Feesbok social network login my page. Social network Facebook: login to your page. Login to Facebook from a computer or laptop

Social network Facebook is becoming more and more popular among domestic users. Some analysts are confident that over time it may even surpass the famous and in popularity, especially if it simplifies its intricate interface. Users who come here for the first time feel uncomfortable and sometimes simply close the page without registering. And those who stayed do not regret it, because navigating the social network is not so difficult.

Login to “my page” on Facebook

The entrance to the social network is located at . Type it in the address bar and you can create your account by registering.

If you have an account, log in to the network by entering your password and phone number/mail address. The Facebook login form is at the top of the main page.

If you do not want to leave the social network, check the special box. Otherwise, you must enter your personal information every time.

If you don't have an account, register. The registration button is next to the entrance to your personal page, and simple instructions will tell you how to do this.

If you have successfully registered, log in to your account page. Don’t be confused by the almost empty page, you’ll soon get the hang of it, fill it out important information and see the News Feed. But you can also add friends and group subscriptions during the registration process.

Contents of “My Page” on the social network Facebook

  • The left side of the page stores important functionality - sections with messages, photos, friends, applications. A special place is given to the News Feed.
  • The top of the page has important buttons with which you can perform certain actions. For example, to get to the Timeline, which contains information about your actions (adding friends, images, videos, subscribing to groups), you need to click on your name.
  • In the News Feed you can follow updates from your subscriptions and friends. Here you can take a certain action: mark the news you like with a “like,” comment, or repost (posting it on your account).
  • In the “Settings” of your profile, you can make any changes to make your own page convenient for you.
  • The icons on the left are for notifications about friendship and messages.
  • At the bottom right there is a simple and convenient “Chat” that provides an opportunity for communication.

More about the Chronicle

Social network Facebook when you log in to " My page» shows the News Feed. But this doesn't mean you shouldn't pay attention to your account. Decorate it in your own style and tell your friends about yourself.

Change the faceless background and upload a beautiful image. Share personal information with your friends: place of work, favorite games, TV series, music. A unique survey will help you find friends with similar interests.

That's all you wanted to know about Facebook. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in your profile. Now you can create an account to suit your taste, search for friends, enjoy communication and keep up to date with the news!

Facebook is the most popular social network in the world, but in Russia only a small part of Internet users have their own personal account on this site (read how to register). This is probably why many users do not know how to log into Facebook on their page from a computer or using an application on a smartphone. I want to devote this article specifically to this issue, describing each step in as much detail as possible.

On your computer

If you have already logged into your profile on this computer and saved your password, then you must:

  1. Click on the “Login” button.

Important! This method can only be used if your browser has saved your data - address Email and password. They will always be entered in the appropriate fields.

I also want to answer the question of how to log into Facebook from someone else's computer. This requires:

  1. Go to the official website of the social network.
  2. Enter your data in the appropriate fields.
  3. Click on the “Login” button.

Login from phone

Now almost everyone has a smartphone with Internet access, which is why you should know how to log into your Facebook page with mobile phone. First of all, you need to download and install official application to your smartphone, and then:

  1. Launch the application from the menu.
  2. Enter the required data.
  3. Click on the “Login” button.


Most often, the inability to access your page on a social network is due to a forgotten or incorrectly entered password (read more about password recovery). In order to solve this problem you should:

This is everything you should know about logging into your personal profile on the site from various devices and even if the password has been forgotten (read about how to log out of your profile). You should also know that it is not possible to log into your Facebook page without registration, since in order to get your personal account, you must go through the registration procedure.

Want to sign up for Facebook to meet new people and have new experiences, but don't know where to start? - We will be happy to help you - registration on Facebook takes only a few minutes.

It is important to remember that the site does not charge no cash registration fees, so if you are asked to pay for anything, you are being deceived. It would also be a scam to ask to send a code from a mobile phone. The real Facebook address is www.facebook.com (that's the only way).


Before registering, you need to create an email account, or use an existing one. Then, be sure to come up with a password, preferably a complex one (a-Я0-9#@%) to avoid unpleasant hacking of the page. Once you have an email and password, you can start registering:

Go to the website - www.facebook.com and in the window that appears, enter the necessary data:

  1. first and last name;
  2. email address (twice);
  3. password (be sure to remember, or better yet, write it down somewhere);
  4. date of birth d/m/y;

Then click the “registration” button. Before clicking, make sure the information is correct, and also read the terms and conditions of working with the site (there will be a transition to the “registration” button).

Step one . Enter the password for your email account. After which, Facebook will offer to add your contacts from your email account as friends. It is also possible to skip this step and return to it later (after you have already registered).

Step two. Here you need to enter some personal information:

  1. First and last name in Russian (will already appear automatically from the beginning of registration);
  2. First and last name on English language, will also be automatic. Check - it should be like it is in the passport;
  3. Hometown;
  4. High school. If you studied at several schools, then choose for now the one from which you graduated;
  5. University If you studied at several universities, you will enter them later;
  6. Employer. Place of work.

You can skip this step, or, if you have entered data, then click the go button - “ save and continue».

Step three. Uploading a photo to the site. There are two ways to upload a photo.

  1. Upload a photo you already have on your computer;
  2. Take a photo via webcam (if you have one).

You can skip this step, or, if you uploaded a photo, click on the button - “ save and continue».

Your next step should be authorization. That is, you must go to your email inbox, find a letter from Facebook (if you don’t see it, look in spam) and follow the link. If there is no letter, then resubmit your request to send it. email to authorize your account. This can be done on your Facebook page (in the window below - resend the message). That's it - authorization is complete.

So, the registration procedure is completed, now you can log in and enjoy communication.

Login to page

Don't know how to log into the site? Everything is very simple here. The main thing is not to forget the password and enter it correctly in this window (below).

Many beginners may have a question, where can I get this window? From here (window below). Remember – this is the registration window, the very first one. At the very top there are windows for logging into the site.

Enter your email address and password - you are logged in.

If something doesn't work out for you, don't worry.

First on home page Try to enter all the data that you have not already entered (during the registration process).

This way, you will find your friends faster, and they will be able to learn more about you.

What is the difference between login and registration


If you don't have a Facebook account, you can create one in a few simple steps. To create a new account, fill out the registration form with your full name, date of birth, gender and email address. Then choose a password.


If you already have a Facebook account, you can log in to it on the same page. Simply enter your email address and password in the appropriate fields at the top of the page and click the Login button.

I forgot my Facebook login information

If you do not remember your login email address or mobile phone number, or this information has changed recently:

After logging in, go to settings account and find the email address associated with your Facebook account or update your mobile number.

I can't log into Facebook using my mobile phone.

People who register on Facebook using a mobile phone can use their phone number and the password they created when registering.

If you have problems logging in, remember that you must enter the full phone number with the country code. Excludes zeros, + and other special characters.

How to change Facebook email address

To change your email address Online:

  1. Open your Facebook account, select from the drop-down menu in the top right corner account settings.
  2. Click the Change button next to your email address.
  3. Click the button Add another email address.
  4. Enter your new email address in the free field and then click Save changes.
  5. For security reasons, you will be prompted to password.
  6. You will then receive a confirmation email with your new email address. You will be able to log in using your new address only after confirmation.


  • All verified email addresses can be used to log into your account.
  • If you cannot access your account on the site, do not create a new account because this is violation of conditions and may result in a delay in resolving the problem.

I received an email asking you to confirm your Facebook registration.

If someone was able to register one of the addresses in the user's account, Facebook sends a notification for each email address. This happens when a user clicks on a link sent to an email address when creating a new account, or when they add an address to an account.

If you still own the email address, you can add it back to your account. To do this, go to the "Settings" section in personal account and follow the above steps.

Due to the fact that someone may have access to your email address, in order to verify contact, you must change the password for your email address.

If you are not the owner of the email address, you cannot add it back to your account. If you are still the owner of the email address but you cannot access it, contact your email service provider for assistance in regaining access to the address.

I noticed that many people - pensioners and inexperienced users - try to log into their Facebook page incorrectly.

Main mistake

The main mistake is that they type something like “Facebook login to your page” in the Yandex or Google search bar like this

And this is what they get

But this might not have been Facebook! Or not your page 😉

Then they click on one of the results (for example, highlighted in red) and go to the website facebook.com (in fact, the site where they go is highlighted in green letters - in our case it says ru-ru.facebook.com)

Browser address and search bar

But why look for Facebook in Yandex if Facebook has its own address facebook.com, where your page is located. You need to enter the facebook.com address into the address bar of your browser, not into the Yandex search bar. Once again, the difference between the address and search bar is described in detail.

In the picture, the address bar is at the very top - where it says yandex.ru. Instead of yandex.ru, write facebook.com. In our picture above, the following happened: Yandex returned 123 million results, and facebook.com is indeed in the first row, because Yandex is smart, but this might not be the case. You should be quick-witted and just type “facebook.com” into the address bar of your browser. After the first input, prompts are given, so then you don’t even have to enter anything, but only select. In total, you need to do this

1) Enter facebook.com in the browser address bar (not in Yandex or Google) and press Enter

2) Get your page - website facebook.com - it will open

Login to your page through your account

Further options are possible. Facebook is a site whose full power is revealed if you have your own account. If you have it, and the browser remembers your login and password (it does on a regular computer), then the page that opens at facebook.com will be your page.

If you do not have an account, or you are logging in from a new browser into which you have not yet entered your login and password (that is, the browser could not remember you on this PC in this browser), then you will see “welcome” and fields for login and for registration (picture above). And it is useless to search “my page” in Yandex (this is wrong) - you can log in to your page only through your account data.

The article describes the general principle. The account is precisely the key that opens the site with your page. It consists of a login and password. You register an account once, and then constantly use it to log into your page.

On Facebook, your login is either your phone number or email address. You must remember whether you gave your phone number to Facebook and whether you received an SMS. Login and password are what you need to remember. With their help, you will access your page from any device: familiar and unfamiliar.

Login confirmation

This is a relatively recent situation: when you log in from a new device or from another city, Facebook recognizes that the situation is unusual and adds additional steps to log into your page to protect it from hacking. This is a rare case, and if you are now surfing the Internet from your usual computer, then do not read.

But if you log in from an unfamiliar computer or a new mobile device, then even after entering the correct login and password you will be asked to confirm your account. There are two main ways - SMS to your phone (if specified) and confirmation from another browser or device (if you are already logged into Facebook on your phone, and now just want to access Facebook from another device).

Everything is clear with the code from SMS - enter it and go. And with confirmation from another browser, this will happen: attention, this is an unusual feature, I myself did not immediately understand how to do it. Just on the device where you are already logged in, you will receive a notification - the same highlighted in red as all other notifications about comments, posts and likes, but it will say that you must confirm the login from another device.

Click “It’s me.” And then that other entrance through which you are now breaking into Facebook will be unblocked and you will go to Facebook to your page.