Tariff “0 doubts” Beeline: detailed description. Tariff plan “Zero doubts

A tariff such as Beeline’s “Zero Doubt” will allow you to significantly save on calls; it has no monthly fee and is unlimited over the Beeline network. And most importantly, there are no hidden fees or possible costs inside. But before switching or connecting to Beeline’s “Zero Doubts” tariff plan, you should find out in detail everything about the super tariff and clarify the details on how to switch to it. The conditions are set out on the official website or in your personal account, and the operator or salon consultant will also tell you about them.

Detailed description of the tariff

The main advantage of “0 doubts” is that after connecting or switching, each user can call Beeline numbers in the region for free, observing certain conditions. This applies to calls to other operators and messages. But it is important to take into account what year it was, since in 2017 there were some changes in the tariff description, but payment is made only for the services or options used.

If you call within your home region, you will pay about 2 rubles per minute, although when replenishing the account more than 200 rubles, you will be able to call other Beeline numbers for free for another two weeks. That is, if you deposit 200 rubles into your account twice, you will be able to call and speak for free.

Long-distance communication is included in the roaming conditions, so the cost will be:

  • Beeline users - 5 rubles.
  • Other operators in Russia – 12 rubles.

If you want to call abroad or write messages outside of Moscow, then by changing the tariff to “Zero doubts”, you will pay:

Tariff conditions

Switching to the zero-doubt tariff is truly beneficial because it is transparent and simple, designed for those who communicate a lot online, but do not actively use the Internet.

There are almost no additional costs, and you will only have to pay:

  • For free calls, top up your account every two weeks with 200 rubles;
  • Communication through other operators will cost 2 rubles. per minute, and to call to another region - 5 rubles;
  • Intercity travel, such as to Krasnodar or the Far East, communication will cost 12 rubles;
  • Roaming is paid as usual, there are almost no discounts.

It should also be noted that all subscribers can immediately enable the “My SMS” option, which provides an unlimited number of messages for communication within the network.

And the “Be in the know” service is included in the “Zero Doubts” package; about 0.5 rubles are charged for it. in a day. To deactivate you need to dial *110*1062#.

Internet at tariff

Internet is not included in the tariff conditions, so for each MB you will have to pay 10 rubles, and after the end of the session the amount will be rounded up to 150 kb.

Therefore, the “Highway 1GB” option is turned on automatically after the end of traffic and if the moment of replenishment has not yet arrived. For this you will be charged 7 rubles. every day.

If you do not want to use the Highway, then the option can be turned off completely without changing the plan. To do this, dial the command *115*030#.

Calls and SMS

The main features of inboxes and messages are that:

  • Each conversation will cost about 1.3 rubles, regardless of the duration;
  • When communicating with other operators or in another region, you will have to pay for each individual minute;
  • For residents of Moscow, the my SMS option is active, which is activated automatically after writing 4 messages within a month. After that, 100 SMS per day will be given for 5 rubles. If you refuse the service, it will no longer be possible to activate it.

It will be useful to view:

Additional services

The package includes several more additional services, some of which we described above, we are talking about:

  • "Stay informed +", in which you and your loved ones will receive a message at a time when you are not online or the phone is turned off. After returning, you can listen to voice alerts;
  • "There is contact"– an option that will tell you about the subscriber’s activity and whether the device is turned on;
  • "My SMS" provides additional messages;
  • "Highway 1 GB" provides more traffic.

All additional options can be activated or deactivated if desired by calling the subscriber.

How do you connect and disconnect a tariff?

An example of writing off money in the “Zero Doubts” tariff

To enable the tariff, you can use one of several convenient methods:

  • Call number 0674000999;
  • Visiting your personal account;
  • Call the operator or visit a consultant in a communication salon.

If you previously used another plan, but more than a month has passed, then changing the package to zero doubts will be free, otherwise the cost will be 150 rubles.

If you decide to disable the line, then you just need to switch to any other Beeline service. This can be done through the personal section or operator help.

The “Zero Doubts” tariff is quite simple: it offers users cheap SMS and inexpensive calls within the network without a monthly fee. This tariff includes the following services: calls to Beeline operator numbers, which cost 0 rubles from the second minute of the conversation. Only 1 minute of conversation is charged. The cost of a minute of calls to numbers of other operators is paid differently, depending on your home region.

The same rule applies to SMS: the first messages sent per day will be the most expensive. The cost of SMS must be checked in your region.

Also, this tariff can be made quite profitable if you activate the “My SMS” service, as well as some options that allow you to reduce the cost of Internet traffic.

Connection to the “Zero Doubts” tariff

In order to activate the “Zero Doubts” tariff plan on Beeline, you need to call 0674 10 222. Your application will be accepted and the tariff will be activated.

You can also switch to the tariff through your personal account, which is much more convenient and faster. To do this, you need to log in to your personal account on the Beeline website and complete all the necessary actions.

If you bought a new SIM card in the operator’s showrooms, the entire amount for the connection will also be transferred to your account. The cost of switching to this tariff is 0 rubles, however, if you change the tariff more often than once a month, you will be charged an amount of 50 rubles.

You can disable the “Zero Doubts” tariff on the Beeline website, as well as with the help of consultants in the office.

It is impossible to believe that there are tariff plans through which you can make cheap calls within the network without a subscription fee. If you often call and carry on long conversations, but do not want to overpay for unlimited, then the Beeline “0 doubts” tariff, a detailed description of which is given below, is exactly what you need! Before connecting to a tariff plan, carefully study the provided tariff information.

The main advantage is the ability to make free calls if certain conditions are met. The company also took care of those subscribers who also call numbers of other mobile operators - by reducing the cost of outgoing calls within their home region.

  • No subscription fee.
  • Pay only for the services used.
  • SMS – 1.5 rubles, other region – 5 rubles, SMS (abroad) – 5.5 rubles.
  • The cost of outgoing calls to other numbers (home region) is 2 rubles/min.
  • When you top up your balance by 200 rubles, the cost of outgoing calls to other numbers is 0 rubles/min. (2 weeks).
  • Long-distance communication (valid when roaming in Russia) – 5 rubles/min., other operators (Russian Federation) – 12 rubles/min.

Tariff conditions may vary depending on the region of connection. In order to clarify the cost of the services provided, you should contact the service center by phone or in person.

It turns out that if you top up your balance by 200 rubles once every 2 weeks, you can communicate within the network completely free of charge!

Mobile operators are becoming more and more flexible, creating a mass of tariff plans aimed at all categories of consumers. For example, for the most energetic and talkative subscribers, separate tariffs are formed, which include many additional services. They provide for a certain subscription fee, the amount of which depends on the components of the tariff plan. There are also many tariffs without a set monthly fee, which often include the ability to make unlimited calls in the “home” region.

One of the most popular Russian operators, Beeline, offers all consumers the optimal “Zero Doubts” tariff plan, which is provided without a set subscription fee and allows you to make cheap calls within your “home” network, as well as exchange inexpensive SMS messages. In fact, this is a tariff plan for those users who communicate mainly within the network.

Conditions of the “0 doubts” tariff plan

Completely transparent tariff plans are quite rare. However, in recent years, they are becoming more and more common - demanding users who control their finances require extreme transparency.

One of such tariff plans from the Beeline operator is considered “Zero Doubts”. It is absolutely elementary and does not require fixed subscription fees. No additional services are included in it, and therefore it will be the best option for low-demanding consumers and for those who actively talk within the network.

Subscription fee for calls

  • When communicating within the network, only the first minute of the conversation is charged. Its cost is 1.30 rubles. All subsequent minutes are unpaid, you can communicate unlimitedly;
  • Outgoing calls to other landline numbers are charged at 2.3 rubles per minute. Many speak worth their weight in gold, but you can talk to Beeline subscribers for days. The cost of calls to the Beeline operator in other regions is 2.5 rubles per minute;
  • calls to long-distance numbers are charged at 5 rubles per minute;
  • the cost of calls to Kyivstar to Crimea, and in particular to the city of Simferopol, is 12 rubles for every minute of communication;
  • the cost of calls to other Ukrainian operators in Crimea is charged at 24 rubles per minute of conversation.

Cost of SMS messages

  • messages in the “home” region will cost users 2.5 rubles for each notification. If you activate the additional option “My SMS”, message sending services will be provided free of charge;
  • sending messages to long-distance and international networks will cost 3.95 rubles per message;
  • The cost of outgoing multimedia MMS messages is 9.95 rubles per piece.

Internet cost

As for the service of providing access to the Internet, it is quite expensive - 9.95 rubles per megabyte of traffic. But there is also a small secret here, which simply cannot be called “transparent”. The whole point is that if the traffic exceeds one megabyte, 1 GB is automatically connected to the tariff plan. If the user simply does not need such a service, then it can be disabled. To do this, you need to dial the combination * 115 * 030 # on your cell phone keyboard. There are no more tricks here.

Connecting to the “Zero Doubts” tariff plan

  1. To connect to this tariff plan, you need to call the operator number 0674-10-222 and leave a request for switching.
  2. You can also connect through the “Personal Account” service, which will be much more convenient for some users. But before the transition, you must definitely clarify its cost, since these funds will be debited from the subscriber’s account.
  3. Well, the easiest way to switch is to purchase a new SIM card with the “Zero Doubts” tariff. In this case, the amount for the connection service remains on the consumer’s balance.

It is also necessary to mention the fact that when connecting to the “0 doubts” tariff plan, the additional option “Stay informed” will be automatically connected to the subscriber’s number, for which a fee of 0.5 rubles will be charged daily. To disable this service, you will need to dial the combination * 110 * 1062 # on the keyboard, and then press the call key.

Just one point worth mentioning is that The “0 doubts” tariff plan can be slightly improved by adding additional functions to it. For example, you can use the “My SMS” option and write messages in unlimited numbers, simply flooding other users with them.

Disabling "0 doubts"

In order to disconnect from this tariff plan, you just need to switch to another tariff you like. Thus, “0 doubts” will be disabled automatically. The most convenient way for such a transition is to use the “Personal Account” service, where you can choose a new tariff according to your own preferences, as well as get acquainted with basic information about it and the cost of additional options.

Subscribers interested in saving money constantly monitor the latest offers from the operator. One of the most interesting for customers was the new Beeline tariff Zero Doubts. This is a slightly modified package created in 2014. The tariff helps reduce costs for calls within the region and international communications. Transparency and the absence of hidden fees add to its attractiveness.

Tariff description Zero doubts from Beeline

The service package allows you to save on domestic calls and communications with other operators, even foreign ones. Particularly attractive in Zero Doubts Beeline is the description of the tariff associated with internal prices. The client will pay only 1.3 rubles when calling the numbers of his operator. However, this price does not apply to “bee subscribers” from other areas.

Rates for international calls also attract attention. The user will be able to call:
  • USA, Canada or Europe for 35 rubles/min.
  • CIS countries for 12 rubles on Beeline and 24 rubles on other operators.
  • American countries for 40 rubles/min.
  • Other states for 55 rubles.

The price of messages is similar to other tariffs of the company. Sending SMS to Beeline in your region costs 2.5 rubles, and MMS 9.95 rubles. The fee for messages to other regions and countries is 3.95 rubles.
The Internet in the package is expensive, the price of 1 MB is 9.95 rubles. After the first megabyte is consumed, the “ ” option is activated. Although the service helps save money, it is activated without the consumer’s knowledge. Otherwise, everything is transparent and extremely simple.

How to connect “Zero Doubts”

Before connecting the Zero Doubt tariff on Beeline, you should study the conditions in detail. There are three ways to switch to a new service package:

Contact the office. The application can be left by consultants in one of the operator’s branches.
Call the company. By dialing the number 067410222 , the user will be able to create a request to connect the package.
Self-activation. The company's client is able to add a tariff using.

The transition to “Zero Doubt” is free if the user has not changed the service package for a month. In other situations, activation of “Zero Doubt” costs 150 rubles. Before switching to a new package, you should make sure that the required amount is in your mobile account. Along with the package, the “Stay informed+” option is added to the number with a monthly fee of 0.5 rubles. You can refuse it with the command *110*1062# .
The active service can be improved. The client, having connected “My SMS”, will receive an unlimited number of messages.

Features and conditions of the tariff

Subscribers are constantly looking for ways to save on communications by exploring the most transparent service packages. However, finding a suitable offer among the operator’s packages can be difficult. The user needs to decide what is more priority for him, free calls on the Beeline network, an acceptable subscription fee or cheap communication with landline phones in Russia. Before switching to Beeline's Zero Doubt tariff, you should find out the terms of the package.

The operator offers:
  • Attractive price online. When calling a Beeline number, only the first minute of the conversation is paid. The cost of the entire conversation, regardless of duration, will be only 1.3 rubles.
  • Calls to any numbers in the region cost 2.3 rubles. A conversation with Beeline subscribers from another region costs 2.5 rubles.
  • Cheap long-distance communication. A call to a mobile or landline phone in a neighboring area costs 5 rubles per minute.
  • Economical calls to Crimea and Sevastopol. For communication with Kyivstar subscribers, 12 rubles per minute is charged, and with other Ukrainian operators 24 rubles per minute.

How to disable the Zero Doubt tariff from Beeline

In order to stop using the services of the current tariff, the subscriber simply needs to activate a new tariff plan. This can be done in a virtual account, a company office, or by leaving a request at 067410222