Program for drawing chemical formulas isis draw. Chemical scheme in Word of organic compounds

The ChemOffice Ultra chemistry suite consists of several programs – chemdraw,Chem3D, ChemFinder, ChemFinder for Office.

1. ChemDrawthe most famous and popular program created specifically for building structural formulas of organic and inorganic substances. Contains a built-in periodic table, creates calculated NMR and PMR spectra for various substances, generates the names of substances according to their structural formulas, contains an extensive database of chemical structure templates.
2. Chem3D
a program for creating and viewing three-dimensional chemical structures, has a built-in ChemDraw plugin, which allows you to build a three-dimensional chemical structure using a structural formula written on the screen. In addition, the program calculates the physical properties of chemical structures using various quantum chemical methods (MM3, MOPAC, the Hückel method, etc.).
3. ChemFinder
a program that allows you to view and create databases of chemical structures.
4. ChemFinder for office
it is a very handy tool for finding chemical structures in documents Microsoft Office (*.rtf, *.doc, *.xls etc.), files of chemical structures. Supports many of the most common formats, easily finds any chemical structure on your computer.

ChemWindow 5.1 (freeware) / 6.0 (Commercial)

The installation kit contains four programs– chemwin, SymApps, ChromKeeper, IRKeeper.

1. ChemWinprogram for creating structural formulas. Can automatically convert acyclic carbon chains to structural formulas with signatures and vice versa. Based on the structural formula, ChemWin determines the molecular formula, mass composition of the compound, etc. It contains a fairly good library of laboratory equipment (in the ...\ChemWin\Libraries folder) and a library that contains many chemical structures.
2. SymApps
program for viewing volumetric and ball-and-stick models of molecules. Various symmetry elements are clearly visible - axes, symmetry planes, etc., which is not, for example, in Chem3D Ultra. The program can calculate character tables, determine point groups of molecules.
3. ChromKeeper, IRKeeper
programs for working with experimental spectra.

Chem Draw Pro 11.0.1 (Commercial)

ChemDraw Pro 1 1.0.1a well-known program that allows you to build any chemical structures. Contains a built-in periodic table and many patterns of chemical structures.Modern version ChemDraw Pro has several visual styles (so-called Topics), including I_Draw Style, reminiscent of the well-known ISIS/Draw program (see below). You can change the theme in the program options.

Symyx Draw 3.1 (FreeWare)

Symyx Draw n is a carefully revised and redesigned ISIS/Draw program (see below). Symyx Draw saves files in formats*.skc, *. mol , *.smi , as well as *.bmp, *.png, etc. Automatically generates substance names (according to IUPAC nomenclature). The program has one unique feature that is not available in other drawers - it allows you to create custom templates on the toolbar. Draw a molecule and simply drag it to the panel, double click on the icon - a window will open in which you can set necessary settings- the name of the template, "extreme" atom and bond attached to another molecule (by clicking on it).

ISIS Draw 2.4 / 2.5 (FreeWare)

Absolutely free program for drawing structural formulas. The files are saved in the *.skc (ISIS/Draw Sketch) format, which is easily recognized by the ChemDraw program. In turn, using the ChemDraw program, it is easy to save the file in the format ISIS/Draw . Thus, there is no data loss, which is very important when transferring structures from one format to another (* .cdx -> *.skc ). Version 2.5 is similar to version 2.4, but contains no additions.

ChemPen (ShareWare)

Very easy to use program for drawing chemical structures. Structures can be copied to the clipboard and then pasted into Microsoft Word or PowerPoint documents. Useful for personal use(for creating abstracts, reports, presentations, etc.), but it is better not to use it for publications in scientific journals and publishing houses, since ChemPen does not support common formats (*.cdx and *.skc). It should be noted that the installation package is small (only 1.3 MB).

ChemSketchv. 12.01 (FreeWare)

Russian version absolutely free program for drawing chemical structures. It has a user-friendly interface consisting of two windows: " Structure" and " Picture". The first window is for drawing structures, the second is for drawing chemical reactions and various schemes. The program contains a very handy table of radicals, templates of rings, chains and functional groups, and other tools. In many ways, the program is not inferior to ChemDraw and ISIS/Draw, can save files in both formats - ChemDraw Document (*.cdx) and Sketch ISIS/Draw (*.sk c). In addition to ChemSketch, the installation package also includes a 3D Viewer - a program that allows you to create three-dimensional models of molecules.

CarboDraw 1.0 (FreeWare)

A special program designed to build cyclic structures of carbohydrates (mono-, oligo- and polysaccharides). Monosaccharides can be linked in chains, forming a polysaccharide of a given composition. Any monosaccharide can be represented as a D or L isomer. There is a possibility of choosing numerous substituents (instead of hydroxyl groups and hydrogen atoms). The names of monosaccharides are set automatically, they can also be edited manually.

. Today in the comments I was asked a question: - How to draw mesomeric effects in organic compounds in Word? Frankly speaking, in chemistry I understand like a ram in the bible. But, as the saying goes, "I took hold of the tug - do not say that it is not hefty." I looked on the Internet what kind of "beast" this is - the mesomeric effect, and decided to describe the creation of such a formula using the example of the "Mesomeric effect of substituents". As it turned out, there is nothing complicated in creating such a formula. Although for such purposes it is better to use special programs that are probably on the Internet. But since they ask to show in the Word, we will do it in the Word.

Chemical scheme inWordorganic compounds

In order to draw such a diagram in Word, we need to recall the article. If something is not clear, then go and look. In the meantime, let's deal with the description of the creation of a chemical circuit.

We set the cursor on the document, in the place where we want to place our scheme. Select at the very bottom of the window on the panel Painting tool Rectangle, and click on it with the mouse.

We will have such a frame-blank of our future scheme. It is in it that we will create it.

We go on the same panel Painting in the tools AutoShapes, and choose there block diagram- figure Training.

We just click on this figure with the mouse, and then go to our canvas and click with the mouse in the place where we want to place the first element of the formula. Then all this can be moved.

Now we need to expand this shape and change it a little. Move the mouse cursor to the green circle. A circular black arrow will appear around this circle. Without releasing the key, we rotate the figure by moving the mouse on the table until the figure rotates as we need.

Now you can release the key. Then we bring the cursor to the right white circle (it will take the form of a double-headed arrow), and again, without releasing the key, we slightly stretch the figure to the right.

In tools AutoShapes choose Connecting linesDirect connecting line.

We turn again to our workpiece, move the cursor to the top of the figure, combine the cursor with the circle of the top (first select the figure by clicking on it), and without releasing the left mouse button, drag the line up.

We will make lines inside the figure with a tool Line.

We click on this tool and go to our figure. I want to say right away that the lines inside the figure are not easy to make, so we will draw it from the outside and move it inside. For convenience, you can zoom in on your document.

It is better to draw a parallel line with the Alt key pressed. Do not draw it long, otherwise it will stick to some marker during transfer (circles on the selected figure), and you will have to create it again. In general, this process turned out to be the most laborious. It won't work without practice.

After creating the line, move the cursor over it, and when it takes the form of a cross with arrows at the ends, press the left mouse button, and without releasing it, move the line inside the figure, closer to the side face. Don't try to get the line too close - it will stick to the side face.

After each unsuccessful attempt, you must again click on the tool Line. I succeeded in five attempts. And don't forget to press and hold the key alt when drawing oblique lines.

Well, we've done the hardest part.

Now we will combine all our shapes and lines into one. To do this, select each element with a mouse click while holding down the ctrl like in my picture. Each shape should have markers.

Gently click right click mouse inside the main shape (so that the markers do not disappear), and select from the dropdown menu - groupingGroup.

Now this shape can be moved and copied.


Create these drawings in a separate document and save as a template. Then you will simply copy the necessary picture, paste it into the document and add formulas to it.

Since we need more than one such element, we will copy it and move the copy to another location.

Right click inside the shape, and select Copy.

Now right-click on any unoccupied place in the future scheme and select Insert.

Drag it with the mouse where you want.

Now let's start writing formulas and the title of the scheme.

If you have come across organic chemistry or biochemistry, then you probably know what huge and cumbersome formulas are found there. To display such formulas, there is a special program called ISIS DRAW. It looks like this:

How to use it? If you need to draw a cycle, then select the necessary element in the control panel located at the top:

If you need, for example, to draw a single, double and triple bond, select a chemical element, put a + sign or draw an arrow, then select the necessary tool in the toolbar located on the left.

Let's analyze each tool in this control panel.

If you place the cursor on the first tool and, while holding down the left mouse button, move the cursor to the right, a set of tools will appear. All of them are used to highlight the required area, move it and resize it, both proportionally and in one specific direction. The first one is called the lasso tool. You can select any objects of any shape. The second is the select tool. The third is to select the entire molecule (molecule select tool).

The second tool (rotate tool) is used to rotate the molecule. There are also two tools here. One is for rotation in a plane (2D), and the other is for rotation in space (3D).

The third is an eraser. Deletes unnecessary links with a click.

The fourth is the choice of the necessary chemical element. Select the atom in the molecule that you want to rename (by default, carbon is everywhere), and in the window that appears, select the chemical element you need or enter it manually.

The fifth tool is used to draw single, double and triple bonds.

The sixth one is for the spatial image of bonds located in different planes.

The seventh - for the image of chains of atoms of different lengths.

The eighth is the plus sign in the reaction equation.

Ninth - various arrows (for reversible, irreversible reactions...).

Tenth - "atom-atom" card. It is not entirely clear why it is needed. I never use them.

Eleventh is the sequence tool. Enter the desired chemical element and a whole molecule appears on the screen. It can be edited using the tools you already know.

Twelfth - brackets. Used to depict polymers. Enclose in these brackets the repeating element of the polymer chain, where n indicates the number of times that this element is repeated. You can also set the value of n.

The thirteenth is a text field. From the name itself it is clear why it is needed.

Fourteenth - a tool for drawing lines (straight, broken, rounded, elliptical).

Fifteenth - for the image geometric shapes: rectangles with sharp and rounded corners, polygonal shapes, ellipses.

It is also necessary to say that in this program there are ready-made molecules (chains of atoms, cycles, amino acids, carbohydrates, etc.). In the main menu, select "Templates", then select the desired object. A window opens in which there will be ready-made structures. Select the desired one by clicking on it with the left mouse button, and then paste it into working window by also clicking the left mouse button. And now, the molecule is ready!

And one moment. How to export a molecule to Word. To insert the resulting molecule into Word, you need to select it in ISIS DRAW and copy it. Another way is to select "File" from the main menu, then "Export". Choose the desired format and save.

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A task.

Complex organic formulas are quite laborious in drawing them with the usual WORD methods. To solve this problem, special chemical editors have been created. They differ in specialization and their capabilities, in the degree of complexity of the interface and work in them, etc. In this lesson, we should get acquainted with the work of one of these editors by preparing a document file with the necessary formulas.

General characteristics of the ChemSketh editor

Chemical Editor ChemSketch from the ACD / Labs software package of the Canadian company "Advanced Chemistry Development" in terms of functionality is not inferior to the ChemDraw editor and even surpasses it in some ways. Unlike ChemDraw (memory size 60 megabytes), ChemSketch takes up only about 20 megabytes of disk space. It is also important that the documents created using ChemSketch take up a small amount - only a few kilobytes. This chemical editor is more focused on working with organic formulas medium level of complexity (there is a large library of ready-made formulas), but it is also convenient to compose chemical formulas of inorganic substances in it. It can be used to optimize molecules in 3D space, calculate distances and bond angles between atoms in a molecular structure, and much more.