Order a New Year's calendar with photos. creative calendars

On New Year people crumble Olivier, eat tangerines, drink champagne and give each other calendars. It is believed that the more interesting the calendar of a person, the brighter and more successful the coming year will be. Like it or not, is unknown. But an unusual calendar is, of course, a wonderful gift ...

2014 Stitch the Stars Calendar Kit

Calendar, whichneedembroider

The unique glow-in-the-dark 2014 Stitch the Stars Calendar Kit was designed by designer Heather Lins while looking up at the night sky. Each month corresponds to a specific zodiac constellation. Durable recycled paper treated with a special luminous compound. The light floss threads included in the kit glow more strongly, forming a spectacular illumination in the dark.

Life Calendar

smiley calendar

Brigada Creativa offers customers to pay attention not to the dates on the calendar, but to the mood that accompanies the day. You can mark the prevailing emotions directly on the calendar using familiar emoticons. Outwardly, Life Calendar resembles the children's game "Twister", where the months are separated from each other by blue emoticons.

Bubble Calendar

Popping calendar

The Bubble Calendar will calm your nerves. Each date is equipped with polyethylene bubbles that can be burst once a day. When creating the model, the font Helvetica Neue was used, as a basis - plastic or cardboard to choose from.

Carpe Diem

Modern tear-off calendar

The DOIY brand invites its customers to enjoy every moment. This is how the Carpe Diem calendar sounds in translation. The whole year is presented on one page. Each day comes with a tear-off strip and extra space for notes.

The 2014 Wall Asr Calendar


The prototype for the creation of the original circular calendar was a regular clock face. Designer Jonas Wyssen thought: “if a day fits in one circle with divisions, then you can certainly fit a whole year into it.” As a result, a model was born in which each day is separated by a line, each month is highlighted in a certain color corresponding to the expected temperature regime, and additional fields allow you to make notes about each specific date.

Knitted calendar

Knitted calendar

The idea to create a calendar in the form of a knitted scarf came up with designer Patrick Frey. The long canvas is dissolved after the expiration of time until the date that has come.

Letterpress Calendar

original calendar

The model was created by iSkelter specifically for office workers who often break away from work on standard desktop calendars depicting nature, animals and girls.


Calendar + clock

A symbolic calendar that counts not only days and months, but also hours and minutes. The idea belongs to the South Korean company "Cool enough studio".

On This Day

Unusual wall calendar

The unique "On This Day" wall calendar from Luckies tells not only what day it is, but also about all the historical events that happened. In order to find out what event happened on this day, just rub the desired date with your finger. A calendar equipped with a thermal sensor will respond and display necessary information on English language. Unfortunately, there is no built-in translator in the On This Day model, so for those who are not in the know, you will have to learn a foreign language.

T-shirt calendar

The kit includes a special pen that you can paint over the past days. Your final appearance T-shirt will be purchased at the end of the year.

pictorial calendar

This is not only a calendar, but also a visual tool that helps children learn numbers and their sequence, as well as understand the concept of time. Every day, you connect the dates in sequence, thereby creating an illustration that will appear in full by the end of the month.

time for weight

In 2005, Chinese Li Zijian won first place in the Kokuyo Design Aword for a calendar that can show you the weight of time. And really, how much does time weigh? Tearing off leaf after leaf, you can see how its weight gradually decreases.

Calendar lens

Calendar - mug and saucer

As it turned out, an ordinary coffee cup and saucer can act as a desktop calendar. Designer: Takeshi Nishioka.

And further:

McDonald's calendar gives out a napkin a day.

When Schott Solar sells a panel solar panels, it comes with a 20-year warranty. In order to somehow visually reflect this action, the company made calendars for 20 years: a very thick stack of paper protrudes from the wall by 60 centimeters like a shelf.

Unusual tag calendar. Designer Yan Yunyong came up with the idea to cross a children's tag game with a calendar. A skilled player at the end of the month will easily rearrange the dates so that the first number falls on the correct day of the week.

This calendar consists of 365 different fonts - one for each day. Each page has the date on the front and a description of the font used on the back. The calendar was developed by Magma agency.

Ink calendar. invented by Oscar Diaz, it fills itself: over the course of days, the ink in it slowly spreads through the vessels in the form of numbers.

Delicious and informative. Although there is a possibility that the calendar year will end ahead of time. Dmitry Kutlaev, the author of the calendar, says that using an edible chocolate calendar, we solve three problems at once: the first is that we don’t need a flip calendar anymore. Second, we don't have to buy regular chocolate. Third, we can control the daily consumption of sweets - we can produce chocolate calendars of various weights.

For the Thai company Balloon AA, designers from the High Advertising Thailand agency inflated such a calendar.

Sebastian Bergne invents and creates things that are amazing in their beauty and extremely simple in essence and mechanics. It would seem that it could be simpler than an ordinary wall calendar, with the cells of dates that have become so familiar, or a flip calendar, in which nature itself laid the essence of the invariable change of dates. It turns out that displaying dates can be even easier, and Monthly Measure is a prime example of this, a wooden desk calendar made of just two parts.

Here they are, simple millstones of fate, grinding our destinies day after day. But even more fantastic, and at the same time simple, is the Ring Calendar, which consists of three circles and one crossbar connecting them. The circles of life that we move around have found their embodiment, and looking at this calendar, it seems that the whole world revolves around you.

Sausage calendar. Christmas gift from the German sausage manufacturer Konecke.

Why do they say "all year round", if in fact it is square, judging by the wall and pocket calendars, and judging by the desktop calendars, then even triangular? In addition, the calendar tends to "end" with the advent of the new year, but the circle is without beginning or end.

However, a designer named David Weatherhead took the liberty of correcting this injustice - his Round & Round calendar project is not only round, but also a perpetual calendar, unlike all the others.

Adhesive tape - calendar Tape - the idea of ​​the Croatian design studio Laboratorium. The scotch calendar is deservedly included in the list of the most interesting calendars. Adhesive tape calendar can be put everywhere, hung out and glued anywhere, from the refrigerator to the desktop.

The fact is that the design studio Laboratorium has set its calendar out of time - a roll of self-adhesive film is a multifunctional adhesive tape that can replace a calendar, organizer, diary with graphs for a year and a month and will last until the last centimeter. Not taking into account its direct responsibility - to pack and fasten. As an option, the purpose of this calendar is nothing more than to seal memories.

Do you want to learn how to value your time? Then pay attention to the calendar-shredder. Tear-off calendars in the past - the era of calendars comes with a built-in paper shredder, every minute it continues to cut the past days.

This interesting calendar really teaches us to appreciate our life, every moment of it. A day has passed, but you do not tear off the sheet, and before your eyes it simply turns into garbage. Of course, not the day itself, but only a calendar sheet. But he is like a symbol of this very day. It hurts to even look...

If you go on vacation, then when you return, you can find a large pile of cut tape from the past days under the calendar, since it does not specifically provide an on / off button. Once launched, it does not stop.

When we tear off a sheet from the wall calendar ourselves, we do not think that together with the sheet itself we are throwing out this day, that is, the past. Like a clear evidence of the continuity and transience of time, every moment appearing and dissolving almost without a trace.


Merchandise allows you to promote your brand to consumers and those you want to attract as your customers. Branded calendars play an important role in this. Unlike stationery souvenirs, calendars are visible 365 days a year, which means that advertising works even when you no longer invest in it.

But how to make sure that the corporate calendar is really liked? For your products to be used? The answer is both simple and complex. Of course, you need to create a calendar that you want to decorate your desk or office with. Unfortunately, many companies do not pay attention to this and end up with this:

At best it is:

Do you pay attention to such calendars? Will you see the information you need about the company? Hardly. So something more is needed. It is necessary to combine the functional part, and the aesthetic, and advertising. The calendar should make you want to hang it on the wall or put it on the table, and, most importantly, it should work for you every day.

We have selected for you the most interesting ideas for various types of calendars that you can creatively rethink and create your own, unique corporate calendar. Not all of the calendars in this collection are corporate, but they show a creative approach that can be applied to corporate calendars or merchandise.


Instead of the boring old months (January, February, etc.), each page features a unique title and theme.

A calendar with recipes for delicious dishes for each month:

In this calendar, you can choose which picture to leave for any month:

Who said all corporate calendars have to be printed on coated white paper? The calendar on craft cardboard looks no less impressive and attractive.

Interactive calendars

An unusual, but very interesting calendar, which implies interactive interaction - every day you need to draw emoticons, how the working day went, for example.

Nothing soothes like anti-stress coloring pages. A calendar in this style will definitely enjoy the attention it deserves.

Another one interesting idea interactive calendar - draw it in a frame and draw the month, days yourself and leave notes.

Desktop calendars

The same idea as with recipes - each month is decorated in a stylish design and offers a recipe for popular cocktails. Perfect for companies involved in the sale or production of alcohol.

Choose from 12 designs for each month and decide for yourself what will be shown on it.

And here the very form and style of presentation is interesting:


A creative idea for designing planning, in which you can calculate the budget, monitor the payment of bills. It's very simple - when you get a bill in the mail, you put it in your "pay" pocket and fill in the due date on the calendar. When you pay a bill, move it to the "paid" side and cross it off your list. Such planning will definitely "work" - both for the owner and for your company, because its logo will be visible all the time.

Flip calendar with a creative design - every month the figures on the calendar are transformed.

Volumetric calendars

This is really unusual and does not go unnoticed.

A calendar that everyone can add up:

Both creatively and interactively, again we are talking about the fact that the calendar not only attracts attention, but motivates to interact with it.

Just a few cubes, and the calendar for the whole year is ready:

Desk calendar-planning, which allows you to take notes and plan events by placing them against the date indicated on the top of the stand.

The sticker calendar is convenient and practical, placed in a notebook and always in sight:

Corporate calendars can be both budget and exclusive. But both of them must fulfill their main function– to remind about the company, to form a positive image due to an attractive and thoughtful design.

pocket calendars, wall calendars, desktop calendars "houses"


Calendars are usually designed according to the standard linear layout, and we are unlikely to see an example of originality in their design. Do you agree with me? So it is, but this collection is an exception, because the calendar design ideas presented in it are really quite original.

The design finds offered here give the calendars a special appeal. Although the originality of the design is not always beneficial, the calendar is good when it is practical and functional, even if it is decorated in an unusual way.

The collection is posted here in full. Watch, don't be shy, get inspired. And be sure to share your opinions about it with us. Your comments are always warmly welcome. Happy viewing!

The gallery calendar not only serves as a wall decoration, but also refreshes the atmosphere of the entire room. A different page layout for each month gives the design a catchy look.

The original design calendar comes in a black matte wooden box, very beautiful and elegant. The pages of the calendar are illustrated with schematic images of targets. The kit includes 2 sets of darts - with blue and purple plumage for men and women, respectively.

The design of this block-type wooden calendar can be a great source of inspiration for hardcore typography lovers. Its curious feature is the infinity of the period of use, since dates in the form of values ​​of years, months and days are typed by the owner independently.

Calendars almost always end up in the trash, but the design of this calendar is based on the very idea of ​​it. Each day of the calendar has a separate garbage bag. Original design, moreover, guiding human activity.

Another original design calendar, this time in the style of origami, the traditional Japanese art of paper crafts. Peculiar and beautiful design, enlivening the look of your desk.

The original design inspired by the constellation structure makes this calendar a fun gift for your family and friends. Each set contains 12 calendar cards printed with glow-in-the-dark ink, 1 embroidery needle, fluorescent embroidery thread, and everything is folded into a muslin bag.

Another beautiful example of calendar design. "Eternal", easily compiled magnetic calendar. Its designers are Sergey and Igor Chebotarevs, this is the best option for those who are looking for original calendar next year.

Are you interested in typography? If yes, then you will definitely like this example of calendar design. The optimal combination of excellent typographic design based on the author's font called Reboot with original graphics, embodied in a calendar "with its own face".

Also a curious example of the design of calendars with images of mythical and mythological creatures. This technique is not common in calendar design, so people will definitely like it.

And again a calendar printed by embossing. Color embossed desk calendar printed on very thick pure cotton cards; moreover, the prints are made in the old manner on a crucible machine, which gives the calendar a bright originality, vintage.

This calendar was designed by Alexander Khomutov, the originality of his creation will definitely amaze you. The artist painstakingly brought together all the ingredients of a successful design, resulting in this elegant, original and unique piece.

Another example of a catchy design of calendars, differs from the usual solutions by a peculiar external design. The calendar is designed in a completely unique way.

This calendar was designed by Mauresa Hankinson as part of a graphic design project. It is called "My Zoo 2014" because each month is presented in the form of an animal.

This original concept was developed by Fraz Khalid and, as the name of this definitely outstanding calendar suggests, its design is based on a structure of spectral swirls.

Not only does this calendar t-shirt design keep track of dates, it's completely usable for its intended purpose. It can be worn, however, in a year its design will become obsolete. A felt-tip pen is attached to it so that the owner paints over a cell every time he puts on this thing.

A desktop calendar in the form of a camera lens is a very interesting solution that demonstrates a non-standard approach to the design of calendars. The design is truly amazing, covering dates from 2008 to 2032, and the design weighs over 4 kg. Focus rings, shutter speed settings, and aperture size settings are used to display years, months, and days.

A calendar with a simple, minimalist design not only looks good on the wall, but also has a relaxing effect on the psyche and calms the nerves.

Another inspiring design calendar is a visual embodiment of the well-known proverb "He who eats an apple a day does not know about doctors."

The original calendar-puzzle of multi-colored blocks. By collecting them in a different order, you can create your calendar in a new way every month.

Also a curious and original solution in the design of calendars. The paper shredder "Chromo" works like a calendar and like a clock: the device counts the days non-stop, shredding minute by minute, hour by hour.

This original design calendar is the best option to your work desk, a very simple and compact solution, at the same time, original enough to inspire you with fresh ideas.

The secret of this ink calendar is in its structure, which allows the ink to flow along the capillary channels laid on the paper in the form of dates. Incredibly bright idea of ​​the Spanish calendar designer Oscar Diaz (Oscar Diaz).

A calendar on a coffee cup will be a good gift for a work colleague, it not only displays the current date, but also allows you to drink coffee from time to time. Numbers-days are marked on the saucer, and the arrow-pointer of today's date is on the cup.

Another sample beautiful design calendars for the joy of typography lovers - you can combine fonts in various combinations, making your calendar catchy and in your own way.

Black calendar simple minimalist design - optimal choice for fans of this color. Luxurious design, and the designer managed to combine simplicity with practicality.

The original cube calendar was designed by Philip Stroomberg. Funny design, in addition, the calendar can be used for promotional purposes.

Paper calendar - a toy model of a toaster. The table calendar in the form of a toaster "Tastee" is equipped with six "slices of fried bread" with the marking of the dates of two months in handwritten font (front and back).

Creative calendar is always in the spotlight

In the manufacture of any product, even the most serious, fashionable, branded, an important component of success is its zest, creativity, idea. In the event that the designer was enlightened in the process of work, he received original idea into the head, then the output will not be a simple calendar, but a creative one, so to speak. To create something non-standard, you need inspiration, and it, as a rule, comes to positive people.

Most people are already getting tired of standard calendars, in which the top poster depicts some kind of landscape or photograph, and below it is a simple black and white calendar grid. These days people are trying to order non-standard, unusual calendars containing custom calendar blocks (grids) and designer top posters. Such calendars are called creative.

Often creative calendars are not printed completely on an individual order. It happens that the calendar grid is taken as the most ordinary, and the “cap” (top poster) of the quarter is created in the form of a designer, unusual picture.

A creative calendar is always in the spotlight. Interest in this product guarantees an attractive design. If the design project is to the liking of the target audience, short-term curiosity develops into a sustainable one.

The calendar is not only a grid and beautiful pictures, corporate identity elements. When choosing a non-standard approach, even simple and ordinary things turn into funny, attractive and bright. People are already tired of the classic flip calendars, endlessly containing the same thing: dogs, cats, cars, scantily clad beauties. Increasingly, the customer requires fresh, unusual ideas, new forms, new solutions from the designer. An example of design fantasy can be wall folding calendars produced by MoscowBrand.

Original folding wall calendars only at first glance look like ordinary wall calendars, consisting of a cover and twelve pictures. But these 12 pictures of each month are hidden, which causes genuine interest in the person who bought such a calendar. To see the grid and picture next month, you need to do the following: open a thin strip of perforation, and then fold down the top sheet. In psychology, it has long been proven that people are always attracted by the hidden, some kind of mystery. Such a calendar is a wonderful gift, and the company's management can be sure that their employees will perceive this calendar positively and will be pleasantly surprised throughout the year.

Creative calendar design

To date, the calendar has become an essential attribute for a modern business person, as well as an effective means of advertising.

In the production of printed products, MoscowBrand assigns an important place to the production of corporate calendars. We can offer a full cycle of creation: from design development to production of both standard and unusual, creative corporate calendars. For a considerable time of existence, we have learned how to make the highest quality calendars.

Highly qualified specialists will be able to develop in the shortest possible time an exclusive design of corporate calendars, which will fully reflect form style companies. When the best ideas are implemented and the most advanced technologies are applied, truly extraordinary calendars are obtained. Corporate calendars are great New Year's gift as well as one of the effective means of advertising. Customers should be aware that not all corporate calendars donated for the holidays will receive due attention. Only unusual, high-quality, interesting calendars for employees will be a worthy decoration for your business partners' office, and throughout the year they will unobtrusively remind them of the existence of your company. Consequently, the time of your promotion will increase by a whole year.

The MoscowBrand printing house has rich experience in creating and designing calendars, in particular corporate ones. Whatever type of calendar the customer chooses (quarterly, desktop, wall), experienced designers will create a non-standard, special calendar, while fully taking into account the wishes of the customer. Experienced artists boldly use new forms, fresh and extraordinary ideas and solutions when developing the design of an original creative calendar. Such a calendar attracts attention all year round.

A creative original calendar is a great gift for your partners and regular customers, which reminds you of the company's brand values ​​every day, throughout the whole year. Such calendars can be widely used both for business and personal purposes.

For each company, it is important that their calendar is used on a daily basis so that it is not removed “to hell” right away. Therefore, for such an advertising and printing product, originality, brightness and unusualness are important.

Collection of creative calendars collected from all over the Internet