Selection of Internet equipment for a private home. Wireless Internet in a private home. Home Internet: which one to choose

Living in a private home may impose some restrictions on communication with the World Wide Web, i.e., on connecting to the Internet. We will consider options for bringing the Internet to a private home from Rostelecom, one of the largest Russian communication service providers.

You can currently connect the Internet from Rostelecom to a private home in one of the following ways:

  • using the “technical reserve” of your home telephone;
  • by “optics” - optical communication line;
  • connect via a fixed wireless connection point via Wi-Fi;
  • using a mobile or satellite connection.

Rostelecom PJSC itself does not currently provide satellite Internet services for a private home, which are especially in demand in remote localities. One of its subsidiaries, RTKomm, operates in this niche. It is advisable to resort to this connection method only in cases where other methods are much more expensive than the cost of equipment for satellite communications - it is about 30,000 rubles, although there are discounted promotions.

Let's figure out how to install Internet from Rostelecom into a private home.

PON (fiber optic)

Fiber optics is one of the most optimal ways to bring Internet from Rostelecom to a private home. Technically, the method is the encoding of data with a light flux, which can transmit large amounts of information at very high speeds - up to 1 Gbit/sec.

The optical cable is not connected directly to the user's computer. You will need a special decoder set-top box that “switches” the connection to normal twisted pair(Ethernet cable). It is through it that the connection to the Internet is made either directly from a PC or home router.

How much does it cost to install fiber optics from Rostelecom to a home? The optical cable itself is expensive and installation is complicated. Special equipment is required for cutting and splicing cables, which cannot but affect the cost of connecting with fiber optics. The ability to extend optical fiber to a private home at Rostelecom directly depends on the distance to the nearest stationary optical router. The price ultimately depends on the same distance. But the quality of communication will be impeccable.

ADSL (telephone line)

How to connect the Internet in a private home using a telephone if the budget does not allow using the technology described above? A good option— ADSL technology, which was used in the “zero” years and has not yet lost its usefulness.

To do this, you will need to bring a phone from Rostelecom into the house. This means stationary. Communication using ADSL technology occurs via a telephone cable, while the telephone line itself is not busy. It's all about the frequency difference - phone conversation is carried out on low frequencies, connection to the Internet is carried out at high speeds. You will have to purchase a frequency divider - a splitter (costs about 200-300 rubles) and an ADSL router, which can also be a Wi-Fi router. It is better to purchase the latter from the provider company itself, otherwise you will have to tinker with the settings. Its cost, depending on the brand, is 2-3 thousand rubles. The splitter can be included.

Internet brought into the house using this technology can provide speeds of up to 24 Mbit/sec. In practice it is usually less, 8-10 Mbit/sec. This depends on the fact that the speed depends on the length of the telephone line and its quality, as well as the capabilities of the operator himself. The Internet can come into the house through wires laid in the 60s, but be prepared for frequent connection problems, especially in the rain.
However, if complaints are received frequently, the provider’s employees quickly eliminate problem areas on the line, and communication is established.


Rostelecom provides the private sector (villages with a population of up to 500 people) with wireless Internet by installing Wi-Fi routers there. Communication is available on any device capable of connecting to Wi-Fi networks. This was done under the government “Program for Eliminating the Digital Divide”, so currently such communication is free, but the speed is limited to 10 Mbit/s, sometimes less. The list of sites that can be accessed is limited to 2,000 different government portals.

Using wireless Internet technology, Rostelecom also connects a separate house, but this is a paid service. There are no restrictions on sites, except those established by law. It’s called “Internet at Home,” and you can apply for it on the company’s official website.

Mobile Internet

Mobile Internet from Rostelecom for a private home may be a good option for people who primarily use tablets and/or smartphones. Not long ago, this company joined the ranks of providers providing 3G standard communication services. Rostelecom offers users a range of tariffs from which you can choose whatever you like - to surf the Internet all day long or to connect at home periodically to check email. The volumes of traffic provided range from 70 MB to 25 GB per month - according to everyone’s needs.

Cost of services

The price of connection and the price of use are two different things. It is impossible to say for sure how much it costs to install Internet in a private home. The cost of connection is determined individually in each specific case. It depends on many factors, primarily on the location of your home and the chosen connection method.

There is one tariff for ADSL Internet - 349 rubles/month (the rate may change over time). The main direction of development is optical fiber. The price of “optical” Internet from Rostelecom for the home depends on the selected speed - from 99 rubles/month for the “minimum wage” to 890 rubles/month for unlimited at a speed of 200 Mbit/sec. Additional services are available for an additional fee - parental control, antivirus, etc.

How to leave a request and connect?

The easiest way to apply for an Internet connection, as well as other communication services, is on the official portal of the provider. Enough:

  1. Select a region from the list.
  2. Go to the “Internet” subsection.
  3. Check out the options and click on the one you like the most.

The system will display an online application dialog. You must fill it out, indicating your contacts, address and full name, and click the “Connect” button. After some time, the company manager will call you.
If this method is inconvenient for you for some reason, you can leave a request for connection at any office of the company.

Do you live in your own home and are thinking about connecting to the World Wide Web? Perhaps you should pay attention to the largest communications provider - Rostelecom, which offers its subscribers not only a fast connection to the network, but also very favorable terms of use.

One of the services offered by Rostelecom is home Internet to a private home. Previously, it was provided by Rostelecom's subsidiary Domolink, but today it has completely become part of Rostelecom, and the service is now provided under the Rostelecom Center brand. At the same time, Domolink subscribers who signed an agreement earlier automatically switched to Rostelecom servers.

New subscribers who want to connect to the network can leave a request on the company’s website or by contacting the office.

How to install a network in a private home

Connection to the network is available both through a telephone cable using ADSL technology and using an optical line.

You can submit a request in two ways:

  1. Visit the Rostelecom office. There you will receive expert advice, during which you will be able to find out:
  • which option is more convenient for you;
  • How much;
  • cost of tariffs and their advantages;
  • information about additional services.

After discussing all the questions that interest you, you can submit your connection request, which will be reviewed in the near future.

  1. Leave a request on the company's website. This option is also convenient, especially since after reviewing it, a specialist will definitely contact you and clarify the main points, as well as discuss the details with you.

To submit an application you should:

  1. Go to the company website.
  2. Select the region you are in.
  3. Open the “For Yourself” section and go to the “Internet” subsection.
  4. First, open the “Tariffs” subsection and familiarize yourself with them.
  5. Select the most optimal option for you and click on the “Connect” button.
  6. In a new window, you will see not only the application form, but also an additional list of services available to you. You can immediately apply for them too.
  7. Fill out the form, indicating your first and last name, contact phone number and email, the address where you live, a time convenient for you when the operator can contact you.
  8. To submit your application, click on the “Order” button.

Connection cost

The cost of connecting the Internet to a private home depends on several factors and is calculated directly by specialists. The price depends on:

  • selecting the line type - optical wire or telephone;
  • required cable footage;
  • choosing a tariff model.

Tariffs and services

Today, Rostelecom offers subscribers to connect home Internet via an optical line for only 99 rubles per month. At the same time, such tariff plans as (the usual cost in rubles is indicated in brackets):

  1. 200 Mbit/s (890).
  2. 100 Mbit/s (690).
  3. 80 Mbit/s (590)
  4. 45 Mbit/s (480)

One 8 Mbit/s tariff plan is available via telephone line and costs 349 rubles per month.

Subscribers can also use the following services:

  • night acceleration up to 200 Mbit/s from 00:00 to 08:00;
  • antivirus program;
  • fixed ip;
  • parental control.

Which one is better to spend

The company offers two connection options - through a telephone cable using ADSL technology or through an optical line.

The first option is suitable mainly for residents of the suburbs, since extending optical fiber there is too expensive both in terms of time and cost. In addition, the information transfer speed will be only 24-26 megabits per second, and the subscriber will need to purchase a special router.

When connecting the line via fiber optic, the information transfer speed will be much higher - up to 100 megabits, however, it will also cost more.

This article discusses the features of various technologies used to connect a private home to the Internet.

What is wireless Internet?

As a rule, wireless Internet is a wireless data transmission channel from an Internet provider to a user. This segment is also called the “last mile”.

In the vast majority of cases, for wireless transmission radio waves are used for data. The distance over which they propagate depends on the oscillation frequency and power of these waves, and the number of transmitted information symbols per unit of time depends on the allocated frequency band and the signal modulation used, i.e. channel capacity.

Wireless Internet networks

Currently, the most common wireless Internet providers are:

WiMax providers

Unlike conventional Wi-Fi, WiMAX is a long-range system covering kilometers of space that typically uses licensed frequency spectrums. Permitted WiMax frequencies in Russia: 2500-2690, 3400-3550 and 5150-6425 MHz. The maximum distance from the BS can reach 80 km. The maximum data transfer speed depends on modifications of the standard and is 40-75 Mbit/s.

Photo 1. WiMax subscriber equipment with built-in antenna

Until the spring of 2012, the most famous WiMax network in the Moscow region was Yota, which then switched to the more promising LTE standard. Currently, WiMax services in Moscow are provided by the Comstar operator.


  • High transfer speed comparable to wired Internet


  • Small coverage of territories.

LTE (4G) providers

LTE is a new standard that allows you to achieve maximum speeds of up to 173 Mbit/s for reception and 58 Mbit/s for upload. As a rule, Internet access using this technology is provided by operators cellular communications, which use existing infrastructure to deploy LTE networks. The exception is the provider (Skarel LLC), which provides only Internet access without voice services. Also, this is the only LTE provider that has unlimited tariff plans without speed limits after exceeding any amount of downloaded traffic.


  • High data transfer speed comparable to wired Internet


  • LTE networks are under construction and the coverage area leaves much to be desired.
  • Due to the novelty of the standard, there is little subscriber equipment on the market.

List of LTE providers:

  • Beeline
  • Megaphone

3G providers

All GSM cellular operators in the Moscow region provide data services in this standard. Available on the market big choice USB modems for connecting computers and laptops to a data transmission channel using the 3G standard. The maximum theoretical data transfer speed in 3G networks is 14.4 Mbit/s, but in practice the maximum speed recorded in the Moscow region is 7.2 Mbit/s, and the maximum distance from the BS is 5-8 km.

Photo 2. 3G modem with USB interface and connector for external antenna


  • Large coverage area, often coinciding with cellular coverage.
  • Large selection and low cost of subscriber equipment.


  • Unstable data transmission speed, which directly depends on the load on the base station, which also serves voice subscribers.

List of 3G providers:

  • Beeline
  • Megaphone

Satellite Internet providers

Satellite Internet providers can rightfully be called long-distance wireless Internet providers. For example, the Raduga-Internet provider covers almost the entire territory of Russia with the exception of the Far East and Kamchatka.

There are two technologies for accessing satellite Internet: asynchronous and synchronous access. Asynchronous access uses satellite channel communication is only for receiving information; any terrestrial Internet access channel is used to transmit data from the subscriber. Synchronous access uses a satellite communication channel for both receiving and transmitting data.

Photo 3. KiteNet Standard equipment for 16,900 rubles.

Until recently, the only advantage of asynchronous access was the cost of subscriber equipment and more favorable traffic costs. But, with the appearance on the market in 2013 of KiteNet equipment for 16,900 rubles. and tariffs from 299 rubles. per month, this advantage was leveled. Currently, this technology is obsolete and more and more asynchronous satellite Internet providers are abandoning it. For example, the company stopped providing one-way satellite Internet services provided under the Tricolor-Internet brand.


  • It is possible to organize communications in places where there are no other Internet providers.


  • Highest traffic cost.
  • Large pings are associated with the large distance of the satellites from the Earth.
  • Requires line of sight to satellite

In the Moscow region it is possible to connect to two synchronous access providers:

  • (Ka-Sat 9E satellite)
  • (satellite Yamal-402 49E)

What is the best wireless Internet?

In order to choose the best wireless Internet for a private home, you must first collect information about providers with the coverage area in which your home falls. Next, you need to formulate what you are going to use the Internet connection for (web surfing, mail, chats, video conferencing, organizing remote video surveillance, online video games, watching movies, etc.). The requirements for the communication channel also depend on the tasks you are going to solve. Since each wireless Internet access technology has its own limitations and features, the list of providers under consideration may be significantly reduced. So, Satellite Internet, due to high pings, is not suitable for network video games, and 3G Internet, due to its unstable speed, is not suitable for organizing remote video surveillance.

When choosing a provider and technology, you also need to consider the initial connection costs (equipment, installation, delivery) and monthly traffic costs. For some connection types, your costs may be small, but in the future you will pay more for traffic. For example, the cost Yota modem several times higher than the cost of a 3G modem, but in the future it pays off using truly unlimited tariff plans.

Service for choosing a wireless connection for a private home

Take advantage of the free service of selecting the optimal wireless Internet provider for your private home. Tell us your coordinates and requirements for the communication channel and we will conduct a preliminary analysis of possible types of connection and select the necessary equipment.

You can install wireless Internet in a private home using equipment, the implementation of which is within the competence of our company. Using signal amplifiers, you can achieve better speed Internet and excellent communication.

You can work with 3G and 4G using SIM cards from telecom operators MTS, Megafon, Beeline, the tariffs of which we have available.

We will install wireless Internet in a private home!

Karata Internet connection! If your locality is not on the map, we will be happy to connect it!

The main work includes: a specialist visiting the site to measure the 3G/4G/LTE signal mobile operators, Internet speed testing.

Prices for installing wireless Internet in a private house in the Moscow region
Distance from MKAD Main works Basic work + installation and configuration of equipment
up to 25 km 1,500 rubles 5,000 rubles
up to 50 km 2,000 rubles 5,000 rubles
up to 75 km 3,000 rubles 6,000 rubles
up to 100 km 4,000 rubles 7,000 rubles

The Internet has now practically taken over the entire world. The vast majority of people cannot imagine their daily life without it. And many on the World Wide Web have to not only communicate and watch TV series, but also work. The most difficult thing in terms of working via the Internet is for residents of private sectors and small villages and hamlets, because not everyone can afford to run a connection cable into the outback.

The main problem is the process of bringing the Internet to a place of residence remote from a big city. This is painstaking work that requires dozens of kilometers of network cables and connecting individual houses. And, of course, it will cost those who want it a pretty penny.

Another challenge is the distribution of the wireless signal for connection. There is little choice here:

  1. Via a portable modem.
  2. Through a stationary modem to which a cable is connected.

Types of Internet connections

The most popular options for connecting to the network in private houses in villages and villages:

  • Cable connection. A network cable (fiber optic, twisted pair, etc.) is laid and connected to the computer.
  • Wireless connection via a fixed router. The cable is connected to a stationary modem, which is connected to a computer, and distributes a wireless wi-fi signal.
  • Connection via a portable modem. To access the network, just buy a portable modem with a SIM card from any mobile operator, top up your account and insert it into your PC.
  • Satellite Internet. Connection via satellite dish.
  • Via landline telephone (ADSL).

The common disadvantage of such connections is that the connection speed to the network is rather low.

If you want to bring the Internet into your home, use the following tips:

  • Order services for connecting a network facility from authorized organizations.
  • If the Internet is connected to, say, your neighbors, you can negotiate with them to distribute the wireless signal for a reasonable fee. Or ask the owners to provide the client with an additional cable connecting the owner’s modem and the consumer’s PC.
  • Install satellite dish. Expensive, but the connection speed to the network will be quite high. And with such a connection, you can access the Internet from anywhere in the world.
  • Buy a portable modem. Visit any store computer technology and select the one you need. You can purchase a similar device at the offices of mobile operators. The advantage of this method is to connect to “ World Wide Web“You can not only at home, but also from the territory covered by signal coverage. The downside is that the network connection speed is very low.

The difference between a portable modem and a stationary one is that the former connects to the network via a SIM card, which must be periodically replenished.

  • If you have a landline telephone and the telephone company supports ADSL service, you can call the company's office and arrange an Internet connection via a home telephone cable.

Selecting a provider and connecting

Below is step-by-step instruction to connect clients to a wireless Internet signal:

The process of connecting a network to a fixed router is as follows:

  • The network cable is routed to the object;
  • The cable is connected to the modem, the modem is connected to the computer;
  • The modem settings (establishing access, etc.) are made through the website of the official router manufacturer.

Cost of service providers for connecting and working with the Internet network

Let's take the average prices for similar services in the Moscow region.

Of all types of internet connections the most expensive option is contact via a satellite dish.

For the installation of a signal-receiving dish alone, you will have to pay from 5,000 to 20,000 rubles.

It all depends on the capabilities of the dish, its bells and whistles, as well as the connection speed and tariff plan.

Much High-speed Internet will cost less (via a portable modem). Although with this option high speed and it doesn't smell. The average Internet connection speed varies from 12 to 50 megabits per second. The minimum price in the Moscow region is 600−750 rubles, the maximum is 1000−2000 rubles.

If, after all, the Internet is distributed via a modem, it all depends on the tariff plan provided by the provider. Connecting a PC to the Internet itself will cost an average of 1,500 rubles (plus or minus 300−500 rubles). The modem will cost a little less - for 600 - 1400 rubles, the tariff package - from 500 to 2000 rubles (depending on the provider and the speed of the connection of the computer or laptop to the Internet).

Some examples of connection prices and tariff plans in the Moscow region

Let's give an example of the services of the provider “Your Internet”, tariffs for high-speed Internet connection:

25 megabits per second cost 450 rubles;

35 Mbit/s - 550 rubles;

50 Mbit/s - 650 rubles.

And here is another example of high-speed connections (3G and 4G) provided by the providers YOTA, Beeline, MTS and Megafon:

  • MTS: from 350 to 1200 rubles;
  • Megafon: from 350 to 1290 rubles;
  • The price range on Beeline is from 350 to 1150 rubles;
  • YOTA provides tariffs ranging from 400 to 1400 rubles.

As you can see, the tariffs themselves are quite cheap. The most expensive thing is connecting to a provider and purchasing equipment connecting to the network.