Partitioning a hard drive without data loss. How to partition a system drive without losing data

Working on a computer with one partition on the hard drive where Windows is installed is a sure way to once be left not only without operating system, but without all the acquired data - your favorite media library, family photos, important documents, etc. Storing significant files on non-system drives - drive D, E, etc. is, in fact, a guarantee that even if Windows and a critical failure occurs, user data will not be affected during an unplanned reinstallation of the operating system. However, laptops with hard drives, where there is only one system partition, are far from uncommon today. Such a lack of foresight of sellers computer technology, most likely due to greed and a stereotyped approach to the buyer, in which Windows is installed in a hurry for nothing more than a demonstration of the possibilities computer device. And why should sellers do for free what they often do themselves or recommended by them service centres can they do it for an extra charge?

Below we will talk in detail about how to divide without data loss HDD into two partitions, if initially there is only one - system disk WITH.

1. About AOMEI Partition Assistant

Separation hard drive, in principle, is possible by means of the Windows system itself. The regular disk management utility allows you to compress the system partition and give the freed space to another partition - non-system. But, alas, this method is not always workable, and it will often be simply impossible to free more from the volume of the system partition than the system itself wants to give. And it is unlikely that the standard functionality for partitioning a disk into sections will be advised by experienced system specialists. The latter, as a rule, prefer the classics of the genre - a paid professional program Acronis Disk Manager. At one time, she outperformed a few alternatives with the support of the Russian language, a good interface and functionality. We will carry out work with dividing the disk into sections with the participation of the program AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard Edition- a rapidly growing full-fledged alternative to Acronis Disk Director, which can be used completely free of charge.

The developers of AOMEI Technology have created a multifunctional hard disk partition manager with an intuitive interface that is in no way inferior to its paid counterparts. With free edition Standard Edition The AOMEI Partition Assistant program can create disk partitions, resize them, delete or format any more or less advanced user. The program works with conventional hard drives, HDD/SSD hard drives, flash drives, and RAID arrays.

2. Data backup

The AOMEI Partition Assistant program allows you to create a new non-system disk partition by taking space from the system one without losing data. That is, after completing work with partitions, we will return to working Windows, and all user files will be in place. But no matter what tool - regular Windows functionality or any third-party program - is used for such a sophisticated procedure as partitioning a hard disk into partitions, it's still better to take care of creating a backup copy. A backup copy of the system and user data stored on removable media or in cloud storage, will allow you to return everything back if an error is made in the process of working with the disk. For these purposes, by the way, another product of the developer AOMEI Technology is suitable - a free program for Reserve copy and data recovery AOMEI Backupper Standard.

3. Creation of a non-system disk partition using the system partition

After the standard installation of the AOMEI Partition Assistant program, in the main window we will see a table of existing hard disk partitions in the upper part, and in the lower part the same data will be displayed in a visual representation.

In our case, as you can see, the hard drive is miniature - only 24.65 GB is allocated for the only system partition on the test one. But whatever the size of the hard drive - at least 25 GB, at least 1 TB, the process of dividing it into partitions will be exactly the same.

On the system drive C in the partition table, we call context menu and select the first command " Resize Partition».

Next, in the window that appears, you need to set the size to which the system drive C will be reduced. In our case, we will reduce the size to 20 GB, but in general, today users usually leave at least 80 GB for the needs of the system. Click " OK».

The program will return to the main window, where we can see in the table and clearly see the approximate distribution of hard disk partitions in the future.

The future non-system partition is still visible as unallocated space on the hard drive. And the next task will be to create a disk partition on this unallocated space. We call the context menu on it and select the command " Section creation».

A program window will appear, where the entire size remaining from the system partition will be automatically given to the new partition. In our case, only one non-system partition is created, so we will give it all the remaining disk space. Then choose a letter for it. In our case, the letters D and E are given to the drive and the network device, so the first free column in the drop-down list is " Drive letter» F is visible. Well, we use it. Click " OK».

If there is a lot of space remaining from the system partition, you can create two or more non-system partitions by setting in the column " Partition size» desired value (for example, 100 or 150 GB) and repeating the same procedure with the third section.

Returning to the main window, we will again see the future picture of the disk partitions, where the non-system partition will already be fully formed and titled with a letter. Now it remains only to apply the specified settings. In the upper left corner of the program window, click the " Apply».

The program will notify you that the process of working with the hard disk will be carried out in Windows preload mode. Click " Yes».

The system will reboot.

After rebooting, for a few seconds we will observe the AOMEI Partition Assistant start window in preload mode. " Press any key to cancel the operation” - the program notifies, and this means that if we want the operation to complete successfully, we do not need to touch the keyboard until the preload mode is completed.

After the operation of the AOMEI Partition Assistant program is completed, Windows will restart. All data will be in place. Having opened the system explorer, we will see that now the system partition has become smaller exactly as much as the volume of the non-system partition that has appeared, as planned in the AOMEI Partition Assistant program.

Did this article help you?

It has long been known that partitioning a hard drive into sections is mandatory. And at least two: one partition is installed Windows operating system, the other stores all important data (movies, photos, music, documents). It is better if the disk partitioning procedure is performed during Windows installation , but you can painlessly perform it on the working operating room Windows system . This program will help us Acronis Disk Director Suite, which can not only partition a hard disk, but also combine several partitions into one.

You can download the Russian version of Acronis Disk Director Suite without registration from the website

Before experimenting with hard drive we highly recommend doing backups the information it contains. So you will be 100% sure that even in the event of a failure (for example, the electricity suddenly turns off during create partitions) your data will not be affected.

Partition a disk without losing data

On first start Acronis Disk Director Suite prompts you to select an interface mode. Select "Manual Mode" and press "OK". You can always switch between modes through the menu "View" - "Automatic mode" or "View" - "Manual mode".

To create a new section, select the section in the list and click the "Create Partitions" button.

The Create Partition Wizard will start. First of all, you will need to select partitions from the list, due to the free space of which a new partition will be created. Mark the selected section with a checkmark and click the "Next" button.

Specify the size of the created partition in MB or GB. Acronis Disk Director Suite will indicate the minimum and maximum allowable sizes for the new partition. You just have to set the slider to the desired position and click the "Next" button. Don't choose too much small size for a partition on which an operating system is supposed to be installed or a large amount of information is stored. For the OS, a 50 GB partition is suitable, and for your data - from 100 GB or more. If you plan to store movies, music, photos and other multimedia content on the created partition, keep in mind that it takes up quite a lot of space. So, 1 film of medium quality pulls out 700 MB - 1.4 GB; 1 song takes about 5-7 MB of disk space; 1 uncompressed high-resolution photo - 1-3 MB.

Select the type of partition to be created by carefully reading the characteristics of each of the proposed types in the "Description" field. To store data, select the partition type "Logical"; for the operating system that will be loaded by default when the computer is turned on - "Active"; for the second operating system, the boot of which will be launched through the boot manager - "Primary". Click the "Next" button to continue.

Select file system for the new section. For Windows operating systems s versions 2000, XP, Vista, 2003, Windows 7, Windows 8 choose NTFS Windows 98-ME- FAT32. If you plan to install an operating system on a new partition Linux system, select the appropriate file system for it. Click the "Next" button to continue.

Assign a drive letter for the new partition by selecting it from the list and click Next.

Enter a description (label) for the new partition, which will be displayed in the My Computer window next to the drive letter assigned to the partition. This is for your convenience. If you are in doubt or do not want to enter anything, leave the field blank. Click the "Next" button to continue.

Acronis Disk Director Suite will show you the proposed hard disk structure after creating a new partition. The section to be created will be marked with a green check mark. If you're sure you've entered all the options correctly, click Finish. Otherwise, you have the opportunity to click the "Back" button and correct the settings of the new section that do not satisfy you.

After clicking the "Finish" button, you will be taken to the main window of Acronis Disk Director Suite and see the new partition with your own eyes.

How to partition a system disk without losing data? It is not always possible to install a hard drive, so it may be necessary to divide it into two or more logical partitions. Moreover, the size of modern disks allows you to do this, because the system itself does not need a lot of space. Most of all, this need arises on laptops. After all, they usually only have one hard drive installed.

There are several reasons for partitioning the system disk. The first is if you decide to install another system on your only drive. The second is the storage of personal (non-system) files on another drive, so that in the event of a system reinstall, they are safe and sound, and they do not have to be lost or even lost.

This breakdown can be done without third party programs by means of the operating system itself. I'll show you how it's done using the operating room as an example. Windows programs 10, but the same can be done in Windows XP/Vista/7/8.

To do this, you must first disable system protection (in Windows XP, this step can be skipped).

Disabling system protection

We start the conductor.

Find it in the list on the left This computer(or My computer, or simply A computer) and click on this icon right click mice. In the list that opens at the very end, click on the entry Properties.

A window will open System, in which you need to click on the link on the left System protection.

We select the disk with the system (I have a lot of disks, but the system is installed on the C drive for everyone), and click the button below Tune.

In the next window, set the switch to record Disable system and press the button below Apply.

Click Yes, in to confirm your actions.

Disk partitioning

We open again Conductor, go to This computer, right-click on it, and in the list that opens, select the link Control.

In the window Computer management in the first (left area) click on the link Disk Management.

All our disks will be shown in the central area. Find the disk to be partitioned. This will be your system drive, marked with the letter With. (I already have this disk divided into two. Don't let that bother you.)

Right click on the disk With, and select the link Shrink Volume

In the next window, you must specify Compressible space size. Go for at least 80 GB, otherwise you may run out of disk space very quickly. Please note that the size of the disk is indicated here in megabytes, not gigabytes. Be careful! The largest size available for compression is already specified in the size of the space to be compressed. If your disk is not large, then you can leave it.

After creating a partition, you need to select a new partition, right-click on it, and select the Create simple volume link in the drop-down list. Without this, your new section will not be visible.

The Creation Wizard will open. simple volume. Click the button Further.

In the next window, we either leave everything as it is, or reduce the size of a simple volume so that one or more volumes can be created later. In this case, I leave everything as it is, and press the button Further.

In the next window, we assign a letter to that. I leave the letter suggested by the system and press the button Further.

In the next window, you can only change the name of the volume label, or you can rename it later. Personally, I leave everything as it is, and press the button Further.

After completing the creation of a simple volume and formatting, click the button Ready, and we see a new section, and going into the area This PC - Devices and drives, we will find a new disk.

It remains only to go back to System Protection (as described at the very beginning of the article) and enable system disk protection.

This is how you can partition the system disk without losing data.

In any case, I advise you to create disk backups and restore points before such responsible operations.

Video on how to partition a hard drive:

It has long been known that partitioning a hard drive into sections is mandatory. And at least two: one partition is installed Windows operating system, the other stores all important data (movies, photos, music, documents). It is better if the disk partitioning procedure is performed during Windows installation, but you can painlessly perform it on the working Windows operating system. This program will help us Acronis Disk Director Suite, which can not only partition a hard disk, but also combine several partitions into one.

Download latest version Acronis Disk Director Suite you can from the official website of the developer company: Also on the above web page, download the documentation for the program in pdf format (link "Documentation"). It will come in handy when installing and working with Acronis Disk Director Suite.

Before experimenting with a hard drive, we strongly recommend that you make backup copies of the information available on it. So you will be 100% sure that even in the event of a failure (for example, the electricity suddenly turns off during create partitions) your data will not be affected.

Partitioning a disk

On first start Acronis Disk Director Suite prompts you to select an interface mode. Select "Manual Mode" and press "OK". You can always switch between modes through the menu "View" - "Automatic mode" or "View" - "Manual mode".

To create a new section, select the section in the list and click the "Create Partitions" button.

The Create Partition Wizard will start. First of all, you will need to select partitions from the list, due to the free space of which a new partition will be created. Mark the selected section with a checkmark and click the "Next" button.

Specify the size of the created partition in MB or GB. Acronis Disk Director Suite will indicate the minimum and maximum allowable sizes for the new partition. You just have to set the slider to the desired position and click the "Next" button. Don't choose too small a size for a partition that will host an operating system or store a lot of information. For the OS, a 50 GB partition is suitable, and for your data - from 100 GB or more. If you plan to store movies, music, photos and other multimedia content on the created partition, keep in mind that it takes up quite a lot of space. So, 1 film of medium quality pulls out 700 MB - 1.4 GB; 1 song takes about 5-7 MB of disk space; 1 uncompressed high-resolution photo - 1-3 MB.

Select the type of partition to be created by carefully reading the characteristics of each of the proposed types in the "Description" field. To store data, select the partition type "Logical"; for the operating system that will be loaded by default when the computer is turned on - "Active"; for the second operating system, the boot of which will be launched through the boot manager - "Primary". Click the "Next" button to continue.

Select a file system for the new partition. For Windows operating systems s versions 2000, XP, Vista, 2003, Windows 7, Windows 8 choose NTFS Windows 98-ME- FAT32. If you plan to install a Linux operating system on the new partition, choose the appropriate file system for it. Click the "Next" button to continue.

Assign a drive letter for the new partition by selecting it from the list and click Next.

Enter a description (label) for the new partition, which will be displayed in the My Computer window next to the drive letter assigned to the partition. This is for your convenience. If you are in doubt or do not want to enter anything, leave the field blank. Click the "Next" button to continue.

Acronis Disk Director Suite will show you the proposed hard disk structure after creating a new partition. The section to be created will be marked with a green check mark. If you're sure you've entered all the options correctly, click Finish. Otherwise, you have the opportunity to click the "Back" button and correct the settings of the new section that do not satisfy you.

After clicking the "Finish" button, you will be taken to the main window of Acronis Disk Director Suite and see the new partition with your own eyes.

However, the program has not started creating it yet: this task has been added to the list of pending operations in Acronis Disk Director Suite. To start the process of creating a new partition, click the "Run" button.

You will see a list of operations that the program is going to perform. Since we did not plan anything other than creating a new section, this list contains tasks that are directly related to this topic. Click the "Proceed" button to start the partition creation operation.

After restarting the computer, you will see blue screen with the results of Acronis Disk Director Suite. Wait a few seconds (minutes) for the program to finish creating the new partition.

The next time you boot the operating system, you will see the newly created partition.