How to name a youtube channel about games. How to name a channel on Youtube and what opportunities this service provides

How to name your youtube channel.

I am writing this article based on my personal experience and observations. I spend a lot of time on YouTube video hosting. But I spend it for the benefit of the cause, and not just to watch some stupid jokes stolen a hundred times from each other. I choose interesting (for me personally) channels, and, as they say, I follow them.

I look at how many subscribers are on the channel, how many likes are under each video, and why channels are created. And they are created in 99 out of 100 cases to earn money (read,). Well, I'm interested, and that's it. And most importantly, I look what names are given to the channels by their owners, and whether they wind up subscribers and views (this is not difficult to determine).

But as for the name of the channel, I will say the following: you will never find a specific answer to your question. If you yourself cannot come up with a name for the channel, then what are you going to upload there at all? Then you will ask what to shoot for YouTube? Are there any interesting videos? I repeat, interesting!!! Only with interesting videos you can get views (namely, you need views). And there is already enough different idiocy, for example, this one:

That's exactly the kind of crap people pour on YouTube who ask:

  • How to name a channel with the name Julia, Violetta, Katya?
  • What is the name of the channel for girls?
  • What is the name of the channel for boys?
  • What is the name of the gaming channel?

They ask their parents for smartphones, tablets (often on credit), and then they think: where can we put all this foolishness that we rented now? Of course, on YouTube. Where else? Everyone is accepted there.

Yes, yes, students! Applies to you. It would be better to do the lessons, and not deal with nonsense. Look, watch the video. It's about you.

By the way, the channel is called "contact fools". Female owner. In every video there is the word fool. She turned her head on and came up with an appropriate name. And I consider him successful in his subject. Here is an example for you how to name a channel on youtube.
I'll sort of stop there, otherwise they will really take me for a sadist, and they stumble in the comments. You can not read further, this is for more intelligent and adult people.

When we puzzle, we must understand that the name must correspond to the content of the channel (subject). That's what you make videos about, call it that. Shooting cell phone reviews? So you can call "reviews cell phones". Traveling? Name your channel related to travel. For example: “travel blog”, or “I am such and such, traveling the world.” Naturally, do not forget to make a description of the channel. What is he talking about? What do you do? Etc. If the channel is on different topics, you should not call it by its name. In general, at the initial stage, any channel should not be called by its name. Nobody knows you yet. Video hosting visitors will not watch some Ivanov and Petrov. The name you have not earned yet. No fame, so it's too early to jump. When your name becomes more or less recognizable, then you can use it in the title.

How to name your youtube channel That's your business. But by giving a title that is different from the content, it will be very difficult to gain views and a permanent audience. Yes! Everything will go uphill if, having accidentally run into your video, the visitor will be interested in it (if it is very interesting). A person will watch it to the end (and this is very good), subscribe to the channel, start watching new releases, share, advise friends. What if there are 100 or 1000 of them? There will be happiness. But this is assuming that everything happens by chance. In the meantime, this has not happened, you need to give the channel a name that matches the content. We will earn a celebrity on YouTube later. Well, accordingly, each video is also called as it should be.

Here is an example of one channel called " IdiotikShow (idiots)". I think you guessed the content of this channel.

They have gained and continue to gain their audience. They do different things in every video. And judging by the views, people like it. And my opinion, they named the channel correctly. I think everyone agrees with me. This is a clear example

Buy YouTube channel advertising.

You can say: yes, you are the author with your advice, you yourself know where. I’ll just buy ads from promoted channels, pay money, and views with subscribers will flow to me like a river. Flag in hand, buy. Are there any grandmothers? Try to buy advertising for example from Nifedov or +100500.

Firstly, the cost of advertising may not pay off, because. advertising for these people costs not 500 rubles, but all +100500. Their own popularity has been working for these people for a long time, and they sell it for money, and not for small ones.

Secondly, they may not take them from you. They don't know you. Maybe you offer to advertise complete crap. And the authority for them is also not found in the garbage, and they will not spoil their reputation.

For this you need to work a little. To shoot a certain number of videos of interesting content, it is no less interesting to mount them, and to interest Maxim and Andrey in at least something. If the content of your channel is garbage, they will not even waste their time on negotiations.

So in any case, you will have to work, show people something from which they will get high and relax while watching your videos. Subscribers and popularity will come to you. But all this must be approached with a soul, analyzing popular channels, and, of course, trying to do better. The main thing is not to be afraid of the camera, to speak, to write. I used to be afraid to write here too, but now I'm writing. What's in it? Why be afraid? Many write.

How to name a youtube video.

You need to name the video according to the principle of the channel name. What is the content, such is the title. The name should be loud, conspicuous, encourage a person to watch the video. And I remind you again! The title must match the content.

Here is a simple example. There is a channel about traveling around the world. You fly to different countries. And the channel, for example, is called "traveling the world." You have filmed in Egypt, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, etc. And to give the names of the vidos “travel around the world part one”, “travel around the world part two”, third, fourth will not be correct. Viewers are much more likely to search for information about a particular country. So it should be called: “A trip to Egypt”, “A trip to Turkey”. Believe me, the effect will be many times greater. And if people like what you show, 99% is already your audience.

Cool video titles on YouTube.

A cool name for a video on YouTube will help you get even more views. Let's say that during a trip to Tunisia, funny things happened to you. Accordingly, we supplement the name: “Trip to Tunisia. Cool taxi driver. “A trip to Turkey. Emergency landing "(God forbid)

I give an example with the same Andrey Nifedov. He seems to have enough subscribers to watch. But what happened to one of the videos from the series "Nifedich in Egypt"?

More than 3 million views. This is more than subscribers. Although other videos from this series scored 1 million likes. and less. Yes Yes Yes!!! Guessed!!! It's all thanks to the titty shaking party. The name immediately catches the eye. Everyone wants to see who's shaking their tits there? And this is what our people love. By the way, who has not watched and who is interested, look at his health on the channel. Andryukha banned the embedding of the video, does not allow you to copy the embed code.

P.S. Everything I write here is from my own experience and observations, without any rewriting and copy-paste.

That's all. Shoot interesting videos and gain millions of views.

Question from Anton Knyazev:

Hello Nikolay! Tell you or your friends how to name a youtube channel? Can you help me come up with a name for a YouTube channel so that it is memorable and catchy among other channels? Thanks!!!

Answer from namer Shanin Konstantin:

Coming up with a good and beautiful name for the YouTube channel is one of the components of success on YouTube. In order to give your channel the most appropriate name, you need to follow the following guidelines.

How to name your youtube channel

The title should be as simple and readable as possible. so that viewers do not have to rack their brains over its decoding. Examples of such a name: "Crazy Joker", "Pixel World", "Cozy Basement", "Khach's Diary" (there is such a channel and it is very popular).

The listed names are easy to read and quickly remembered.

An example of a bad name: "king for magic", the name of such a channel, although it has a place to be, is very difficult to read and, moreover, to remember.

You can come up with a name for the channel on YouTube, based on its subject matter. This allows you to attract more viewers and potential subscribers. Examples of such channels: "CompGames", "Game Upgrade", "Game Channel". By the names of such channels, you can understand that they upload videos on computer games.

Originality is an important feature in a channel name. The original title is able to "catch the eye" a large number spectators.

Do not be afraid to experiment with the name of the channel. In cases where the name is not beautiful and original enough, you can always change it. The only caveat is that it is not recommended to abuse it.

You can give a name that repeats the most popular key phrases as much as possible. Such phrases can be found by simply sending a request through any search engine(google, yandex). Channels with this name will be visited more often based on the results in search engines. True, there is one small problem, a key phrase that is popular today can become completely unpopular in just a week.

If there are other Internet projects (website, public / group on a social network, etc.), it is worth giving the exact same name to the YouTube channel. Viewers who have visited Internet resources with the same name can easily notice such a Youtube channel.

At the initial stages, it is not recommended to give the channel a name with your first and last name. Such a channel does not attract new viewers at all and does not have the features due to which the viewer will be able to remember it, but to promote it. this channel will be incredibly long and difficult. This name is only recommended for personal blogs.

Dear readers, tell me examples of successful YouTube channel names in the comments!

The YouTube channel, which will be the online face of your company and the main marketing tool for brand promotion among Internet users, must have the right name. There are many small details and nuances in this issue, and if you miss them, you can create an anti-reputation for yourself. Although, at the same time, your video content can be quite good and professionally made.

What should be the channel name?

The name of the channel should be capacious, bright, so that people remember it. Remember that if played well, it will spread all over the Internet and represent your brand.

Here are a few criteria for a title it should:

  • be simple and short;
  • be bright;
  • easy to read;
  • quickly remembered;
  • transmit the content of the channel;
  • convey the topic of the channel;
  • not be similar to the name of a famous person or project.

How to choose a name for your personal YouTube channel

1. Keep an “idea notebook”

Write down any thoughts that come to your mind related to this topic. Even if at first glance they seem stupid to you. Indeed, in most cases, it is from them that brilliant ideas grow. Then, looking at what you have written after a while, it will be easier for you to choose something worthwhile or combine some words into a single whole.

Ideally, when there is a magnetic whiteboard at home or in the office. There you can write all kinds of phrases, draw diagrams, and then remove all unnecessary and unnecessary. The visibility of this format is very useful: it improves perception and generates ideas.

2. Start from the topic of the channel

It is clear that the title should always reflect the essence of the channel, so that the viewers understand what your videos will be about. Reflect on the topic of what exactly you plan to upload, what will fill your content?

After that, try to combine them with one word or phrase. Perhaps it will even be an abbreviation.

3. Give the channel your name

It is always interesting for people to communicate with a live person, and not with a system that sometimes downloads videos. Therefore, the channels on which the personality of the author is revealed quickly become in demand and popular, they inspire confidence.

But you can use this method only if your channel type is personal. In this case, you can use the first and last name, nickname, interesting pseudonym as the name.

4. Analysis of channels popular on the Internet

No, we do not offer to plagiarize and steal names from competitors. We simply advise you to analyze the names of their channels, see what they focus on, learn from other people's mistakes and from someone else's success. The sites, can help you with this. Find the TOP of the best brands.

During the analysis of their videos, channel design, and so on, try to learn something new, apply their experience in your practice.

5. Name for the channel theme

In another way, this method can be called “choosing a name for the requests of Internet users”. A person usually enters general names into the search box: sports, recipes, exercises, earnings, and so on. Many companies that no longer strive for originality, but for success, use this in the search results and name their channels like “Soviet cartoons”, “Recipes from grandma”, “Sports for everyone” and so on.

As a result, they all become similar to each other, impersonal, but win in the search.

As an intermediate, optimal option, you can make a synthesis of two names: the first is the original name of your channel, and through the colon you can write a transcript (recipes, travel, and so on). Just make sure the title doesn't get too long.

As you can see, if you already know that our tips on how to name a YouTube channel are suitable for you, then when choosing a name for a channel, it is advisable to approach this as responsibly as possible. The name of the channel is a very important factor that can significantly Dit is better to act together and together with those people who already have experience and results. Come to our programs, at the same time and earn more!

With you,
- Igor Zuevich.

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Hello friends!

This article is for beginner youtubers. Today you will learn how to come up with a name for Youtube channel to promote itself.

At first glance, a simple task

But newbies have a lot of questions about what name to come up with. After all, it is difficult to create something new and unique when everything has already been tried before you. Remember the fairy tale about Vrungel? “Whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail.”

In fact, your creative flight is not limited to anything, and you have the right to choose and look for your own formula for success, but it's best to listen to a few simple tips that are disclosed below.

What to look for when choosing a name for a YouTube channel

First rule: brevity is the soul of wit. The shorter the name, the greater the chance of memorization. If you have Daniel Defoe syndrome, and your channel is called “Life, extraordinary and amazing adventures of Vasya Varezhkin, a sailor from Magadan…”, then this video content is unlikely to be in demand.

Second rule- be original. “Ceresite Glue Lovers Channel” is a boring name that will pass by your eyes even if you try to remember it. But "Ceresito Lyuba!" — is a completely different matter.

Third rule– SEO optimization. Have you heard of this? With Google Adwords can be generated keywords in a search engine, and then you can create a name that is in demand on the Internet. For example, "Funny ditties", and not "Funny songs from two funny grandmothers."

Fourth rule: Do not forget about copyright. Yes, yes, even with the name of your modest channel, you can break it! For example, the well-known pioneer of video reviews Angry Video Game Nerd at the dawn of his video blogging had the nickname Angry Nintendo Nerd. As soon as he began to gain popularity, Nintendo politely reminded him that it was not good to use other people's trademarks, and today we know James Rolf as AVGN.

Fifth Rule: Be versatile. If you name a channel, you should understand that native speakers of the language in which the name was created automatically become your target audience. For example, Muz-Te-Ve will be primarily watched by Russian-speaking viewers. The best solution would be the English name of the channel. After all, the name "MusTV" is understandable for everyone, and the audience will increase significantly from this.

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Shooting a video and putting it on the Internet is half the battle. If you want to visit the channel on YouTube, you need to give it a sonorous, attractive name.

Then views and popularity will not be long in coming. With proper promotion, the account name can eventually become a kind of well-known brand.

What is the name of a youtube channel for girls

There are a few basic rules that will help you choose a name for your channel. Following them, it is not so difficult to do this.

  1. You need to check the chosen name in others in social networks- if it is already there, you should not use it, as the audience will be confused.
  2. The name should be branded, unique, sonorous. If the channel is named in an original way, then it is not difficult to promote it. The topic of the video on the channel should at least somehow have a name.

Words in the title are best used cool, but simple, those that will quickly sink into memory. As an option - come up with your own word, it should also be simple, memorable, catchy.

No need to imitate famous bloggers if the videos are not caricatures of them. Such imitation can cause laughter and even disgust. It is better to show your talent and come up with several names and consult with the closest people which one you like best.

The name should make it clear what content is posted on the channel. That is, if it is assumed that information useful to girls, for example, needlework, will be posted there, then it is logical that the title should not contain the words “boy”, “psychology”, “construction” and others, but “handmade”, “ with your own hands” and the like.

99% of popular bloggers on YouTube are called by their original names, and do not enter keywords. You can immediately kill two birds with one stone and name the channel, for example, "Overview of cheats in Sims 3 with Ksyusha Lisichkina." Don't make the channel name too long.

Imagine that the channel will eventually become very popular. Think about whether you will then become uncomfortable with your invented name.

It will be undesirable to change it - firstly, these are unnecessary problems with google+, and secondly, subscribers are used to the old name and may not perceive the new one well or even forget about changing the name.

How to come up with a catchy name for a YouTube channel

There are several tricks that will allow you to name the channel with a memorable name, but you will have to use all your imagination.

  1. Rhyme. Although it is difficult to come up with it, it will definitely remain in the memory of the channel's visitors. This technique is used not only by bloggers, but also by writers, directors, so you should be creative when coming up with a name.
  2. Wordplay. Genes affect growth Bones is a pun. This technique is used in marketing to attract people.
  3. Alliteration (repetition of any letters, vowels or consonants) cuts out loud, thereby being well remembered. An example of such a name is Coca-Cola, where 3 out of 8 letters are K. If this brand has won such love, then the channel name can!
  4. People love oxymorons. It's a combination of the incompatible. An example of an oxymoron is "a living corpse."
  5. The humor and funny joke in the title will attract viewers.

We select the name of the channel for girls

Having considered the basic rules for naming a channel, let's return to the question of how to name a channel on YouTube for girls.

First of all, start from what this channel and the video on it are about. Perhaps these are reviews of cartoons, discussions of girlish problems, or recipes for girls.