Laptop gets hot after installing windows 10. The laptop gets very hot. How to know if laptop is overheating

Why does the laptop get very hot, what should I do?(10 page)

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Your questions and comments (10 page)

14.10.2012 lolko!!!

      Model Acer Aspire 5530, 2 GHz processor, 3 GB RAM, ATI Radeon 3200 HD Graphics video card... There was such a problem that the computer slowed down very much, and sometimes overheated when I watched movies, I went into games, it slowed down everywhere... I reinstalled the drivers, did not help. I had Windows Vista, reinstalled it on XP Proffesional, installed the drivers, it stopped slowing down .... But as soon as I go into some game that requires 512MB of RAM and above, it overheats and turns off ... I cleaned the laptop a month ago, there is thermal paste, there is a stand. Can you please tell me what else could be the problem? Thanks in advance!
      If the laptop gets very hot and turns off without warning, immediately after cleaning, it looks like a defect in the motherboard, provided that the cleaning was done normally. The only way out is to get it checked out.

17.10.2012 igor

21.10.2012 Elena

23.10.2012 Boris

25.10.2012 Anastasia

02.11.2012 Michael

      The laptop works fine, but gets hot. It turned out that the fan turns off after 2 - 3 seconds after turning on the computer. The inside is clean, but just in case, I also cleaned it thoroughly. The fan rotates easily! .. What can you advise to do? Thank you!
      All laptops heat up, some more, some less, in order to understand whether the values ​​​​are within the normal range, it is necessary to programmatically measure the temperature under load and when the system is idle, perhaps everything is fine in your case.

09.11.2012 Danil

10.11.2012 Artyom

11.11.2012 Egor

      SAMSUNG R420 XA-03 (OC: WinVista HB). Was purchased three years ago. I never played games on it, only office applications and low quality movies. About 3 months ago it started to overheat. HDD and I decided to completely clean the whole computer. Completely disassembled, cleaned everything, applied new thermal paste. Did not help. It only got worse. It became stronger to warm up (already the whole laptop) and slow down from scratch. Decided to reinstall the OS. I reinstalled it from the factory Recovery partition, and installed the drivers from the disk attached to the computer by the same manufacturer. Did not help. I checked with various popular antiviruses - the result was 0. I bought a stand with fans - it saved me a month and now it began to turn off even with it. It practically cannot work without it (either hot as a stove, or it slows down very much). I have a few questions for you: 1. Could I somehow damage it while disassembling the device? Before that, there was a very large experience on stationary PCs. The laptop was disassembled for the second time in my life. 2. Because of what the cooler may not work (for three years of use, I have not heard it even once, when I took it apart, I checked it - it works)? I'm asking for your advice and help. You can write to E-Mail.
      1) Yes, when disassembling, you can damage the motherboard

      2) The cooler may not spin well due to a manufacturing defect, dust could get inside or the supply voltage is not enough. In most cases, it can be repaired with improvised means. In your case, it's important to make sure there's enough thermal paste, this can be done by applying it to the surface of the chip, then pressing down on the face of the cold plate, and then seeing if the print remains.

Question: Laptop overheating after installing windows 10

Good day.
I have an Asus k551LB laptop. After installing window 10, the PC began to warm up even in idle mode, which was not the case with win 8.1. Can you tell me how this can be fixed and have you personally encountered such a problem?
Having asked friends a similar question, we managed to find out that their PCs also suffer from overheating, and when installing win 8.1, the problem disappeared.

Answer: SanychBY maybe it has nothing to do with your problem.

Question: After Windows installation 7 do not work usb ports, touchpad, internet

after buying a laptop x540lj, where there was Windows 10. I decided to install Windows 7. and now after installing windows 7, usb ports, touchpad, internet do not work. what to do?

Answer: efjifwe, installing Windows is an incomplete business. To do this, you need to install drivers that can be downloaded from the official website of your laptop manufacturer.
If there really are no drivers for Windows 7, then you need to return that Windows version which stood originally.
And by the way, if you still have a warranty, then you reinstalled Windows in vain, because because of this your warranty will simply be cancelled.

Question: How to roll back windows 8.1 after installing windows 10

How to roll back windows 8.1 after installing windows 10?

Added after 31 minutes
I've looked at all your threads, but haven't found anything on my own. Just answer please - can I return (roll back) win 8.1 or not? If not, what is the way out? Reinstall again?

Answer: There should be a start button > settings > update and security > recovery.
You can also call it by starting to type the initial letters "ver" of the word "return" in the field windows search next to the start button.

Interestingly, I myself had the opportunity to roll back only today. Previously, it was not there, although at first I climbed everywhere in new system and also tried to find it. From what it appears and disappears is unknown. It's the magic of Windows 10
These minor mischiefs spoil the overall impression. What is the question of doing 2 years with insiders if after the release it is still impossible to simply change the DNS addresses in the properties of the Internet connection. Do they sell a beta version or only those who upgraded to 10 through an update have such problems?

To avoid this, it was necessary to create an image of the system with third-party programs like Acronis or even regular windows. They would simply restore the system partition from the image in 10 minutes and continue to use the old system as if nothing had happened.

Question: One speaker stopped working after installing Windows 10

D good time of day!
One column stopped working after installing Windows 10
connected from the music. center to a PC, if I connect the cable through the phone, they work 2 .
When connecting regular speakers, both work
before that, there was already a current problem (on Windows 8.1), and somehow it was solved.
connect cable via back panel, and through the front from the muses. The center works alone. What could be the problem?

Added after 16 hours 39 minutes
The problem has been fixed!

Answer: after connecting the subwoofer, and turning on the stereo mode on the music center, both speakers started working

Question: Terrible drop in performance after installing Windows 10

Good day!
There was a problem after installing Windows 10. It lies in the fact that in games the FPS drops terribly (by 20-50). But after restarting the computer everything is back to normal. It happened after the next clean installation of 10 everything was normal and the problem did not appear. Now I've run into her again. And what is most interesting is that performance drops precisely in games, turning it off PC works fine without a single lag.

Laptop: ASUS K56CB, i3, 4GB RAM, Nvida Geforce 740M

Suspicions for:
1. Sleep mode. After resuming work after sleep, the problem began. Perhaps you need to install a bunch of ExpressCache software correctly. Although on 8k before it worked well without it.
2. Video card by default. The laptop has 2 video cards. Yesterday I noticed that during the game (FPS 2-10) the cooler of the high-performance Nvida card does not work. This is where the suspicion crept in that the laptop started up with built-in Intel HD grapics. Although I set in the settings to run only through Nvida.

What I tried:
1. Fresh drivers using DriverPack Solution;
2. Installing all drivers through 10 itself;
3. Cleaning the cache, temporary files, defragmentation;
4. Disabling left services;
5. Setting the default video card;
6. Specifying the exact size for the paging file;
7. Reading the Windows installation (as I wrote above, it helps or not).

Sorry for the chaotic presentation of thoughts


Message from Esscyh

How much time is desirable?

Message from LonerZzz

Therefore, the test should be carried out for at least 10-15 minutes, or until temperatures stabilize. If it reaches a dangerous mark - the computer will either turn itself off or turn it off yourself .. if the temperatures fly beyond 90 degrees

Message from CoD-MW2

In laptops, switchable graphics, it is quite possible that it switches to the built-in.

This does not happen .. or just a built-in or nvidia. Otherwise, the game would have crashed ... about the same as when the driver crashed.

Message from CoD-MW2

high performance nvida card cooler not working

It is there 1 and programs in most cases on a laptop incorrectly determine the speed .. if they determine it at all.
In general, do a normal test .. and based on the results .. we will see what to do next .. and guess and configure BIOS in which in 70% of cases there is no such add-on later

Question: After installing windows 10, wi-fi does not work on an HP laptop

I have an HP laptop, after installing windows 10 wi-fi does not work. How to determine if there are drivers
have on it? Photo display devices:

Answer: Yes, everywhere there are jambs with the operation of the wireless module for 10
if there is no driver for 10 on the website of the controller/adapter/laptop manufacturer,
handpick for luck......

Question: After installing Windows 10 on a new PC, when the OS boots, the message appears: "The computer did not start correctly"

Hello everyone, I hope you can help!

I bought a new PC, I also decided to contact Windows 10 for the first time. In total, we have:
- New computer, no optical drive;
- Flash drive 8GB (installation, with Windows 10);
- 16GB flash drive (image of drivers from motherboard).

Since I purchased iron without optical drive, and immediately after installing Windows 10, the computer does not see network adapters, I had to write an image of the motherboard drivers on a 16GB USB flash drive. After installing Windows from a flash drive (the one on 8GB), the work is going fine. The PC restarts without problems. After installing the drivers on the motherboard from a USB flash drive (the one on 16GB), the computer reboots in normal mode. But as soon as I try to install other programs or additional drivers from the manufacturer’s website, the computer stops loading normally, a message pops up when the OS boots up: “The computer did not start correctly”, thereby forcing me to reinstall Windows 10 again. This situation has been repeated three times already, and I do not know what caused such a reaction. In all cases, Kaspersky Total Security was already installed. The second time the computer completely hung up when the driver for the chip set was installed, downloaded from the website of the motherboard manufacturer (ASUS Z170 Pro Gaming). After the reboot, the OS no longer turned on. For the third and last time, the situation repeated itself after installing the drivers for the video card (GeForce GTX960 4GB Gigabyte). The installer asked for a reboot and the OS again treacherously did not start.

Now I installed Windows 10 for the 4th time. I installed the drivers on the motherboard from a USB flash drive. Tried to reboot the system - everything is fine. I'm even afraid to install Kaspersky or update drivers on the same video card.

Can you suggest what could be the problem?

Added after 38 minutes
Here's a video I found:

Do you think the file should be deleted? oem-drv64.sys as a solution to a problem?

Added after 15 hours 38 minutes
Any opinion guys?


Message from All

Connected correctly?
Have you tried reconnecting?
Did you install the drivers from the motherboard website, are there 3 of them? That's what they write on the site.

I connected it correctly, as evidenced by the fact that in the settings when checking the speakers play (everything except the subwoofer), but when you turn on the music, only the two front ones work. I tried all the drivers from the motherboard manufacturer's website. It seems to me that you need to look for drivers on the Realtek website, but I'm not sure.

Question: Wi-Fi disappears after installing windows 10

Good afternoon!
I can not solve the problem of the disappearance of wifi the story is this ...

I decided to install windows 10, installed everything was ok, on the same day wifi started to fall, I thought something with the router (Mikrotik) on win7 worked perfectly, I checked wifi works fine on other devices, so the router stopped working.

Not so long ago I bought a wifi adapter d-link dwa 127 for a computer on win7, everything worked fine, after installing win10 problems started, there were errors at first;
1) default gateway..... (the most common mistake)

It was fixed automatically and the error came up at different times of 5 minutes and up to 5-6 hours

I crawled around the Internet in search of a problem, I tried everything from power to updating drivers, but nothing helped, although after updating the network card and adapter to the latest firewood, other errors began to appear:
1) lack of 1 or more network protocols
2) router security key
3) damaged wire
and so on ... the Internet began to disappear even faster sometimes wifi itself restarted and appeared sometimes it just fell off and that's it

Network card: Realtek PCie where family
Adapter: d-link dwa 127

I thought the problem was in Windows, but after rolling back to win7, the same thing happened again, the problems started immediately after installing win10

The reasons for a strong laptop heating can be very diverse, ranging from blockages in the cooling system to mechanical or software damage to the microchips responsible for the consumption and distribution of energy between individual parts. internal device laptop. The consequences may also differ, one of the common ones is. In this article, we will analyze in detail what to do if the laptop is heating up, and how to prevent this problem with further use.

The next cause can be, and often is, a malfunctioning cooling fan. In modern laptops, as in early bulky models, a fan is responsible for active cooling, which drives air through the cooling system. As a rule, the operating time of the fan is from two to five years, but sometimes the operating time is reduced due to manufacturing defects or improper operation.

In any case, if the fan began to buzz, make noise or spin slowly, as a result of which the laptop began to heat up more, you should, if you have the necessary skills, sort out the bearings inside it by carefully prying and removing the fan blades, and also replace the oil lubrication inside the fan. True, not all fans, especially in the latest laptops, are subject to the possibility of repair, so it is better to contact the service of professionals in order to avoid unnecessary losses.

Prevention of such a malfunction, alas, is impossible. The only thing you should try to avoid is throwing the laptop across the room, in order to avoid displacement of the bearings along the axis, as well as falling off your knees during work (a very likely event, which, however, more often leads to an exit hard drive or matrices out of order).

Other possible causes

In addition to the things already described that can cause a problem, some others should be borne in mind.

  • In a warm room, the laptop will heat up more than in a cold one. The reason for this is that the cooling system in a laptop uses the air around it, driving it through itself. The average operating temperature inside a laptop is considered to be around 50 degrees Celsius, which is quite a lot. But, the warmer the surrounding air, the harder it is for the cooling system and the more the laptop heats up. So don't use your laptop near a heater or fireplace, or at least place your laptop as far away from them as possible. Another point: in the summer, the heating will be greater than in the winter, and it is at this time that you should take care of additional cooling.
  • Along with external factors, internal factors also affect the heating of the laptop. Namely, the actions that the user performs with the help of a laptop. The power consumption of the laptop depends on the workload of the laptop with complex tasks, and the stronger the power consumption, the more actively the microchips and all the insides of the laptop heat up, due to the increase in power released in the form of heat by all components of the laptop (this parameter has its own name - TDP and is measured in Watts).
  • How more files moves along file system or transmitted and received via external communication channels, the more actively the hard disk has to work, which as a result leads to its heating. To reduce the heating of the hard drive, it is recommended to disable the distribution of torrents after they are downloaded, unless you need the opposite for ideological or other reasons, and minimize access to the hard drive in other ways.
  • With an active gaming process, especially in modern computer games with first-class graphics, the graphics system is under serious stress, and all other components of a portable computer - RAM, hard drive, video card (especially if a discrete chip is used) and even laptop battery due to high power consumption during games. The lack of good cooling during prolonged and constant loads can lead to a breakdown of one of the laptop devices or damage to several. And also to its complete inoperability. best advice here: if you want to play a brand new toy, then choose desktop computer or do not play on the laptop for days, let it cool down.

Prevention of problems with heating or "What to do?"

To prevent problems leading to the fact that the laptop is very hot, you should use it in a clean, ventilated area. Place the laptop on a flat hard surface, so that between the bottom of the laptop and the surface on which it is located, the space provided by its design is the height of the very legs of the laptop that are on its bottom. If you are accustomed to keeping your laptop on a bed, carpet, or even your lap, this can cause it to heat up.

In addition, you should not cover a working laptop with a blanket (and anything else, including its keyboard - in most modern models, air is taken through it for cooling) or allow the cat to warm up near his ventilation system, do not feel sorry for the laptop - at least take pity on the cat.

In any case, preventive cleaning of the inside of the laptop should be done at least once a year, and with intensive use, in adverse conditions, even more often.

Cooling pads for laptops

A portable laptop cooling pad can be used as additional cooling. With its help, the air is driven with greater speed and intensity, and modern cooling pads also provide its owner with the opportunity to use additional USB ports. Some of them actually have battery, which can be used as a laptop power source in the event of a power outage.

The principle of operation of the stand-fan is that inside it there are quite large and powerful fans that drive air through themselves and release it already cooled into the laptop cooling system, or vice versa, they pull hot air out of your laptop with greater force. In order to make the right choice when buying a cooling pad, it is worth considering the direction of air movement in the cooling system of your laptop. In addition, of course, the location of the inlet and outlet fan should be such that it is not the plastic case that is ventilated, but the inside of the laptop through the special ventilation holes provided for this.

Replacing thermal paste

Thermal paste can be used as a preventive measure. To replace it, carefully remove the laptop cover, following the instructions for it, then remove the cooling system. Having done this, you will see a white, gray, yellow or, more rarely, a different color, a viscous mass similar to toothpaste, it should be carefully removed with a damp cloth, let the insides dry for at least 10 minutes, and then apply new thermal paste in these places, evenly and thin about 1 millimeter, using a special spatula or a simple clean sheet of paper.

In this case, it is important not to touch the surface on which the microchips are fixed - this is the motherboard and their edges at the base. Thermal paste should be applied both to the cooling system and to the upper surface of the microchips in contact with it. This helps better thermal conductivity between the cooling system and the microchips, which get very hot during operation. If, when replacing thermal paste, you found not a viscous substance in place of the old one, but a dried stone, then I congratulate you - you managed at the last moment. Dried thermal paste not only does not help, but even interferes with effective cooling.

Love your laptop and it will serve you faithfully until you decide to purchase a new one.

Mobility laptops are sold with many desktop features. Aside from the obviously reduced hardware capabilities, the cooling system is the most common drawback that laptop users will encounter over the years of using it. And you'll know when overheating becomes a problem, as the laptop will suddenly shut down to prevent critical overheating of hardware components. This was on older devices, and it still remains on laptops running Windows 10.
To solve this common problem, which can cause a lot of serious problems if neglected, we have prepared a list of a few, so to speak, tips that will help you solve this problem. So if you are having an overheating issue on your Windows 10 laptop, make sure you follow the steps below.

How to solve laptop overheating in Windows 10

Check hardware and clean laptop.
Use a cooling pad.
Limit high-intensity processes.
Monitor CPU temperature in real time.

1: Check the hardware and clean the laptop
Primarily. In a sea of ​​interconnected problems that are influenced by both software, and Hardware, overheating is almost exclusively a hardware problem. Just determine if your laptop is overheating or something else. If the laptop suddenly shuts off in the middle of a very intense gaming session and it doesn't turn on for 10 or so minutes, it's overheating. If its bottom is very hot when touched, it is overheating.

Once you are convinced that overheating is a problem, we recommend that you check the related hardware. If you don't have the tools for the job (the right size screwdriver is basically all you need), be sure to grab your laptop and take it to a service center. The enormous exposure to high operating temperatures can completely destroy several components, starting with the HDD and the motherboard. And replacing them is not as cheap as on desktop systems. Also, don't forget about data loss, which, for most users, has a higher price to pay for their recovery.

If you do have a suitable screwdriver, turn off the laptop and remove the back cover. Remove the cooling fan and clean it carefully. You can use a damp cloth to clean up any dust and debris. From the inside, use compressed air to clean the protective mesh. After that, you can carefully remove the cooling tube and clean it. Finally, if you can get some thermal paste, apply it gently (only a grain of rice is enough) and apply it evenly to the top surface of the CPU. To do this, you can use a plastic card.

After that everything should be fine. But there are several alternative ways reduce laptop overheating.

2: Use a cooling pad
Don't let anyone fool you into thinking that this is a solution to relieve overheating. Cooling pads are cool (sorry for the pun), but they're only needed to upgrade the integrated cooling system. Since you cannot add an internal fan to a laptop, appearance will be OK. But don't skip the above steps as the cooling pad functions just like an inline cooling system.

There are many different cooling systems with different capacities and designs. However, whichever cooling pad you choose, it should bring down the temperature of the laptop by a few degrees, making it less likely to overheat while it's running. Just make sure the stand doesn't cover the laptop's heatsink at the bottom. If you can't afford a cooling pad, you can place something under it (the book is a good example) to allow the bottom air intake to work better.

3: Limit high-intensity processes
Some laptops are specifically designed for gaming and some are not. Gaming laptops have a larger and better cooling system. Their hardware is much better suited for gaming as laptops in their original form are not well established gaming platforms. Thus, even if you can play one or two games on your gaming laptop don't forget to do it within limited period time.

When you see temperature changes (physical contact should give you a good idea) or the game starts to stutter, be sure to take a break. The same goes for all intensive and demanding processes.

To solve the software part of the problem, you can limit background processes, especially if you decide to enjoy a round of Call of Duty. To do this on Windows 10, follow these steps:

  1. 4. Restart your computer and look for changes in CPU/RAM activity in Task Manager.

4. Monitor CPU temperature in real time
Finally, while there's a good chance you won't be able to monitor GPU temperatures, you can at least monitor CPU readings. For this you will need one of third party programs, such as Speed ​​Fan. Once installed, this app will give you an accurate idea of ​​your CPU temperature, which should be enough to tell you when your laptop needs to rest. Also, you won't be able to control the speed of the cooler as they are mostly configured by the built-in resources.

In addition, to change the fan speed, you can use various tools, and we have seen it and secured it in this article. So it's worth taking a look. Once you get the right temperature control tool, you'll have time to figure out when to leave your laptop to cool down a bit.

It must all be done. In case you are still having problems, we recommend that you contact support (if your laptop is still under warranty) or have it repaired. In any case, don't use it if it keeps shutting down, as it's a definite sign for much larger problems.

Initially, it was known that operating system Windows 10 will have the same system requirements, like Windows 8.1 and Windows 7, and that it will work without problems on devices that have previously successfully "collaborated" with the mentioned operating systems, but practice has shown the opposite. As the correspondents of the "Market Leader" edition of the Hi-tech section found out, many users who upgraded to "ten" began to receive complaints about overheating of equipment and a reduction in time battery life laptops.

The problem, having encountered it personally, was described in more detail by an employee of the Softpedia profile resource, whose laptop (Lenovo T400s released several years ago) worked without problems on Windows 8.1 and Ubuntu, and after switching to Windows 10, it began to overheat in less than five minutes from the moment it was turned on . This laptop model has a Core 2 Duo processor with a frequency of 2.5 GHz, 8 gig of RAM and a battery that previously provided two hours of battery life on Windows 8.1, and after installing Windows 10, the charge began to last for 40 minutes.

Microsoft developers are confident that the new platform really affects the overheating of devices and that the increased heat generation affects the chemical processes occurring in the batteries, which leads to loss of charge. While the software company's specialists are thinking about solving the problem, craftsmen advise turning off unnecessary processes and programs that are running in the background.

Dell and HP will help implement Microsoft's Surface Pro tablets.

The Surface Enterprise Initiative is a new initiative by the software giant aimed at increasing the use of Windows 10 Surface Pro tablets in the corporate segment, and within its framework, these devices will be sold by several vendors. Companies such as Dell, HP, and Accenture/Avanade have already signed up for the program, with more to come.

Dell's Surface Pro, for example, will be offered with accessories (styluses, keyboard cases, docking stations) and a variety of services, such as device setup, further support and warranty service.

Shares of Microsoft today, according to analysts of the Nord FX broker, have risen in price by 0.51% since the beginning of trading and fixed around the mark of 43.29 dollars.