Landing page examples: tips for creating. Examples of One Page Landing Pages Beautiful Landing Page Design

We have already discussed what landing page what they are good for and what basic principles they rely on. But despite the fact that there are a number of rules and techniques that will ensure the success of your site, it’s wrong to think that landing page development is a template job, and a well-functioning page can be made in 5 minutes, just know yourself substitute pictures and change texts. Of course, this is a creative process, and fantasy, backed up by understanding the behavior of your target audience, is only encouraged. Below we will present a dozen examples of non-banal landings, as well as pages that provide high conversion.

1. Nest Thermostat

A very interestingly designed landing dedicated to the sale of a room thermostat. Despite the presence of all kinds of technical data and descriptions of convenient functionality, the landing page is focused on the visual component - several photos of the interior, as well as an animation in the middle of the page, brilliant in concept and execution, make you feel that after buying this device, your house will not get any worse, than in the pictures on the Internet. Thus, the landing does not sell the thermostat, but the comfort in the house, which is the ultimate need of the client.

2. Boy Coy

Website of a design studio, after which you are unlikely to even want to look for offers from competitors. A four-screen landing is able to convince you to turn to these guys, even if you don’t read any reviews or a list of companies that the studio has collaborated with. Most likely, you will just scroll through, admiring the parallax effect and not notice it yourself, as you start entering your data into a nice feedback form.

3. Vodka "Valenki"

Another example of a beautiful landing page with a parallax effect. A purely image page that does not force you to immediately make a purchase, but creates a positive image for the target audience. Note that information about the quality of the product is presented in sufficient volume, but it can be missed by watching how beautifully the ice cubes float. However, the desired effect has already been achieved. This site is too beautiful to offer something of poor quality - such a subconscious conclusion will arise in every visitor to any tasteful site.

4. Online store of teddy bears

Really interesting landings can attract the attention of even people who are far from the target audience. Check out the example of a store that sells huge teddy bears. The site is literally full of interesting ideas and seems to be in dialogue with the visitor, which in the end, with a high probability, means a purchase.

5. Smart Progress

Beautiful landing page of a popular service for setting and achieving goals. Firstly, go and see how it works, and secondly, evaluate the design that embodies the movement towards the goal. Together with a very competent filling of blocks, it really motivates to do everything that is planned, but was put off indefinitely.

Examples of selling landing pages with high conversion

1. Production and installation of wooden windows

As you know, a landing page should not overload the visitor, but immediately give him something to hook on to and fill out an application. We won’t argue, but some products require careful selection, and you won’t get off with one or two blocks. The landing page of this window manufacturer went according to the program to the maximum and touched on such details that we don’t even think about when choosing windows. And although in a couple of blocks, as it seems to us, there was an information overload, this page is still a good example of a large landing.

2. CASCO insurance

Another high converting landing page. The principle of converting a visitor into a lead is used here similar to the previous example - a calculator. We offer to evaluate how many parameters it is possible to make for the selection of a policy, and how effortlessly this is done. The same can be said about the rest of the content of the landing – it is extremely simple and understandable, while all the benefits that a car owner wants to get by insuring his car are described.


3. Automated entertainment aquarium franchise

A good example of a sales landing page that provides high conversion due to the fact that it clearly explains the benefits to a potential client, but also leaves the intrigue, the desire to find out the details of a business plan that promises passive income. The designer is our special praise.

4. Laptop repair

A good example of a landing page where relatively a large number of text (including the space it occupies on the main screen) does not create any difficulties for the visitor, but on the contrary, it looks organic, and successfully paints all the advantages of the repair organization. Laptop repair services are urgent, so potential customers should not give out information beyond measure: a few blocks are enough, but worked out as beautifully and informatively as possible, which inspires confidence.

Victoria Kuchinova

The main problem with most modern landing pages is that they all seem to be made in carbon copy. And where is the creativity, the fire, where is the design frenzy?

In this collection, I have collected interesting chips and unusual effects. Some of them were made by Texterra developers and web designers, and some were found on the Runet. Not without examples of disgusting design and outright shiza - at the end of the article you will find an acquaintance with a killer hamster and a Snow Maiden with a bucket.

Watch, get inspired, put ideas you like into practice, mix them with your own, and don't forget to A/B test - this is the only right recipe for creating killer landing pages.

And, most importantly, remember that a landing page is not a self-sufficient tool. For conversions, leads, and sales, you need high-quality traffic. And it is difficult to get it without a comprehensive promotion.

Extended form

Usually, one-pagers use a standard application form with several fields. Most often, the client needs to provide contact information - first name, last name, mail or phone number. But in some complex areas it is better to cover the topic in more detail. Here's how they did it in Texterra: in the form of a landing page, the client can select a module, parameters, and server tasks. Can reset values ​​if something went wrong.

What is it for? In any case, the owner of the landing page will receive their leads – even if there are only two or three fields in the form. But here it will be interesting for the client to dig deeper. Not just to order, but to choose your own option.

Two STA buttons

On the landing page of the task planner at, there are two calls to action at once, which reinforce each other: “Create a free account' and 'Download Wunderlist'. Users click on both links, the conversion goes up, and the landing page does its job perfectly.

Specific figures (results)

It's not new, but it still works. Show clients what you have achieved in numbers: this is clearer than the abstract phrases “we are the best”, “we have hundreds of completed projects”, and so on. Look at the landing page: you can immediately see how many people have already joined the project, how many goals have been set, how many achievements have been achieved.


Faceless template landing pages - br-r, what could be duller! Liven up your one-pager, add fire, interest a potential client. For example, on the page of Texterra services for creating websites, there are photos of employees who are directly involved in this. The visitor comes in and sees: yeah, not abstract developers, but quite living Svyatoslav, Polina, Artem and others will deal with my resource.

Convenient answer form

On many landing pages and websites, you can only ask a question through a form. And this means that you need to indicate the name and surname, leave the phone number and email. Sometimes you even have to enter captchas and codes - horror! It is clear that this is done in order to get leads. But there is another option - as on the Cerebro Target landing page. If you are registered on VKontakte, you do not need to fill out anything - take it and write. Both the client is comfortable and the owner is well - the contact is left, you can continue to work.

Customer Reviews

You can ask clients to talk about their experiences and publish the received texts on the landing page. But the catch is that the visitor will not check in any way whether these are real reviews or fake ones. It is better to go further and convince visitors of this. The landing page, which was developed by Texterra, cites the words of clients from Instagram with links to their accounts. Everything is fair - come and see.

Demonstration of results

3D graphics and augmented reality

The landing page was created for the Qubi app. This is a game for kids 3+ years old and adults. The essence of the game is simple. At the first step, the user, according to the proposed scheme, glues a real paper, cardboard or wooden cube.

Then he installs the application, opens it on his smartphone and "looks" at the cube through the device's camera.

On the screen of a smartphone or tablet, the cube comes to life. The user plays a three-dimensional version of "Snake", "2048", "Labyrinth". In this case, you need to control the game using a real cube. To control the cube with two hands, you need to use a special stand for your smartphone, which you can assemble yourself.

The three-dimensional model of the cube can be seen in the illustration (gif).

What the client wanted

The client asked to make a landing page that emphasizes the feature of the game: the use of 3D augmented reality. In particular, he wanted to see the effect of moving faces of a three-dimensional cube, the active face of which is inscribed on the screen of the visitor's device.

What have we done

We have implemented 3D using CSS3 3D transforms. The transitions between the faces of the cube are done using pure JavaScript with drag and touch event tracking. Thanks to unusual transitions between screens, the user creates a feeling of three-dimensionality of the screen. This is especially pronounced on the working version of the landing page.

For the final version of the landing page, we made a more realistic version of the cube. Unlike the working version, in the final version, the rotation of the cube occurs from the outside, not from the inside. The 3D feel is enhanced by title animations.

The landing page is fully responsive.

Interactive selection of interior and furniture colors

The peculiarity of the DSK.Color landing page is the ability to independently choose the color of furniture and interior items using an interactive palette.

The DSK.Color company paints any surfaces in different colors. You can order the coloring of furniture, household appliances, bicycles, musical instruments and other items. The customer can choose any color.

The most requested service is the painting of furniture and interior items. It accounts for about 80% of the client's work.

What the client wanted

The client asked to make a bright and memorable landing "with a call to color everything around." He had ideas to make 3D representations of the furniture so that the visitor "could twist and view the painted object from different angles."

What have we done

We offered the client an idea: to give the visitor the opportunity to independently choose the color of furniture and interior items.

To do this, the landing page offered an image of a room in which the visitor can paint the main objects using a palette that opens on click. Based on the selected colors and items, the user can calculate the cost of services. The first prototype looked like this.

The client really liked the idea, so we made a working prototype of the landing page. On it, the main part already looked like this.

We agreed with the client to leave the possibility of painting the table, chairs, door and kitchen unit. These are the main items that the company paints.

After the approval of the prototype, the designer and layout designer got involved in the work. The first one drew all the items in svg (this is a graphics format). The second one made up and added a palette of colors to the svg areas. After that, a modal window was implemented. With it, the user can double-check colors and items and submit a request for a service.

Unusual and ordinary preloaders

With the help of a preloader or a spinner, you can make any landing page more convenient and visually attractive. In this section, we will talk about preloaders and look at examples of these elements created by Texterra specialists.

What is a preloader and what tasks does it solve

A preloader or spinner is a sign that appears on the screen before the page is loaded. You see these elements every day when you use the Internet. Below is an example of a preloader.

The preloader solves a practical problem: informs the user that the page is loading, and also replaces the visually unattractive loading picture. This needs to be explained.

because of technical features work of browsers pages of sites are loaded unevenly. During loading, the layout may “float”. If the page loads in a few seconds, rather than a fraction of a second, the user observes an unattractive picture for some time.

Preloaders are implemented using standard front-end development tools: HTML, CSS, JavaScript and additional libraries and frameworks, such as jQuery, React.

How we improve landing pages with preloaders

We create unique preloaders, including animated ones. Here are some of our works.

  • Qubi

For the Qubi landing page, we made a preloader that mimics the navigation menu. This allows the user to understand how the page is managed before it is loaded.

  • levellen

On the Levellen Interiors website, we used a preloader in the form of a company logo. it additional element site branding.

The landing page provides information about the lease of premises in the business center. The main secret of the landing page is in the "Offices" section. Here the user can see the availability of free offices on each floor of the building.

When you hover over a free office, the "Details" button pops up.

Pressing the button directs the user to a page with information about the office and its photos. From this page, you can leave a request for renting a room.

Implementation features

Our designer drew the shapes of the office space, the drawings are in svg format. These drawings are superimposed on the floor plans. When the site administrator in the control panel notes that the office is free, the script turns on the display of the picture on the plan and the ability to go to the page with information and the order form. When the administrator notes that the office is busy, the script turns off the image on the plan.

Own design

In this example, there are no complex technical tricks and design effects - the whole landing takes out Nice picture: background, colors, appetizing photos of Astrakhan caviar. one page is a good example of how a designer makes you want to buy a product. And eat immediately!

Finally, about the painful - a few examples of terrible landings. For contrast, facepalm, impotent agony and all that. I will not describe what is wrong with them - I suggest that you solve these problems yourself. Ita-a-ak...

Selling sites. What it is? Every second person will say: “Of course, these are landing pages!”. They are one-pagers, they are also landing pages, they are also selling pages.

I will not convince you of the opposite, because there is a great deal of truth in these words. Therefore, in this article we will analyze which landing pages can be called the best and why.

Once I started looking for the best selling sites, where to see their examples, ratings and how to evaluate them in general. After all, initially a one-page site was invented in order to increase sales of the company.

Recently, a lot has changed. The ones that were relevant before are gone, the sites began to be made better, more beautiful, with a lot of animation, pictures and various enticing features.

Criteria for evaluation

On what basis to evaluate? What to take as a basis? How to rank TOP-10 sites? Where to take sites for the competition? All this complicates the situation in creating a real and honest ranking of the best sites.

In addition, we do not know how many sales companies make through such sites. You can’t call them and ask: “What is yours?” or “How many applications do you get from ?”.

I am sure no one will answer such a question, because either no one thinks, or they will say that this is confidential information.

Yep, dreaming!

So I made it easier. I began to search and view ratings and selections of the best landings. And you know what?

The rating, of course, is subjective, since we do not have indicators of all pages, and we cannot physically examine all Internet sites. We rely on our experience and those sites that we have met on the World Wide Web for 5 years.


TOP 10 One Page Sites

Do not take the numbering as the distribution of prizes. Since all landing pages have different tasks, which means that comparing them with each other is not only unprofessional, but also stupid. So just enjoy the work.

1. Residential complex “Park Flora”

The site is a total delight. It is immediately clear that a cool designer and a top marketer had a hand in it. You look and want to come and see everything yourself.

Moreover, on the site complete absence, there is no form to fill out, only a phone number. And this is correct in their case, although for many it may seem strange.

Residential complex “Park Flora”

The only negative is the layout designer for poorly optimized animation and .

The site takes a long time to load, and this can greatly affect the bounce rate. People do not like to wait and will leave it faster than they see the offer.

2. Workshop “Dinero”

This is not a website, but a whole film about one “character” - a wooden wallet. If it cost 1,000-2,000 rubles, then the site would fail, since there are no obvious ones: offer, description, capture form, etc. But in the Luxur segment, everything works differently, and this one-page is proof of that.

The main disadvantage of this site is an attempt, as they say, to sit on two chairs, namely on one page to sell goods both retail and wholesale.

You need to look for dealers on a separate site, since the retail and wholesale buyers have different selection criteria, which means they need to show different images and benefits in a different sequence.

Workshop “Dinero”

3. Alfa-Bank vacancies

This red and white bank is our partner. We are the authors of their blog for the clients club.

But their site is not here for “family ties”, they really made a good decision to find employees for their company. And they did it in a very original way.

Alfa-Bank vacancies

The only thing to tell them (and we will) is to not take the client away from this site, and do all the interaction inside it. Thus, a person will be more willing to leave a request due to the usual arrangement of elements and a logical chain of actions.

4. Sports corset “Loni-corset”

This site is developed by us, and it's kind of stupid to make a rating and not say that we consider our sites to be cool.

Moreover, all our sites are at their best, you can see this here —> . But since most of the audience of this page is men, we decided to show the site with girls 🙂

Sports corset “Loni-corset”

The site worked for 4+. The only block that we were unable to add was social proof of the existence of the sending company.

The customer chose not to show this information. Therefore, we boldly say that the result could be higher if buyers saw the warehouse, team, office and others. But what is, is.

5. Approval of SRO “Gralnik Licensing”

At first glance, this site should make you wonder why it is in the top list. There is nothing special in it: simple design, ordinary blocks, typical texts.

BUT! Trust me, when you are their target client, you will realize that this is a great site that is completely built for the client. And even a simple one is made for a reason so ordinary.

Approval of SRO “Gralnik Licensing”

Of course they have room to grow. Their layout floats in some blocks, and there are, by the way, 15 of them. Also, they have incorrect word hyphenation, and the main elements are poorly highlighted.

But all these are trifles, because fundamentally everything is done correctly and written from the point of view.

6. Project “Big Drying”

Most women (their target audience) have heard about the Crazy Drying project. Their launch ads are all over the internet. And this is not surprising when millions are invested in traffic.

But without a good site, you won’t be able to get tens of millions in revenue, so their site is also included in our TOP.

Project “Big Drying”

It can be seen that the creation was approached thoroughly, which only some texts are worth. But they did make one big mistake - they didn’t make the call button at the very end. This greatly affects the outflow of visitors, as they do not see the logical closure of the entire story.


We ourselves use the Bitrix24 customer relationship system. But since our topic is not “ ”, the Megaplan system website has surpassed all expectations.

Through it, they conveyed all the main points of their system, after which you understand that this is the best thing for business.

CRM "Megaplan"

One of our wishes for improvement is to add a video review of the system, since all direct competitors have it. And also make more understandable calls, namely, replace the titles (not buttons) with “Start for free” or something like that.

By the way! If you want to use it as your CRM system, then I advise you not to forget the "Megastart" promo code. So you will receive a 10% discount on your first purchase and 14 days of free use.

8. Bank for Entrepreneurs “Tochka”

This landing page from the bank receives an award for its originality. This page is sent to your friends as a referral link.

To enhance the effect, we would add a few more blocks that put pressure on the logic. Now the site is more focused on emotions, and in some cases this could be the right decision. But we still have the choice of a bank, and emotions alone cannot do here.

Bank for Entrepreneurs "Tochka"

9. Goodfit Gym Equipment

An interesting transition of the site from black to white with blue. But in addition to the original design solution, this landing uses an excellent game of headings. Here they are not an eyeliner to the block, but independent elements, after reading which, you can already create a complete picture.

For a complete package, there is not enough video presentation on behalf of the CEO. He must be in excellent physical shape.

To all this, it would be great to add numbers to the cases. That is, how much is the hall that the client received. This is not critical, but simply desirable, because specificity adds credibility and is simply convenient for visitors.

Gym equipment “Goodfit”

10. Shopping center "METROPOLIS"

Definitely the coolest mall landing page I've ever seen. The colors are beautifully chosen, the main meaning is conveyed, excellent usability is all immediately visible when you go to this landing page. So click and explore.

But I'll put in my 5 cents anyway. Of course, I understand that people who are familiar with this center should get to this site. But besides them, those who see it for the first time will fall on it.

Therefore, it was logical to make a small description (a description in a few words about the company) so that the visitor would immediately know where he was and what awaits him there.

Shopping center “METROPOLIS”

Why Only Runet sites

Yes, in my review, I mainly focused on the best one-page sites in RuNet, although there are a lot of decent options in the world.

And, most importantly (and it is the most surprising), the landing page in the bourgeoisie uses not only small, but even large wear.

For example, one of the most famous taxi services in the world, Uber, took the following option as the main site - a multifunctional landing page or, as they say, a multi-page landing page.

This is a website with many landing pages. Almost a multi-page site, but still a landing page.

But I deliberately didn’t post their landing page here, because they are different. Let everyone say that we repeat everything after the West, but in this case, I think otherwise.

We Russians are different. We have a different type of thinking because we live in a different country. For example, an American has almost no fear in his head that the company will take the money and dissolve. Since they have everything protected by ten rows, that only one PayPal costs.

Here, in Russia, this fear is in the forefront. Therefore, they have few convincing blocks on their website to trust the company, and we have a lot of them.

I can give dozens more arguments that we will have different best landing pages with them. Therefore, I apologize, but their options will not be here.

Better enjoy our Russian solutions, model our texts and blocks. And in foreign sites, just take good ideas for design.

Briefly about the main

Now that you have looked at all the applicants, I do not urge you to blindly focus on them, but it is definitely worth looking at the best landing pages for an example.

At a minimum, you can take the idea of ​​​​an interestingly made animation from someone. Or, for example, one of the creators perfectly knows his own and uses it throughout the entire landing. In general, it is worth studying, drawing conclusions and adopting.

And by the way, if you are looking for ideas for your first landing page, you can try to create it yourself. So you will understand what you need and that it is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Use for this, for example, PlatformaLP , Tilda , Bloxy. And only then, we are waiting for you to visit us for joint development.

The peculiarity of this design is that all the elements are visible, but at the same time very neatly arranged. A simple but beautiful slideshow also attracts attention.

Simple but cute design. The advantage is that you can enter the site through Facebook without wasting time on registration.

An excellent example of the company's product demonstration. Every month the company updates the list of products shown on the page.

Understanding what is being sold on the site is not a problem thanks to well-structured content, beautiful slides, and large price tags.

The most successful sales pages necessarily contain clear and easy-to-understand product examples.

The hallmark of this design is simplicity. A simple menu and a bright slider go well together.

The page is well-displayed different sections. For more detailed information Just click on the image you like.

The design is not overloaded with unnecessary elements, you can immediately see all the characteristics and prices of the goods.

entertainment sites

Simple and tasteful. The purpose of the page is immediately clear - to view a documentary video.

The design of the page is very well thought out, it fascinates and literally hypnotizes. Great combination of colors and shapes.

This site is top notch. Brilliantly thought-out design and an abundance of interactive elements will not leave anyone indifferent.

This page for the Harry Potter franchise features familiar colors, phrases and names for fans.

This page not only looks beautiful, it is also very functional: lots of interactive elements, integration with Google Maps, use of tabs.

Even after the redesign, Uncrate does not change its tradition of placing all sections of the site in a convenient top navigation menu.

This site showcases the power of graphic design and web development. It is better to visit it and see for yourself.

A great example of a “tile” design that allows you to stylishly arrange a large number of blocks of content.

The visual component of this site is amazing. Vivid images instantly capture the attention of users.

Jay-Z knows exactly how to have fun. On his site, articles, images, and other content are presented as interactive tiles.

This design uses natural tones that go well with the main issues raised on the site.

Portfolio Landing Pages

This page is once again dominated by images that literally come to life when you hover over the mouse.

This example has a very interesting combination of colors. Moreover, all the elements on the page use the same background structure, like a tree.

The “old school” style is very successfully used here, the design of each element is thought out to the smallest detail and is unique. Thanks to the endless scrolling on this site, you can enjoy such beauty for a long time.

A clear and thoughtful design helps the page communicate in the most effective way. main information to visitors. The color scheme matches the brand and shows the style of the designer in action.

The page is an excellent presentation. Each banner is dedicated to a separate project.

An example of an unusual tile design.

This page is dominated by typography. The use of different fonts helps in conveying ideas.

The design is concise and concise. On the page we can see everything we need: both the portfolio and links to other sections.

Icons and nothing more. A good example of minimalistic design.

The portfolio page displays the most important thing - examples of work.


The page contains many photos of users, which can be easily flipped through with the help of scrolling and hovering.

Large bright photos of the company's product make you want to drink a can of cold beer.

Nothing distracts the visitor from contemplating the most beautiful hours.

The highlight of this site is the slideshow at the top of the page, which showcases mouth-watering culinary delights.

The font and graphics are perfectly combined, creating a unified perception of the site. There are only three menu items, and it is impossible not to notice them.

Elegant style, high-quality images, excellent presentation. Nothing distracts from the main elements.

Toyota made a Pinterest-style site for Camry lovers. Here you can find a lot of photos, articles, statistics.

Despite the fact that this page fits the height of one screen, it has many interesting interactive elements and unusual details.

The page design fully reflects the style of the brand: colors, fonts, pictures are immediately associated with this particular company.

The design is made in soothing light colors, this color scheme is ideal for the proposed product.

This site is like a book that captures your attention with an unusual plot and illustrations.

The floating red button in the middle of the screen does its job: you really want to click on it.

This landing page uses a parallax effect when scrolling, which delights visitors.

The design is designed in the color of the brand, the CTA button on the main banner stands out perfectly, which makes you want to click.

The main poster-style banner for the movie is definitely eye-catching. Even if you don't know what this company does, you'll be intrigued by Captain Dash in the poster.

The unusual grid of this page allows visitors to see a lot of content at once in a way that is easy to understand.

This company has chosen a very creative design for its website. By clicking on the window elements with titles, we can get to the corresponding section.

A high-quality page design indicates that this company can be trusted.

This is a professional photographer's page, and its design helps us see the most important thing - photos. Even the menu is hidden in the "hamburger".

Bright elements make this page very attractive, but at the same time they are unobtrusive and do not distract from the main content.

This design uses a consistent background style from block to block to create page integrity and make the information easier to read.


We looked at more than 50 completely different designs, but each of them is good in its own way and competently expresses the unique offer of the company. When developing a landing page, it is very important that the page matches your brand and is interesting to your target audience.

Landing can be called any one-page site that contains a call to action. As a rule, links to such pages are contained in advertisements, so after the transition of a potential client, you will have only a few seconds to convince him to buy, connect, register, subscribe to a newsletter, attend an event, or do something else. Therefore, such sites consist of 1 page - the content cannot be spread over several pages. The goal is to quickly interest and fix the execution of the action, that is, to convert traffic into a result. That is, the page should find buyers among visitors.

The difference between landing pages and other types of sites is that they contain only one main offer (there may be gifts, discounts, bonuses next, but the main goal of the page is always the same). A simple conclusion follows from this: the use of a one-page is appropriate when the offer fits in one call-to-action button. The proposal should be simple and linear in nature. The most important thing for a landing page is traffic and that same button. The rest serves as a frame. One page allows you to control the order in which information is received, so it is important to build an effective sequence of sections.

Examples of one-page landings:

1. House on the boulevard - residential complex is a competent and beautifully designed landing page of a real estate agency, aimed at collecting applications for the purchase of housing in a new building. It is noteworthy that there are no buttons like “call back” or “leave a request” on the page. The page convincingly describes the advantages of the residential complex, provides a bunch of links to digital copies of permits, reports and other types of documents confirming the reliability of the residential area's prospects, and generously shares contact information. The landing is designed for the client, having familiarized himself with the characteristics of the project, to call the sales department himself or visit one of the company's offices. That is, the call to appeal is unobtrusive, the description of the complex is a natural reason for interest.

The page design is great. Pleasant pastel colors are associated with comfort and, by the way, roughly correspond to the color scheme of the residential complex, judging by the photo. Harmoniously turned out, everything is in uniform style. The photographs are excellent, they give an advantageous positioning of the project. Descriptions of apartment layouts are clear and understandable. The arguments for the advantages are weighty, the text is concise and of high quality. Without water and lengthy statements, each phrase carries useful information to a potential client. The page has existed for about 2 years - in front of you is a long-lived landing page. This is due to the specifics of the niche - they began to attract customers at the beginning of development. Interesting one-liner.

2. Viaresto - digital equipment for cafes and restaurants is an excellently designed page of a company that supplies, installs and maintains digital equipment for video surveillance, sound, cash registers, Wi-Fi and other things in various public institutions. Extreme information content, carefully selected persuasion arguments, competent textual and structural presentation, excellent graphic support for descriptions - all this together makes a strong impression. Despite the large amount of information and elements, the landing page does not feel overloaded, it is interesting to read, because everything is presented in detail and to the point.

The design is quite complex, a large number of color shades and graphic elements are used. Not all of them are homogeneous, however, the page is perceived as a whole, it has a plot. As you scroll, the semantic “locations” change, and with them the approaches to design. Structurally, everything is logical, clearly built and flavored with several animation effects. Descriptions of key features of services, sequence of actions in cooperation, prices, customer reviews, portfolio of customers and partners, plus detailed contacts with a form for ordering a consultation as a trigger for a call to action. The footer briefly summarizes the contents of the landing page, which, by the way, is already 4 years old - another high-quality long-liver.

3. Re: content - web studio page is a landing page for collecting applications for creating websites. Uses a simple and efficient structure. Due to the peculiarities of the niche, the developer decided to interest customers only by demonstrating examples of finished work. Quite sufficient argumentation - according to these examples, everything is perfectly clear, nothing needs to be explained further. The whole page consists of sections that contain screenshots of sites with a simple hover zoom animation, a short description of the project and a link to it. All this for a change is packed into multi-colored blocks. Looks good, but nothing more.

The design is adaptive and, due to the chosen structure, extremely simple. The header contains contacts, the original logo of the studio and a call to action trigger in the form of a brief to order the site. There is another type of button on the page with a link to a short form for ordering feedback. That is, we get 2 buttons with different shapes, but almost the same meaning. Adaptability is indicated as the only advantage argument and miniatures of mobile versions of ready-made sites are given. Below, the callback order form is repeated and detailed contact information is added. A normal landing, in which almost the entire semantic load was shifted to examples of work. But there were no template advantages.

4. Pechatnikov - printing house landing page

Pechatnikov.rf - a nicely designed typography page. A characteristic logo with a reference to the Old Slavonic pioneers, hinting at the authenticity of the craft and increasing its significance in our digital age. The hat looks atmospheric, although the elements in it are arranged asymmetrically. AT mobile version this is not visible. There is a menu for quick navigation through sections. By the way, this landing is multi-page: icons with images of services contain links to pages with their descriptions. This does not contradict the idea of ​​a landing page, they can also be multi-page. The essence of the offer is to contact the printing house. You can’t post two dozen services on one page - it will turn out to be too long, they won’t finish reading it. Therefore, the creation of additional static pages is fully justified here.

The design of the site is adaptive, attractive, although structurally simple. The variety of presentation is achieved through the use of many unique icons. There is a list of services, which in itself is understandable by the name of the names. Special attention paid to contacts in the footer area - they are large, clearly readable, there is a map. The page also advertises a partner - a stationery store. Most likely, this is one office. It turns out a pair of advertising - quite profitable. There are no call to action buttons here, their role is played by expressive contact blocks in the header and footer, framing the list of services provided. Good landing.

5. Manufacturer's website for interpreter booths - a landing page for collecting applications for the purchase of very specific equipment - various models of booths designed for simultaneous translation. The text about the company states that the company is the first and only of its kind. Most likely, they don’t lie, it’s a very narrow-profile product. You can tell from the image in the header what this is about, although it is of rather poor quality. Probably, such photos are difficult to obtain.

The structure of the page is extremely simple: alternating sections with descriptions of several models of synchrocabins. The characteristics are almost the same everywhere, it is difficult to understand the differences between the models, but several useful properties can be noted. However, they are not informative. The main message of the page is that there is a company that produces such a specific product, it has an address, phone number, mail, and even a VK profile. You can call and find out more.

Summing up

Landing pages are effective if the sections are properly arranged and the offer is presented in a quality manner. Their design must be adaptive, as many will switch to them from social networks from smartphones. Nice design is desirable but not required. The main thing is information content and persuasiveness. Well, a button, contacts, social networks - it is necessary for a person to immediately understand where he is, and where to write or call if interested.

Landing pages do not turn visitors into buyers, but look for those among the audience who have the predisposition and resources to perform the action indicated on the page. The bottom line is that the landing page contains one ready-made offer, due to which it deprives the torment of choice. It remains only to convince the potential client that this choice is the right one. The more detailed you formulate the arguments in favor of the offer and the brighter you show the benefits, the better.