Internet not working on new computer. How to connect the Internet via cable to a computer from a router

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Windows 7 Setup PPPoE connections

    Creating a PPPoE connection to access the Internet in Win 7

    1. Click "Start" - "Control Panel".
    2. Choose a section "Network and Internet" .
    3. Next, we go to .
    4. Choose "Setting up a new connection or network" .
    5. In the window that opens, select "Internet connection" and press "Further" .
    6. In the next window select "High Speed ​​(with PPPoE)" .
    7. We enter our Username and Password for accessing the Internet, issued by the Provider. In the graph "Connection Name" write ATLANT and press "To plug" .
    8. A window will appear "Establishing a connection with ATLANT" . We press the button "Skip" .
    9. In the final window, click on the button "Close" .
    10. Next in the window "Network Control Center and public access» select on the left "Change adapter settings" .
    11. Here you will see the created connection ATLANT . Right click on it and select "Properties" .
    12. In the tab "General" field Service name leave empty.
    13. Next, go to the tab "Security" .
      Data encryption: set "optional (connect even without encryption)" .
      Allow the following protocols: leave a check mark only on "Password Verification Protocol (CHAP)" .
      Click "OK" .
    14. In the window that appears, click "Yes" .
    15. Click "OK" to close the settings window. The connection is created and configured.
    16. We press the button "Connection" . Successful work!

The World Wide Web is one of the colossal achievements of scientific and technological progress. Almost all users know how to connect the Internet via a cable to a computer, and how they work wireless networks. Internet via cable is a topic that should be given Special attention. This importance is explained by the fact that some network users are sure that it is the cable that is the most reliable method for receiving a signal to a PC. To begin with, it is worth noting that to connect to the Internet, a provider is required, with which it is necessary to conclude an agreement on the provision of services for using the Internet. It is desirable to choose a reliable organization, otherwise, even if there is a wired network in the house, a weak signal will be received. If a trusted provider is selected, it remains only to figure out how to connect the Internet via a cable to a computer.

A network cable for connecting the Internet is more often used within the same apartment, office to create a local network. This is very convenient if you additionally purchase a router. With this device, you can simultaneously distribute the signal to several machines at once. If one computer fails and requires urgent repair, you can retrieve the necessary information. It is this method of operation that is practiced in offices, and this explains the popularity of a wired local area network. Among the main advantages, one should highlight the fact that data exchange is carried out quickly and does not require the installation of additional equipment. The disadvantage is the need to purchase and pull the cable. But this problem is also solvable.

The first option is to use a cable in conjunction with a router. The Internet connection is made in the following sequence, which is important not to violate. To the entry point world wide web you need to connect a router. network cards personal computer must be connected to ports using patch codes. It is necessary to make network settings in the router once, after which the Internet will appear on all computers on the local network. With further work, the need for repeated settings does not arise, and the signal quality does not decrease at all. There is a misconception that spreading the signal across multiple machines slows down the speed of the internet. In fact, this is not the case, since each computer receives high-speed access to the network. If there are interruptions, then they equally apply to all machines. In the router settings, be sure to enter your login and password, otherwise there is no access to the World Wide Web.

The second option is to connect to the Internet along with a router or network hub. This model works with three or more computers, but you first need to make certain settings on the main PC. This is an economical option, since you have to pay for Internet services only for one point, where the incoming signal is concentrated. Using a network hub is not suitable for most users, since synchronous network access is only possible if one machine acts as a server. However, this connection method is in high demand, so you should stop your attention on it. It is important to choose a computer that will act as a server. Install an adapter in it, connect it to a network hub. If the local network only needed for two machines, the last device can be omitted.

The Internet cable must be connected specifically to the server, to ensure a connection with the provider. Otherwise, the incoming signal will not be sent to the computer. In "Properties" you need to select the "Access" option. Find a line that allows other PCs to use the "exit" to the Internet this computer; check the box next to it. The second NIC will automatically be assigned the IP address After that, using network cable you need to connect both machines, then perform certain manipulations. On network adapter of the second computer, select the settings, where in the TCP / IP protocol indicate the same address, but put the last one not one, but two. In the remaining fields, enter the address of the host computer - server. If there are more than 2 computers, there is an urgent need for an additional purchase of a network hub.

Option three - cable connection internet to one computer. It all starts with an agreement with a provider that provides not only a high-speed signal, but everything necessary equipment for its submission and playback on a PC. This is necessarily a cable and a modem, if necessary - a router. After connecting, you need to make the following settings: login via account administrator in "Start", select the option "All applications" and activate it with the left mouse button. The "Control Panel" will appear, on which you must select the "Network and Internet" option. After that go to new tab"Network and Sharing Center", where select the option "Change adapter settings". Next in " Network connections"Enable LAN connection.

Next, open the "Network" tab, then "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" and select "Properties". It remains only to automatically obtain the IP address and the address of the DNS server by ticking the appropriate boxes. All necessary information the provider can provide additionally. In this case, the new user will have to enter them manually. Nothing complicated, but you may need the help of a specialist.