Why is the iPhone so expensive? Why is the iPhone so popular? Why are iPhones so expensive?

Apple products have conquered the markets of most countries around the world, despite their considerable cost. But why is the iPhone so expensive? The short answer to this question is this: The iPhone is expensive compared to many Android phones for several reasons: First, Apple designs and manufactures not only each phone's hardware, but also software. Secondly, the manufacturer controls the entire user interface.

Historically, many competitors (like Samsung) have released phones and used Google's operating system to run them. In the case of the iPhone, careful integration of software and hardware, which is more resource-intensive. Hence, this naturally increases the price of the phone.

One more point can be added to this. If you consider everything that goes into an iPhone - the dozens of metals that must be mined from all corners of the globe, the hand-crafted parts and complex components (like gyroscopes, accelerometers, multi-touch sensors, and the incredibly small and powerful A-series processors), the smartphone doesn't seem so expensive anymore. It can perform more tasks than many desktop PCs. This explains why an iPhone is more expensive than a computer.

Apple also continues to position the iPhone as a high-end product, preventing it from becoming a leader in some large emerging markets (such as India). This gives the company the opportunity to earn much higher profits per device than its competitors. To date, the iPhone is the most profitable product in modern history.

All this makes it clear why the iPhone is so expensive. Moreover, there are many reasons why it is better than Android. This is especially noticeable if we compare Android features 8.0 and iOS 11.

The iPhone 7 and 7 Plus may not offer huge capabilities, but these devices still have good feedback from many buyers. Currently available are the 8 and 8 Plus models, which feature wireless charging device and upgraded cameras. Most recently, the iPhone X entered the market, which received an addition in the form of Face ID. All this allows us to understand why the iPhone 10 is so expensive and why it is better for many users in comparison with Android devices.

Programs and services

Applications for iPhone appear first and look better than similar services on Android. Most popular programs are available on both platforms, but many best games and apps still appear on the iPhone first. Of course, often similar services appear on both platforms at the same time, but many of them exist only for iOS.

Moreover, even when applications are available on both iPhone and Android, you can see better design in the iPhone version. This is still true in 2017. For example, you can see some new features for Snapchat and Spotify, but they are much better presented on the iPhone X. Moreover, some new applications appear only on iPhones with AR support. Some action-packed games arrived on the iPhone 8, 8 Plus and X later this year and will only be available on the iOS platform going forward. This explains why people buy iPhones so expensive.

In simple terms, applications are an area where the gap between mobile OS is gradually closing, but the differences still exist and remain noticeable. Clearly, Apple takes better care of the AppStore. Recently, developers removed 47,300 apps from the store that were unsuccessful or outdated.

Fast updates

iPhone owners enjoy fast and regular updates iOS no matter what model they are using.

Updates on Android take several months to adapt to all devices. Once an Android device is one and a half years old, the user may need to purchase a new smartphone to get the latest software.

Apple provides iPhone updates for devices that are even three years old. Thus, the company offers support for the 4s model on IOS 9, while the same is not available for older Android phones. On this platform, device support ends much faster. Google promises a maximum of two years for Nexus devices, and even less for devices from other manufacturers. This is a very objective reason why the iPhone is more expensive than other phones.

Works with all devices

If you also have a Mac, your data is easily copied from one device to another. You can quickly synchronize photos with all devices, answer a phone call when iPad help or Mac and send text messages. There is also Handoff support, which allows you to start a task on your iPhone and continue working on your iPad or Mac.

Overall, communication between these devices is exactly what Android can't achieve without relying on a collection of third-party apps and services to keep gadgets working together.

Thanks to AirDrop, accessing files from iPhone to Mac is also faster and easier. This built-in service sends the file via wireless network directly on your Mac, even if there are other Wi-Fi sources nearby.

However, it will not be possible to use Android for a similar purpose so quickly and functionally. By comparing this, you can draw conclusions about how well the iPhone works with the MacBook and simplifies tasks that you perform several times every day. All this clearly demonstrates why the iPhone is more expensive than the Android.

No third party services

iPhone doesn't have any additional apps for mobile devices when you buy a new device. Many Android phones come pre-installed with a host of brand-supporting services, many of which you'll never use.

It is often not possible to remove these additional applications, only to disable them. This means they still remain on your phone and take up space. This is a small problem right out of the box, but a year later when you need more memory and can't clear it quickly, it can become a problem.

Unlike Android, iPhone looks more like an empty slider out of the box. Also, in iOS 10, you can delete some user data and hide unnecessary applications Apple.

AppleCare guarantee on iPhone

Another reason why the iPhone is so expensive is additional risk insurance. Apple offers an iPhone warranty for $99 to $129 that extends the manufacturer's commitment by two years and adds the same amount of user support. This service is called AppleCare+, and its analogues in most Android phones are missing.

HTC offers free 1-year UhOh protection that covers cracked screen and water damage repairs. Samsung offers an additional warranty for Galaxy smartphones that costs between $99 and $129, depending on the model. This service offers features similar to AppleCare+, but it does not allow you to replace your device. Rest of the world Android smartphones does not have such guarantees. Therefore, it is obvious why the iPhone is so expensive and popular.

Device sharing

On the other hand, if you were to perform the same interaction with Android devices, you would need to download multiple apps to maintain the same level of communication. Samsung is making this process easier with Android Marshmallow devices, but this is just the beginning. For this reason, it is also obvious why the iPhone is more expensive than the Samsung.

Worth more when you resell

An iPhone retains its value longer than an Android phone. If you are selling your Android smartphone that is 1-2 years old, even a flagship device, you will often get much less money for it than you paid for it. At the same time, when selling an older iPhone, you can get an amount that is almost double the cost of the Android phone that came out at the same time.

For example, a 2015 Galaxy S6 in immaculate condition costs $130 today. An iPhone 6, which came out a few months after it, now costs $195. This also explains why iPhones are so expensive in Russia.

This trend is changing slightly due to improved build quality and higher demand for the latest Android devices, but for now, used iPhones are still more expensive. In addition, the value of a device also depends on its prevalence: limited editions are always more expensive. Therefore, it becomes clear why the red iPhone is more expensive.

Lightning and micro USB

Apple uses a Lightning cable to charge and sync iPhone. This wire is vastly superior to the Micro USB cable that most Android phones use for a similar purpose.

Lightning does not exist when applied the wrong way connect it because there is no top and bottom. cause users to try to connect the cord several times before figuring out the correct direction and angle of insertion into the connector.

Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge support wireless charging, which works better than Lightning, but still requires a Micro USB cable for some functions. Even though its scope is gradually narrowing, it is still used on many phones.

Stores and support

When downloading applications does not go as planned or when installing a service iPhone work worsens, AppleStore immediately cancels it. You can solve this problem in a few hours, and not have to wait a day or two with a non-functional iPhone. AppleStore customer support is often a step above the help that Android device manufacturers can provide over the phone or in specialty stores. And since all the support is directed from the USA, it becomes obvious why iPhones are so expensive in Russia.

Ease of use

The iPhone is still easier to set up and use than most Android phones. Even a “teapot” can start using a smartphone. This also explains why the iPhone X is so expensive.

Google today provides greater ease of use than older versions of Android, but not all phones benefit from these updates. For example, Samsung did long haul in simplifying Android with EasyMode, but there are still some problems. This isn't a problem for advanced users, but for people who don't want settings changed randomly, it can be a problem. This is especially true when using Wi-Fi or Cellular.

Headphone control

If you love listening to music and constantly need to be in control of your playlist, the iPhone benefits from headphones that can control many aspects of your playback.

Standard iPhone headphones can play, pause, fast forward or rewind a track. iPhone users can also control volume without the phone's involvement thanks to volume up and down buttons. Additionally, Apple includes the ability to launch Siri so users can make a phone call and perform other actions at the same time.

This is a big advantage that most Android phones lack. Today there are more options for controlling headphones on Android devices, but they are far from universal.

iMessage, FaceTime and FaceTime Audio

Apple makes it easy to connect with other iPhone and iPad owners by providing three unique services that make communication quick and easy.

iMessage allows users to send longer messages in one go, and they can be sent to any other Apple device they own.

FaceTime provides a great way to video chat. Unlike Hangouts, it's built into the phone app, so it's easy to switch from a phone call to a video call with a simple press of a button. FaceTime Audio also helps iPhone users make calls when network coverage is spotty by using data to make an audio call. This app's audio calls also sound better than a normal call and work when you have a bad signal cellular communications, but there is still wifi.

Improved notification control

The iPhone still does a better job of managing notifications. Android makes them easy to clear, but still doesn't categorize them very well.

On iPhone, you can see a quick overview of what's happening today and access widgets that let you update information and then use notifications. In contrast, Android devices don't have any settings that allow you to switch.

Storage and media use cases

You can add a Micro SD card to an Android smartphone, but the device won't recognize it the same way as if you had an iPhone with 64GB or 128GB of native storage. The Galaxy S7 comes with a feature that essentially tricks the phone into seeing the Micro SD as part of the internal storage. Because of this, you can't move all your apps to the SD card, and programs you use widgets for can't be copied to it.

All the above arguments explain in detail why the iPhone is so expensive. Perhaps over time its cost will decrease, but at present no equal competitors to this device have yet been released.

It lies primarily in the brand. Where can you now meet a successful person without a smartphone with a “bitten apple” in his pocket? The magic of the brand is so great that buyers sometimes simply do not pay attention to the presence of more productive and functional gadgets with a lower price in neighboring windows.

Does the iPhone really have no technical advantages over its competitors at all?

It is incorrect to compare the iPhone with devices on other operating systems - Apple has never played by the general rules. Consultants in stores often use a tool called comparison: instead of an iPhone, they show another gadget with the same price, claiming that it has 8 cores, while the Apple smartphone has only two. In fact, an iPhone with a dual-core A8 chip can give almost any Android a head start.

For example, according to the results of a test by video bloggers on the Phone Buff channel, the iPhone 6 successfully competed in terms of performance with the 8-core M8 and S6. The latter completely lost to the dual-core iPhone.

Hence the moral: dry technical characteristics of Apple equipment cannot serve as a selection criterion.

They say Apple has fewer free apps than Android. Doesn't this scare buyers?

IN Google Play(Android Store) more free applications than in the AppStore. In addition, in 2015, Google Play surpassed the AppStore in terms of the total number of mobile applications - there are about 100 thousand more of them in the Android store.

However, according to a study by the analytical company App Annie, professional developers prefer to deal with Apple, and it is obvious why - an application hosted in the AppStore brings in on average four times more profit than an analogue present on Google Play. That is, the number of applications does not indicate their quality - Apple users do not risk downloading “garbage” developed by amateurs from the store.

But Android is simpler?

Android OS is definitely easier to understand than iOS, but this can hardly be attributed to the advantages of a “green robot”. Yes, in order to transfer music to the phone, an Apple user will have to master the iTunes program. Yes, the owner of an iPhone will not be able to transfer a funny photo via Bluetooth. But all these restrictions are just security measures: closedness operating system iOS is the key to its protection from viruses of various kinds.

What about the design?

Ergonomic and stylish design is another important advantage of the iPhone. Nothing has been done here at random. A kind of standard is the 4S model, the screen diagonal of which was designed so that the average user could reach any corner of the display with his thumb. Over time, Apple somewhat lost its focus on consumers (to be honest), but managed to maintain the reputation of a company that treats its customers with extreme care.

In terms of materials, Apple also has a minimum of questions: for example, the back panel of the iPhone 4S is made of chemically strengthened glass. It is both practical and incredibly beautiful.

Is the iPhone really worth a lot of money?

The fact that the cost of an iPhone is much higher than that of other gadgets is simply a myth. The price of the iPhone is approximately equal to the price of flagship devices from other companies. For comparison: in 2016, an iPhone 7 with 32 GB costs about 55 thousand rubles, and a Samsung S7 with the same amount of memory costs almost 60 thousand rubles.

The prejudice about the high cost of the iPhone arises from the fact that Apple does not produce budget smartphone models. Their role is played by “outdated” gadgets - previous modifications that shamelessly lose value immediately after the release of the next new product.

Where do buyers get the money to buy an iPhone?

A significant part of iPhones in Russia are purchased on credit. Sellers offer extremely tempting conditions - for example, in networks MTS, Megaphone and the offer is almost always relevant installments, that is, a loan without overpayment for 6, 12 or 24 months. Even if banks do not approve an interest-free loan, the buyer, as a rule, agrees to alternative terms and does not bother himself at all with calculating the overpayment. The desire to own the coveted “apple” is too great - the price has a very mediocre effect on the popularity of the brand.

Users who do not want to be constrained by credit ties do not have to chase the latest models. For example, the iPhone 5S in MTS stores is sold at a price below 20 thousand rubles - this amount is quite feasible to pay in cash.

Is there also “apple fever” abroad?

2015 was the year Apple conquered the US market. The most significant was June, during which Apple sold more than 44% of the total number of smartphones in America (for comparison: Samsung - only 28%). This is even though in the US, iPhones are only sold with a two-year cellular contract.

In another large market - Chinese - everything is far from so clear. iPhones account for only 9% of total sales (as of June 2016) - in addition, this share is falling from year to year. It should be noted that Chinese market quite specific and very diverse. The leaders on it are not iPhones and Samsung, which are familiar to Russians, but exotic ones (23%) and (17.4%).

So is the iPhone worth buying, or is it just a tribute to fashion?

iPhone is worth the money. Purchasing a smartphone is the same situation when “the miser pays twice.” If you are choosing between an iPhone and a cheaper Android device, you don’t need to chase immediate benefits. An Apple device serves faithfully for many years, while, according to reviews, the Android operating system becomes clogged after 1.5-2 years to such an extent that using the gadget turns into torture. Therefore, at the price of the iPhone, it is reasonable to compare not with one, but with several devices on Android or Windows.

iPhone is the most popular gadget used by people of all ages. But prices have increased, and many people are now forced to pay attention to devices from other manufacturers on other platforms when choosing a phone. Perhaps you are one of those people who shouldn't buy an iPhone? We have five reasons for this, as in the legendary song.

1. High price

Now official prices for iPhone 6 in Russia start at 49 thousand rubles. When converted to dollars, this is 987 conventional units. In the USA the price starts at $650; in other countries it is higher, but significantly less than in Russia. It turns out that you are greatly overpaying.

Plus, if a smartphone costs 50 thousand rubles, this does not mean at all that it is twice as better model for 25 thousand from another manufacturer. If you wish, you can find a device with slightly worse or even comparable characteristics, but on a different platform.

2. You don't need iOS-exclusive apps

App Store is the best mobile application store. The developers have created many exclusive programs and games for the Apple mobile platform. But do you really need them?

Most users need approximately the same set of programs: good browser, mail client, messengers, social network clients, navigation, to-do lists, photo editors. The vast majority of such iOS applications have their own versions for Android and Windows Phone. So why buy an iPhone if you can perform your daily tasks on simpler smartphones?

3. You want to stand out from the crowd

The iPhone has long ceased to be an element of style and individuality. Seriously, when you travel on public transport, every second passenger already has an iPhone in their hands. Yes, you can buy a case, make an engraving, or even order a wooden bumper, but why, if this can be done with any other phone?

Nowadays, when people see that you have an iPhone, they don’t say “Wow, how cool,” but “Oh, our man.” The Apple smartphone has long been a thing, so if you want to stand out from the crowd, there are plenty of ways to do it without having to buy a phone with an Apple on the back.

4. You don't have a Mac or other Apple devices

The Apple ecosystem itself is a good thing. The devices interact, allowing you to work with the same files on the fly, answer calls and SMS from your computer. However, before you buy an iPhone, think about whether you want to become a full-fledged participant in the Apple ecosystem?

Lots of features such as iCloud, Safari bookmarks, cloudy iCloud storage Drive, Handoff, Continuity are based primarily on how iOS and OS X work together. If you don't have other Apple devices, you'll miss out on much of the user experience on iPhone. Why do you need this?

5. You don't like iOS. For different reasons

If you are a geek at heart who likes to tinker with the insides of a smartphone, flash the kernels, install shells and launchers, then iOS is clearly not for you. No jailbreak tweak can match the customization capabilities of Android. Another point - you actively use Google services. Here the choice of mobile OS is also obvious.

Additionally, not everyone likes the design and interface of iOS. Many people are delighted with Material Design on Android or Metro tiles on Windows Phone. Still others would never trade their BlackBerry with a QWERTY keyboard for anything. You may have your reasons for not liking iOS, and all of them may be good reasons to give up iPhone purchases.

Why iPhone? – every third potential buyer of Apple smartphones thinks. Why iPhone? – the owner exclaims in surprise HTC One I saw the apple symbol on my best friend's smartphone. Buying a premium smartphone raises a lot of questions, primarily because Apple smartphones there must be certain expectations. Today we will tell you what to expect from the iPhone and why multimedia smartphones with fruit symbols have already won millions of hearts.

1. Powerful processor. I don’t know what kind of miracles Apple engineers are doing with the iPhone hardware. But Ax chips manage to maintain escape speeds for many years. No slowdowns, no glitches, no disappointments. Powerful. Reliable. Long-playing.

2. Retina display . About iPhone screens a lot has been written and told. And it’s not just that Apple managed to achieve the highest pixel density to date and provide the user with excellent picture quality. Apple displays also boast excellent readability and rich color palettes. To be honest, most smartphones look faded or, conversely, “toasted” compared to Apple products.

3. Frame . Traditionally, the iPhone has been made from aircraft-grade aluminum, impact-resistant glass, and, since iPhone versions 7, the case is also waterproof. The smartphone received reliable protection and a stylish shell. It fits perfectly in the hand, the screen and body create a single composition, and the thoughtful design and quality of materials do not even allow the thought of “cheapness”.

4. iMessage, Facetime, iCloud, Mail... and dozens more free applications and programs that make the lives of modern people easier, more productive and brighter every day. Moreover, if you buy an iPhone, there is a 99% chance that the best mobile applications will appear on your device, and not on competing platforms. Apple has created amazing “tasty” conditions for application developers, which allow them not only to fully develop and support their products, but also to implement the most unusual - exclusive ideas and plans. The original is always better than the finished copy.

5. Scrolling and touch. May the “opposition” supporters forgive me, but the iPhone is the only smartphone on the market that has such smooth scrolling, accurate touch recognition and system responsiveness to user requests. Other manufacturers suffer from either a noticeable delay in response or a delay in scrolling and loading applications. Such things are difficult to describe in words. In order to feel the difference, you need to hold the two devices and compare ease of use.

6. iPhone photo/video camera. Rare smartphone can compare with technical characteristics iPhone cameras in terms of shooting quality.

7. Branded “fruit” design. Whatever you say, the apple logo is eye-catching. This feature makes the iPhone not only a source of envy from colleagues and passers-by, but also increases the risk of becoming a victim of criminal elements. The fact is that the market price of used Apple gadgets is not very different from the retail price. The release of Touch ID somewhat curbed the ardor of street thieves, since the quick resale of smartphones with indicators in the form of fingerprints became impossible in principle.

8. Accessories. A huge number of interesting, unusual and functional accessories are produced specifically for Apple equipment. Major global brands and startup leaders have long realized how diverse, sophisticated and potentially profitable this niche is. But also demanding. Apple accessories must be no less unique than the product itself. And if the manufacturer manages to bring a truly high-quality and useful product to the market, then it will be a huge success among Cupertino fans.

9. Apple - choice of educated, forward-thinking people . The rumor that iPhone buyers are on top of the golden toilet is exaggerated. Nowadays, Apple products are preferred by people who know how to value their time and money. People who know how to prioritize and evaluate the deep potential and functionality of purchased products. People who value quality, unity of thought and ideas.

10. Multimedia capabilities . Apple offers the best experience for listening to music and watching movies. The reliability of iTunes branded stores always remains unrivaled.

11. Support. It's not just about professional technical support Apple specialists, including employees of the Genius Bar department. iPhone fans are a club of people who are always ready to offer each other all possible help in taming the Apple gadget. Most thematic Internet portals are dedicated specifically to Apple products, which daily reveal to their readers the hidden potential of fruit gadgets.

12. Timely software updates. iPhone users are confident not only in the stability and security of their system, but also that they will receive timely updates to the operating system, regardless of external circumstances. At the same time, Cupertino representatives provide support for their products “until their last breath” - as long as the system technically meets the software requirements, your iPhone will be updated to the new one iOS versions. Android cannot boast of such results: most Korean smartphones stop updating within the first year of use, and the release of a new update can take up to several months.

13. Content security. All applications in the App Store undergo strict moderation and selection. Strict requirements ensure smooth operation of iOS and prevent the penetration of viruses and malware. The exception is users who opt for jailbreak.

14. The price of a used iPhone will always be higher than that of a competitive product. When the time comes to replace your iPhone with a new one, you will be pleasantly surprised that trading platforms used apple phones are successful and sell for decent money. It is also worth considering that not all Apple fans are chasing new products and prefer a certain model that may already be discontinued. Not to mention the legendary iPhone 1, which becomes the heart of thematic collections.

15. No one has given up the iPhone yet. I've met people who actively oppose buying an iPhone. But I still haven’t seen the person who received Apple iPhone, sells it and buys an Android smartphone. At first you can hear a large number of"Damn it!" from new iPhone users, but after a short adaptation, you will notice that quiet admiration replaces indignation.

One of the main reasons for the popularity of the iPhone is the exploitation of success. Thanks to Apple, people were able to... Like everything new, the iPhone has become associated with success. The desire to have something that others don’t have played a role, and the first smartphone became very popular.

Some journalists in the first days of sales stated that the iPhone personified high cost and simplicity (at that time it was really expensive). As a result, a strong opinion began to emerge that the owners of these phones are modern people who enjoy authority. This is largely due to Apple's excellent marketers.

iPhone functionality

This phone makes people's world easier. Apple has managed to make it accessible to everyone. With its appearance, there was no need to press buttons, since you could simply move your finger across the screen. At the same time, the device interface is intuitive. You don’t need to figure it out for a long time, you just need to sit on your phone for a couple of minutes.

The built-in functionality allows a person to do many useful things: from sending messages to automatically compiling a list of necessary purchases. There is no need to use several devices at once - everything is concentrated in one. Such a revolution in the market mobile phones allowed us to gain wide popularity immediately after the start of sales.

Certainly, modern models phones from other companies do not lag behind these indicators, but it was the iPhone that became the pioneer, which played the greatest role.

iPhone assembly and design

For the manufacture of iPhone, only high-quality materials are used, which are assembled in accordance with specially developed technologies. The result is a device that doesn't slow down, doesn't freeze, and is capable of running a variety of applications.

The design of the models (especially the modern ones) is really good: simple but eye-catching. You can find a huge number of covers and stickers in stores. No other phone has such variety. The color rendition is done really well. The colors are very bright, and the display does not lose brightness even in very strong sun.

Of course, today you can find a better phone for the money, but over the years, the iPhone has proven itself to be an excellent device that suits the modern person.