Replace desktop shortcuts. Changing the shortcut icon for Windows

If you are tired of the standard icons and the icons of "My Computer", "My Documents", etc., you can replace them. The process of replacing these icons will not take you much time. Quite a lot of alternative icons have been created at the moment. There are special programs that replace not only icons, but the entire design operating system.

You will need

  • The operating system of the Windows line, the Internet.


  • At the moment, the replacement of icons and file icons is supported by all latest versions operating systems of the Windows line (Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Seven). The best solution is to download icons that are released as a set, preferably in one file. Thus, it is possible to change all icons by converting them to the same style. Basically, all icons come with the ico extension, but there are also png extensions.
  • If you have downloaded icons with the png extension to your computer, you can convert them using the Aveiconifier program. The program works in one step: specify files with the png extension - click "Convert" - done.
  • To change the icon of any label, we need to click right click click on it - select the "Properties" item - the "Shortcut" tab - the "Change Icon" button. In the window that opens, select the picture of your shortcut - click "Open".
  • To change the folder icon, you need to select the "Properties" item - the "Settings" tab - the "Change Icon" button in the context menu of the folder. In the window that opens, select the picture of your shortcut - click "Open".
  • To change the picture of the desktop icons ("My Computer", "My Documents", "Recycle Bin"), right-click on the desktop - the "Desktop" tab. Click the "Customize Desktop" button - select an item - click "Change Icon". In the window that opens, select the picture of your shortcut - click "Open".
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    A creative person is unlikely to agree to work with shortcuts that are repeated on all computers. It only at first glance seems that changing these little pictures is quite difficult. In fact, knowing how to change the icon of the shortcut on the desktop, you can subsequently create a new image for the icons of specific programs at least every day.

    Changing the annoying icon for a shortcut diversifies the routine of working in Windows.

    The main thing is that it should not be tedious for you, and the algorithm of actions, how to put your picture on the label, or already make another change, was clear. We confirm that there really are no difficulties, and the result of the work will please you, because the desktop will become creative and unlike any others.

    Process of creation

    So each computer program has its own little system picture that appears on the desktop if you wish to create one. However, the same program on the desktops different computers will be accompanied by the same image. Well, if such an image completely suits you. However, unfortunately, some users are faced with the fact that set icons cause negative emotions, irritation.

    Of course, one should not work with such negativity, the performance will be low, and the mood is constantly terrible. It is better to change the picture to a suitable shortcut icon that will satisfy your personal creative imagination.

    Action algorithm

    So, there is no need to ask your friends how to create an icon for a label, but constantly stumble upon silent silence, since they themselves only superficially have information on how to change the label image. It is better to immediately trust experienced users, study their recommendations on how to quickly change the shortcut icon.

    All you have to do is get comfortable in your chair, read all the tips on how to make a badge, and then get started with the practical steps right away. Initially, you should select the object whose icon you want to change. Click on it with the right mouse button, in the menu that opens, lower your gaze down, there you will find the line "Properties".

    Click on this option to open the dialog box we need, which has six tabs. We don't need them all, we are only interested in the "Shortcut" tab, go to this tab.

    ATTENTION. I would like to note that in most cases, when you open a dialog box, you immediately get to this tab, only in the most exceptional cases can other tabs be opened.

    Now we again offer you to look down below. There will be located three buttons, among which stop your choice on the middle button "Change Label".

    It is this button that we need if you decide to figure out how to change the icon of any shortcut.

    So, click on this button to open the next important window, allowing us to get closer to the goal of how to make an icon for the shortcut, one more step.

    Do not rush to get upset when you see the window that opens, in which the system "kindly" offers to make an icon at your discretion, and completely limits the choice, offering only one icon, which is already installed in the program.

    There is nothing wrong with this, since you have decided to figure out how to change, or how to create an icon, then follow confidently to the end.

    In this window you will find the "Browse" button, use it to "pave" the path to the directory we need, which allows you not only to figure out how to make a new "drawing", but also to implement almost all of it.

    You will have to specify the path to the "Shell32.dll" subfolder located in the "System32" system folder. And we are sure you know where this folder is located. If not, then just in case, we suggest that it is located in the “Windows” folder located on system drive"C".

    Now, when you have followed the indicated path, multiple options for all kinds of small “drawings” will open before you. Do not try to count them, it will just take you a lot of time, just review this "collection", choose the option that appeals to you the most.

    Now you can safely close all open windows and admire the fact that it was you who managed to get the original icon for the program. By the way, you can also change the image and folders, and not just specific images for programs.

    After the creative element you created will bring moral satisfaction, it will be difficult for you to resist not replacing some more labels. It is your right, if you wish, act, especially since you have already figured out how to change such icons and do not need third-party help.

    If you are tired of the standard icons and the icons of "My Computer", "My Documents", etc., you can replace them. The process of replacing these icons will not take you much time. Quite a lot of alternative icons have been created at the moment. There are special programs that replace not only icons, but the entire design of the operating system.

    You will need

    The operating system of the Windows line, the Internet.

    Sponsored by the placement of P&G Articles on the topic "How to change desktop icons" How to return the My Documents folder How to make desktop icons small How to restore icons on the screen


    At the moment, the replacement of icons and file icons is supported by all the latest versions of the Windows operating systems (Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Seven). The best solution is to download icons that are released as a set, preferably in one file. Thus, it is possible to change all icons by converting them to the same style. Basically, all icons come with the ico extension, but there are also png extensions.

    If you have downloaded icons with the png extension to your computer, you can convert them using the Aveiconifier program. The program works in one step: specify files with the png extension - click "Convert" - done.

    To change the icon of any shortcut, we need to right-click on it - select the "Properties" item - the "Shortcut" tab - the "Change Icon" button. In the window that opens, select the picture of your shortcut - click "Open".

    To change the folder icon, you need to select the "Properties" item - the "Settings" tab - the "Change Icon" button in the context menu of the folder. In the window that opens, select the picture of your shortcut - click "Open".

    To change the picture of the desktop icons ("My Computer", "My Documents", "Recycle Bin"), right-click on the desktop - the "Desktop" tab. Click the "Customize Desktop" button - select an item - click "Change Icon". In the window that opens, select the picture of your shortcut - click "Open".

    How simple

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