Do bloggers earn on YouTube and how much. How much can you earn on YouTube and how - specific examples. Income of famous youtubers

If you decide to make your YouTube channel an additional injection of finance into your personal budget, then first of all it makes sense to find out how much a blogger earns on YouTube in general. Does it make sense to invest effort, time and money in your own channel? And how, in fact, to organize a video blog?

Also, before you find out how much bloggers earn on YouTube, it is advisable to understand how they do it.

Required channel criteria for earning

First, you must have authored content. That is, you must shoot the video yourself, according to your own script. You can take ideas from other bloggers, Russian-speaking or not - it doesn’t matter, but at the same time, your videos should have a unique personality.

Secondly, your content must be interesting in order to attract subscribers. And you have to learn how to generate ideas almost daily. After all, the audience must not only be attracted, but also retained throughout the existence of the channel.

Thirdly, your channel must be sufficiently viewed, that is, there must be at least a thousand people subscribed to you. And in general, the more subscribers and views, the better for you and your wallet.

Necessary character traits for success on YouTube

  • Patience - you will need it in anticipation of the monetization of your vlog and in
  • Perseverance - the shooting and editing themselves.
  • Creativity - you will have to constantly come up with new video solutions.
  • Perseverance - without it, you will not achieve great earnings.

Perhaps these are the main characteristics that you must have if you want to make money on YouTube. Is it in your nature?

Some of the most popular ways to make money on your channel

You can become a YouTube Partner by signing up for Google AdSense. And place ads offered by the site in your videos. These can be banner ads, auction ads, or reserved ads.

However, there are more chances to become a video hosting partner if you have four to five thousand subscribers. Advertisers, as a rule, do not agree to a smaller number of views.

How much do Russian bloggers earn on YouTube in this way? Everything will depend on the price of advertising and on the number of views by its users. Thus, earnings per thousand views can range from two cents to five dollars. The bottom line is that the amount of money accrued to you also depends on the ratio of the dollar to the ruble. Since the "salary" is charged in US dollars.

There is another way to earn money. If your channel exists long enough, then a certain community of people with certain interests will form around it. It can be transferred to any popular social network by simply creating your own group there. In this group, it is possible to sell advertising posts, as well as take money for posting someone else's video on your channel.

How much does a blogger earn on YouTube using another social network as an auxiliary tool? The numbers here can also vary. Everything will depend on your popularity and your communication skills. But earnings are much higher than in the first case. However, this method requires a longer maintenance of your channel, as well as its child group in social networks.

The third method is perhaps the most profitable in terms of money. You cooperate with the advertiser directly. And he pays you the amount that you agree on in advance. In this case, you must actively promote the advertiser's product or service, encouraging your audience to buy, order, or follow a link.

How much a blogger earns with the help of YouTube in this way is up to him to decide. Because he will have to look for advertisers himself, in rare cases the opposite happens, and also learn how to promote products and influence his audience.

So, these are the most money-making options for earning money on YouTube.

It all depends on your desire to monetize your blog, make it your main source of income and your talent. Russian YouTube began to develop relatively recently. Really interesting and can be literally counted on the fingers. So the competition is not too great. With the help of your video blog, you can really secure a comfortable existence for yourself, but you may have to spend several years on this, being content at first with only a small additional income.

How much do bloggers earn on YouTube in Russia?

Western video bloggers, of course, earn much more than Russian-speaking ones. In our country, this is still in the formative stage. But this is even a plus. You have time to find your niche. The main thing is to decide on the theme of the channel, think over its design and not be lazy. After a while, the work will pay off.

What kind of earnings on YouTube Russian bloggers largely determines the financial situation in the country and the world. So, 2015 promises to be a difficult year due to the recent crisis. However, those who love what they do and aim for a serious result will retain their popularity and ability to channel. It is these bloggers who will benefit when the hard times pass. The weak, as always happens, will disappear, and the strong will earn twice as much.

How much can you earn with an affiliate program?

And yet, how much does a blogger earn on YouTube, for example, the most in a simple way, in partnership with Google AdSense?

From 300 to 1150 USD per month. Provided that the blogger really tries. If he posts low-quality content, soon not only subscribers will turn away from him, but advertisers along with them.

Additional details to be aware of

To make money on a vlog, you must be eighteen years old. If you are younger, parental consent will be required.

Videos should be uploaded frequently, preferably daily, in order to constantly remind subscribers of themselves and collect more views.

Submit your videos to your blogs or social pages, so there will be more views, and more people will know about your channel.

Remember that in the first place you should be interested not in how much a blogger earns on YouTube, you should really be captivated by the very creation of a video, communication with subscribers, maintaining your channel. Without enthusiasm and love for your work in this area of ​​​​Internet business, you will not achieve anything. And the most important thing is faith in your success and in your strength.

Famous You Tube bloggers are some of the most popular people on the internet today. Their earnings are legendary. According to Bloomberg, among schoolchildren aged 6 to 17, one in three dreams of becoming a blogger.

    • 5 reasons to blog and earn money on youtube
    • How much can you earn on youtube
    • How to Make Money Vlogging: 5 Steps to Success
    • How to monetize a blog: 3 ways to make money on YouTube
    • TOP popular bloggers of Russian-language YouTube
    • How to promote your youtube channel

In Russia, top video bloggers have become idols for both children and older people. Blogging on youtube can be an exciting hobby and an opportunity for additional income, or it can turn into a main source of income. Read how to start your video blog on youtube and earn $120,000 a month.

5 reasons to blog and earn money on youtube

A few years ago, no one suspected that blogging would become one of the most prestigious and popular types of business with minimal investment. If you are a creative person and ready to learn a lot and move forward, then a blog is what you need. With a blog, you can:

  1. Form public opinion.
    The blogosphere is a platform where people's opinions and preferences can be influenced. News flashing in popular blogs is immediately picked up by the entire Internet.
  2. Inform people and broaden their horizons.
    Any blogger shares his experience with the audience, provides additional information.
  3. create.
    Even the simplest blog requires a lot of effort and creativity. The viewer should be interested in what you are doing.
  4. Live anywhere on the planet.
    You will not be tied to any city. You can blog from any country and any place, from any computer and even from your smartphone.
  5. Get the minimum investment.
    Blogging is one of those types of business that does not require large financial costs, and therefore is accessible even to children.

How much can you earn on youtube

It seems to many that only famous politicians or show business stars can have millions of subscribers. In reality, only 3% of bloggers earn very big money. But many of them were completely unknown when they decided to start their own blog. Moreover, even young parents who simply show the tricks of their baby, or let's players, can earn millions. For example, the parents of six-year-old boy Ryan, who created the Ryan ToysReview channel, generated $11 million in 2017.

But for many bloggers, $500 is a good amount. It is important to understand that investing time in a channel should pay off, unless this is your hobby. A prime example of this is World of My Tanks and similar channels that can be created by an amateur. They are not aimed at direct monetization, but they attract a lot of attention from interested viewers. Read on 2 ways to make money on children's video blogs.

How to Make Money Vlogging: 5 Steps to Success

The blogosphere today is developing very quickly, and even schoolchildren have their own blogs. However, not everyone succeeds in becoming a popular and sought-after blogger with millions of views. It would seem that becoming a blogger is as easy as shelling pears: you look at the request - how to open your channel on YouTube, you find out that you need to regularly make interesting videos, and you start working in this direction. In fact, to be successful, you need to be able to:

  • set a goal and work towards it;
  • plan your time wisely;
  • overcome difficulties and solve problems immediately after they arise, without postponing “for later”;
  • pay attention to subscribers;
  • generate creative ideas.

If you are ready for this, let's look at how you make a blog and what is needed for this, what is the difference between Russian and world YouTube? Watch related videos:

Niche selection

Design and content of the blog

It is very important to properly design a blog, because the attraction of users depends on it. Special attention worth paying attention to the title and preview. The title "header" must contain a key phrase, due to which your video will be promoted. The preview (description) should also contain the same phrase. This is a condition for promotion.

Where to look for keywords for the header, description and tags? To do this, you can use Google AdWords, where you can find keyword variations and work with them.

There are other services as well. First of all, those that serve to view keywords from other bloggers will help. The easiest option is to go to the video of your topic through Google and click on " source pages". A tab will appear in which you need to press “Ctrl + F”, and then enter the word “keyword”s. After that, you will see the necessary keywords. Read more on video seo optimization.

You can also use such services as, for example: SpyWords,,,, But one of the main conditions for promotion is the content of the blog. It is necessary to constantly update high-quality video, actively interact with the audience. If your only goal is to earn money, subscribers will quickly understand this and leave your channel.

Apart from search engine optimization need to invest some time in video blog design. Look starter how to make an intro for your channel. A high-quality intro will make you remember, which is important for any blogging.

Channel promotion

Unfortunately, the YouTube affiliate program only works on popular channels with more than 1000 subscribers and four thousand hours of viewing as of August 2019 (this figure changes periodically). Moreover, the requirements for the quality of content are constantly being tightened. Unwind fast now possible, mainly through viral content or advertising.

  • use the "subscribe to the channel" button;
  • leave links to videos on forums, in social networks;
  • include in description maximum amount keywords;
  • add more videos;
  • create viral videos;
  • stay up to date with the latest information and innovations;
  • attract viewers from other countries.

Communication with subscribers

It is important to establish feedback with subscribers and viewers. A blogger needs to love his audience, and then the audience is likely to respond in kind. At the initial stage, you can ask them to simply like the video and subscribe to the channel. But this is not enough. You need to answer questions, ask about their interests, etc. Your viewers are the key to your future popularity. At the same time, it is important to understand that YouTube does not pay anything for subscribers - payments go only for views or clicks on ads. But there is a direct relationship between the number of subscribers and the number of views.

Working on the popularity of the channel

In order for the channel to become popular, you need to find interesting idea for video or present it in an interesting way, different from competitors' videos. It is important not to be afraid to talk about yourself, about how you perceive the world. You can leave your contacts: this will inspire the trust of users. And be sure to make interesting, high-quality videos as often as possible. This is the key to your future success.

Blogging, like any job, requires a lot of effort, time and money. Be prepared for the fact that for several months you will be basically investing time in your blog and not getting any return. At the same time, you can get not only enthusiastic subscribers, but also haters who are ready to pour mud on your blog. And you will need to study and study again so that your blog really becomes interesting and attracts many users. Read also Do you need money to promote YouTube?

How to monetize a blog: 3 ways to make money on YouTube

There are several ways to monetize a channel, but we will focus on the most basic ones.

  1. Affiliates. To do this, you need to find affiliate programs that are close to the topic of your blog. Some affiliate programs also provide assistance in blog promotion, a free media library, so that cooperation will be mutually beneficial. For example, on children's channels, you can advertise toys and clothes for children.
  2. Direct Advertising. If your channel has become popular, advertisers will reach out to you. But if there is no popularity yet, look for yourself.
    You can also use advertisements of famous YouTubers. Another opportunity for promotion is to buy a pre-roll or post-roll, which is a short video of 20-30 seconds, from well-known bloggers from their niche.
  3. Google Adsense. Official service a contextual advertising company that gives more than 60% of its income to bloggers or webmasters. You need to register your Adsense and connect it to the channel. Once approved, ad-supported videos will start running on your channel. For payments, you need to open an account and receive transfers to it. To connect monetization, you need to meet the requirements of the YouTube affiliate program.

Another way to monetize is the direct sale of your products, services, consultations and webinars. YouTube can become powerful and almost free, and besides, it can also become an eternal source of traffic. Read about YouTube opportunities for business.

TOP popular bloggers of Russian-language YouTube

The first three places in the YouTube rating in terms of the number of subscribers are entertainment channels for children. Kids Diana Show(32.5 million) and Like Nastya Vlog(30.4 million), as well as a channel with cartoons Get Movies(27.5 million).

EeOne Guy- the popular Ukrainian blogger Ivangay runs an entertainment channel and has many clones that cannot come close to him in popularity: 14.5 million subscribers. The target audience of Ivangay is young people from 14 to 21 years old.

miss katy- Another top children's channel with over 14 million subscribers. Children Max and Katya play, share toys, quarrel and hold challenges.

SlivkiShow This significant channel is hosted by Ukrainian blogger Yuriy Yaniv. SlivkiShow, together with the cat Cookie, are leaders in the niche of reviews of Chinese goods and life hacks. Unlike most other bloggers, Yuri himself rarely appears on the channel. This did not stop him from gaining over 14 million subscribers.

Closes the top ten children's channels Like Nastya, MrMax and teen channel The Brian Maps. Each of them has 11-13 million subscribers.

Vdud channel- the author of the channel is not in the TOP-10, but his channel is very popular among the adult audience. Yuri Dud makes long hour-long interviews with famous people from the world of politics, art, and business. He talked with Zhirinovsky, Yegor Creed, Nagiyev, Kiselev, Pozner and other popular people. Sometimes Yuri asks unpleasant questions. Each video has up to 10 million views, the channel has 5.7 million subscribers as of August 2019.

How to promote your youtube channel

Here are some tips on how to become popular on YouTube:

First, you need to attract the viewer with interesting content. Do what you are truly interested in. Success can only be achieved in a business that you are well versed in and that you like. It takes a lot of work to put into it, and if you choose an uninteresting topic for the sake of money, the audience will quickly understand everything.

The modern viewer needs relevant and high-quality content. It is no longer uncommon to create videos that are almost TV-quality. And this has to be taken into account.

Another tip for a novice blogger - if you want to become popular, you need to follow the wave of trends.

Secondly, it is important to demonstrate your personal attitude. Most viewers of your channel are interested in your view of events, news, and in general everything related to the topic you have chosen. If you respect YouTube trends, YouTube respects you. It is worth remembering a lot of seemingly the same type of videos from bloggers. Each of them broadcasts his opinion, receiving views and likes in return.

If you have chosen a direction in clothing for yourself, then you need to bet on this topic, telling the audience about new products, hype, trends. It is not necessary to do this before everyone else: your opinion may appear later, the main thing is that it be yours.

Thirdly, if you are too vulnerable and take all the feedback about your blog to heart, there is nothing to do in the blogosphere. Haters and trolls are part of social networks. For every 1000 of your subscribers, there are sure to be 10 people who will not like even the most good review. And they will say it louder than 1000 of your fans. You need to get used to unreasonable or justified negativity. You can not answer, not pay attention, or, on the contrary, spend your nerves arguing with them. Remember, this is only your opinion - others may not like it. People who pour mud on you have one goal - to discharge the negative at the expense of others. Sometimes it's better to delete a frankly dirty comment and block the commenter than to argue with him.

Do not think about competition, although it is not easy to withstand. The main thing is to keep up with the times and be able to adapt in time to the ongoing changes.

Talent and charisma are necessary, but patience and work are needed, without which it is impossible to promote the channel. You also need inspiration and motivation, you need to think that the next video will definitely shoot, even if the last one was a complete fiasco. More positive and self-confidence - and you will succeed.

This news may surprise you, but YouTube is the second most popular video hosting. search engine after Google. As a social network, YouTube is also the second most popular in the world after Facebook. This means that a lot of money is “spinning” on the platform, and those who managed to become famous with the help of video hosting receive very high incomes. Let's talk about how much popular bloggers on Youtube actually earn in today's article.

You can also see how much he earns.

As you can see, almost half of the popular channels are occupied by various non-blogging projects, aimed mainly at the children's audience. We will not consider them, because today we are talking about something else. By the way, almost all YouTube bloggers started earning their own and despite this, they achieved incredible results.

№1. EeOneGuy, 21 years old (real name - Ivan Rudskoy) - was born in the Ukrainian small village of Annovka. He gained popularity in 2014 and since then has not come down from the first lines of the rating, being the most famous blogger in Russia, Ukraine and the CIS.

Ivan's career began with the fact that he posted videos with reviews of various video games; played, accompanied all this with funny comments and posted it on the network. Now the blog format has been changed, and Ivan simply shoots entertaining funny videos about his life.

Despite the fact that the audience of his channel is the largest, Ivan's income is somewhat more modest than that of his "colleagues in the shop." This is due to the fact that Ivangay rarely advertises on his profile.

The young man does not talk about his income, and outside sources, based on their mathematical calculations, speak of monthly amounts of 20-40 thousand dollars. The audience of the channel is mainly teenagers under 16-18 years old.

№2. SlivkiShow(Yuriy Yaniv) - 30 years old, Ukrainian video blogger. He created his blog in 2012, where he began to upload various educational videos. Despite the fact that the videos carried a lot of new and useful information, they did not "overload" the audience's heads due to the easy presentation of the material.

Perhaps it was such an interesting and high-quality presentation of the material that helped Yuri become famous. The channel to this day does not change its theme and offers various collections with interesting facts about everything in the world, life hacks for students and explanations of various phenomena.

In fact, Yuri became popular due to the fact that he learned to take information from entertainment and educational portals such as ADME and competently convert it into a video format. Yuri's minimum salary is $11,000.

№3. AdamThomasMoran(Maxim Golopolosov), 27 years old. An ordinary Moscow guy in 2010 created a channel where he began to record reviews of funny videos from the Internet, accompanying them with his humorous additions.

A few years later, Max's program +10050 began to appear on one of the Russian television channels. The main differences of the program are the permanent leopard print background for filming and the abundance of caustic comments from the presenter himself. Maxim's monthly income is from 12 to 30 thousand dollars. The audience of the blog is mainly young people under 25 years old.

How much can you earn from a blog? An urgent question for beginner video makers or a whole army of fans of top YouTubers who are interested in counting other people's money.

Tem YouTube time has long since ceased to be an ordinary video hosting, having evolved into an interactive Internet television platform, where everyone can become a celebrity, earning hundreds of thousands of dollars on their popularity, and this is far from the limit.

How Do YouTube Video Bloggers Make Money?

Video bloggers have at least four sources of income:

  1. Contextual advertising. Many users still believe that YouTube pays royalties based on the number of views of a particular video. But this statement is obviously wrong. The fact is that the salary of a blogger depends on how many clicks on advertising banners and video screensavers the viewers of his channel make.

For example, eminent YouTubers of the Runet can earn 50¢-$2.5 on contextual advertising within 1,000 views of video content.

  1. product placement. Surely you have already come across videos in which, in the middle of the video, the host of the channel advertises manufacturers of goods and services. This is far from a cheap promotion, because the same EeOneGuy, Max +100500, Kate Clapp and other equally popular YouTube stars cost advertisers from 30 to 100 thousand rubles.
  2. Sale of links that are placed under the description of the video - 5-20 thousand rubles.
  3. Partnership programs. In addition to standard privileges: free access to the media library, training webinars and round-the-clock support, an affiliate program can increase a video blogger's income from contextual advertising by 20% -40%.

How much do youtubers earn?

Probably, each of us was interested in how much top video bloggers earn on YouTube? Naturally, none of them will tell you about the size of official fees, since famous YouTubers are often bound by contractual obligations to affiliate programs, advertisers and Google. However, you can calculate the approximate earnings of a particular video maker yourself or using special online services.

  1. We count on our own: (A x B) + C = D
  • A - the number of views on the channel;
  • B - average income from contextual advertising - $1-$1.5/1 thousand views;
  • C - profit from the affiliate program, about 30% of earnings from advertising;
  • D - potential income of the channel.
  1. If you have the internet at your fingertips, you can find all the information you need on portals such as SocialBlade, WhatStat, StatSheep, etc.

And here we have calculated everything for you. We analyze received from all his sources of income, including YouTube.

For example, to find out how much Sasha Spielberg earns on YouTube, you need to:

  1. Calculate using the diagram above.

(349.854 million x 1,500) + 30% = $682,215

  1. Or use the statistics of one of the above resources (for example, the StatSheep service).

*– the numbers in both cases will be different, because StatSheep calculates the potential income of the channel in the amount of $2.5 per 1,000 views.

TOP 10 richest video bloggers in the Russian-speaking segment of YouTube

No. 1. Yuri "Frost" Freezer (Visiting FrostA).

  • Subscribers: 3.662 million
  • Views: 1 billion 452 million
  • Revenues: $3.629 million

Yuri Frost began his career as a video blogger in October 2012. The popularity of a native of Nizhny Novgorod was brought by let's plays for the game "Minecraft". In addition to video game reviews, Freezer diversified his channel with vlogs, challenges, and Q&A videos.

Huge money on YouTube Frost receives not only due to his charisma, but also stunning performance. Indeed, as of October 2015, Yura managed to record 958 videos - this is three times more than Max's +100500!

No. 2. Maxim Golopolosov (AdamThomasMoran).

  • Subscribers: 6.604 million
  • Views: 1 billion 250 million
  • Revenues: $3.126 million

Once Maxim Golopolosov was tired of working as a courier for a rate of 15 thousand rubles and almost all his free time a graduate of the Institute of Journalism and Literary Creativity began to devote to video blogging. Subsequently, his project "+100500" conquered YouTube, which contributed to the release of the show on the country's television screens in October 2011.

Max +100500 during 2011-2014 rightfully bore the unofficial title of the richest blogger Russian YouTube just until Yura Frost began to churn out videos on an industrial scale.

Nevertheless, to this day, Golopolosov has no equal in terms of the number of subscribers. Therefore, it is possible that in the near future the famous YouTuber will return to the first line of our rating.

No. 3. Ivan Rudskoy (EeOneGuy).

  • Subscribers: 4.671 million
  • Views: 957 million
  • Revenues: $2.394 million

Dnepropetrovsk blogger Ivan Rudskoy joined YouTube in March 2013. Since then, he has been recording videos on a variety of topics. According to him, he adheres to the concept of "I shoot everything that comes into my head."

Therefore, the content produced by Vanya may cause misunderstanding among an unprepared public. Especially such videos as "Stoned antics", "How not to poop", "Adventures of a big penis", etc.

Most of Ivangay's fans are schoolchildren who often compare Rudsky with the Swedish lets-player PewDiePie and the Russian YouTuber Roma Zhelud.

No. 4. Stas Davydov (This isGood).

  • Subscribers: 5.128 million
  • Views: 938 million
  • Revenues: $2.371 million

Former KVN worker Stas Davydov hosts the show “This is Good” on YouTube, which is comparable in format to the brainchild of Golopolosov - “+100500”. However, unlike Max, Stas is not an adherent of foul language, but arouses viewer interest in his channel due to extraordinary facial expressions and an extraordinary sense of humor.

No. 5. Oleg Brein (TheBrainDit).

  • Subscribers: 2.901 million
  • Views: 797 million
  • Revenues: $1.994 million

Oleg Brein gained fame on YouTube playing Minecraft, GTA, Mortal Kombat, Mad Max. Recently, the star let's player does not limit himself to the pleasure of reviewing popular entertainment applications on iOS. Brain also has his own online store where he sells souvenirs with the logo of TheBrainDit channel.

No. 6. Roman Filchenkov (Mr. Lololoshka).

  • Subscribers: 3.810 million
  • Views: 782 million
  • Revenues: $1.955 million

Roman Filchenkov became famous for making let's plays and vlogs. From time to time he records videos with EeOneGuy. Many subscribers complain about Roma because of his arrogant attitude towards the channel's audience. However, this does not prevent him from remaining one of the most sought-after game reviewers on the Runet.

No. 7. Konstantin Ladanin (Jove).

  • Subscribers: 2.084 million
  • Views: 429 million
  • Revenues: $1.074 million

Jov specializes in streaming World of Tanks, but also sometimes uploads videos with walkthroughs of other equally popular games - CS, GTA, The Witcher, SOMA, etc.

No. 8. Dmiry Kuplinov (Kuplinovplay).

  • Subscribers: 1.274 million
  • Views: 356 million
  • Revenues: $889 thousand

If you want to know everything that is possible about computer gaming, then do not waste your time and rather subscribe to Dmitry's channel. However, in this case, be prepared to face Kuplinov's reckless PewDiePie-style humor.

No. 9. Katya Trofimova (The Kate Clapp).

  • Subscribers: 3.541 million
  • Views: 352 million
  • Revenues: $882 thousand

Katya started video blogging at the age of 16. At first she recorded vlogs, then she opened a sketch show, and at the moment she continues to make videos about her personal life and travels. Clap is one of the most popular YouTubers on the Runet, which allows her to take part in many entertainment projects both on YouTube and on TV.

No. 10. Sasha Spielberg (Sasha Spielberg).

  • Subscribers: 2.543 million
  • Views: 349 million
  • Revenues: $874 thousand

There are conflicting rumors about how much Sasha Spielberg earns on YouTube. Evil tongues say that the income of the video blogger does not cover the cost of promoting the channel, which is sponsored by her far from poor father. It is also noteworthy that Sasha hides his real name in accordance with some agreement with his parents, who wished to remain incognito.

So, no matter how much bloggers earn on YouTube, you need to understand that this is a rather laborious task that takes up all the free time of video makers.

After all, in order to stay at the peak of popularity, it is necessary not only to regularly release videos, but also to comply with trends, improve the quality of production, generate and implement new ideas, properly monetize content and be able to interact with the audience. And it's expensive.

The question of how much a blogger earns on his video channels, various pages on social networks will never cease to be relevant. However, everything is changing. Once upon a time, earning money on a blog in Western countries was understood as a kind of analogue of the show “Behind the Glass”. People simply talked about their lives and personal experiences. Gradually, they acquired a network of fans, and they could “feed” money just so that their favorite “character” could continue to write. Then earnings began to look more like the activities of information businessmen. Many bloggers enthusiastically talked about how to make themselves and the world around them better, gave rise to a synthesis of personal growth trainings and methods for mastering the electronic space.

Now, popular bloggers are primarily understood as people who have created YouTube channels for themselves and post original video content of a more entertaining nature there.

There are no rules, just as there is no clarity in understanding the issues of earnings. Some blogger earns as a manager in a large company, while someone has long understood that this is futile for him and abandoned the idea.

What determines the income of popular bloggers?

Let's take a closer look at video blogging. Google uses a complex algorithm to get the cost per view. It depends on the target audience for which the advertising material is addressed, its belonging to the country, economic viability. It is also revealed by the topic of the video and the behavior of channel subscribers. Political or entertainment content gives video creators the lowest income. Politics, in one way or another, affects everyone. If a person watched a film by Alexei Navalny, then this does not mean that he will buy something from advertisers.

Videos related to medicine, construction, legal services, shopping, and finance are considered to be more profitable. It attracts those who are to some extent a potential buyer of some goods.

How much does blogging really bring in?

The average indicator should be identified based on how much 1000 views give. It's about $0.7-1.5. But do not think that everyone will get so much. If it is a channel with three videos, where the blogger spoke in a monotonous voice about the psychology of personal growth, then maybe 1000 views will give 1 ruble. Google also evaluates the channel itself, its prospects, identifies behavioral factors visitors.

In the work, you need to take into account the choice of topic, choose the right keywords, make a high-quality description for the video and be able to promote the channel. The most successful bloggers use a method that combines the following principles:

  • creating a network of resources that are closely intertwined;
  • selling your product, which brings the main profit;
  • building a development strategy and partnerships with other bloggers and systems.

The Importance of Blogger Personality

When planning actions, you need to take into account your personal characteristics.

For example, the TOP-5 bloggers include young guys who cheerfully comment on some funny videos, joke, publish reviews of popular games and tell cool stories from youth life.

If you are a closed person who strives for solitude and reading books, you have a bad character and the names of youth idols do not tell you anything, then it will not be strange if you try to repeat the "feat" of Ivan Rutskoy or Maxim Golopolosov. They have created highly trafficked channels, but run them in a way that appeals to that kind of audience. For someone else to get the same income, and Maxim earns about 250 thousand dollars, you need to do something else or do the same thing, but in a different way.

When creating a link from a channel and a blog, for example, on Instagram, you can reach complex, multiple sources of income. But here the question of investments will already arise. First of all, in the development of the individual funds themselves. In order for your own page or group to generate income, it must be visited.

Possible earning scheme

We create a channel on YouTube and start uploading our own and borrowed videos there.

The fact is that not all multimedia companies prohibit the use of material prepared by them. In addition, if you master programs for amateur editing, you can prepare a video sequence that will not violate copyright. And, of course, take pictures of yourself, share your views on various problems. Here is a short list of topics for our gonzo journalism:

  1. How do I get a loan from an MFI?
  2. How to save money?
  3. What do cryptocurrency market analysts think?
  4. How much do doctors and teachers get paid?

There is no need to be afraid of difficulties. There is nothing wrong with borrowing only 1,000 rubles from an MFI and filming the whole process on video. To shoot the screen, if this lending will take place via the Internet, you can use special software, and then edit the video using editing programs, remove your personal data.

All this will certainly be watched. But we do not stop and create a blog on the second level domain. If we don’t know how, then we learn, and we attract assistants only so that they give knowledge and answer questions. The blog publishes posts that contain videos of their own production.

They can be very different. It is not necessary to go this difficult path every time. Sometimes you can shoot your performances and share some impressions or ideas, and then upload the file without any editing at all.

The source of subsequent monetization can be:

  • contextual advertising;
  • participation in partner programs of banks and MFIs;
  • sale e-books own composition;
  • blog posting...

This is not a complete list. There is also SEO, SMM, as well as copywriting. A blog may well play the role of a portfolio that will help in finding text customers. Surely readers already wanted to supplement the schemes of work and income generation. This is very good and much more useful than the usual curiosity about how much other bloggers get paid.