App store doesn't work after update. Mac App Store won't launch, connection failed. The problem cannot be solved using Touch ID

Recently, many users may have noticed problems with the App Store and some other Apple services. Until now, it was unclear what they could be connected with, but yesterday the situation was clarified by the company itself (which is rare, because Apple usually rarely comments on anything). As reported by the Reuters news agency, the first mass attack was carried out on the application store.

It all started in China

The Chinese have a rather complicated relationship with large technology corporations (especially American ones), so they often use third-party solutions. In this case, the problem turned out to be: the speed of downloading the program from Apple servers for Chinese developers leaves much to be desired, so they decided to download it from other sources.

What follows is even more interesting. Developers downloaded Xcode from file hosting services, but it was infected with a virus, with the help of which applications could collect data about users. In other words, any program created using the “unofficial” Xcode sent hackers all the necessary information about the owner of the iPhone or iPad.

The capabilities of the virus are not limited to this - in fact, it can scan the clipboard, independently open links on the device, and so on.

Apple makes a mistake

How did moderators miss malicious applications? Apparently, they simply did not notice the hidden code in the programs, as a result of which... yes, all the applications ended up in the App Store.

However, Apple quickly identified the problems and removed all apps from its store that were created using fake Xcode. True, the number of victims of the virus remains unknown.

But is this the reason?

Experts believe that the App Store infection is responsible for the failures in the application store that were observed during the second half of last week. But the main stream of complaints came not from the USA or Europe, but from Russia, where users could not simply update the application or .

For some reason, the topic of transferring the data of Russian Apple users to data centers located in the Russian Federation very quickly died down. But this process is not as simple as it seems at first glance, and it is almost impossible to carry it out without disruptions to the system (needless to say, Apple is closing its store just to add new devices).

Since Apple is obligated in the near future, the company’s specialists may well already be working on transferring information to Russia. And this may be the true reason for the failures in the App Store in our country. Apple, unfortunately, does not talk about this matter. Although it would be necessary.

Sometimes App Store moderators block applications for some reason. This often happens due to requests from copyright holders or regulatory agencies that require the removal of an application for residents of a particular country due to violation of local laws. However, you shouldn’t give up on your favorite program because it’s unavailable - if it’s popular, you can easily install it on your iPhone without the App Store. In this article we will tell you how to do this in three ways - all methods are official and do not require jailbreaking / entering a username and password in third-party services.

Method No. 1: if you previously installed an application that is no longer available from the App Store

If you previously installed an application on your iPhone or iPad that was inaccessible due to blocking, you can download it again from the purchase list. To do this, follow these steps:
  • Launch the App Store and click on your profile icon.

  • Select "Purchases" and find the application you need to download again. If necessary, use the search by title.
  • This method works if the application is not removed from the entire App Store, but only from the store in a specific region.

    Method number 2: install an inaccessible application using an ipa file and iTunes

    If this is your first time wanting to download an inaccessible application, or if the above method no longer works, you can use this method:
    1. Find the installation file in .ipa format for the required program. If a well-known service is not available in the App Store only for a specific country, then finding its installation file on the Internet will not be difficult. It may even be on Trashbox - use the search on our site by entering the following query: “[Program name] for iPhone.”
    2. Download and install iTunes version 12.6.3 (if a newer version of the utility is installed, remove it). This version of the program is required (neither older nor newer), since it retains the ability to download applications to a mobile device. You can download the desired version of iTunes on the official page or from the direct links below:

  • Launch iTunes, connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer, double-click the mobile device icon and open the “Applications” tab.

  • Find the downloaded ipa file of the required program in a standard file manager (Windows Explorer or Finder) and double-click on it, or drag it to the list of programs in iTunes. If everything is done correctly, the program you added will appear in the list of applications.

  • Click on the "Install" button, then sync your iPhone with iTunes (this process may take some time) and click on "Done". The app you download will appear on your mobile device's home screen, but you can't use it yet.

  • Perform the following steps on your mobile device: go to Settings → General → Device management. An item with the name of the developer company will appear in this section - open it and click on “Trust”.
  • Note: iTunes installs only signed ipa files of enterprise applications. Thus, this method of installing applications bypassing the App Store does not work with paid games, programs and applications whose developers did not provide for manual downloading of their utilities to user devices.

    Method number 3: installing beta versions of an unavailable application

    Some popular services (and games) are tested in the public domain before being released into app stores. In our case, we came across just such an application - its beta version can be downloaded from the Internet, bypassing the App Store. Check - perhaps the program you need is also available for testing. In our case, the steps to install a specific program are as follows:

  • Type the following query into Google search: “[Program name] Beta iPhone HockeyApp.” If this service, designed for testing beta versions of applications, has the program you need, open the link from the Google search distribution on your smartphone.

  • Click on the Install button, and then select “Install”. After these steps, an icon of the loading application will appear on the main screen. Wait for the installation to complete.

  • Go to Settings → General → Device management. An item with the name of the developer company will appear in this section - open it and click on “Trust”.
  • Note: According to the experience of our editors, this method works in half of the cases - sometimes the installation freezes at the start. We were unable to trace the causes of this failure. We may have encountered overloaded servers.

    There are also alternative ways to install ipa files on the network: through unofficial computer programs that imitate iTunes, or by manually hacking the device (getting a jailbreak). All of the methods described above are unsafe, so we highly recommend not using them.

    Another effective and “official” way to install applications from the App Store that are not available in a particular country is to change the region of your Apple ID account. However, in our opinion, it causes the most inconvenience. However, if you want to use this method, instructions are available at

    Articles and Lifehacks

    What to do in this situation?

    We solve problems

    If the problem occurs after updating the system, you should try the following.

    We enter the settings of the smartphone or tablet and go to the store tab, which we mark with a checkmark.

    Now you can try logging into the App Store again.

    Often the problem also occurs with downloading application updates from the store.
    If this happens, you should go to the tab called “Updates” and wait to see if the system resumes correct operation within a few minutes.

    If the store does not work at all, the problem can be solved by installing another firmware. In this case, you should take care of backup in advance to avoid losing important information.

    If this does not help, you should try resetting the device. An even more radical method is to reset network settings.

    By the way, sometimes the problem can be solved using a simpler method. If the user does not log into the App Store, he should start by logging out of his account and logging in again.

    Sometimes simply rebooting the device also helps. If the problem is still not resolved, you should contact technical support or a service center.

    The problem cannot be solved using Touch ID

    • As a rule, users of version 8 of iOS began to complain about this problem (with the release of one of the system updates), who could no longer use the fingerprint scanner for authorization.
    • It is also noteworthy that this situation occurs among owners of Apple gadgets around the world. How to fix it?
    • Go to the device settings and go to the “Touch ID and password” menu.
    • Now enter the 4-digit password.
    • We switch the store slider to the off state, after which we return to the main screen.
    • Now simultaneously press and hold the network on/off buttons and the Home key. Enter the password on the lock screen that appears.
    • Open the settings and go to the already familiar “Touch ID and password” menu.
    • Enter the password again and activate the slider opposite the App Store.
    • Now enter the ID password and confirm your actions.
    • If everything was done correctly, the fingerprint scanner can again be used to enter the store.

    Reading time: 6 minutes

    In this article we will look at the reasons why your iPhone/iPad/MacBook does not log into the AppStore and why the AppStore does not work in principle. Advice is also given on what to do to solve the problem.

    The AppStore usually works without failures, but sometimes users experience that the application store becomes inaccessible. The problem may be on Apple's side: there are known cases when the AppStore simply broke down, ceasing to function all over the world. Such situations occur extremely rarely, and users learn about them quickly enough from social networks. Much more often the cause of the problem is incorrect operation of the device itself.

    When the iPhone/iPad does not log into the AppStore

    If your iPhone won't log into the AppStore, try signing out of your Apple ID and then signing in again. If you have problems launching the store on your iPad, try similar steps:

    Immediately after logging out, click “Sign in” and enter your Apple ID login information. If this does not help, make sure that the AppStore item is checked in the same section. Sometimes it disappears after the next system update, as a result of which the store stops starting.

    Another reason why the app store is not working could be incorrect time, date, and region settings.

    1. Open settings, “General” section.
    2. Go to the “Date and Time” subsection.
    3. Enable automatic detection of settings or set them manually.

    Pay attention to your Internet connection settings. If you are using mobile traffic, make sure that your data package has not expired. When using Wi-Fi, make sure the connection is established correctly. To eliminate connection problems, launch a browser on your mobile device.

    Sometimes users are faced with the fact that after updating iOS, the AppStore icon itself disappears. To get it back:

    After completing these steps, the missing icon will appear on the iPhone or iPad screen, and the store itself will open without any problems.

    If AppStore doesn't work on MacBook

    On a MacBook, you may also have difficulty launching the AppStore after updating the system. The most common cause of the problem is that the program cannot connect to Apple servers. To troubleshoot:

    In some cases, the program is removed after the update. To restore it, you need to download the software update package for Mac OS X 10.6.6 (Combo) to your computer. But first you need to make sure that the program really does not exist: sometimes only the icon disappears.

    1. Open Finder.
    2. From the Transitions menu, select Programs.
    3. See if AppStore is in the list of programs.

    If the AppStore is not in the list of installed applications, then proceed to download and install the update, after which the problem with launching the store will be eliminated.

    Restarting the AppStore

    If the AppStore starts but does not work on your mobile device, try updating it. Essentially, the application is a browser, but it does not have a separate “Update” button. Therefore, you have to use a little trick: press the button on the bottom panel 10 times.

    It seems that today is a very difficult day for some employees of the apple company. A few hours ago, users began to note global problems in the operation of a variety of Apple services. Unstable operation is currently noted iTunes Store, App Store And Mac App Store, as well as complete inoperability iTunes Connect.

    In contact with

    The range of problems is very diverse. For the most part, users cannot log into services under their . Developers face the same problem when trying to log into their account in iTunes Connect. App stores are working intermittently. The Mac App Store may give errors when installing and searching for individual applications, and in App Store At the moment, downloading applications does not work.

    Judging by reports and user requests, problems with Apple services are observed in the following countries: Australia, Brazil, Poland, Serbia, Cyprus, Canada, Switzerland, Spain, Bolivia, India, Italy, Egypt, Denmark, Japan, the USA and the UK. Users from CIS countries, including Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, also encountered the problems mentioned above.

    It is also not always possible to report a problem to Apple itself. In our case, when we tried to submit a support request, we received an error asking us to try again later. Apple has not yet responded to the problem, but we should expect a solution in the near future.

    The information posted on the System Status page confirms the problem for all users: