The best blogs to make money. How to make money on a blog? Creation of blogs. Earning money from affiliate programs: blog for traffic monetization

April 27, 2018

Good day, dear readers. In today's article, I decided to touch on the topic of making money on a blog. Every blogger, sooner or later, decides to monetize his resource and make money from it. This is quite normal. We all need money, and if there is an opportunity to make money on your blog, then why not do it.

Creating a blog to make money

Today, anyone can create a blog to make money. This does not require special programming knowledge, as was the case before. It is enough to download the ready-made engine, and, or use the function automatic installation which has hosting Beget.

The first steps in creating a blog should look like this:

  1. You must decide on the topic. This point is very important; earning money from a blog depends on it. But you shouldn’t choose a topic that you don’t understand at all. So, you should think about this from the beginning. If the topic of your blog is not commercial enough, then before creating a blog, you should read books, articles, and other sources of information on the topic that interests you, so that you have something to write about.
  2. Come up with a domain name for your resource. I have already written about how to choose the right domain name. All you have to do is read.
  3. You must choose hosting. There are tons of them on the Internet. To begin with, you need relatively cheap but high-quality hosting. You can learn more about this topic from the article:.
    I recommend the hosting provider Beget, it is very high quality and affordable for everyone. For less than 2,000 rubles, you can order hosting for a year, with 10 GB on SSD, and a free domain in the ru or RF zone.
  4. You also need to pay attention to the choice of design for your blog. You can choose a free template from the Internet and bring it to working condition yourself. Or order a 100% ready-made template from specialists or freelancers. It's up to you to decide, but one way or another, the design should be pleasing to the eye and meet the standards search engines.
  5. Next you need to create a semantic core for your topic. That is, all the key queries for which your blog will be promoted online. I will soon write an article on this topic. This process is very long, and you need to analyze the competitiveness of key queries. If possible, it is better to use the Rokee service, and professionals will take care of this matter and also promote your resource.
  6. And the last stage is installing the blog on hosting and starting to fill it with quality content.

After completing the above steps, you should have a fully functioning blog. Then all you have to do is write articles and promote the site.

In order to create a blog to make money and promote it correctly, it is better to learn from professionals. Go to link, sign up for training, and in a few days you will become as professional as they are.

Why do you need to make money from a Blog?

Making money on a blog can be compared to a small business. Why do people do business, do you think?

That's right, in order to earn money and not depend on other people. You can blog while working and create an additional source of income.

Ways to make money on a blog

You need to monetize the resource different ways. It is impossible to make decent money on a blog on content advertising alone. In addition, you need to teach your articles to bring you money. Next I will talk about ways to make money on a blog.

  1. contextual advertising

On many Internet resources, you have probably seen banners where various products or services are advertised in the form of links or graphics.

To make money from contextual advertising, you need to register with yandex direct or google adsense, design a block with advertising, and embed the resulting code in the place you need on the site (articles, sidebar, etc.).

  1. Partnership programs

Training courses

  1. Alexander Borisov School– For each client you attract, you will receive 20% of the cost of training.
  2. Courses from Evgeny Popov– You can advertise the information products of this Internet entrepreneur, and also earn on each course, from 800 rubles. up to 2000 rub.
  3. GeekBrains– They pay 1000 rubles for each attracted client.
  4. Knowledge base of Vasily Blinov– Courses on creating, promoting and making money on a website (blog).

Hostings and domains

  1. Runs– Affiliate hosting services.
  2. Makhost- Hosting services
  3.— Domain name registration and hosting services
  4. TimeWeb— Hosting services and dedicated servers.

Services for website promotion

  1. Seolib- Seo-Audit of the site and checking positions in social media. Networks
  2. AllPosition- Monitoring, analysis and verification of the site in the PS.
  3. ChechTrust- Analysis of site trust and purchase of links.
  4. GoGetLinks- Service for buying and selling links.
  5. RotaPost- Service for buying and selling advertising on websites.

Trading, Investments

  1. BKSForex– Affiliate program of a brokerage company. They pay for the trading volume of your attracted clients. That is, such an affiliate program can bring you profit for many months or years.
  2. WelTrade- Large broker in the foreign exchange market. About 12 years in this business, and more than 100,000 satisfied traders.

Selling goods

  1. e-Commerce– official Aliexpress affiliate program. You can advertise various products from the Aliekpress service, and receive a reward for each product purchased from this site. The affiliate program also cooperates with many large online stores.
  2. Litres– You can advertise books and make money from it.

You can find thousands of affiliate programs online, but you need to earn money on similar topics. If your blog is about traveling around the world, then it is unlikely to be normal to advertise potency remedies or any medications. It would be more correct if you register in the affiliate program of a travel agency or hotel, and offer your readers hot tours across countries and affordable hotel rooms.

  1. Selling banners

You can make money on your blog by selling banners. When it becomes popular, people may turn to you to buy advertising banners. Usually, this type advertising, paid for a certain time (week, month.).

There are also special banner exchanges where you can place space to sell a banner on your blog. Here is one popular service: Rotaban.

Before selling, check the prices of your competitors. If you put a banner up for sale at a non-competitive price, you won’t earn any money.

  1. Your products and services

If you are a professional in some field, you can create and then sell information products, handicrafts, and much more on your blog. For example, you can create a section with products on your blog and sell various personalized mugs and T-shirts. But for this, your blog must be popular.

In addition to goods and knowledge, with the help of a blog, you can sell your services (Help in creating a blog, installing a website on hosting, website analysis, legal services, etc.). To do this, you need to create a separate page with prices for your services and contact information.

Selling information products brings in quite decent money. You can earn 500 thousand or more per month, of course, as long as your product is interesting to customers. If you create an affiliate program, you won't even have to advertise it. Others will do this for you.

  1. Selling articles

You can also sell feature articles on your blog. This way of making money on a blog could be added to point 4: your products and services, because the cost of custom-made articles should also be present on a special page for these purposes. But I decided to describe it separately.

Many bloggers write custom articles on their website that are similar in topic. Now large companies advertise their products via the Internet. Of great interest for advertising are youtube channels and information resources. For example: a large bank can easily order an article on a financial blog about the advantages of their credit cards, and instructions for registration. Such advertising is quite effective and does not require large expenses, like advertising on TV. And the effect from it will last for many months, and even years.

The cost of custom articles depends on the audience of your blog, and the topic of course.

  1. Selling links

In addition to content advertising, banners, and affiliate programs oh, you can make money on a blog by selling links. Their cost depends on the size of your blog, or rather on the tits, pr. The higher these indicators, the more expensive the link will cost.

Advantages and disadvantages

Creating and maintaining a blog is not such an easy job. As with everything, there are also disadvantages and positive aspects. So we will look at them now. As usual, let's start with the positive:


  1. Freedom for yourself. You are not obligated to anyone, and no one can dictate to you here. You are your own master. This is actually a big positive moment in this area.
  2. Free work schedule. You can work on your blog both during the day and at night. It all depends on your preference. You can also work while traveling and on vacation.
  3. Great opportunities for income growth. In fact, you can make very decent money from blogging. I don't remember which magazine, or information portal, I read about one young lady who created a blog and started making money from it, and later this hobby turned into a good business. She created several more blogs, hired a couple of copywriters to write articles, and created a fairly profitable business, with a profit of about a million rubles a month. And she said she wasn’t going to stop there. Just like that, take an example.
  4. Opportunity to develop. To fill your blog with quality content, you will have to read a lot, on various topics. I think this is cool, because reading is food for the brain, and with this work, you will not degrade.
  5. Free time. Unlike the usual office work, which starts at 9-10 am and until 6-8 pm, to blog, you will need 3-4 hours a day. More precisely, at the beginning, while yours is young, and you learn to write articles quickly, you will have to work hard. Once your blog grows and you start making good money, you have a choice. Then work on its development yourself, or order articles on the stock exchange Advego. But one way or another, you will have much more free time than at a regular job. It’s worth adding here that I don’t recommend anyone quit their job. On the contrary, it is better to combine a blog (hobby) with work.


  1. We'll have to be patient. You must understand that search engines are programmed so that every young site cannot get into the top results. Essentially, your blog will initially be flagged as a new site and search engines will start following it. If it is regularly filled with high-quality content, there are no viruses, no advertising, and others. That's why I categorically do not recommend placing advertising on a young site. Let the site grow a little from the beginning. You can only monetize articles with affiliate programs, and then you need to close these links.
  2. You need to register an IP (Individual Entrepreneur). In the beginning, as long as your earnings on the blog are in the region of several thousand rubles, you can easily withdraw from web-money or other electronic wallets without any problems. But when your income increases, it is advisable to register as an individual entrepreneur and earn money transparently. In addition, it is more convenient to immediately deposit your earnings from a blog into a bank account.
  3. Competition. A blog is a business, and like all businesses, there is competition. There are thousands of blogs on similar topics online, and new ones appear every day, but the top positions in search results remain. You have to compete with them in one way or another key queries. Only high-quality content and patience will help here, and over time, if you blog correctly, the long-awaited result will appear.


That's all, dear readers. From the beginning, let's summarize: From this article, you learned in what ways you can make money on a blog, and why you should do it. On the most important question, namely: Do you need to create a blog to make money or not? You must give yourself the answer. No one will decide for you.

What is a blog and how to create one? Where is the best place to start your personal blog? Is it possible to create a blog to make money online for free?

A blog is not only a way to tell the world about everything that worries you, but also a promising platform for making money. Thousands of people are making money right now with their blog.. Want to join their number? Read this article!

Denis Kuderin is with you, an expert on financial topics at HeatherBober magazine. I will tell, how to create a blog and why it is needed, how to properly organize the monetization of your resource, what is domain And hosting and how Yandex and Google will help us promote our blog.

That's not all: the most patient will get a review of the best online platforms for creating a blog, plus tips, how to avoid typical mistakes neophyte bloggers.

1. Blogging – a way of self-expression or good income?

Blogs are websites whose main content is regular posts with posts, pictures, videos and multimedia content.

As you can see, the definition of a blog is quite broad and largely arbitrary. Blogs are also called full-fledged author’s websites, as well as accounts on Instagram and Twitter. A typical example of a blog is a page on LiveJournal, the author of which periodically publishes entries about what is happening in his life, in the city, in the country, in the world and gives a personal assessment of all this.

How is a blog different from a regular website? By and large, nothing. Unless the blog is more focused on live communication with readers and is tied to chronological order.

Anyone has the right to comment on blog posts, argue with the author, praise him or criticize him.

I will highlight the most popular goals for creating a blog:

  • generating income (monetization)– public blogs, which are visited by thousands of visitors every day, bring their owners decent money;
  • promotion of your own brand and promotion of services– freelancers, individual entrepreneurs, online store owners and anyone interested in attracting a client audience have blogs;
  • search for like-minded people and friends– gamers, travelers, young mothers, philatelists, cooks and Hindi translators have blogs;
  • increasing self-esteem: having a blog is a unique way of self-identification and individual therapy.

To become a successful blogger, you do not need to have literary or any other talent. All you need is patiently, purposefully and competently maintain a blog that is interesting to readers.

Blogs are created on special platforms - website builders or based on ready-made services such as LiveJournal or Blogger. The easiest way is to start a blog on a social network page, for example, Instagram.

There are text blogs, photo blogs, video blogs. Some bloggers write serious analytical articles on a given topic, others post several lines a day, others publish recipes, life hacks, and travel reports.

If you are interested in the question, read the special article on our website.

It's hard to say which theme is more suitable for monetization - almost all areas have prospects for making a profit. It is not so much the theme of the site that is important, but rather the presentation and proper promotion. It is easier to achieve success if the topic concerns you personally and you have a professional understanding of the issues you are talking about.

Experts recommend start with narrow niches, and then gradually expand your audience reach. There is less competition in specific topics, so it is easier to achieve top positions in search results. Nobody will stop you from choosing a popular “mass” topic, especially if you can present it in an original way.

I have a friend who blogs about sports betting. There are such sites on the network as a train and a small cart. But he chose his own format - a critical attitude towards making money in bookmakers.

In his posts, he exposes philistine myths about making money on bets and, for this purpose, sells subscriptions to his original, non-standard football forecasts.

The most profitable niches for subsequent monetization are still blogs about construction, repair, cars, real estate, travel, beauty and health.

But to achieve success in these topics, you need to invest a lot of time, effort, and even money into your blog - if you choose paid methods promotion.

2. How to create your own blog to make money - step-by-step instructions

First, you need to clearly define your goals. What is the ultimate goal of your blog? Who will read your posts? Who besides you is interested in the subject of the site?

If there are reasonable and definite answers to all these questions, feel free to start creating a resource.

To make it easier and simpler, follow the expert step-by-step guide.

Step 1. Decide on a topic

A topic that is close to you will itself stimulate you to develop. You will be interested in uncovering new aspects, delving into details and solving complex problems.

Starting a blog with the immediate goal of making a profit is the wrong approach. First, fill your website with quality content, attract your target audience, and study the experience of successful bloggers. Opening a blog without deciding on the direction is a common mistake for beginners.

Step 2. Choose a domain and hosting

Domain, in simple terms, this is the name of your blog, or more precisely, the address of your resource on the Internet. A domain consists of a name and the zone in which it is located. For example, “site” means that the site is aimed at a Russian audience.

Some tips for choosing a good domain:

  1. The name should be original and easy to remember: you should not use hackneyed phrases and linguistic cliches.
  2. The name should reflect the essence of your blog.
  3. Don’t take a name that is too long – 12-14 characters is enough.
  4. Come up with several dozen name options and check if the name you have chosen is available using a special service.

Hosting is a service for physically hosting a blog on a server with a permanent connection to the network. This is actually the location where your website is located..

Paid hosting gives you more freedom, but requires monthly expenses for blog maintenance. However, most sites do not require the services of expensive and powerful servers. On average, paid hosting costs 100-1500 rubles monthly.

Paid platforms are good because the blog will belong to you and only you as the legal owner. At any time you can move to another hosting with all the content, and “attach” interactive functions to your blog.

Besides It’s easier to make money on such platforms– your site will be open to traffic and indexing by search engines immediately after launch.

A successful blogger must be a bit of a webmaster and understand the principles of how a website and search engines work. Or you will have to hire a specialist who will do all the work for you.

But even in this case it is worth at least general outline understand how a blog works, how readers find it and what to do to get more visitors.

Step 3. Select and install website design

The appearance of a blog largely depends on the capabilities of the server on which it is created. The platforms offer several ready-made themes or templates that you will use as mockups.

Choosing a design from scratch is always difficult, especially if you are not a designer at all. To make it easier, research blogs that you like and target them.

There is no point in engaging in direct borrowing, but there is also no point in getting hung up on the search for a super-original idea - It's better to spend time on content rather than form.

Step 4. Setting up a blog

The designed blog is basically ready to launch, all that remains is to configure it. Need to make permanent links to your blog readable (url). If you don't do this, the addresses of your posts will look like unreadable gobbledygook.

Understand the functionality of the website creation platform you use. This will make it easier for you to add posts, set up monetization and promote your resource in search engines.

Step 5. Create a content plan

Posts (entries) should be published regularly. Therefore, it is advisable to make a plan for publishing publications in advance. Since content is the king of a blog, you will have to spend a lot of time creating it.

The release of posts can be configured automatically. For example, write 5 articles in a day and make sure that they are published every day at the same time for the next five days.

Step 6. Publish the content

Short articles are less promising in terms of search engine promotion. Systems love detailed publications with pictures, videos, graphs, tables.

The blog should stand out from the rest, without losing its functionality and remaining convenient

Maintain feedback from your audience. Respond to comments, do not be afraid to enter into debate with readers. A blogger must know who he is writing for.

A separate point is the promotion or promotion of a blog or page on a social network. Natural methods of promotion are good, but too tedious. Even super-interesting and original content does not guarantee getting into the TOP of search engines and attracting the target audience to the site.

The solution is to use special servers. If your goal is to gain followers on social networks, I recommend the site. This resource guarantees safe promotion on all popular social networks. Suitable for video bloggers, owners of commercial accounts on Twitter and Instagram.

Another popular service is . Created specifically for those who have an Instagram account and are engaged in monetization. “Before Insta” guarantees 50,000 unique views monthly and at least 6,000 new subscribers over the same period.

Step 7. Monetize the site

The most pleasant moment is the reward for your work, receiving income from your blog. There are many monetization options. The more readers you have, the more ways you can make money.

Start small and under no circumstances quit your job if your initial income seems meager. All now successful bloggers, earning hundreds of thousands on their sites, started with meager profits. This is a stage that must be passed through without fail.

3. Where is the best place to create and maintain your blog - review of the TOP 3 popular sites

There are dozens of platforms for creating a blog, but not all are convenient and understandable for beginners.

I suggest overview of the three most reliable and popular resources, which are successfully used by thousands of Runet bloggers.


Free website builder, time-tested. Its main advantages are convenience, accessibility and speed. Even those who have no idea how websites are created on the Internet will understand how this is done if they use the simple and effective functionality of Yukoz.

To get started, you need to register, select the type of site from the proposed categories and follow further instructions. The free functionality is quite enough for blogging. There is also a paid plan: if you switch to it immediately after creating a blog, get 50% discount.

2) Wix

Free service to create the website of your dreams. Vicks is based on visual editor– this means you will have to design your blog pages manually. But you are guaranteed a beautiful and original design.

Add to this reliable hosting, 24-hour support service, an intuitive designer without any programming, and you get the ideal platform for launching and maintaining an author’s blog.

3) WordPress

The most popular platform in Runet for creating blogs, websites, online stores, and information magazines. Our portal “HeatherBeaver” was created specifically onWordPress.

There are several thousand templates here, all free, as well as powerful support and assistance tools that will help you create a blog with zero knowledge of how it works.

« WordPress is loved by search engines: with promotion, if you set it up correctly, there will be no problems.

Site comparison table:

4. How to monetize your blog - 5 proven methods

There is an opinion among beginners that you need to choose one way to make a profit from a blog and use only that. This is fundamentally wrong. Bloggers have access to almost all sources of income at the same time. The main thing is to be able to use them.

Let's look at the most popular options.

Method 1. Earning money from contextual advertising

This is the easiest way available to everyone. Even if you only have 10 visitors a day, you have every right to enable contextual advertising. Another thing is that the income from it with such attendance will be small.

Method 2. Earning money from teaser and banner advertising

Method 3. Selling links

There are services that deal with buying/selling temporary and permanent links. The higher the blog traffic, the more expensive the links. The link trading process is automated; you only need to configure it properly.

Method 4. Affiliate programs

For many bloggers, affiliate programs are the most preferred and understandable type of income. You place an affiliate link on your page and receive money every time a reader performs any useful action through the affiliate program.

If your audience is several thousand people, income from affiliate programs will be very decent, and most importantly, stable.


You run a beauty blog and write about skin care products. At the same time, in the article, put an affiliate link with a link to the store where everyone can buy cream, beeswax gel and other products that you are talking about.

Almost all of us have a computer connected to the Internet at home. On the one hand, we know that with its help you can watch a movie in the evening, chat social network, check your email and perform a number of other actions. At the same time, few people are informed about other possibilities of the global network. So, for example, you can create a blog and make money from it. It might take free time, somehow entertain and, in addition, generate income. We will talk about how to make money on your own blog in this article.

We earn income without leaving home

The fact that making money without leaving your own room is a reality is now being talked about on every corner. On various sites, banners invite us to try to start earning income online, they recommend opening our own online business in a matter of minutes, and so on. Nevertheless, the one who immediately suspects something false in such calls and slogans will be right, because making money with investments and various ones is a risky activity that can ultimately deprive you of your own savings.

However, there is another way to make money on the Internet. It can be called proven because many people use it today. At the same time, he cannot guarantee 100% income. Or rather, it will be like this: in order to earn at least some money in this way, you need to really work. Thus, it depends only on you whether something will work out or not. It's about the idea of ​​creating a blog.

What is a blog?

Surely you have heard this word, as well as its derivative - “blogger”. Just by the construction of the term, you can guess that we are talking about the person running that same blog. This is usually done by public figures, celebrities, political scientists and simply those who have something to say on a particular topic.

So what is a blog? This is a website or page where a person writes down his thoughts. The structure of a blog is expressed in entries consisting of text and sometimes graphic material. In this way you can publish your ideas, advice, make your own selections and publish a lot of other material. In fact, anyone can create a blog and write on it. The main thing is that it is interesting to potential readers, so that as many people as possible come to you, read and comment. After all, the more visitors your site has, the more successful it will be.

What to blog about?

The blog topic can be anything. As already noted, the main thing is that the topic you choose interests other people, and they can find you and find out the solution to their problem, the results of some of your observations, or simply read something interesting and new for themselves.

For example, if you are other people who dream of starting their own business, they would read your resource, evaluate the content and gladly ask questions to the blogger (that is, you) to learn even more about the topic that interests them. This mode of communication between the site owner and subscribers is quite normal and benefits everyone. Speaking of subscribers and readers, you should note the useful information that they will find from you. As for the blogger himself, here we can at least talk about a new experience for ourselves, about some recommendations and ratings coming from visitors. We also must not forget about commercial interest, because the question of how to make money on a blog can be found in dozens, if not hundreds, of answers. The key here is the popularity of the resource, because it is she who decides what amounts can be discussed. It’s one thing if a hundred people know about the blog you keep and constantly visit it, and quite another thing when you have thousands of loyal subscribers. You need to understand that each of them is a potential buyer for the advertiser placing advertisements with you. The formula is simple: the more visitors, the more money.

Is it possible to make money from a blog?

This question can be answered positively. Moreover, making money on a blog will encourage the author to continue developing his resource, making it more interesting and useful for visitors. After all, it turns out to be a kind of vicious circle: the more interesting the blog, the more people will come to it and happily look for information. A large number of visitors, in turn, increases the income that your resource will bring you. As a result, large earnings will contribute to the investment of intellectual labor in your blog, which will further lead to an increase in traffic.

If you are interested in the question of how much you can earn on a blog, then it is quite difficult to answer it accurately. After all, everything will depend both on the resource itself and on how you plan to generate income. Thus, you can publish paid posts containing advertising information, place advertiser banners, and leave affiliate links. All this can be done either automatically, using specialized affiliate programs, or by directly contacting advertisers. But first of all, of course, you should create a good, interesting blog. You can start thinking about how to make money on the Internet with its help later.

Where to start creating a blog?

Before you launch your resource, you should decide on its topic. To do this, you need, as they say, to rummage through your head and understand what really interests you, what you can talk about endlessly. Determine what topic you are willing to work on in your free time. Having answered all these questions, you need to decide what you will write about on your blog.

Next, in addition to working on the idea, understand a little about how to run your own blog from a technical point of view. This is quite easy to do - you just need to decide whether you are ready to invest in launching such a resource and, of course, support it. This will determine where you should start blogging - by choosing a domain, CMS and choosing hosting for it, or by registering on a free platform, of which there are quite a lot now.

Having decided which option is right for you in terms of paid launch, then you need to start filling out your website. Ideally, of course, this should be done gradually, laying out the materials one by one, and not all at once. You can also resort to a trick like posting ahead and backdating to create the appearance of constant blog activity.

Two different types of blog launch

In this paragraph, we’ll talk in more detail about how, from the point of view of the paid process, to launch your own blog. This can be done either for free or for money. Let's start with the first option, since many Internet users would probably like to start their journey in the blogosphere without prior investment.

There are many platforms on the Internet with which you can start working, using examples of which you can understand from your own experience how to make money on a blog. The most popular of them are,,, In addition to these, there are many other platforms that are smaller in number, but also offer many tools for blogging. Working with them is simple - just register an account, open your resource by simply filling in the necessary data such as the name, blog address, and you can start making your first entries. As a rule, all these services are free for general use, but for a fee you can add some functions such as a dedicated domain name or advanced features. For example, if in the basic format you receive the address of your website in the form, then after purchasing a domain name and linking it to the resource, your page will already be called, which is much more concise and beautiful. Such functions are inexpensive. For example, a separate domain will cost from $20 per year.

Another option for launching a blog is your own CMS, as well as your own hosting and domain. You can rent hosting inexpensively. So, at a price of $1-5 per month there are a lot of good options. The cost of a domain depends on its zone. For example, in the .ru zone the address will cost 150 rubles (on average), while for .com you will need to pay about 15 $. Let us remind you that domains are purchased for a year. You can take a free blog control panel (CMS), for example, Wordpress and Joomla. The downside of this option is that you will end up paying up to $30-50 a year to start a blog, however, you will have new methods on how to make money from a blog. After all free services do not allow you to use all available ways to generate income.

Design of a personal blog

Apart from launching, a very important issue is the design of your blog. This applies to both the creation of sections, tags, categories and additional pages that make using your resource more convenient, as well as the technical development of the design.

In the process of such work, you should not think about whether you can make money on a blog. Believe me, if your resource is interesting, it will definitely bring you income in the end. The main thing is to develop a blog so that people visit it, are interested in it and read it. It is important here to create a hierarchy of sections and categories. All of them need to be arranged so that the visitor can easily and simply find the information he needs.

In addition, if you are thinking about how to make money on the Internet (in particular, on a blog), you also need to take care of professional design for the resource. There are a lot of options here: if you use a free blog platform, you will be provided with templates to choose from, and there will be no problems with them. If you have your own hosting and CMS, you can try to make up the design yourself, buy a ready-made template, or order it from a designer specifically for your needs. It is important to understand that the expression “meet you by your clothes” also applies to Internet resources. Therefore, if navigation on your blog is inconvenient, then it is unlikely to attract many users. Everything needs to be done beautifully and thematically, but at the same time, conveniently and simply.

First visitors

Let's say you launched your own blog and started filling it. Let’s also assume that the first visitors interested in your articles have begun to visit the site. The question arises: what to do next and it’s too early to think about it. All you should care about is traffic growth.

A few visitors a day can give way to dozens, if not hundreds, only when you learn how to choose the right content for your blog. To achieve this effect, you will have to study website promotion technologies, in particular SEO optimization. This refers to information about selecting the right keywords, applying the required density, frequency, creating hyperlinks from third-party resources, increasing reference mass and so on. Yes, this topic can be quite complex, but it is necessary for the resource to ultimately become more popular and reach a new level. We must also not forget about time, because it is naive to count on a sharp jump in visits in a week or even a month. So, it may take a year, or even two, to promote a website to several hundred visits a day in a medium-competitive topic. But then your task will be to answer the question of how to make money on the Internet with your resource, based on specific daily traffic. Finding a solution, by the way, will be very easy.

Earning ideas

A blog is the right answer to the question “how to make money on the Internet.” It is possible to receive very tangible income - you just have to look at the resources that occupy the first positions in the ratings. Of course, now experienced people are working on them, but in most cases their owners themselves started almost from scratch. This indicates that everything is possible if you really want and work on your project.

So, as noted above, there are many ways to make money from your blog. Let's try to group them, highlighting the main ones.

  • This is a fairly popular option. It assumes the presence of many advertisers and a large number of platforms for placement. The largest network connecting both of them is Google Adsense. Here, depending on the blog category and the country the visitors are coming from, you will be paid a certain amount per click. For example, Russian clicks are valued at $0.01-0.5 per visitor click on a link, while American clicks, especially on more expensive topics, will cost from $1 to $10. In addition to Adsense, there are other large platforms - Yandex Direct and Begun.
  • Earning money from affiliate programs. This niche is simply immense, so a blog on any topic can make money this way. Affiliate programs allow you to receive a percentage of sales of goods and services. For example, if you have a blog about dogs, you can register in an affiliate program (for example, - the largest Russian network) and connect to a pet store that sells accessories for dogs. They usually pay 10-20% of the order.
  • Banner advertising placement. This is a classic and fairly simple method of making money on a blog, which is suitable only for resources with high traffic (at least 1000 visitors per day). You can sell space in the “body” of the site directly by placing advertisements for visitors, as well as through intermediaries, for example the service.
  • Publication of advertising posts. For a blogger, this method is suitable for the reason that he can do his favorite thing - write articles, without thinking about how to make money on a blog in other ways. Advertising posts are written in order to draw readers’ attention to a new service or product, without “cluttering” the blog with banners and links. The cost of such recordings depends, again, on the traffic to the resource. You can search for people willing to buy advertising in your posts directly or through intermediary services.
  • can be a way to make money not only for blogs, but also for other Internet resources, such as forums or message boards. The best option in order to find sponsors, is one of the link exchanges. Now there are many of them - Sape, GetGoodLinks and others.

Opportunities and prospects

In fact, it seems possible to answer the question of how much you can earn from a blog only after bringing the site to certain indicators. Each site is characterized by such parameters as traffic, topics, age, TIC and PR indicators. The more developed the blog, the more you can earn from it. Moreover, such income can be called passive, because all that is required of you is to periodically fill your resource with content (you don’t even have to do this yourself, because you can hire a person). You can increase the amount of advertising content placed by resorting to small tricks, without creating inconvenience for visitors. For example, it will be enough to develop special advertising spaces that will harmoniously fit into the structure of the entire site.

As for the prospects, they are enormous in the blogosphere. Just look at the West, where successful bloggers can earn money for a new sports car in a year. It is quite possible that we will see a trend where Internet advertising placed on blogs will cost enough to generate high income.

If we talk specifically about your blog and how to earn a lot on the Internet, then by increasing traffic to a certain level, you can constantly increase it. To do this, you need to continue to optimize your website, supplement it with new materials, conduct various experiments on social promotion, organize competitions among readers, etc. All this can contribute to the further development of the resource, strengthening its position in search engines, as well as increasing advertising revenue.

Again, to find out how a site can develop, just look at the largest blogs on certain topics available today. Most of them already have a regular core of readers of several thousand people, who, in fact, bring their creators thousands of dollars a month.

If you would like to know how to make money at home on the Internet in a reliable, albeit rather difficult way, which is blogging, try your hand at this! All you need is to launch your own resource, fill it with your ideas and thoughts and properly attract readers.

IN modern world there are wonderful alternatives to everyday work. Such alternative activities can automate the process of making money, plus they can turn into your hobby. Imagine such a pleasant situation - every morning you go to your computer, turn it on and see how much money you earned while you were sleeping. Nice, isn't it? By creating and promoting your blog, this is quite feasible, but only if it has good traffic.

One of the most successful examples of "blogging" is a man named Steve Pavlina. This American runs his own blog, in which he writes about personal development, how to work more productively and, most interestingly, how you can make money on your own blog. Steve Pavlin's blog is very popular in the USA. Brings the author a huge income, amounting to tens of thousands of dollars a month.

Is it possible to create your own blog and earn enough money for a comfortable life? Yes, this is real and has been working for a long time. Many people make good money from their blogs. If you have a desire to create your own blog and make money from it, but have not yet figured out how to do it, then this article will help you find answers to some questions.

The idea of ​​creating your own blog and at the same time the opportunity to earn money from it is attractive a large number of of people. This idea is quite feasible, but not everyone can do it. About 10% of people manage to earn enough money from their own blog, while the rest remain disappointed. To make money on a blog, you need not only an understanding of how to create it (this is at a minimum), but also the highest dedication. Understanding your topic also plays an important role. By the way, having a basic level of knowledge of HTML won’t hurt either.

For a serious undertaking, the presence of a great desire is necessary. You must have perseverance, patience and a good nervous system. Writing on a blog is an integral part of its existence. To achieve success, you need to do this every day, efficiently and interestingly. The results will not come immediately, it will take an indefinite amount of time - a month, half a year or even a whole year! What result you will have and how long it will take to implement it will depend only on you.

About earnings

You can earn good money only in one case - if your blog is popular and has good traffic. As for posting links, those who want to do this will find you themselves as soon as the blog begins to turn into a serious resource. You can also promote your products, that is, start an information business.

Blog creation

Before you start creating your blog, you need to think through everything carefully. Creating your first and simple blog is quite easy. Start with the topic of your blog; it must be of interest to you. This is very important, since it will be very difficult to write about topics that are not interesting to you. The blog topic must interest readers. It is not necessary to devote it to the most popular topics, such as making money on the Internet. Choose the topic that is of the greatest interest to you, there are a lot of options: sports, flowers, children, cars, cinema, photography and so on.

Ideally, write on a blog as an expert in any subject. By doing this, you will increase the number of readers of your blog in no time. But remember that if you choose a very narrow and specific topic, it will be more difficult to get many readers. Yes, and it is not advisable to work with a large number of topics. It will be difficult to retain the reader, he will not know what to expect from you in the future, and thus there will be few regular visitors.

You have decided on a topic and the question arises, what to do next? How to proceed to the actual physical creation of a blog so that it is available online? There are two ways.

The first option is quite complicated and most likely not suitable for inexperienced users. Briefly it looks like this:

1. Choose a domain for your future blog.

2. Register it with a domain name registrar (that is, buy it). Such as, for example, ru-center.

3. Choose a normal hosting and register on it.

3. Link the domain (register DNS servers). That is, inform the hosting about your registrar, and the registrar about your hosting.

4. Select cms (content management system) and upload it to your hosting after downloading it to your computer from the Internet in the form of a compressed folder.

5. Understand what’s what in cms and only after that can you begin to take the first steps to create your “child”.

This is quite difficult for a beginner, I went through it myself. By the way, regarding cms - choose only WordPress. When you get the hang of it, you can move on to something more powerful. If you understand these five points, then start writing interesting and unique articles. This is how I described the algorithm for creating a blog very compactly. But almost all resources on the Internet are created this way. I don’t recommend going down this path if you don’t know anything about how websites are created. It would be wiser to use the second option.

When creating a blog, pay attention to the uniqueness of the design, choosing a theme (template), try to make it your own. It is also worth paying due attention to the choice of name (domain name). It would not be promising to create your own blog with domain name This name does not reflect the subject of your resource. It is the name that reflects the whole essence of your blog that carries a significant share of future success, that is, traffic.

After publishing your first posts on the Internet, start attracting an audience with your friends. They will definitely start visiting your blog, and will comment on your articles and leave positive reviews (if the friends are normal). By becoming the first and regular visitors, your friends will be able to refer their acquaintances to you, thereby increasing attendance. Don’t neglect visiting blogs related to your topic. Be active when visiting, leaving interesting comments, and most importantly, don’t forget to leave a link to your page.

So, to make money on a blog you need:

– figure out what’s what and create a blog;

– take measures for promotion; full promotion will take about a year;

– regularly post interesting articles, write for people, not to earn money;

– after 6 months and with relatively good traffic (from 500 per day), take monetization measures.

The key to the success of any blog is high traffic. This can only be achieved by posting interesting, unique and relevant information. Good luck!

Epigraph: where you will find out how much and how you can make money on a blog + create a blog yourself simply by repeating everything after the presenter.

Hello friends! In this article I want to tell you the whole terrible truth about making money on a blog, namely, how much you can really earn per month on your blog! Everything written below also applies to sites.

Are you planning to create your own blog and hope that as soon as you do it, it won’t take long for it to start generating good income? Such as Google Adsense advertising, affiliate programs, etc. No? And, probably, you already have your own blog, you are already earning a pretty penny from it, of course, but you want to earn more and, again, hope for huge income in the future?

Not again? Are you already making big money from your blog? Great, respect. Then I think that I won’t tell you anything new, this post is mainly dedicated to dreamers, those guys and girls who think that if they have their own blog, they can get rich on it!

By the way, I know why many people think that if you have your own blog on the Internet, you can earn several thousand dollars a month while sitting on your butt and smoking bamboo. It’s simple - you’ve read a lot of empty chatter from all sorts of Internet gurus on various forums, etc., or “super mega” SEO optimizers who write about various SEO features, search engine algorithms, updates, advise something, prove, teach and etc., but the site traffic counters themselves don’t even exceed a hundred, and the TIC and PR are still at zero!

Laughter in one word! In general, everyone writes beautifully and promisingly, but as always, no one reveals the terrible truth! Okay, I'll be the first.

So! I know if you are here, then you are interested in the question - How much can you earn from your blog? I answer! Differently! And a lot and a little! Much and little are different concepts for everyone. Let me personally tell you my vision for making money on a blog!

There are millions of people making money from blogging today (millions of people, not money). The question is how much they earn. I divide all these people into 3 categories:

1. People earning pennies, which makes no sense to even withdraw from electronic Internet accounts; it’s easier to extend hosting for a month =).
2. People who make money on a blog are quite good, they have enough to live on, they don’t have to work and the blog is their main source of income.
3. People who earn a lot! Big money, thousands and tens of thousands of dollars a month, or even more!

Everyone wants it, but why do 80% of guys and girls who have their own blogs earn pennies, 15% earn well and only 5% earn a lot? There are many reasons for this. In general, if you take any area of ​​life, then in it, just like everywhere else, the ratio is approximately the same 80/20 - this is a law of nature. =)

Just as everyone won’t be great lawyers, for example, everyone won’t be super mega bloggers earning tens of thousands of bucks a month! It is a fact!

Before I tell you about how much you can earn from a blog, you should know ways to make money from a blog. The main ones have always been and will be for a very long time 3 ways to earn money:

Reason #1: LAZINESS!!!

ALL!!! There are no more reasons, you don’t have to argue with me! Usually everything happens as follows. A person has a desire to create his own blog, maintain it, work on it and thinks that everything will be good, simple and smooth! He writes for a week, two, three, a month, two months - there are no thousands of dollars a month, he writes further - again there is no big income, he writes further - and again the money does not flow.

“Well, screw it all,” he says and gives up. Why? Laziness!!! Most people want everything quickly and at once, but that doesn’t happen!

To maintain a blog competently, you need to write on it constantly (every day if possible) and, most importantly, in a high-quality and unique way! Many simply don’t have the time or energy for this (although why the hell don’t you have time, and what about the night?).

To write on a blog you need to know about what you are writing, and many people write anyhow, write something they don’t know or simply copy someone else’s text, redo it and paste it into their blog. To blog successfully, you need to love this business, writing articles should be a pleasure, and many people write because they have to...

Also, some guys simply don’t believe in themselves. Looking at other cool blogs, they think like this: “Ohhh, I’ll never reach that level.” Damn it friends! You can fly higher, just learn how! Oh, I’m too lazy to study, I forgot. =) In general, a blog is a very serious matter and very difficult, believe me! BUT! If you enjoy it, then everything is much simpler!

OK! You have a strong desire, you are ready to act, you have decided on the topic of your blog, you know what you will write on it, you understand that it will be difficult, that the blog will take a lot of time, etc., what next? And now terrible truth! =)

Question: How much can you earn from a blog? I answer - there is almost nothing on the zero blog! “What do you mean at zero?” you ask. I answer. If your blog is visited by a small number of people per day (10-100 people), and the TIC and PR of your blog are at zero, then don’t expect big earnings!

Guys earn a lot on highly visited blogs, because it is profitable for advertisers to place their advertisements on such blogs. It’s clear that the higher the traffic, the more people will see the advertisement! These are mainly banners. Accordingly, there is also more exhaust from affiliate programs.

Google Adsense and Yandex Direct think the same. The higher the quality of the resource, the higher its traffic, the higher the TIC and PR, the more% the owner of the blog on which the advertisement is placed will receive.

Here, company X has released some new product or provides some services via the Internet. She needs to promote herself. What resources will she offer to post their banner or write a whole post about her company and pay for advertising?

Those with an attendance of 100 people or 1000-2000 people per day? I think you can guess who. Of course, those who have higher traffic. And for an entire post, some companies pay wow.

Here's another example - postal (links). Mostly people buy posts from those blogs that have large TICs and PR. I know that many novice bloggers don’t even know how to make money from links (post links), and what a post link is in general =). I'll explain well.

Any blogger wants to increase their TIC and PR. Find information on how to do this on the Internet. Why raise? That's what I said - they don't pay money in the 2000s. The main way to increase TIC and PR is to buy links (post links) on link exchanges (Rotapost, Gogetlinks, Blogun, etc.)

Why is this necessary? Look here. Let’s say there is a blog X on the Internet with 3,000 visitors per day and PR - 5, TIC - 800. This is actually a cool blog, you should strive for this. There is also a blog on the Internet, Y, whose traffic is 10 people per day, TIC and PR = 0.

I think this is a very young blog that has just come into being. So here it is. How this very blog Y can raise its TIC and PR with the help of blog X. Very simple. Blog Y can go to the Rotapost, Gogetlinks or Blogun exchange, find blog X there or any other blog with high TIC, PR, similar topics, etc., and say “Blog X, please place a link to my blog on your blog , and I’ll pay you for this, for example, 200 rubles.”

If blog X agrees and places a link to blog Y on its blog, then after the Google or Yandex robot indexes it, the authority of blog Y will increase greatly, and the TIC and PR will increase accordingly, and the blog itself will rise higher in the search results.

Of course, a blog won’t take off with one link, but with several bold links, that’s okay! Result - Blog X with high traffic and high TIC and PR indicators earns money, zero blog Y pays money! It's clear? I think it's clear! Well, now you know how you can make money from links (post links), as well as promote your blog with their help. =)

Now ATTENTION!!! Another question that newcomers to the blogosphere ask is whether they need to invest money in a blog to promote it or can they do it all themselves? I want to answer this question the way I see it. Here again there are 2 options.

1. Promoting a blog on your own is very difficult. Believe me, it will take more than one year to promote a blog without investing a penny in it. This means raising the TIC and PR, because all those who want to make money on a blog strive for exactly this.

Increasing blog traffic is not a problem - write clear, unique articles according to all the basic SEO rules that people will like and you will get high traffic, but to make money on a blog, you need high TICs and PR.

I wrote about how to write articles here - “”. Over the 3 months of my blog’s existence, it has grown to 350 visitors per day just thanks to articles!

In short, promoting a blog on your own means growing a hump on your back (you will sit at the computer a lot and hump), as well as creating sores. I’ve already been in the hospital once because of this, that’s enough for me. I don't advise you to do the same.

2. Promote your blog for a fee. To do this, be prepared to invest several thousand rubles a month in it! Advertising, banners, buying links, running through directories, etc. In general, getting into the Yandex catalog now costs only 12,500 rubles.

Friends, blogging is the same business in which you first invest money, return your investments, and then only it starts to make a profit! For the first year, year and a half, be prepared to invest money in your blog, all your possible income from affiliate programs, Google Adsense advertising, as well as additional invested money, etc. will be spent on promoting your blog!

Yes friends! It's not all that simple! You need to work very seriously, study, gain experience, invest your soul and money! But then your blog will bring you money that many people can’t even afford!

This is such a terrible truth, alas and ah! Are you probably already happy? That is OK. There are disappointments in life, a bitter truth is better than a sweet lie!!!

And finally, a little piece of motivation for you. For example, how much can you earn on a blog per month, with 3000-5000 visitors per day and TIC indicators - 500-800, and PR -4-5. The blog is posted in the Yandex and DMOZ catalogs.

I recently conducted my own analysis of some sites and came up with the following approximate figures:

Total minimum: 30 + 10 + 20 + 15 = 75 tr. per month! Cool? I think yes!

There is something to strive for, isn’t it? I don’t know about you, but I’m going exactly to these numbers and even more! How long does it take to go? Don't know. Everyone goes differently. Some for a year, others for 10 years. =) You set the pace yourself!

Here's a parable for you:

One day a traveler was wandering towards the city and saw a sage sitting by the road. I approached him and asked:
- How long will it take me to get to the city?
“Go,” the sage answered sparingly.
The traveler was offended by this answer and asked again:
- So how long do I have to go to the city?
The sage said again, “You go, go.” The traveler thought, “The old man is completely out of his mind, he can’t answer,” and he went on.
After a few steps, the voice of the sage caught up with him:
- At the speed you are walking, you will have to walk for 2 days.

Best regards, Alexander Borisov