Setting up the speakerphone in the car radio. How to make a speakerphone in the car. Completing a LAN connection

A few years ago, a terrible maniac was operating in London. He specialized in puncturing with particular cynicism the wheels in cars in parking lots. At the same time, the maniac left a note with the following content under the janitor: “You were seen at 11:30 a.m. talking on mobile phone while driving." More than 60 wheels were damaged at the hands of this bloodthirsty psycho. What is the reason for such hatred of drivers talking on the phone, one can only guess, but the fact that those gentlemen who were forced to fork out for a new set of tires will never again drive and talk at the same time in their lives somehow sounds convincing.

In the photo - the principle of the speakerphone through the radio

Or talk or manage

We do not follow the behavior of drivers so zealously, although sometimes they can scold. It is not known what such loyalty is connected with, but some minibus drivers would do well to explain more intelligibly that drinking coffee, talking on the phone and giving change, while changing lanes to the left, is not entirely prudent. In the same England, researchers found that during a conversation, the driver's reaction speed, the ability to assess the changed situation, make a decision and perform a maneuver, is halved. With simple calculations, it can be established that at a speed of 60 km / h, the reaction delay time is transformed into 9 meters of travel. What or who may be in front of the car at this moment depends only on providence.

The Austrians went even further. The VCO Studio Car Club conducted research and found that a driver talking on the phone reacts to traffic conditions much worse than a driver who drank 150 g of vodka or cognac. This is if we talk about the conversation only. But there is also SMS, data recognition and incoming call numbers, dialing, switching. And what can happen in a critical situation if the driver is simultaneously having an emotional conversation, changing lanes in a busy traffic or passing through a difficult intersection, driving at high speed ... This is the reason to buy a speakerphone or a hands-free device for use while driving.

Headset - cheap and quiet

The simplest method to free the driver's hands is the most inexpensive wired hands-free mono headset. You can either buy it separately or use the standard one, which most likely comes with the phone. Convenient, simple and cheap option. For two hundred rubles you can find a headset for almost any phone, free your hands, get additional functions from the phone. The main disadvantage of such systems is wires. More precisely, a wire, because a mono headset is the only acceptable option while driving. The earpiece can fall out, the wire can interfere with control, cling to handles and levers, in a word, there are more problems than solutions.

A wireless headset looks much better. Bluetooth technology has already penetrated into every phone, and today there is hardly even the simplest model on the market that does not support the Bluetooth protocol. The pros of a wireless headset far outweigh the cons. But they are. There are inconsistencies in the protocol standards of different companies, and since it is fashionable to change phones, the headset has to be changed too. But the functions of this connection method are practically in no way inferior to direct communication with the phone. Here, voice dialing, and pronunciation of the name of the caller by the device, reset, answer - everything can be configured so that the hands do not take part in managing the phone. The price of such headsets ranges from 1000 to 6000 rubles. There are models with several microphones, the most ergonomic, inconspicuous, stylish, bright, with logos of iPhones and other Nokias. The bad thing about such devices is that you can’t really listen to music in the car, and there are a lot of extraneous noises when talking, besides, such a wireless headset takes away some of the attention from the perception of sound information from the road. You can simply not hear the signals of other road users or disturbing knocks and creaks in your car.

Speakerphone in the car through the radio

Wireless headsets can not still be called exclusively a car accessory. They do not provide complete freedom from the phone and take away part of the sound information, not to mention the fact that listening to music is simply uncomfortable - you need to constantly turn down the volume, which distracts your attention even more. The situation is quite different with hands-free kits intended for use exclusively in a car. Speakerphone can be implemented as a fully integrated into the head radio, using the entire audio system of the car, or as a stand-alone loudspeaker. It all depends on how modern the head unit is and how much it supports the functions of new phones.

There can be two attitudes towards such devices: yes, hands are free, but if you need to make a confidential call from the passenger compartment so that passengers do not hear it, you still have to use your hands. That is, get the phone and turn off the speakerphone system. In addition, as a physical object, like an extra device in the car, the device can cause unhealthy interest among burglars. What it is in appearance is not entirely clear, but such devices look painfully attractive and expensive. Therefore, you have to either hide them in the glove compartment, or carry them with you, which somehow does not fit with the principle of reasonable mobility.

Although there are very worthy devices in this category. There are quite a lot of them and almost all of them are of the same type. An autonomous speakerphone is a bluetooth device that immediately catches the owner's phone and is ready to completely duplicate it. Technologically, the latest models are simply brilliant. Even the simplest, like the Jabra Drive, Jabra Freeway can surprise you with the quality of sound reproduction. Reviews say that the quality of both the received and transmitted signal is better and more juicy than in conventional BT headsets. The Jabras have two microphones with a noise reduction system, they support the voice control function, but, frankly, there is little sense from such control, since not all such devices support the Russian language.

Some models, such as Parrot Minikit HD Black, BlueAnt Supertooth Light, Plantronics K100, have an FM transmitter function. This thing allows you to link the speakerphone with the head radio via the FM protocol if the quality or volume of the signal from the built-in speakers is insufficient. The decision is rather controversial, however, not every radio has an AUX or USB input for playing music from external device, and according to the radio protocol, all this is solved in a jiffy. The quality of the audio signal will not be quite high-end, but the processing of speech received from the microphone and output to the speakers is beyond praise.

Video: Speakerphone in the car

In addition, such devices have a solid supply of energy, and you can recharge them even from a cigarette lighter, even through an adapter from a household network, even from a computer, tablet or laptop through a USB port. Many models have the ability to install a control button on the steering wheel, then you don’t even have to reach for them in order to adjust or change the settings. The price of these systems rarely exceeds 6 thousand rubles, they are easy to install, they are installed and configured in two minutes with their own hands and can be used for a phone outside the car if the owner is driving, for example, a multi-machine mechanic or his hands are busy at work for some reason. or other valid reasons.

It is still worth considering installing such speakerphone systems, especially for those who spend a lot of time driving and simply have to talk on the phone. By the way, they say that that London maniac moved out of the city in an unknown direction ...

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Bluetooth is a wireless technology that allows you to create wireless, secure local area networks, making it ideal for short-range connections between devices such as a phone and an infotainment system, or between a phone and the Bluetooth hands-free system found in cars.

The process of creating a network to connect your phone to the car is called "pairing" or "pairing


While it is theoretically possible to pair a single Bluetooth device with several other systems and gadgets, each connection is secure and unique to one particular pair of devices.

In order to successfully create a "pair" between cell phone and the car's infotainment system, both devices must be Bluetooth compatible.

Most in-car entertainment systems are equipped with Bluetooth wireless technology, which is compatible with most mobile phones on the market.

This allows the driver to create a wireless communication channel in the car, which provides a hands-free operation with which you can receive and send calls from a mobile phone without taking your hands off the steering wheel. Also, connecting the phone to the car allows the driver to receive and send SMS messages, listen to favorite music from the phone on the car’s audio system, and even access the Internet using mobile internet from the car screen.

1) Check your equipment for Bluetooth compatibility

In order to use your mobile phone in the car With a hands-free system, you need to:

Bluetooth-enabled cell phone Bluetooth infotainment or car audio system

PIN number for infotainment or audio system

In addition, connecting the phone in the car is useful have the following things:

Car phone mount

Charger 12 volt cell phone

2) Make sure Bluetooth is enabled on your phone

Most mobile phones and smartphones have a Bluetooth system. But, nevertheless, before connecting a mobile phone to a car, you must check the availability of wireless technology.

The exact process for pairing your phone with your car's audio system depends on the make and model of your phone and information. entertainment system car. Therefore, in this guide, we will use universal tips to help you connect your phone to the car, regardless of its type, brand and model. However, when pairing your phone with your car, make sure you use the correct Bluetooth setup features by referring to your car's manual.

And so, in order to connect your phone via Bluetooth to the car, you first need to make sure that the system is activated on your phone. To do this, you must find in the mobile phone settings the menu that is responsible for enabling / disabling wireless system Bluetooth data transfer.

If you don't know where to turn on Bluetooth on your phone, refer to the device's manual for details on how to turn on the wireless system.

When you find a function in the phone menu that activates or deactivates the Bluetooth system, you also need to make sure that the phone has the “discovery of the phone by other devices” option enabled. Depending on the make and model of your phone, you can also set the time your device is visible to other devices. For example, you can set your phone to be visible to other devices for only a few minutes.

On some phones, you can set your device to be visible at all times.

Also, in some models of mobile phones, the Bluetooth system automatically turns off after a few minutes of searching for other devices, if no external connection has been made during this time.

3) Make sure your car's infotainment system is ready to pair with your phone

Many cars have a button (TEL, Phone, Bluetooth and others), which, if pressed, will start the process of connecting the car with the phone. In some vehicles, the process of “pairing” the phone with the car can be started using a voice command. There are also many vehicles in which the process of connecting a mobile phone to the infotainment system is started by activating a special function in the menu on the screen.

In our example, we will look at the most difficult option, when you have to use the menu on the screen of the car infotainment system to connect the phone to the car.

We would like to note that if you did not find a Bluetooth button in the car or your car does not support voice commands, then you will have to find a section in the car manual that talks about connecting your phone to the infotainment system or setting up sound transmission from phone to audio system cars.

4) Finding your phone by the car's infotainment system

You should only proceed with this step if the "phone visible to other devices" option is enabled on your phone, the Bluetooth system is activated (if you want the infotainment system to detect your mobile phone) and the "search" function is working on the phone. devices" (if you want the phone to find the infotainment system).

However, regardless of which device you want to enable the search for connected equipment, both systems should be ready to search for a connection within 2 minutes.

In our example, we used the car's infotainment system to find the phone. To do this, we found the Bluetooth icon in the entertainment system menu and clicked on it to start searching for a cell phone via a wireless communication channel.

5) Finding the car's infotainment system on your phone

If you want to connect from your phone, you must activate Bluetooth and start the "search for devices" function. The phone will then start scanning the network for any visible devices bluetooth.

So do not be surprised if, after searching, you will see various wireless gadgets on the phone screen (laptop, someone else's computer or other people's phones).

Your task, after searching for devices, is to select your infotainment system or your hands-free system on the screen.

6) Select your vehicle's speakerphone from the list of detected Bluetooth devices

After the phone has detected the hands-free system of your car, on the device screen you will find in the list of detected equipment available for connection the "Hands Free" system or the like.

In our example, the phone detected the "Hands Free" system of the Toyota Camry. After that, in our example, you had to click on the inscription "Hands Free" to begin the process of connecting the phone and the car.

After you select the desired device to connect on the phone screen (or after the infotainment system detects your phone), you will need to enter a password (PIN code) on your phone to pair the devices.

As a rule, all vehicles equipped with a speakerphone or a system for listening to music from wireless devices come with a password generation system for pairing the vehicle with a phone.

If your car is equipped with an infotainment screen, after the devices find each other, the car screen should display a password that you must dial on your mobile phone to complete the pairing of the devices.

For example, many cars often use simple passwords, set at the factory: "1234", "1111", etc.

You can also set a password manually if you search for devices directly from your phone.

7) Successful connection

If you have entered the correct password to pair your phone and car, you will be able to successfully connect your phone to the car's speakerphone. If this does not happen, you need to repeat all the steps from the beginning. You may have entered the wrong password during pairing.

Please note that in some used vehicles, you may experience problems connecting your phone to the car due to incompatibility or hardware malfunction. Therefore, the connection process may need to be repeated several times.

8) Outgoing and incoming calls using the hands-free system in the car

After you have successfully connected your phone to the car using Bluetooth, you should check that everything is working properly. Depending on the specification of your vehicle, receiving and sending calls is handled differently.

In our example, we used a Toyota Camry which has steering wheel buttons with which you can control your cell phone while receiving calls.

Note that on many modern cars, the hands-free calling feature is located in the infotainment system menu or on the center console.

Some vehicles have only one button, which, in addition to activating all voice control functions, is also responsible for setting navigation points for a satellite navigation route, controlling the radio, and for incoming and outgoing calls.

In addition, there are cars on the market equipped with a voice control system, with which you can control many of the car's functions by saying certain voice commands. For example, some car models have a voice control function for the hands-free system.

In today's world, mobile communications are indispensable. The usefulness of their use is quite obvious. However, it also has negative qualities. We are not talking about harmful radiation yet, we will talk about the possibility of using it while traveling by car. Here mobile phones have shown themselves not from the best side.

One of the public address systems

Talking on a mobile while driving prevents the driver from assessing the traffic situation. His attention is reduced, and significantly in some cases - up to 30%, compared to a driver who is not distracted by phone calls. Such a percentage of attention reduction can be equated in a mild form. In addition, the driver talking on a mobile phone has to take one hand to hold the device near his ear, which makes driving a car more difficult, especially if it is equipped. That is, the driver has only one hand left to switch gears, turn on the light (turn signals, etc.). All this affects security.

It is not for nothing that it is legally prohibited to talk on the phone while driving, and this threatens with a serious fine. Read more about this.

Possibility to use the phone in the car

But active life makes its own adjustments to this issue. Many people often have to communicate on a mobile phone for a long time, and every time to stop to answer a call is a waste of time, and it is not always possible to stop.

However, the legislation does not specify anything about the possibility of using hands-free devices. They allow you to make and answer calls without having to hold your mobile phone to your ear. This in some way increases the safety of conversations, and the driver's hands remain free. That is, no one forbids talking on the phone while moving, but this must be done using special means of communication.

Now many produced cars for sale already come with a built-in speakerphone system. But for the most part, such a system is present only in cars equipped with a full-fledged multimedia system, which is not the case in all trim levels. Often, in basic models, only audio preparation is carried out - that is, the speakers are installed on the car and the wiring for connecting the radio is removed.

There are enough cars that were purchased earlier - when manufacturers did not even think about such equipment.

However this problem solvable and relatively easy. Now offers portable hands-free devices that can be used on any car.

Communication means that are allowed to use in the car

One of the very first devices, which at first was considered as an accessory to a mobile phone, but later also a means of communication when traveling by car, is the Hands-Free system. A small handy little thing that clings to your ear and allows you to carry on conversations without using your hands. The system includes a microphone, an earpiece, a battery and a Bluetooth module. It is through him that the conversation is transferred from the phone to the microphone, while the phone itself can be in your pocket or in the glove box of the car.

In general, a rather convenient thing that provides a number of advantages:

  • Confidentiality of the conversation, since it is transmitted only to the earpiece;
  • The ability to use the phone not only in the car;
  • Long duration of work;

Video: Handsfree Speakerphone in the car from Aliexpress from China

But Hands-Free also has disadvantages. To receive a call, you should press the corresponding key on the headset, and since it is held on the ear, you have to do it blindly. Also, many do not like the fact that something is held on the ear and this causes discomfort.

Handsfree types

But this device gave impetus to the creation of headsets designed specifically for cars. They also use Bluetooth data transfer technology, but it is organized somewhat differently.

Handsfree headset on steering wheel

The system has the same microphone and Bluetooth module, but a speaker is used instead of an earpiece. At the same time, the headset itself is fixed on the front panel of the car, which provides good access to it, and it is much easier to control the device. Since the conversation is transmitted to the speaker, then this connection called loud.

Two types of such devices are produced - removable and plug-in.

Removable devices are completely autonomous. In fact, this is just an enlarged version of Hands-Free, but with increased functions. Such a device is a device that can be used in a car, at the workplace, anywhere. Accumulator battery can usually be charged from the 220 network and the car's on-board network.

Of the additional functions, we can note the possibility of using it as a music transmitter for a standard audio system. That is, the accessory will transfer music from the phone to the head unit.

Of the positive qualities of this type of speakerphone can be noted:

  1. Versatility of use;
  2. Ease of management;
  3. Duration of work.

And from the negative qualities, the sound from the speaker is not very good in quality.

The second type is connected. These hands-free devices are connected to the standard audio system. At the same time, the microphone of such an accessory is often brought out separately and clings to a convenient place. In this case, the conversation is transmitted to the speakers of the audio system. The quality of the conversation with such a tool is much better, and its negative properties include a more complex connection.

Video: Handsfree Parrot MINIKIT Neo 2 HD

Characteristics to consider when choosing

Since the handsfree for cars is made a large number of, then when choosing, you need to consider several important characteristics:

  • Noise suppression quality. This characteristic is very important when choosing. The higher this indicator, the more clearly the interlocutor will hear you, since the device will suppress the noise of wheels, etc. Cheap devices may not suppress noise at all.
  • The presence of a screen. It greatly facilitates the use of the device, especially if it is equipped with additional functions. Although if the accessory will be used only as an intercom, then the presence of a screen is not necessary.
  • Full synchronization with the phone book. This parameter is important for devices with a display. If there is full synchronization, then when you call, the display will show not only the number, but also its signature of the contact, corresponding to the signature in the phone.
  • Voice control. Its presence will ensure greater safety when driving, since the driver can control the device with his voice, without the need to use the control keys.
  • The presence of a control panel. Some communication devices are equipped with a small remote control that is mounted on the steering wheel. With it, you can receive a call, control the sound, etc.
  • The presence of a slot for memory cards. If the device will still be used as a player, this feature will come in handy.
  • Automatic connection to the phone. Provides more usability. The driver does not need to manually connect the phone to the device each time.

All this should be taken into account when choosing a speakerphone for a car.

Installing the speakerphone on the car

As for installing a speakerphone on a car, the complexity depends on the type of device. If a removable device is purchased, then installation problems should not arise at all. It is enough to fix it on the dashboard, and then synchronize with your phone. This completes the installation. But if it is possible to connect a device of this type to the radio, then an additional connecting cord will be required.

If a plug-in device is purchased, then mounting it on a car is more complicated. After all, you need to connect it to the on-board network for powering and to the audio system. Additionally, you will need to hold the microphone and fix it. It can be very difficult to do all this on your own, so you may need to contact a specialist.

It doesn’t matter what type of speakerphone you choose, the main thing is that this device performs its functions, excluding a decrease in safety when moving by car.

Sitting behind the wheel of a car, the driver must look very carefully at the road and not be distracted by foreign objects. This will allow him to get to the appointed place quickly and without incident. But, as practice shows, even while driving, it is sometimes necessary to talk on the phone. And to do this without taking your hands off the steering wheel is quite difficult and is possible only with additional devices.

Today, more and more people are installing a speakerphone in the car. This is a fairly convenient and inexpensive option that can maximize the safety of the driver and others. It allows you to synchronize the phone and the multimedia system of the car. As a result, all conversations are conducted using the speakers of the transport via the speakerphone.

Speakerphone in the car through the radio: features

In order to install this function in the machine, you need additional devices. Their main purpose is to provide the driver with free hands during a conversation. This device is a small receiver that connects to the phone via Bluetooth, as shown in the photo. It is easy to buy it, in many stores that sell audio or household appliances, he will be found.

There are other ways to provide this type of communication in a car. One of them is to connect the phone to the radio and mount the microphone. Also, for this purpose, a mini-speaker is often used, which is shown in the photo. It is a small device equipped with a special clothespin, which serves for fastening. You can place it not only on the clothes of the driver, but also on the steering wheel itself. Thus, his hands will have complete freedom even when making calls.

It is rather difficult to say which device is better. Since each has its own advantages and disadvantages. But they are all united by such indicators as practicality and convenience. Therefore, each driver must choose the option that will be most suitable for him.

Speakerphone in the car through the radio: types

The speakerphone in the car may be different, as it can be connected different ways. The first one is called inline. Modern car manufacturers have provided for the presence of this function. But it is worth noting that only in premium models. It allows you to manage calls without taking your hands off the wheel. And some cars are equipped with radios with a large display, which is shown in the photo. They can also be used to read SMS messages.

Also, the speakerphone can be installed independently by the driver, even if it is not provided by the manufacturer. For this, a mini-receiver is used, which is shown in the photo. They are located in the car in the most convenient place. Thus, the driver can keep his hands on the steering wheel while driving in any situation.

The presence of a speakerphone function in the car will significantly affect its cost. Therefore, as experience calls, there is no need to be guided by its presence when choosing a car. Even if you are actively using mobile device. If you establish this type of connection with your own hands, you will significantly save your finances.

Hands-free headset via radio

In order to provide this type of communication in the car, you can use a different headset. But there are the most convenient and common options for it. These include:

  • Bluetooth headset. This option is convenient and simple. It can be used both in the car and outside. Its main feature is that the phone is at a sufficient distance, which will ensure high-quality signal transmission. To receive a call and adjust the volume, the device has a special button, which is shown in the photo;
  • Speakerphone. This device is very similar to a traditional telephone, as shown in the photo. The main difference is that it is only capable of transmitting audio signals. It can work both from charging and autonomously;

  • Devices with Bluetooth function. Basically they are used only in cars. Therefore, it is worth choosing in advance the most convenient place for him and attaching;
  • Sets of installations. Such sets consist of different components, which are shown in the photo. Together they provide sound transmission. In addition to the main function, they can, for example, read flash drives, which allows you to listen to musical compositions directly through this unit, without using a radio. Therefore, it costs significantly more than other hands-free devices in the car;
  • Direct connection of the radio Pioneer to the phone. But such a function must be supported by it, which cannot be said about standard devices.

Do-it-yourself speakerphone in Peugeot partner via radio

To ensure a speakerphone in Peugeot partner, you can contact the experts. But, as practice shows, this procedure is quite simple. It does not require special technical knowledge and skills. Therefore, even an amateur will be able to cope with it and perform all the activities with their own hands.

The first thing you should pay attention to is whether the Pioneer radio supports the Bluetooth function, and whether there is a microphone in the kit, which is shown in the photo. They are important and are essential for the implementation of the plan. After you are convinced of their presence, you can proceed to setting up the speakerphone.

You need to start by installing the radio. Then a plug is attached to the microphone jack. And he himself is installed on the visor, which protects from the sun. But this is done so that the microphone is located as close as possible to the driver. Next, the Bluetooth function must be active on both devices. Then on the phone you need to find a connection with the radio and connect. This completes the whole procedure.

Also, the speakerphone can be connected to the car through the aux radio. It is shown in the photo. But this requires a special cord. It will make this function work.

Today, the speakerphone in a Peugeot partner is not a luxury, but a first necessity, as it provides the driver and others with safety while the car is in motion. This will avoid fines for traffic violations.