What a PC repairman needs to have. PC assembly and repair specialist is a profession for serious people. Benefits of our courses

According to hh.ru, the demand for specialists in the IT field both in Moscow and throughout Russia still remains quite high. This segment of the labor market has been confidently holding second position for several years.

That's why PC repair and setup technicians are constantly needed.

It’s also nice that the salary level in this industry is quite high. For example, in Moscow the average salary of a computer repair and assembly specialist is 50 thousand rubles. At the same time, an experienced master can count on 80 thousand rubles and even more.

How to become a computer assembly and repair specialist?

Training can be completed at a university or in specialized courses.

The first option involves obtaining a comprehensive technical education, and training takes at least 5-6 years.

The second option is more affordable and faster. It is suitable for those who already have experience with computer equipment and wants to expand his knowledge and gain an additional profession. In just a couple of months you will receive your qualifications and be able to get a job.

NOU "City Center for Additional Professional Education" offers training in several programs:

Advantages of our courses:

  • In just 1 month you will learn new skills that will help you get a prestigious job with a good salary.
  • Our teachers will not only tell you in theory how a personal computer works, but will also help you master diagnostics and the most modern repair methods in practice. Including soldering of microcircuits.
  • You will gain comprehensive knowledge about the parameters modern computers, learn how to select components and be able to assemble any computer yourself from scratch.
  • We provide assistance to students in finding employment.

Come and we will help you get a new profession!

Greetings, dear visitors, today I will tell you how I got a job in one of the Moscow offices for PC repair with home visits. I don’t remember when there wasn’t a crisis, and I also needed a job, or rather, I needed a salary, but it is only given at work. And so I decided where to go to work, I think working with computers is what I like, let me combine business with pleasure and get a job at some PC repair company.

Job Search

I went to superjob, posted my resume “Computer Master” and started looking for vacancies. I found several suitable ones and sent my resume to them for consideration. I didn’t have to wait long for the call - I was invited for an interview. The next day I went to their office. There were 8-10 people like me who wanted to work. Alena had a conversation with us and told us that the company (I won’t name the name) repairs computers, laptops, Apple equipment, TVs and even coffee machines. I don't remember much of what was said, but it mentioned large quantities orders, they say there is a lot of work - you won’t be idle. And also that they have training, paid and free. Based on the results of the interview, it will be known who will receive free training, who will receive paid training, and who will proceed further without training at all.

To my question about what we will be paid for and how much, I did not receive a direct answer. Your supervisor and mentor will tell you more details if you pass the interview. In general, I hoped for the best, but expected the worst. Then they talked to me personally and sent me home - wait for a call about an invitation to a second interview or not expect anything.

I received an SMS that I had passed stage 2 and came to their office. Regarding the salary, I learned that my share of what was brought from the client depends on the amount I received. The more money I charge a client at a time, the larger my share of that money. My share percentage varies from 10% to 40%. Of course, this didn’t make me very happy and I wanted to leave after hearing it. But an inner voice said “don’t rush to leave, here you can gain experience.” Since I was doing computer repairs at home only for friends, I decided that I would study their customer service system.


Then it turned out that my knowledge of technology is fine, but I have problems dealing with the client’s objections. That is, if a client objects to some work, I do a poor job of convincing him of its need. As a result, they offered to undergo training for 6k, and if I worked for their company for 3 months, they would return my training fee. I agreed and paid.

Since Monday I went to training, where there were 2 types of people:

  1. those who knew how to talk well, had sales experience, but were poorly versed in computers
  2. those who knew computers well, but had no experience in steaming

Moreover, as I progressed through my studies, I realized that group 1 is more important and more profitable for companies. Therefore, some guys from group 1 studied for free.

During the training, I only learned new things about how chips are attached to the motherboard (BGA) and a few other little things. They taught us how to fill out papers, contracts, certificates of work done, etc. Just filling out these papers can make you lose the desire to work. But I learned a lot from sales. We had a list of possible client objections and how to respond to them competently. There were correct drills and there were absurd ones like: the client says “On your website the price is 390 rubles for this service” and he had to answer “This is marketing, on the website the price may be lower to attract customers” That is, an admission that we are deceiving you.

It was a shame to hear this from the trainer: “Start installing Windows and after rebooting (when the second stage of installation should begin) make sure that the installation is interrupted, say something like, “You see, you need to configure the Bios for the installation to continue.” This is so that the client can see how many different services were provided to him and thereby increase the check.

Regarding the salary, the situation is this: you brought the company, say, 100 thousand a month, well done, get your 25% = 25 thousand rubles. Brought 200 thousand, yours is already 27.5% = 55 thousand rubles. The work is done by the master, and the company takes the lion's share. In such a situation, the master is forced to take the maximum from clients, or go to work for himself and at reasonable prices.

5 days of training passed quickly and there was an exam ahead, if you didn’t pass, you had to retake it in a week. I passed the exam the first time and signed a contract, they showed me my mentor and the chair where the curator usually sits (he was not there that day). I said that I would start my first day of work on Sunday and went home.

First day

I arrived at the office, it turned out that I was not on the list at the entrance, a girl came and signed me up and I went in. I went into the room where both the mentors and curators were sitting. In general, chaos reigns there. My supervisor, whom I first saw, was very busy, another person took care of me. The curator suddenly began to show signs of life and pointed to a piece of paper on the wall with links in the form of QR codes and asked if I had read this? I answered that no, and my first task was to read what was in the links.

And there were company regulations from which I was shocked.

Some moments:

  • workers are divided into levels, those who bring large checks from the client see orders in 16 hours, those who average in 8 hours, who bring an average of less than 7 thousand do not see orders at all, that is, they have no choice, they go to the order where they are assigned .
  • There is a vacation that is not paid, but to receive it you also need to work six months a year and notify in advance.
  • fines: failure to leave a company business card magnet to the client (1000 rubles), not in touch for more than an hour (1000 rubles), leaving your contact information (5000 rubles), refusal to complete an order (3000 rubles).

I felt that I was in voluntary slavery. Then they gave me BSO forms, drew up a schedule and gave me an order in the Moscow region, where I had to get there by two vehicles (I got off easy) and walk about 2 km.

The order was also strange: if I had received a call from this client, I would not have sent anyone to him. The problem is: system unit(5 years from purchase) working in 24/7 mode it freezes about once a week, and sometimes freezes when turned off. In such a situation, I would tell the client over the phone that this is normal, no cleaning, etc. 5 years and freezing once a week, it’s good that it still works.

In such cases, during training it was recommended to take away the client’s equipment (hostages) service center and then increase the cost of repairs with gradual calls. I arrived at the address, the client was not boom-boom, he tried to replace it before me HDD and power supply. I ran diagnostics, checked the temperatures, the hard drive, and the external condition of the board. Everything was OK. It was clear that the motherboard was starting to act up, I had only one thought in my head to change the motherboard.

Why didn't the client think of this himself? In general, I suggested taking the system unit to a service center and changing the motherboard as a last resort. The client did not agree, citing the fact that for 3 days they could not appoint a technician to come and look at him, and if he gave up his computer, it was unknown when he would see it again. From here it became clear that the order might not have found its master, but then I turned up as a new person and this order was dumped on me.

As a result, I took 250 rubles from the client. for traveling outside the Moscow Ring Road (although the call center should have quoted him about 600 rubles for just one visit to him. For orders with travel outside the Moscow Ring Road, this extra charge goes entirely to the foreman according to regulations). I was hesitant to demand money for diagnostics, since I could not give a diagnosis under such conditions. And I returned to the office.

In the office, the “seasoned experts” explained to me that I had to point to some red dot in any of the diagnostic programs and come up with something to take the client’s PC to the service center. I was already infuriated by this atmosphere of lies and shameless hanging noodles on the ears of clients. At the same time, the curator demanded from me the 250 rubles that I received from the client, although I spent about the same amount on the trip. I did not give them back, and I heard that if this situation repeats with the order, I will be fired.

Well, okay, I think I’ll take a second order, and we’ll see. And I tell the curator to assign me an order for tomorrow so that I can go straight from home to the client. I received an answer in a defiant tone that I would receive the order tomorrow morning here in the office. After which I said that if that’s the case, I’m quitting right now and went home.


Why did I decide to tell all this? I simply cannot remain silent seeing the impudence of such companies. They recruit workers, mostly without conscience and with the ability to blatantly lie and defraud clients. It doesn’t matter whether you understand computers, the main thing is that you can take an unreasonably large amount of money from the client. And if you can’t fix his computer or laptop, take it to the service center, and then another office technician will fix it for you and take half of your share.

At the training stage, one guy couldn’t stand it and left before the exam, he said that he was interested in working with computers, but he didn’t want to offer clients nonsense. I stayed to understand their system, to take the good from it in the form of experience. But unfortunately I didn’t last more than one day.

Now I’m thinking of starting to repair computers and laptops while working for myself. But in good faith. What do you think? Is it worth it? Or find another job? I like to do work in such a way that I can become friends with the client and have him save my number just in case.

When I first arrived in Moscow, I wanted to get a similar job. Then, upon hearing that I would receive 30% of the check amount, I turned around and left. Now it has come to the point that craftsmen are paid 10% if the average check is below a certain amount (around 3-4 thousand). In general, I noticed that in all the jobs I dealt with, the salary is gradually being reduced. It’s as if they’re conducting a study: “What is the minimum wage for people who will continue to work for us?”

What do you think about all this? Has something similar happened to you? I'd be interested in reading it. And tell me, is it worth writing this kind of notes on a computer blog? If you are interested, I will continue to talk about my places of work. I guess I'll end here, see you later.

Over the many years of work, our computer repair service has developed an optimal set of parts and tools that an on-site computer repair technician (the so-called “Emergency Computer Assistance”) needs to have with him in order to resolve the maximum possible number of breakdowns on the spot without burdening himself. extra pounds of equipment.

1. Netbook

It is small in size and weight, and computing power enough to solve many pressing problems:

  • diagnostics and configuration local networks, Internet, network devices (switches, modems, routers, network cards), wi-fi
  • data storage
  • Internet access using a 3G modem or client equipment
  • diagnostics of the performance of peripheral equipment (monitors, printers, scanners, external hard disks, memory cards, flash drives, headphones, microphones, etc.).

2. External USB DVD drive

It helps in cases where it is needed, but the client’s computer is either not equipped with a DVD drive (for example, a netbook), or for some reason it does not work or only reads CDs, but you need to read/read/write information on a DVD.

2a. External hard drive with virtual optical drive function Zalman ZM-VE300

Recently appeared external hard drive function of virtual optical drive. Helps a lot at work. USB 3.0 copying speed is noticeably faster than conventional CD/DVD. We thought that it would completely replace USB DVDs and flash drives, but a number of features (not all computers see it, some simply do not boot, sometimes there is not enough current/voltage via USB) did not allow this to happen.

3. USB 3G modem

Necessary in cases when you need to go online (download a driver, get help on any issue). Sometimes you also need to check client computer regarding his ability to access the Internet at all. Tariff plan without a monthly subscription fee, but with payment only for the traffic used, it is very suitable for this case.

4. USB Flash drive (flash drive)

Its main purpose is to store information that needs quick, everyday access ( necessary programs, utilities, instructions, documents, anti-virus databases). It’s very good to make it also bootable. The main drawback is the lack of hardware write protection. Therefore, we need to constantly ensure that it itself does not become a breeding ground for viruses after we insert it into someone else’s computer and think through a set of measures to protect the information on it so that every time after that, instead of working, we don’t have to deal with its healing)). It can also be used to check USB ports for whether it works or not. This item can also be supplemented or replaced with an external hard drive.

Disks required for operation with operating systems, drivers, programs, utilities, boot disks for resuscitation, saving, restoring files, removing viruses.

6. USB-IDE-SATA adapter

Allows you to connect to a computer or laptop via USB port any internal hard drives (computer 3.5″, laptop 2.5″, ATA and SATA) for transferring information, restoring files, treating viruses, diagnosing the condition of these hard drives, as well as CD-DVD drives.

7. Mini multimeter

Allows you to carry out basic measurements (is there 220V in the socket, does it reach the power supply), ring circuits, measure battery voltage on the main power lines.

8. Tools

  • Regular Phillips screwdriver with non-magnetic tip- for opening cases, disassembling and reassembling computers and laptops. (Non-magnetic because hard drives really don’t like it)))
  • Small magnetic Phillips screwdriver- for all sorts of small bolts, such as a fan on a video card or many bolts in laptops.
  • Medium straight screwdriver- sometimes comes in handy.
  • Small pliers- somewhere, pull something or screw or unscrew.
  • Small nippers- snack on zip ties (some particularly fanatical computer assemblers attach them where needed and where not needed, sometimes in unimaginable quantities)).
  • Ticks for crimping connectors network cable RG-45.
  • Large brush- for wiping dust on boards.
  • Small brush- for wiping dust in small and hard-to-reach places.
  • Flashlight small - without it, crawling under tables, behind cabinets and in other dark and hard-to-reach places is not so interesting and educational)).
  • Rubber for wiping contacts - regular stationery eraser.
  • Knife folding.
  • Little ones headphones with microphone— to check the performance of sound cards.

9. Spare parts, consumables

  • IDE cable 80 pin - 1 pc.
  • SATA-data cable with latches - 2-3 pcs. (unfortunately, these connections are very unreliable and these cables have to be changed more often than we would like).
  • SATA-PSY cable (power) - 2-3 pcs. (the reason is the same as above).
  • CR2032 batteries - 5 pcs.
  • RG-45 connectors - 5-10 pcs.
  • Silicone grease - 1 tube - for lubricating fans.
  • Thermal paste - 1 tube.
  • Superglue - 1 tube.
  • PVC electrical tape - 1 roll.
  • Bolts. There are two main bolt standards used in computers. It is enough to take 10-20 pieces. everyone.
  • Ties.

10. Accessories

There may be, or there may not be. Things that sometimes come in handy, take up little space and, if necessary, can always be sold to a client (with a small margin))):

  • Memory modules of different standards (Dimm, DDR, DDR-2, DDR3) - one or two of each standard.
  • PS/2 - USB adapter - when you need to check the functionality of PS/2 mice and keyboards.
  • VGA cable - connect the client monitor to the laptop to check its functionality (clients do not always have this if their monitor is connected via a DVI cable)
  • USB cable for printer, scanner
  • USB extension cable
  • Network cable


Of course, nuances are possible. Perhaps it would not hurt to have a working power supply with you, as well as, just in case, one video card of the most popular standards (AGP and PCI-Express), a spare network card, a keyboard and mouse, a set of fans would also not hurt, and a vacuum cleaner in In some cases it is simply irreplaceable)). Carrying such things with you all the time is already becoming somewhat expensive, and the decision about the need to have them in your bag is best made in each case separately during preliminary communication with the client by phone. Those who like to solder would also take a soldering iron with them (+ solder, + flux, + a set of the most popular capacitors), but we don’t have such a task - all such work is carried out in a workshop.

How long have you been into computers? Do your relatives and neighbors bother you with requests to install programs, cure viruses, fix the Internet? After a hard day at work, do such requests irritate you? Treat this as a tempting prospect! After all, your knowledge and experience open the way to a new profession - the profession of a computer master.

To do this, it is not necessary to graduate from a prestigious university, compose and send your sample resume to potential employers, which you can download, and then also undergo humiliating interviews. Computer technician is a specialty for those who dream of working for themselves, forgetting about crazy bosses and strict work schedules.

Where to begin? The best option There will be a temporary job at a computer service company. This experience will allow you to expand your knowledge, learn how to communicate with clients, understand what services are most in demand, and how you can sell them.

The master of such a company usually receives no more than half of what the client pays, the rest is taken by the owner. It's easy to calculate how much you will earn without intermediaries.

There is no point in staying in such a company for a long time. Two to three months is enough, but clients like to ask about the experience and education of the master. Tell them your total experience working with computers, otherwise you will have to work “for your uncle” for at least a year.

To legally work and accrue work experience, you must register as an Individual Entrepreneur. To do this, we contact the tax office and the pension fund. This procedure is quick and uncomplicated (up to two weeks). In addition, it frees up its hands in terms of advertising.

The next step is advertising. In our case, the most expensive advertising is on the Internet. You can, however, create a small website for yourself and order website promotion from a private specialist to make it cheaper, for example, but you need to keep in mind that the competition in this area on the Internet is huge and you will still have to spend a lot of money. Next comes advertising in local print media. Few clients turn to newspaper advertisements, but some of them are very promising. Please pay Special attention for applications from budgetary institutions and large organizations. If, for example, the director of the lyceum likes your work, you can count on a regular client and a contract when purchasing equipment. The most effective way of advertising is “on the fence” ads.

How to write advertisements correctly.

Surely you have come across tiny advertisements dotted with dense small text:

“Computer company SUPER-PUPER! Computer repair and setup, Windows installation XP, Seven, 8, Microsoft Office, installing antiviruses, removing viruses, overclocking processors, video cards, dust cleaning, defragmentation, recovery, Upgade. Pensioners, students, workers and office employees receive discounts. Call!”

It would be more correct to write:

“Computer wizard. COMPUTER REPAIR. Fast, cheap, high quality"

Statistics promise six out of a hundred ads that work. So don’t be lazy, just print and paste. There is an opportunity - order posting advertisements from any advertising agency.

Business cards work well. Give them to clients who liked your work, the effect will not be long in coming. Word of mouth is the best advertising!

For the first six months you will have to work on your image, and then just work, work for pleasure. When you notice that applications are interfering with advertising, you can consider yourself an accomplished computer master.

Prospects for this profession.

Of course, not everyone is comfortable working on call before retirement. In a few years, you will want more than just a free schedule and no bosses. There will be a natural desire to work less and earn more. To do this, you can open a workshop and hire competent guys. With proper management, you can interest subordinates in permanent job, and deal with management and contracts yourself.

The second way is to open a computer store. Be sure that over the years of computer repair, you will become well versed in the pricing of computer equipment, and will make acquaintances among suppliers. This will allow you to open your own store and sell and repair computers on your territory.
At home, as they say, even the walls help.