How to find out the version of Word (text editor Microsoft Word). If you need to update your Microsoft Word office suite, you should use one of the following methods:

This material is addressed to all conservative comrades who still use MS Office 2007 and younger, but are timidly thinking about switching to the new, 2010 version.

Updating is very simple: download the distribution you need from the official Microsoft website or use installation disk, if you have one.

There is no need to remove the existing 2007 package before installing 2010.

There are several versions for PC MS Office 2010, This:

In addition, there is also a version for mobile devices running OS Windows Phone- Office Mobile 2010, as well as for collaboration with documents in the cloud - Office 365 (Web Apps) and Office 2010 for Mac.

Almost all of these releases are available for purchase online and can be downloaded from the official website of the developer. The exceptions to the above editions are Office Standard, Office Professional Plus (for enterprise customers), and Office Student (for educational institutions only). During the installation process, downloadable editions of MS Office may not be activated. In this case, the so-called “grace period” for using the product will be 30 days. Quote:

Activation, grace period and limited functionality

To gain access to all product features, you must activate. Microsoft Product Activation is a technology to protect against illegal copying of programs, which verifies the legality of licensing of software products.

Activation This process verifies that the product key specified during installation is allowed to be used on the affected computers under the terms of the license.

Grace period Without entering a valid product key, you can work with software within 30 days. This period is called the grace period. During grace period Some features and programs not included in the product you purchased may operate. Once you enter a valid product key, only the features and programs that you purchased will be present.

Mode limited functionality After the grace period expires, if a valid product key is not entered, the software product enters a limited functionality mode similar to demo mode. In this mode, it is impossible to save changes to documents or create new documents, and other features may be disabled. While running in reduced functionality mode, no harm is done to existing files or documents. After entering the product key and completing the activation, all functions of the purchased software product will work.

To check the activation status of your MS Office 2010 office suite, open any of its components (for example Word or Exel), click the “File” menu and select the “Help” section:

If the program is activated with a legitimate key, the text that you saw in the previous screenshot will be missing:

To check the activation status of MS Office 2007, the path is different (using Word as an example): Menu – Options – Resources – Activate Microsoft Office:

Interesting observation: Windows Update, which I had configured to automatically search for and install updates, was silent about SP3 for MS Office 2007 like a guerrilla until I downloaded and forced its installation.

Further, in order not to indulge in lengthy descriptions of all the many aspects of using MS Office, I suggest going to the questions and answers page, where everything is outlined in detail and along the way I will give a couple more useful links that may be useful:

Using the distribution disk, the current installation can be changed, deleted, restored (in case of malfunctions in the operation of components) and activated:

By the way, regarding reactivation with another key, there is a little trick:

For reference: open the system registry editor and go to the branch:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Registration

We delete the entry in it DigitalProductID And Current, then we launch any office application, Office 2010 will immediately require you to enter a license number, enter (the office distribution must be inserted into the drive), office will quickly configure new number and that's all.

Naturally, MS Office 2010 opens and edits all files created in previous office suites. Changing file associations is involved:

Well, a few pictures of individual components of the 2010 version, for those who have not seen it yet.


File menu:

In conclusion, it remains to be said that in addition to the expanded and improved functionality, MS Office 2010 began to work even faster. Opening any document occurs in a split second. A worthy replacement for its predecessor in this regard, especially for PCs with a weak configuration.

Naturally, with this article with “funny pictures” I did not discover America for someone. The package was released a long time ago and only the laziest Chukotka it-blogger hasn’t written about it. I just simply talked (and perhaps with unnecessary details) about how you can update an existing installation of an office suite to the latest version to date - the 2010 version.

Successful use!

If you need to update the package office programs Microsoft Word, you should use one of the methods below.

Why is it important to update programs on time and, in fact, why are service packs needed? It is extremely rare (so rare that you can write the word “never” instead) a program comes out of the programmer’s pen so good that there is no need to finish or redo anything. There is a constant need to improve something, add new features and capabilities. After all, the computer world does not stand still! By the way, this fact plays a big role in compatibility - sometimes computer system simply not compatible with older programs.

So, how to get Service Packs 1 (the first service pack) for Office 2010 programs, you can use two methods:

Method 1, not recommended. It is highly not recommended to resort to this method! It consists of searching for updates on unofficial Microsoft sites or torrent-type resources. You probably understand why this option is not the best. There is no guarantee that the updates included there will work smoothly and adequately.

Method 2, Connect to Microsoft Update

Find the official website of Microsoft Corporation (and it is given in any document attached to the program). Why is this method recommended? Yes, because the server itself will determine for you which products are installed on your computer, what updates are needed, and apply SP1, the user has no place to get confused.

From the Microsoft Download Center, you can obtain all Service Packs 1 for any Office application installed on your computer. But how can a user know which version of updates to download - 64-bit or 32-bit? If you don't know this for sure, you should follow this procedure:

Please download any program from the package on your computer Microsoft applications Office, it can be anything, even Word, even Excel, even PowerPoint. If only the program belonged to the updated 2010 version;

Go to the File menu;

Find Help there. The help information will contain the version of your application package. This data is contained in the right panel.

If you have problems, you can always contact technical support. By the way, remember, if you installed SP1 before October 17 last year, then the system, although it supports several languages, will almost always update only one language. But on October 17, a fix was released that allows you to update multiple languages ​​on your computer. So, even if you have Service Pack 1 installed, but you did it before the specified date, go to the download center, where the updated package is again available. Note: this is relevant for those who have Office installed in several languages.

In this article we will talk about three things: how to update Word entirely, how to update only the table of contents and only the content. All these actions will be commented on in detail and attached detailed instructions, so that everyone understands what needs to be done to achieve the desired result.

Updating Word

So, if you don’t know how to update Word, now you’ll understand everything. First, we'll look at how to check for an update manually. And for this we need to initially launch the program itself. Once you have done this, pay attention to the "File" item, which is located on the top panel. Click it. You should now see a sidebar on the left with " Account". Click on it. Look for the "Product Information" section with your eyes. Did you find it? Well done! Now find and click on "Office Updates". After that it will appear context menu, in which you need to select the first item - “Update”. Now you need to wait until these updates are checked. As soon as something is found, you will be notified and the download and installation will begin. Otherwise, a message will pop up: “You are fine.”

So, you’ve learned how to update Word manually, now let’s talk about how to configure automatic check updates, so as not to perform the above manipulations every time. By the way, the instructions that will now be presented are also suitable for those users who, when clicking on “Office Updates,” do not see a context menu and cannot manually check package updates.

In fact, the instructions are painfully simple. You will also need to click on “Office Updates”, only now from the list select not “Update”, but “Enable updates”. A window will appear asking you to confirm your actions - click "Yes". Well, that’s all, now you have learned how to update Word and what to do if the “Update” button does not work.

Updating tables of contents in Word

Now let's talk about how to update the table of contents in Word. This function is not so popular, of course, but it still requires publicity. To do this you need to perform just a few simple manipulations. By the way, you only need to update the table of contents when all actions with the document are completed and you are preparing it for printing. And if tables of contents were not added or deleted after the main editing, then this function is not needed at all.

So, to update the table of contents, you need to go to the "References" tab and click the "Update Table" button, which is located in the "Table of Contents" group. Now all that remains is to move the switch to the “Update only page numbers” or “Update entirely” position.

Updating content in Word

And now we will tell you how to update. This option is also not popular, but you cannot remain silent about it.

As in the previous case, the manipulations that will be presented below should be carried out only after the already designed content has been modified, otherwise the update may not be carried out.

To update, you need to select the required object. After this, the line “Update table” will appear in the upper left part. Click on it. Now you have the familiar update options. Select the required one. After this, the content will be updated.

Before you start learning the Word text editor, you must determine which version of this program is installed on your computer, because... All versions have some differences. It may not be significant, but it is there. And knowing the version of your program, you will be able to accurately navigate the lessons and better understand what is being shown to you.

Many novice computer users confuse the version and version of the office suite. An operating system is a whole complex of programs under which all additional programs run, such as Excel, Word, Power Point, Photoshop, Google Chrome, Mozilla, and many others.

Without additional programs A computer can work, but without an operating system it cannot. The same Word can be replaced by another program that is similar in functionality, or, if you don’t work in it and don’t write anything, then you don’t have to install it on your computer at all. Office Microsoft package Office is not included in the operating system. It can be purchased and installed separately.

It already exists now office suite versions 2013 and a newer version - 2016. But many, including myself, work in version 2010, and some in 2007 and even 2003. Latest versions, starting with the 2007 package, differ little in appearance and functionality, but the Office 2003 version has big differences.

It is quite expensive to change office packages every two or three years, especially since they cost from 3 to 7 thousand. And I also don’t want to download hacked versions from the Internet, because... They are most often either buggy or crammed. After installing such “gifts” the computer starts to crash constantly, if not at all.

When purchasing a computer operating system and office suite should already be installed. Most often, all this is already included in the purchase price. If you bought a computer after 2010, then you may have a package installed with Word 2007, 2010, 365 or 2013. You can determine which Word you have installed in several ways.

How to find out the version of Word (text editorMicrosoft Word)

  • First way:

Go to the menu - Start - Programs-, and look for the entry “ MicrosoftOfficeWord" The number that appears after this entry will be the version of your Word. For me it looks like this

  • Second way:

Open any Word file:

For MicrosoftOfficeWord 2003

Go to the top menu - Help – About the program

For Microsoft Office Word 2007

If there is an office logo icon at the top left, then it is Word 2007