Update youtube subscribers in real time. Analysis of YouTube Analyst from A to Z. The key to the success of your YouTube channel

How to get subscribers on Youtube quickly?

The question of how to gain subscribers on Youtube in a short time is of interest to many novice bloggers who want to gain popularity. You can increase the number of fans by resorting to the help of your friends and acquaintances, or by posting messages asking you to subscribe to the channel in various public social networks. Of course, from such actions you can increase the number of fans, but in a fairly small amount, besides, there is a risk of getting a ban or block for your social network account. The greatest effect will be the use of special services that will help you get the desired result in the shortest possible time.

What needs to be done to get the most subscribers on Youtube?

If you want to get the largest number of subscribers on Youtube, the VTope service, which is already successfully used by one and a half million people, will help to cope with this task. This platform does not require any fees for using its services, while you can get the desired result in a short period of time.
All that is required is to perform a few simple steps: register on the site, add a goal to be achieved and pay for its implementation with the conditional currency of the resource - points. Then you can safely deal with other issues, while the number of admirers will grow.

With the "VTope" service, subscribers on Youtube in real time will increase quickly

Moreover, the twisting is carried out real users, and not by bots, thanks to which the result will be preserved for a long time.
At the same time, you do not need to download and install additional applications, all tasks will be performed online, and thus, you can easily protect your page from the penetration of virus programs.

Also, "VTope" guarantees complete security of the account, because it does not require the entry of logins and passwords when making transactions. Information that you used the services of this service.
Increasing subscribers on Youtube in real time will make it easy to popularize your account, making any blogger popular.

real time youtube subscribers, most subscribers on Youtube,

Almost everyone who has created a channel on YouTube thinks about how to quickly gain a lot of views, subscribers and likes. And those who do not yet understand that YouTube, like search engines, have their own filters, resort to subscriber cheat services. And in vain, because. this eventually leads to a channel ban, or to a hard lowering of positions in the issue. Who does not believe, I will prove.

And why is it needed at all? Everything is right! To show everyone how many of them I have, how cool I am, a lot of people are watching me. Yes, no one cares about how many subscribers you have, and no one is watching you, because they are dead.

And who thought about how it will affect your channel? Why yours? To say that I have my own channel on YouTube is just stupid. We don't have anything on YouTube. Not you, not him, not me. This is the property of the Pindos. We have a simple account and that's it!!! If they want to ban the channel, they will. And with a wrap, you won’t have to wait long for a ban at all. If you receive income from YouTube, you will be fired like a boss from a regular job. We are needed there as long as there are enough advertisers. There will be no offers for advertising, there will be no demand for it. Everything is already moving towards it. CPCs have gone down the drain. Wanting to earn more and more. At some point, there won't be enough for everyone. And so already, famous video bloggers are leaving YouTube. Something got me...

How do you get subscribers on YouTube?

Get subscribers on youtube happens with the help of scam services, which have already been divorced like dirt. Some give just bots, some real people. Both of those are bullshit. YouTube has its own service for tracking such tricksters, and it works many times better than cheating services.

You can not talk about services that give bots. If you resort to the help of those, you can put an end to the development of the channel. They burn in two seconds, especially those who are overcome by the thirst for profit, and somehow the channel has more subscribers than the views themselves on the entire channel. Well, that doesn't happen either.

If you use a service that gives real subscribers, you can still live. Where do they get real followers? You pay money, and the service pays part of the money to its employees who perform various tasks. One of them is to subscribe to the channel. That's all. Nothing complicated.

So what if I subscribed to a channel where they show how to cook borscht and other crap? Yes, I have never cooked borscht in my life and, as it were, I am not going to. Will I watch videos on this topic? No! And you? Therefore, all subscribers are dead weight, there are no views. And over time, they all pootpisyvatsya.

And who benefits from it? Right! Scam services. They're the only ones who benefit. You have been scammed for money. This is what they are created for. And everyone who talks about them and advises also profits from you. Links give referral.

No, well, if you have extra money, try it. I don `t care. Personally, I'm in favor of everything being natural. If a person likes the channel, he will subscribe to it. And you don’t need to beg for a subscription, insert a pop-up banner with a call to subscribe ten times. It's annoying.

How to wind up subscribers on YouTube and fall under the filter?

Now the question must arise - from where do I know all this? Yes, from nowhere. I've been watching some channels for a long time. Now there will be evidence that a disastrous thing for the channel.

Let's take the Russian Collectors channel. I'm interested in channels on this topic. There are very funny moments when the guys really scoff at the collectors. But that's not the point. Let's see the scan:

Notice how many subscribers and how many views? What about likes? It's not real. This is only one video, and this is the situation with almost all videos. Who does not believe, go to the channel, see for yourself. And the video is funny, by the way. And if Sanya hadn’t been doing nonsense, he would still be watched. And so YouTube put it to hell, and no one can find it.

And the subscribers wound up very famously. If memory serves, about a month. So what? What's next? He uploads new videos regularly, but there is the same situation, there are no views. And according to my calculations, he has no more than a thousand live subscribers. But if they were all real, then at least half of them would watch his videos. What title does he give to the video? “Sequoia (Issue 26, Issue 27, etc.) Who would ever think to enter such a name into a search engine? The title must be

He has another channel "national collection service". I don't think it's worth saying that the situation is the same there. See for yourself if you wish.

But the channel, as they say, on the contrary, "koma761":

Compare how many subscribers and how many views. I chose the video with the average view rate. There are also 20,000 views. The man didn't do shit. Vidosy spreads rarely, but aptly. He turned on monetization not so long ago. He has really funny videos, I advise you to watch. They are interesting to people, it is impossible not to watch them to the end. Yes, and he makes the names of the videos look like the content. Therefore, YouTube throws it into the recommended, visible part of the screen.

There are several more channels. But there is no point in showing them all here. But if this evidence is not enough for you, and you still do not believe that this is a waste of time and money, then it is for you. Good luck to all.

Today we will talk with you about how to get 100, 200 and even 1000 subscribers on YouTube. We will discuss exclusively “white” methods, since, in the future, only they win.

First, we need to decide on the subject of future videos. After that, so that we always get new subscribers, we need keywords by which people will find our videos. You can read more about it in the corresponding section.

In this article, we will only consider key points Let's decide in which direction we will move. But, remember that only the combination of all factors can lead to the success of the channel.

How to ensure an endless stream of new subscribers?

Traffic sources
There are several main sources of your visitors:

  • YouTube search;
  • related videos
  • external websites/blogs;
  • social networks and forums;
  • other.

Each of the traffic sources is equally important for your channel, but first, take a Special attention first - YouTube search. You can view the statistics of your channel in Creative studio - YouTube analytics - Traffic sources.

By adhering to such statistics, you will ensure yourself a constant influx of new viewers and, accordingly, new subscribers.

Websites, blogs and social networks
Many popular video bloggers use personal websites and groups on social networks. On these sources, you can share personal or other interesting information, except for the main videos on the channel.

This technique will not only increase the number of your subscribers, but also improve their attitude towards you.

Annotations and call to action
Towards the end of each of your videos and voice call to subscribe to the channel. Together, all these actions have a positive effect on the growth of new subscribers.

Paid ways to get new subscribers on YouTube.

Now on the Internet you can find very a large number of services that offer you to buy subscribers. Be very careful with these resources. Many services can catch up with bots, which will be of no use. The cost of one subscriber is from 1 to 5 rubles.

Video on how to get your first 1000 subscribers on YouTube.

Watch the video from the practice of recruiting new subscribers to your YouTube channel.

All hello with you Alexander Bely. In the previous post, we talked with you about the selection, which will help in promoting video clips in the TOP search queries Youtube video hosting. In today's article, I want to talk with you about ways to gain subscribers to your channel.

So, in what cases we may need to cheat subscribers on Youtube for free. Suppose? you just decided to create your own channel and post your unique videos on it. As in the case of blogging, the success of channel development and, as a result, earnings on YouTube will depend on the number of regular visitors, subscribers.

How to increase the popularity of the resource

2. Then join the VSP Youtube affiliate program and monetize your channel. Payouts to your wallets from $1. Channel requirements are minimal.

Suppose you go to a channel and see 2 subscribers on it. And the second option on the channel has several thousand subscribers. Which channel are you most likely to subscribe to? I think about the second one, as it seems that it is interesting to many, so I will subscribe. On the channel with the lack of subscribers, it seems that no one is subscribed, respectively, and I will not.

In addition to young channels, Youtube has certain restrictions associated with the placement of paid content, as well as for participating in affiliate programs YouTube, which allow you to monetize and promote the channel, also needs about 1000 subscribers.

Thus, in order not to bother much with the search for target subscribers at the initial stage, it makes sense to wind them up with the help of third-party services, where you will provide yourself with 1000 subscribers per channel in a relatively short period. Then all that remains is to post useful, interesting videos and interest the target subscribers, who will probably watch your channel every day.

If you want to speed up the process of promoting your resource on YouTube and Vkontakte, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the services of the service for recruiting subscribers vktarget.

On the above service, in addition to YouTube subscribers, you can wind up Likes for videos, as well as fill groups in social network In contact with. For those who are interested in YouTube, watch a video on how the service for attracting subscribers to the channel works.

If you came to YouTube to earn more than one $ 1000 per month and plan to build a recognizable Youtube channel with a regular audience and subscribers, you just need to familiarize yourself with Yotube Master video course. Having mastered all the methods outlined in this course, I simply can’t imagine how not to start earning on YouTube in 3-4 months at least 10,000 rubles a month.

This concludes today's post. See you later. Bye

Thus, later you will be able to add tasks yourself to get subscribers for your channel. How to get started. We do not have registration, all you need is to go through authorization using any social network where you already have an account. Click on any icon and log in, you will find yourself in your personal account.

Now click on the "Add Task" tab. Select the Youtube icon, then the type of task "Get subscribers", indicate the number you need and a link to your account. Click the "Order" button. That's all!

After a while, you can check how many new subscribers you have. See for yourself that everything really works. After adding a task, you do not need to be online, mind your own business, and we will do the rest.

Paid cheat subscribers on Youtube

There are, of course, moments when there is no free time to complete tasks and earn a balance. In this case, you can wind up subscribers for a fee, only 5 rubles. for 100 people. All you need is to replenish your account and add a task.

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We give 100 bonus likes to all new members! Use them for any social network and see how it works. If having tens of thousands of subscribers is your dream, we will help you realize it. For our clients, all dreams come true!