are ready to start registration. I'm sure most of you are aware of how to register for OK. But just in case, let me briefly remind you.