Paid clicks on the Internet for immediate money. Earn money by clicking, watching ads, reading emails and completing tasks. Like any other job, making money from clicks has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's start with the good

It’s difficult for beginners to start working on the Internet, why? Yes, because they have fears that they will not be able to learn complex activities and they will not succeed.

Don’t be afraid, it’s better to get down to business and try to earn your first money, especially since there are the easiest ways to earn money.

Making money on clicks is the easiest way to start remote earnings, without investing a penny of money.

Earning money from clicks without investment, how does it work?

Hundreds of thousands of people make money from clicks and, despite the fact that it does not bring much profit, it is actively used. Beginners are especially interested; there is no need to learn anything, which means that you can easily get started.

You don't know what making money from clicks is? This is a paid site view for which hundreds of thousands of people pay who want to advertise something on the Internet.

By making money from clicks, beginners sometimes understand different types activities. On the boxes they offer to look at sites while surfing or visit them through letters. This is the simplest type of online work, but it pays very little.

Earning money from clicks involves clicking on advertisements from different sites. Their owners receive money from advertisers for each click. For example, someone installed an advertising block on their website and receives 3 cents for each click. To increase income, he goes to the mailer and invites everyone to go to his website and click on an advertisement for 1 cent.

In this way, webmasters increase their income, and beginners can easily and quickly make a small profit online. Users often complain that this type of earnings brings in too little money. Who is stopping you from investing money in Forex or? Don't you know how? Then don’t complain about your income, this method is the simplest, it is designed for beginners, professionals work in other areas.

Earnings on clicks with instant withdrawal

Are you already interested in this type of income? Then take the first step - register with Webmoney.

This payment system has been providing electronic money management services since 1998 and there is no reason not to trust it. very simple, does not require funds and can be done in 10-15 minutes.

After opening an account with Webmoney, you will be able to register with click sponsors.

There are quite a lot of projects that pay for visiting sites; we have identified the most popular:

You should only use earnings from clicks as a side hustle. This option cannot be turned into a main job, since it is not profitable enough.

However, it does not require money or knowledge to use, which means it is ideal for beginners. Try to start with this, then move on.

Earnings on clicks from $1 to $5, is this real?

There is a lot of deception on the Internet, and scammers take advantage of the lack of experience of beginners. They promise huge income for doing the simplest work, including clicks. How many times have I come across advertisements where they offer to earn money on clicks from $1, out of curiosity I sometimes go to sites, but once again I am convinced that it is all a scam.

At the very beginning of the article there is an explanation of how to make money on the Internet from clicks. Webmasters themselves do not receive much for clicking on banners (usually up to 1 ruble). From this we can already draw conclusions. Even earning 1 ruble per click raises doubts, let alone dollars.

If we are talking about tasks, then you can find offers where they pay 1 ruble per click or even more:

However, you need to understand that the requirements in such orders are serious. You will have to not only click on the banner, but also search for the site in a search engine, clear cookies, perform internal transitions, and so on:

Just reading all the conditions will take a decent amount of time, not to mention fulfilling them. In this example, the payment is 1.1 rubles, and for this money you need to find the site in a search engine, visit 6 of its pages, click on the advertisement, and make several more transitions there. At the same time, you need to record links and take screenshots.

If we talk about surfing and letters, which are also considered earnings from clicks, then the income here is even lower. Yes, you don't need to submit any reports, read the terms and conditions, or even browse the site. But the payment is several times lower:

The attractiveness of making money on clicks can only be explained by the ease of doing the job. There is no big money in this niche, and to get it you have to spend a lot of time.

How much do you earn from clicks on the Internet?

Before you take advantage of any job, you need to find out how much income you can expect. It is impossible to give an exact figure, since rewards vary slightly. First, let's try to calculate the income when performing click tasks. It’s realistic to complete 15-25 tasks in an hour (about a ruble).

These are calculations for beginners; professionals can do it much faster due to:

  • lists with favorite tasks;
  • different programs;
  • experience.

A beginner can definitely earn 300 rubles per day of work, but it’s better not to limit yourself only to clicks, paying attention to other orders. It is worth calculating the profitability of surfing and letters. They pay about 5 kopecks for this. About 20-30 offers are received per day on one popular booking site, i.e. income is around 1-1.5 rubles. But you don’t need to work all day; browsing websites takes less than 10 minutes.

Not everyone likes to complete tasks, which is why surfing is so popular. It’s much easier to do it, and if you use 10 projects in parallel, you can definitely collect 10 rubles a day (300 rubles a month). At the same time, there is practically no need to do any work, as long as the visit is counted, you can communicate on social media. networks or watch funny videos on YouTube.

Earnings on clicks with withdrawal to Bitcoin

Cryptocurrency can also be collected in simple ways. Not many services pay in bitcoins for visiting sites, but there is one proven, high-quality project. It's called a foreign resource, it's easy to use. On home page enter your Bitcoin wallet number:

In the second step, you will need to enter your Email address and you can start earning money. At the top there is a link to the Surf Ads section. There are blocks presented there, you need to click on them one by one to open advertising sites. There is no timer, but a yellow bar moves at the top of the site until the page loads completely:

When the balance reaches more than 0.1 mBTC (0.0001 BTC), the funds are available for withdrawal. They pay up to 0.00359 mBTC per click on this site. If the referral clicks, 0.00287 mBTC is credited. There are premium accounts, you need to pay money for them in order to earn even more.

Even foreign axle boxes they don’t pay much for such simple actions, although, compared to domestic analogues, the amounts are slightly higher. On Btcclicks you can get up to 24 kopecks per click.

Earning money without clicks on email accounts

There are always additional ways to make money with click sponsors. Needless to say, there are a huge number of tasks in them. Some do not require visiting advertisers’ sites at all, for example, when performing actions in in social networks or when downloading files.

It is better to carry out instructions by constantly changing their appearance. For what? Firstly, it is possible to catch profitable options from time to time. Secondly, you don’t get tired of doing the work.

What other orders can be fulfilled?

  • registration on websites (with and without activity);
  • voting;
  • installation of mobile applications;
  • orders (the most profitable with phone confirmation);
  • various actions on social networks (earnings from likes);

One of the most famous ways to make money on the Internet, which beginners usually start with, is the so-called earnings from clicks. This name comes from the characteristic sound made when pressing the mouse button (in English “click”). What is the essence of this kind of work and why does anyone need to pay for banal mouse clicks? The fact is that this type of activity should more correctly be called earning money from viewing advertisements and various kinds of sites. On special services, certain people buy paid views of their sites from random users, so they want people to know about their brainchild. You can just act as these random users in order to earn part of the money received for services by these services. That is, in essence, you will receive money for viewing advertisements, or rather for clicking on certain links with a further transition to the advertiser’s website.

How to make money from website views and advertising on the Internet?

In order to start making money in this way, you naturally need to register on special services, which are often called active advertising systems (abbreviated as ATS), click sponsors or axle boxes. Immediately after registration, you should minimally set up your account: provide phone numbers to confirm that you are not a robot and provide payment details for further withdrawal of earned funds. After that, you simply go to the “Earn” section, which, however, different services can be called differently: visits, surfing, paid links, and the like. In this section you will see a large number of links, following which you will be redirected to the advertised site, and after 20-60 seconds of viewing the visited resource, money will be credited to your balance. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this!

However, active advertising systems allow you to earn money not only from clicks and viewing sites, but also suggest several other, often more progressive methods of earning money. These include earning money by reading emails, taking tests, and completing assignments. Let's look briefly at each of these methods.

Earning money by reading letters

Yes, there is no typo in that title, you can actually make real money by opening incoming emails, as well as by watching ads. It is organized as follows: these services very often have a section for paid letters; every day you receive from ten to fifty “e-mails”, which you must open, read carefully, answer the security question at the end of the letter and view the advertised resource, and for This is the money you are credited with. All letters are quite short and the answer to a security question can often be found only by skimming the text diagonally, so the entire process of working on each letter takes no more than one minute, and the payment for this is already two to three times more than for clicks.

Earning money by passing tests

Also on most axleboxes you can find a “Tests” section, which asks you to answer 3-4 questions about some advertised resource, a link is naturally attached. The meaning of such actions for advertisers is simple: while you are answering questions and looking for answers, you will crawl the entire advertised site up and down and thereby get acquainted with the materials provided, and for metrics search engines create the illusion that the resource you are visiting is necessary, thereby raising the site’s ranking in search results. Therefore, advertisers often post tests in this section. Of course, paying for tests is much more expensive than paying for clicks and letters.

Earning money by completing tasks

However, the most profitable activity on this type of service is completing tasks. Many advertisers place various tasks on the boxes, your completion of which brings material benefits for them, so they easily pay you for each such completion. The tasks are very different. For example, registering on any resource, or clicking on an advertisement on someone’s website or blog, voting on social networks, writing reviews or comments, and many, many others. Their meaning is obvious. Registrations are needed by those who receive royalties for each attracted partner, voting by those who want to win any competition, clicks on advertisements by those who receive money for viewing this advertisement, and so on. For us, performers, completing tasks is the most profitable and promising activity, since this is where the main money is made. In terms of time, each task takes from two to fifteen minutes, and the payment for the simplest tasks, such as clicking on an advertised site, is approximately 30 times more than for simple clicks or reading letters.

Initially, completing tasks seems like a rather difficult task - you need to read the terms, visit sites, copy links, paste them into the report. But after just two or three days of work, you will quickly get the hang of it and be able to complete 30-50 tasks a day, receiving good money for it. Moreover, many tasks are reusable: you simply add them to your favorites and perform them every day, bringing this task to complete automation.

Where to make money on clicks, viewing emails, tests and tasks

There are a great many services for this type of activity in the domestic segment of the Internet, some of them are honest, some of them are not so much, in some places there is a lot of work, and in others there is unimaginably little. It can be very difficult for beginners to figure out what's what. Therefore, here are the TOP 5 sites for making money on clicks, letters, tests and tasks.

In addition to the sites discussed here, there are at least fifty similar services on the Internet that practice making money on clicks, but it is not recommended to contact most of them. It is unlikely that you will find much work there, most likely there will be no more than ten advertised links per day, which will only take away your precious time. But if you are still persistent, brave and decisive, then here are a couple more projects for you that deserve attention:

Referral system: increase earnings by attracting partners

Within the framework of this article, it has already been mentioned several times that additional income can be received by inviting certain referrals. A referral is a person who has registered for a project by following your referral (affiliate) link. This link is individual for each user; you can get it by going to a special section that is available on any service for making money on clicks. For example, on Seosprint, to receive this link you need to go to the “Invite referrals” menu section. Just copy your link and forward it to your friends and acquaintances detailed instructions earnings on this particular site. If you have your own website or blog, you can post an article there about making money and referral links from all the projects in which you are registered. You can read more about the process of growing your partner base in the article.

You're probably wondering: Why invite referrals at all? The fact is that by inviting partners, you will receive a percentage of the income they bring to the system, regardless of whether your friend is an advertiser or an employee. At the same time, the referral himself does not lose anything from the fact that he registered using your link, since nothing decreases from his earnings; it is the system that allocates additional money for the fact that you brought them an extra client. So don’t be afraid to be someone’s referral; below we’ll tell you why it’s even more profitable than being an independent worker.

In order for referrals to work well, the referrer (the person who invited them to the system) organizes various competitions for them, allocates bonuses for them or sets up a refback, that is, gives them part of his income, which he receives at their expense. This means that if you don’t have a referrer, then you will only earn less. Therefore, be sure to join someone if you did not do so when registering.

If you do not have a referrer and you registered on the site yourself, then you will receive less than if you had one. Being someone’s referral is more profitable than having imaginary freedom.

Also, if you have your own referrals, do not forget to work with them: organize competitions, set bonuses and refback. The latter, by the way, is automatic on most projects, and your refback is greater, the higher your rating. In other words, the more you work and bring benefits to your referrer, the more money he returns to you and the more profitable it is for you to work on any project.

If attracting referrals is not your thing, don’t be upset, they are not as useful as it seems. Not every person who registers stays working; some quit as soon as they start. Therefore, it is profitable to either have thousands of referrals or not have them at all, because earning money from clicks and tasks is possible even without partners. As a last resort, each project has a so-called “referral exchange” or fair, where you can buy any employee for yourself. But when buying, be careful - don’t buy too expensive referrals, they take a long time to pay off, don’t buy inactive workers either - look at the statistics for a specific person before you buy, otherwise there will be little sense from dead souls - you’ll only lose money.

The most effective way to make money on axleboxes

Let's now figure out how to make money from clicks in the most effective way. Let's look at a number of simple rules.

How much can you earn from clicks?

Let's now figure out how much you can earn from various activities on axleboxes. As you can understand, the actual earnings from clicks are not that big; you can, of course, do this, but only for the first time, to get a taste of the money. Other actions are more expensive. Compare for yourself:

  • Clicks - from 1 to 7 kopecks;
  • Letters - from 4 to 7 kopecks;
  • Tests - from 10 to 25 kopecks;
  • Tasks start from 50 kopecks and are practically unlimited; the cost depends on the complexity of the task. Occasionally there are tasks for 100-300 rubles, but you will have to spend several hours of your time on them.

Therefore, if you only deal with clicks and letters, then you are unlikely to earn more than 10 rubles a day, but if you use all the capabilities of axleboxes, you can earn up to several thousand a month. Many active participants achieve this. To make it clearer, I’ll give you the statistics of my personal income on the services listed on this page.

Earning service Work period Number of completed actions, number of referrals Total earned Earned in the last month
Seosprint since February 2011 19638 clicks,
2528 letters,
321 tests,
812 tasks,
49 referrals
111258 rubles 514 rubles
Socpublic since December 2014 1333 visits,
426 letters,
338 tasks,
348 referrals
98472 rubles 1682 rubles
Wmmail since September 2010 4004 letters,
55 surfing,
65 tasks,
127 referrals
$492 $5.91
SEO-fast since September 2014 5903 clicks,
886 letters,
615 tests,
13 tasks,
86 referrals
13612 rubles 124 rubles since December 2016 1608 clicks (surfing sites)
99 referrals
2065 rubles 57 rubles
Profitcenter since November 2014 1373 clicks,
88 letters,
24 referrals
4961 ruble 137 rubles
WmrOK since December 2014 General statistics are not provided,
14 referrals
1389 rubles 17 rubles

Of course, this table does not take into account income from referrals; it does not indicate how many of them are active, and it also does not take into account income from sales of referrals on exchanges and fairs. However, nevertheless, from this analysis it is quite feasible to draw conclusions about the prospects of a particular earning service. Thus, the table shows that the undisputed leaders are Socpublic and Seosprint, and recently it is Socpublic that has occupied a leading position in the niche, which is clearly demonstrated by the graph of personal income from the three leading sites for 2016. The vertical axis shows the monthly income in rubles from each of the given sites.

It is also clearly visible from this diagram that the main earnings are made in the winter months and the beginning of spring, when the weather leaves no chance for walks and there is nothing more to do than sit at the computer and increase wealth.

What are autosurfers and is it worth contacting them?

Recently, there has been an increasing trend on the Internet of advertising programs and browser extensions for making money on autosurfing. The basic principle in them comes down to installing a special software, which automatically broadcasts advertisements in some area of ​​the browser while you are just surfing the Internet. The most popular services for such activities are Surfearner and P2P.

At first glance, this method is quite attractive, since earnings occur fully automatically, but it is not possible to earn something worthwhile this way. There are no miracles here and no one will pay good money for passive viewing of advertising, so most experienced Internet users prefer to avoid this type of “profit” so as not to waste their time, which can be spent with much greater profit.

Prospects for the direction: conclusion and conclusions

Thus, we will try to summarize how promising the type of activity in question is. Of course, as you probably already understood, earnings from clicks in themselves only bring in a small amount of money. However, if you don’t give up everything on the first day, delve into the depths of each project and add to this craft completing tasks, participating in competitions, and for some, attracting referrals, then you can achieve some success. So, if you look, for example, at Socpublic ratings, there is a whole number of users who earn several hundred rubles a day without any referrals or investments in advertising, there is a separate caste of referral providers who receive thousands of rubles a month by attracting partners, and there are simply users who are content with completing two or three dozen tasks every day and receive their hundred rubles of additional income, perhaps having some kind of main employment at the enterprise. In any case, for those who are just starting the timid path of working on the Internet, this method opens up broad horizons and allows you to get the first feelings of freedom and independence by carrying out your work activities remotely.

Readers' opinions, best comments

31.07.2018 11:55

A very informative article. I recently started making money on Socpublic, and the results are more than impressive. It does not take much time and brings, albeit small, profit. Large selection tasks for every taste, lots of letters and lots of surfing! The main advantage for me is that working on the Internet can be easily combined with studying at a university without compromising academic performance. I was also pleased with the tasks like “leave a review, write a comment.” This way I get practice in copywriting and, in addition, a small profit! I plan to take referrals (I haven’t had any experience with the referral system yet), I hope to increase my profits.

05.06.2018 16:59

Eh, it’s a pity that I didn’t come across this article earlier, everything is described in detail, but I had to get to all the subtleties at random. I registered in December for a seosprint, also after reading an article that seemed convincing to me, under a referrer, I am working actively, but I don’t see any refback yet, the referrer did not respond to my letter with a question. I started, of course, with surfing, but quickly moved on to tasks, now there are about 20 reusable ones in my favorites, although they are inexpensive - up to three rubles, but I almost never take on registration tasks. I decided not to contact referrals, but at the end of December I registered on socpublic; on one forum I was invited by a referrer who liked my activity on SEO. And indeed, I manage to work simultaneously, in parallel, often in turns on both sites. Things got more fun; on the second site I started getting refback almost immediately. My status is still low, but I think I will be able to leave reviews soon. In this article I found a few more tricks that will help me increase my productivity. Thanks, I'm off to try...

04.02.2018 08:53

The selection is not bad, but personally I spend the most time on Socpublic and here’s why... Indeed, this project is one of the few that should be paid close attention to. Firstly: his experience, the first version of the project was launched back in 2008, and a year later I joined him. Secondly: an unobtrusive, friendly interface, completely conducive to work and a diverse set of types of earnings (tasks, letters, visits, surfing). Thirdly: all kinds of stimulation for active (!) work, both with money and additional status points. Fourth: its own agent, which significantly increases the number of available sites for those who like to surf. Fifthly: you can increase your status and earn points not only in the earnings section, but also in the communication sections (the main thing is not to flood). Well, and most importantly, the number of tasks (and the main income is based on them) is so large and varied that your earnings will be limited only by the amount of time devoted to it.

Yes, I almost forgot - payments on the project are instant.

11.09.2017 03:23

I didn’t expect that working on axle boxes would be so interesting. I have been doing this recently and I am attracted not by a feeling of greed and a thirst for quick money, but by interesting and varied tasks, when performing which you can learn a lot of useful and useful information. important information, which allows me to satisfy my information hunger. Although the earnings are small, but as popular wisdom says, a penny saves a ruble.

01.09.2017 05:50

An excellent article, detailed and useful, especially for beginners in this business who do not know and do not understand what and how to do. It is difficult for them to find among all the sites those with which you can really make money, get a good profit, and not some pennies. Only true facts and no fluff, as often happens in articles on a similar topic. It’s a pity I didn’t read such an article earlier; I would have saved my nerves wasted on sites where you can’t make money. The same flybox, for example, doesn’t do anything, it’s just a waste of time. For me, socpublic comes first, probably because this is my first site where I registered, and there are a lot of new tasks. Sometimes I earned a couple of hundred in 10 days. Well done admin, thank you for your work and your article. Good luck to you in everything!

25.08.2017 14:42

There are a lot of cool sites, I didn’t even know that more than half of them actually pay money. I always thought that this was all a scam and I myself started making money on such sites a week ago. I haven’t tried to withdraw money yet, but I think it’s true. And the article is very interesting, it even helped me understand a little how to better manage things on such services.

23.08.2017 13:08

I found out a lot of interesting things for myself, an instructive and useful review. All these boxes are excellent, in my opinion, for making money, albeit small, but at least something. If you play in your free time or do nonsense out of idleness, you can earn at least a penny. For example, I learned to earn a hundred rubles a day and this is just joy for me, I make money out of nothing. A good, so to speak, increase to the basic salary, in general, I advise you to register and get to an excellent referrer, great earnings and success to everyone!

22.08.2017 10:35

The article is good, it shows the realities of making money on the Internet. Although you won’t earn much, it’s nice to get a pretty penny. And if you have your own channel on YouTube and you promote sites and send referral links, you can make great money without doing anything. Not everyone can do this, but it can be achieved. The best way to earn money, in my opinion, is to work on completing tasks. In just an hour you can withdraw 30-50 rubles if you are a beginner and have no referrals. Well, as they say, you can’t catch a fish out of the pond without work.

08/12/2017 17:13s

Thanks to the author for the wonderful article! It will help many people understand and figure out what and how. I’ve been making money on various axleboxes for some time now, of course it’s hard to call it income, it’s more like passive income. I manage to make about 45-60 rubles a day on tasks and surfing, I haven’t been able to do more so far. But in your article I found more interesting examples of axle boxes, so now I hope to increase my income.

07.08.2017 22:26

Excellent and informative article, I discovered a lot of new things. I’m new to this business (I’ve been working on axle boxes for no more than a year), but I’ve already realized something for myself. What I like most about the project is that there is no minimum withdrawal amount and there are always a lot of different tasks. I prefer to earn money by completing paid tasks (you can’t earn much from surfing, letters and visits...) As for other services, I sometimes work part-time on, but I don’t like this site because I have to constantly enter a captcha when logging into my account , as well as the presence of a minimum withdrawal amount. If we talk about the remaining axle boxes, I tried to work on them before - but there are significantly fewer tasks there than on the two main projects I mentioned.

06.08.2017 09:15

I make money online, and of course I come across scammers. Before you start working on a particular site, read reviews and comments about it; I realized that you should always do this when I fell for a scam several times. By browsing websites and completing tasks, you can earn a minimum of 5 rubles per day (I got 18 + 28 rubles for checking yesterday). Happy search for income! Good luck to everyone!

05.08.2017 06:51

An interesting article that fully describes how to make money on axleboxes. I myself have been doing this type of online part-time work for a long time and have already gotten used to it quite well. You can make money this way, the main thing is to delve into all the nuances and not run away after the first impressions. The main advice is to work, work and work again. And the return will come, well, it’s just like in life. It is also important to choose a mentor who will reveal all the nuances to you. As a last resort, each axle box has a forum where you can find everything you need.

Go for it, newbies!

04.08.2017 13:50

Recently I began to engage in these activities. I always thought they paid pennies and it was all a scam. But I took a chance. He started his career with I tried many different sites, but this one suited me personally. Excellent design, there is constant income and you can always withdraw at any time. Minimum 5 kopecks. You can earn about 20 rubles per day from clicks, which means 600 rubles per month. And if you work like this on 5 sites, then you can earn 100 rubles a day, which turns out to be about 3000 a month. It won’t be superfluous to anyone, you’ll agree.

03.08.2017 09:57

The article turned out to be quite informative, I have been working on several axle boxes for several years now, but some things interested me. I see that many people put Social Public at the forefront, but for me it somehow lags behind others, I can’t collect optimal tasks (price/time of completion) into favorites. I like WMmail and SeoSprint more in this regard, although in the last six months it has also slowed down a bit. But by and large, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Another important thing is to find a good referrer who runs frequent and generous competitions, plus gives bonuses for a certain number of completed tasks or clicks. After all, when you participate in a competition, the excitement turns on and you more carefully look for all the ways to make money on this book. I noticed that where the best referrer is, the activity increases significantly!

31.07.2017 12:44

An interesting and useful article, everything is described in detail! Thank you very much for your work, for writing such an excellent review that helps you make money. I would also like to note that I have already started making money on some axleboxes, such as social public and email, but this site helped me identify more axleboxes, worth attention and naturally, using your recommendations, I will start earning money there too. Special thanks for the profit, because it was thanks to your article, and the site as well, that I began to earn more. I will be checking your site regularly from now on, thank you!

28.07.2017 20:10

There are time-tested sites on which you can work and there will be no headaches. The most important thing is the withdrawal of earned money. If this happens without problems, then you can work calmly. So good luck! And the post is really interesting and useful not only for beginners, but also for those who have been working for many years. Earning money from clicks is actually a good way to earn money. I started working with this and am working now.

The best, proven sites (books) for making money on clicks on the Internet, which pay honestly without scams or deception, I recommend them based on personal experience.

SOCPUBLIC com make money on the Internet paid tasks reviews

  • qcomment
  • SMMOK-fb
  • smmok-yt
  • VkSerfing
  • Forumok (Forumok)
  • v-like
  • socialtools
  • sarafanka (sundress)
  • seosprint
  • prospero
  • cashbox
  • likesrock
  • bosslike
  • BestLiker

SEOSPRINT reviews scam or not 2017

The best site to make money from clicks. Pays regularly, good reviews, a great place where you can start making money on the Internet right now, suitable for any beginner, schoolchild, teenager.
The minimum amount for withdrawing funds from the Seosprint system is only 2 rubles.

A site similar to seosprint pays, without scams or deception. Not a bad source of additional income, you can’t earn decent amounts of money, click sponsor sites are, in principle, not suitable for this. But there is always work - surfing, letters, tests, assignments, competitions. On SEO-FAST.RU - you can easily and quickly earn your first WMR.
Payments are automatic with no minimum amount.

WMRFAST is the best place to earn money reviews

WMRFAST is a new, promising site for making money on clicks without investments, invitations and deception, with instant payments to the popular payment systems Qiwi Wallet, Yandex Money, WebMoney.

WMROK fast and good earnings on clicks and inexpensive advertising sites reviews

WMROK - offers simple, fast and good earnings from clicks on the Internet, reviews about the site are positive, there are automatic payments to Qiwi, WebMoney and Yandex.


The analogue of SEOSPRINT, however, is not so popular, but the payment is in dollars. Therefore, you need a WMZ wallet (WebMoney dollar wallet). There are few tasks for surfing and reading letters.
The minimum wage is not more than $0.20 (20 cents).

WMMAIL earnings on clicks in dollars

An old, proven site - a mailer. There are more than 10 years!!!, payments are made in dollars. There are a lot of letters coming in, more than on SEOSPRINT. You can earn a lot of money, not only from clicks and paid tasks, but also by writing articles.
Minimum wage at WMMAIL.RU: $0.10 (10 cents), wait up to 3 working days.

WMZONA profitable earnings on the Internet

An analogue of WMMAIL, previously one of the best boxes in RuNet for making money on the Internet by clicks, the reviews are good. There are a lot of tasks for surfing and reading letters. Minimum wage at WMZONA.RU: relatively high $0.50 (50 cents), fast withdrawal of money.

Earning money on PROFITCENTR (profit center) reviews scam or not

Another analogue of SEO SPRINT, but the worst one is that you can catch a virus while surfing, I don’t recommend making money in this mailer.

It is not necessarily accompanied by a high level of knowledge and professionalism of the performer. Among the many different types of income, we can highlight those that are available to everyone.

Earn money on the Internet by clicks, the simplest type of activity, which you can do on the Internet and get paid for it. What does earning from clicks mean? It is easy to explain the essence of this type of activity.

Website owners, in order to make a profit, install advertising blocks on their projects and receive payments for each visitor click on an advertisement. Everyone wants to earn a little more on the Internet, so web masters use special projects that pay money for clicks on advertisements.

In this case, you act as a person interested in advertising and click on advertising block, for which you get paid. In other words, the site owner shares his profit with you, and you help increase it.

How to make money on clicks without investment?

As you may have guessed, this type of income can be made even by minor Internet users, but it has low productivity. On the other hand, you will find yourself a useful activity that, if active, will bring a stable profit.

Before introducing you to projects where you can make money on the Internet from clicks, I would like to draw your attention to the need to create an electronic wallet. The Webmoney payment system allows you to receive an electronic account in just a few minutes, and you must go through the registration procedure.

Otherwise, you will not be able to register for some projects or you will not be able to withdraw money from the service.

Why Webmoney? Because with this payment system many click projects have been optimized, and also because this service is the most popular and stable.

Earnings from clicks 2017

Many different resources have been added to this exchanger monitoring. You need to indicate what you are giving away and what electronic money you plan to receive. After this, a list opens in which you can view reserves and reviews:

All exchangers are verified, so there should be no problems. You need to choose those sites that are installed in first place, since the rate may vary greatly. As you can see, the difference between the first and last exchanger is more than 2000 rubles when exchanging one Bitcoin.

Bitcoin earnings on the Internet by clicks without investments

Now let's look at a few best systems, offering to easily receive cryptocurrency. Basically, you will also need to open sites, enter captcha, and so on:

Coinad. This project also pays in Bitcoins, and you will work on it by browsing websites and completing simple tasks.

Unfortunately, the interface is in English, but it’s not difficult to understand. The currency used inside the system is mBTC, don’t worry, it can be exchanged for Bitcoin automatically.

  1. . You can earn money here on clicks without investing, but if you buy an upgrade, you will earn many times more. At night, there are more sites available to view. For additional income We offer rental of referrals for a week. You can withdraw from 0.0001 BTC, but when the amount is less than 0.01 BTC, a commission of 1.5% is charged.
  2. . Simple earnings from clicks with this system are used by many users. Here is a unique opportunity to win $200 in just one click. Your balance must be more than 0.00005480 BTC in order for your money to be withdrawn automatically next Sunday. Funds arrive within 24 hours.

The Russian language is available here, and they pay 5% of the income of invited clients. Payments of rewards are carried out automatically and instantly; the system has made more than 4 million payments.

If you are interested in this type of earnings and want to receive Bitcoins for such simple work, we recommend reading about Earning Bitcoins by surfing and clicking, in this article we presented 5 best services to receive this cryptocurrency.

Earning money from clicks is the easiest way to start making a profit on the Internet. Anyone can try to do this, but I would like to say right away that don’t count on huge incomes, this is The best way for a part-time job, but it doesn’t bring much profit.

Judging by the reviews of users who work in this niche, not everyone is happy with their income. This is natural, because the method was invented for beginners, and it does not bring that much money. In addition, even here you need to know about some tricks and important points, this helps increase your income:

  • It is better to concentrate attention on tasks and not just click ones. For visiting the site they pay 5 kopecks, and the minimum for a completed task is 50 kopecks, this is much more profitable;
  • almost all click tasks are reusable, so they are ideal for adding to your favorites and then constantly performing them;
  • All sites for making money on clicks have affiliate program. It is profitable to invite referrals; interest is passively accrued on their profits;
  • When selecting tasks on axleboxes, you need to apply filters. Firstly, sort by rating, secondly, compare rewards;
  • You can earn more on clicks when you combine several methods (for example, you look at sites while surfing and simultaneously complete tasks);
  • if there are no more sites in surfing and normal tasks are over, change the IP and continue working ();
  • Although earning money from clicks is simple, you have to devote a lot of time to it, otherwise the income will be too low;
  • use the program, it saves links from the browser. This is useful for drawing up a report on a completed task;
  • If the description of a click order is too long, it is better to simply close it; execution speed is important here.

Beginners are not always able to collect decent amounts. All these recommendations will help you work more efficiently and make more profit with the same amount of time. Despite the simplicity of the method, the performers also need experience.

How much do you earn from advertising clicks?

As already mentioned, do not believe in making money on clicks from 1 dollar per click. Some users cannot even collect this amount in a day (they need to complete almost 100 tasks). The maximum earnings are $0.1 per click, and in most cases it does not exceed 1 cent or 50-60 kopecks.

To calculate how much money you should expect, let's look at the statistics of one of my referrals. For a week, he logged into Seosprint every day and did various jobs. Every day he viewed about 70 sites (surfing + letters). Taking into account the average remuneration of 5 kopecks, it comes out to 3.5 rubles per day:

Tests bring much more (about 25 kopecks). This is also a similar type of earning money from clicks, only you need to answer questions. There are 25 tests per day, the total income is another 6.25 rubles. He also performed click tasks, on average 20 per day. Let’s assume that 1 ruble per click was his earnings, plus another 20 rubles per day.

The total profit was almost 30 rubles (900 rubles per month). Too few? But such work does not require any investments or special skills. Moreover, in this example, the user spent less than an hour a day working. He loves to play Online Games, spends a lot of time at the computer and, in parallel with the game, visits websites.

Hello, dear readers of the business magazine!

Today you will learn about a rather unusual, but very popular way of making a profit on the Internet - making money on clicks.

We will talk about this topic in detail: where to start, how to act in the most effective way and how much you can actually earn “from clicks”.

We should immediately warn readers that earning money from clicks is the entry level for those who want to earn money on the Internet without investment.

This method of earning money is suitable for students, high school students and all people who have enough free time that they want to spend with benefit for their wallet.

The clicks will not bring very big profits, but for pocket expenses, food, internet payments, mobile communications and going to the movies will definitely be enough for you. You can even accumulate some capital if you do not spend this money and live on other income.

1. How much can a beginner earn from clicks?

In a nutshell, the meaning of this profit-making system is as follows: you get money for viewing advertising information or pictures on the advertiser’s websites.

No other actions are required from the user: you just need to visit the site. For viewing, a certain amount is transferred to the user’s account - usually a few hundredths of a cent. It would seem that everything is simple - click and make a profit. But there is a nuance - on some sites you need to spend a certain time - for example, 20-30 seconds, only after that the visit will be counted. These requirements (the required amount of time spent on the site) are indicated in the task itself.

TO this species Making money online also includes the following types of commercial activities:

  • Reading paid advertising letters;
  • Clicks on advertising banners;
  • Various ways to increase website traffic.

Another name for this type of earnings is surfing the Internet. In this case, surfing means not just browsing websites for entertainment or educational purposes, but visiting resources using various active advertising services with a certain pay-per-view rate.

As for the specific amounts of earnings, they largely depend on the perseverance, patience and desire of the user to earn money. On average, without overwork and without straining, you can earn $5-10 a day. If you want to earn more, you need to find more complex ways - for example, attracting referrals.

2. The best sites (books) for making money on clicks

There are dozens of sites on the Internet where you can make money using advertising services, but the most popular and reliable in terms of payments are:


In fact, the first two sites will be enough for a start, especially since they are the most efficient and honest in matters of remuneration.

There are about 200 thousand registered users on, which already says a lot. This is the most popular and popular site that offers its users a bunch of varied work every day.

You can engage in classic surfing*, paid letters, paid tasks, and also attract referrals*, from whose income you will also receive a certain percentage.

At first, everything on the website for making money seems complicated, but after registration and the first earnings, you can act almost automatically.

Users who want to do more interesting work will also find creative tasks here.

Another popular and relevant project is

Besides classical methods making money on clicks for beginners there are many other, higher paying and original tasks.

The site even offers the opportunity to gradually climb the career ladder, where at each level you will be rewarded with free referrals.

There are also various bonuses and competitions, the essence of which is to complete simple tasks. This is one of the best places on the network to make money online.

The project is interesting, among other things, because it has an excellent user forum.

Every day you can find many new and useful articles about making money online. The site has a nice and functional interface and convenient navigation.

Another advantage is that there is no minimum withdrawal limit: you can transfer any amount to your account. In essence, this is a classic way of making money on clicks with instant withdrawal of money: the dream of any user.

We hope that the information you learn will help you increase your income.

3. Earning money from clicks - step-by-step instructions for beginners

Making money online from clicks on the Internet is affordable and very simple. To do this, you just need to follow the instructions below.

Some guys who managed to earn money this way say that they can withdraw up to $50 a week, but this requires spending a lot of time. Although, if you have it, why not make it an additional source of income for yourself.

Step #1.

We create an electronic wallet There are many payment systems on the Internet, but most sites work with WebMoney wallets

, Qiwi-Wallet, YandexMoney, Skrill.

A significant portion of users prefer to use the services of the WebMoney system. Creating a WebMoney wallet is quite simple, but you should take this step seriously, since money issues require a serious approach.

On the official website of WebMoney ( you will fill out a fairly detailed form about yourself (you will need to provide your passport details, official and actual address and other information).

Then, to activate your account, you will need to download a special client program, WebMoney Keeper.

If you provide real data and carefully follow the instructions on the website, there should be no problems with your wallet in the future.

All financial transactions in the system are carried out with additional checks and protection codes.

Step #2.

Find sites and register

After that, you find a site you like for making a profit on clicks (it’s better to choose axleboxes from the list presented above) and register there. If you want to receive in dollars, choose American sites. For those who want to receive payment for completing tasks in rubles, there are also options.

The registration procedure is intuitive and will not cause difficulties for a person with a basic level of computer skills.

We advise you to provide real data, as this may be important in the future in case of disputes regarding payments. On some sites (for example, on you can watch a special video course on making money from clicks.

Step #3.

We carry out tasks

Gradually you will be able to move on to more complex, expensive and interesting tasks. Good moneymakers* are always at a premium, and if your skill level regularly increases, you have the opportunity to move on to individual tasks on more favorable terms for you.

Moneymaker- (Moneymaker) literally means “a person who earns (makes) money.”