Kleptomania: YouTube star Katya Klep and her millions.

In order to make your YouTube channel almost no financial investment is required, but you need to make an effort.

I must say right away that your YouTube channel can bring very good money! In addition, for most video bloggers, YouTube is a hobby that, in addition to money, also brings pleasure!

If you want to know about all the ways to make money online, then read the article: "(25 options for everyone❗️)".

⭐️In this article you will learn:

  • How much do specific popular Russian and foreign YouTubers earn?
  • What are the ways to monetize your YouTube channel?
  • A site where you can find the rating of channels on YouTube, approximate earnings and other detailed information.
  • How to start making money on YouTube yourself?

So, let's get down to business!👇

1. How much YouTubers earn in Russia - 7 real examples

Video bloggers who are abroad have earnings significantly higher than those from Russia. We have such a way in the form of business continues to take shape and undergo changes.

This is to some extent an advantage - everyone has the opportunity to find and occupy their niche.

The most important thing is:

  1. Choose the right topic and think over the idea of ​​the channel,
  2. Work on its design
  3. Start making high-quality and interesting videos,
  4. Make every effort to promote it.

Here is an example of how you can 2-3 million rubles per month on YouTube

It will take a little time and your work will be fully justified.

Take note!
Although the competition among channels on YouTube is growing every year, but believe me, start from scratch and promote your channel to 200-500 thousand subscribers (or even several million) is quite possible!

Already in 3-4 months you can reach income in 500 - 1500 rubles per day and higher!

The amount of earnings of bloggers from Russia to a greater extent determines the financial situation around the world.

But regardless of the crisis and other factors, those who are dedicated to their work, and have set themselves a certain goal, earn quite decent amounts and have sufficient popularity.

These bloggers have long been recognized and now we will take a closer look at them. Including the approximate amount of their income. Ready to find out? Then let's go! 😀

1. Ivan Guy (Ivan Rudskoy)- EeOneGuy channel

Blogger from Dnepropetrovsk Ivan Rudskoy or Ivangai is quite popular among young people today and is successfully developing every day, replenishing his budget along the way.

He not only maintains his YouTube channel, but does painstaking work:

  • Creates a variety of unique videos and publishes on his channel, which generates income.
  • It is also possible to advertise from Ivangay - like or comment on his behalf on any resource, channel, or social network.
  • Thanks to the gained popularity, the name Ivangai has already become a kind of full-fledged brand, and the blogger is also actively using it to make money.

About WhatStat.ru service!
The service provides information on the number of subscribers, the number of views of videos for all time, the approximate amount of earnings for all time, as well as recent 7, 14 and 30 days.

If necessary, it is possible to use the search function, the corresponding panel is located in the upper right corner.

This service is enough to determine the amount of earnings of Russian YouTubers. Now let's look at what services bloggers use to monetize their channels.

6. How Youtubers Make Money – The 3 Most Common Ways

Most YouTube users monetize their activities using various services and methods.

Google adsense- one of the most common, which provides an opportunity to earn on contextual advertising. In addition to it, there are many other options, but today we will consider only 3 main ones.

Method 1 - Google AdSense Advertising

It is interesting!
The size of donations can be anything - many video bloggers receive from several hundred up to tens of thousands of rubles. Basically, users make donations for the fact that the owner of the channel hosting the broadcast will perform some action.

There are even quite harmless requests - to sing a song, say hello, draw something, make a sign or drink water ... But there are more and more other options for entertaining users, in which they can even make fun of the host.

Most often, streamers agree to fulfill even rather strange requests in order to receive large sums into their account. The main condition for users to make donations is to interest them as much as possible.

7. How to start making money on YouTube yourself and is it easy?

As a rule, when creating a channel, everyone pursues their own goals, but in most cases, the main thing is earnings. And now we will consider how to come to this, and whether it is easy at all.

Even having created and promoted a channel that will have only 10,000 views daily, you can already earn about $ 10 every day. And more or less a decent amount comes out per month - more than 15,000 rubles!

The integral components of successful channel promotion are the following:

  • Creative idea.
  • Posting interesting videos.
  • Acquisition of advertising from users with promoted channels and other promotion methods.
  • Regular posting of new videos.

When looking for an idea, it is important to determine what can gain popularity based on video hosting trends. There can be anything among the directions - author's programs, reviews, vlogs, let's plays, and so on.

The more interesting the content, the more likely that users will pay attention to the channel, subscribe, like and perform other actions. In other words, the channel will gain popularity.

First - Channel Creation

Registering on YouTube and creating a channel takes just a few minutes. After that, you can customize everything in accordance with your own requests, as well as fill in information about yourself in the appropriate section. Don't forget to save any changes you make.

A “video manager” is also provided, which contains statistical data about everything: comments, likes, subscriptions, video viewing time, and more.

It is necessary to distinguish your channel from the mass of others, so first of all take care of its design, create an original “header”. The unique design will definitely be remembered by visitors and casual guests. And this is an additional motivation for viewers, which will encourage them to subscribe.

Second - Shooting video

After creating a channel, you can safely start making videos, and here many will ask what is better to use for this. For the first videos, even a smartphone that is equipped with a good camera is suitable. If you don't plan to move a lot while shooting, then buy a good tripod so that the recording is better and there is no shaky image.

It is better to buy more expensive equipment when the channel is untwisted and you are really serious about the project. So did a lot of already popular video bloggers!

You can record videos anywhere - even at home, even on the street. If everything happens indoors, then take care of the background so that there is order and comfort. You can also record video directly from your computer monitor!

If there are no ideas, look at the situation of popular video bloggers. Perhaps this will give you more design options.

Do not forget about the lighting - it should be good, think through everything to the smallest detail. Where possible, use spotlights and other fixtures to direct the light where it is needed.

If you are recording outdoors, then pay attention to the environment around you so that it is aesthetic and preferably in good sunny weather.

Sound is also one of the most important components. Of course, if you are a beginner, then a regular smartphone will suffice for a start, but the sound recording on it must be of high quality.

As the number of subscribers grows, it will be possible to purchase some specialized equipment.

Third - Channel promotion

In order to promote the channel, bloggers use a variety of methods. We list the main ones:

  • Annotations.
  • Requests for subscriptions to the channel in various sources.
  • Buying ads from other video bloggers.

How much can you earn from a blog? An urgent question for beginner video makers or a whole army of fans of top YouTubers who are interested in counting other people's money.

Tem YouTube time has long since ceased to be an ordinary video hosting, having evolved into an interactive Internet television platform, where everyone can become a celebrity, earning hundreds of thousands of dollars on their popularity, and this is far from the limit.

How Do YouTube Video Bloggers Make Money?

Video bloggers have at least four sources of income:

  1. Contextual advertising. Many users still believe that YouTube pays royalties based on the number of views of a particular video. But this statement is obviously wrong. The fact is that the salary of a blogger depends on how many clicks on advertising banners and video screensavers the viewers of his channel make.

For example, eminent YouTubers of the Runet can earn 50¢-$2.5 on contextual advertising within 1,000 views of video content.

  1. product placement. Surely you have already come across videos in which, in the middle of the video, the host of the channel advertises manufacturers of goods and services. This is far from a cheap promotion, because the same EeOneGuy, Max +100500, Kate Clapp and other equally popular YouTube stars cost advertisers from 30 to 100 thousand rubles.
  2. Sale of links that are placed under the description of the video - 5-20 thousand rubles.
  3. Partnership programs. In addition to standard privileges: free access to the media library, training webinars and round-the-clock support, an affiliate program can increase a video blogger's income from contextual advertising by 20% -40%.

How much do youtubers earn?

Probably, each of us was interested in how much top video bloggers earn on YouTube? Naturally, none of them will tell you about the size of official fees, since famous YouTubers are often bound by contractual obligations to affiliate programs, advertisers and Google. However, you can calculate the approximate earnings of a particular video maker yourself or using special online services.

  1. We count on our own: (A x B) + C = D
  • A - the number of views on the channel;
  • B - average income from contextual advertising - $1-$1.5/1 thousand views;
  • C - profit from the affiliate program, about 30% of earnings from advertising;
  • D - potential income of the channel.
  1. If you have the internet at your fingertips, you can find all the information you need on portals such as SocialBlade, WhatStat, StatSheep, etc.

For example, to find out how much Sasha Spielberg earns on YouTube, you need to:

  1. Calculate using the diagram above.

(349.854 million x 1,500) + 30% = $682,215

  1. Or use the statistics of one of the above resources (for example, the StatSheep service).

*– the numbers in both cases will be different, because StatSheep calculates the potential income of the channel in the amount of $2.5 per 1,000 views.

TOP 10 richest video bloggers in the Russian-speaking segment of YouTube

No. 1. Yuri "Frost" Freezer (Visiting FrostA).

  • Subscribers: 3.662 million
  • Views: 1 billion 452 million
  • Revenues: $3.629 million

Yuri Frost began his career as a video blogger in October 2012. The popularity of a native of Nizhny Novgorod was brought by let's plays for the game "Minecraft". In addition to video game reviews, Freezer diversified his channel with vlogs, challenges, and Q&A videos.

Huge money on YouTube Frost receives not only due to his charisma, but also stunning performance. Indeed, as of October 2015, Yura managed to record 958 videos - this is three times more than Max's +100500!

No. 2. Maxim Golopolosov (AdamThomasMoran).

  • Subscribers: 6.604 million
  • Views: 1 billion 250 million
  • Revenues: $3.126 million

Once Maxim Golopolosov was tired of working as a courier for a rate of 15 thousand rubles and almost all his free time a graduate of the Institute of Journalism and Literary Creativity began to devote to video blogging. Subsequently, his project "+100500" conquered YouTube, which contributed to the release of the show on the country's television screens in October 2011.

Max +100500 during 2011-2014 rightfully bore the unofficial title of the richest blogger Russian YouTube just until Yura Frost began to churn out videos on an industrial scale.

Nevertheless, to this day, Golopolosov has no equal in terms of the number of subscribers. Therefore, it is possible that in the near future the famous YouTuber will return to the first line of our rating.

No. 3. Ivan Rudskoy (EeOneGuy).

  • Subscribers: 4.671 million
  • Views: 957 million
  • Revenues: $2.394 million

Dnepropetrovsk blogger Ivan Rudskoy joined YouTube in March 2013. Since then, he has been recording videos on a variety of topics. According to him, he adheres to the concept of "I shoot everything that comes into my head."

Therefore, the content produced by Vanya may cause misunderstanding among an unprepared public. Especially such videos as "Stoned antics", "How not to poop", "Adventures of a big penis", etc.

Most of Ivangay's fans are schoolchildren who often compare Rudsky with the Swedish lets-player PewDiePie and the Russian YouTuber Roma Zhelud.

No. 4. Stas Davydov (This isOkay).

  • Subscribers: 5.128 million
  • Views: 938 million
  • Revenues: $2.371 million

Former KVN worker Stas Davydov hosts the show “This is Good” on YouTube, which is comparable in format to the brainchild of Golopolosov - “+100500”. However, unlike Max, Stas is not an adherent of foul language, but arouses viewer interest in his channel due to extraordinary facial expressions and an extraordinary sense of humor.

No. 5. Oleg Brein (TheBrainDit).

  • Subscribers: 2.901 million
  • Views: 797 million
  • Revenues: $1.994 million

Oleg Brein gained fame on YouTube playing Minecraft, GTA, Mortal Kombat, Mad Max. Recently, the star let's player does not limit himself to the pleasure of reviewing popular entertainment applications on iOS. Brain also has his own online store where he sells souvenirs with the logo of TheBrainDit channel.

No. 6. Roman Filchenkov (Mr. Lololoshka).

  • Subscribers: 3.810 million
  • Views: 782 million
  • Revenues: $1.955 million

Roman Filchenkov became famous for making let's plays and vlogs. From time to time he records videos with EeOneGuy. Many subscribers complain about Roma because of his arrogant attitude towards the channel's audience. However, this does not prevent him from remaining one of the most sought-after game reviewers on the Runet.

No. 7. Konstantin Ladanin (Jove).

  • Subscribers: 2.084 million
  • Views: 429 million
  • Revenues: $1.074 million

Jov specializes in streaming World of Tanks, but also sometimes uploads videos with walkthroughs of other equally popular games - CS, GTA, The Witcher, SOMA, etc.

No. 8. Dmiry Kuplinov (Kuplinovplay).

  • Subscribers: 1.274 million
  • Views: 356 million
  • Revenues: $889 thousand

If you want to know everything that is possible about computer gaming, then do not waste your time and rather subscribe to Dmitry's channel. However, in this case, be prepared to face Kuplinov's reckless PewDiePie-style humor.

No. 9. Katya Trofimova (The Kate Clapp).

  • Subscribers: 3.541 million
  • Views: 352 million
  • Revenues: $882 thousand

Katya started video blogging at the age of 16. At first she recorded vlogs, then she opened a sketch show, and at the moment she continues to make videos about her personal life and travels. Clap is one of the most popular YouTubers on the Runet, which allows her to take part in many entertainment projects both on YouTube and on TV.

No. 10. Sasha Spielberg (Sasha Spielberg).

  • Subscribers: 2.543 million
  • Views: 349 million
  • Revenues: $874 thousand

There are conflicting rumors about how much Sasha Spielberg earns on YouTube. Evil tongues say that the income of the video blogger does not cover the cost of promoting the channel, which is sponsored by her far from poor father. It is also noteworthy that Sasha hides his real name in accordance with some agreement with his parents, who wished to remain incognito.

So, no matter how much bloggers earn on YouTube, you need to understand that this is a rather laborious task that takes up all the free time of video makers.

After all, in order to stay at the peak of popularity, it is necessary not only to regularly release videos, but also to comply with trends, improve the quality of production, generate and implement new ideas, properly monetize content and be able to interact with the audience. And it's expensive.

Every year, YouTube video hosting is replenished with millions of video bloggers who are hungry for fame and stable income. for the "newcomers" are the stories of those who managed to win the hearts of numerous spectators, make a name for themselves, earn money, gaining popularity and love of the people.

Katya Klap is one of the venerable YouTube stars, whose successful career is worthy of envy and admiration. The young video blogger is called the “Goddess of YouTube”, she is adored by millions of fans, competitors and detractors pour mud on her, her name is on the lips of many teenagers, her biography is filled with many conflicting rumors and unflattering reviews. So who is Katya Klep: a bright, outstanding personality or an infantile clown girl?

YouTube Goddess First Steps

She was born on May 19, 1993 in the city of Moscow. The girl's father is a mechanic, her mother is an interior designer. The future star studied at the Moscow Secondary School No. 1122. As a schoolgirl, the girl kept a printed blog, was fond of photography and filming, studied the history and ways of making money on YouTube. Inspired by the success of famous bloggers, Katya Klep (real name - Ekaterina Trofimova) decided to create her own channel and started developing a future video blog.

In 2010, a 16-year-old girl made her dream come true by filming the first video for a couple with a friend called "Polliter Mouse". The first pancake, of course, came out lumpy - the video turned out to be uninteresting and meaningless. But the purposeful Katya stubbornly moved forward, continuing to post one video after another on YouTube, which gradually began to gain huge momentum in popularity.

Deserved success and glory

It is unlikely that now among teenagers and young people there is a person who does not know who Katya Klep is. Of course, her name is familiar to many, but the biography of the young Runet star is not known to everyone. Comedy sketches, vlogs (video recordings), the girl's video diaries are filled with positive emotions, sparkling jokes, humorous reflections and Katya's funny antics.

At first, Katya Klap turned the usual video blog with ordinary clownery of two girls into an author's sketch show. A talented girl not only parodies celebrities and talks about everything that interests young people (reviews of books, films, confidential conversations, advice, shots of her growing up, travels, etc.), but also reincarnates in various images, raps and plays skits. Videos are released once a week and are estimated by millions of views. The well-known blogger Katya Klep does the development of the script, acting roles, editing and directing videos herself, professionally changing shots, adding rhythm and overlaying sound.


Katya currently has two channels: FoggyDisaster and TheKateClapp. The main channel - FoggyDisaster - was registered on August 20, 2008 and contains comedy sketches, musical parodies of stars, movie and book reviews, interactive games, personal life shots generously seasoned with humor, enthusiasm and positive, which is endowed with an abundance of extraordinary YouTube star. The channel has over 1 million subscribers and about 70 million views.

The second channel - TheKateClapp - was created on December 6, 2010 and collected over 1 million 600 thousand subscribers and 139 million views as of July 2014. Here Katya uploads videos about her travels, trips to various events, answers questions from fans and fulfills their requests and wishes (more on that below).

A distinctive feature of the girl's videos is her goodwill, optimism, love for people, self-irony and modesty. Despite the resounding success at such a young age, Katya managed to retain her best features. She tries to put a certain meaning into each video: humanity, love for animals, questions of self-realization.

And so the answer to the question "Who is Katya Klep?" is unequivocal: this is a multifaceted, talented person, eager to make the world a little better by promoting good mood and true human values. This is the reason for its immense popularity.

Separately, about the sketch show "Challenge Accepted"

One of the interesting creative directions of the video blogger is the "Challenge Accepted" segment. The essence of the release is that the girl fulfills the strange and sometimes ridiculous requests of her subscribers: she eats lemons, hot peppers, puts on makeup without a mirror, draws herself with her eyes closed, wraps herself in a carpet, chews a box of gum and so on. Moreover, she performs all these actions with her inherent enthusiasm and positive, not forgetting to end the next videos with the phrase beloved by everyone: “Stay as positive and creative, all the best to you!”

How much does Kate Clapp earn?

Katya's profile states that she is a YouTube Professional Partner. It follows from this that the girl not only shoots videos, but also makes good money on them, receiving regular deductions from video hosting. Many fans of the star are interested in how much Katya Klep earns, whose photos are increasingly flashed on fashion covers and on the Internet?