The wireless network service is not running Windows 10. The WlanSvc wireless network auto-configuration service is not running: how to activate it? Checking the access point

Everyone performs their tasks and monitors a certain sector of the computer’s activity. The one we are interested in is the Wlan wireless network auto-configuration service. If it is not running, then we get several problems with wireless connections. What to do? Let's figure it out.

Activation of WLANSVC service

Now we have reached the main topic of this article - how to enable the WLAN auto-configuration service. There are several ways to launch the tool for managing internal Windows services. The simplest are two methods:

  1. Through the Windows Control Panel.
  2. Using the “Run” service.

In the first case, open the “Control Panel”. In Windows 7 this is done through the Start menu. Click the “Start” button (on your keyboard or in the lower right corner of your desktop). Next, open the desired option.

In the G8, the control panel opens in a different way. Press two keys on the keyboard at the same time - + [X] - and select the desired item in the menu that appears.

Further steps are the same in both operating systems. In the window that opens, select the “System and Security” category.

Questions are often asked in the comments about the fact that the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network (even though Wi-Fi is on), or you can’t start Wi-Fi distribution on your laptop. Very often, such problems arise due to the fact that the WLAN auto-configuration service is disabled. There is such a service in Windows, it manages wireless connections. So, if the WlanSvc service is stopped, then you will not be able to connect your computer to Wi-Fi, or launch an access point on your laptop.

If you just want to connect your laptop to a Wi-Fi network, then due to the stopped WLAN auto-configuration service, the laptop simply will not see available wireless networks. The status will be "No connections available". And when you try to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop, the error “Failed to start the WLAN autoconfiguration service (1068)” will most likely appear. In any case, this problem needs to be fixed somehow. You just need to check whether this service is running on your computer. And if not, then launch it and set automatic launch in the settings.

I will show how to enable the WLAN auto-configuration service in Windows 10. But, if you have Windows 7, 8 or even Windows Vista, then everything will be exactly the same. The process itself is no different.

What is WLAN AutoConfig Service?

Without complicated and boring terms, this service in the Windows operating system manages all wireless connections (via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth). That is, the WlanSvc service is responsible for searching, connecting, disconnecting and other operations that are necessary for the operation of wireless connections on a laptop. It is clear that if this service is stopped, then Windows will not be able to see available wireless networks and will not be able to connect to them.

Basically, that's all we need to know about the WLAN auto-configuration service. In the system, this feature is always enabled by default. You may ask, why then does it need to be turned on? Everything is very simple, there are many instructions on the Internet where they advise disabling this service “to make the computer work faster.” Also, the service can be disabled by some programs; various system optimizers especially like to do this. And if you do not have the original Windows image installed, but an assembly, then the service may be disabled immediately after installing the system.

Yes, if you do not connect your computer to wireless networks, then you do not need this service; the computer will work fine without it. But this is not a reason to turn it off.

How to enable WLAN AutoConfig service in Windows 10, 8, 7

Press the keyboard shortcut Win+R. The Run window will appear. Enter the command " services.msc", and click "Ok".

Set the "Startup Type" to "Automatic". Click the "Ok" button and "Apply".

Restart your computer. After these steps everything should work.

What to do if the WlanSvc service does not start?

If you are faced with the fact that the WLAN auto-configuration service does not start, then the problem may be that the service itself is completely disabled. Let's check and turn it on.

Press the keyboard shortcut again Win+R, but this time we enter " msconfig", and click "Ok".

We find the service we need in the list and see if there is a checkmark next to it. If not, then check it, click “Ok”, and “Apply”.

Everyone performs their tasks and monitors a certain sector of the computer’s activity. The one we are interested in is the Wlan wireless network auto-configuration service. If it is not running, then we get several...

Questions are often asked in the comments about the fact that the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network (even though Wi-Fi is on), or you can’t start Wi-Fi distribution on your laptop. Very often, such problems arise due to the fact that the WLAN auto-configuration service is disabled. There is such a service in Windows, it manages wireless connections. So, if the WlanSvc service is stopped, then you will not be able to connect your computer to Wi-Fi, or launch an access point on your laptop.

If you just want to connect your laptop to a Wi-Fi network, then due to the stopped WLAN auto-configuration service, the laptop simply will not see available wireless networks. There will be a status. And when you try to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop, the error “Failed to start the WLAN autoconfiguration service (1068)” will most likely appear. In any case, this problem needs to be fixed somehow. You just need to check whether this service is running on your computer. And if not, then launch it and set automatic launch in the settings.

I will show how to enable the WLAN auto-configuration service in Windows 10. But, if you have Windows 7, 8 or even Windows Vista, then everything will be exactly the same. The process itself is no different.

What is WLAN AutoConfig Service?

Without complicated and boring terms, this service in the Windows operating system manages all wireless connections (via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth). That is, the WlanSvc service is responsible for searching, connecting, disconnecting and other operations that are necessary for the operation of wireless connections on a laptop. It is clear that if this service is stopped, then Windows will not be able to see available wireless networks and will not be able to connect to them.

There may also be a problem when trying to start distributing a Wi-Fi network in the Windows command line. If this service is stopped, an error will appear: "The Wireless Network AutoConfiguration service (wlansvc) is not running."

Basically, that's all we need to know about the WLAN auto-configuration service. In the system, this feature is always enabled by default. You may ask, why then does it need to be turned on? Everything is very simple, there are many instructions on the Internet where they advise disabling this service “to make the computer work faster.” Also, the service can be disabled by some programs; various system optimizers especially like to do this. And if you do not have the original Windows image installed, but an assembly, then the service may be disabled immediately after installing the system.

Yes, if you do not connect your computer to wireless networks, then you do not need this service; the computer will work fine without it. But this is not a reason to turn it off.

How to enable WLAN AutoConfig service in Windows 10, 8, 7

Press the keyboard shortcut Win+R. The Run window will appear. Enter the command " services.msc", and click "Ok".

Set the "Startup Type" to "Automatic". Click the "Ok" button and "Apply".

Restart your computer. After these steps everything should work.

What to do if the WlanSvc service does not start?

If you are faced with the fact that the WLAN auto-configuration service does not start, then the problem may be that the service itself is completely disabled. Let's check and turn it on.

Press the keyboard shortcut again Win+R, but this time we enter " msconfig", and click "Ok".

We find the service we need in the list and see if there is a checkmark next to it. If not, then check it, click “Ok”, and “Apply”.

Restart your computer.

Update: enable "Normal startup" if error 1068 appears

This solution was shared with us in the comments. It is very simple and helped get rid of errors 1068 when starting the WLAN service. Press the Win + R key combination on your keyboard, copy the msconfig command into the appropriate line and click Ok.

Set the startup option to "Normal startup", click on the "Apply" button (must be active) and "Ok".

Restart your computer.

If these tips did not help you solve your problem, then describe it in detail in the comments. If there is a problem with your Wi-Fi connection, then see the article. And if you came to this page to find a solution to the problem of distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop, and the method described above did not help, then look at the solutions in the article.

From time to time it becomes necessary to connect a Windows server operating system to a wireless network. At first glance, the task is simple: connect the adapter, install the driver... However, its practical implementation can cause serious difficulties. We are ready to hear the usual complaints about Microsoft, but in fact everything is quite simple and logical, the only thing that can be reproached by the developer is the uninformative behavior of the system in this situation; in our opinion, it would be possible to add hints or reflect event in the logs.

Let's start with the fact that the task indicated in the title for server systems is quite atypical, but sometimes such a need still arises. It can also be solved simply by purchasing the necessary wireless adapter. In general, everything goes quite normally, until you try to connect to a wireless network. At this moment it turns out that the server does not see more than one network, and the adapter itself is in a state Disabled.

An attempt to turn it on does not lead to success; the adapter tries to turn on, but immediately goes into the disabled state again. In this case, the system does not issue any messages and does not make any entries in the event logs.

Outwardly, the situation looks like some kind of incompatibility and you can spend a lot of time searching for a “suitable” driver or, deciding that the problem is with the adapter, even buy a new one, with the same effect. Therefore, do not rush to waste time and money, let's better understand the situation.

As we have already said, this task is not typical for server use, therefore, following the general trend in the development of Microsoft server operating systems, this feature was designed as a separate component, which is not installed by default.

In general, this decision by the developers is logical and correct; fewer unused services mean fewer resources consumed, and fewer possible vulnerabilities. On the other hand, it would still be worth adding some hints or logging an error event, otherwise the situation looks quite ambiguous to an untrained user.

In order for Windows Server to work with wireless networks, you must install the component Wireless LAN Service, after which the server will need to be rebooted.

It would seem that the problem has been solved, but there is no need to rush. After reboot WLAN AutoConfig Service does not start automatically, although its settings are set to automatic start.

This situation is not an error and is described in the documentation, although this behavior of the service is not clear. You will need to start the service manually or reboot the server again. After this, you can turn on the wireless adapter and connect to the desired network.

Interestingly, if you insert a new adapter after the first reboot, the service will automatically start when the driver installation is complete. Perhaps for this reason, some online manuals recommend that after adding components, remove and reinstall the adapter driver.

The same result can be obtained much faster using PowerShell, to do this, run just one simple command:

Add-WindowsFeature wireless-networking

After which you will also need to reboot the server and start the service manually. You can quickly do this with another command:

Net start wlansvc

As you can see, for successful administration of Windows Server, contrary to popular belief that everything is done intuitively and with the mouse, it is still advisable to know the structure and basic principles of the system, which will save you from wasting time and money.

Despite the fact that the main services and important components of the system responsible for wirelessly connecting the computer to virtual private networks or other devices that support wireless data transfer are activated by default, it is not uncommon that when trying to establish communication between devices or connect to wireless networks, the system suddenly reports that the WlanSvc wireless network auto-configuration service is not running. Not all users know what to do in this case. That is why, for all those who do not particularly understand these issues, we can give several techniques that will help eliminate the problems that have arisen.

What is the WlanSvc service and what is it responsible for?

But first, let's take a quick look at what this service is. The definition of this component speaks for itself. This is precisely an automatic recognition service based on the iEEE 802.11 standard and identification of devices that can transmit data using Bluetooth radio modules. When trying to connect to such networks or devices, the user himself does not need to set the necessary parameters (this is understandable).

But if the WlanSvc wireless network auto-configuration service is not running, even if the wireless adapter installed on your computer or laptop is turned on, you will not see anything in the list of available networks. This equally applies to the activation of data transmission via Bluetooth, when the adjacent device simply will not be detected as active and within the range of the wireless module.

What is the cause of the service startup error?

As for the reasons for disabling this system component, it can be absolutely impossible to immediately identify them. The main factors that can affect the state of the service are usually called virus exposure or conflicts of processes associated with the service with other similar software, thoughtless user intervention in system settings, failures and errors of the Windows operating system itself when important files are damaged, etc. Fortunately, this problem can be resolved quite simply. We can offer two main options for activating the service, which any user can use. We will not consider actions with the command line, since many may find them very complicated. However, most users do not need this.

Note: sometimes the system may not directly signal the deactivated state of the main service, but issues notifications about the impossibility of starting (launching) child services (most often this is error number 1068), which, in turn, is precisely an indication of the problem that has arisen.

The WlanSvc wireless network auto-configuration service is not running: how can I enable it in the corresponding settings section?

So, the main technique is to launch services from a special system partition, which contains control parameters for absolutely all processes launched and executed in Windows. To get to it the fastest, call the “Run” console and set the combination to execution to services.msc. You can, of course, take a roundabout route by using the administration section in computer management or the Control Panel to access it. But at the same time, you will unwittingly perform many unnecessary actions.

When you enter the appropriate section, simply find the component you are looking for in the list provided and look at its status (by default it should be set to the active "Running" option).

If you see that the WlanSvc wireless network auto-configuration service is not running, double-click to open the settings window, click the service start button, select automatic start type from the drop-down list and save the selected options. By and large, the process is activated without a reboot. If this does not happen, perform a restart just in case.

The WlanSvc wireless network auto-configuration service is not running: how to start the process through the system configuration?

However, don’t delude yourself! The fact is that, despite the use of the above-described technique, it is sometimes impossible to activate the process responsible for the service in this way. Let's assume that you did everything correctly, but when you try to connect, the system displays a summary that the WlanSvc wireless network auto-configuration service is not running. Apparently, the restriction on its launch is set in the configurator, which has a higher priority.

To activate the process, in the “Run” menu you need to enter the abbreviation msconfig, click the confirm button, and after entering the desired configuration section, go to the services tab and check the box next to the component being described. But keep in mind that when working with the system configuration, you must restart the computer.

Additional measures

If after this it turns out that the WlanSvc wireless network auto-configuration service is not running, try downloading utilities specially designed to troubleshoot such problems from the official Microsoft website (even the small Microsoft Fix It program will do) or use the prompts in the Diagnostics and Troubleshooting Center available on any Windows system.

Naturally, you shouldn’t discount viruses either. Just in case, perform an in-depth scan and eliminate all threats using portable or disk-based antivirus programs.

In principle, if the problems are related to damage to components of the operating system itself, as an additional tool for eliminating them, you can offer a system file check, which can be activated through the command line using the command “sfc /scannow” (of course, without quotes). If this does not help, for example, because access to some files is blocked, try performing a similar procedure when booting from removable media with a distribution kit or recovery disks like LiveCD. After completing all the operations, repeat the above steps to activate the problematic service. If this does not help, in the latest versions of Windows you can try to perform a recovery while saving user data or return the computer (laptop) to its original state, which fully corresponds to a “clean” installation of the OS, so to speak, from scratch.

Note: some laptop models provide the use of special menus for this, called up by buttons or keyboard shortcuts.

Hello! Today we will talk about the Windows operating system program - WLAN Autoconfig (WLAN auto-configuration service). Let's find out why it is needed. I’ll also tell you what troubles arise when the WlanSvc wireless network auto-configuration service is not running.

general information

Windows services (system programs) are applications and software that are responsible for the operation of the computer. Most of them start automatically (unless otherwise specified in the settings) when Windows starts and are executed regardless of the user's status.

Each service regulates a specific process in the operation of the OS. Which one is responsible for the operation of Wi-Fi on Windows 10 and younger? That's right, WLAN autoconfiguration service. Its main functions are setting up, detecting, connecting and disconnecting wireless networks in the 802.11 standard. It is this program that is involved in creating a virtual access point (this is when we enable Wi-Fi distribution, for example, on a laptop).

In addition to the Wi-Fi module, WlanSvc regulates the operation of the Bluetooth wireless adapter. That is, the service controls the operation of wireless communications on the computer.

There are situations when the PC does not see the Wi-Fi network or it is not possible to enable Internet distribution. The adapter is turned on, but the required action cannot be performed. The reason for this is that the WlanSvc wireless network automatic configuration service has not started.

When we try to connect to the network, we will receive the message “No connections available,” although other devices can connect without problems. And if we try to turn on the mobile hotspot (access point), we will see the message: “The WLAN auto-configuration service could not be started.”

In general, WLAN Autoconfig is always enabled by default, so most ordinary users have not even heard of it. But what if it turns out that the application is disabled?

The main thing is not to panic! I will simply and in detail describe how to enable WlanSvc on a laptop or desktop computer running Windows 10. The instructions are the same for all versions of the OS, starting with Vista. The only thing is that the names of sections and some steps may differ.

Comments are always open to our readers. If something is unclear or doesn’t work out, write immediately!


You can see the instructions clearly in the following video:

There are two ways to start the WlanSvc wireless network auto-configuration service:

  • Through the "Control Panel";
  • Through the Run dialog box.

The differences are only in the first steps; after we get into the list of system programs, the instructions will be the same for both methods. So, you can find the WLAN auto-configuration service on Windows 10 and younger like this:

  1. Through Start, go to “Windows Settings” and in the search bar write “Control Panel”. In the “Configure computer settings” window, open the “Administration” section. On the page that opens, click “Services”.

On Windows 7, to access the WLAN auto-configuration service, open the “Control Panel”, then “System and Security” - “Administration” - “Services”.

  1. Launch the “Run” command by simultaneously pressing Win + R and enter services.msc. Press Enter or OK. The Services (Local) page will immediately open.

The next steps are:

  • In the large list we look for “WLAN Autoconfiguration Service”;

  • Click LMB 2 times (you can RMB and go to “Properties”);

  • A window will open where you need to click “Run” and select the startup type “Automatic”;

  • Click “OK” and “Apply”.

When the WLAN auto-configuration service on Windows is started, you need to restart your computer or laptop.


Sometimes when you try to start, you receive error 1068 “The child service could not be started.” What to do in this situation:

  • In the “Run” window we write msconfig;
  • The “System Configuration” window will open, where we select the “Normal startup” option;

  • Then click “OK” and “Apply”.

Restart your PC and try running WlanSvc again.


Have you read this article because your PC or laptop does not see wireless networks, or you cannot turn on Internet distribution? If WLAN Autoconfig is running and the problem persists, here are some other reasons for this:

  1. The wireless adapter is not installed or disabled. If you have a laptop, the hardware is built in by default. You need to buy an additional USB adapter for your desktop PC and connect it. To enable the module, go to “Device Manager”, click on “Network adapters”. Find the desired device in the list, right-click and select “Enable...”.

  1. Drivers for the adapter are outdated or missing. You can update the firmware through Device Manager. In the same place as enabling it, click “Update Driver” and follow the system prompts. You can install the software from the official website of the laptop/network adapter manufacturer.
  2. Airplane mode is enabled. To disable it on Windows 10, click on the Wi-Fi connection icon and simply click on “Airplane mode”.
  3. Access point disabled. Log into the router's web interface and go to the wireless network settings section. Check if the “Enable access point” checkbox is ticked (it’s called differently on different models).
  1. The network is hidden. This is also checked in the Wi-Fi settings on the router. If there is no checkmark next to the “Enable SSID broadcasting” item, then this network will not be visible in the list of available ones, and in order to connect to it, you need to manually enter not only the password, but also its name.

We can end here, otherwise I’ve already written too much. What do I want to say in parting? Do not experiment with operating system services. If you disable something out of ignorance, you may run into problems. I hope it was useful! Thanks and bye!