Diagnosing possible problems with memory modules. Malfunction of RAM (RAM) How to determine that the RAM is not working

To date, one type of RAM is actively used - DDR3. DDR3 memory is the fastest and, importantly, it lends itself well to overclocking. There are manufacturers who build RAM from the ground up with more overclocking potential by equipping it with lower hardware timings and a double-sided heatsink to dissipate heat more efficiently.

Unfortunately, like any other device, RAM It is also prone to malfunctions that can cause both freezes and computer crashes, and its complete stop. And if in the case of other devices, malfunctions can be eliminated, RAM cannot be repaired, especially when it comes to microcircuits. Therefore, it is better to immediately think about replacing the memory bar with a new one. The only way to "help" RAM is to provide more efficient heat removal from memory chips, especially when it comes to overclocking a computer.

The main reasons for a malfunction or complete failure of the RAM may be the following:

Damaged memory cells. Any memory chip, no matter how large it may be, contains a huge number of microscopic components, with the help of which data storage is organized. Each of these components either itself constitutes a memory cell, or is one of the participants in such a cell. Therefore, the failure of one of the components leads to the fact that the information in the cell is distorted, and the data written to the memory chip is lost. Unlike a hard drive, which allows you to redirect bad sectors, RAM cannot do this. As a result, the memory module cannot be used and must be replaced.

Overheat. This is a standard situation observed when overclocking a computer or in its normal state, if the temperature regime in the system unit is not maintained. Overheating leads to a common physical phenomenon - expansion, which, in turn, especially at high frequencies and low switching timings, leads to incorrect writing to or reading data from memory cells.

Wrong nutrition. Like any other device, RAM needs a stable power supply of a certain amount, which depends on the type of module. If the motherboard stabilizers do not cope with their task and the power is at an unacceptable level, the computer simply freezes, and in the worst case, the memory chips may fail.

Low work timings. In an effort to gain performance, many reduce the time delays required for the transition of memory cells from one mode to another and exchange information with the processor. In turn, especially on modules of an unknown manufacturer, this action leads to partial or complete destruction of the contents of the memory, which causes malfunctions in working with RAM. Usually, increasing timings or switching RAM to automatic timing detection mode eliminates this problem.

Mechanical damage to components. At least once a RAM module participates in a mechanical process - when it is installed in a memory slot on the motherboard. More often this happens when replacing the motherboard or reinstalling the memory module in a different slot. Be that as it may, any mechanical action, especially without proper care and accuracy, can cause physical damage to the module, for example, damage to the microcircuit, detachment of microscopic capacitors (if any), etc. As a result, the memory module fails.

What to do if your PC crashes due to unknown reasons? Or do you periodically see a “screen of death (blue screen)” with a message that there may be a problem with the memory module? Let's see how to find out in this article.

The main signs of a module failure, and I will also talk about programs for testing your RAM.

So why is memory corrupted?

RAM is a pair of microcircuits placed on the board. It is one of the reliable PC components. There is also a rather small chance that a RAM board with some kind of malfunction will go on sale, because board manufacturers conduct a thorough defect test before selling, BUT this is still possible, because. every manufacturer nowadays produces quite a a large number of RAM.

As I said, under normal conditions, RAM is one of the most reliable components in your PC, but again, only under normal conditions. Despite its reliability, memory can be damaged very easily, static electricity is enough, in addition to static electricity, voltage drops, as well as problems with the power supply, negatively affect the performance of the bar.

If you do not clean your PC from dust or if it is in a humid environment, then this can lead to damage to the contacts that are in the connectors of your memory on motherboard. Also, the reason for this may be an increase in the temperature of the modules and other components inside your case. And the module itself is not so "steel", so you need to handle it carefully, otherwise you can simply cause physical damage, which will lead to damage to the module. To increase the strength of the RAM, "radiators" are used on the memory modules, as well as a plus of the radiator that they do not greatly, but lower the temperature.

The disadvantage of RAM is that in case of malfunctions it cannot be repaired like other PC components, so when buying RAM, pay attention to the warranty period and the manufacturer, because. in the case of a defective bar, it could be replaced with a working one.

The first signs of a memory defect

Here are the most frequent ones:

  • A blue screen crashes, one of the surest signs of a memory defect.
  • Crashes, and again the appearance of a blue screen while Windows is running. The reason may be not only due to a defective RAM, but also due to increased temperature.
  • Crashes while working with programs or games that use your RAM intensively: for example, Photoshop or 3D games.
  • The computer does not start. There may be sound signals with which the BIOS reports memory malfunctions. In this case, test programs will not help, it is better to change the module here.

How to check your RAM for defects?

Here is one of the Memtest86+ programs

This program, in addition to checking your RAM, is able to determine the characteristics of your PC, such as the chipset, processor, or how fast your RAM is.

There are two modes of operation in this program: basic basic and extended advanced.

Their difference lies in the testing time. The main mode will detect "global" memory problems, and in advanced the check is carried out more carefully.

  • First, write the program to an image on a disk (it is also possible on a floppy disk or USB flash drive).
  • Turn off your computer.
  • Pull out all memory modules, leave 1. What is it for? It is better to test the module on 1 bar, because in case of a malfunction, it is not clear which of the bars is faulty.
  • Turn on the computer and make sure it boots from the image and not from the hard drive.
  • After that, a blue screen appears with the inscription Memtest, you will immediately recognize it.
  • Wait for at least one full check, I don't think that the test will be long, otherwise the test can run forever. If there are defects, red lines will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Problem solving

The main solution is to replace the damaged bar.

If you have only 1 bar, then move it to another slot and do another test. Errors again, then the module is faulty, and if there is no error, then the connector.

If you have a pair of bars, then do the following, remove all the bars, and in turn each bar into the same slot, test. With an error with one module, it is clear that the problem is in it, but with errors with all the bars, then this is most likely a connector malfunction.

If during testing there were no errors on one bar, and as soon as all the bars were installed, errors appear, then the problem is probably in the connector. Try to do the same operation only with a different connector.

All this will help you find out if the problem is with the module in your computer or if it is a defective bar.

If you cannot cope with this problem on your own, please contact us for professional computer help: 649-09-92.

Any problems with RAM are not as common as with other computer components. But they do happen and you have to be prepared for it. When problems with RAM make themselves felt, this can manifest itself in different ways: again - "BSOD" (Eng. Blue Screen of Death - blue screen of death), spontaneous reboot of the computer, "freezes", etc.

Note: "blue screen of death" looks something like this.

It can appear not only during problems with RAM, but this is one of the sure signs that unambiguously "speaks" that something is wrong with the computer and specialist intervention is required, i.e. - us! :)

If RAM not working, then there are two options:

  • 1. RAM burned out completely. In this case, when turned on, all the fans of the system unit rotate properly, but the system does not show any further signs of "life".
  • 2. RAM is partially out of order (failures in the operation of one or more of its chips). In this case, the situation is not so obvious. The computer can successfully boot the operating system and even work stably for some time, but when you try to start any resource-intensive application, it will reboot, freeze or show a BSOD.

In the second case, you need to conduct a full test random access memory for errors in her work. This is done with the help of special programs and today we will talk about one of them. Personally, she never let me down. Meet! Wonderful utility - " memtest».

Here is what the testing process looks like in it:

To identify problems with RAM, the program sequentially runs eight tests, each of which loads its various sections, writing different values ​​​​into them, reading and comparing with the standard. We can see the progress of all these tests in the upper right corner in the screenshot above.

If errors in memory operation are found during testing, they are displayed in red in the middle part of the window.

The screenshot above shows that this memory module is no longer alive! :)

Problems with RAM are solved, as a rule, by replacing its unstable module (it will still be impossible to achieve normal operation with it). Although some of them we successfully continue to use in our work. How? In terminal clients, which we talked about in the article "". In this case, there is no active exchange with the memory, and if there are no accesses to its faulty pages, then it can function properly for quite a long time.

As you can see, the Memtest program is very easy to use (testing starts automatically after downloading), it does not require any additional settings and configuration, and it does its job perfectly.

I want to give you some tips about troubleshooting memory problems:

  • 1. Always test memory only with boot disk programs. If you run "Memtest" from under Windows, it may happen that by trying to access a bad section of memory, the program will cause a Windows reboot. Do you need it again? :)
  • 2. If you have several RAM modules installed, then by testing all of them in combination, it will not be possible to determine which particular module is causing failures. Therefore, we need to test them separately (pull out all the "unnecessary" slots and leave only one tested). And so it will be with everyone! ... module :)

That's all I wanted to tell you today about problems with RAM. By tradition, I give a link to download the program itself "".

Note: after downloading the archive, unzip it. You will receive a "memtest" file with an "iso" extension (this is the image file of the program itself). Now it will need to be written to disk in the image recording mode.

After that, insert the CD into the computer under test, set it to boot from it in Bios and test the RAM.

I recommend that you always test RAM only from under DOS, since it uses no more than one megabyte of memory for its own needs, and we can freely test the rest of its space. If we start diagnosing RAM problems from under Windows, then a certain part of it (occupied by the system) will be inaccessible to the testing program and the procedure itself will not be so effective.

I would like to say a few more words about the "blue screen of death" (BSOD). It makes no sense to stretch this material into a separate article, but here this information will be relevant. So, what useful information for ourselves can we learn from this blue screen? Pay attention to the photo below:

We are only interested in the alphanumeric value after the word "STOP". It is this designation that can tell us in which direction to move when determining a particular malfunction. This applies not only to problems with RAM. The values ​​​​of the STOP error codes themselves are a great many (depending on the specific malfunction), but you can use them approximately navigate and save your time in the diagnosis.

How can we understand such a large number of stop error codes? Don't keep them all in your head! This is not necessary. Everything has been done for us for a long time :) For example, there is one wonderful program "" (you can download it from the link), which contains their database and explanations of errors (in Russian). You just have to specify a specific STOP code and the program will give you all the necessary information.

Specify our value: 0x0000007A

In this case, the code indicates to us problems with RAM. I know this for sure, because this is an example from my recent practice :) The program can update the error database from the manufacturer's website, so pay attention to the "Updates" item.

I would also like to talk about such a moment: it is possible that during installation operating system Have you seen a message similar to the screenshot below?

IN 99 cases out of a hundred (one is still attributed to the fact that the installation disk is really dirty or scratched) we are dealing with the same problems of RAM. Naturally, the name of the file that the system cannot copy can be absolutely anything, since it is at this stage of the installation that a large amount of data is copied into memory and some files try to write to its failed cells.

Now - a few general recommendations so that problems with RAM do not cause you concern. Remember that memory, like any other node that is energized, heats up and its overheating can negatively affect the stable operation of the system as a whole.

Personally, I decided this for myself: a couple more small fans in the system unit - it doesn’t matter! :) Where am I leading? There are various systems for cooling RAM on the market. These can either be cap-on heatsinks that attach to both sides of the memory chips, or they can be small prefabricated cooling systems that are equipped with fans and are fixed directly above the memory slots.

Here, for example, I use such a cooling system "Kingston HyperX Cooling Fan" in my home.

In the disassembled state, this is an elementary children's designer, which must be assembled and fixed on the white latches of the slots, pushing apart (in the direction indicated by the arrows) the aluminum mounts of the device. The device is connected to one of the fan connectors on the motherboard.

In addition, the device has a nice LED backlight :)

The situation is as follows: very often, when assembling a computer, RAM modules are installed in the nearest (to the processor) slots. If I see this, then, if possible, I try to immediately rearrange them away from the processor (the third or fourth slot). Why am I doing this?

According to my numerous observations, it is the first two RAM slots that are most susceptible to dusting. This is due to the active cooling system of the processor (fan), which evenly distributes dust within a radius of 5-7 centimeters from it.

More than once, the entire "repair" of a seemingly seriously non-working machine for me was reduced to reinstalling the memory in another slot (with a preliminary cleaning of the latter).

Dust is the enemy of any electronics! Sometimes it can accumulate inside a lot and - nothing, and sometimes - just a little on the contacts and the complete inoperability of the entire system. Cleaning can be done with a soft brush or brush. As shown in the photo below:

Take a good look at the recesses in the connectors, because that is where the electrical contacts are located. So that problems with RAM do not annoy you in the future, also clear the "tracks" on the module itself.

Personally, I use an ordinary rubber band for this.

Thoroughly wipe all the leads with it (move the rubber band parallel to the copper contacts in the direction indicated by the arrow) and you will notice that the contacts immediately become lighter, and therefore the electrical contact is better. Install RAM away from the CPU cooling system and let your computer work for a long time and without failures :)

P.S.. I thought about it and decided to add a little more to the article. The topic, it seems, is not directly related to RAM problems, but I hope it will be useful to readers. With what program will you burn the "iso" image that I posted above? If you answered - "Nero", then - read the text further :)

Previously, I also used this software, but then I began to notice that its distribution kit is getting larger and larger with each new version. And it came to a paradoxical situation: in order to simply burn a disc, I had to install a 300 megabyte software package on my computer!

Realizing that this could not continue, I began to look for an alternative for myself. I found it in the form of a wonderful crumb called "img itemprop="image" Burn". Its size is a little less than two megabytes. It burns discs perfectly and I had a case when she (without further ado) burned me a CD image in 800 megabyte on a DVD disc, while our "folk" 300-meter package needed some additional plug-in for this "complex" operation :)

So, without further ado, I sincerely recommend you this little helper "".

Sometimes when working at a computer, the following situation arises: you press the power button, the computer starts to make noise, recalculate some parameters, and before even reaching the system boot, it suddenly freezes. Only darkness from the monitor, in the chest somewhere else lives the hope that the cherished logo is about to appear and everything will be as before, but ... in response, silence. Reboot, more ... - does not help - there is no cursor, no English phrases, no squeak from the depths of the iron box. And what is especially strange is that it is impossible to boot from disks: both from emergency and from installation ones, even live-linux does not boot. We involuntarily come to the conclusion that the problem is not in the software part, but in the hardware part, but where exactly?

In most of these cases, the problem with RAM.

There can be a great many reasons for this: power surges, improper disconnection from the network, load difference between its individual elements, poor compatibility with other hardware, problems caused by software tools(drivers, system, programs and utilities), magnetic fields, shock or shaking, or anything else.

Well, if the computer has several strips of "RAM". In this case, you can take them out of the computer one by one (naturally, after disconnecting from the network) and check for changes in the behavior of your "patient".

It is possible that some charges, how should I say, "stuck" somewhere in the flip-flops and capacitors. In this case, you just need to "discharge" the computer. Disconnect it from the power supply and press the power button. At the same time, the LEDs can blink and the coolers move. This means that all the capacitors have discharged and there are no misplaced charges left in the computer. You can try resetting the BIOS settings: remove the battery and press the power button, also without plugging the computer into a power outlet, or use a special jumper (this is a jumper). Where it is located is usually indicated in the book for the motherboard.

Well, one more option: rearrange the RAM module to another slot or swap it with another module.

Thus, you may not have to throw out the old memory module and buy a new one.

Thank you for your attention. I will be glad to see your feedback and comments.

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Memory failure is one of the most common pain points that the average desktop or laptop owner may experience. In general, RAM is one of the most important parts in a PC, and if it breaks down, then it is simply not possible to use the PC in the future. RAM is also referred to as one of the longest working components of a computer, but in our world, everything fails, and technology is no exception.

Before selling, the developers of RAM carefully check and diagnose it so that there are no defects and defects. So what can compromise reliability, such an important component of a computer? The answer is simple, problems with electricity primarily disrupt the RAM component, just as power problems in a PC can also disable RAM.

There are several signs of memory failure:

  • This is an unexpectedly appearing blue screen, which is the main confirmation of a RAM problem.
  • If you run programs or games that load a lot of RAM and notice problems with your PC after that, then most likely you have problems with RAM.
  • The computer may not turn on, while the BIOS notifies you of problems with sound.

If you familiarize yourself with causes of memory failure, then we can say that there may be a couple of them. The main reason that you may encounter is related to the banal wear and tear of RAM, because nothing in this life works all the time, and RAM has its own life. Another reason, as mentioned earlier, is related to power and overheating.

The main reason for overheating is the heavy dusting of your PC, so you need to monitor the computer like a girl and clean it every six months and bring it into proper shape so that it looks like a new device from the store. Laptop RAM failures are the same as standard PC problems, but the laptop needs to be monitored more closely and disassembled and dusted more often than a regular desktop computer and just as carefully make sure that there is no strong heating of the laptop, because this may be the first call to a further problem with RAM.

If you still found some kind of destabilization or you have already experienced computer memory failure, which you found according to the signs indicated earlier, then you can try to install a program or utility and check the RAM with it, but the best advice is to take your PC to a computer service, or invite a computer wizard to your home.

After the diagnosis, he will tell you what the problem is and if the problems are related to the RAM, then you will need to change it and buy a new one in the store. Now, the RAM market is full of various brands, but the most popular are: Hyper X, Сorsair. After purchasing RAM, the computer wizard will install a new, purchased one, and you can continue to use the computer.

No, it is certainly not about your memory. Computer help is in no way related to the person, except to make it easier for him to work at the computer. Now we are talking about the problems that arise with your computer due to minor malfunctions of the computer's memory.

Has it ever happened that your computer, for some unknown reason, began to "slow down", and a little later the entire screen froze, and after a while an error message was displayed on the screen? If so, then perhaps the source of all your problems with the PC is a damaged RAM module. But before calling the wizard, you need to make sure that the RAM is the cause of the problem. Before we figure out if your computer's memory is good, let's look at why computer memory suddenly becomes bad.

The RAM module has such a structure that several microcircuits of which it consists are interconnected, that is, the operation of one module can affect the operation of the others. I hope you understand that if at least one microcircuit is faulty, then it will not only not function properly, but will also significantly reduce the performance of the remaining microcircuits.

It is believed that RAM modules are one of the most stable parts of a computer, since checking all its microcircuits is not such a difficult job. The probability that you will purchase a computer with faulty memory, or separately buy a faulty RAM module, is very small, but still it exists, since the production volumes of modules are so large that it is simply unrealistic to thoroughly check all manufactured products.

As mentioned above, RAM is one of the most stable devices, but this is only under ideal circumstances. Indeed, when installing a RAM module, we can hold it with our hand directly by the microcircuits, which we do not do when installing others internal devices, this significantly increases the chances of a malfunction occurring. Therefore, the first rule that you must follow when installing a RAM module is do not touch the microcircuits themselves - grab the module with your fingers on the sides, and continue installation in this position. The second thing to remember is that static electricity can also affect the performance of the memory, so when you connect the RAM module, you should not touch the synthetic carpet or pet the cat with your other hand.

Well, the last feature of the RAM modules: if you find that your RAM board is not working, then it will no longer be possible to fix it. Therefore, when buying RAM, you should not look at the cost first of all, it is better to consult with the seller to find out which RAM will last the longest.

And so, let's get started, what are the first signs of damage to RAM?

You can detect a breakdown by various factors, some will be seen only by a professional, others are available to everyone. Now we list the most common signs that anyone can detect.

1. One of the most common symptoms is the occurrence of a blue screen (in XP\Wista\7\8\8.1) with an error message. If this happens to your computer often enough, then you have good reason to believe that the RAM module is damaged.
2. Error message during Windows boot or during installation. It is also one of the most common symptoms.
3. With heavy memory loads (when using programs such as Photoshop, 3D games, etc.), closing all applications and an error message. This means that the computer did not have enough memory to run the application correctly, and it decided to use all the resources, including the faulty chip, which performed its functions incorrectly, which led to the closure of all applications.
4. Various interference on the screen, and more incorrect display charts. Of course, in most cases this indicates a malfunction of the video card, but you should also not lose sight of the possibility of malfunctioning RAM.
5. The computer does not boot, but freezes with a message on a black background. As a rule, such a message is accompanied by "beeps" from the system unit - this is how the BIOS reports a hardware malfunction. Therefore, it is worth knowing what signals the BIOS can report on faulty RAM. If you cannot independently determine what this signal means, then the only way to check whether the RAM is really damaged is to replace all modules with those whose performance you are sure of.
For all cases except the fifth, it is possible to check the performance of the RAM using software. To accomplish this task, there are a number of programs, several of which we will present to you.

And so, before you start testing RAM, you need to have some information - to know how many memory modules you have, and how many free slots are left. If you did not find this in the documentation, then you will have to open system unit and check for yourself. Remember that many computer companies are against the fact that the user opens the system unit during the warranty period on his own. Therefore, check if you have special stickers and if the warranty period is long. If your computer is still under warranty, and the stickers on the system unit are not torn off, then you'd better call the service center and find out the characteristics of your computer.

After you open your system unit, you will need to find modules similar to those shown in the photo, as well as count the number of free slots.

Any problems with RAM are not as common as with other computer components. But they do happen and you have to be prepared for it. When problems with RAM make themselves felt, this can manifest itself in different ways: again - "BSOD" (Eng. Blue Screen of Death - blue screen of death), spontaneous reboot of the computer, "freezes", etc.

Note: "blue screen of death" looks something like this.

It can appear not only during problems with RAM, but this is one of the sure signs that unambiguously "speaks" that something is wrong with the computer and specialist intervention is required, i.e. - us! :)

If RAM not working, then there are two options:

  • 1. RAM burned out completely. In this case, when turned on, all the fans of the system unit rotate properly, but the system does not show any further signs of "life".
  • 2. RAM is partially out of order (failures in the operation of one or more of its chips). In this case, the situation is not so obvious. The computer can successfully boot the operating system and even work stably for some time, but when you try to start any resource-intensive application, it will reboot, freeze or show a BSOD.

In the second case, it is necessary to conduct a full test of the RAM for errors in its operation. This is done with the help of special programs and today we will talk about one of them. Personally, she never let me down. Meet! Wonderful utility - " memtest».

Here is what the testing process looks like in it:

To identify problems with RAM, the program sequentially runs eight tests, each of which loads its various sections, writing different values ​​​​into them, reading and comparing with the standard. We can see the progress of all these tests in the upper right corner in the screenshot above.

If errors in memory operation are found during testing, they are displayed in red in the middle part of the window.

The screenshot above shows that this memory module is no longer alive! :)

Problems with RAM are solved, as a rule, by replacing its unstable module (it will still be impossible to achieve normal operation with it). Although some of them we successfully continue to use in our work. How? In terminal clients, which we talked about in the article "". In this case, there is no active exchange with the memory, and if there are no accesses to its faulty pages, then it can function properly for quite a long time.

As you can see, the Memtest program is very easy to use (testing starts automatically after downloading), it does not require any additional settings and configuration, and it does its job perfectly.

I want to give you some tips about troubleshooting memory problems:

  • 1. Always test memory only from the program's boot disk. If you run "Memtest" from under Windows, it may happen that by trying to access a bad section of memory, the program will cause a Windows reboot. Do you need it again? :)
  • 2. If you have several RAM modules installed, then by testing all of them in combination, it will not be possible to determine which particular module is causing failures. Therefore, we need to test them separately (pull out all the "unnecessary" slots and leave only one tested). And so it will be with everyone! ... module :)

That's all I wanted to tell you today about problems with RAM. By tradition, I give a link to download the program itself "".

Note: after downloading the archive, unzip it. You will receive a "memtest" file with an "iso" extension (this is the image file of the program itself). Now it will need to be written to disk in the image recording mode.

After that, insert the CD into the computer under test, set it to boot from it in Bios and test the RAM.

I recommend that you always test RAM only from under DOS, since it uses no more than one megabyte of memory for its own needs, and we can freely test the rest of its space. If we start diagnosing RAM problems from under Windows, then a certain part of it (occupied by the system) will be inaccessible to the testing program and the procedure itself will not be so effective.

I would like to say a few more words about the "blue screen of death" (BSOD). It makes no sense to stretch this material into a separate article, but here this information will be relevant. So, what useful information for ourselves can we learn from this blue screen? Pay attention to the photo below:

We are only interested in the alphanumeric value after the word "STOP". It is this designation that can tell us in which direction to move when determining a particular malfunction. This applies not only to problems with RAM. The values ​​​​of the STOP error codes themselves are a great many (depending on the specific malfunction), but you can use them approximately navigate and save your time in the diagnosis.

How can we understand such a large number of stop error codes? Don't keep them all in your head! This is not necessary. Everything has been done for us for a long time :) For example, there is one wonderful program "" (you can download it from the link), which contains their database and explanations of errors (in Russian). You just have to specify a specific STOP code and the program will give you all the necessary information.

Specify our value: 0x0000007A

In this case, the code indicates to us problems with RAM. I know this for sure, because this is an example from my recent practice :) The program can update the error database from the manufacturer's website, so pay attention to the "Updates" item.

I would also like to talk about such a moment: is it possible that during the installation of the operating system you saw a message similar to the one shown in the screenshot below?

IN 99 cases out of a hundred (one is still attributed to the fact that the installation disk is really dirty or scratched) we are dealing with the same problems of RAM. Naturally, the name of the file that the system cannot copy can be absolutely anything, since it is at this stage of the installation that a large amount of data is copied into memory and some files try to write to its failed cells.

Now - a few general recommendations so that problems with RAM do not cause you concern. Remember that memory, like any other node that is energized, heats up and its overheating can negatively affect the stable operation of the system as a whole.

Personally, I decided this for myself: a couple more small fans in the system unit - it doesn’t matter! :) Where am I leading? There are various systems for cooling RAM on the market. These can either be cap-on heatsinks that attach to both sides of the memory chips, or they can be small prefabricated cooling systems that are equipped with fans and are fixed directly above the memory slots.

Here, for example, I use such a cooling system "Kingston HyperX Cooling Fan" in my .

In the disassembled state, this is an elementary children's designer, which must be assembled and fixed on the white slot latches by moving apart (in the direction indicated by the arrows) the aluminum fasteners of the device. The device is connected to one of the fan connectors on the motherboard.

In addition, the device has a nice LED backlight :)

The situation is as follows: very often, when assembling a computer, RAM modules are installed in the nearest (to the processor) slots. If I see this, then, if possible, I try to immediately rearrange them away from the processor (the third or fourth slot). Why am I doing this?

According to my numerous observations, it is the first two RAM slots that are most susceptible to dusting. This is due to the active cooling system of the processor (fan), which evenly distributes dust within a radius of 5-7 centimeters from it.

More than once, the entire "repair" of a seemingly seriously non-working machine for me was reduced to reinstalling the memory in another slot (with a preliminary cleaning of the latter).

Dust is the enemy of any electronics! Sometimes it can accumulate inside a lot and - nothing, and sometimes - just a little on the contacts and the complete inoperability of the entire system. Cleaning can be done with a soft brush or brush. As shown in the photo below:

Take a good look at the recesses in the connectors, because that is where the electrical contacts are located. So that problems with RAM do not annoy you in the future, also clear the "tracks" on the module itself.

Personally, I use an ordinary rubber band for this.

Thoroughly wipe all the leads with it (move the rubber band parallel to the copper contacts in the direction indicated by the arrow) and you will notice that the contacts immediately become lighter, and therefore the electrical contact is better. Install RAM away from the CPU cooling system and let your computer work for a long time and without failures :)

P.S.. I thought about it and decided to add a little more to the article. The topic, it seems, is not directly related to RAM problems, but I hope it will be useful to readers. With what program will you burn the "iso" image that I posted above? If you answered - "Nero", then - read the text further :)

Previously, I also used this software, but then I began to notice that its distribution kit is getting larger and larger with each new version. And it came to a paradoxical situation: in order to simply burn a disc, I had to install a 300 megabyte software package on my computer!

Realizing that this could not continue, I began to look for an alternative for myself. I found it in the form of a wonderful crumb called "img itemprop="image" Burn". Its size is a little less than two megabytes. It burns discs perfectly and I had a case when she (without further ado) burned me a CD image in 800 megabyte on a DVD disc, while our "folk" 300-meter package needed some additional plug-in for this "complex" operation :)

So, without further ado, I sincerely recommend you this little helper "".

If your computer is crashing for no apparent reason, and you often see a "blue screen" with an error message, a faulty memory module may be the source of the trouble. How to determine this, we will consider in this article.

We will touch on the main symptoms that appear when a memory module fails, and introduce you to several useful and free memory testing programs.

Why does "good" memory suddenly become "bad"?

A memory module consists of several microcircuits placed on a single board. It is one of the most reliable computer components. In addition, it is very unlikely that modules with any defects will go on sale, since manufacturers carefully test them before sending them to sale. But such a possibility still exists, since even one manufacturer now produces a very large number of modules.

As we have said, under favorable conditions, the memory module is one of the most reliable components. But this is only under favorable conditions. And in a real situation, it is very easy to damage it. Suffice it to think about static electricity. For example, it's better not to try, having bought a 1GB memory module, insert it into the computer with one hand, and pet your cat with the other. In addition to static electricity, the performance of microcircuits is negatively affected by voltage drops in the network and a malfunction of the power supply. The same can be said about the thoughtless increase in the voltage supplying the memory during overclocking.

If your computer is in a dusty or damp environment, this can damage the contacts in the memory connectors on the motherboard. The cause of the malfunction may be an increase in the temperature of the modules themselves and other components inside the case. Careless handling can simply physically damage the memory module. This is one of the reasons we favor heatsinks on memory modules, they don't cool the memory much, but they do a good job of increasing durability.

If a memory module malfunctions, it cannot be repaired like another part of a computer, so when buying memory, you should pay attention not to the cheapest module, but to solutions from well-known manufacturers and for a warranty period so that in case of a malfunction it can be replaced.

The first signs of a malfunction: a blue screen and puffs of smoke :) ...

A failed memory module can present with many different symptoms. Let's try to highlight the most common:

1. The appearance of blue screens with error messages during the installation of Windows 98/2000/XP. This is one of the surest signs of a memory problem.

2. Intermittent crashes and blue screens while running Windows. The reason for this can be not only memory, but also an increase in temperature inside the case, so it's worth checking this possibility.

3. Crashes during memory-intensive operations: 3D games, tests, compiling, Photoshop, etc.

4. Graphic "garbage" on the screen. It could also be due to a bad video card.

5. Unable to boot computer. This may be accompanied by long beeps, which are used by the BIOS to indicate a memory problem. In this case, you will not be able to check the memory using diagnostic programs. The only way to be sure that the problem is really in the memory is to change the module either on your own or in a service center.

Before running any testing utilities, find out how many modules memory installed in your computer. If you already know this, skip to the next section. If not, you'll have to open your computer and have a look. Keep in mind that some companies take a "much offended" if users open their computer case themselves, especially if it's still under warranty. So, if you have just such a situation, it is better to immediately call the service center in case of problems with the computer. If you can open the case, or the warranty period has already expired, you can painlessly open it and take a look at what's inside. Installed memory modules may look like this photo.

See how many modules you have installed and how many free slots are left. Once you know this, run one of the memory test programs below, and then proceed to the troubleshooting section. The Corsair modules shown in the photo work well, we have shown them just for example.

This utility can be run from a boot floppy or CD. MemTest86+, in addition to its direct duties, determines the main characteristics of the computer, such as the chipset, processor and memory speed.

The program has two modes of operation: basic and advanced (basic and advanced). They differ in testing time. In basic mode, you can determine some global memory problems, and in advanced mode, more thorough testing is carried out.

You can rewrite the program as a bootable floppy disk image or CD. Unzip the overwritten file and create a bootable disk by running the install command (for a floppy disk image) or burn the ISO file to a CD using a burning program such as Nero or Easy CD Creator.

Restart your computer and boot from the boot floppy or CD you received. Run MemTest86+. The main test will start automatically.

Please note that system information is displayed on the left side of the screen. The menu with the choice of test modes can be opened by pressing the "c" key. Information about found errors is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Docmem is a handy memory testing program that is well-deservedly popular. It can be rewritten from the manufacturer's website for free, you just need to register.

The Docmem program must be written to a floppy disk, with which you then need to boot the computer. The program also offers two testing modes: quick (quick) and main (burn in), which runs until it is stopped by the user.

To use this program for testing, copy it from the site and run the install program, which will copy the test to a floppy disk. Boot your computer from this floppy disk. After launching Docmem, to run a diagnostic test, select the "quick test" option. All detected errors will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Microsoft offers its own diagnostic program, similar to the previous two. It comes as a standard installation file with a bootable CD image and a program to create a bootable floppy disk.

Windows memory diagnostic is a simpler program than the previous ones. In addition, it has an additional set of tests to test your computer. It allows you to determine which module is the source of the problem if there are several memory modules installed in the system.

To start Memory Diagnostic, run the program file and choose whichever is more convenient for you - create a bootable CD or floppy disk. When you select a CD, you will be asked where to save its image. Remember where you saved it and use some kind of CD burning software like Nero.

If you choose to create a startup disk (create startup disk), then you just have to insert a floppy disk into the drive and wait until all the necessary information is written to it. After that, restart your computer by booting it using the floppy disk or CD you created.

Solving problems found

If, as a result of testing using one of the diagnostic programs described above, errors were found, you will need to find out what exactly is their source. The main way to solve problems is to replace the failed module, and you'll be lucky if you can do it under warranty.

One module

If you have only one memory module, then the task is easier. Next, you will simply need to rearrange this module to a different memory slot and re-test, as the connector may be faulty, or the problem may lie in the contacts of the memory module and the connector.

To check this, turn off the computer, release the slot by opening the two latches, remove the module from the slot and carefully place it in the other slot, pressing the latches. After that, turn on the computer and repeat the test. If errors are found again, then the module is faulty, and if there are no errors, then the connector.

Multiple modules

If your computer has more than one module installed, any of them or any of the connectors may be faulty. First of all, take out all the modules and test the memory by installing them in turn in the same slot. If an error is detected with only one of the modules, then the problem is in it, and if with all, then the connector, motherboard, or even processor may be faulty.

If all modules passed the test one at a time, and when installing all together, errors appear, most likely a faulty connector. Try repeating the test with each of the modules in a different slot only until you find the combination of factors that are causing the errors.

All these procedures and the programs described above will help you determine exactly whether the problems in your computer are related to a malfunction of the memory module or not.

Memory failure is one of the most common pain points that the average desktop or laptop owner may experience.

In general, RAM is one of the most important parts in a PC, and if it breaks down, then it is simply not possible to use the PC in the future. RAM is also referred to as one of the longest working components of a computer, but in our world, everything fails, and technology is no exception.

Before selling, the developers of RAM carefully check and diagnose it so that there are no defects and defects. So what can compromise reliability, such an important component of a computer?

The answer is simple, problems with electricity primarily disrupt the RAM component, just as power problems in a PC can also disable RAM.

There are several signs of memory failure:

  • This is an unexpectedly appearing blue screen, which is the main confirmation of a RAM problem.
  • If you run programs or games that load a lot of RAM and notice problems with your PC after that, then most likely you have problems with RAM.
  • The computer may not turn on, while the BIOS notifies you of problems with sound.

If you familiarize yourself with causes of memory failure, then we can say that there may be a couple of them. The main reason that you may encounter is related to the banal wear and tear of RAM, because nothing in this life works all the time, and RAM has its own life. Another reason, as mentioned earlier, is related to power and overheating.

The main reason for overheating is the heavy dusting of your PC, so you need to monitor the computer like a girl and clean it every six months and bring it into proper shape so that it looks like a new device from the store.

Laptop RAM failures are the same as standard PC problems, but the laptop needs to be monitored more closely and disassembled and dusted more often than a regular desktop computer and just as carefully make sure that there is no strong heating of the laptop, because this may be the first call to a further problem with RAM.

If you still found some kind of destabilization or you have already experienced computer memory failure, which you found according to the signs indicated earlier, then you can try to install a program or utility and check the RAM with it, but the best advice is to take your PC to a computer service, or invite a computer wizard to your home.

After the diagnosis, he will tell you what the problem is and if the problems are related to the RAM, then you will need to change it and buy a new one in the store.

Now, the RAM market is full of various brands, but the most popular are: Hyper X, Сorsair. After purchasing RAM, the computer wizard will install a new, purchased one, and you can continue to use the computer.