Why are there big icons on the monitor. How to make big icons

Majority Windows users quite satisfied with the size of the desktop icons, but there are those who find them too small. The reason for this may be vision problems or simply aesthetic preferences. Be that as it may, such people have no choice but to increase the icon on the desktop, but not everyone is able to do this procedure on their own.

In fact, adjusting the size of the icons is not so difficult. Moreover, there are several ways to increase the icons on the desktop. Windows desktop, and each of them will be discussed in detail in this article.

Resizing Icons with the Mouse

The first and perhaps the easiest way. It consists in selecting the icon, and then, while holding the Ctrl button, rotate the mouse wheel. However, scrolling down will allow you to reduce, and scrolling up to increase icons on the desktop (XP and later Windows versions).

The disadvantage of this method is that on a laptop, due to the lack of a mouse, it is quite problematic to do it. Of course, you can use the touchpad for these purposes, but this is very inconvenient. Well, or as an option, you can ask your friends for a USB mouse before you increase the icon on the desktop, and then return it.

Increasing icons through the context menu

You can change the icon size using the context menu. For this:

  1. Before you increase the icon on the desktop, close all extraneous programs and files.
  2. Right-click (right-click on the touchpad on a laptop) on the desktop and select the "View" line.
  3. Now in the menu that opens, you can choose the size of the icons (small, normal or large).

In principle, this method is universal. It works on any version of Windows and is equally easy to do on a desktop or laptop.

Adjusting the size of icons through the "Personalization" menu

If the previous two methods did not suit you for some reason, you can adjust the size of the icons through the "Personalization" menu. To do this:

  1. Click the right mouse button (right button on the touchpad on a laptop) on an empty space on the desktop.
  2. Go to the "Personalization" menu.
  3. Open the "Window Color" section and click "Advanced Options".
  4. Now click More Options and select Icon from the pop-up menu.
  5. After that, you can edit the size of the icons in the "Size" line.

Please note that this method does not work on Windows 8 and later. It is for this reason that it is not very common and many users do not know about it.

Customizing icons in Windows 8 and 8.1

Windows 8 and 8.1 also have the ability to customize the size of icons through the Personalize menu. For this you need:

  1. Enter the "Personalization" menu and go to the "Screen" section.
  2. Select "Icon" from the pop-up menu.
  3. Now, by moving the slider, you can change the size of desktop icons.

After you select the required size, you just have to click OK and apply the changes. They will take effect immediately, and you do not need to restart your computer.

Third Party Programs

There are many third-party programs that allow you to customize the appearance of your Windows desktop. You can easily find and download such applications on the Internet, as well as learn how to use them by following the instructions on the manufacturer's website. In the same place you can read how to increase the icon on the desktop.

Just keep in mind that by downloading unverified applications, you run the risk of catching computer virus. Therefore, to adjust the size of desktop icons, it is still better to use the built-in Windows tools. As a last resort, install programs only from sources that you are sure of, and do not forget to check them with an antivirus beforehand.

Icons, or shortcuts, are used to visually design the launch of a computer document - a folder, file or program. They can always be found on the desktop of your computer, as well as opening one or another user folder, including and installing software. If you have poor eyesight, it makes sense to learn how to make big icons.

You will need

  • View menu.


  • To enlarge the shortcuts on the computer desktop, click on an empty spot on the desktop right click mice. A new service list box will appear. Select the "View" command. An additional list will appear on the side, which contains functions for changing the appearance of icons - their size, position on the page and display. Decide on the desired shape of the icons. They can be large, in case they used to be the usual size. If the labels were small - classic, then you can set the usual size, which is a little more than the classic one. Click on the selected value to change the size. After that, the icons on the desktop will increase.
  • If you need to know how to make big icons in any user folder, then open this folder. Go to the top menu bar and go to the "View" section. A long list of commands will come up that are responsible for the external design of the folder interface. In the middle of the list, select the appropriate size for the displayed labels - "huge icons", " large icons” or “regular icons”, depending on the previously set size. You can also use the "Tile" command there if the icons had a small shape, as well as the shape of a table or list.
  • An additional entry to the "View" menu is located on the top service panel. It looks like a Views button and opens when you click on the arrow icon. Inside there is a visual panel with examples of various icons. After you click on the selected label type value, the icons inside the folder will become large. New versions of the Windows operating system have added huge icon sizes. If you choose them, it will look very impressive. And it is not necessary to change the icons to larger ones just because of poor eyesight. Maybe you just like it or it's your special style.
  • Rate this article!

    Icons, or shortcuts, are used to visually design the launch of a computer document - a folder, file or program. They can always be found on the desktop of your computer, as well as opening one or another user folder, turning on and installing software. If you have poor eyesight, it makes sense to learn how to make big icons.

    You will need

    View menu.

    Sponsored by the placement of P&G Articles on the topic "How to make big icons" How to restore icons on the desktop? How to deselect icons on the desktop How to change the appearance of a shortcut


    To enlarge shortcuts on the computer desktop, right-click on an empty area of ​​the desktop. A new service list box will appear. Select the "View" command. An additional list will appear on the side, which contains functions for changing the appearance of icons - their size, position on the page and display. Decide on the desired shape of the icons. They can be large, in case they used to be the usual size. If the labels were small - classic, then you can set the usual size, which is a little more than the classic one. Click on the selected value to change the size. After that, the icons on the desktop will increase.

    If you need to know how to make big icons in any user folder, then open this folder. Go to the top menu bar and go to the "View" section. A long list of commands will come up that are responsible for the external design of the folder interface. In the middle of the list, select the appropriate size for the displayed labels - "huge icons", "large icons" or "regular icons", depending on the previously set size. You can also use the "Tile" command there if the icons had a small shape, as well as the shape of a table or list.

    An additional entry to the "View" menu is located on the top service panel. It looks like a Views button and opens when you click on the arrow icon. Inside there is a visual panel with examples of various icons. After you click on the selected label type value, the icons inside the folder will become large. New versions of the Windows operating system have added huge icon sizes. If you choose them, it will look very impressive. And it is not necessary to change the icons to larger ones just because of poor eyesight. Maybe you just like it or it's your special style.

    How simple

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