Personal navigator. Megafon navigator personal account login. What is “Megafon navigator”

Navitel is one of the most popular car navigators in Russia. Not so long ago its new, fifth version was released, which, according to many drivers, is practically no different from the previous one. Important elements The things you should pay attention to are additional features and faster operation software. The speed of data transfer and route calculation has increased.

However, to fully use the navigator, you should understand its capabilities and how to work with the interface in as much detail as possible. So, let's start with how and where you can download this program.

How to install the Navitel program

There are two ways to install Navitel with its further use:

  1. Download the program from the Internet. We do this using the official website, Personal Area and the entrance to it is displayed immediately on the first page. If you are not registered yet, you will need to register and then download the apk file to your personal computer. After registering and purchasing the product, you can activate it and download it to your PC. Already from it - to a smartphone with operating system Android.
  2. We buy the boxed version of Navitel and use it from the car.

Important! To activate Navitel, you need to find out the license key number and the correct version of the program. To do this, launch the program, select the “Menu” section in the lower left corner, then “My Navitel”, “Download maps” and “Navitel Navigator”.

Registration in Navitel

Now a little more about how to register in the navigator’s account. There is nothing complicated here, you can do it like this: personal computer, and from a smartphone. The main thing is that the Internet has sufficient, or at least average, speed. So, let's do the following:

  1. We go to the official Navitel website. Trying to download a program from dubious resources is highly discouraged, since in this case a virus can be “caught” on the device.
  2. In the “Login” field, enter any word or numeric code. You can enter your login in both Cyrillic and Latin.
  3. Then enter the created password.
  4. In the "Email" field mail" indicate the current one Mailbox. In the next field you will need to confirm it; to do this, you can simply copy the address from the previous line.
  5. Then we indicate the country in which the navigator will be used.

After that, to the specified email address An email arrives with an activation link. It should be noted that it arrives instantly, which is already quite nice. We need to follow the provided link, after which we are again taken to the site, where the message “Welcome” pops up in front of us.

In the panel on the right you can see the option to enter the previously specified login and password. These values ​​must be entered, then click the “Login” button. Now we see the same Navitel personal account.

Important! Only one Navitel account can be registered per email address.

What can you do in your Navitel personal account?

The Navitel ru personal account provides the following opportunities for its users:

  • You can get updates in the “My Devices” section. To do this, you need to add these devices, but you won’t be able to do this without a license key;
  • "My Profile" section for adding personal information"
  • “Useful Links” is a kind of collection necessary information on using the software"
  • section "Buy license key provides the opportunity to purchase the same key or a new card;
  • in the next section you can activate the purchased license key;
  • in the last section you can deactivate this key. This need may arise if you purchase a new device or when replacing a flash card.

Important! You need to buy a license key for both the boxed version of Navitel and the program.

It is worth noting that you can buy a key both on the official website and from other online suppliers or in stores.

A little about the Navitel program

Many users of this navigator note that the program provides the most accurate maps compared to other systems. We can highlight other important aspects of using Navitel not only the latest, but also previous versions:

  • Wide range of possibilities for working with maps. They can be configured in such a way that throughout the entire route the program will notify you about the weather, approaching traffic lights and pedestrian crossings, crossings, inform about traffic jams in various areas of the city and perform a lot of other useful functions;
  • a clear interface that can be changed at your discretion if desired;
  • large POI database;
  • automatic update available cards;
  • prompt determination of the route, the ability to save completed routes with subsequent notification;
  • excellent quality of the map, the image is presented in 3D format, all lines are clearly drawn, the main roads differ in color from the secondary ones.

The route can be laid in two ways:

  • through a point on the map;
  • via the address route.

In addition to the advantages of this navigator, one can also note the fact that many of its users are quite satisfied with the quality of the displayed interface. In addition, the icons on the enlarged map are constantly overlapping each other; separation occurs only when zoomed in significantly.

As a conclusion, we can say that the Navitel program fully fulfills its functions and is distinguished by its high speed and accuracy in providing information and laying out routes. As for your personal account, downloading the program and purchasing a key, everything here is extremely clear and accessible, especially if you do not neglect detailed instructions on using the official website.

Here and there, information about stolen children pops up in the crime reports of different cities. Small towns shake, but in big towns this is not so uncommon. And in such conditions, it is absolutely normal that parents increase control over their children. The Navigator service from Megafon can help parents keep track of their children or loved ones. How to connect it, how to control the Navigator, what you can do with it and how much it all costs - we will talk about this in this article.

Basic information

"Navigator" is a service that allows you to track the location of people who give their consent to this on an electronic map of the area.

This service is available for subscriber tracking "Megaphone" And "MTS".

"Navigator" tracks the location of people using data received from the station mobile communications data. When you move your phone within the range of stations, it is registered in their visibility range. Data with the new location arrives in the form of an MMS message to the phone or to the address specified during registration Email. This allows you to fairly accurately determine the subscriber’s coordinates.
Coordinate determination accuracy:

  • downtown - from 100 meters;
  • on the city outskirts - near 1 kilometer;
  • in small settlements - up to several kilometers.

To use the service no restrictions are imposed to track Megafon subscribers, however, if you need to keep track of MTS subscribers, you will have to adapt to the following restrictions:

  • Simultaneously can be tracked no more than 10 numbers;
  • Per month can be done no more than 100 number tracking requests.

You can combine several subscribers into groups and track not each number individually, but the whole group, without overpaying. You can also set a specific time and zone in which tracking will be carried out. You can set the tracking zone radius manually.


The service is provided in free test mode for the first seven days after registration. The following tariffs apply:

  1. Daily subscription fee (including 3 location requests) -3 rubles/day;
  2. Subscriber location determination - 5 rub/request;
  3. Determining your own location -for free;
  4. Sending an SMS message using the site -1 rub/SMS;
  5. Notification about entering/exiting the tracking zone (3 hours) -5 rub/request;
  6. Notification about entering/exiting the tracking zone (5 hours) -10 rub/request;
  7. Notification about entering/exiting the tracking zone (5 days) -35 RUR/request.

It should be clarified that during the basic use of the service, which is provided for a subscription fee, the user can make 3 additional unpaid location requests. After three requests, the above pricing applies. That is, all other features of this service are strictly optional and may not be used by the user.

How to activate or deactivate the service?

To connect Navigator, you can use three methods:

  1. Dial a service team *140#[call button];
  2. Send an empty SMS message to a number 1400;
  3. Take advantage Personal account.

Service management

First of all, it is necessary to talk about ways to manage the service. Available for this:

  • service number *140#;
  • special service Navigator;
  • mobile version of the Navigator service.

To register on the Navigator website, you must: home page of the site in the upper right corner, click "Start registration".

In the window that appears, enter your phone number.

Then in the next window, enter the name and password sent to your number and click “Complete registration”. A message about successful registration, a number and password to enter the service will be sent to your number.

Here on the website, you can perform all actions with the service, view statistics of requests and their payments, lists of subscribers and get all the information about available operations.

  1. Request to be added to tracking:
    through the service team *140*2#[call button];
    - via SMS message with the text " Add <номер абонента> " or " Dob<номер абонента> " to the number 1400.
  2. Obtaining permission to track(response action giving permission to be tracked):
    - SMS message with the number of the subscriber who is given permission to track the number.
  3. Prohibition of existing tracking:
    SMS message with the text " Prohibit <номер абонента>" or " End<номер абонента> " to the number 1400 .
  4. Prohibition of any tracking:
    - SMS message with the text " Prohibit" or " End all" to the number 1400.
  5. Create a group:
    - SMS message with the text " Group name" or " Group name" to the number 1400, where "name" is the name of the group being created.
  6. Adding subscribers to a group:
    - SMS message with the text " ON name1 name2" to the number 1400, where "name1/name2" is the subscriber's name.
  7. Delete a group:
    - SMS message with the text " Udgr name" or " Delgr name" to number 1400, where "name" is the name of the group to be deleted.
  8. Group location determination:
    - SMS message with text "Iskgr name" or " Locgr name" to number 1400, where "name" is the name of the group being monitored.

The extended list of actions performed in the navigator also includes tracking the subscriber’s location in a certain area on the map and during a certain period of time. This is very convenient, for example, for tracking a child’s presence at school. You can set the interval from 7:00 to 13:00 and the area limited to the perimeter of the school. And it is during this period of time that your location will be tracked on those days when you need it.

The Megafon company provides a wide range of options. Subscribers can use cellular communications, the Internet, digital television and others additional services. Among them is the Navigator service. It allows you to track where your friend or relative is at any time. We’ll talk further about how to connect Megafon Navigator through your personal account and how to use it.

Login to your personal account and connect to the service

Before using any online service of the operator, you must log in to your personal account . To do this you will need your phone number and password. You will receive it upon your first visit by dialing *105*00#.

Connecting your personal account is very convenient, as it allows you to:

  • Monitor accounts and payment history.
  • Top up your balance.
  • Track balances for service packages.
  • Change tariffs, find out information about them.
  • Use your bonus account.
  • Enable and disable additional options.

The last point includes dozens of special services for users cellular communication, TV and Internet. One of them is “Navigator”. Let's take a closer look at its capabilities.

What is “Megafon navigator”

This feature allows you to track the location of the number you are interested in. There are only two conditions for its use:

  1. The subscriber must give his consent to be informed.
  2. The SIM card must be in the area of ​​one of the communication towers.

Today, Megafon monitors the numbers of its subscribers and the telephone numbers of the MTS operator. When you connect, you are given a free trial week, after which the service is paid according to the tariff.

You can track multiple numbers on one device, as long as everyone gives their consent. You can always be aware of where your child is or find out about the location of employees. You can configure your navigator to notify you when a subscriber leaves a specific zone.

Connecting the service

You can activate the option using a command on your phone or your personal account. In the first case you need:

  • Enter the command *140# from your number, press call and follow further instructions.
  • Send a message without text to number 1400. The methods are interchangeable.

When connecting through your online account, follow the described algorithm:

  • Log in to your profile.
  • On the main page, find the “Options” section, then “Additional services”.
  • In the list you will find the “Navigator” service in different variations, they will differ in the number of included requests and in price.
Navigator Navigator 30 Navigator 60 Navigator 90
4 RUR/day 132 rub./month. 240 rub./month. 333 rub./month.
  • Select the desired option and click on the green “Connect” button.
  • The status of the service in the “Services and Options” section should change.

Number registration

When the service is activated, you need to go to the website. There you must log in again, click the “Start Registration” button. Next, the system will issue instructions:

  1. Enter your phone number and a password will be sent to it.
  2. The Step 2 window will appear. Here you must indicate the name and the code sent.
  3. Upon completion of registration, you will receive an SMS, now you can log in and start tracking the number.

Service management

After logging in, on the left you will see a list of subscribers you can find. Initially, only your phone number will be indicated there; by the way, requesting it is free. Just below in the “Subscribers” tab you will see the “Add/Remove Subscriber” button.

Select the desired phone number from the list, you can send a free message to its subscriber or find its coordinates. To do this, simply click “Find”. The location will appear on the map; within the city it is determined with an accuracy of 100 meters. The service uses Yandex.Maps services and can also show the nearest houses, pharmacies, cafes, etc.

It is most convenient to use your personal account for requests, but if you cannot log in to it, you can use SMS. Send a message to phone number 1400 with the text “where + phone number” or “find + phone number”. The coordinates will also be sent as a message.

Disabling the option

It is also more convenient to disable Navigator through your Megafon personal account. In the “Connected services” section you will find this option, and next to it the “Disable” button. The request is processed instantly.

If there is no Internet, send an SMS with the text “off.” to number 1400, information about the operation will be sent in a response message.

Interactive service Navitel.Friends allows you to display the locations of friends on the map in real time and use them when building a route, share the coordinates of objects with friends and exchange messages.

This service is available only for devices with Internet access.

Personal Area

To use the service Navitel.Friends

  • you must have a personal account (account) on the website, and
  • In chapter My devices (updates) At least one device with the program must be registered in your personal account Navitel Navigator.

Personal account data must be entered when turning on the service.

If the user is not registered on the website and does not have a personal account, or this device is not added to the personal account, when turning on the service Navitel.Friends the program will offer to go through quick registration, during which the user will be able to create a new personal account, or add a device to an existing one.

Enabling the Navitel.Friends service

If you do not have a personal account or this device has not been added to your existing personal account, follow the instructions Registering a new account or lower.

To remove a saved password from the program memory, select Menu > Settings > Online services > Navitel.Friends > Forget password. After selecting this command, you will need to enter the data again to use the service account.

Registering a new account

Adding a new device to an existing personal account


Service menu Navitel.Friends includes the following items:

Buttons Friends, Find friends, Friend requests And Groups become active only after successful authorization.

Service settings

To go to service settings Navitel.Friends
a) select Menu > Settings > Online services > Navitel Friends, or
b) click on the icon Navitel.Friends Map and select Settings.

This section contains the following subsections:

  1. Enable Navitel.Friends, which allows you to enable/disable the service by setting a switch On/Off(On/Off) to the appropriate position.
  2. Profile, which contains the user’s personal data, a list of his registered devices, and also allows you to edit the user profile. Click to edit Edit profile, enter your personal data in the appropriate fields and confirm the changes by pressing the button OK in the upper right corner of the screen. All specified data will be visible to users when displaying search results, as well as after adding them as friends.
  3. Devices, which contains a list of devices registered in this account.
  4. Forget password, with which you can remove the password for this account from the program’s memory if earlier, when you turned on the service, you selected the option to remember the password. After deleting the password, you will need to enter it again the next time you turn on the service.
  5. Don't show your devices on the map, in which using the switch On/Off(On/Off) you can hide/show all your devices on the map of this device.
  6. Users are offline, which allows you to set a filter to display offline friends on the map: Hide everyone, Hide irrelevant ones, Show everyone.
  7. Update position, in which you can use a slider to determine how often the display of your current location on the map of friends and friends on your map is updated.
  8. For new friends/groups, which allows you to set the level of confidentiality for new friends/classmates: , , Hide location, . When adding new friends, their privacy will be set automatically to the specified level, unless selected Define privacy individually, when a numerical indicator corresponding to the number of new friends for whom you need to define a privacy mode will be displayed on the service icon, as well as in the friend requests field. In this case, the location of the device will be hidden from friends' data until the user defines a privacy mode for them. The same principle applies to new groups.
  9. Your location, which allows you to choose based on what data the program will determine your current location in the service: GPS data, or manual determination of the position on the map. If selected Specify location, then the field Specify current location becomes active and you can select it on the map.

Finding and adding friends

To find a user in the service,

  1. click on the icon Navitel.Friends on the top panel of the main screen Map;
  2. in the menu that appears, select Find friends, enter your username and click OK in the upper right corner of the screen;
  3. User information will be displayed on the screen.

Then, to add the user to your friends list, click Send request, enter your message and press OK. The user will receive a notification and can accept or reject the request. To cancel a sent request, click Cancel request– the request will not be displayed on either side.

You can view sent and received requests by selecting on the top panel of the main screen Map icon Navitel.Friends, then Friend requests. If the request is accepted, then in the menu Friend requests a message will be displayed Request accepted.

In this service, there are some restrictions on adding users as friends: you cannot offer friendship to more than 10 users within 10 hours, you cannot repeatedly offer friendship to a person who once rejected the request. However, if the user who rejected the request himself offers friendship, then he will be able to offer friendship again.

Friend list

Once a user accepts your friend request, their profile will appear in their friends list.

To view your list of friends, click on the icon Navitel.Friends on the top panel of the main screen Map and select from the menu that appears Friends. This list provides brief information about all friends, such as the username in the service Navitel.Friends, avatar, status (the color of the avatar frame indicates whether the user is online or not), status update time, and location.

To quickly find a user in your friends list, start typing their name in the input line at the top of the screen.

When you click on the field with a friend's name in the list, his profile opens, containing more detailed information.

Friend's profile

The friend's profile includes the following sections:

  1. General information about the friend: name, avatar and friend status (green avatar frame if the friend is online, gray avatar frame if the friend is offline). The function of editing a friend’s name is also available here (button Edit). When you click on a field general information A friend's personal details are opened.
  2. Location: when you select this item, a section of the map is displayed on which the position of this friend is marked, and the tracking mode is activated (moving the map viewing area following the movement of a friend). The tracking mode is disabled as soon as the user performs any action with the map (clicking on the map, zooming in or out on the map, etc.).
  3. Messages: This field displays your most recent conversation with a friend. When you click on this area, a correspondence (dialogue) with a friend opens.
  4. Devices: This field displays a short list of your friend's devices that you can see based on their privacy settings. Clicking on the field opens a screen Friend's devices with the location of each one, date and time last update their status. When you select a device, a map opens showing its location.
  5. Confidentiality: Clicking on this area opens a window in which you can define settings for displaying the location of this device on a friend’s map: show the exact location, show the approximate location, or hide your location.
  6. Stop friendship: allows you to remove a friend from your friends list, correspond with him and stop displaying the location of both your friend on your friend’s map and your friend’s on your map.


Service Navitel.Friends provides a function for setting a privacy mode, which determines the display of your location on a friend’s map. Privacy mode for your friend(s) must be set on each device added to your account.

Friends can see you whenever you're on this service, including when the program itself is not running, unless the privacy settings are changed.

To set privacy

  1. click on the icon Navitel.Friends on the top panel of the main screen Map, then select Friends;
  2. in the list of friends that opens, a) click on the check mark to the right of the friend’s name, or b) click on the field with the friend’s name and then on the field Confidentiality;
  3. in the window that opens, select one of the privacy modes:
    • Open exact location: Your friend can see the exact location of the device and its status (online/offline).
    • Open approximate location: Your friend can see the city where the device is located, as well as the device status. The location of the device is marked in the center of the nearest major city. If there are no major cities nearby, the device’s position is displayed with an accuracy of several kilometers.
    • Hide location: The friend does not see this device on the map, as well as its status.

Removing a user from your friends list

To remove a user from your friends list, click on the icon Navitel.Friends on the top panel of the main screen Map and select Friends. Next, select the user you want to remove from your friends list, then select Stop friendship and confirm your choice.

Showing friends on the map

The user's map displays all devices of friends whose last location information is available, taking into account the settings for displaying users who are offline (icon Navitel.Friends > Settings > Users are offline). If a friend is online, his icon on the map will be highlighted in green, if not online, it will be gray. When you click on a friend's icon, his profile opens.

If the distance between friends is too small and the center of one icon is hidden by another, they are combined into one common icon with an indicator of the number of combined devices. When you click on this icon, a list of friends located at this point opens.


On the icon Navitel.Friends displays the number of friend requests received and the number of new friends for whom privacy mode has not yet been set. Clicking on the service icon opens a menu that provides more detailed information. For example, if you receive a friend request, the corresponding item will look like this: Friend requests (1), where the number in brackets indicates the number of new requests.


To send a new message, select the icon Navitel.Friends on the top panel of the main screen Map, then Friends and then select a friend. Click on the field Messages, enter text in the input field and click the button Send. The text of the message being processed for sending appears in orange. A message that could not be sent appears in red. After clicking on a message whose transmission failed, the user is prompted to resend the message.

The history of correspondence (dialogue) with a friend displays all incoming and outgoing messages. The latest message is located at the bottom of the list. Incoming messages are displayed on the left on a white background, outgoing messages on the right on a gray background. Messages sent by the same user in a row with an interval of less than 10 minutes are grouped. When viewing a conversation, the program automatically downloads old messages from the server, which are added to the general correspondence history.

The correspondence also provides the ability to send coordinates of various objects. To do this, click on the field Messages and then on the text input field at the bottom of the screen, click Attach, select a search option, select an item and press Send. When you click on a message with the coordinates of an object in the correspondence history, this object is displayed on the map My route And this point can be used when building a route.

Groups of friends

To access this function, select the icon Navitel.Friends on the top panel of the main screen Map, then Groups.

This function allows users of the service Navitel.Friends join open existing ones, as well as create new communities, which can include both users added as friends and those who were not added as friends.

To search for a group, click the button Find in the lower left corner of the section screen Groups, enter the name or part of it in the input line and click OK in the upper right corner of the screen. If you want to join this group, click on the field with its name in the list of search results and then click Join the group bottom of the screen Group information.

To create a new group in the section Groups click the button Create new, enter the group name, define its type, set a description and click OK in the back right corner of the screen. The group type determines the access settings: in open groups Anyone can join, access to closed groups is possible only after the owner of the group approves the application for membership, only those who have received an invitation from its owner can see hidden groups and join them.

To view detailed information about the group you are a member of, select the group from the list. The group questionnaire contains the following subsections: List of participants, Chat(general correspondence available to all group members), Invite friends(sending an invitation to a friend to join the group: by selecting this command, select a friend from the list and click OK in the upper right corner of the screen), Notify about new messages(information about received messages on the top panel home page), Confidentiality(selecting the mode for displaying the location of this device on the maps of group members) and Leave group, or Delete group, if you are the creator of the group.

IN modern world programs and applications for tracking people's whereabouts can be almost indispensable. They are especially important for monitoring children who require special care and control. Yes, and monitoring some adults is sometimes extremely necessary. It’s good that many mobile operators offer their clients a convenient service that allows them to track where the person they need is. To use the option, you need to study the features of the Megafon navigator, login and personal account. This is the only way to take advantage of everyone useful features of this application.

In 2020, there were 2 main options for connecting to the service:

  • using a special telephone team;
  • sending an SMS message.

In the first case, subscribers should dial a simple combination *140# and press the dial key. In the second, you will need to send an empty message to the short service number 1400.

If in doubt, customers can contact a support operator by calling the contact center at 88005500500. The company's employees will describe in detail all the features of the option and help you activate it.

Additionally, you can go to the office mobile operator and ask for help there. If necessary, the specialists working here will connect the program themselves.


Once you activate the application, you can start using it. To do this, you need to take 2 important steps:

  1. send a tracking request;
  2. obtain permission from the designated person.

To start using the Megafon Pro navigator and monitoring the selected phone, you should send a new SMS to the number 1400. The message should now contain the mobile that needs to be monitored.

Next, you will need to obtain the consent of the selected person. It is given by a response message with the text YES and the tracking number. If the user does not want someone to be able to determine his location, it is enough to simply not respond to the received request. Then this subscriber will not be found, no matter how much you would like.

Megafon navigator: find a person

Having connected the search for a person, you need to figure out how to obtain the required information. To clarify your location, you should use one of the 4 options offered by your mobile operator:

  • official website of the navigator;
  • mobile version;
  • USSD request;
  • by SMS message.

Each method described is simple and convenient, but the site especially stands out. To use it, you need to go through a short registration procedure, log in and simply open the page with the map. The use of a mobile application is close to what is described.

To use the telephone command, you must dial *140# and follow the prompts. If you want to skip robot messages, you can immediately enter the selected mobile number after the code and press call.

It is worth sending SMS to the already familiar address 1400. The text will be the word WHERE and the number of the wanted subscriber.

Setting up the program

Most in a simple way To customize the service to your existing needs, visit the official website of the application. Here you can select the appropriate options, change the search rules and determine the required query results.

Separately, it is necessary to note the ability to combine monitored subscribers into groups. This will make it much easier to check their location in the future.

Another nice feature is setting search zones. To do this, users will have to select a point on the map and indicate the radius within which the subscriber must be located. Next, you need to select verification criteria, and then the system will independently monitor the situation. This is especially convenient when you need to make sure that your child is at school and not skipping classes.

The feature by which controlled people will know that they are being watched will also definitely generate positive reviews. They just need to send SMS NOTIF VKL, and then the system will automatically notify them about each check performed.


Megafon understands that such an important option requires mandatory verification, so its use is free for the first 7 days. After the trial period ends, customers will have to pay. The company has set the following prices (in rubles):

  1. daily subscription fee – 3;
  2. verification of the location of the person being tracked – 5;
  3. checking your location is free;
  4. notification of a subscriber leaving the zone configured in the personal account of the Megafon navigator within three hours - 5;
  5. within eight hours – 10;
  6. within five days - 35.

It is important to note that each user receives 3 daily free checks. Separately, it should be noted that if there are insufficient funds or a negative balance, the program is blocked until there is money in the account again.

How to disable the navigator service on Megafon

Despite the benefits of the service, sometimes it becomes unnecessary. In such situations, it is better to refuse to use it so as not to lose money withdrawn as a subscription fee. To do this, just send a message with the text OFF to 1400.

If the service interferes with subscribers who do not want to be monitored, they can cancel tracking by sending a special END message to the same short service phone. In this case, the owner of the option will lose the ability to control the person and will stop receiving information about his location.

Features of the service

To fully use the option and get maximum benefit, you need to know the principle of its operation and the main features of its operation.

To receive information about the position of the phones being checked, the provider uses its telephone towers, so the quality and accuracy of the transmitted information depends on the proximity of the wanted person to the mobile operator station (in Moscow the accuracy is higher).

Users should remember the error of the system and take into account that:

  • A megaphone navigator in Moscow and large cities can miss up to 100 meters;
  • in small towns and on the outskirts of large ones the error is up to a kilometer;
  • in small settlements it can reach several kilometers.

Therefore, when connecting this service, you should take into account in advance that in some cases the accuracy of the results provided leaves much to be desired. This will avoid disappointments and problems.

Additionally, you should take into account the features of monitoring MTS subscribers using the Pro navigator. You can connect no more than 10 clients of this to one number mobile operator. And within a month, no more than 100 requests for the location of clients of a given company are allowed. Moreover, sometimes the search for MTS subscribers is complicated by technical difficulties caused by the work of the specified operator. They are especially frequent on the 4g/LTE network.