When will android 7.1 be released. Android Oreo update for Samsung Galaxy (2018). Samsung update in February

This is still a very limited update in its availability, and we are already waiting for the next one. This article will cover everything Nexus series device users need to know about the Android 7.1 Nougat update.

Let's remember when Google released Android 7.0, the search giant confirmed additional updates that would arrive much faster and earlier. In fact, they called them technical updates, and the first one will come later this year.

Fast forward to October 4th, when the new Google Pixel and Pixel XL were unveiled to the public. Both devices worked on new Android versions 7.1 Nougat with new user features. Some of these new features will be available to all devices on Android based, while others will remain unique to Pixel.

Apparently, along with these two new flagship smartphones, Google has essentially announced Android 7.1 Nougat. And while many changes software and the features will be limited to Pixel smartphones only, many of them will also become available to other devices, and Nexus will receive them in the very near future. you can find full list Android changes 7.1 from Google on the web. We will look at significant changes.

Speaking to The Verge, Google confirmed that the Android 7.1 Nougat update will come with several key new features for all devices, while some specialized additions will be omitted. The update will be released very soon, but will be preceded by beta testing before the update is released to the public.

Pixel smartphones Google got a new Pixel Launcher and Google Assistant, technical support 24/7, built right into the phone, new navigation buttons, smart solutions for memory management and other things. However, that's not all. The company highlighted just a few of the many new features that will appeal to users. So what else awaits us?

Night Light

According to statements published by Google just recently, the Android 7.1 Nougat update is coming very soon and one of its features, Night Mode. We already saw it in Android N Beta, but the feature was removed from the official release.

The solution is similar to Apple's Night Shift, the idea being to change the screen strain on your eyes at night or in a dark room. Night Light gives the screen a slightly yellowish or red tint while cutting out blue light. This solution allows the user to fall asleep more easily by significantly reducing eye strain. Night Mode will help reduce eye strain for Android device users, starting with the 7.1 Nougat update.


At Google I/O, the company revealed its plans for virtual reality. Much like the Gear VR or Oculus Rift, Google is set to offer its own DayDream View VR headset. In order to take advantage of the benefits of smartphones, they must be “Daydream ready” and run on Android 7.1 Nougat. The original Android 7.0 Nougat will not support Google's virtual reality solution.

Apparently, starting with Android 7.1 Nougat, the platform will have full support for virtual reality, which will come to Pixel smartphones straight out of the box, and to other smartphones it will appear with an Android update.

Fingerprint Scanner: Gestures

It's a neat little software feature that wasn't mentioned at the time of the Pixel's release: fingerprint scanner gestures. One gesture will unlock the phone, swipe down and the notification panel will appear. We're guessing that the up swipe could be configured to open the app tray, launch the camera, or do something else.

Google Pixel phones run Android 7.1 and get fingerprint gestures built-in, but the solution will get even better when the 7.1 update hits flagship devices from all manufacturers. It's likely that many of these controls will work with the Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P, and later Samsung smartphones like the Galaxy S7.

Other changes

Of course, these are just some of the many, many changes we can expect with the new Android 7.1 Nougat when the update hits the masses. Google also noted that it has improved the sensor and display performance, developer mode, and also fixed some bugs. The transition from 7.0 to 7.1 is a big update, so we should expect major changes with its release.

Google Assistant won't appear on others Android devices, at least for now. Google mentioned that it will release its assistant to the masses closer to 2017. So, don't expect the assistant to arrive on Nexus and other devices anytime soon. As we get closer to the release of the update or Android 7.1 Developer Preview, expect more details soon.

Android 7.1Nougat: Release date

As of now, there is no clear release date for Android 7.1 Nougat. However, the official release of the update becomes possible around October 21st, when the Pixel and Pixel XL go into the hands of buyers.

It's likely that Google will release a beta test of the technical version of the update in the next 2-3 weeks, which will allow owners of some Nexus devices to test Android 7.1 before the update rolls out to all devices. However, many of these key features are an important selling point for Pixels, so we don't expect the new version of the OS to spread too quickly. It looks like Nexus users will get the update before the end of the year, we just don't know when yet.

Either way, expect Android 7.1 Nougat to bring some nice changes in the software department, refining old features like gestures, introducing new ones like Night Mode and more in the near future. After all, it looks like Pixel owners will get a ton of features first, at least for now.

The new version of Android, numbered 7.1.1 Developer Preview, will be available to users of all Pixel and Nexus devices very soon. External changes in this version are negligible: the most interesting are the new options, which we will now talk about.

Shortcuts- the brightest and most interesting innovation. At its core, it is a context menu, which is called by a long tap on the icon. This is an answer to Apple’s 3D Touch, but it’s quite elegant and doesn’t require any additional equipment from the smartphone, which means you can expect that this option will be used on devices of any level, and not on selected flagships. At the moment, only stock apps support this feature, but there is no doubt that third-party developers will catch up pretty soon. For example, a long tap on the contacts shortcut calls up two commands: creating a new contact and quickly moving to the last one, with messages - a new chat and going to the last active one, in GMail - a new letter, Chrome - a regular one new inset or incognito, in maps - routes to home, work or other remembered locations, etc. This function works on the desktop and in the application menu. Moreover, if you are particularly interested in some command from this context menu, you can save it as a separate shortcut on your desktop.

Navigation bar is now “stuck” to the bottom edge of your device and remains there no matter which way you turn your device. From the left-handers of the entire planet, thank you very much for this. However, there are still plenty of reasons why you might want to get the navigation keys on the left rather than on the right. Now it has finally become possible.

By power button you can choose to reboot, such an obvious and long-awaited innovation.

Notification curtain I got my improvement, subtle but pleasant. This is an additional, sixth icon.

"Support"- an interesting innovation in the settings menu: this is an additional tab where the owner of a Pixel or Nexus smartphone can communicate with technical support via live chat or by phone. For now, this function is only available in a number of countries where the new Pixels will be officially sold.

Submenu “Movements” also replenished with a new switch. Gestures for quick start cameras and screen activation are already familiar to us, now you can also quickly switch between cameras with one movement of your wrist.

“Smart storage”- another innovation of the system. It allows you to quickly delete old photos, provided you have copies of them saved in Google Photos, and you can also delete apps that have not been used for more than 90 days.

Camera Can take pictures by voice command. The command "OK google, take a picture" is used to launch the main camera, "OK google, take a selfie" - the front camera, and "OK google, take a picture in X seconds" starts the timer in the camera, the picture can be delayed no more than for 30 seconds. And, yes, it works only in English for now, and the version Google apps Camera must be at least The interface of the camera application and, apparently, the software component have changed slightly, because this camera has become faster to shoot. There is also a convenient slider for quickly adjusting exposure.

Keyboard with GIFs- the dream of any chat lover is now present in stock Android, although not in all applications.

Emoticons have been replenished with new samples depicting single-parent families and representatives of different professions; moreover, it is possible to choose the desired skin color for them. You can also select the gender of the person on some of the emoticons. Tolerance bordering on madness is no different.

External changes, as we have already said, are not numerous, but they exist, and therefore we will list them in at least one line. Incoming calls and alarm clocks received new notification cards: the buttons became larger. The screens for dialing and receiving calls are now also different, with a full set of beautiful animations. Selecting a sound source during a call now looks clearer. But the automatic activation of the “Do not disturb” mode during a call is really convenient. In the volume menu, you no longer need to figure out at random which slider is responsible for what, they are all labeled. The system update search page looks a little different, but this, again, is nothing more than an external change.

Availability of Android 7.1.1 DP, naturally, arouses interest among the entire interested public, so we immediately answer all possible questions. You can try out the first beta now on the Nexus 5X and 6P and the Pixel C tablet, the second beta is expected in November, and the release version 7.1.1 will be available to a wide range of users in December.

Generally, Android 7.1.1, although not a big one, is quite an interesting system update and the most important thing here is context menu for shortcuts, accessible by long tap. Everything else can be assessed as polishing an already high-quality product, small improvements that make the user’s life better, but do not change anything radically.

Improvement Android 7 continues despite the release of a test version Android O, which will eventually turn into the next generation Android 8.0. Device owners Google Nexus And Pixel can get the release now Android 7.1.2. Soon, other smartphones, including last year's, will receive the improved Nougat core. Samsung Galaxy S7, LG G5 and so on.

Why do you need to update to Android 7.1.2?

Generally a new version Android 7 designed to improve firmware stability. The developers have already fixed some bugs, added several new features and deprived those that worked exclusively on top smartphones from the exclusive status Pixel.

Development history Android 7.1.2 started again January 30, 2017, When Google updated Nougat limited edition beta patches for select devices. Over the next two months, users actively tested the changes. The second pre-release took place 20th of March. And with April 3 company Google completes the cycle of long preparation of the final version with the next release.

Which devices can download the Android 7.1.2 update?

Eventually upgrade to Android 7.1.2 All smartphones and tablets who received the basic version will be able to Android 7.0 Nougat. It is difficult to speak for all manufacturers, since, for example, some Chinese suppliers are sometimes limited to a single release version Android to launch the communicator on sale. The approach does not inspire respect, but this happens all the time. Branded devices with current version platforms can safely expect an update Android 7.1.2.

List of devices that can now be updated to Android 7.1.2:

Google Pixel;

Google Pixel XL;

LG Nexus 5X;

Huawei Nexus 6P;

Google Nexus Player;

Google Pixel C.

Unfortunately, there is no information about older smartphones in the line Nexus. For example, it is assumed that for Nexus 5 And Nexus 6 update Android 7.1.1 will be the last. Google only promises to release security patches for them every month.

What's new in the Android 7.1.2 update?

Of all that new brings Android 7.1.2, most of the changes concern the elimination of long-standing errors and shortcomings. Even at the official level Google calls update Android 7.1.2"based on improvements."

Android 7.1.2 fixes many unpleasant features of the original Android 7.0 Nougat and Android 7.1.1:

Various problems with Bluetooth;

Interface slowdowns;

Difficulties with redirection;

Unstable signal reception;

Application crashes;

Vibration problems;

Black screen on incoming call;

Sound and notifications not working;

Screen lock freezes;

The appearance of an echo when speakerphone;

Wi-Fi stuck;

Delays in the operation of some functions;

Sound distortion.

Actually the list known issues With Android 7.0 And Android 7.1.1 much more than this and is often tied to specific devices Google. Many questions arise from users of new smartphones Pixel And Pixel XL. Often errors appear on Nexus 5X And Nexus 6P. In some places they have a similar character, in others they are very different.

Major changes in Android 7.1.2:

1. Increased overall performance and stability.

2. The response of the fingerprint sensor has been accelerated.

3. Fixes and improvements in audio performance (intermittent sound at high volumes).

4. Now the Bluetooth connection is always stable.

5. Corrections in the operation of battery status notifications.

6. Elimination of pink spots in cameras on some devices.

7. New Pixel Launcher in Pixel C and some features from flagship smartphones.

8. Many improvements in the interface of tablets based on Android 7.1.2.

How to download Android 7.1.2 and install?

The release date for Android 7.1.2 is April 3, 2017. The update can be obtained through “Settings -> About phone (tablet) -> Check for updates.” Release dates depend on the device manufacturer.

First release Android Oreo For Samsung smartphones Galaxy has finally hit the market, and today we want to tell you everything we know, and think we know, about the plans Samsung on , Galaxy S6 and other Galaxy phones and tablets.

Despite the release of the update for the first Galaxy phones, Samsung is still not talking about its plans for the series of smartphones and tablets. However, we can fill in a few blanks about Galaxy smartphones and tablets.

In this review, you will get acquainted with important things regarding the update from Samsung and the release of Oreo on popular mid-range smartphones and tablets.

We'll update this article as we continue to hear new information about Samsung's Android Oreo plans, so bookmark this page and check back often for updates.

UpdateOreo onSamsungGalaxyOreo: What's new?

Let's start with some things you should know about Android 8.0 Oreo and Samsung's new Experience 9.0 interface.

Samsung's version of Android Oreo is not identical Google versions, running on Pixel and Nexus devices, but the two systems have a lot in common.

Google's Android 8.0 Oreo operating system is packed to the brim with new features, settings and all sorts of improvements. The system comes with over 60 new and redesigned emoji, updated notifications, improved loading speeds, deep colors, auto-fill, and several new security features.

Another notable change: Galaxy and Android Oreo users will no longer be able to store fingerprint, iris, or face data unless they have screen lock protection such as a pattern, PIN, or password.

On our website you will find comparative android guide Oreo and Android Nougat. This is a useful article for those who want to study the changes before Samsung releases these updates.

As for Samsung's Android Oreo version, here's what we know so far.

The new Samsung Experience 9.0 user interface is full of new features, improvements and tweaks. Here are some of these features:

Updated home screen and quick settings panel;

Samsung keyboard update;

New Edge features;

Custom color folders;

Improved photo gallery privacy;

Clock improvement;

New emoji;

New and improved keyboardSamsung.

Fast and smart "Search".

New keyboards for fast typing;

New smiles, emojis,GIFs and stickers;

Color filters;

Galaxy S7 Active

Galaxy A8 (2016)

Galaxy A8 (2018)

Galaxy A8+ (2018)

Galaxy A7 (2017)

Galaxy A5 (2017)

Galaxy A3 (2017)

Galaxy J7 (2017)

Galaxy J5 (2017)

These devices appear in an unofficial list of Android 8.0 updates for Galaxy on Chinese Weibo, supported by an unofficial list of updates from the XDA-Developer forum, and some of them have appeared in the list of vendor software updates mobile communications USA.

T-Mobile has confirmed several other Android 8.0 Oreo updates ahead of Samsung's announcements.

The American service provider pointed out Galaxy update Note 8, Galaxy J7 Prime, Galaxy Tab E 8, Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge up to Android 8.0.

It also promises an Android Oreo update for the Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 Edge and Galaxy Note 5. The information seems to confirm that these devices are being updated. The remaining smartphones and update status are in the “Manufacturer Development” phase.

Several reports claim that Samsung is focusing on developing the Android 8.0 Oreo update for the Galaxy S7, Galaxy S7 Edge, Galaxy A5, Galaxy A3 and Galaxay Tab S3.

Actually, Oreo update for the Galaxy S7 was recently leaked online from Vietnam.

The US is also testing the Oreo update on the Galaxy S8 Active. Galaxy S8 Active - rugged Samsung version Galaxy S8. Unlike its predecessors, the smartphone model is less exclusive.

The following devicesGalaxy may not receiveAndroid 8.0Oreo

If you have a device that is two years old or a device that has already received two major Android updates, the chances of getting Android Oreo are extremely slim.

This means that popular devices like the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy Note 5 are beyond the update age, regardless.

Along with the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy Note 5, here are a few other devices that may be limited to Android Nougat:

Galaxy S6 Active

Galaxy A7 (2016)

Galaxy A5 (2016)

Galaxy A3 (2016)

Galaxy J3 (2016)

Galaxy J2 (2016)

This is not an official list, and we might see some models dropped and added to the list before all is said and done.

Unofficial device listGalaxy updated toAndroidOreo.

Recently, a Samsung customer service representative claimed that the Android Oreo update for the Galaxy S6 would arrive in January or February, but we wouldn't expect anything like that.

If these devices remain on Android Nougat, this does not mean that support for the software will end. Samsung and manufacturing partners support devices with security updates and various bug fixes well beyond the two-year support period.

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and Galaxy Note Edge, the two smartphones that remain on Marshmallow, however, recently received an update with the latest security patches from the company.

UpdateSamsung in February

And while your mind is stuck on Android 7.1.1 Nougat and Android 8.0, your next update will probably be neither.

Samsung continues to release monthly security updates that provide fixes (from Google and Samsung) for potential problem areas and, in some cases, bug fixes for Nougat.

The company recently released its latest January security update and provided fixes for several critical security flaws. The update applies to Galaxy S8, Galaxy Note 8, Galaxy S7, Galaxy S6 and others.

Google recently rolled out the February security patches, and we expect Samsung to release its own version of the February update soon. Android Oreo for the Galaxy S8 arrives with the February update.

The company is reportedly working on a February update for the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 without Android 8.0, so there's a chance the Note 8 will receive these fixes before it gets Oreo.