How to send a file to Skype? Learning to transfer photos using Skype How to transfer files via Skype

How to send files via Skype: step-by-step instructions

Send the file during the call

Interestingly, Skype allows you to send documents, photos and video files not only through dialogue. If you are interested in how to send files via Skype during a voice, video call or video chat, then the following instructions are for you:

  1. Call the person you want to transfer the files to.
  2. Click on "+" and select the required action. In the window that opens, select the files (group of files) you want to transfer and click “Ok”.
  3. If you want to look at the indicator bar during a conversation, click on
  4. In the same way, you can receive a file by clicking on the “Save” button during a voice or video call.

What do you need to know if you want to send a file via Skype?

The main advantage of using Skype is the fact that you can transfer any number of files, even large ones, without any problems and fairly quickly. It often happens that while transferring images or documents, the Internet connection is interrupted. But you shouldn’t worry about this, because if you know how to send files via Skype correctly, then the other person will definitely receive them when the Internet connection resumes. To protect user data, Skype encrypts all documents and images sent.

Why is Skype better than email when transferring documents and images?

Thanks to Skype, you can quickly and easily transfer very large files, that is, there are no size restrictions, as there are in e-mail. In addition, Skype does not use an Internet service for transmission, which makes the transfer almost instantaneous.

Quite convenient and also quick to send or receive various files using Skype.

Most users use Skype to chat or call their friends. So in such windows (call or chat) there is an opportunity to receive or send the desired file. In the main menu, you need to click on the “Conversations” button, a submenu will open in front of you, in which you select the “Send” section and then “File...”.

After this, you just have to wait until your interlocutor presses the “Accept” button. And immediately the transfer of the file you have selected will begin.

In addition to this, there is another option for sending files, namely: open the desired file on your computer, select it, press it right click mouse and just drag it into the conversation field and release it. That's it - the file is ready to be sent.

Receive files on Skype

When you see that your interlocutor has sent a file for you, you need to click the “Save As” button. Initially, a window will appear in which you will need to click “OK” to allow receiving files. And don’t forget to check the box so that the window does not appear again.

Select a folder on your computer to save the file (by default, files are saved in the “Downloads” folder). After this, the file sent to you will begin to be received. We advise you to accept the sent files on your desktop, this is done so that you don’t have to search for it all over your computer later. Click on the desktop icon and click the “Save As” button. After receiving the file from the desktop, you can drag it to any selected folder.

If you change your mind about accepting a file, you can cancel the acceptance by clicking the appropriate button. After the file is received, you can view its location or immediately open it for viewing by clicking one or another button.

In conclusion, it is necessary to remind you that in order to avoid problems with the security of your computer, you should check all sent files with an antivirus program.

It is also necessary to remember that the transfer speed of files depends on their size. The larger the file, the longer it takes to transfer. We recommend large files split into volumes when archiving and it is better to transfer them in parts. Because archiving also compresses files and makes them smaller.


Skype is the most popular application in the world, which provides its users with free voice, video or text communication. At the same time, you can organize a conference (group communication), transfer files and even call regular phone numbers. The list of useful properties is wide, and their implementation is at the proper level.

Surprisingly, most of those who actively use Skype are still not aware of many of the application's functions. A seemingly simple question constantly arises: how to send a photo via Skype or is it possible to send a photo via Skype? Of course you can!

Transferring photos on Skype: instructions with illustrations

There is absolutely nothing complicated about how to send a photo on Skype. There are two simplest and convenient ways do it.

Method 1

  1. On the left, in the contacts column, hover your cursor over the nickname of the person to whom you want to send a photo;
  2. Right-click on the name;
  3. In the opened context menu select "Send files";
  4. After this, a window will open where you need to specify the path to the file.

At the same time, the size of the photo is absolutely not important. It can be at least 1 kb, or maybe 1 gigabyte.

Method 2

There is another, no less simple way to show your photo to a friend.

  1. Select from the contact list the person to whom you want to send the photo;
  2. Click once with the left mouse button on the name;
  3. In the center of the screen, just above the dialog box, next to the “Video call” and “Call” buttons, a little to the right, we will see a cross on which you need to click;
  4. Next, select “Send file...” and, by analogy with method 1, select the photos or several photos that you want to send and click “OK”.

In order for the file to reach the recipient, he must confirm in his version of Skype that he really wants to receive the package from you. If he does not do this, then after some time the file transfer will be switched to standby mode and will remain in this state for quite a long time. Then it will be interrupted and you will have to go through the procedure again.

How to send a photo via Skype in Android OS

As you know, Skype is used not only on laptops or personal computers. It has become very popular thanks to the capabilities of Android, on mobile phones. The versions on Windows and Android OS, although similar, have serious differences, especially in terms of design and file transfer functions.

In order to transfer any files, photos or documents via SkypeAndroid version, you need to:

  1. Open your contact list;
  2. Open your contact list;
  3. Select from the list the person you want to send the photo to;
  4. There is a plus sign in the text field, click on it and a menu opens;

As you can see, sending files of any size, quality, including photos, on all versions of Skype is a matter of one minute. Send your images and photos to each other, enjoy the opportunity to communicate for free with high quality voice and video communication!

The Skype program provides not only video communication, correspondence or audio communication between users. With its help, you can also send various kinds of files to each other. The same applies to videos; you can send any video that was filmed in advance from your computer, tablet or phone. This is exactly what our article today will be about.

Sending a video file from your computer

First let's deal with full version Skype for computer. How are files sent there?

We launch the program and search in contacts for the person to whom we want to send the video file. Click on it, a chat with this user appears on the right side. Next to the window where messages are sent, click on the paperclip to open additional settings and click on the file icon, which actually means “Send file”:

We are looking on the hard drive for the video that we want to send. After that, its icon appears in the chat and a loading bar is shown. As soon as the strip is completely loaded, this means that the user can safely receive the file.

After the download is complete, the window will say that it has been sent:

How to send a file (video) from a phone to Android

Now as for phones and tablets that work on operating system Android.

Launch the Skype application and click on the desired contact in the same way. We open a chat, at the very bottom under the window for typing a message there is a line with additional options. We look for the file icon and click on it.

A pop-up window immediately pops up in which you need to select which application we will use to search for the video file. I usually use some kind of guide or, as a last resort, a gallery. The gallery will give you access only to pictures and some video files, and the explorers will give you access to most documents on your Android device.

Skype is rich in a variety of functions. So, one of these is the ability to transfer files of various contents and sizes. Attachments can be represented by: text files, graphic images, presentations. You can transfer files both during a chat and during a video call and voice messages. At the same time, it is possible to transfer files to Skype either to one interlocutor or to several.

How to send files to Skype: features

  1. Quantitative characteristics, as well as the size of files allowed to be sent via Skype, have no restrictions. If your Internet connection is interrupted while transferring an attachment, the process will resume as soon as the connection is restored. The attachment will be sent even if the sender and recipient are not online.
  2. Every file transferred in Skype has a strong encryption. This also includes calls that are sent from one user to another. This security provides reliable protection against unauthorized access. Therefore, users can rest assured that no one can open the sent files, except, of course, the recipient and the sender.

How to send a file in Skype chat: 2 ways

Method number 1. To send a file to Skype, you will need:

  • first log into the Skype application;
  • then in the “Contacts” or “Recent” list, select the required contact or chat with whose participant you want to transfer the file;
  • in the window that appears, click on the “+” button located at the top of the chat window;
  • after - select “Send file...”. You should select the file to transfer. Would you like to transfer more than one file at the same time? Hold down the Ctrl button and click on the files you need to send;
  • Afterwards, click on the “Open” button. The file will now be sent to the conversation participants;
  • in turn, the recipient needs to click on “Save” located in the chat window.

Method No. 2. To send files via Skype, the sender must:

  • open the list containing the application contacts;
  • right-click on the contact to whom you intend to send the file;
  • Next, you need to click on “Send file...”.

You can transfer files in the Skype application not only in chat, but also during a call, telephone conference, individual and group video call. To do this you need:

  1. First, call your Skype contact(s);
  2. Then click on the “+” button.
  3. Then select "Send File". Now select the file(s) you would like to transfer. Would you like to send more than one file at the same time? Hold Ctrl and select the attachments you want.
  4. Click “Open”.
  5. The required file was sent during the Skype call.


  • If you want to look at the sent files, click on the chat button.
  • If you need to accept the file, select “Save”.