Which bloggers have a diamond button. YouTube Buttons: Silver, Gold, Diamond and Ruby

A silver button for a YouTuber is an important indicator of success. It is she who proves that the audience of the channel has exceeded 100 thousand subscribers. But it turned out that some YouTubers do not receive the coveted award ..

The silver (as well as gold) award, which has been suffered through hard and overwork, has been issued for several years. Even a diamond award has appeared - for 10 million subscribers.

They started issuing buttons to YouTubers when many popular channels (for example, TiX) had a huge audience. They were given huge gold buttons, but these dinosaurs of domestic YouTubers never saw silver.

However, recently it became known that many new generation YouTubers could not receive their award for a long time, although there were enough subscribers on their channel. Some of them have not received the button so far.

So, in order. The only thing you need to get the coveted button is to have 100,000 subscribers. And that's all. Representatives of the video hosting state the following: “Attracting subscribers is not an easy task, which is why we reward those who have achieved success in it. However, if the desired indicators are achieved dishonestly, then the author is deprived of the right to receive a prize.

Where do buttons come from?

The buttons are made in the USA and shipped to the UK. There is a transshipment point for parcels to other European countries. It is from there that the awards slowly reach Russia and the post-Soviet countries.

Representative Russian YouTube Kirill Litovinsky spoke about the difficult path of awards: “They have to be cleared through customs and duties have to be paid…, …to be honest, when all this flies away from the office, then the fog of war begins…”.

The official website of YouTube says the following:

“When your channel reaches the required number of subscribers, we advise you to visit the Creative Studio regularly. Within a month, a notification with a unique code should appear there. After that, you only need to enter your personal data and delivery address. A message with a code will arrive about a month after you reach the required number of subscribers. Wait!

Why are the buttons not working?

Buttons reach the addressee within a few months. Their shipment is handled by a logistics company, which takes care of all the costs of customs clearance. All the author has to do is wait and respond to an email from that same firm. And this is where the problems begin.

The authors see that they received a letter from an incomprehensible company WNDirect or WNDuty in the mail, which request the recipient's passport data. Naturally, not everyone knows that these are logistics companies that want to deliver the coveted button, and therefore they are in no hurry to share personal information. As a result, the buttons, without waiting for the recipients, are sent back.

Here is a translation of the official letter from YouTube Awards, which distributes awards:

“Identification of the recipient is a requirement of the Russian customs and is requested to inform the customs authorities. The awards themselves are shipped from the UK.

You will receive an email from WNDirect and/or WNDuty. It will ask for your passport details. The letter will contain a link, by clicking on which you will see a form to fill out. Once your information has been submitted, YouTube Award will be able to send you an award.
You don't have to pay any fees or customs taxes, everything is paid by YouTube. If you are required to pay any fee, please write to [email protected].
If the requested information is not received, the reward will not be sent."

Russian speaking last year YouTube buttons in an exceptional manner, we decided to present a vidfest / video people at the event. Kirill Litovinsky noted that a private logistics company was contracted for transportation, and with considerable difficulty the buttons appeared on the shelves in the event hall for YouTubers. Whether this practice will be repeated is not yet known, since it requires considerable resources.

So let's sum it up. To get the silver button, you need to follow the following path:

1. Reach 100,000 or more subscribers;
2. Within a month, wait in the creative studio for a message with a code;
3. Request button;
4. Wait email from an agent
5. Fill in the personal data by clicking on the link in the letter;
6. Get a button at home or at the nearest post office.

We hope that the silver buttons will find their authors.

It would seem that the system works perfectly: users get crowds of fans and earn millions on creativity, and viewers have the opportunity to view copyrighted materials for free……………………

A prestigious award is provided for the most active participants in the system- the so-called golden button ←

Just as eminent football players are awarded " Golden Ball"or the best actors" Oscar“, YouTube users can also be awarded.

In this article, we will tell you why they give a golden button, as well as many others. interesting facts associated with this attribute. ↓↓↓

To whom and for what is it given?

A few years ago, YouTube announced that the most active users would receive prestigious awards from the service:

As it became known later, after reaching 100,000 subscribers- the owner of the channel receives

And if you get 1,000,000 fans, then get a golden button on YouTube.

There are rumors that such a button costs a lot, as it is made of pure gold.

But do not rush to rub your palms, because these are nothing more than rumors.

As you can see in the reviews that users post on their channels, the button has only cover gilded and nothing more.

Of course, you can't find this on Wikipedia.

Here is the video where the video blogger gets his reward ↓

So, all users who have reached 1,000,000 subscribers on their channel can receive an incentive trophy in the form of a golden button. This is a great incentive to further develop your creativity and a personal reward for every blogger.

→ The button is delivered in a special box, and the total weight of the package is about 13 kg.

→ Inside the box there is a button placed in a special frame. Inside there is a signature that this award is given to you for reaching 1 million subscribers.

How to order a golden button on YouTube: ↓↓↓

Who won the OscarYouTube

We have already found out how many subscribers get a gold button, and also looked at how it looks in the photo.

Now is the time to find out which of your idols already have this award.

So, here is a list that already today have a golden button in their arsenal (data from 2016): ⇓⇓⇓

  • SlivkiShow is an educational channel with about 6 million subscribers;
  • This is Good - here you can watch an entertaining video;
  • Sasha Spielberg is a popular blogger with an income of up to $220,000 per month;
  • Yuri Khovansky - also managed to become the owner of a golden button;
  • LARIN - already more than 1.7 million subscribers.

Also, many are interested in whether Ivangay has a golden button from YouTube?

Find out everything here ↓

The answer is yes, because it was Ivangay who became the first Russian-speaking blogger, in whose arsenal there are two prestigious awards at once (a gold and a diamond button).

If you are among the lucky ones who already have a golden button on their wall, then it's time to think about new heights. For users who only dream of a reward, we will express a few recommendations ↓↓↓

So, if you want to get a golden button, then it can be bought on boards, forums and other services.

It is made by users themselves, and its price is about 1000-3000 rubles.

If you know how to work with paper, then you can make an application that will repeat the original.

Another real option is to pour the button yourself out of lead or other metal.

The most difficult option is to deserve this award.

For these purposes, it is necessary to create an effective channel with high-quality content. You also need to come up with an effective strategy, thanks to which you will be able to attract even more new subscribers and, ultimately, be able to qualify for the gold award.

It's no secret that blogging is considered one of the highest paid professions today…..

Dozens of users that no one knew about a few years ago are world stars today…………

→ The best and most active bloggers on YouTube, by tradition, have been receiving prestigious awards for many years.

Below we will uncover the main myths regarding the gold and diamond button, and also tell you whether it is possible to get a bronze award. ???

Why does YouTube give awards?

Each new milestone of subscribers is given with great difficulty for each channel owner. That is why YouTube has developed an award that encourages the patience and success of creators.

So, on the official page () you can find out in detail who and when can apply for an award.

Recall that upon reaching the milestone of 100,000 subscribers- you are supposed to

And for the first million- YouTube will honor you with a gold award

And only the best (only 35 users) have the right to count on, which goes to bloggers with 10 million subscribers.

P.S.well, if there are less, for example, 500 subscriptions, then I think a wooden one will do

As already mentioned, reaching such a number of subscribers (1000,000) is very difficult, especially in the initial stages. Unfortunately, many beginners naively believe that YouTube sends out real gems and metals rewards.

→ In fact, we are talking about ordinary souvenirs that encourage the success of the author.

Perhaps in the future, buttons made of real gold or framed with diamonds will be supplied, but, apparently, this is still far away))))

Bronze button - all rumors and facts

It is hard not to agree that all users work equally hard during the promotion of their projects.

→ On this basis in the network rumors began to circulate that there was a new award- bronze button on YouTube.

The minimum amount for how many subscribers this award is given was 10 thousand, which is also a fairly decent amount.

But, as it turned out, this trophy is not official and YouTube management has nothing to do with the organizers.

If you are seriously interested in the bronze button, then we recommend that you read this topic (

On YouTube. And also find out what you can get such a button for.

There are currently 3 button options: silver, gold and diamond. Each is given for certain merit. Let's take a closer look at each in turn.

YouTube silver button

The YouTube Silver Button is given to channel creators who have reached 100,000 or more subscribers. Some kind of consolation prize. One hundred thousand subscribers is the starting point for growth, a result that can be reckoned with.

How long will it take to get it? It’s always different, someone gains such a number of subscribers in 3 or more years, and some need less than a month. The main thing is to create useful content and beautifully.

To win the golden button, you need to work very hard, many never reach this mark and abandon their channel. But, those who still get this button deserve respect.

A golden button is issued for 1,000,000 subscribers on a YouTube channel. It is a really long and very strenuous journey to achieve it.

Let's move on to the real TOP level of bloggers! Only 2-3 channels in Russia own such a button. To master the diamond button, you need to gain, attention, 10,000,000 subscribers! This is very difficult to do, and for some it is not even possible.

- one of the lucky owners of a diamond button. Even he himself is still very far from it.

Ruby (exclusive) button on YouTube

The ruby ​​button was created for the channel - PewDiePie. The author received it exclusively from YouTube for 50,000,000 subscribers! Incredible number. So far, no blogger in our country has even come close to such a result. But who knows, maybe in the near future this button will come to us.

Who do you think can be the first in Russia to get a ruby ​​button?

PewDiePie Ruby Button Unboxing

Watch the video with the unpacking of the button with the translation. Very curious.

World publications are full of headlines, allegedly the largest media hosting in the world introduces a system of rewards for its users.

Now every owner YouTube channel, who over the years of his fruitful work was able to attract more than 10 million subscribers, will be able to receive a valuable award - a diamond button

This is quite justified, because according to the latest data, it is known that only 35 bloggers in the world were able to overcome this milestone, and, unfortunately, there are no our compatriots among them.

But, apparently, the best times for Russian bloggers are yet to come, and, at a minimum, it is worth congratulating the channel owners:

  • Max +100500
  • Stasa Davydova This is Good
  • KateClapp who were able to get .

So what is it and how do you get it?

It is no secret that every year the number of video bloggers is growing rapidly and now a real battle for subscribers has broken out on YouTube. It's not about the channel's profitability or global vocation, but about the valuable reward from the service that every user dreams of getting...

So, diamond button is a souvenir given by the owner of channels with 10 million subscribers.

It is stylized as a regular button, but with a unique texture. "under the diamond" and mirror surface.

Many bloggers already know how many subscribers give a YouTube diamond button, so we won’t go into details ...

The value of such an award is due to the fact that not all channel owners will be able to receive it. But for bloggers not from the timid dozen, the following recommendations can be made:

  • Promotion. This is one of the most important processes, because if you have high traffic, one way or another you will be able to attract interested subscribers. Key attention should be paid to channel optimization issues: each video, description and title should contain, but not at the expense of quality.
  • Content. Surely, many bloggers have their own original style, while others simply copy their colleagues in the craft. Determine who your audience is and what they like, don't be afraid to be unique, because that's the whole point. High-quality content on the channel is a stable source of new subscribers and a guarantee of keeping the old ones.
  • One step ahead of the competition. Your weapon is the ability to learn, that is, to take useful chips from opponents and deal with shortcomings.

In general, almost everyone can receive an award, because in order to receive it, it is enough to attract 100 thousand fans of your work. All buttons are made in the USA and shipped to your address.

After you have reached the desired milestone, you need to visit the Creative Studio website, where your unique code will appear.

At the moment, such eminent bloggers as

  • Pew die pie
  • HolaSoyGerman
  • and others

But, if you are not among these lucky ones, then we can offer you another way.

How to do it yourself?

You don't have to be a legendary blogger or commit crime to win such a valuable and prestigious award. If at school you didn’t miss drawing or needlework lessons, then there will be no problems with making a diamond YouTube button.

Especially for your attention, consider a few recipes from younger video bloggers.

Popular ways:

  • smelt it out of aluminum;
  • make out of paper
  • build from Lego.

How to create a button from lead and aluminum?

For this task, lead is optimal, but the button looks more attractive from aluminum.

It will take you at least 7-10 hours to do everything about everything, but let's go in order:

  • for this task, you will need about 2 kg of lead or aluminum cans with the same total weight;
  • as a furnace, you can use a metal bucket, which is filled with gypsum with sand (50 to 50);
  • we insert a bucket of a smaller diameter into the center, so that after the gypsum has hardened, it can be removed;
  • drill two holes for air supply at the bottom of the bucket (you also need a lid for the stove;
  • the mold for the button can be made of foam, which is subsequently applied to the plaster;
  • after the mold has solidified, the foam is melted;
  • molten aluminum is poured into the mold, after which it cools;
  • now it remains to sand and polish the button for maximum effect.

How to create our paper award?

Much easier if you use plain paper as well as decorative materials.

In general, this does not take much time, but it requires paper skills from you.

To complete this work you will need:

  • paper
  • cardboard
  • stationery knife
  • ceiling tiles (plastic or foam)
  • foil
  • scissors.


  • on sheet A4, markings are made in order to give the button the appearance of a diamond;
  • then the sheet is glued onto a dense base (cardboard), after which triangles are cut out;
  • the tile already has a recessed "Play";
  • in accordance with the scheme, 3 additional strips should be applied, giving the button a three-dimensional look;
  • now we stick the buttons on the plastic tile of the desired shape;
  • after that, the button is pasted over with foil or a special tape.

It should also not be a problem if you want to make a diamond Youtube button out of Lego.

There are no clear algorithms and guidelines that give the correct arrangement of elements.

If necessary, you can choose the size yourself, as well as design it in accordance with your sketches.

You can also find a few more popular ways on the net, so if you don’t know how many subscribers give a YouTube diamond button, you can do it yourself.