How to use the new Skype on Android. Installing and configuring Skype on Android. Step-by-step instructions: how to start using Skype

Skype is a unique program developed many years ago and replaced the once popular ICQ and qip. And if these two services only allowed exchanging text messages and supporting them with emoticons, then the possibilities of Skype know no bounds. By installing Skype on your phone, you can chat with friends, call a phone or another Skype, communicate by voice and establish a video call, transfer media files, documents, etc. Installing Skype on your phone is very simple, especially since in our article you will find step-by-step instructions on how to do it.

Download Skype to phone

You can download Skype to your phone in several ways, for example, through a computer. To do this, you need to connect your phone using USB, find the application on the Internet and download it to the device. This method is especially relevant for residents of Crimea, since directly through Google Play You won't be able to download the app.

But if you don’t have a computer at hand or you want to avoid unnecessary movements, we recommend using the method described below. We present you with step-by-step instructions using Samsung OS Android 4.2.2 as an example.

How to install Skype on your phone

To install the program, you will need to create an email if you don’t have one. Any option will do, including, gmail, yandex, etc.

How to install Skype on your phone:

  1. Go to the Play Store and enter the word “Skype” in the search bar.
  2. Click on the application icon and install it on your phone.
  3. After clicking the “Install” button, the application will ask you to accept some permissions - synchronize contacts from the phone book, access pictures, music, social networks. Click the "Accept" button.
  4. Next, there may be two options: if you have an account on Skype, you write your login and password in the appropriate fields, if not, register. Let's consider the last option. To register, click “Create” account».
  5. Uncheck the box below if you do not want to receive automatic Skype newsletters and click Continue.
  6. Enter your personal information, set a future login and password to log in to the system.
  7. Since Skype already has several million users, it is almost impossible to find the original login (username) the first time. In this case, you will see this message:
  8. Choose one of the proposed nicknames or come up with another.
  9. When registration is completed successfully, you will be prompted to add friends from social networks and phone book that already have Skype installed.
  10. Enter your phone number and follow further instructions.

How to use Skype on your phone

The creators of Skype have done everything possible to ensure that even the most inexperienced users can enjoy the simple and pleasant operation of the program. Intuitive controls allow you to master the interface and all the necessary functions in a few minutes.

Key points about using mobile Skype:

As you can see, downloading and learning how to use Skype is not difficult at all, and it will take a maximum of half an hour of your time. By setting up synchronization and automatic launch of the application, you will receive notifications about sent messages and will be able to constantly keep in touch with friends or colleagues.

Skype– the most popular application for making calls over the Internet. This one is predominantly free service was launched in 2003, and quickly became one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to stay in touch with people around the world. Do you travel a lot or just want to save money on telephony? Skype is a great option, it is available on PCs, mobile phones, tablets, home phones, TVs and even on your Xbox console One!

And if you have not yet had a chance to take advantage of this benefit of civilization, here are step-by-step instructions:

1. How to register for Skype.

Getting started with Skype is as easy as getting started with any other application. To create an account, go to the Skype home page and click on “Join!” in the upper right corner.

You can sign in with an existing Microsoft or Facebook account, or you can sign up separately for Skype.

If you choose to sign up for Skype using your Facebook account, this will give you the ability to view your News Feed and chat with your Facebook friends via Skype. That is, everything is as usual - updates, likes, comments, plus the opportunity to call a friend, if, of course, he indicated his phone number on this social network and/or is your contact on Skype.

The main disadvantage of this method is that Skype receives a lot of information about you: public profile, list of friends, email address. emails, status updates, etc., etc. In addition, this will allow the application to collect information about your friends. Big Brother is watching you! We don't recommend it.

So, if you have chosen the Skype login method, enter your registration information and you are ready for the next step.

2. How to download and install Skype.

After creating an account, you will be asked to deposit money into your Skype account. Yes, calling other Skype users is completely free, but calling a mobile or landline costs money. Let's skip this step for now.

Download Skype using this link or by clicking on the button that appears on your screen after registration. Install Skype: save the installation file to your computer, double click start installing the application and follow simple and clear instructions. Once the installation is complete, log into Skype by entering your username and password.

If you're logging in for the first time, you'll be prompted to configure settings such as the display language or whether Skype should start when you start your computer. You will also be prompted to use the callto: and tel: online links feature, which is convenient if you want to call the numbers listed on the websites.

After you deal with this section, another couple of minutes will pass... Profit! Skype is installed!

3. Checking audio and video settings.

Next, check if your audio and video equipment is working. In principle, you don’t have to do this right now - you can always go to “Tools” > “Settings” > “General” > “Sound Settings”/“Video Settings”.

If you hear a Skype signal, everything is OK with your speakers/headphones.

If you see yourself, everything is OK with your webcam.

4. Setting up a profile and setting the status.

Well, it's simple: click on your name in the upper left corner of the screen - and go! Here you can edit your name, mood, contacts and other information about yourself. On the right are the privacy settings for each field; if they are grayed out, Skype will not allow you to change them as you wish. Taking into account this feature, you need to decide what kind of data you are ready to provide to all honest people. If you are not sure that you are ready to share any information, it is better to leave the appropriate fields blank.

Skype gives you the ability to set your status so that your friends know whether you are ready to chat at that particular moment. An icon will appear next to your name in their contact list: Online, Away, Do Not Disturb, or Offline. If you select Invisible, you will also appear as an Offline contact to others. The status is set in the “Network Status” field of the Skype tab on the menu bar.

5. General settings and security and alert settings.

We continue to customize Skype for ourselves.

Go to Tools > Settings > General > General Settings. Here, for example, you can change the settings you made when you first signed in to Skype.

To protect yourself from unwanted calls and messages, go to “Tools” > “Settings” > “Security”. In Security Settings, you choose who you'd like to read, hear, and see (and who you'll allow to see you by default). The “Blocked Users” item will allow you to get rid of particularly intrusive individuals.

In what cases and with what sound will Skype attract your attention is set in “Tools” > “Settings” > “Alerts”.

6. Adding contacts.

So, it’s time to add contacts, because without them all our previous manipulations make little sense.

Go to “Contacts” in the menu bar and either select adding through a search in the Skype directory, or save the contact manually. You can edit the request message to be added to your contact list as you please. Those who accept your request will appear in your contact list.

7. Communication on Skype.

Message exchange.

To send messages, double-click the left mouse button on the contact name in the list or once right click followed by selecting “Start chat” - and that’s it, you can enter text in the field where the cursor blinked.

One of the advantages of Skype chat is the ability to exchange different types of files without restrictions on the size and number of files sent and received. To send a file, right-click on the contact’s name or on the “+” under the contact’s name and select “Send File”.

To make a call, click the "Call" button under the selected contact's name. To make a video call, click on the “Video call” button.

Calls to mobile and landline phones.

As mentioned, Skype calls to mobiles and landlines cost money. You can find prices at the office. Skype website. There are two main options available: paying for each individual call from your Skype account and subscribing to one of the tariff plans.

8. Other Skype features.

Using Skype you can also...

... make group calls and video calls (up to 25 people). Select the “Create a new group” item in “Contacts” on the menu bar and drag the contacts to the specified location or click on “+” and select “Add people...”.

... send SMS (paid option). Right-click on the contact’s name and select “Send SMS”. The application will even send you a delivery report, all in order.

... get a Skype number in the "Manage Features" section (paid option).

... set up call forwarding to mobile in the “Manage functions” section (paid option).

... enable the “Skype To Go” option for international calls in the “Manage Features” section (paid option).

... specify the number for subscriber identification - all in the same place, in “Function Management”. Then the people you call via Skype on phones with Caller ID will see your number instead of an obscure set of numbers.

...share an image of your screen to one of your contacts or a group of them. To share your screen, right-click on the contact’s name or on the “+” under the contact’s name and select “Screen Share”.

9. Download Skype for mobile.

As mentioned at the very beginning, Skype is also available for mobile phones. If you are the proud owner of a fairly modern device, you have a direct path to the office. application website. Click , select your phone, download and install Skype.

The main functionality of the application in mobile version saved, but it is worth considering that it will work at mobile speeds.

For more information about how Skype works, please visit the support page at the office. website.

Greetings dear readers! I have bad news - today another of my phones died. At this time, I urgently needed to call a friend in another city, but how to do this? Then I remembered the Skype program.

Through it, I was able to not only make calls, but also communicate via video conference, and completely free of charge. In general, it’s a useful thing. Today I’ll tell you how to start using Skype on your computer. We will consider everything from registration itself to the start of communication.

Skype - what is this program?

Its key features include:

  • making voice calls;
  • communication via video conference;
  • sending text messages;
  • file transfer.

Simply put, the user has the opportunity to write, call and see another person. Personally, I communicate with friends in different cities via video calling and don’t spend extra money. In this case, it turns out that I am calling from one computer to another, and not to a mobile phone.

If you want to use additional features (showing your desktop on a monitor, making phone calls, etc.), the services may be paid and you will need to top up your account to receive them. You can find out about paid services on the official website. However, I will say right away that for many people the free functionality is more than enough.

In fact, even paid services can cease to be a hindrance when they come from the Internet additional earnings. There are plenty of prospects for this. Naturally, it is advisable to first master the wisdom of the “networking profession”. It’s just that fewer mistakes will be made, and income can flow faster and in greater volume. In general, I won’t go into too much detail about your capabilities now. As an example, I’ll give you some really cool training programs that are not always easy to find. You can view them here.

Step-by-step account registration

Before installing the application itself, you will need to register. After it, your own account will appear, which you will need to use Skype. So, let's begin.

We go to the official website and click “login”.

Now click “new account”.

Fill in information about yourself. Enter reliable data and double-check it, as if access is lost it will be much easier to regain control.

Special attention Pay attention to the correctness of your e-mail. If it doesn’t exist, then you can, for example, easily take advantage of it.

Have you filled everything out? Now let's get acquainted with the documents. Everything is fine? Click “Next” and follow the system instructions.

Did everything go like clockwork? Great, now available to you Personal Area.

To start using Skype, we won’t need it yet. We will need a login with a password and the program to be installed.

Downloading and installing the program on your computer

We return to the original site again and click “download”.

A page will open where you have to choose Skype version for specific equipment. As you can see, it can be used on a wide variety of devices. The principle of use is approximately the same everywhere. In this article we will take a closer look at the computer version.

Now select “computer” and press the green button. The download will start automatically.

We wait for the download to complete and proceed to install the program. To do this, open the recently downloaded file. First you need to select a language and agree to the rules.

You will be asked to install an additional Skype plugin for convenience. Here you decide for yourself whether it is needed or not. If necessary, then immediately click “continue”, otherwise first uncheck the box.

At the next stage, I usually uncheck all the boxes, since I’m happy with it anyway search system, which is the default. You can do differently - your choice.

The installation has started and you can watch the process.

Upon completion of system operations, the start window will open.

Now we can log in with our account and find out how we can finally start using Skype online. Enter your username and password and click the “login” button.

Setting up the program

Most likely, during the installation process you will be asked to configure audio, video and set an avatar - your photo or any image you like. I had already installed Skype before, so the program opened right away. It's okay, I'll show you the settings directly from the interface. I access them through “tools” and “settings”.

Here you can check whether the microphone is working or not. It's simple - say something and if you see that the scale turns green, then the microphone is working.

Here we see if the video camera is working. There is immediately functionality to make yourself an avatar. Still don't have a video camera or microphone? It is advisable to purchase at least a microphone, otherwise how are you going to communicate by voice. Although you will have the opportunity to write messages in any case.

Add friends to contacts and communicate

Hurray, we're in the program! To start communicating, you need to add your acquaintances, friends, and colleagues to your contacts. To do this, we find out their login. Enter it into the search field and add it to yours. To do this, click on the name of the found user and click “add”.

Now you can write a message, send pictures and other files, and even see the person on your monitor. Great?

Text messages and sending files

Let's try to write a new message to a friend added to our contacts. To do this, left-click on a friend’s name and pay attention to the chat that opens.

Enter the text of the message and send. A split second and the recipient sees it. You can attach a file to any message. It's easy to do - click on the paperclip and select a photo, document or any other file that you want to send.

The described features are more basic. Let's see what else useful Skype offers.

Voice and video calls

When you select a person from your contacts, pay attention to the video camera and telephone handset icons that appear.

Want to make a voice call? Then press the phone. If you want to communicate with video, on camera. Please note that by performing such actions, you are calling the subscriber's computer. Accordingly, in order to get through, the subscriber’s computer must be turned on, the Internet connected, and Skype running. This can be easily checked by the subscriber's status. See for yourself.

If you see that there is a green tick or other status symbol in the circle, then the subscriber is online. If the circle is empty, then it is not connected.

Video conference

On Skype you can easily make a video conference with ten people. This is one of my favorite features that allows participants in a conversation to see and hear each other. Cool opportunity?

Let's see step by step how to properly start using video conferencing on Skype. It's not all that complicated. We follow this sequence:

  • select one of the desired contacts;
  • press “plus” and select conversation participants;
  • We're calling.

Is it difficult? Let me show you right away in pictures. To begin, select the first participant in the conversation.

Now mark the remaining participants and click “add”.

That's it, all you have to do is call and start communicating. Simple enough, right?

I tried to explain in great detail how everyone can start using Skype today. We'll see how we can soon. I hope the information was useful to you.

With this I will say goodbye until the next publication. Subscribe to blog updates.

How to use Skype

Using Skype is very easy even for an inexperienced user. At the same time, a huge number of problems are solved. This, among other things, is the reason for the enormous popularity of the application.

To start using this program, you need, first of all, . This is the first and necessary step - without installation files it will be impossible to start working. The way Skype works is different from the way most people work postal services And . If the latter “live” in the cloud, then this application is on your computer, mobile, tablet, TV, game console, that is, wherever you use it.

In order to download the program, go to the official download site and select the desired item:

When you download a program, you create, one might say, "My Skype"(account, account): come up with a name and password. This account is linked to your telephone email address and, if desired, to your phone number.

The best way to learn how to use an application is by using it. For example, here are instructions on how to use Skype to make a call:

After you have installed the program on your device, launch it by clicking one of the icons on the taskbar,

on the desktop

or where you specified launch during installation.

True, your goal may not be achieved immediately. You must know Username to send him an invitation. Each such person has his own unique login, whatever his real name is, which you need to know for sure so as not to be mistaken:

If you are sure that you have found exactly the person you want to talk to, or, for example, wish him a happy birthday, ask him to add you to his contact list. However, he can accept your congratulations or call even before confirmation.

If you have enough contacts, in order to start a conversation over the voice channel, go to "Contacts" main top horizontal menu

or in "Contacts" or "The Last" left vertical menu:

and select one of your interlocutors with whom you want to chat on Skype.

How to talk on Skype if you call landline and mobile phones? To do this in "Conversations" click "Calls to phones":

and dial the required number:

This is a paid service and you need to use it.

To communicate via video, select the video icon:

Please note that using video calls requires presence of a webcam: built-in or external. You can familiarize yourself with the operating rules of these devices in the corresponding user manuals, but, as a rule, their use does not cause difficulties: they start automatically and do not require special settings.

You can also exchange messages with several subscribers, since using is also one of the program’s features, and it’s free. Communication on Skype using messages (chat) is a very popular service.

But how can you talk on Skype using chat?

First of all, you need to find or select the contact or contact you want to start a chat with. To do this, use the search function or go to "Contacts" or "The Last"

and make a choice:

Then enter the desired phrase in the message window - for example, "I want to communicate. Let's talk":

You can send a message by pressing a key Enter by default or by clicking on the send icon - checkmark if you selected this option in the settings.

To ask a question or tell something to several subscribers, add the desired contact or several when writing a message:

However, everything said above applies to how to use Skype on the computer. Although, what is Skype and how to use it? on the phone largely replicates how to communicate through this application using a computer. Only programs and add-ons to them vary for different devices. They are largely determined by the capabilities of the screens, operating systems and Internet connection capabilities. The rules of use, with the exception of some nuances, are almost identical everywhere.

If you need an effective means of communication for business, you have repeatedly wondered how to start working on Skype in order to make the most of all its capabilities, and how to use the program correctly so as not to pay - optimizing communication costs is certainly one of the tasks any organization.

So here it is. Rules for using Skype for free - call and write only to each other's accounts. But there is a nuance here. You can talk through this application only when the Internet is working. Accordingly, why not use Skype for free if everyone has access to the Internet and does not have to pay for Internet traffic. But if you use mobile Skype on your phone, for example, you need to pay for mobile traffic. Therefore, in order to start communicating correctly from an economic point of view, study all the tariffs. Information on the cost of various services can be found at this link: It applies to both companies and ordinary users, for whom free communication via Skype is also possible when calling the Skype numbers of other subscribers.

Some useful links

Video on how to use Skype:

  • Here is the official channel of the program on YouTube. True, it is in English:
  • and here are some instructions for dummies, as well as questions and answers on individual functions in Russian:

Instructions for working on the official website, including information for dummies, various FAQ(FAQ), help(help), info(information), "is it possible" And "Why":

Description of the program:

  • general:
  • features: (NOT user instructions for using various functions - it’s better to go to “help” for that, but rather their review)
  • Questions about using the application for business:

If you figured out how to speak on Skype, studied videos on how to communicate using this program, and understood whether it can be used for business, congratulations. Your wish - “I want to talk on Skype”- can now be executed. Use Skype! Get started now!

Hello everybody! In this article I will describe the steps on how to use Skype on platforms such as a laptop, phone or computer. With the popularization of the Internet, communication programs began to appear on personal computers. At first, they were quite simple, like icq, capable of transmitting only text notifications. However, even then developers began to create java applications allowing users to communicate mobile devices, with personal computer users.

Later, the first voice clients appeared, allowing people to communicate on the Internet for free through voice communication. Much later, an application appeared on the computer capable of making video calls. One of the first such applications was a program called Skype.

Unfortunately, most users at that time did not have unlimited internet, and there was no need for such programs. Now, with the advent of unlimited Internet, video calls have become commonplace, they can be found even in social networking interfaces. However, Skype still occupies a leading position as a communication program.

Advantages of Skype over other instant messengers

Due to the fact that Skype appeared earlier than other similar applications, this program had more time to maximize its functionality. Skype has such unique features as group voice and video chat. Skype also has other functions typical of any instant messenger, such as text messaging or multimedia content transfer.

This program has no volume limit transferred files. Also, Skype has extensive settings that allow you to use both the built-in camera and microphone, and external gadgets.

For example, you can connect a phone used by a computer as a microphone or web camera to this application.

Unfortunately, this program also has disadvantages. After it was acquired by Microsoft, Skype gained significant browser integration Internet Explorer, which, unfortunately, is inferior to other advanced browsers.

How to use Skype on a computer

At the time when Skype appeared, there were not yet powerful enough mobile devices to make video calls. The only tool that allowed me to make video calls was a computer. One of the advantages of Skype is the simplicity of settings and extensive application settings, thanks to which, this program up to the task of experienced users personal computer, and for older people who are less experienced in handling computer technology.

The program interface is a window, on the right side of which the avatar and user name are indicated, just below the search line, into which you can enter both the nickname of the person you are looking for and the full name. Even lower, there is a list of contacts and a tab with the history of correspondence.
By selecting one of the contacts, the correspondence history, handset and video call icon appear on the right side of the window.

At the bottom of the window there is a field for entering a message, with additional options that allow you to attach an image, file, video or contact.
Any section in the program can be expanded at the expense of another. For example, the text input field can be enlarged by reducing the correspondence history windows.

An icon is installed next to the user's avatar; by default, it looks like a green circle with a white checkmark inside. By clicking on this symbol, you can change your status: out of office, do not disturb, offline. Moreover, the “offline” status allows you to remain online, while other users will assume that the person is not there.

Skype for smartphones

With the development of powerful mobile devices, it has become possible to make video calls from smartphone to smartphone and from smartphone to computer. The Skype interface for mobile operating systems is much simpler than the computer version.

  • Username, settings and status changes are available by swiping to the right.
  • On the main screen of the application there is a correspondence history, in the adjacent tab the user’s contacts.
  • When synchronization is enabled, contacts from address book added to Skype. IN last tab you can dial the number mobile phone when making a call from Skype to a GSM network.
  • Of course, to call mobile number phone, you must have a top-up account on your Skype account.
  • When you select a contact who does not have the Skype application installed, the program will offer to invite a friend via SMS message or Email.
  • When selecting a contact who has Skype installed, the user will be taken to the correspondence history. As in the desktop version, the voice and video communication icon will be at the top of the chat, and the text entry area will be at the bottom of the correspondence history.
  • When making a voice call, a person can hold the device to their ear and communicate as on a regular phone. If your device has a proximity sensor, the smartphone screen will go dark at this time.
  • When making a video call, a person can use the front camera, thanks to which both participants in the conversation will see each other. If front camera no, a person can turn the smartphone backside. One way or another, one of the participants in the dialogue will not be able to see their interlocutor.
  • If desired, even with a front camera, the owner of the smartphone can switch the view from the front camera to the rear one. This can be useful, because the main camera is usually of higher quality, has optical stabilization and autofocus.

Despite the many instant messengers that also have voice and video communications, Skype still remains relevant. In addition to high-quality communication, Skype has many unique features, such as group video chat.

  1. Both clients, both mobile and stationary, when minimized, display a small video communication window on top of the remaining windows.
  2. Despite some shortcomings, it is unlikely that any other messenger will be able to compete with Skype in the near future.

Today you learned how to use Skype, if you have questions for me about this, ask them in the comments, I will be happy to help everyone. Peace and goodness to everyone!