What does ssl connection error mean and how to fix it. Resolving SSL connection error. Reset all settings on your Android device

First of all, you should use an alternative access point: connect to Wi-Fi if you have mobile Internet, or vice versa - disconnect from a fixed access point and use a cellular operator.

Try loading a different website. Perhaps the problem is not with your connection, but with problems on the side of the provider or the site itself. If this is the case, the problem has most likely already been resolved, since in this case you will not be the only one with connection errors.

Sometimes after the next update the application may experience problems. In this case, you should try to completely reset your network settings.

  • Go to your smartphone settings.
  • Find the menu " reset and recovery"(in different smartphones it can be located either at the very bottom of the list of settings, or in one of the sub-items).
  • On the menu " reset and recovery» select « reset network settings».

Date and time are the culprits of all problems

In modern gadgets, many applications (especially network programs) are synchronized with the clock. Any manipulation with the current date leads to application errors. The gadget itself can report an erroneous date: it will ask you to set the clock to match the current time.

To avoid setting the time on your phone manually each time, check the box in the settings " date and time" opposite the item " network date and time"or "synchronize time over the network"

Always update outdated applications

An SSL connection error can also occur if there are no updates for a long time. This is due to the expired certificate of the current program, since the validity of certificates is limited for security purposes.

To update the current software on your smartphone, you need to:

  • go to the Play Market menu;
  • select " my apps and games»;
  • press the button " update everything».

If you do not want to update some applications, you can always carry out the process manually. For convenience, it is recommended to go directly to the application settings and check the “automatic update” box.

Clear your browser cache regularly

When updating software, cached data often remains, which prevents the current pages of the site from being processed correctly, which causes errors with the certificate.

To clear the cache, you can use the internal settings of the browser itself or a universal utility for cleaning the Android system.

To clear the cache you need to:

  • go to your phone settings;
  • select menu " applications»;
  • find a web browser and tap on it.

Depending on the operating system, you may need to go to the “ memory" In general, find the button " clear cache"and feel free to click on it.

Antivirus interferes with correct work on the network

Although the antivirus is designed to search for vulnerabilities in the system and prevent unauthorized access to the system, it can also block the current network connection, producing an SSL error. There is a possibility that at this very moment it is repelling an attack, so you should pay special attention to the error and disconnect from the current network, especially if you are using a public access point.

Complete device recovery from backup

Know that sometimes restoring a smartphone to its original condition is much easier than looking for the culprit of the problem. If all else fails and you decide to take drastic measures, you must:

  • go to your smartphone settings;
  • find the item " reset and recovery»;
  • in the sub-item select “ full reset to factory settings».

It is not difficult to guess that all your personal data will be lost forever. Therefore, it is recommended to use a backup of your contacts and notes data. If during the first setup you agreed to back up your data to the Google cloud, then after resetting to the factory state, use your account to restore the data.

However, this does not apply to photos, videos and music files, so copy media from the device memory to your computer before formatting.

Absolutely any computer program can fail. The Google Chrome browser, which is famous for its stability and high speed, is no exception. In this article, we will try to look at the probable causes of the SSL connection error in the Google Chrome browser.

It is worth noting that this problem may affect not only the Google Chrome browser, but any other browser based on the Chromium engine (Yandex Browser, Mail Browser, Comodo).

Causes of SSL errors.

The reasons for this error can be very different and are often not related to each other. Among the main causes of SSL errors, it is worth highlighting:

1. Blocking the Internet connection by an antivirus program.
Often, the antivirus installed on your computer may mistake the SSL protocol for a potentially dangerous process and block it. To check if your antivirus is causing the error, close all browsers, go to the network connection section in your antivirus settings and uncheck all the encrypted connection boxes. Save your settings and open Chrome to test the browser's functionality.

2. Unfinished (outdated) version of the browser. Often the problem is that users do not update their browser in a timely manner. In the top right corner of the Chrome browser, open the menu and select About Google Chrome. A window will open in which the system will automatically check for updates for the current version of the browser. If updates are found, wait for them to install and restart the browser.

3. The date and time on the computer are set incorrectly. The most common cause of SSL error in Google Chrome. If you see in the lower right corner of the toolbar that the date or time is set incorrectly, right-click on it and select the “Set Date and Time” menu. In the window that opens, change the date and time and save the changes.

4. You are using an unlicensed version of Windows OS. Install a licensed version of Windows on your computer. If you don't have this option, try using a browser from another manufacturer, such as Opera or Mozilla Firefox.

5. Your browser is configured incorrectly. These settings steps apply not only to the Chrome browser, but also to other browsers based on the Chromium engine:

1. In the top right corner of your browser, open the menu and select Settings.

2. Select "Show advanced settings" and under "Network" open "Change proxy settings."

3. A window will open in which you need to set the following settings:

— “Security” tab. “Security level” – “Medium”.

— “Confidentiality” tab. “Security level” – “Medium”.

— “Contents” tab. Select Clear SSL.

— Restart your browser and resume trying to access the site.

These are not the only reasons for an SSL error, however, they are the most likely. I hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments.

One of the problems that a user may encounter when surfing the Internet through the Opera browser is an SSL connection error. SSL is a cryptographic protocol that is used to verify the certificates of web resources when accessing them. Let's find out what could be causing the SSL error in the Opera browser, and what methods can be used to solve this problem.

First of all, the cause of such an error may actually be an expired certificate on the side of the web resource, or its absence. In this case, it's not even an error, but the browser providing real information. The modern Opera browser in this case displays the following message: “This site cannot provide a secure connection. The site sent an invalid response."

In this case, nothing can be done, since the fault is entirely on the site’s side.

It should be noted that such episodes are isolated in nature, and if you get a similar error when you try to access other sites, then you need to look for the source of the cause elsewhere.

Invalid system time

One of the most common causes of SSL connection errors is incorrectly set time in the system. The browser checks the validity period of the site's certificate against the system time. Naturally, if it is set incorrectly, then even a valid certificate will be rejected by Opera as expired, which will cause the above error. Therefore, if an SSL error occurs, be sure to check the date set on the system in the system tray in the lower right corner of the computer monitor. If the date differs from the real one, then it should be changed to the correct one.

Left-click on the clock, and then click on the inscription “Change date and time settings.”

It is best to synchronize the date and time with a server on the Internet. Therefore, go to the “Internet Time” tab.

Then, click on the “Change settings...” button.

But, if the gap between the date set in the system and the real one is very large, then it will not be possible to synchronize data in this way. You will have to set the date manually.

To do this, go back to the “Date and Time” tab and click on the “Change Date and Time” button.

A calendar opens in front of us, where, by clicking on the arrows, we can navigate through the months and select the desired date. After the date is selected, click on the “OK” button.

This way, the date changes will take effect and the user will be able to get rid of the SSL connection error.

Blocking by antivirus

One of the reasons for an SSL connection error may be blocking by an antivirus or firewall. To check this, disable the antivirus program that is installed on your computer.

If the error repeats, then look for a different reason. If it disappears, then you should either change your antivirus or change its settings so that the error no longer occurs. But this is an individual question for each antivirus program.


Also, the presence of malware on the system can cause an SSL connection error. Scan your computer for viruses. It is advisable to do this from another uninfected device, or at least from a flash drive.

As you can see, the reasons for an SSL connection error can be completely different. This can be caused either by a real expired certificate, which the user cannot influence, or by incorrect settings of the operating system and installed programs.

If the site has SSL installed, the page opens securely https protocol:

The green color in the address bar signals to users: personal data (bank card number, email account, password) will not be stolen here.

It’s annoying when a green traffic light turns red at the wrong time. It’s doubly annoying if, instead of a secure connection, you suddenly see on the website: SSL protocol error. Why this happened and how to fix and remove the SSL connection error, read below:

Check in advance

Make sure you don't confuse the SSL connection error with other problems. If your website stops opening in your browser, first check:

    Is a redirect from http to https configured for /;

    What domain is the SSL certificate installed on? An SSL certificate is registered for a specific domain. That is, if the certificate is installed on a domain and you accessed through the address shop., then an SSL error will be shown.

If you have a free SSL certificate installed, it only applies to the domain itself and the “www” subdomain: and www.. It does not work for other subdomains. If you need an SSL certificate on a subdomain, order a separate certificate for the subdomain:

If there are no problems with this, continue reading the article.

Why does the SSL error occur?

  • The system clock or calendar settings have gone wrong;
  • your antivirus program scans data transmitted via the HTTPS protocol and may block some traffic;
  • the settings of the browser itself have changed;
  • a malicious script is triggered.

SSL protocol error, what to do?

Below are 4 drop-down blocks. Each contains an answer to the question of how to correct the error depending on the cause.

System clock and calendar settings

If the time settings on the computer are lost, the browser will warn:

In Google Chrome

In Mozilla Firefox

The solution is simple: set the correct date. To prevent the error from recurring, enable synchronization with a time server on the Internet (system settings Dates and times).

Antivirus program settings

If everything is fine with the clock and the SSL error is still there, check your antivirus program settings. Most likely it includes "check https protocol". Check if it is enabled, the program will not accept or the certificate is protected Let's Encrypt. Try disabling the function and visiting the site again.

If the SSL error persists, disable your antivirus program and open the site. Did this solve the problem? Changing the utility will help.

If this does not help, do not forget to enable your antivirus program and look for the solution below.

Browser settings

  1. Open the site in another browser;
  2. Check if you are using the latest version of your browser. If not, update it to the latest and open the site again;
  3. This is probably a browser glitch. In this case, restart your browser and try to access the site again;
  4. If the problem persists, disable web antivirus components in the Extensions.

A radical way is to reset the settings to the original ones. Use it as a last resort.

You can also change your browser to Internet Explorer until the problem is resolved. There is no SSL error in this browser.

Sometimes an SSL error indicates a real threat: your browser is protecting you from online scammers. It is likely that your browser opens a clone site to which you are redirected.

If you suspect hostile interference, scan your computer with an antivirus program and remove any existing viruses.

If the problem remains after the listed options, contact a specialist who will diagnose the specific case, identify what the ssl connection error means and fix it.

SSL is a secure protocol used when visiting resources whose address begins with HTTPS. Data is transferred in encrypted form, and you don't have to worry about confidentiality. But if the certificate has expired or was not made properly, the web browser will show an SSL connection error when you try to open the site.


The failure may be caused by the server from which information about the site is requested, or by the computer running the browser. Usually the error appears in browsers running on Chromium: Google Chrome, Yandex.Browser, Opera, Comoda Dragon.

Mozilla Firefox reports this failure as "This connection is untrusted."

If the certificate works properly, then when you click on the padlock next to the address you will see the following picture:

If an error occurs in the definition of the SSL protocol, part of the address will be crossed out (https//), and in additional information you will read that the site’s identification data has not been verified and the connection is encrypted using outdated technologies.

This situation will repeat on all sites that you try to open.

Important: if an SSL connection error appears only on one web resource, then the cause of the failure is on the site’s side, that is, the page actually has problems with encryption.

You should use the methods below to fix a connection error only if no website that uses the HTTPS protocol can open on your computer.

Bug fix

If, when opening additional connection information, you see a message that the certificate is not yet/no longer valid, check the date on your computer. If it seriously differs from reality forward or backward, then the protocol will not work, and accordingly, an error will appear when accessing the site.

Usually the time and date are lost due to a dead CMOS battery. You can also replace it yourself by purchasing a new power supply in the store. But before you change the battery, look at what is currently installed in the system unit or laptop. If you have a battery with a wire, then you need to purchase a similar power source.

Browser check

If the date on your computer is set correctly, but the connection still fails, pay attention to the state of the browser. You must have the latest version of your web browser. If you're using Google Chrome, go to Settings and open the About section. In other browsers, version checking is done in a similar way.

Typically, web browsers update without user interaction. But, for example, new versions of Chrome are not supported on XP and Vista. Accordingly, when working with older operating systems, you may not be able to access some sites.

Another reason for the connection error may be the action of extensions. They will not necessarily be malicious: completely legal add-ons can also conflict with sites.

To test this hypothesis:

  1. Open settings, go to the list of extensions.
  2. Disable all extensions for a while, and then try to access the site again.

If the problem persists, reset your proxy settings. They may become confused due to the fact that you connected to the Internet through a proxy, or due to the actions of other applications. To reset proxy settings in Chrome:

If sites open normally in other browsers, but the connection error appears in only one browser, reset its settings. This will delete all data, but will help solve the problem.

Setting up an antivirus

In addition to the wrong date and problems with the browser, a connection error can be caused by excessive curiosity of the antivirus and firewall. Security software checks the SSL connection. Some sites may define such a check as an attempt to interfere and block access to information.

To check whether your antivirus or firewall is to blame for the error, temporarily disable your computer's protection. This should only be done if you are confident that the site you are trying to access is secure.

If web pages open without failures when security software is disabled, configure the https scanning mode in your antivirus.

In Avast, for example, you need to go to settings, open the “Active Protection” section, click “Settings” and uncheck “Enable HTTPS scanning”.

In Kaspersky Internet Security, the same settings are located in the “Network” section of the advanced settings.

All antiviruses have similar options, so you just need to find them and disable HTTPS checking.

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