How to get a job on the Internet. Is there a real work from home? Reviews from people. The common features of such advertisements are

Description: On the Internet you can find many advertisements with vacancies at home, but not all of them are equally safe. There are many scammers among such employers, and you should be on your guard. I will look at frankly false vacancies, and give examples of home work without investment and deception. In total there are 16 real options, but this is not yet full list. If you wish, you can find another job.
Payment: different
Requirements: it is desirable to be able to do something

I will not consider working on the Internet within the framework of this article, because my entire website is devoted to this topic and you can easily find necessary information. You can start with these links:

Don’t discount internet work, because at home it’s one of the best options. But if this doesn't suit you, let me give you examples of working from home.

Home work with investments and deception

I'll start with a warning - be more careful when searching, because you can stumble upon scammers and lose money. In my experience, it’s unpleasant to go through this, so let’s immediately look at frankly false vacancies.

  • Assembling handles at home— many are still attracted to this vacancy and the number of deceived people is not decreasing. Don't be one of them - don't believe such advertisements. The advertisements may contain various assurances, explanations of such work, some complex payment schemes (cash on delivery, payment to the courier upon receipt, etc.). But remember - no entrepreneur will pay for assembling pens, because they are now assembled by automatic machines. You can read more about this type of scam in this article, and also watch a video with automatic assembly of the handle. I think after this you will have no doubts.
  • Envelope gluing- a vacancy in the same field as pens. Often, scammers hide behind the Russian Post or Ukrposhta in order to instill confidence in the ad. They even took the time to create copies of sites that ask you to enter all the information about the card in your payment information, including the numbers on the back. And if you send them, attackers can rob your accounts. Do not trust such advertisements; be sure to read to see money scams.
  • Typist- You may still find real customers in this area, but this is very rare. Most often, advertisements are posted by scammers who ask to make a deposit, pay an insurance premium, transfer money to confirm their card, etc. There are a lot of schemes for getting money, but it’s easy to spot a scammer - they promise a lot of money. The average price for 1 sheet of text is about 10 rubles; if they offer more, they won’t pay. More detailed schemes and reviews about scammers in this article.
  • Teletrade— reviews about this company are mostly negative, but the company’s name is usually not written in the advertisements. Sometimes even during the interview they don’t name him, but simply say “take 2 weeks of training and start earning a lot of money on Forex markets.” In this case, you will not only lose money, but also a lot of time. 2-week courses from scratch are not enough to successfully start on the stock exchange. Employees simply brainwash you, tell you success stories and offer to invest a sum (from $100 to infinity), because you already know how to do everything. Personally, I don’t trust working on forex exchanges, but if you’re interested, read the basics in this article.

There are many other ways to deceive gullible citizens, so you always have to be on your guard and look for a catch in a vacancy. Never pay your employer money, no matter what good reasons he gives.

What kind of work can you do from home?

When you look through the ads, you will be surprised how many scammers try to find a naive victim. Now you have certain knowledge, you will be able to skillfully bypass fraudulent vacancies, but it is much more difficult to find a real job in advertisements. But probably. Let's look at the options you can consider.

  • Dispatcher- most often they recruit people for the office, but sometimes you can find such a vacancy at home. Typically, dispatchers are hired by small taxi companies so as not to have a special office and staff. I wrote about my experience of such work in this article, you can read in more detail.
  • Cold calls- similar to the work of a dispatcher, but there are significant differences. In this case, you don’t just answer calls, but call the numbers provided and offer goods/services. Usually they give instructions, conversation templates, answers to FAQ and other information that will help conduct the dialogue. Most often, payment depends on the success of negotiations - a percentage of sales. In my opinion, it’s not the best job, because if you can’t sell, you can be left without money.
  • Online consultant at home- work from home, but via the Internet. You will need a headset to be able to talk on Skype or special program with buyers. In this case, they again provide instructions, answers to questions and other information, but the payment is most often fixed or hourly. You don’t have to beg people to buy something - just answer questions. Read more at this link in the article.
  • Network marketing- yes, yes, everyone already knows about this type of income. Many are perhaps surprised that this option was not included in the list with other wiring, but you can really make money on this. Not everyone succeeds, sometimes it costs pennies, but in the literal sense this is not a scam. However, it’s better to read the pros and cons of the job in this article so that you can decide for yourself whether it’s suitable or not.
  • Mystery shopping coordinator- you rarely meet a person who has never heard of secret shoppers. It’s also not a bad job, but it can’t be done while sitting at home (unless you check online stores), so I’m not putting it on the list. But behind these secretive personalities there is an even more mysterious figure who always remains behind the scenes - the coordinator or curator. Something like a boss who recruits workers, issues tasks, answers questions, monitors the work and generates a report for the company. If this is your first time hearing about this work, I recommend reading about it.
  • Scan products at home— they don’t pay much, I’ll say right away, but you don’t have to do anything (5 minutes a day). If you just want to increase your income a little (by 300-500 rubles per month), then you can. But in general they pay too little money to focus on this work.
  • Joint purchases is a very popular topic among moms to save money. And the organizer can also make money from this. The work is not entirely home-based, because in any case you will have to go - at least to the post office. It will turn out to be almost a mini-business. How to arrange everything and basic information can be found in this article.
  • Nanny at home- It is desirable to have a pedagogical education, but if you set a low price, you can find people without strict requirements. Usually, young mothers who have experience communicating with children and are ready to babysit someone else’s child earn extra money in this way. It is worth considering some points that you will learn about from this article.

As you can see, for these options you do not need to have any special education or be able to do anything specific. I deliberately put them in a separate group so that they do not interfere with other, more complex options. So below you can see a list of jobs for which it is advisable to be able or learn to do something.

  1. Accountant at home— if you have an economics education or work in the accounting department of a company, you can earn extra money in the evenings. Hundreds of people need professional help to fill out returns, pay taxes, or perform other financial transactions. If you understand this, read and work in your specialty.
  2. Lawyer at home- can also conduct consultations after work, if there is still strength and desire to do this. After all, few people are able to independently understand all the legal nuances without special training.
  3. Tutor— foreign languages, physics, chemistry and other complex subjects. It is advisable to be a teacher for this job, but sometimes it is enough just to have an excellent understanding of the issue. You can teach not only school knowledge, but also other skills: drawing, playing the guitar or other musical instrument, etc.
  4. Massage therapist at home- even if you have not yet received such an education, this can be done quite quickly. You don't have to study this skill for 5 years. Although first you should find out the professional pains and other disadvantages of this profession before devoting your life to it.
  5. Sew to order- suitable for craftswomen who love to do this and want to make a living doing what they love. Of course, if you have just begun to develop in this area, you will have to improve your skills and practice before you start getting paid for it. And when the time comes, read how to do it.
  6. Make money from a hobby- handicrafts, cooking, drawing, growing flowers and more. Whatever brings you joy can also bring you profit. After all, people make money by playing games, which means any hobby can turn into a profitable business. Examples of how to do this. If you wish, you can turn any hobby into a source of income.
  7. Designers- It’s possible to find work from home, but it’s much faster to find orders on the Internet. After all, the ability to create beautiful graphics is valued and highly paid here. For example, you can create banners or designs for groups on social networks.
  8. Geeks, i.e. people who are well versed in computers can provide equipment repair services. Many people have no idea how to get rid of a virus or how to install Windows, so you will definitely have clients. But for this it is not enough to just be an experienced PC user; it is enough to understand many nuances.

This list of ideas will be enough for you to find something suitable or be able to build on it to find the ideal work from home job for you. Don't be afraid to learn new skills - it usually doesn't take too long, but it opens up a ton of possibilities.

It was very relevant and meant the following: making handmade soap, mushroom growing, making something from beads, collecting pens, and so on. But thank God this is all history. As far as I know, no one has managed to earn at least something using similar methods. In this regard, all these “profitable offers” have become less in demand and, ultimately, irrelevant. They are still sometimes found online, but very rarely, since there are fewer and fewer fools among us (I hope). If you want to quickly get your first money from the Internet, then try this site. You just need to answer questions about the products, it’s easy and pays well!

Many people were deceived at that time, because all this was originally conceived as a way to extract their money from gullible people. But even now on the Internet there are offers of this kind, only slightly evolved. In the spirit of modern times, so to speak.

This is very sad, because it indicates that there are still people who expect to make money using these obviously fraudulent and primitive methods. There are now a lot of such offers on the Internet. Hundreds of new sites come out every day with new deception schemes.

Nowadays, working from home has a clearly defined focus - working on the Internet. Forget about pens and soap, and especially about mushrooms. But this is also not without difficulties, since any user typing the phrase “ work on the Internet" or " ways to make money on the Internet" or finally " work from home» will see millions of pages found. As a result, his eyes widen and he doesn’t understand what to do.

I have been working on the Internet for seven years now. I’m amazed myself, but it’s a fact! I can confidently guarantee that 90% of the information that the search engine will give you after typing the above-mentioned queries is either a scam or ways of making money that are, in principle, impossible to earn money or are possible, but for pennies.

The decisive mistake of a beginner who decided to try to make money at home is an initially incorrect understanding of how the environment in which he came to get money works. In most cases, he expects a freebie, wants to get everything quickly and at once, and scammers are just waiting for such novice “workers” with open arms.

Of course you can make money on the Internet. Now, by the way, many people live off the Internet. You just need to think with your head when you stick your long nose into some next financial pyramid, investing your last funds there or going to pay some guy on his website for no reason. A sober mind is necessary; without it, complete failure awaits.

There really aren’t that many proven ways to make money on the Internet. I'm talking about those ways of earning money that really bring some income to people. Some are more, some are less, but the main thing is that everything is fair and, for the most part, without investment. Over the seven years of my activity on the Internet, I have noticed several such methods.

Before posting information about any project or site on my website, I check everything, so there is no scam here. By the way, if you are a beginner working on the Internet, then be sure to read a short article about online deception, it definitely won’t hurt you. This is your first step, skip it - you risk joining the ranks of you know who.

Working on the Internet for beginners

Let's say you decide to start working from home. First, let's weigh the pros and cons. Working on the Internet takes a lot of effort and time. Here it will be easier for expectant mothers who are on maternity leave to learn how to earn money. Because a lot of questions constantly appear and their solution takes time. But on the other hand, it has many advantages and benefits compared to other types of activities. For example, I prefer to earn extra money on the Internet than to work for my uncle, which, by the way, I did for several years until I was able to earn money at home.

If you have decided to try to make money at home on the Internet, and you are new to this area, then let me give you a few simple tips:

– never believe that they will just give you money on the Internet. Suggestions like this: “Invest 10 rubles and get 10,000 rubles in a week” should always be ignored, otherwise you will be disappointed very quickly;

– never believe that there are any really working business plans or super methods that promise big earnings. There are countless such offers in the form of books or CDs on the Internet. The authors of this rubbish promise quick enrichment, but in the end you will only lose your money and of course no enrichment will come your way;

- It’s stupid to count on earning a lot of money at the initial stage. Working on the Internet consists of little things than more projects in which you work, the more income. Working, for example, on questionnaires you can earn 300-600 rubles a day. You can also earn money by writing reviews, that’s another 100–150 rubles a day (if you work very actively). You have to work in many ways, only then can you earn more or less normal amounts. This is exactly what I meant when I wrote that working on the Internet consists of little things. Each project individually brings in relatively little income - which means you need to work on a large number of projects - the surest way to good earnings at home;

– never stop if something doesn’t work out. You have to believe that everything will work out for you. Only with such an attitude do people achieve success in life. This is true not only in the field of online earnings, but in everything, you yourself know this simple truth;

– for a good level of earnings on the Internet, you need to think about creating your own website - one of the most profitable ways of making money on the Internet of all existing ones (as they say, the 100% option);

– turn your head 360 degrees, look, follow, listen! The world is changing very quickly, today there are some trends, tomorrow there are others. Use the Internet not only as a window to the world of entertainment, but also as a library. You need to be active, then it will be much easier to earn money remotely. Tested, works 100%!

P.S. If you approach the issue of making money at home correctly, then everyone has a chance to succeed. I myself am an example of this. At the initial stage, you give up and want to give up everything. But it is those who have passed this initial stage that achieve success. Now I live off of working on the Internet (literally), which I am incredibly happy about. But only I know what it cost me...

I often think about this topic - if you ask 100 people: would they like to work from home and live off it? I think that 90% will definitely answer “Yes”. Then ask: do they believe that you can make money from home on the Internet? Probably, at best, 5% will say “Yes.” Why is this happening?

It seems to me that the situation is like this because people do not have faith in success and trust, but they themselves are to blame for this and no one else. Why don't they believe? Because once they got burned and lost money. Or maybe before taking your money to your uncle you just needed to think soberly about what you were doing. A? Or am I misunderstanding the situation?

Hello dear readers. Today we’ll talk about working on the Internet without investment. I had never asked myself this question before, and then I realized that the topic is really relevant and many people want to find work on the Internet. Moreover, I myself once looked for it and found it.

In this article, I will tell you all the possible options for finding a job or part-time job, so that almost any Internet user can find a paid activity to their liking and without investment. I will provide the necessary links, tell you where and how much they pay, etc. And most importantly, I will tell you about working ways to earn money normal money, not pennies for clicks!

So, let's begin!

There are many benefits of working on the Internet. I personally am glad that all my activities are conducted online, which allows me to work from home. This is not only freedom, but also a good income.

How much you can earn and how, read below!

Where does money come from on the Internet?

Now I’ll tell you something banal, but everyone who knows this, don’t spit in my direction, because for many it’s not clear!

On the Internet, as in real life, money comes either from the sale of goods, or from the provision of services, or from advertising!

Accordingly, you must at least understand that when working for someone on the Internet, you will help sell goods, services and participate in the creation or sale of advertising. Even writing a custom article is work to attract traffic, which will be monetized by selling advertising, a product or service. You must know and understand this in order to successfully work on the Internet. If you read the article to the end, you will understand me.

How much can you earn on the Internet?

You can earn both a lot and a little, and it all depends on what kind of work you do, and most importantly HOW.

There are few good specialists and responsible workers, and therefore they are worth their weight in gold. Everyone who works on the Internet is essentially a freelancer or remote worker. If you are not registered with the company, then you are a freelancer; if you are, then you are a remote employee. We will talk about both. On average, a good freelancer earns from 50,000 rubles per month. The amount is not large for Moscow and Moscow Region, but not small for the regions either. There are, of course, those who earn less, but this won’t last long. A freelancer is a free person who strives for self-education, self-improvement, etc. Therefore, as his knowledge and skills grow, his income also grows. I have met many freelancers with an income of more than RUB 100,000. per month, which is also not a lot for this area.

It all depends on what you do (I’ll talk about this below). A remote worker or a company employee (you can easily become one too) can earn money in different ways. It all depends on the company you are joining.

These amounts, as a rule, rarely exceed 100,000 rubles.

But there are also small companies that are looking for workers in the regions to save money and pay 20-30 thousand rubles. per month, which is the average salary for the region. What you need to know and be able to do Everything couldn't be simpler here. I'm used to always using logic.

If the work is carried out on the Internet, then the MOST important thing you need to be able to do is to be on the Internet like a duck to water.

You must be an advanced Internet user. I cannot tell you the degree of advancement, but I think that you will understand me further. If it is difficult for you to even register on a website, then working on the Internet is not for you. You also need to read the first paragraph of this article and understand where money comes from on the Internet. It is important. And of course, you need to have a good understanding of the activity you are engaged in. Working on the Internet - sites for making money He's not hiding anywhere.

There are many places to find a variety of work!

Below I will talk about where to find work on the Internet and will also give examples of the work that you can do. offers work on the Internet from home with official employment. The vacancy is called "Sales Specialist of Banking Services at Home". The bank provides free training and you get to work. You don’t need to look for any clients, the bank provides the database. The requirements for candidates are simple, so almost anyone can cope with this type of work. You need access to the Internet, devote at least 30 hours a week to work, and maintain silence during conversations.

In order to start working, you must first fill out an application for bank website. You will also find more detailed information there.

Freelance exchanges

The easiest way to find work is on freelancing sites, where customers need performers. We will divide the exchanges by areas.

Exchanges where everyone can make money!

Work-zilla- this is the simplest and most profitable option for everyone to make money. There are tasks on the exchange that do not require special knowledge and skills, and the pay for tasks is quite generous. In general, it must be said that the category “ Simple help» is the most popular on this site (29% of all tasks, that is, actually a third). This group includes such basic tasks that do not require special skills, such as “download files”, “register accounts”, “fill the site with content”, “find information on the Internet”, “check table data”, “translate audio into text” and etc. Also, without special training, you can easily get used to such a niche as “placing advertisements on boards.” If you have a good tongue, then you can go for cold calling.

There are also cool (not ordinary) tasks. Such as: helping to choose a car or a house, helping to cope with depression, writing congratulations to a father on his daughter’s wedding, congratulating over the phone, photographing the streets of your city, waking up at a certain time, etc. And people are willing to pay for this.

On average, performers earn 20-30 thousand rubles. on this exchange. Not much, but just right for part-time work or small errands. I also wrote about a designer friend of mine. So it’s also at least 30-40 thousand rubles. makes money in Workzilla, and without overworking.

Forumok is an exchange for those who have their own blogs, pages on in social networks and accounts on forums. For 1 post on a good forum you can get 100 rubles. and more.

Qcomment— you can earn money by posting on social networks, joining groups, writing comments on websites, etc. This is a very popular exchange.

General exchanges:

Here you can find orders for programming, website development, text writing, advertising setup, etc.

  • Weblancer– one of the largest exchanges on the Runet. You can increase the number of orders you receive if you complete your portfolio after registration.
  • Freelance– at the stage of creation it was a forum, but it developed into the largest exchange on the Runet for remote work.
  • FL (formerly Free-Lance)– freelancers of various specialties can find work here. Order a PRO account and promote your profile.
  • FreelanceJob– a labor exchange for experienced freelancers, you need a good portfolio.
  • Freelancehunt— a freelance exchange for IT specialists, programmers, copywriters, designers, etc.

Freelance exchanges for copywriters:

  • Etxt is a well-known freelance exchange for copywriters and translators. Copywriters and rewriters will find a lot of work; pay depends on experience and rating. I recommend!
  • Copylancer– freelance exchange for copywriters and rewriters. The average level of payment varies from 25 to 100 rubles/1000 characters. You can find very profitable orders.
  • Text– here you can find high-paying orders for copywriters and rewriters.
  • Qcomment– orders for writing comments, reviews, forum content.
  • Advego– a popular exchange for copywriters with high competition. It is possible to sell and purchase finished articles.
  • Textsale– a freelance exchange popular among copywriters. Using the rating of popular articles, you can keep abreast of current orders, write and sell articles on relevant topics profitably.
  • Contentmonster– Copywriters can find a lot of orders on this new job exchange. Before starting work, you need to pass a test of Russian language proficiency.
  • Txt— an exchange for professional copywriters. Payment on average is 35 rubles/1000 characters. Beginners need to be prepared for high demands and delays in payments.
  • Miratext– the average salary for copywriters is from 44 rubles/1000 characters. You can buy and sell articles. To confirm your qualifications you need to pass three tests.
  • Turbotext– one of the new freelance content exchanges for sites selling finished articles.
  • Neotext— an exchange with many orders for content for websites.
  • Paytext– a good exchange for newbie copywriters. Orders are inexpensive, but you can find a lot of work.
  • TextBroker- a popular exchange with good pay ($2-6/1000 characters) for copywriters.
  • Votimenno– namers can find orders with a payment of 500-2000 rubles. You need to write slogans, come up with company names, etc.

Freelance exchanges for lawyers:

Legal And 9111 – a question and answer exchange for lawyers and advocates. Register in the services and get paid for answering questions on jurisprudence, as well as for legal advice.

Freelance exchanges for designers:

  • Logopod– an exchange for the sale and purchase of logos and corporate styles for companies
  • Illustrators– a freelance exchange for illustrators. Daily project updates.

Freelance exchanges for students:

  • Vsesdal– earn money by completing student work.
  • Author24– a large exchange with many orders for completing essays, coursework and tests.
  • Help-s– an exchange with orders for writing essays, solving problems, etc.
  • Reshaem– a site for authors and customers solving problems in various disciplines. Write to the site administration and earn money by solving problems.

Freelance exchanges for creatives:

  • E-generator— competitions for copywriters and namers. It is necessary to come up with names for products, organizations, websites, various slogans, scripts, etc. The winner receives money.
  • Questions- you get money if you give the most best advice or offer the best idea to solve any customer problem. Registration via social networks.

Job search sites

I'm sure every city has job search sites. So on these sites there are vacancies for remote work. Look for them and perhaps you will find something interesting for yourself. For example:

  • Job
  • hh(Headhunter)
  • and others.

There you will basically need to look for work in your city, but in the “Remote work” section. The only place you will need to go is for an interview.

There are also sites for finding remote specialists. For example, there is such a section on the website Zuckerberg will call. You can find others if you try.

Company websites

You can simply search for Internet companies in your area of ​​interest or skills and look for the “Vacancies” section on their websites.

It is usually located in the footer (at the very bottom of the site) or in the top menu. In general, search and you will find many such companies, and therefore jobs on the Internet. Checked! Internet companies mainly require permanent remote employees. Most often: programmers, layout designers, designers, testers, SEO specialists, SMM specialists, copywriters, project managers, sales managers, advertising specialists, specialists in the recruitment department, editor or site administrator, etc. The main thing is to look. And you will definitely find it!

By the way, such a section will soon appear on my website, but it will require temporary workers or partners, not employees.

Social media

I very often found freelancers through VKontakte. Some who need a permanent or temporary remote employee write about it on their VK wall. And you can find this message in the search. Enter the phrase “Remote work” or “Looking for a remote employee” or something like that in the search bar of the social network VKontakte and select the “News” tab. And look for messages from VK users in your feed.
There are many spam offers in the search results, you will immediately notice them, but there are also many useful ones. The main thing is to want!

There are also many groups on VK that provide vacancies on the Internet. Look for such groups.

Above you have already seen a huge list of sites where you can work via the Internet without investment. Moreover, all sites work without deception, so you can safely register and work. But here’s what I also wanted to advise you:

  1. Register in several exchanges for your activity. Because this way you will get more orders and work.
  2. It will be necessary. Don’t be lazy, fill out as much information as possible about yourself in your resume or application form. It is important!
  3. If you want to take on some work, but you don’t think you can handle it, then it’s better not to take it, because you might do it poorly and ruin your reputation.
  4. Constantly improve your level of knowledge and skills. This way you can earn more reputation and take on higher paying jobs.
  5. If you want to learn something to do higher priced jobs, then by all means learn. For example, if you don’t know how to work in Photoshop, then download and start looking for video tutorials.

How to get paid for your work

In order to work on the Internet, or more precisely, in order to receive money for it, you need electronic wallets and a bank card for withdrawing money. Be sure to register the following payment instruments:

  • Yandex money ()
  • Qiwi wallet(There are instructions on the website)
  • WebMoney(the most difficult, but mandatory)
  • A debit card from any bank (preferably Sberbank, Alfa or Tinkoff Bank for residents of Russia)

Most often, you will receive payment using electronic money, and then withdraw it to a bank card. This applies to freelance exchanges. If you find a job with an employer, then he already has his own rules. I’ve had all these wallets and cards for a long time, so it’s not without reason that I recommend them.


As you can see, finding a job on the Internet without investment is as easy as shelling pears. The main thing is to just get off your butt and start searching. Yes, you will have to write a resume, make a list of your skills, pass interviews, tests and register on freelance exchanges. But all this will pay off in the fact that you will find your job, your orders and you will easily earn good money while sitting at home on the Internet. Luck with searching!

If you have any questions or disagree with something, I’ll be glad to chat in the comments!

Best regards, Schmidt Nikolay

The majority of people use the Internet only for entertainment or communication, more than 90%. But there are also those who use the Internet to work and earn money. And every year the trend for making money on the Internet is growing. But how to recognize really working ways to make money without cheating, among the many offers? Yes, so that you definitely get what you earned and don’t waste your time doing some work for pennies.

This article will cover all the basic issues related to working online. We will talk about what options and types of earnings exist today, what is their profitability, what are the prospects for development in them. In addition, we will talk about specific sites on the Internet where you can earn money from investments without cheating.

Who is suitable for working on the Internet with daily payment?

This is perhaps the first question that beginners want to know the answer to. Well, we answer: everyone can earn at least some money online, even those who have almost no experience working with a computer. For teenagers, students, mothers on maternity leave, pensioners— there is also a lot of work available online for these categories of the population. The main thing is perseverance and perseverance, and there is enough work for everyone!

How much can you earn working from home?

Much depends on whether you have any professional skills (appropriate education), whether you can navigate well in rapidly changing conditions, whether you have certain knowledge in any areas of knowledge, etc. To put it simply, with profitability everything is the same as in real life. Those who perform work that does not require any qualifications will initially be able to receive 100-200 rubles per day. But an experienced programmer or copywriter will be able to earn 3000-5000 rubles in the same time. Much depends on how much time you are willing to devote to work. Of course, the more you work, the more you earn.

An example of payment from one of the sites for completing simple tasks

You can enter a captcha for 600 rubles for a whole month and this money will only be enough to pay for the Internet, or you can master the profession of an SMM specialist in a couple of weeks and have a normal salary of 20-30 thousand per month. There are a lot of nuances, we will talk about this in the article.

Video: Remote work on the Internet from home without investment or deception: payment every day + 7 vacancies, 4 sites

TOP 12 Jobs on the Internet without investment and deception with payment every day

Now that you know that almost anyone can make money online, it’s time to talk about where, in fact, a beginner can start his career. It so happened that the topic of making money online is very popular with scammers, and many newcomers, unfortunately, fall for their tricks at least once. Read about how to protect yourself from scammers at the end of the article, but now we will look at options for making money on the Internet without investments, suitable for a beginner, and specific sites that provide such work, which, at least, definitely will not deceive you with payment.

Typing on a PC at home

A great way to earn money, suitable for anyone who knows how to press buttons on a keyboard. But finding such a job is not easy now, and the reason for this is scammers who offer to make money by typing and then scam their workers. There are countless of them now, so if you want to make money this way, be extremely careful. Usually they ask to pay for “insurance” before starting work, in case the deadlines are missed and a penalty is paid to the customer. After receiving payment, they disappear. Do not transfer money to anyone, only you should be paid for the work!

Prices for typing-text.rf

In the meantime, the work is really very simple. The customer sends you scanned documents, books, manuscripts and other sources from which it is impossible to extract the text automatically; you retype it manually. Payment varies from 10 to 50 rubles per 1000 characters. Much depends on your experience and desire to look for the most profitable offer among customers.

Sites where such earnings are available:

  • Typing-text.rf

In addition, pay attention to the assignments transcriptions(translation of audio/video into text) on these sites, this is another simple and decently paid job that does not require investment.

Filling out forms for money

To conduct social research, large companies conduct special surveys in the form of filling out questionnaires about the product. Few people are interested in completing them for free, but for a small reward this activity becomes much more interesting. Unfortunately, there are also many scams associated with this method. However, there are many proven resources that pay money.

The good thing about making money from surveys is that it is very simple and does not require the employee to work hard. However, it is unlikely that this method of earning money will be made the main one. As a rule, they pay up to 100 rubles for one survey. Employees are most often notified of new surveys by e-mail. The problem is the number of surveys: employers are not very generous in sending new surveys to employees, which allows you to use this method of earning money as an additional one, but nothing more.

To avoid getting hooked by scammers, use the following services:


All these sites are aimed at residents of the Russian Federation; there is a wonderful site for citizens of other CIS countries, who also pays money for filling out questionnaires and surveys.

Earning money from likes and completing simple tasks

Performing simple paid actions is perhaps one of the most popular types of earning money on the Internet, if not the most popular. People fell in love with it because it does not require professional skills at all. In fact, all the work here comes down to pressing buttons, which makes it extremely simple. However, the wages here are quite modest, but you must admit that it would be stupid to demand big money for such work. But this work definitely does not require investments, and it is definitely without deception, you just perform the necessary actions and get paid.

Below is a list of sites where you can make money this way: Simple and intuitive interface and a large number of work - these two reasons are enough to call it one of the best resources for beginners. The essence of the tasks often lies in navigating through websites, clicking on advertisements, joining groups on social networks, registering on websites, etc.

You can increase your earnings on Socpublic by moving up the career growth system and receiving achievements. Also one of the best resources for new workers. In many ways it is very similar to Socpublic. Many people started their earnings journey here.

Example of simple tasks on the Seosprint website

. Nowadays, when the ruble is in an extremely unstable position, no one would refuse to earn in dollars. The Globus service gives us this opportunity. The essence of making money here is to watch advertisements that periodically appear on the screen of your computer or phone. To start working, you need to register and install the program. Earnings occur in a completely passive mode, and appearing advertisements do not interfere with work at the computer: advertisements can be closed as soon as they appear. Withdrawal is available to Webmoney and Paypal payment systems, the minimum amount is 0.5 US dollars.

I paid that much for 5 years of work. If converted into Russian rubles, this equals approximately 41 million rubles.

. This option is good for those who spend a lot of time on social networks. Now you can get money for likes, reposts, and joining groups. Just register on VKTarget, open the list of tasks and start earning money. To work, you can use all popular social networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and a number of others. The big advantage of the service is that they often pay much more for one click than on axleboxes. For example, they can pay about 80 kopecks to join a group.

An example of simple tasks on the VKTarget website

Earning money by entering captcha

The method is very similar to typing, but instead of texts, here we are asked to enter a captcha - text from pictures used to confirm that a person is registering on the site and not a robot. Why is this necessary? For example, some advertisers conduct mailings on forums where registration requires a captcha. The registration itself is performed by robots, but of course they cannot pass the captcha themselves. The one who enters the captcha does it for them.

In the Russian-language segment of the Internet, the RuCaptcha website has gained the greatest popularity. It is worth noting that the payment is quite modest. For a regular captcha they pay from 1 to 6 kopecks, for a recaptcha (picture captcha) - from 6 to 12. However, there are people who manage to earn good money there. To get started, type the following address in your browser -

Other sites for earning money by typing captcha:


Earning money from clicks, reading emails and surfing

This method has already been mentioned in the article. Work of this kind can be found on active advertising services (boxes). But it’s worth noting right away that they pay ridiculous amounts of money for it, so you shouldn’t pay too much attention to it - the profit is not the same. Just try it for fun and comparison.

As you can see, for each of them they offer 3-5 kopecks. Is this money?

You can make money by clicking, reading emails and surfing on Seosprint, Seofast, Socpublic and others like them, to do this, select a section on these sites with the appropriate name.

Earn money by watching videos: methods + list of sites

But this method is already more interesting! The idea is something like this: advertisers offer to watch their videos on YouTube in the hope that you will be interested in their channel and subscribe, and you receive a small reward for watching the video. As in the case of clicks, this work will not bring you a decent income, but it also has advantages: on some services you can open tabs with videos, while you do whatever you want. Thus, it turns out to be a kind of source of passive income without investments.

You can earn money by watching videos on:


Earn money by writing reviews and comments

Here the employee will have to write short reviews and comments and post them on forums, blogs and other resources on the Internet. The fee for one review can vary - from 25 kopecks to 100 rubles, it all depends on the complexity of the comment.

Example of a comment writing task

The only serious problem with this method is that reviews are only paid after it has been reviewed by a moderator. If you make a post on some popular forum, there is a high probability that it will be deleted before the moderator has time to check it. But don’t despair, over time you will learn to leave comments in such a way that they will be deleted less often and thus you will be able to receive decent payment using this method.

This type of work can be found at:


Earning money by writing articles (copywriting and rewriting)

One of the most serious and most profitable types of online work without investment today. A copywriter is a text writer. Texts can be of different nature (artistic, commercial, etc.) - it all depends on the wishes of the customer. The range of topics is also unlimited.

There are two main types of work for a copywriter - copywriting and rewriting. Copywriting is about creating completely new texts. Rewriting is a kind of “retelling” of an already existing text, presenting it in other words, as a result of which new text turns out different from the original one.

At the same time, copywriting is much more complicated than the methods of earning money described above. To become a successful copywriter, you need to be able to express your thoughts clearly and clearly, have creative thinking and love your job.

One of the main advantages of this method is decent wages. On average, they pay 45-70 rubles for 1000 characters without spaces, and even more for experienced copywriters with a reputation. At the same time, there is always a lot of work on copywriting exchanges. In order not to be unfounded, let’s look at the statistics of the Advego resource.

You can start your copywriting career at:


Author of school, student and scientific works

A great way to make money for school teachers, university professors and talented students. The range of work that can be offered here is huge - from simple independent tests and tests to coursework and dissertations.

Currently the most popular exchanges are:


Job – Article poster (content manager)

The essence of the work is to publish articles on customer websites, as well as make small adjustments to their content if necessary. A content manager must be able to format texts with headings, subheadings, lists and include the necessary photographs.

Example of a content manager vacancy in a specialized group

As a rule, customers hire content managers to work on an ongoing basis. You can search for an employer at:


Administrator of a group/public on a social network (SMM manager)

The essence of the work is generally similar to the essence of working as a website content manager, but this time groups on the social networks Facebook, VKontakte, and Odnoklassniki will have to be filled with content.

The SMM manager publishes news, monitors order in comments and spam, holds competitions and does everything to make the group look alive and subscribers want to stay in it. You can get paid for working in one group from 3000 to 10000 rubles per month, and if you work in several at the same time, you can earn a good income.

Earning money from freelancing

Freelancing is usually understood as the totality of all job offers that exist in a labor market free of contracts and labor obligations. In other words, freelancing can include any work that is performed on the Internet and the terms of which are negotiated between the customer and the contractor. As a rule, such work is one-time, but customers can apply again if they are satisfied with the quality of work.

Anyone who has professional skills and abilities can make money as a freelancer: programmers, copywriters, designers, video editors, etc.

For freelancers, there are special freelance exchanges offering work in different specialties. The most popular freelance exchanges these days are:


How to recognize scammers - 5 basic rules

Unfortunately, many novice workers encounter scammers due to inexperience. However, avoiding their tricks is not so difficult; you just need to follow five rules:

1. When working with a customer on any service, carefully study his account. See what its reputation/rating is and what reviews other users leave about it. If the rating is low, and there are suspiciously many reviews reporting fraud, it is better to bypass the customer.

2. Avoid offers that are too easy and pay too much. Believe me, on the Internet, as in a regular job, there is no magic way to earn a huge amount of actions in a few simple actions.

3. Never send money to the customer as collateral. This will 100% turn out to be a scam.

4. Try to work through exchanges, where for each order there is a guarantee that the money will eventually end up with you. On classic exchanges, you should first of all look closely at those customers who have the option of a secure transaction available.

When working directly, you should always require an advance payment of at least 10-30% of the order value. In addition, you can conclude a civil contract regulating the terms of work and payment.


As you can see, on the Internet everyone can find a job to their liking, and in order for it to bring a good income, you only need the desire and desire to earn money. As in life, success comes to those who are not afraid to take action. Try it different ways earning money, don’t be afraid to experiment, communicate with those who work on the Internet, and you will definitely start living a new life, full of independence and financial freedom!

Write in the comments what work on the Internet you have already tried and what results you got. And also be sure to write which methods or sites have stopped working so that others can be warned!

Employees are required to work from home using a computer. Special knowledge and experience are not required. Internet access is required. Requirements: viewing advertisements on websites, as well as performing various tasks of advertisers. You make your own work schedule. Age from 14 years. Place of residence and education do not matter. Payment is piecework. Possibility of combining with study or main job. Please contact us by email and be sure to include your name.
Salary: from 15,000 rub. up to 30,000 rub. (per month)
Requirements for the applicant
Internet access is required. Requirements: viewing advertisements on websites, as well as performing various tasks of advertisers. High school students, students and anyone over the age of 14 can work. You will learn everything on the job.
Conditions, work schedule
Free schedule. Payment is piecework.
Contact Information:

Information on the website