How to connect network between pc. How to play on LAN. Little tips for big players

Very often a situation arises when you want to play not only with bots, but also against each other over the network. This requires a high-quality Internet connection and a company of three or four players. Our article talks about how to play local network.

Online play

  1. In order to play online, you need to make sure that all computers are connected to the same network. To do this, open the "Explorer" or " Total Commander” and check for the presence of computers in the “Network Places” folder, where the MSHOME or WORKGROUP groups should be located.
  2. Next, open the game and create a new one. The computer on which the new game was created will be considered the main one. While creating new game you must specify the number of participants and a password to enter the game.
  3. Next, all participants must connect to the local network. To do this, select "Find Servers" in the menu and click on the "Local Network" tab. After the network is loaded, you must click "Join".


You can also play on the local network using the Hamachi application:

  1. Download the software from and install it on your computer.
  2. Open the program, hover over the triangle and select "Create new network».
  3. Enter a name and password.
  4. Go to a game where you can play online and create a local network.
  5. After that, friends should launch the program, enter the name and password (which you created) and start the game.


Another option that allows you to play over a local network is the multiplayer feature:

  1. Launch the game you are interested in.
  2. Select the multiplayer game function (multiplayer).
  3. In the menu for creating a game, you must select a map, set all the necessary parameters and settings. After that, you need to click "create server".
  4. The game will load. It remains only to recruit the required number of players, as some games do not load without a certain number of participants. Players can communicate in a special chat.

If you want to connect to an already created game, you need to go to multiplayer and select "Connect to game".

Good time spending by playing on the computer has become for a large number people the norm. Remember how, as you went through one game after another, you wanted more and more something new? Something really exciting and emotional. Unfortunately, it so happened that many games that are currently being released do not have an outstanding storyline, atmosphere, and other attributes of a quality product. However, the main thing that computer games will never achieve in perfection is Artificial Intelligence, which perfectly copies human behavior with its behavior. I think everyone understands why this task is impossible - each person is unique, and it is impossible to predict his actions in the game.
But why puzzle over this problem, if you can just take and invite your friend for an online battle? For now, in the century high technology make it easier than ever. Let's look at how to play computer games over a local network.

1) The first and easiest way to connect two computers to the same local network is to connect them to the same WiFi networks. As soon as this happens, they will automatically be on the same local network, all you need to do next is go to the desired game and create a local network connection. So, if you are the proud owner of wifi router or, to put it simply, a switch with Wi-Fi function, then you can safely play with your friends over a local network without connecting any wires and without setting anything up. If technological progress has bypassed you, do not despair - routers are not a luxury item, you can easily buy it in a computer electronics store for 1000 rubles.
2) The second method, in addition to providing the ability to play over a local network, will give you the opportunity to play your favorite game without even forcing a friend to go to your home - the whole game takes place over the Internet. Surely many will say that they have already heard about the game via the Internet, however, we are talking about something else. Imagine that in some game you need, there is no way to play over the Internet, but only a game over a local network is available. Of course, if you live in a neighboring house, then it will not be difficult to take a laptop and go to a friend's house, but what if you do not have a laptop, but a desktop computer? To drag a heavy system unit along with a monitor? I don't think it's the best the best option, but even if you are ready to do anything for the sake of playing with a friend, then believe me, if he lives in another country, then even with a laptop for the sake of one game, you will not go to him. What to do? Mission Impossible? Not at all. It was for such cases that a wonderful program called Hamachi was invented. After all, it is one of the few that has the ability to emulate a local network between two computers by connecting them via the Internet. Everything is very easy - download the program (use for non-commercial purposes is free), register in its system, ask your friend to do the same and create your own network. (We click on the triangle in the program menu and select the “Create a new network” item) call it whatever you like, set a password if necessary and say the name of the network to the second player. As soon as it enters your Hamachi network, a local network will be emulated between your computers, wherever they are.
3) If you don’t spend money on a Wi-Fi router, and the Internet is not connected to your computer (are there still such people?), Then you can use the most famous method - connecting via network cable. It costs much less compared to a router, however, it will take you a little more time to set it up than in the case of playing through Hamachi.
Now you know, how to play on LAN. So, if you have a network cable and two computers that have a network card, then in order for the computers to “see” each other on the local network, you need to go to the “Network and Control Center and public access”, then go to the “Change adapter settings” section and open the “Local Area Connections” properties in the window that appears. In it, select the change in the parameters of the TCIP v4 protocol and uncheck the box "Obtain an address automatically" to "Use the following" and in the field "IP address enter 192.168. X.X, where X is any number from zero to 254. Similar actions must be performed on the computer of your friend, but with one difference, the last number X must be unique for each computer, i.e. if you have registered on your computer, then the last digit in the address of another computer must be any other than "10".

February 11, 2014

Online game cs 1.6 without a doubt one of the most important aspects. An online game can be both via the Internet and via local network. Everything seems to be more or less clear with the Internet, there are a lot of ways to find a server to play via the Internet. How are things going with local game? What to do if you want to play with a person who is in close proximity to you? Or maybe you just do live in a student hostel, and dream of organizing a shared server? There may be many options, but it is not always possible to realize the plan. So let's get started.

Step 1. For LAN games, we will of course need cs 1.6 client. You will definitely not have problems with this, because you can always choose exactly what you like from our portal. And finally, the second thing we need is herself the local network(this can be a wifi router, router, etc.) to which all users who want to play are connected.
Step 2. Next, according to the simplest scenario, after installing and launching the game, you need to click New Game e (Depending on the assembly, this item may be called differently. Most often it is located at the very top of the game menu).
Step 3. In the window that appears, configure the server. Choosing a map, round time, amount of money at the start, etc. Then press start.

Everything. The server should appear in the Lan tab (menu Find servers->Lan), and your friend with whom you wanted to play online can connect to the server in this way.
Everything seems simple, but there are a number of problems that are difficult for beginners to deal with. Let's try to solve the ones that are most common.

Possible difficulties when playing on a local network

Problem: The server is not visible in the Lan tab.
Decision: Try to connect to the server not through the game interface (i.e. not through the Lan tab), but by typing the command in the console connect ip:port. In order to find out the server address (ip:port), you can use different ways. The simplest is the server administrator (the one who created the server) must write the command in the console status, in response to which he will receive short information about the server and the players on it. In this small list, there will be a very important item for us, which is called tcp / ip. opposite it, the ip and port of the server will be indicated in the format ip:port.
The second way is a little more complicated:
- Run command line Windows - Start->Run->cmd(on new versions of Windows, you can write cmd right at the start and press enter);
- In the window that opens (command line) write the command ipconfig ;
-In reply command line will output multiple lines. We are only interested in the line " Link-local IPv6 address". Opposite this line will be your IP address in approximately the following format: - this is exactly what we need;
As for the port, everything is much simpler. First, we can see it with the Status command on the server. Secondly, the port in almost 100% of cases is 27015.
So, to connect to a server that is not visible in Lan in this case, we need to write the “connect” command without quotes in the client console.

Problem: I did everything as above, but the connection to the server does not occur.
Decision: Most often in this case, the reasons may be a firewall, third-party firewall (firewall), or antivirus. We recommend that you disable these methods of protecting your operating system for the duration of the game.
Despite the fact that the word Firewall is quite scary, disabling it is quite simple.
- Go to the control panel.
- Find "Windows Firewall".
double click left mouse button open its settings
- On the left in the menu, click Turn on and off Windows firewall
- In each section, select Turn off Windows Firewall
After that, the firewall will be disabled.
To disable the firewall or antivirus (if any), right-click on the tray icon (bottom right - where the clock is) and press the "exit" or "pause protection" button

Computer games have pretty thoroughly occupied their niche, and now many people know how to play. This is one of the most popular ways to free time. Playing with the computer one on one can be pretty boring. Enemies (bots) do not shine with intelligence, and they do not even have a hint of the slightest ingenuity. They are predictable. Whether it's a matter of playing against a real person who is at his computer and accepts your challenge to battle. This is the main reason to start playing online.

People play against people, despite the fact that good speed LAN erases the time frame. These conditions are as close as possible to real game and, of course, in this case, the main role of the game is fulfilled - it involves and requires active participation, ceasing to be a banal electronic toy.

In order to understand how to play on a local network, it must first be configured. Consider options for setting it up in various operating systems, as well as how to connect computers with different operating systems so that the speed of the local network does not suffer.

In order to connect only 2 computers in the same room to a local network, you will need only 1 RJ-45 cable (crimped in the twisted pair version). Now we just connect 2 computers with a wire and proceed to As a rule, it is quite enough to use the “Network Setup Wizard” for configuration and set the address for this connection to a fixed ip address. This can be done by clicking right click mouse on the desired connection and select "Properties" - "Internet Protocol TCP / IP (if specified, then version 4)" - "Properties". We change the data in the column where you need to specify the IP address, for example, 192.008.05 on one computer and 192.008.06 on another. We do not touch the default mask, gateway and DNS.

In XP and Vista, you can change this data through the "Management network connections”, then select the connection and do everything as described above.

How to play on a local network, where only 2 people take part, you most likely imagine. But what if there are more people who want it? One local network can include up to 254 computers. The LAN address must not start with 127.*.*.*. They are not available for use. Start as all 192.168.*.*. This type of LAN address is the standard for small associations of computers.

There are several options for connecting more than two computers.

  1. Another (additional) entrance under and, in fact, another card
  2. Purchase and connect a "switch"
  3. Purchase and connect a router
  4. Use specialized software and create a virtual local

Let's consider each option.

  1. Buying an additional network card is not difficult, it is much more difficult to find a place for it in system block. And in the case of laptops, this option disappears immediately.
  2. Additional device with the name switch allows you to connect up to 48 computers. It is possible to create a scheme of several switches and increase the number of connected computers.
  3. A router, also known as a router, is capable of connecting computers via wired and wireless communication. The advantage is the high speed of the local network and ease of setup. If you set up a router, it will debug itself and distribute certain data to all computers connected to it.
  4. If you have the Internet, then it becomes possible to create a virtual "local area". Now players from different not only cities, but continents can fight each other with the same success as playing on a local network with a neighbor on the site.

The most inexpensive (especially for owners unlimited internet) and the last version of organizing a gaming local network became popular. It is convenient and does not require special skills.

How to create a local network for the game?

Master's response:

Almost all modern games support both single player mode and passing in co-op over a local network or just multiplayer. After all, the game becomes much more interesting and even more unpredictable when real, living people play instead of virtual characters.

To play in this way, any of the existing types of connection will do. The most popular is cable connection, with distribution through a router and the allocation of one of the computers for a game server. So, for this method, we need: computers, cable and router.

First of all, you need to buy a cable that will connect the computers. You also need to buy switches that match the number of network elements in quantity. The cable we need is called a twisted pair or LAN cable. It is usually sold by the footage in uncompressed form. You can find ready-made, crimped kits, but they come in a certain length, which may not suit you. You can ask that the footage you need be compressed.

Next, install the switches so that all computers can be connected to them. Connect to PC switches using purchased cable. It should be remembered that in order to connect to the network, the computer must have a network card. If some of the computers do not have it, you need to get it. It costs in our time inexpensively, it is installed easily and without problems, it is sold in almost any store selling appliances.

One of the computers should be designated as the main one. For it, you need to set the main IP address, which will be the main gateway in your network. For other computers, the default gateway is set as the server, and the IP addresses that belong to the default range are assigned. Addresses can be any, the main thing is that their last digits are different, otherwise matching addresses on the network will lead to errors and conflicts.

In order to be independent from the main server, you can purchase a router. It distributes computer addresses automatically and controls data exchange processes.

As you can see, creating a network and connecting computers to it is quite easy. Moreover, if you are not satisfied with the fuss with wires, you can purchase controllers and a router that work on wi-fi technology, this will save you from wires and save time. The network can be organized different ways The main thing is to determine which one is right for you.