How to get old YouTube back. Returning the old YouTube design How to return to the old YouTube design

When the new one was introduced youtube design, the old design could be returned to the site menu in just a couple of clicks. Some time after testing, this feature was removed and the old design returned. in a simple way became impossible. Not everyone likes the new design, and there are reasons for this. The tablet interface on the computer is not very convenient, besides the new design is too monotonous. The question arises: how to return the old design of YouTube, when officially there is no such possibility.

On the Internet, you can find a way to return the old design using the creative studio, but this method is inconvenient and does not always work. There is an easier way, which you can read about below. It works in all popular browsers and does not require any programs or extensions to be installed. All you need is a browser and the correct execution of these instructions. For each browser, 2 methods are described. One is simple, the other is more complex. Both of these methods do exactly the same thing. Which one to use is up to you.

The easy way


2. Activate the browser console by pressing the keyboard shortcut ctrl+shift+j. It is not necessary to try to press them at the same time. You can press sequentially without releasing the previous ones.

3. Copy given code:

document.cookie = document.cookie.split(" ").filter(o=>



The hard way– changing cookies manually.


2. ctrl+shift+i. Or use the browser menu in the upper right corner - "Additional Tools" - "Developer Tools".

3. Select tab Application On the "Application" tab on the left side, find "Cookies"
In column Name find the line PREF:

4. Now in a column "Value" PREF


How to return the old YouTube design in Yandex browser

The easy way– automatic cookie change.

1. Go to YouTube. The account plays no role. You may be logged in to YouTube, you can log in to your account later. You may not enter it at all.

2. Activate the Yandex browser console using the Ctrl + Shift + J keyboard shortcuts. It is not necessary to try to press them at the same time. You can press sequentially without releasing the previous ones.

3. Copy this code:

document.cookie = document.cookie.split(" ").filter(o=>o.indexOf("PREF=")!==-1).replace(";","")+"&f5=30030&f6= 8;;path=/";

document. cookie = document. cookie. split(""). filter (o =& gt ; o .indexOf ("PREF=" ) !== - 1 ) [ 0 ] . replace(";" , "" ) + "&f5=30030&f6=8;;path=/";

4. Paste it into the console as shown in the image below. Then press Enter.

5. Refresh the YouTube page in your browser. If everything is done correctly, the old design will be activated.

This command does what you could previously do with a toggle in the site menu. She edits one single parameter in the YouTube cookie, after which the old design is enabled. The old design will work until you clear your browser history. If you cleared the history, this procedure will have to be repeated.

The hard way– changing cookies manually.

1. Go to YouTube. As in the first method, the account does not play any role.


3. Select tab Application as shown in the image.
On the tab Application on the left side find "Cookies", then click on the arrow to the left of the caption. In the list that opens, select, a table with values ​​should appear on the right.
In column Name find the line PREF:

4. Now in the "Value" column, edit the values ​​opposite "PREF". Click 2 times right click mouse over the text and replace whatever is there with the following:


5. Refresh the page. Close the developer tools by clicking on the cross or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+I.

The easy way– automatic cookie change.

1. Go to YouTube. The account plays no role. You may be logged in to YouTube, you can log in to your account later. You may not enter it at all.

2. Activate the browser console by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + J. It is not necessary to try to press them at the same time. You can press sequentially without releasing the previous ones.

3. Copy this code:

document.cookie = document.cookie.split(" ").filter(o=>o.indexOf("PREF=")!==-1).replace(";","")+"&f5=30030&f6= 8;;path=/";

document. cookie = document. cookie. split(""). filter (o =& gt ; o .indexOf ("PREF=" ) !== - 1 ) [ 0 ] . replace(";" , "" ) + "&f5=30030&f6=8;;path=/";

4. Paste it into the console as shown in the image below. Then press Enter.

5. Refresh the YouTube page in your browser. If everything is done correctly, the old design will be activated.

This command does what you could previously do with a toggle in the site menu. She edits one single parameter in the YouTube cookie, after which the old design is enabled. The old design will work until you clear your browser history. If you cleared the history, this procedure will have to be repeated.

The hard way– changing cookies manually.

1. Go to YouTube. As in the first method, the account does not play any role.

2. Enter developer mode by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I. Or use the browser menu in the upper right corner - "Additional Tools" - "Developer Tools".

3. Select tab Application as shown in the image.
On the tab Application on the left side find "Cookies", then click on the arrow to the left of the caption. In the list that opens, select, a table with values ​​should appear on the right.
In column Name find the line PREF.

4. Now in a column "Value" edit the values ​​opposite PREF. Right-click twice on the text and replace whatever is there with the following:


5. Refresh the page. Close the developer tools by clicking on the cross or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+i.

This method does the same as the simpler previous one. The only difference is that in this case everything was done manually. The old design will work until the browser history is cleared.

The easy way– automatic cookie change.

1. Go to YouTube. The account plays no role. You may be logged in to YouTube, you can log in to your account later. You may not enter it at all.

2. Activate the Firefox Console by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + i and select Console. It is not necessary to try to press them at the same time. You can press sequentially without releasing the previous ones.

3. Copy this code:

[ 0 ] . replace(";" , "" ) + "&f5=30030&f6=8;;path=/";

4. Paste it into the console as shown in the image below. Then press Enter.

If you see a warning like this:

Fraud Warning: Be careful when posting things you don't understand. This can be used by attackers to steal your identity or take control of your computer. Please type "allow paste" below (no need to press Enter) to allow paste.

then enter allow insert, then press Enter, paste the copied code and press Enter again.

5. Refresh the YouTube page in your browser. If everything is done correctly, the old design will be activated.

This command does what you could previously do with a toggle in the site menu. She edits one single parameter in the YouTube cookie, after which the old design is enabled. The old design will work until you clear your browser history. If you cleared the history, this procedure will have to be repeated.

The hard way– changing cookies manually.

1. Go to YouTube. As in the first method, the account does not play any role.

2. Enter developer mode by pressing a keyboard shortcut Shift+F9. Should open "Vault". Or use the browser menu in the upper right corner - "Web Development" - "Storage Inspector". Select the Storage tab as shown in the image.

3. On the tab "Vault" on the left side find "Cookies", then click on the arrow to the left of the caption. In the list that opens, select, a table with values ​​should appear on the right.

4. In column "Name" find the line PREF.
Now in a column "Meaning" edit the values ​​opposite PREF. Right-click twice on the text and replace whatever is there with the following:

f1=50000000&al=ru&f6=8&f5=30030 &f6=8&f5=30030

& f6=8& f5=30030

Refresh the page. Close the developer tools by clicking on the cross or using the keyboard shortcut Shift+F9.
This method does the same as the simpler previous one. The only difference is that in this case everything was done manually. The old design will work until the browser history is cleared.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

The design of YouTube has changed repeatedly - and each time the innovations were received with hostility. The critics you meet on the web always lack settings and parameters, optimization and consistency of interfaces, “old buttons” and “already familiar elements”. As a result, dissatisfied people are always trying to figure out how to switch to the old YouTube design. And, then, it's time to find the answer to the emerging question!

Difference between old and new design, pros and cons

The innovations that appeared after the update on YouTube can hardly be called significant, rather minor: the developers introduced a “night mode”, changed the location of some buttons and sections, and also added support for vertical videos and content broadcast in 21 to 9 format. And, although there are hardly any changes typed into 5 separate points, not all community members accepted new design ideas with joy. Some bloggers and critics still suffer from phantom flaws and dream of getting everything back. Fortunately, such a function is provided.

Is it possible to switch to the old design without programs

Previously, YouTube offered to return the previous design option with his own hand - through a drop-down menu called by a button located in the upper right corner of the interface.

Just a second and implemented by developers new design left far behind.

Unfortunately, the function described above is not available in all browsers and not always (in 2019, the developers finally abandoned such a concept), and therefore, you will have to use a slightly more complicated method based on using the console. Among the shortcomings - after updating the cookie or loading a new cache, the changes will be rolled back. On the plus side, you don't have to download anything extra. The procedure is as follows:

Extensions and programs to change the design

If the button to return to the classic design has disappeared for a long time, and there is no time to deal with the developer console, and every time after reloading the cookie or while clearing the history, you are already tired of repeating the procedure, no one bothers to turn to plugins and extensions available in digital browser stores for help Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and even Microsoft Edge.

To call the menu with extensions, you should open the drop-down menu in the browser from the upper right corner (the procedure may differ depending on the browser at hand), and then you need to open additional tools and select the section you are looking for.

So, it remains to click on the "Install" button.

A shortcut to the downloaded extension will appear in the Quick Access Toolbar. To activate the old design, you will have to click on the shortcut and wait until the inscription "OLD" appears. To cancel changes, click again. The old YouTube design through the extension works flawlessly.

Recently, almost all changes in social networks, popular in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, affect the interface. Vkontakte has been the largest in recent times - a radical shift in the main menu and a different mechanism of work required users to get used to social network which they have been using for many years. Video hosting has not undergone such large-scale changes, however, it’s worth saying a few words about how to return the old design of YouTube 2018.

What to do if you do not like the updated YouTube?

What if old view video hosting was the most convenient and suitable for your needs? In general, I advise you to try to get used to it - after all, in order to get used to that design, you needed time. Nevertheless, many users complain not so much about the inconvenience, but about the "heavy weight" of the new engine and the brakes that appear when working with it through weak computers. This is when talking about possible reasons hate for renewal. But what about the solution? How to make old YouTube version alive again? If you attributed everything written above to a mobile device, you are lucky - you just need to roll back the application to the old version, and the problem is solved. The site can also be improved. We'll talk about this.

Read also about the importance of YouTube updates and cases in which it is better not to update and stay on the old version in the article ““.

How to roll back the YouTube app to an older version?

Let's start simple. Not that the next point will be difficult, but they say so. Let's try to roll back the application to the old version on Android.

Ways to return the old design and interface of YouTube

Now let's talk about how to make the old interface on YouTube when working with a browser through a computer. The only more or less working and safe solution is to download the extension. Let's discuss different types of browsers.

  1. Google Chrome, Yandex.browser and similar

  1. Mozilla Firefox, Opera and others

Old creative studio design

Now a few words about the creative studio, perhaps the most important component of video hosting. Everything is much simpler here. Most often, extensions to this area do not work. But the administration of YouTube gave an alternative - by pressing just one button you can get the usual design.


How to bring back the old YouTube 2018 design? If this desire is not caused by weak hardware and constant lags because of this, I advise you to just get used to it. Otherwise, extensions and scripts are the only way out of this situation. In any case, you have the answer to this question, you know what to do.

Google introduced a completely new interface for YouTube, a changed logo, and also added a night mode. How to bring back the old design on Youtube?

Finally, Google has implemented a new design for users around the world. You can get used to all the changes over time, but if you use the video service very often, you may feel uncomfortable with the new interface. One objection is that the design is more suitable for mobile devices type tablets than for computers with big monitor.

Fortunately, you can return the previous youtube view, which will certainly please users who are used to the old design. Switching is quite simple, just a few clicks, everything is as before. So, how to get back the old Youtube design?

Method 1: Return to the old version through the user menu item

The new design offers a changed layout of elements while watching a video, as well as a fairly large font and free placement of individual interface fragments. But if it doesn't suit you, you can turn it off. To return the old design, you need to go to the site and log in using your account Google.

Then you should click on the icon with your photo in the upper right corner to extract the menu. Here you will find the item "Return to classic design". Click on this item.

A window will appear asking why you decided to return to old version. This is a short survey that will allow Google to collect some information and perhaps improve the new interface to be more appropriate for the majority of users. Select one of the available reasons by highlighting it in the list.

After selecting an answer, a window will appear where you can (optionally) provide details about what you do not like about the new design. This is optional, so if you don't want to enter anything, leave the field blank.

After clicking on the "Submit" button, the page will be updated and the old youtube interface will be restored. That's all - in this way, you can return the previous version of YouTube. If you want to change back to latest version, then for this go to the section with a new design, and then click on the try it button. The page will refresh and you will see the new look on YouTube again.

Method 2: Restore the old YouTube interface with the Tampermonkey / Greasemonkey extension

Unfortunately, Google decided to remove the item from the user menu, and it is not known if this is a temporary measure, or if the interface change feature has been permanently removed.

In this regard, alternative methods have appeared that allow you to force the return of the old appearance YouTube. This can be done using the Tampermonkey extension in Chrome browsers and Opera or Greasemonkey in Firefox.

Download Tampermonkey for Chrome

Download Tampermonkey for Opera

Download Greasemonkey for Firefox

Tampermonkey and Greasemonkey are browser add-ons that allow you to use special scripts that can, for example, hide certain features or change the look of the site.

After Google removed the restore button in the user menu, a script was developed that allows you to restore the old look of YouTube.

All you need to do is install Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey, as well as a special script for YouTube - and it will take less than a minute.

Installing the browser plugin is very simple - click on one of the links above that point to the extension for your browser and use the "Install" button. The package will be automatically installed from the official addons repository.

If the extension is already installed, then go to the following link, where you will find the script for YouTube.

Download YouTube Old Design

Click the "Install" button. The script will be installed in the extension and will work automatically.

Hello! Google Corporation has decided to introduce a new design of the most popular video hosting called "Youtube" everywhere. However, earlier, if the user was not satisfied with the new interface, it was free to switch back to the old one, but unfortunately, this feature has long been removed.

But, to our happiness, enthusiasts have already developed more than one plugin or script that allows us to switch back to the old site design.

It is worth noting that the new video hosting interface is quite convenient for compact portable devices, such as phones, tablet computers, and so on. But if you are the owner of a computer with a large monitor, then such a minimalist design is unlikely to suit you.

Among other things, if your computer, to put it mildly, is not new, then for sure the videos will constantly slow down, and the site itself will lag in every possible way. That's what the old design is for. So, today we will look at three such extensions that are suitable for different versions of browsers. Let's get started.

Browsers based on the Chromium core

Under the general comb, we assigned three browsers at once, namely Yandex.Browser, Google Chrome and Opera, since all of them were originally developed on the Chromium core. This is why the design rollback process is the same depending on which of the three browsers you use. In this particular case, we will consider the Google Chrome browser. So let's get started.

1) To return to the old design, we will use an extension from the Google extension store called "YouTube Revert". You can enter its name in the plugin search, or you can click on the link below and go to the page with its download.

2) After going to the menu with the plugin, you must click on the "Install" button.

3) Now we confirm our intentions and wait for the end of the installation process.

4) After that, it will appear in the upper right corner of the screen, like all other extensions. You can click on its shortcut in case you want to pause it or completely erase it from your computer.

You just need to go to the video hosting and press the F5 key on the keyboard. After that, the design will change to the old one, and you can use it with pleasure.

Mozilla Firefox

This browser is not like all the others, as it was created on the original engine, made from absolute zero. That is why extensions from the Google Chrome store cannot be installed here. But on the other hand, for fans of the Fire Foxes, a separate extension was created that allows you to roll back the design of the YouTube video hosting. To install it, do the following:

1) Go to the official browser extension store and type "Greasemonkey" in the search bar, or use the link below. After going to the page with the extension, you must click on the "Add to Firefox" button.

2) Next, you can read the terms of the license agreement and proceed to install the extension.

3) So, after that we get to the page with the installation of this extension. In order to roll back the YouTube interface to its old design, press the "Click Here To Install" talking key.

4) It remains only to confirm the installation of the extension.

So, now, to activate the extension, we restart the browser and after that we enjoy the old design of everyone's favorite video hosting.

Rollback of the creative studio interface

By the way, with the help of specialized extensions, you can roll back the interface of not all video hosting elements. Now Google is trying to improve its video hosting in every possible way, so today they are working on changing the interface of the creative studio, adding new tools to it and changing the design. You may have been redirected to a beta sample of the creative studio's new interface, so the design can be rolled back using the streaming platform's tools as well.

1) Click on the profile icon while on the YouTube page and go to the Creative Studio section.