How to make a homemade microphone. Circuit of a simple amplifier for a microphone for a computer, laptop, assembled with your own hands. How to make a budget microphone sound better How to make a homemade computer microphone

Working with electrical appliances has always been considered a difficult task. Usually only people who have enough experience or have studied this in educational institutions do it. We are used to buying equipment in specialized stores, so few people think about self-production various types of devices. Of course, you can repair something yourself, but making equipment at home requires skill.

if you have necessary equipment and materials, experience in this field and the desire to design something and save the family budget, you can try to find interesting ideas on the Internet. There you will find many interesting ideas and tips on how to make devices better.

In our article we will look at one of the studio devices that can also be used for personal use. We will talk about microphones and how to create them yourself at home. We will look at all the pros and cons of this method.

IMPORTANT: Working with electronics and electrical appliances carries risks and potential health hazards. We recommend that you refrain from working if you are not confident in your skills and abilities in the field of electrical appliances.

Is it possible to make a microphone with your own hands?

Man is capable of creating almost anything he wants; nature has endowed him with inimitable intelligence and the ability to fantasize. A microphone for a computer is far from the most complex device of all possible inventions of mankind. But it is worth considering the level of your abilities and skills. The final result of all work will depend on them.

If you are seriously thinking about creating a unique microphone, you should provide the workflow with all the necessary tools and materials in advance. To do this you will need to purchase:

  • To create an electret microphone, you will need a special capsule, which can be taken out of the radio or taken second-hand from the market. This will be the main element in creating a home microphone.
  • A special adapter for connecting to a 3.5 mm jack connector. You can use a wire from an old headphone with a matching cable.
  • For the main body, any cylindrical material is sufficient: syringe tubes, jars, tubes...
  • Required amount of wire. Choose the length according to the distance from the sound transmitter. The optimal length would be 1-2 meters.
  • Foam or fur covering that protects the body from wind and moisture.

This is quite enough to create a homemade version of the device. No expensive elements, only the essentials for normal functioning. This method will help you save money, since good equipment in stores is very expensive, and cheap models usually have poor parameters and sound characteristics.

IMPORTANT: The appearance of the microphone will be unusual and will differ from store-bought versions. If you wish, you can purchase additional parts for the case or look for old non-working devices and take spare parts from them.

Manufacturing instructions

After you have prepared everything for manufacturing, you can begin the most difficult stage of the work. Be especially careful when performing sequences of manipulations with electronics. For convenience, all points are described in detail in the instructions below:

  1. Prepare the microphone body. Round off the pre-prepared cylindrical workpiece and cut it off at the ends, leaving the edges open.
  2. Pass the wire inside the cylinder and secure it inside by tying one end with a knot.
  3. Now solder the capsule to the end of the wire that is located inside the cylinder and secure it with a paper clip or paper clip. The braid of the capsule must be connected to the shielded wire.
  4. Solder the other, remaining free end of the wire to the 3.5 mm jack plug. In this case, you should connect both channels for transmitting sound vibrations and broadcast them to the transmitter.
  5. A foam covering works great for the top, cut it to the appropriate size and shape and attach it to the top.
  6. After that, connect the device and check its operation by saying a few phrases into the microphone. When the wires are connected correctly, the sound should be transmitted to the capsule and amplified.

IMPORTANT: If there is no result, the problem may be in the adhesions. Try to disassemble everything and re-solder the wires to the capsule and plug.

How long will a homemade microphone last?

It is difficult to determine and say the exact service life for homemade items, as opposed to purchased items. You will not have a warranty for this product, so you will also have to repair and extend its performance yourself. Depending on a number of factors, the period of use will vary. Among the main parameters influencing the duration of operation are the following:

  • The quality of materials used during work.
  • Wire security and ability to withstand heavy loads.
  • The operating mode depends on the required technical parameters and the supplied voltage.
  • Careful use and timely troubleshooting.

Try changing the specifications and using different materials to compare and choose the best option.

It's been in my head for a long time. Having gathered my strength, I began to search for amplifier circuits. Most of the schemes I looked at I didn't like. I wanted to assemble it easier, better and smaller (for a laptop, because the built-in one was apparently made just for show - the quality is poor). And after a short search, a microphone signal amplifier circuit with phantom power was found and tested. Phantom power (this is when power and information transmission are carried out over one wire) is a huge advantage of this circuit, because it saves us from third-party power sources and the problems associated with them. For example: if we power the amplifier from a simple battery, it will sooner or later run out, which will lead to the circuit not working at the moment; if we power it from a battery, then sooner or later it will have to be charged, which will also lead to some difficulties and unnecessary movements; If we power it from a power supply, then there are two disadvantages that, in my opinion, rule out the option of using it - these are wires (for powering our PA) and interference. You can get rid of interference in many ways (install a stabilizer, all sorts of filters, etc.), but getting rid of wires is not so easy (you can, however, transfer energy at a distance, but why fence off a whole complex of devices to power some a microphone amplifier?) In addition, this reduces the practicality of the device. Let's move on to the diagram:

Amplifier circuit option for a dynamic microphone

The circuit is distinguished by its super-simplicity and mega-repeatability; the circuit contains two resistors (R1, 2), two capacitors (C2, 3), a 3.5 plug (J1), one electret microphone and a transistor. Capacitor C3 works as a microphone filter. Capacity C2 should not be neglected, that is, it should not be set more or less than the nominal value indicated in the diagram, otherwise this will entail a lot of interference. We install domestic transistor T1 kt3102 . To reduce the size of the device, I used an SMD transistor marked “1Ks”. If you don’t know how to solder at all, go to the forum.

When replacing T1 there were no significant changes in quality. All other parts are also in SMD cases, including capacitor C3. The entire board turned out to be quite small, although you can make it even smaller using manufacturing technology printed circuit boards LUT. But I made do with a simple half-millimeter permanent marker. I etched the board in ferric chloride in 5 minutes. The result is a microphone amplifier board that is attached to a 3.5 plug.

All this fits well inside the plug casing. If you do this too, I advise you to make the board as small as possible, since for me it deformed the casing and changed its shape. It is advisable to wash the board with solvent or acetone. The result was a useful device with good sensitivity:

Before connecting the microphone to the computer, check all the contacts and whether there is +5v power at the microphone input (and there should be), in order to avoid comments like: “I assembled it exactly as in the diagram, but it doesn’t work!” This can be done this way: connect a new plug to the microphone connector and measure the voltage with a voltmeter between ground (large tap) and two short solder taps. Just in case, try not to short-circuit the plug leads together when you measure the voltage. I don’t know what will happen then and I don’t want to check. My microphone amplifier has been working for 3 months now, and I am completely satisfied with the quality and sensitivity. Collect and post on the forum about your results, questions, and maybe even about modifications to the case, circuits and methods of their manufacture. I was with you BFG5000, Good luck!


I think not all owners of ordinary, budget (cheap) microphones for a computer or laptop are completely satisfied with the quality and volume of the sound. Typically, such microphones, on headphones, in the form of a lapel or desktop type, have the following device. There is a plastic microphone housing itself, inside of which there is an electret-type microphone capsule. Such electret capsules are called condenser microphones. The capsules are quite small in size, their quality (if it is relatively inexpensive) is very good. They have connection polarity (plus and minus). A two-core, fairly flexible wire is soldered to this capsule, which at its other end is connected to a 3.5 type plug.

This microphone can be modified to make its sound much louder and better. I offer a diagram containing only a few details. This is a simple microphone amplifier. Despite its simplicity, this circuit really makes the microphone capsule sound much better. Moreover, the amplifier is powered from the same wire through which the sound signal travels. Note for those who don't know! The computer microphone jack has three contacts, one of which is the housing, which is also a minus for the microphone, the second contact is a plus (the constant voltage on it is about 2.5 V) and the third contact is a signal one. In the circuit, the signal and positive terminals are combined.

Now about the circuit of this microphone amplifier itself. After the microphone capsule itself there is a capacitor C1, which filters high-frequency noise. The circuit will work normally without it, but it is still better to install it. Also, an electret type microphone capsule (condenser, also called) requires phantom power. It is supplied through resistors R1 and R3. Resistor R2 is a tuning type; it can be used to adjust the amount of microphone sound amplification. All resistors have a nominal value of 1 kiloohm. Capacitor C2 has a capacity of 47 microfarads, its voltage can be any. Note that it has a plus and a minus.

A bipolar transistor of the KT3102 type is installed in the microphone amplifier circuit. This low-power transistor has a fairly high gain. It has n-p-n conductivity. Instead, you can install any other one with similar characteristics, for example the same KT315. Moreover, when choosing another transistor, it is the high gain that is important, and not its power. Well, don’t confuse the type of conductivity (transistors p-n-p type are not suitable for use in the circuit). It is this transistor that enhances the microphone sound. A signal from the microphone capsule is received at its base, and in the collector circuit we already have an increased amplitude of this signal.

The amplified signal is sent through a wire to a 3.5 type audio plug. As you can see in the diagram, you need to solder two contacts together, this is a plus and a signal. It is also important that the wire running from the microphone to the plug is shielded. As practice has shown, the difference between shielded and unshielded wire is noticeable. A wire without a screen is affected by various external electromagnetic interference coming from the network, high-frequency devices, etc. Unfortunately, budget microphones initially have a wire without a shield. So, if possible, replace this wire with a shielded one, you will immediately feel the positive difference.

In addition to shielding the wire, you will also need to make a shield on the circuit itself. For example, after I soldered the circuit, which turned out to be quite small in size, I placed it inside a plastic syringe (2 cubes). On top of the syringe body I wound several layers of ordinary foil, which I electrically connected to the minus of the microphone amplifier circuit. As a result, it turned out that the entire signal path from the microphone capsule itself to the plug is shielded. After checking, it turned out that with such shielding, external electromagnetic interference and various interference were practically reduced to zero.

In addition, an important point is the presence of so-called wind protection. This is the small foam cover that fits over the microphone. This cover significantly weakens the effect of sobs coming from the speaker’s lips into the microphone itself. That is, when we place the microphone head directly in front of us, then those air flows that have a dull, sobbing character are not reproduced in the best way after amplification sound system. Foam rubber significantly weakens these unpleasant sounds. So having this foam cover is a must.

And one more important point. This is the selection of microphone capsules. Let’s say I had about 20 of these capsules. Many of them looked almost identical. I decided to check them out, but is there any difference between them? I connected these microphone capsules one by one to this homemade amplifier. After that, the computer made sequential recordings of identical sounds with each of the available capsules. As a result, despite the sameness (in appearance) sound characteristics they are very different. Out of 20 pieces, only 4 showed themselves to be of the highest quality. They produced clear sound, good volume, minimal noise and interference, and a wide range of reproduced frequencies. So not all mic capsules are created equal!

Video on this topic:

P.S. Before soldering this simple microphone amplifier circuit, I was suspicious of the final result (the circuit was too simple). After I soldered it, selected the best microphone capsule, installed shielding on the wire and the microphone amplifier housing itself, I was convinced of the good quality of this circuit. The sound that can be obtained using a regular budget microphone and after soldering an amplifier with its improvements was very different. This simple microphone amplifier makes the sound much better, louder, cleaner. So I advise you to collect it for your needs.

Microphone preamp, also known as a pre-amplifier or amplifier for a microphone, is a type of amplifier whose purpose is to amplify a weak signal to a linear level (about 0.5-1.5 volts), that is, to an acceptable value at which conventional audio power amplifiers operate .

The input source of acoustic signals for a preamplifier is usually vinyl record pickups, microphones, and pickups of various musical instruments. Below are three circuits of microphone amplifiers on transistors, as well as a variant of a microphone amplifier on the 4558 chip. All of them can be easily assembled with your own hands.

Circuit of a simple microphone preamplifier using one transistor

This microphone preamplifier circuit works with both dynamic and electret microphones.

Dynamic microphones are similar in design to loudspeakers. The acoustic wave affects the membrane and the acoustic coil attached to it. When the membrane oscillates, an electric current is generated in a coil exposed to the magnetic field of a permanent magnet.

The operation of electret microphones is based on the ability of certain types of materials with increased dielectric constant (electrets) to change the surface charge under the influence of an acoustic wave. This type Microphones differ from dynamic ones by their high input impedance.

When using an electret microphone, to bias the voltage on the microphone, it is necessary to set the resistance R1

single transistor microphone amplifier

Since this microphone amplifier circuit is for a dynamic microphone, when using an electrodynamic microphone, its resistance should be in the range from 200 to 600 Ohms. In this case, C1 must be set to 10 microfarads. If it is an electrolytic capacitor, then its positive terminal must be connected towards the transistor.

Power is supplied from the crown battery or from a stabilized power source. Although it is better to use a battery to eliminate noise. can be replaced with a domestic one. Electrolytic capacitors for a voltage of 16 volts. To prevent interference, connect the preamplifier to the signal source and to the amplifier input using a shielded wire. If further powerful sound amplification is needed, then you can assemble an amplifier on a microcircuit.

Microphone preamplifier with 2 transistors

The structure of any preamplifier greatly affects its noise characteristics. If we take into account the fact that the high-quality radio components used in the preamplifier circuit still lead to distortion (noise) to one degree or another, then it is obvious that the only way to get a more or less high-quality microphone amplifier is to reduce the number of radio components in the circuit. An example is the following two-stage preliminary circuit.

WITH this option the number of decoupling capacitors is kept to a minimum, since the transistors are connected in a common emitter circuit. There is also a direct connection between the cascades. To stabilize the operating mode of the circuit when the external temperature and supply voltage change, a direct current feedback loop has been added to the circuit.

Preamplifier for electret microphone with three transistors

This is another option. The peculiarity of this microphone amplifier circuit is that power is supplied to the preamplifier circuit through the same conductor (phantom power) through which the input signal travels.

This microphone preamplifier is designed to work together with, for example, MKE-3. The supply voltage to the microphone goes through resistance R1. The audio signal from the microphone output is supplied to the VT1 base through capacitor C1. , consisting of resistances R2, R3, creates the necessary bias at the base of VT1 (approximately 0.6 V). The amplified signal from resistor R5, acting as a load, goes to the base of VT2 which is part of the emitter follower on VT2 and VT3.

Near the output connector, two additional elements are installed: load resistor R6, through which power is supplied, and separating capacitor SZ, which separates the output audio signal from the supply voltage.

Pre-microphone amplifier based on 4558 chip

The 4558 operational amplifier is manufactured by ROHM. It is characterized as a low power and low noise amplifier. This microcircuit is used in a microphone amplifier, audio amplifiers, active filters, and voltage-controlled generators. The 4558 chip has internal phase compensation, increased input voltage threshold, high gain and low noise. Also this operational amplifier There is short circuit protection.

(140.5 Kb, downloads: 2,485)

microphone preamplifier for 4558

This a good option for building a microphone preamplifier on a microcircuit. The microphone preamplifier circuit is characterized by high amplification quality, simplicity and does not require much wiring. This dynamic microphone amplifier also works well with electret microphones.

DIY microphone amplifiers.

Amplifier for computer microphone with phantom power.

I installed a program like Skype on my computer. But here’s one problem: you need to keep the microphone close to your mouth so that the interlocutor can hear you well. I decided that the microphone sensitivity was not enough. And I decided to make an amplifier amplifier.

An Internet search yielded dozens of amplifier circuits. But they all required a separate power source. I wanted to make an amplifier without an additional source, with power from the sound card itself. So that there is no need to change batteries or pull additional wires.
Before you fight the enemy, you need to know him by sight. Therefore, I dug up information on the Internet about the microphone structure: The article tells how to make a computer microphone with your own hands. At the same time, I borrowed the idea itself: there is no need to break a ready-made device for my experiments if you can do it yourself. A brief retelling of the article comes down to the fact that a computer microphone is an electret capsule. An electret capsule is, from an electrical point of view, an open-source field-effect transistor. This transistor is powered from the sound card through a resistor, which is also a signal current-to-voltage converter. Two clarifications to the article. Firstly, there is no resistor in the capsule in the drain circuit, I saw it myself when I took it apart. Secondly, the connection between the resistor and capacitor is made in the cable, not in the sound card. That is, one pin is used to power the microphone, and the second is used to receive a signal. That is, it turns out something like this:

Here the left part of the picture is an electret capsule (microphone), the right is a computer sound card.
Many sources write that the microphone is powered from a voltage of 5V. This is not true. In my sound card this voltage was 2.65V. When the microphone power output was shorted to ground, the current was about 1.5 mA. That is, the resistor has a resistance of about 1.7 kOhm. It was from such a source that the amplifier was required to be powered.
As a result of experiments with microcap, this scheme was born.

The capsule is powered through resistors R1 and R2. To prevent negative feedback At signal frequencies, capacitor C1 is used. The capsule is supplied with a supply voltage equal to the voltage drop across p-n junction. The signal from the capsule is isolated at resistor R1 and fed to the base of transistor VT1 for amplification. The transistor is connected according to a common emitter circuit with a load on resistors R2 and a resistor in the sound card. Negative DC feedback through R1, R2 ensures a relatively constant current through the transistor.

The entire structure was assembled by surface mounting directly on the microphone capsule. Compared to a microphone without an amplifier, the signal increased approximately 10 times (22 dB).

The entire structure was first wrapped with paper for insulation, and then with foil for shielding. The foil has contact with the capsule body.

Single-wire powered microphone amplifier.

A microphone with a preamplifier located in the housing requires power wires to be connected to the device (in addition to the shielded signal wire). From a constructive point of view, this is not very convenient. The number of connecting wires can be reduced by supplying the supply voltage through the same wire through which the signal is transmitted, i.e., the center conductor of the cable. It is this method of supplying power that is used in the amplifier we bring to the attention of readers. His circuit diagram shown in the figure.

The amplifier is designed to operate from any type of electret microphone (for example, MKE-3). Power is supplied to the microphone through resistor R1. The sound signal from the microphone is supplied to the base of the transistor VT1 through the isolation capacitor C1. The required bias at the base of this transistor (about 0.5 V) is set by the voltage divider R2R3. The amplified audio frequency voltage is released at the load resistor R5 and then goes to the base of the transistor VT2, which is part of a composite emitter follower assembled on transistors VT2 and VT3. The emitter of the latter is connected to the upper contact of the XP1 connector (amplifier output), to which is connected the central conductor of the connecting shielded cable, the braid of which is connected to the common wire. Note that the presence of an emitter follower at the output of the preamplifier significantly reduces the level of interference to the microphone input.

Near the input connector of the device to which the microphone is connected, two more parts are mounted: a load resistor R6, through which power is supplied, and a separating capacitor SZ, which serves to separate the sound signal from the DC component of the supply voltage.
The circuit design used in this amplifier provides automatic installation and stabilization of its operating mode. Let's look at how this happens. After turning on the power, the voltage at the upper terminal of the XP1 connector increases to approximately 6 V. At the same time, the voltage at the base of the transistor VT1 reaches its opening threshold of 0.5 V and current begins to flow through the transistor. The voltage drop that occurs in this case across resistor R5 causes the transistor of the composite emitter follower to open. As a result, the total current of the amplifier increases, and along with it the voltage drop across resistor R6 increases, after which the mode stabilizes.

Since the current gain of the composite emitter follower (it is equal to the product of the current gain of transistors VT2 and VT3) can reach several thousand, mode stabilization is very strict. The amplifier as a whole operates like a zener diode, fixing the output voltage at 6 V regardless of the supply voltage. However, when using a power source with a different voltage, it is necessary to select the resistors of the divider R2R3 so that the voltage at the upper contact of the XP1 connector is equal to half the supply voltage. It is curious that the mode practically cannot be changed by adjusting the resistance load resistor R5. The voltage drop across it is always equal to the total opening voltage of the transistors of the composite emitter follower (about 1 V), and changes in its resistance only lead to a change in the current through transistor VT1. The same applies to resistor R6.

Even more interesting is the operation of the amplifier in boost mode alternating current. The audio frequency voltage from the lower terminal of resistor R5 is transmitted by the emitter follower with very little attenuation to the upper terminal - the output of the amplifier. In this case, the current through the resistor is constant and is almost not subject to fluctuations at audio frequency. In other words, the only amplifier stage is loaded onto the current generator, i.e. to very high resistance. The input impedance of the repeater is also very high, and as a result the gain is very large. During a quiet conversation in front of a microphone, the amplitude of the output voltage can reach several volts. The R4C2 chain does not allow the alternating component of the audio frequency signal to pass to the power circuit of the microphone and voltage divider.

A single-stage amplifier is not at all prone to self-excitation, so the location of the parts on the board is not particularly important; it is only advisable to place the input and output at different ends of the board.

The setup comes down to selecting resistors of the divider R2R3 until half the supply voltage is obtained at the output. It is also useful to select resistor R1, focusing on the best sound of the signal recorded from the microphone. If the input impedance of the radio device with which this amplifier is used is less than 100 kOhm, the capacitance of the capacitor SZ should be increased accordingly.

Connecting a dynamic microphone to the microphone input of a computer sound card.

The microphone input of the sound card is intended for connecting an electret microphone. The assignment of the microphone input connector pins is shown in Fig. 1. The sound signal is supplied to the sound card input through the TIP contact. Power for the electret microphone is supplied through resistor R to the RING pin. The TIP and RING pins are connected together in the microphone cable.

Rice. 1

Almost all multimedia microphones costing $2-4 are only suitable for speech recognition, telephony, etc. Although these microphones usually have high sensitivity, they have a high level of nonlinear distortion, insufficient overload capacity, and also - pie chart directionality (that is, they perceive signals equally well from any direction). Therefore, to record vocals at home, it is necessary to use a highly directional dynamic microphone to minimize extraneous noise from the fan. system unit and other sources.

A dynamic microphone can be connected directly to the microphone input of the sound card. The signal wire of the microphone cable must be soldered to the TIP pin, the shield to the GND pin, and the RING pin must be left free. If the microphone has two signal contacts - HOT and COLD, then connect the HOT contact to the TIP contact, and connect the COLD contact to GND. Since the sensitivity of a dynamic microphone is low compared to an electret microphone, a sufficient recording level is obtained only when the microphone is positioned at a distance of 3-5 centimeters from the performer’s lips. This is not always acceptable, since some types of microphones will spit despite the built-in wind protection. Such microphones must be placed further from the performer, and to obtain a sufficient recording level, use a preamplifier. The circuit of a simple preamplifier powered from a microphone input connector is shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2

This circuit works well for me at the following ratings: R1, R3 - 100 kOhm, R2 - 470 kOhm, C1, C2 - 47 uF, VT1 - kt3102am (can be replaced with kt368, kt312, kt315).
The circuit is based on a classic transistor cascade with a common emitter. The load of the cascade is the resistor R of the sound card (Fig. 1). The gain depends on the parameters of transistor VT1, the value of feedback resistor R2 and the value of resistor R of the sound card. Capacitor C1 is required for DC decoupling. Resistor R1 is used to eliminate clicks when connecting a microphone on the fly; if desired, you can exclude it.

Upon closer examination, it turned out that there was a constant voltage of about 2 V at the TIP contact of the microphone input of my SB LIVE 5.1. It was not possible to investigate the reason, and whether this is typical only for my copy of the sound card or for all. But it is absolutely certain that the performance of the circuit practically does not change when elements C2 and R3 are excluded.

The advantage of this scheme is its simplicity. The disadvantages include large nonlinear distortions - about 1% (1 kHz) at 1 mV at the input. Nonlinear distortion can be reduced to 0.1% using an additional 100 Ohm resistor connected between the emitter of transistor VT1 and the GND bus, while the gain is reduced from 40 dB to 30 dB. The changes are shown in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3

Higher parameters can be obtained using an external, self-powered microphone amplifier connected to the line input of the sound card. For example - assembled according to a circuit with a symmetrical input.

DIY microphone amplifier.

Probably, many of you have had the need to record sound on a computer, for example, when scoring videos or creating clips. The use of Chinese inexpensive consumer goods is absolutely undesirable, firstly, due to the rather low sensitivity, and secondly, the quality of sound recording
it turns out *dirty*, sometimes even your own voice becomes unrecognizable.
High frequencies have a significant and unjustified rollover, and their durability leaves much to be desired.
A high-quality microphone, alas, is beyond our means!

But there is a way out! Many people have old, Soviet dynamic microphones, for example MD-52 or similar ones. And even in their absence, these copies can be bought for *mere pennies*. Do not try to connect such microphones directly to the sound card directly - the AF voltage at the output is too low. Therefore, we will use the simplest microphone amplifier, based on the widely used K538UN3 microcircuit, its cost is less than 50 rubles. But we used an old microcircuit soldered from an ancient cassette recorder. Directly, the microcircuit itself is connected according to a standard, common switching circuit, with a maximum gain. The amplifier is powered directly from the computer, the supply voltage is 12 V, although operation remains at - 5 V, in this case, power can be taken from the USB connector.

Microphone amplifier. Scheme.

Electrolytic capacitors - any, for a voltage of 16V. The capacitance value of the capacitors can be changed within small limits. The device can be assembled using a simple, hinged installation.

The amplifier does not require any adjustment and does not require shielding. But, the use of shielded cables is desirable and not too long. Tests of the samples showed a relatively low level of self-noise, fairly high sensitivity and very decent sound quality, even on built-in computers. sound cards, type AC97. Dynamic range is about 40 dB. To record sound on a computer, we used the Sound Forge program.

Well, and a few more diagrams for the articles in addition.

Clean sound to you!!!